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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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rhianirory rated it
February 2, 2018
Status: c400
i give up. I've tried to read this story five times now because everyone keeps going on about it and 400 chapters is my limit. I'm putting this in my dropped for good pile. below are my comments as I tried to struggle through this story.

[as of c 68] the MC appears to be severely lacking in common sense and doesn't act like someone who's been gaming for a year. if, in the first chapter, he'd completed the quest he would have been the first player to complete an S... more>> class quest in the game, gotten lots of goodies and titles, and, having proven himself trustworthy, more than likely gotten the class on top of everything else (that usually how these novels work). the other comments keep saying it will get better after chapter 100 and I usually like the stuff RT picks to translate so I'll hang on a while longer before I rate it. ATM it's about 2.5 stars in my head and one of those stars is only because the translator does such a good job.

[edit as of 135] I'm not seeing the "it gets better" part. if anything, I find the MC even more unlikable now than I did 80 chapters ago, which is a surprise, considering how much I already didn't like him. he's still severely lacking in common sense and s*upid at times (I'm beginning to suspect he might be high functioning developmentally disabled), and the way he treats other people gets worse, not better as he gets stronger. I'm also beginning to think the despicable treatment of people the MC gains power over is some kind of twisted Korean personality trait that comes out in gaming i.e. this, haroon, lms, and ark. right now the rating would be a flat 2, but I promised not to rate it until I hit 250 chapters so...

Comment as of c250: this story has one of the most annoying MC's I've read about saving only the one from 'ugly mans big transformation, ' who's MC has the mentality of an over-caffeinated 3 year old and the IQ of play-dough. I can only assume the story is as popular as it's said to be in Korea because most of its readers are oversexed h**ny teenagers and they like the idea that even an idiot can become a winner who grows rich and gets to bang lots of hot chicks thanks to the power of items and his hidden class (the story is harem which mean all the strong, independent women in it become brainless fluff as soon as the MC starts strutting). the only reason this is a two and not a one is because the translator is good.

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lnpretender rated it
January 31, 2018
Status: c318
Good novel with steady main & side characters’ growth development. Even though this novel rather annoying for me at first but later it’s really worth it to keep up with this story. It’ll be good if this novel add more POV from other characters, there’s a a little POV from other characters but it is really short. 5 stars from me.
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Heyu rated it
January 19, 2018
Status: c284
it's true that the character grows for the better, but I think talking about chapter 90 or so as still to early for that, the MC stops being frustrating almost at c. 200 mild spoiler..

... more>>

in the golem quest


sadly there aren't a lot of translation after 200, but the translation is advancing fast, so yeah, MC is s*upidly greedy, is true he has complex for being poor, but still he is too much even after making enough money to have his life already secured..

So I weould recomend to bear with it till chapter 200~ when his personality is almost fixed and gets better each time <<less
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Yung_lane rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: c132
People talk about a big character change/development around chapter 90-95, but in all honesty his personality doesn't change much and he's still quite the scumbag. Grid being a scumbag isn't the problem though, it's just the author doesn't really utilise his personality very well at the moment, as in it's not very funny and there are only moments of entertainment. If you want to compare it to another popular character with a similar personality - that would be "Weed" from Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, unfortunately Grid falls short of Weed in... more>> a lot of aspects, but I don't want to compare them too much since they're different novels and different people (characters).

I think if the author improves from this point his character will seem more fleshed out and entertaining than it is now, as it stands he's still pretty hollow, there are some very forced character plot points that 'change' him slightly throughout chapter 50-100, which was disappointing as it had those "change over night" vibes.

With all that negative stuff said though, I've read that it's been praised a lot, especially by Korean readers for how it develops, and I can see it becoming a very fun read. While it hasn't been the best up to this point, I've still enjoyed reading it, I do hope the author's skills improve and fleshes the plot and characters out more as he has a great imagination and world building with a cool take on the whole VRMMO genre.

If I make one last comparison, the early start has been quite poor compared to LMS which had a fantastic start which just raked you in, however in the latest volumes, LMS has had a pretty boring main plot point and disappointing decisions for the main character by the author whereas I see Overgeared only getting better.

Cool stuff! Read it or don't! I'd recommend waiting for a lot more chapters to come out since the first 100 are a real grind to get through. You won't be waiting long though, because Turtle's translation speed is awesome! <<less
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kidopitz27 rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c244
Some readers always compare this novel to LMS but it's not the only part that it look and feel LMS is that because at the start of chapter 1 the MC got a lot of debt and needs money and that's it after he become rich by crafting Legendary items he earns so fast that even Weed from LMS will cry from envy. I mean Grid earns billions of won from crafting 2 Legendary items hell he even got scammed by crafting a legendary sword and sold it for 100k... more>> gold but the original price is at least 2m gold.

