Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?


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A 45-year-old salary man dies in a train accident and is reincarnated as a newly born baby in a different world. For some reason, he has special skills: “Gift of Natural Talent” and “Identify.” In order to make the best of this advantage, the protagonist resolves himself for his second life.

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If You’re a Man Then There’s No Other Choice Than Aiming for King, Right?
The Man Who Would Be King
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  2. Male Protagonist
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  5. isekai

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88 Reviews sorted by

talosparoxi rated it
December 18, 2018
Status: c338
This novel is really good and compelling, it has a lot more of a biography feel than the usual non-stop adventure of most fantasy novels.

Be prepared though, much like a biography it is sloooowwwww. If you can't handle something like 3 chapters straight of trade negotiations or other such management tasks then give this a hard pass. If I remember correctly the first 50 or so chapters he's still a toddler, it very rarely skips over long periods of time.
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S0l0N rated it
July 22, 2019
Status: c339
I am really glad to see it being picked up again, this WN is one of the few well written isekai's I came around and did actually enjoy, the way how the world is slowly being built is really nice and keeps you hooked up, unlike the other bad reviews, I think the slow pace is a good point here since it gives the world a feeling of boundlessness and mystery and the way how other stories are playing and progressing behind the scene away from the main plot make it even more livelier and enjoyable, which drives your expectations to the roof. Even the characters, each has its own uniqueness and not your usual happy go lucky and do in fact contribute to the story in their own way.

I have been waiting for the continuation since forever and again, I am really happy to see it getting translated again.
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Aho555 rated it
February 9, 2018
Status: c285
I was so impressed with the first chapter because it felt fresh and really gets you to empathize with MC as he faces death and life flashes before his eyes, giving us glimpses of the life he has lead. It was a great start....... then went downhill from there. There's so much exposition for the mechanics of his new life in a fantasy world that it reads more like research notes than a story. Absolutely no fun to read. Enough to make me go "Gaaaah!!!!". It's as if the author... more>> for the first chapter got switched with some OCD author obsessed with details.

I'll try to read on, but will definitely be skipping the info-dump parts from now on.


Read up to chapter 285. With how long and detailed each chapter is, the translator is really doing godly work for making it this far.

It's a 3/5 but with massive reservations:- that is, it's mostly not very fun to read. I really like some of the concepts and story ideas the author uses, but most of the time it's hard to get through (yes, even with the flawless translation work).

How to describe the feeling: - when you're reading a normal story it's like you're walking through one feet of water. When you read this novel it's like you're walking through one feet of mud.

Character interaction scenes are perfectly fine though, and that's the part that keeps me coming back. <<less
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deathday rated it
June 28, 2017
Status: c477
(Read in ahead in google translator)

A good slow slow book that has plenty of world building (probably to much world building and I love world building) but has great age progression and plot that actually advances (reapeat slowly).

The main story is greatly expanded by the side stories which are about others that reincarnated into this world and let you see all kinds of different lives, (the children that died of disease starvation are heart breaking). The side stories help introduce the political landscape and enemy development, foreshadowing.

I... more>> stopped reading slightly before the end because the translation got hard to read,


specifically one chapter that seemed to spend almost the entire time describing the calculus behind modern land plotting, and mapping.


and because there is one thing that infuriated me about the story major spoiler that could be mistranslated by google but


his sister my favorite character, seems to marry a spy who uses special mind control drugs to get her to fall in love. This is to try to have children with her and bring what they think is the blood line trait of high magic power back to his country (might be main Characters birth country can't tell, the nice king begins to be really sketchy latter on). She then promptly has the spies kids.


but this just shows how the story is actually fairly mature with character development. There is several side character deaths

watch out for almost every other top party in laberynth city even the ones who are fairly well developed later on


all in all great story if you can stomach massive world building text blocks. <<less
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caffeinefocus rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: c308
This is definitely not something that would appeal to just about everybody. It's a slow-going slice of life adventure story that is so detailed in some minute aspects that, if you're a slow reader who reads every word like me, it's a pain sometimes. If I read this with only less than a hundred chapters available, I probably would've abandoned it and never looked back. BUT, since I read it with 300+ chapters already available, this came to be as a rather relaxing read.

