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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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DeadlyChas3r rated it
March 4, 2020
Status: c1183

You know how most novels get shittier and shittier as the story progresses and becomes almost unreadable at the point of chapter 1000?

Overgeared is the complete opposite of that.

... more>> The author never fails to grip the reader's interest throughout the novel, and the plot slowly escalates and escalates and it just gets better and better as you read through the novel.

The side characters are ALL excellently developed, and honestly, I can't find any side character that is "lacking".

The "dreadful" start of the novel depicting an "unlikable" MC only serves to bolster his character development later on in the novel. Grid is an absolutely excellent character, and his development is top tier.

The beginning parts of the novel may seem "slow" or "unenjoyable", but believe me, nearly every single side character are still prominent at chapter 1183

This novel is the complete opposite of contemporary novels. It just gets better and better as you read <<less
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Konwalia rated it
November 26, 2019
Status: c1135
Overall: I'm really happy to follow the story (I couldn't decide between 3 and 4 stars).

It starts pretty bland but gets much better over time. I'm kinda bored with MCs starting their stories in debt, and being extremely focused on their spendings. But hey, I guess that's the reality for many readers out there, so maybe it helps them to get immersed in the story.

Originally the only good point about the MC is his persistence. While (gladly) it's not his only solution to progress in the game, it comes back... more>> quite often. It's quite balanced.

Other novels set my expectations really low, so I'm extremely happy every time I see a novel which actually has some plot-depth and interactions with other characters. While some characters are bland and/or become irrelevant, we have plenty of them that grow up together with the MC (and develop relations with the MC) or reappear after some off-time.

The MC is making items, he's a blacksmith. The novel is about being overgeared (as the title suggests). And it's nice to read. Some of the items are balanced, some of the items are op (strength-wise or plot-wise [e.g. a key]). But it's a nice idea and while numbers in the novel don't exactly add up, they are scaled pretty reasonably through the chapters.

While the MC isn't swarmed with happy accidents [lucky encounters] to the point of s*upidity, he gets a lot of them. It gives him many items and powers. Still, he usually uses his skills rationally (in general, battles are pretty thought over and well-written) but I get the feeling sometimes we have to wait for quite some time until MC does some quest (or checks some item) that he should totally do much earlier.

On one hand I'm happy that contrary to many novels, most of the companions of the MC can't keep up with his growth, but on the other, it's sad to see some of them becoming irrelevant (to the point they point it out and are sad about not being able to help anymore).

Now, for the cons:

    • MC starts as a really s*upid guy and his interactions with others are plain painful to read. I don't know whether it was to show his later development, but it makes the initial chapters almost unreadable. The MC is extremely unlikable at that point. It gets better (and selectively much better) but it still hurts.
    • At some point the novel filled up with jokes about pervy usage of MC's skills. It got boring really fast so I'm glad it sort of ended.
    • There are some nationalism vibes (between many countries) which influence the story. It's a bit irritating, but nothing too extreme (in comparison to usual in-Japan arcs in Chinese novels). But yea, it's there. It escalates at some point of the novel, but tones down later (international competitions, nationalist-guilds).
    • It's not haremish in the sense that MC fvcks every girl he meets, but... but girls tend follow him in quite unreasonable ways. And he's pretty much ignoring them and deals with them in quite s*upid ways. Even his interactions with his in-game family aren't really nice.
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ClaudeComputing rated it
November 2, 2019
Status: c1019
Read it, it is good. The MC is a idiot in the beginning, but he gets better, mainly because of the NPCs. And these relations affect the way he interacts with the others players. He becomes someone respectable, and I like this gradual change. He is not the smartest MC until over the chapter 1000, but he has good friends that compensate, better that in a lot of LN. The Worldbuilding is very good, a good number of kingdons are explored, a lot of characters (NPCs and Players, heroes and... more>> antagonists) are presented and the lore of the game is very well aborded. Centuries are discussed and the time visibly passes while the MC fights his way to be the best player. The game system is not so original, but the class/itens rate are interesting. The MC has to think a lot to do good itens and when he doesn't, sh*t happens.


He make friends, raise a family, join a guild, build a kingdom and changes the scenery. The scenery is very rich, there are gods, demons, different races like dragons, dwarfs and elfs and some more original. A lot of players and NPCs have good backgrounds, and the novel is write in a way that we start to see the game as a real fantasy world, with wars, political disorder and ethnic conflicts. And in a way much more organized that in LMS.


Some people tr*sh talk about the korean nationalism in the novel, I didn't get, I am so used to see american presidents, agents, scientists, cops, save the world in hollywood movies that this doesn't even matter.