At the start the MC is really childish and immature and just want to earn money to pay debts but after chapter 200 his character is more matured

(because he married an npc and having a child)


Also the side characters are fun too specially the one that revere the MC as a GOD and follows him around there's even a guy that waited 45 days just for the MC to craft an armor for him and the MC forgot about it. <<less
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January 3, 2018
Status: c238
I'm going to be brutally honest, the whole reason why I decided to read this light novel was because of the bat-winged, horned cat on the novel's cover... but I have to say, it's a very good read. Will I give it a 5 star? No, because obviously it has some parts that aren't completely satisfactory to me, but I wouldn't rate it lower than 3, even for the beginning 90-100 chapters.

The MC's (Shin Youngwoo) in my opinion isn't exactly hateful. The explanation is under the cut

... more>>

Shin Youngwoo was raised by a family who more or less considered him incompetent, even going as far as throwing silverware/cutlery at him on multiple occasions. He has an inherent weak personality because he doesn't think himself to be good at literally anything. He was subpar in academics, sports, social situations (from bullying by peers), and even hobbies. He became a man who was more or less a complete pushover who was only good at feeling sorry for himself, and of course, desiring wealth to try and prove he's better than others despite being under a debt of around 10million won.

He's greedy, unsociable, and kind of 'disgusting' for some people but he at least has a certain character and he's more or less solid. He isn't 'smart' and he doesn't exactly get along with anyone and he even fails at stuff that should frankly be super simple, but he's not hateful to me. What is important is that as a character he evolves, he evolves into someone who can make the reader and even the characters around him smile.

It starts with him as a worker-for-rent for construction with a weak body (presumably because you can't get fit from heavy work without proper nourishment), and him being disgusted by people and distrusting others. But he starts slowly being able to trust others, even being able to start trusting and acknowledging the 'npcs' that most everyone ignores. His teammates who at first just wanted him for his blacksmithing skills started to really value him as a team player (while prioritizing his strength and blacksmithing) and were able to smile as they watched him grow up and deal with each of his past traumas.

I have to say that even in the beginning I liked the premise of Shin Youngwoo, he showed some pretty interesting human nature (aside from talking with his family because that's just bu****it s*upid and I'll call it as such). As some other reviewers said it had jealousy, social anxiety, and naivete that was in all of us at least at one point. Not to mention it shows what people really can be in the shadows. The MC gives himself to the reader and his teammates at face value. He doesn't necessarily lie and he does try and cheat but he doesn't really do it to hurt someone. He grows as a person and I can happily say he feels the most real to me as a reader.


The abilities I will talk a bit less about but the main character is Unlucky, he won't succeed in just about anything because it's brought on by his own self-evaluation. He doesn't have any real... faith, in himself. As a person he was lacking and also as a plot device if he succeeded in everything it would change what his whole upbringing was. So I'll have to say his main ability is Near absolute unluckiness that evolves into moderate luck.... though it does go back and forth as the plot determines.

Shin Youngwoo spent about a year or so playing Satisfy and only made it to about level 80 as a tanker but he entered a quest, failed it because of greed and gained a legendary class. He was absolute crap at it and started at -1, which fell to -2. But he gained the following abilities.

  • excellent blacksmithing skills
  • stat bonus' depending on his craft item rank
  • only legendary item maker (not that unluckiness helps with that)
  • ability to make unique crafting blueprints
  • talent in identifying nearly any crafted item and % of understanding it to where he can make something his own.
  • % of mastery over an item (depending on his understanding of the item) regardless of the item requirements.
  • and much more
There's so much good for his ability but in the beginning, his foolishness prevents him from making any good choices, but he grows until he treats people around him, and his identity as a blacksmith with moderate care. he, Shin Youngwoo, is a virtual person in my book.