I love how the main character has... more>> a concrete goal in mind, moving forward step by step, even as he spends his days in an easygoing manner, (re-) experiencing life in another world and his youth on his own terms, adapting to the norms and culture of the new world and not being caged by his previous life and world's traditions. He still valued who he was in his previous life, but he also knows, and has accepted, that he has to change and abide by the habits and customs of the new world that he was reborn in.

Not really a spoiler, but


I quite admire the author with how s/he seemed to have thought of almost everything that can be considered, in some ways, like how the characters didn't seem to act their previous life's age, or how they have forgotten about certain memories from their past lives. It's amazing how detailed this novel is. The characters' reactions in various situations are also pretty authentic (as authentic goes in a fantasy world). The protagonist isn't the moralizing self-righteous hero, but someone who is pretty relateable in their selfishness and desires.


This tell, tell, TELL writing style is definitely something that gets pretty annoying if read for longer periods of time as you sometimes get the 'this is the dumbed down version' feel to it but that's a minor point with how great I found this novel is. I mean, in every isekai adventure novel that I've read, I hated the dungeon parts because it's always been a wham, bam, thank you, Ma'am format. Not in this one, though. I liked that the dungeon parts ran for several chapters and arcs as I enjoyed the differences in the environment and the creatures they needed to contend with as they proceeded to the lower levels.

Rating is less one star because


I am so annoyed with how Alan. Greed (MC) found his romantic partner and lost his v**ginity. I am not looking for any romantic shizz but MAN! That whole thing was a bit anticlimactic, even if I like Miduchi as a character.


So, yeah. This novel definitely has its own merits and there are others that are a whole lot worse than this. Also, lots of s*xual innuendos and talks. <<less
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Gonzhilaz rated it
August 14, 2017
Status: c207
Yup... The story is about rambling oldman that needs to explain on almost everything. On his diary. Like a log book. I just read this story just because the other WN/LN is on progress.

Most of the people here compare the oldman with Rudeus. I havent finished Rudeus's story so I can't compare this with that.

But yeah... If you like to read a story about a very detailed oldman, try this one. I personally lost interest in this. But still reading if there's no update on my favorite novels.
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LeeEzekiel rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: --
The author loooves hearing himself talk.

Look, I like slow paced stories. But when even the action scenes take an entire paragraph to discuss the character's thought process (while a goddamn BEAR is charging at him), it becomes a little ridiculous, don't you think!?

It also doesn't help that there doesn't seem to be a dedicated proofreader. When you combine the massive paragraphs of exposition with slightly poor English, many parts become a chore to read through.
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June 26, 2017
Status: c19
A Japanese isekai novel without a harem tag?!!!!! *Gasp* I MUST investigate!


I now know why this novel has no harem tag: it takes so f***ing long for the author to explain anything that he'll probably have to spend several chapters explaining the phenomenon of love, followed by another dozen discussing procreation, before meandering off into some long tirade about how flowers made by magic have to be picked differently or how to process every piece of clothing the MC strips off. I don't even care about seeing romance; I just... more>> want to see something! I literally just finished a chapter that talked about nothing but rubber: rubber! It's not even about the MC making it and selling it either; it's just a conversation between the MC and his father about potentially making and selling rubber.

It takes so long for any amount of action to happen that it's ridiculous. Maybe I'll pick this up again on a day when I have all the time in the world but, for now, there are more interesting things I can read to goof off at work- a dictionary for example. <<less
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shtdmnlol rated it
June 4, 2017
Status: c73
Here's my thought

This is a wall-of-text diary of certain someone. Its like reading a wiki pages or text-book school. Too many unnecessary information. I feel like I'm being lectured with a guide called 'welcome to orth, basic things, the concept and everything you need to know of this world'. Sometimes its like no difference with when im reading a calculus book, lol.

I feel grateful to the translation team. You did a very good job for translating this wall of text with a high pace. Thanks alot for your hard work!... more>> 2 stars for you!

The story itself pretty interesting. I like the concept and the story's development. But as I said before, this story had too many wall-of-text of unnecessary information. 3 stars for the story but -1 stars for too many unnecessary information.

so 2+3-1, means 4 stars for this! <<less
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Jarrow rated it
June 4, 2017
Status: c45
Acceptable fantasy reincarnation, A bit much on the internal exposition, but still acceptable. Unfortunately, the translator (1) posts on DeviantArt, so no next/prev links, and (2) Completely f#cks up formatting to the point it's unreadable, and refuses to correct it. All it would take is saving their work as ANSI text or copy/paste/save into notepad to get rid of the EOL->paragraph tags before posting but instead disses people who complain in the comments.