About the changes in the MC appearance: this is a VR novel, he gets smarter, faster, stronger when his atributes got better. And as he grows, he becomes more pleasant, charismatic, powerful and less egoistic and narcisistic, so the female chars begin to see him as a hero, not like the sucker of the beggining. Again, I didn't get how someone thinks these things stranges.

Because of all these factors, I think that Overgeared is unjustly underated in this site and I decide to make this review.
Thank you for reading it.
Good read!

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Duskoutsider rated it
April 15, 2019
Status: c702
Many think that this novel makes not sense, the MC is less mature than a child or the world isn't well builded.

Well, all what is above is true, but if you think a little more about it, you would realize that it has all the traits of a shounen, or a heroic history. Many of us think that life is not so good, that so many good things can't happen and in certain point of view is truth, however it's also truth that many of us wish that just... more>> good things happen to us. It's a wish, a dream.

Many say that this novel is for children, but I say that this is for people who can dream.

I'm not trying to lure people here, I'm trying to say that this is one more novel, a good novel whith its own traits, and the author has know how to make them work togheter, creating Overgeared.

-About the issue about related to the difference between the game and the world, I agree; because.... it would cause a lot of trouble, and even in a fantasy world it need to makes sense with its own world. Well, we can skip that, just close and eye and have fun.

-About my 5 stars, it isn't because its the best novel I have read, I think it would be between 10th-5th.. but it's the best novel with these traits, unless you mention TLMS. <<less
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redalex415 rated it
January 4, 2019
Status: c911
Like what other reviewers have said, MC starts as a walking tr*sh can that you wouldn't go near even if you had a hazmat suit. The translator said he'll get better in later chapters so I gave it a go. It takes a couple hundred chapters before he becomes approachable with a hazmat suit. He's now the customer that demands to see the manager but you gotta deal with him or the villain who has a strong background (legendary class) and and thinks background = respect (legendary gear). A few... more>> hundred more chapters and you can take the suit off.

Btw, he's still dumb. His IQ went up a bit but it's still below average. He understands the fact that he's dumb which is a huge plus.

He genuinely cares about the players and NPCs now (most of them I guess, idk). Before, he only cared because they were useful.

His RNG and luck is what I'd expect from a novel like this. His unbelievable bad luck streak is a blessing in disguise (game maker will reveal later on). All his skills proccing at once for a finisher is the norm.

Coincidences and misunderstandings is a mystery bag. Sometimes, it's perfection. Sometimes, you're not sure whether to laugh or cry. Sometimes, you're thinking are you for real?

Do try the story. The MC's character is at least a 4 star once you get past the tr*sh. <<less
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Urskenner rated it
November 23, 2018
Status: c880
Make it fast, this is a legendary moonlight sculpturer clone from the start. Story has nice and funny elements ... more>>

like the Piaro farmer quest


If you liked LMS you will love this novel too. The enoying part is definitely the south korean fanboy writing (Cocksucking to the end). <<less
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weenieDpooh rated it
November 16, 2018
Status: c938
I really did gave this novel a chance and to be quite frank I kind of liked it since I find some parts of this novel really interesting, hence I gave it a 3 in my first review. Some examples of the things I like in this novel are the world building, cool NPCs with personalities, item and equipment creation and the world esport events. But seriously, the recent chapters are so stale that it makes me really sad due to the fact that this novel had potential to be... more>> better.

Sadly, the author is kinda incompetent in regards to building the story of the MC properly, and the worst part is that the story and the *game* only revolves around the MC, even though it *Supposed to be* a very competitive video game where many players all around the globe are playing. Another part that I find really awful in regards to this novel is the side characters/players who was once really great characters with their own goals and pride as top rankers, now most of them seem to lose all their personalities and they turn into some characters that just exist on the novel whom is ready to serve our WONDERFUL MC. Worst part is that most of the girl characters on this novel do not seem to mind how awful the MC is towards them and they would still want to be included on his harem no matter what it takes, its just ridiculous.

Last but not least, the author also made the worst decision for this novel which is basically the *thing* that will destroy this novel sooner or later.

The MC has an OP NPC kid (that his NPC wife gave birth off, yes that happened) that is known to be the most strongest entity of the game world once he grows up due to his unlimited potential. The OP NPC child was even capable of fending off some high level enemies even though he was just still a freaking small child.