Long and the short of it; I'd read it, and if you aren't open minded on characters or believe that each light novel can be related to other light novels and immediately tr*sh it, it's not for you. If you don't mind the character growth (that could take a while), then go ahead! It's only 1/6th of the novel (so far) where he's kind of not 'great' but the money problem isn't the whole novel and after that point he's pretty well off. <<less
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Susken rated it
December 27, 2017
Status: --
Its fun! I mean ok the plot amor is insane and the storry is progressing REALLY fast but its a fun read. The problem with The moonlight sculptor for me is that it is kinda slow. But this one is going like a rocket but strangely its not bothering me. The skills are insane and the character really is OP to the max but I dont mind it. I also love the release speed wich is insanely fast. 5/5 I like it no mather what the othe people say. Just... more>> try to read it. <<less
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WhoWho rated it
December 19, 2017
Status: c204
Contrary to most people, I sort of have a differing opinion. I still give this a 4 star even though the flaws are very jarring and might make it less enjoyable.

I actually enjoyed when the naive Grid at the beginning, because he was doing things that other people would consider "s*upid." It is really a good contrast to the "pro gamer" mindset.

The flaws in the beginning are justified because Grid had a naive personality, but there are some serious flaws in the author's writing that become really apparent when Grid... more>> becomes more "leader-like." There was no reason or any determination at all besides that the author wanted Grid to mature for the sake of making the main character the leader. I would hardly call it "character development" because the author just tells you blatantly rather than actually coming up with interesting emotional conflicts. Thus it falls back on a lot of game cliches sometimes which can be very mindless.. Unless you like that (because it is wish-fulfillment in some ways)

But for me, towards the later chapters at the end, it becomes a bit over-the-top so far, and it feels like the author is using "plot armor" heavily, but trying to pass it off as normal.

Grid "luckily" got a egg and hatched it and the level 1 pet was able to defeat all the other pets. It is just absurd even though the author tries to make up a very convincing reason. But the fact that Grid was able to drop one of the best pets from Hell was just way too "convenient."


Another thing is how there is absolutely no consistency or standards of measurement. Everything is thrown at you rather than being foreshadowed or planned or developed. The best you get is some reference like "X epic class and is a lich." Like the previous example, if pets were so useful, why haven't it been mentioned in the start of the novel as an "option." The novel just feels really unplanned.

I feel like the novel falls into a lot of traps, such as this weird relationship with npc and between npcs. I thought it was cool how npcs were fleshed out and also really strong at first, but as the novel progresses, the author didn't even put any more effort. For example, a major aspect was this relationship with blacksmiths yet Grid only met 2 npc blacksmiths, and those two were kinda forced onto by plot armor. In a way I also feel like the novel dumbs out blacksmithing and doesn't explore all the untapped options. The author seriously does not get creative. I don't mean like weird or super specialized weapons that only a few could wield or master, but more interesting ones that subverts out expectations. One of the reason I loved Percy Jackson so much is how his pen can transform into a sword. It would be nice to have a concept as interesting as that but not the same exact. What if he could make things that are not all intended for stats or fighting or combat.

It was interesting how Grid could make a master key, but that also felt like a plot armor trick


I really hate it a bit when characters are made to be "subordinates" or just followers. It really kills my perspective of them, and in a way, it gives the author a cheap trick to repeat. Even worse I guess is if the novel has "s*aves."

Well at first, Grid told Toban that Toban would have to be his s*ave, but that relationship fortunately didn't last long because Toban was behaving well and Grid "matured".


Another pitfall I guess is how the author makes the legendary class Grid has feel strong and invincible. You might think it is good but that is really detrimental in most cases. One thing is how Grid keeps "resisting" status effects. It is very ambiguous even though I remember reading how all legendary classes were immune to CC status effects I think? But it just feels like a random detail inserted to somehow make the legendary classes feel overpowered, and also as a subtle plot armor.

In a way, I feel less attachment to Grid as a character now than in the beginning. The author isn't suppose to make a "likeable" character, but rather one that we can empathize or attach onto. It feels like the Grid in the later chapters is so distant and burdened by titles.

Like who cares if Grid become the general of the army, and I feel like it is just another thing that the author throws at you. Grid could have easily refused.


I rather have an trollish character not have to conform to the same general attitudes of the elite pro-gamers. In a way, the world building (both virtual and real) is also kinda bad, and negatively contributes to the overall scheme. It just feels very weak, especially in real life. <<less
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slimyslime rated it
December 12, 2017
Status: c178
As in the latest chapter, the MC might have grown much better than in the beginning of the story.

But, MC is still too c*cky and for some reason I get typical Chinese VR novel vibe here (OP MC, some other countries get vilified) even tho not as extreme as in your usual CN novels.

Story wise, I haven't seen an epic kind of quest like the one in LMS in here, the quest he get so far seems pretty standard.