This is the 5th series I've had to drop because of translator issues, and it's getting depressing. If you're not going to do it well enough to be proud of something, why are you even doing it?


UPDATE: I've been informed that the translator has started fixing the formatting - occasionally - so there's that as a positive. On the down side, when I continued reading it the behavior of the MC after he left home is rather more evil than I would expect. Interesting change, and I loathe the mindless JP hero template, but I do require my protagonists to at least care about the people around them. This one doesn't; sort of a badly done CN anti-hero.

This one went on multiple-chapter-long diatribes about how his future kingdom just needs s*aves and servants, and friends and family are unnecessary and pointless. So I guess he'll just be throwing away his family and ignoring them from now on? : P

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ojamayellow rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: --
It has good potential, good story, good MC character. Not that boring at first with the premise of the story but what ticked my off was the monologuing. There were too many monologues. Most of them were even useless to begin with. Its like prolonging the chapter with this useless gibber gabber just to look profound and smart. I was hooked at first but MAN this monologues, useless details in convos, its like when the MC finds or discovers something the discussion or dialog goes on for even 2 to... more>> 3 chapters. <<less
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RagingDs rated it
February 24, 2020
Status: c330
First off let me say that I get why a lot of people really dislike this. It is definitely not for everyone. If your coming for action and adventure do yourself a favor and look elsewhere. This is a kingdom builder that is very detailed and has a very slow pace too it at that.... more>>

For instance 300 chapters in and we are still building up to getting a territory. The MC hasn't even hit 20 yet and is planning on buying a territory around 30.

Essentially I think even the author realized it was too slow paced and every 50-100 chapters you get an oddball that somehow forces the story forward. <<less
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muhammodalamin rated it
February 14, 2020
Status: --
The MC is a very slow learner and late bloomer. MC saw that his house doesn't even have any clock and yet he thought it was still his earth, MC heard his family members for one year and yet he doesn't understand weather it is earth in modern times. He thought He has gone back in time. MC saw his younger brother train and fight with real sword still being seven years old and yet thinks he is still on earth, he see some kids with different hair color and... more>> eye color and yet he think that they dyed their hair and it was cheap to dye onces hair in ancient times. How foolish of him. He saw a goblin and yet hes not sure weather or not hes in another world or on earth. He saw somebody use healing magic and he screamed in shock god knows how loud. He saw so many things that are out of the world he himself reincarnated and yet he was not shocked much but when he saw the healing magic he still pisses his pants.

and the rubber thing pisses me off. Almost half of the story is about rubber manufactering. Hes a f*cking weak. He can't even defeat bears that are many times lower in level as him. <<less
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lophis rated it
October 31, 2018
Status: c39
Ok, maybe I am not in the right frame of mind to write an honest review right now b/c I am frustrated as heck at the moment with the series. I tried really really trying to enjoy this series. It hits all my checkmarks, reincarnation, fantasy, proactive main character. However the criticism of earlier reviewers are all true. There are literally chapters that contain 70 percent info dumps with a few short paragraphs to move the plot along. There was one chapter that contained mostly about how he levels up... more>> his abilities written in a elaborate explanation and accompanying pseudo math about how many times he has to use an ability to gain a point... OMG I wanted to pull my hair out. I am at chapter 39 and nothing has really happened. The main character is just building his little empire and the most interesting thing so far is his descriptions about rubber manufacturing.

Of course you can say, what are you expecting? It is a reincarnation series with the obvious aim of recreating tech so you should enjoy the info dump, but the problem is everything else is lacking. Every character beside the main character are cardboard cutouts. The authors talks about how thicc his story mom is with shapely breast that produces milk that he doesn't like the taste of lol, but he makes sure you know that he doesn't have any s*xual attraction b/c that would make that paragraph even more awkward then it was. He then in the same chapter describes his story dad as literally "average looking, " I laughed out loud.