In conclusion: I now gave this novel a bad (1 star) rating, since I'm really disappointed but I will probably come back and continue reading this novel again after a good break. And maybe I might re-edit this review again and give it a higher score once again. <<less
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Oceanus Gray
Oceanus Gray rated it
September 15, 2018
Status: c220
This series has one of the worst main characters that I can currently think of. He's unbelievably greedy. So much so that it begins to irritate the reader every time the author writes "Grid was an inherently greedy person". Throughout the chapters I've read through I get the feeling that his sole motivation is greed. Not to mention the fact that he is a complete idiot. He can't even grasp the basics of his class at chapter 200. While he's obviously OP due to items, he constantly refuses to get... more>> better or even train KNOWING he has one of the strongest classes in game. This combo makes what could have been a relatively ok novel into a smoldering pile of garbage. While people may say that he gets better once you get around chapter 100, it is only for a bit. His ignorance of the world will show time and time again as if his intelligence hasn't grown in the year and a half he'd been playing the game. It's a typical Gary Stu story but with a garbage MC, an impractical game system that no one in real life would even bother playing due to balance, and side characters that after awhile become forgettable. Would only recommend this if you're trying to mindlessly pass the time. 2/10 <<less
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Gafiam rated it
August 11, 2018
Status: c717
God, forgive these por souls who are making this novel have only this rating.

The setting is really good, the author developed all the system well in my opinion, unlike what people said that the skills are too fantastic and broken, and it has a setting different enough than LMS wich people use to compare it too.

Grid is much more human than Weed, he commit mistakes with his assumptions, he fails sometimes, he isn't a legendary entity that succeed in everything after his initial debut and is hard working all the... more>> ****ing time without ever getting bored or tired...

And well, he grows with his mistakes, wich is the best point of this novel. If you want a novel to read based on a MMO, this is definitely one of the best choices, a good bonus is that the NPCs are really relevant throughout the story and they do change the course of the game plot, they don't just give quests to boost the main characters, and they end up being relevant characters during the story, not just secondary characters to be used acording to the situation. <<less
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Maratox rated it
August 9, 2018
Status: c711
Alright, let me get one thing straight.

Yes, this main character starts off as cancer.

But that's what makes this book so goddamn good. His growth and development is honestly admirable. He went from complete tr*sh to slightly better than average (at least at chapter 711).

... more>> No he's not a perfect MC. But honestly, I hate those kinds anyway. Those that are 'absolutely amazing' who are always right with no flaws whatsoever.

F**k that. That sh*ts so overused and boring.

This absolute scum of the universe became someone with compassion and care for his teammates and friends for god's sake.

I'd prefer a character as someone who starts off horrible but LEARNS from their actions and grow.

He shows HUMAN f**king qualities for f**ks sake. I'd much rather someone who GROWS rather than a bland, righteous, morally-correct, stale main character who never grows at all and stays exactly the same the entire book.

I mean, that's admirable and all but I can't lookup to you if I've never felt a sense of understanding to you. In comparison to Grid, I actually feel a sense of familiarity seeing him grow.

Yes, he's dumb. But he's creative-dumb. He has his own flaws and strengths just like any other HUMAN. He lacks common sense but that's what makes him such an interesting character to read.

I don't get where people are calling him arrogant and such. If you've read the later chapters you'd understand that he's actually suffering from extreme insecurity.

his appearances and such.


His flaws are made up for by his comrades who support him, and his relationships with his friends are always amusing to read.

Especially my main mans Lauel.


His rivalry with Kraugel especially, that sh*t hypes me the f*ck up.


Honestly can we just get an amen for Braham as the realest bro tho.


His responses are always unpredictable and the ideas he comes up with when he blacksmiths are ingenious.

Now, some might say it takes a long time for this character to grow, but that's where YOU come into play. How patient can you be?

Now you don't have to listen to me, but I'd just say give the book a try. If you honestly can't stand his personality at first then go ahead and drop it, that's understandable.

But if you continue to persist like I had, you'll understand why I'm so persistent when I talk about how great this book is.

Despite that, it's your right in the end to choose whether you want to read it or not. <<less
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ChronaZero rated it
August 6, 2018
Status: c709
I don't understand the hate, bit the blatant learning and changes to the MC really astounding, unlike the other MC lime returnee or LMS or other, it's truly a dumb MC that undoubtedly dumb...

But the characters grown... not only the MC even the others also...

It's astonishing at how much the story progressing, that somehow it would be a shame if the MC became smarter as the story will reach its end...

Oh well, I guess I can only wait for the story to end and read how the author will end... more>> the story as best as he can... <<less
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xiafan rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c632
Most people are annoyed by MC at start... It's normal... Since it doesn't follow Webnovel logic of OP and Charming MC in 2 chapters. But I felt refreshed and Enjoyed the growth. It follows some real world logic while being fantasy and that's what I like the most. MC's that are too weak to fight and yet miraculously win... That's bullsh*t and I don't feel like reading another novel that over exaggerates MC's miracles again.