... more>> Romance...... It's good... If you compare it to Shura's Wrath.

Overall the biggest limitation for me to give this novel a better evaluation is the MC's character, sure he have grown, but not yet likeable for now, it just show how bad he is at the beginning.

I'll keep reading this as this is still readable for me, and I'll update this review when things change for better or worse. <<less
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solomaize rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: c172
To enjoy this story, persevere for 100 chapters or so. The MC is a selfish narrow minded bastard, almost villainous, but it's refreshing. He gets slightly better as the story progresses, but you still expect him to be a selfish bastard deep down.

It reminds me of LMS, what with the 4 letter name, money grubbing MC, NPC friendly, social awkwardness, Legendary Hidden Non Combative but Super OP Class That Churns Out The Dough... You get what I mean.

But I really enjoy this story. It is immersive and super fun to... more>> read. Nothing gets dragged for too long, and the translation is top notch. Something to read when I need a laugh. <<less
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bananeeg rated it
December 10, 2017
Status: c172
The beginning seems to be just like any other VR game novel. MC is poor, greedy, get angry easily, etc etc. But after about 90 chapters the MC starts to grow, and that's what sets this novel apart from the other VR game novel. Some compare it to LMS since it's kind of the reference in VR novels, but it really isn't the same. In LMS you get tens of volume of the same thing, in OG not only is the MC growing, the rest of the novel is also... more>> good. There isn't any part where you think "Damn just let this arc be over already, it's boring af". It's well balanced, a bit of combat, a bit of crafting, a bit of interaction with other characters.

Don't expect anything serious though, it's mainly a comedy and there never are any serious topics coming up.

At some point the MC marries an NPC (who are terribly life-like, the MC sees them as real humans) and can even have children with her. But at no point does he wonder what's going to happen, for example, when the servers get shut down, or how players are killing them without remorse


The first 90 chapters aren't bad either though, it's just standard VR novel so it's good that it's not longer. As of chapter 172, it seems to me like the MC might get *too* op for my taste, be he hasn't yet met with the other strongest players, so, for now, I'll go with 5 stars <<less
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Fapper the fappity fappity fap fap fap rated it
December 10, 2017
Status: c172
I honestly like this novel.

I read LMS, to be honest I never compared it or any other novels I read, I simply just enjoy it and accept new worlds.

MC at first assymetrical to his age and mental maturity, and yes it pisses you off. But dropping a novel at early chapters because of this and without even the slightest curiousity of what may happen may lead to those below cp25 reviews.

This novel is in the top rankings in korea because of its growth in story and in author. Tons of... more>> the readers there compliment this work and overwhelmed that they didnt drop this work at early chapters and see through it til today.

Overall, this is a good piece here. <<less
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charioles rated it
December 8, 2017
Status: c164
Many people complain and compare this as copycat of LMS. They forgot that LMS was really good (up to vol 20 imo, the rest kinda meh) thus having something of similar quality and theme is actually a good thing for them.

It's been a long time since I got so hooked up that I'd pull several all nighter so I can read all 164 released chapters in one go.

It's that good. The MC personality is a rare type petty guy who grumbles a lot just like weed in LMS. The events... more>> and situations in story are actually really funny and would make you laugh most of the time, unlike the cringe jokes in EER and those franchise.

As the rumor said, things get even better around ch 90s. So if you like the first 10 or so chapter, you will like it in the long run too.


the translator often released multiple chapter (up to 9 ch) per day. <<less
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Legendary_Exor rated it
November 24, 2017
Status: c119
The MC personality isn't even that bad. You might feel slightly frustrated, but by the time I got to chapter 60, and I saw him improving slightly, I liked it. True character development.

If the start really bothers you that much just read it all real quick lol.

It's a great story and it's a shame people are missing out bc of some annoyed readers that dropped it so early.
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Redlazyfox rated it
November 3, 2017
Status: c62
Perseverance, The only good word I can describe the MC has in the beginning, other than that he is plain s*upid and has a rotten personality. Tbh his personality made me laugh at first as I see my inner rottenness in him too lel, has no talent and is lowest of the low, (if LMS MC calls himself a weed, i'd call this guy a worm). With the expectation and the philosophy of having being at the bottom of everything, there is only one way, which is above and... more>> there are tons of space for improvement. With that in mind there are lots of expectations, and this novel didn't dissappoint me.