I understand that a lot can be lost in translation, but man....I will keep going b/c I am masochist and b/c I hoping there are going to be payoff sooner or later. <<less
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Afxarr rated it
December 9, 2017
Status: c308
Pretty decent with great potential. Some new approaches to a reincarnation story. Only complaint is that some portions can get Extremely slow and overly descriptive. You can easily skim over and skip several paragraphs and huge chunks sometimes without loosing any substance. Give it a go if you're looking to kill time with a fairly decent but flawed novel. Most chapters are pretty long and there's a good number of translated chapters
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ZachB rated it
December 1, 2017
Status: c301
I understand people rating it very low. The start was too much infodump (still infodump till the latest chap) but it gets better especially when he leaves his hometown.

This novel is really good. Better story than mushuko tensei but too much info dump ruins the story.

I really hate the info dumps but the core story made me really fall in love.

Please try reading until he get to the dungeon arc but if you still doesnt like it then this is not for you.
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Sef rated it
November 28, 2017
Status: v1c46
This novel's biggest problem is its ridiculous amount of deadwood.

Some novels have an intentionally slow pacing in order to focus more on character development or to avoid overloading the reader with too many details within a complex plot line. This is NOT one of those novels.

This novel is slow, and not for the sake of growing and developing the characters. (If it were, I reckon the author has failed on account of how shallow the characters remain by the end of volume one)

It also isn't slow for the sake... more>> of setting up an intricate plot line.

It is slow because it is absolutely FILLED with pointless, repetitive exposition that accomplishes NOTHING for the story other than holding it to a snails pace.

Unless you would like paragraph after paragraph of run-on descriptions of the most menial subjects and occurrences (whose topics often stretch across multiple chapters at a time...)

... The amount of chapters exclusively ruminating about the intricacies and applications of rubber are too damn high


then do yourself a favor and pass on this novel. There are plenty of other cliche isekai stories out there that do what this novel attempts to do without beating your braincells to death with heaps of deadwood writing. <<less
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UnGrave rated it
August 7, 2017
Status: c174
There are several good points with this novel, my favorite being that this protagonist actually has some knowledge from his previous life, rather than being a good cook or something. At this point he still hasn't made perfect use of that knowledge but it's understandable why.

If you have a good attention span and, like myself, enjoy learning a thing or two from your novels, you'll probably enjoy this one here.
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sedition- rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: c82
I was going to write out a lengthy review of this novel listing all of my grievances, but I realized it could all be summed up into a single sentence. This novel desperately needs a proper editor, the author often goes on long winded info dumps where nothing happens, leading to so much deadspace in between actual important story details, so much so that you could honestly skip chapters at a time and still be in the same spot as before progress-wise in the story.

It's often said that one... more>> of the most important principles of good writing is not wasting your readers time, to do that you want to be concise in your writing, far too often reading this I felt like the author was just going off on random tangents to fill the word count, or possibly he really believed what he was writing was so interesting that we needed to see it.

Every chapter feels like a first draft, I can't imagine the author spent any time revising and it shows to a staggering degree.

I wanted to like this, but it's become clear that this novel doesn't respect my time. <<less
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July 22, 2018
Status: c338
Pretty great story. The translator does an excellent job on this also and, as is apparent, has done a TON of translating! (HOORAY!!!)

The great parts of the story... Fantastic RPG-style reincarnation story. Good action throughout. Main Character is a bit OP, but is one of several OP characters.

Meh/Iffy parts of the story... The MC imports technology from modern day into an iron-age culture. So, lots of discussion about manufacturing rubber (armor and cond*ms) as well as steel work, and more chemistry than any produce salesman (even one who... more>> went through military officer training; I speak from personal experience) has ANY business knowing. The arc regarding the dungeon really draaaaaaaaaaags on. Until the huge payday, out of nowhere, at the final defeat of the dungeon, it is unclear why the MC feels that this is advancing his goal of forming his own sovereign nation.

Bad parts of the story... not many. The MC is a bit dumb regarding relationships for someone who was a 40-something year old married man. (I think that the author is using this as a gag/trope.) Also, the start of the 3rd chapter/arc is a bit strange, and spoils the story. (It pretty much establishes that the MC wins and becomes a god, or always was a god? Either way, trivializes his struggles a bit.)

I'm looking forward to reading more about this story, though the author hasn't posted anything since 3/26/18 (as of the time of this review)... thus the story is looking a bit DEAD. Hope I'm wrong. Either way, enjoy what is translated. <<less
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