I would feel even better if author isn't so obsessed with making MC similar to many... more>> other webnovels where females fall in love instantly. Well in game Charms Stat is not applicable outside afterall <<less
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StormHawk rated it
June 17, 2018
Status: c200
I don't get why people rate this novel 4-5 stars. Be it character development or plots, 2 stars is the best. For example, 'Main character need money to payback loan, he can make millions with only a thousand gold, but no he's gonna do something else and forgot to use his head like a ret*rd.

To make it worse, he's a dog that like shoes when ppl take advantage of him.

Oh and not to mention the boring, annoying, and dry IRL plots. I think people that rate this novel a 5... more>> is just not taking their time searching for a good novel, or they're legally ret*rded.

edit: Oh btw, don't pay attention to the cover. The MC is a ugly bastard. Imagine a fatass otaku dating your daughter or sister. <<less
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whatdoyoumeanihavehpv rated it
May 30, 2018
Status: --
I don't think the author actually have any idea about how a virtual reality game is supposed to work. The game system is inconsistent, stats don't actually mean anything. It seems very ill defined. It feels like he's trying to write a purely fantasy novel but shoehorn in virtual reality to make thing easier on himself. For example:

The main character married an NPC, there's a reason why this is a terrible decision from the author for those who put even a tiny bit of thought into it. If the NPC... more>> is actually has sentient, it would arguably be fine and makes the story similar to Blade Runner (the new one with Joi) or something like that. AI and human love could be interesting to read about. However, it's not sentient so the MC basically just married a s*x toy (according to the MC reasoning anyways). It's baffling why the author would even put something like this in, he can do fan service with real life girls if he's so desperate for fan service. Why introduce an element so completely immersion breaking like this?

There are so many other instance where things similar to this happens it feels like a Gary Stu self insert rather than a virtual reality novel. <<less
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Eternal Emperor
Eternal Emperor rated it
May 18, 2018
Status: c577
I really love this book. Many people say that the first 90 chapters or so are unbearable but I didn’t feel anything like that as this was one ☝️ of the VRMMO settings I read. Well I do admit that the story gets a lot better after that point. The point I wanted to make with this is that even the first few chapters weren’t as bad as others said for me. There’s constant character development, well atleast from grids side. One thing I must say is that this story... more>> has many misunderstandings. And you have to be able to take the well and laugh at them. Especially from the MC Grid aka Shin Youngwoo! Well things work out well in the end. I find this story to be immersive and enjoy ? It a lot. Well I might’ve been very bad with writing this review as this was my first. <<less
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Migo_lopez rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c255
I would recommend you read this at least up to the point where he joins a guild.

He is like a child at first, petty and easily provoked, but that is only due to his life circumstances. He gets so much better, he becomes mature and badass.
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December 18, 2017
Status: c195
After reading the reviews before reading the story, I've prepared myself to be infuriated and annoyed by the MC. I've prepared myself to go through those 100 chapters while hating the MC. And after reading up to the latest chapter (ch195), i've realized that those preparations were misplaced. It's not the MC but it was the author who was really maddening.

The MC isn't your typical protagonist, he has attitude and personality problems. Maybe that's a big NO NO for others and find him irritating. But I did find that personality... more>> of his to be rather interesting because he's out of the norm but still reasonable/relatable to some degree. Imagine yourself being treated tr*sh and always being misunderstood just because of your outer appearance, you work hard but in the end the payoff is deprived from you, and no matter what you do you are stricken with extreme bad lack you can't escape from, would you still act all positive and mentally sane/healthy? If you do, then you're a god damn saint or just a broken psychopath.

The story did not improved after 100 chapters because of the "character development" that the other reviewers said. It improved because the author stopped being such a sadistic cruel douche who tortures the MC with extreme bad luck. It was like the author gave the MC a bad luck stat and set it to a maximum degree during those earlier chapters. It was because of that that the MC's personality became so screwed up. And after reaching chapters 70+, the author slowly stopped his sadistic bad luck torture causing the MC to slowly stabilize/improve his mentality and personality. He's had a better luck and his hard work pays off like how it normally should be especially with his special job class.

The story so far has been quite good and has a promising future. <<less
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November 30, 2017
Status: c139
Good novel. Fantastic translation quality and speed.

Only downside is that the beginning of the novel makes it a pain to read as the MC is like a preteen. And he doesn't get chance until chapter 100 +.

If you can get over that, you are In for a treat.

It's one of those novels where you can see that the MC gets more mature and grows up. Which makes it so much fun to read as you progress with him on his adventures.