I vouch for the TL (she is one of the best translator out there I tell u), this novel isnt just abt vmmorpg but also abt character devt. Not just the MC but also for the author too. As the TL said, so much hate for this novel at the beginning (although I kinda enjoyed it lel, you might drop it) everything improves as the novel goes on, as it reached one of top list in korean novels, there is a webtoon now as the TL said so (her note at ch62 is the best review for this novel tbh). If u enjoyed LMS u will definitely enjoy this too, I think'. Right now I put this novel alongside my top list of novels im reading. Kudos to the TL and everyone who reads this novel. <<less
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Faerys rated it
October 28, 2017
Status: c41
You guys have to stop judging it so early into the story.. I know maybe some of you feel like the MC is too s*upid, ignorant, and lil' bit self-centered right now. But as the chapter progressing I feel he would grow out of that character. And I think it's what makes me keep reading it.

I give this novel 5 star because I love VRMMORPG novel and feel like this one gonna be amazing.. And also it's because the translation is sooo good..

So give it a try guyss.. Maybe you... more>> have to wait until the chapter is pilling up before reading this one.. I think its better to binge read this one <<less
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TheGamingNerd rated it
October 22, 2017
Status: --
As far the story goes even though the MC is s*upid ret*rded 10 year old mentality, I think the novel is aiming for a rpg style comedy but that is only how I see it most people will think the novel sucks but for only 1 reason the MC is s*upid more s*upid than fcking spongebob squarepants. The plot is progressing ok but not superb I think if he made a quick prologue 10-15 chapters about MC adventures in his early game phase but it went directly on the legendary... more>> class plot the author made it like mysterious MC and stuff but I think he is mostly a 3year oldmentality idiot Edit: Chapter 210+ The story is great even though the first 150 or so chapter made me angry it is thorough better than most novels that have 0 development whatsoever I mean I eat tomatoes novels are great it has alot of development (except the new novel he is making) which I like alot but 1 thing I don't like is how slowly the MC personality grows I mean it's already 200 chapters why is he still s*upid (kinda makes dump choices but he is starting to walk the road of pro player)

he just needs some training and also has the time advantage after all the rest of the legendary classes will appear but the thing is new skills they need to level them up the MC already leveled up skills the others will stay behind the MC and stuff second that is useful blacksmith class is op meaning that MC can make his personal armor and it could be a mythical set never appeared in the continent :D while other will be happy with their legendary weapons *hahah*.

Novel is greatly recommended but keep calm and read till chapter 300 were stuff are going dowwwwnnnnn <<less
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HaxersDoom rated it
October 16, 2017
Status: c139
I like the plot but the MC is a bit annoying, since he is both s*upid and shameless, I really cannot connect what the MC is described as and the cover of the novel, on the cover he looks cool and reliable, but in reality he just seems like a petty, shameless, s*upid, ungrateful, self-destructive, ignorant freaking fool, but I will continue reading and hope he changes for the better since I really like the plot.

I think the author just made this to induce rage at the idiocy of the... more>> MC seriously, he always makes decisions the reader specifically doesn't want him to make.

I reckon I will wait for more chapters then skim through it.
Well that was my opinion as of chapter 39

100 chapters later at chapter 139 I am actually beginning to really like this novel, especially since the MC is really growing as a person and I am looking forward to when he grows into someone cool like on the cover of the novel, especially good since even though he can be unlucky he also has those moments where he is actually pretty lucky as well, which balances out the novel which at the start seemed made just to make the reader angry. Special note that throughout the novel there are a lot of satisfying moments that are spread in a way that makes you feel the previous frustrations were worth it. <<less
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Xiao x2
Xiao x2 rated it
October 16, 2017
Status: c10
I can't really make a good judgment right now, but for me this novel is something new and unique which I wish would stay the same.

All in all based from the 10 chapters that was recently translated this novel makes you want to laugh at him being ret*rded, though it'd be good if him being a ret*rd would be gone and he'll use the legendary power he has to make himself the best.
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Green_Leaf rated it
October 16, 2017
Status: c10
Get to where I'm at a the very minimum before you cry like a dog. Anyways Grid. Yup. The world hates him and treats him like poorly. I love it because ... more>>

It's not like I like you or anything baba baka!

Anyways you get jelly and lash out sometimes. It happen and because it does it makes Grid all the more real.

TT-TT hang in there dude!

Previous review.



Monkey of a man.

And as a wise man once said.

Legen wait for it...... dary

It's pretty good, I'm not into the whole VR genre but I'ma stick around for the laughs his reactions are something. <<less
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