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Celsica rated it
November 1, 2017
Status: c57
TL;DR : Rating: 3. Good, quick translation and overall passable especially if you don't wanna dive into The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor and its mess of a release / quality throughout the years. Kinda fun novel but the MC is an especially glaring, annoying flaw at this point. He better grow up quick


Overgeared suffers from a lot of problems. As of chapter 57, it has a good translation, poor beginning for a novel. The translator has a strong record for speed + quality and this novel being updated so often is... more>> one of the reason I can continue reading this despite some large flaws and virtually copy/pasted tropes.


Translation - As mentioned, the translation quality is top notch. Korean novels tend to be a bit messy in identifying who's talking, with dialogues that are more succinct than Chinese novels. This stays true in Overgeared, and might put off some new readers, but bear with it. Very good speed of 20 chapters a week.

Overall fun - If you're a newcomer to the genre, you might very well enjoy this. I'd say that if you're willing to look past some of the negatives, this isn't absolute tr*sh. There's a fun, relaxing aspect to following a character through his fortunes/misfortunes and overindulging in their overpowered shenanigans. That said...


Tropes - My god the parallels to other korean webnovels, and The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor in particular, are getting completely ridiculous. Main character gaining a Legendary production class. Secret stats opening. Hides his identity in game for a while. Can't believe how much money he's making. Doesn't initially want a non-combat class. Of course, outside the game, his parents don't understand the MC's dream of making money in the game (that somehow 70% of Korea plays apparently). Annoying sister with little personality... I'll stop there..

Pace - While LMS has been stretched out to a ridiculous extend with s*upid quests going on for a few books and too many characters, in comparison, things are too quick and unsatisfying as a result in Overgeared. Prime example of that: the main character just mindlessly stumbles upon his legendary class through his one redeeming quality: persistence. But this is done through basically the first chapter. He also opens up, what, 4 or 5 secret stats right off the bat. No fuzzy feeling of accomplishment for the reader.

World Building - The details of the world are poorly fleshed out, both in game and out of the game. His life out of the game is only quickly glanced over, so not only is it meaningless, but I also couldn't care less about it. His problem with money is so quickly fixed by his accomplishments that they are irrelevant. The specifics of the game company are poorly explained, and there's no out of game drama going on at all (and poorly established foundations for the future). Inside the game itself, little is explained in terms of enemies, their weaknesses, the effects that players have on NPCs or the world...

Characters - As many have written before me, the MC's ignorance and outright s*upid actions sometimes are starting to make me sick. Really? You can't understand why you can't poop legendary items like candy just because your class is legendary? Of course in 50 chapters the MC will realize that he needs to put real effort/better materials/get training/design for a customer... As of chapter 57, he's just realized the importance of having stamina because apparently being a blacksmith is a draining profession, really. The side characters are poor; I've already mentioned his placeholder disappointed Korean family and annoying sister. In game, the NPCs seem pretty cool but we don't get to know much beside their initial problems. As for PC's, they seem oblivious to a lot going on, as always. The "I can disrespect NPCs because they aren't real" syndrome is a given. Some main side characters have been introduced with their own special classes, and I hope they become more fleshed out than the typical tsundere and devoted sidekick.

I really wish that Rainbow Turtle had decided on something more original to translate at this point. Dungeon Hunter wasn't perfect but tried some news elements; Book Eating Magician has a cool concept and quite good world building. As of now, Overgeared is quite average. I'll continue to read it as a time sink but I'll drop this if it doesn't evolve significantly after another 50 chapters. <<less
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October 21, 2017
Status: c25
So far not that interesting. Really. MC has brain of blockhead, or very narrow mindset. He has OP skill, to equip anything with 20% penalty. So to say, he created op lvl 300 weap and can equip it, but uses... even with it, he can go to (2nd city) and hunt high lvl mobs. But this obsession with item craft - quest leveling.. But I must admit, for his game class it is best method (+permanent stats for every succes item above epic). Next is his s*upidity. Really, mental... more>> age of 8 year child. Even forgetting where he heard about that viscount or something.. for whom he laughet like crazy saying my precious... oh no.. my 3k gold... Cant control his emotions.. (no, for normal ppl its ok, but he laughs like crazy, his rant at forums about witch. His future waifu, I guess? and etc) his lies, really like child. (example: asks coachman about nearest town, and after minute lies him about his sick granny, daughter etc) So far MC lacks brains, story lacks something... Its like random guy in randomly becoming ranker... No aim, no zest, so far reading like labor. Or skipping some parts. Boring. Hopefully becomes better, like Rainbow sayd. About Translation... Its Good. Thanks for your hard work. PS english not my native, hopefully this wall of text is understandable for u. <<less
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