Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World


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Su Zimo got a store called ‘Ayuyuyu.’

Selling the goods in the store can increase his remaining life, but Su Zimo has to first go to the nightmare world to collect goods!

Senior cannon fodder: Newcomer over there, put down the vase, put down the paper towels, put down A-Piao’s shoes! Run!!

Shop: It’s ‘An Yu Yi Yu,’ not ‘Ayuyuyu’

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Recommendation Lists
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  3. Magic shop of sorts
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  5. Unlimited flow - horror

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67 Reviews sorted by

chocolatechipcookie rated it
July 21, 2020
Status: Completed
I have mixed feelings tbh, I got hooked to the point that I was willing to read the mtl version. Now thay Ive finishes this, I don't know whether I should cry or be angered. It's extremely rushed, the author just seriously gave up. A word of advice to new readers, don't bother reading this because you'll get disappointed. There's just too much wasted character potential and world building, the author just decided to have a quick 10-chapter wrap up of everything even though it doesn't make sense.

You'll get this... more>> feeling that the story universe is huge but NOPE author just decided to dump everything in a few chapters with no buildup whatsoever, it's just so disappointing, The 20th Nightmare world sounds like just the beginning but NOPE it's the end :/. Not to mention the two other blank slates for the store location. Too much plot holes in the end, it feels so shitty. I enjoyed the worlds but honestly the ending makes everything so not worth it, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I can't believe that I wasted my time reading this.

Pretty sure I saw this under the Shounen Ai section, I feel scammed, I still enjoyed this though except I'm extremely unsatisfied with the ending. It makes you feel that there's a book 2 but NOPE there's not, it ended just lile that. Then there's that shitty time skip in the end. Su Zimo the protagonist is so beautiful that even guys turn gay for him but author just turned that into passing remarks. Closest person to an ML is probably the Ghost Umbrella lmao and that's not saying much, at most the umbrella princess carried the MC and it's because it was inevitable.... At least they're inseparable? Honestly their relationship is just like a pet-human type of relationship

Su Hewen sounded like an ML but he practically disappeared lmao, I'm not kidding when I say that there's ton of wasted characters and world building. So many intriguing things and nothing gets solved -_- in the end, interesting characters don't appear again even though you think that they would like wtf THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH THAT SHOULD BE SAID TO THE POINT THAT IT'S SO UNSATISFYING UGH

Summary: Pretty sure this got axed, everything went in the drain. This is one of the most unsatisfying novels that I've ever read, ending s**ked ass. Too much wasted opportunities, it's sad. <<less
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Elena Ravenwood
Elena Ravenwood rated it
June 19, 2020
Status: v1c15
I've read the latest translated chapter and it does not dissapoint. The translation is very good, using the right choice of words and very immersive. The main character isn't very interesting, but the distinct plot and various amazing sub plot reedem and may I say offset the lackluster MC. Very worth your time. However, I notice that some people rate this novel unjustifiably low and claimed to have completed the novel, which is very weird considering only few chapters are out. I can only assume they're either reading Machine Translated... more>> Novels, intentionally sabotaging this work, or travelling back through time. Eitherway, from what is currently translated, I want to give it a 5 starssss. <<less
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dragonzflyte rated it
April 10, 2023
Status: c138
There are some uncomfortable elements (oblique mentions of in*est in a few chapters, which was pretty ick), and the main character definitely fills the overdone godly beauty trope, but I actually really loved the plot. The ending could use a bit of TLC, but everything was internally consistent, and the foreshadowing meant that none of the reveals were completely out of nowhere.

This definitely isn't a romance story, but if you're as sick of romances as I am that isn't really a bad thing. It's definitely gay, but like... in the... more>> sense that a horror /mystery story that just happens to have a relatively LGBT main cast is gay. They're still pretty focused on the whole horror/mystery before anything else. This is definitely exaggerated by the perspective of the main character, who wakes up from a coma to a series of disasters landing in his lap. Dude doesn't have time or energy for this "romance" stuff. <<less
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glitteryjoon rated it
August 30, 2022
Status: c1
I am not even sure where to begin..

First off, I guess I’ll start by saying that I’ve been off and on with this novel for a while. I picked up and tried to read it last year, and only managed the first chapter. Then, from last year to present day I’d remember it and be in need of a novel to read. I’d then try and pick this back up, only to repeatedly read the first two chapters and then put it down.

This time, I directly skipped the first 2... more>> or 3 chapters and started again and was finally able to pull through.

However, with the way this novel went I kind of regret reading it. It can’t even be called Shounen Ai or BL because there was no real romantic relationship between the MC and “ML” throughout the entire main chapter.

I may not care if the novel is heavy on the romance, but if it claims to have romance at all then I expect to see hints of something developing. Meanwhile, the entire novel is an occasional flirtatious whisper from the ML and the MC dodging him and switching subjects. Then at the end he’s suddenly “realizing” what his ‘care’ is. It’s a cop out.

If you read this wanting a BL aspect, don’t waste your time.

If I’m being honest, I was mostly hoping the main plot was going to be about finding out which family member harmed him, but I guess I was too naïve. The family drama took a trunk seat. Hell, even the store was in the backseat to the nightmare world and the various worlds.

It was interesting enough to to keep me reading since I have nothing better to read, but I was hoping the main plot was the store and selling things, but it wasn’t.

3.5 on the low in. <<less
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Shrike1978 rated it
January 19, 2022
Status: Completed
I really give this story a 4.3 stars. The only reason is the ending is very rushed and many plot pieces and characters were discarded or left unresolved. I understand that the author rushed because they got sick partway through the story -and props for finishing under those circumstances!- but it does take away from the story to have so much unresolved.

That said. I thought the concept was really interesting, to have the MC be a character who stands slightly outside the whole nightmare survival experience with the ability to... more>> pick and choose whether to participate and to provide and obtain tools from those nightmare worlds. It creates a slightly different perspective of everything that happens in those worlds. Also for a character to stay behind after the participants leave and see what happens next.

I also liked how there were ghosts who were flat out bad, but there were other ghosts who were just wrongs or aggrieved, so there were shades of morality among the ghosts as well as the humans.

Even with the unavoidably shortened end, this was still quite an interesting story that was worth reading. <<less
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zorroggggg55555 rated it
December 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Not bad.I actually liked it very much. But its not ' one of the best ' or a ' gem '. Plot and each arcs are interesting and fun, I really liked it. It has little to no romance. I was actually waiting for MLs entry at the first part orf the noevl, then, I only realised that our shop's black umbrella is the ML only when I saw how the author was giving him OP powers. But I didnt mind that much. I like with or without romance in... more>> any novels

Only the ending was a bit disappointing.I actually didnt except it to end like that at all. It would have been nice if there were some more arcs, thats it. But I guess other than the plot being interesting, the novel is a bit bland

Still its a good read for people who like #worldhopping #horror genres <<less
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luxe rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: Completed
The story is pretty exceptional, intriguing and a worthwhile read. I'm thankful the author finished the story as best they could. That said, like other reviewers said, the story does suffer from an abrupt closure instead of a slow explore of all the mysteries the world has to offer. The wrap up was too fast, the main villain shown and destroyed in one go despite lots of foreshadow. I read that the author became ill, so I understand. RL > story.

Oh, do not read this if you're looking for obvious... more>> BL. Maybe it the length of the story stretched out, it'd show, but it doesn't. As it is, it's just a world where romance is not within the top 10 importance rankings, but it's not strictly a BG world either. <<less
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Fuchou rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: Completed
I loved this so much huhu I wish it were longer, but the Author got sick. It was already high quality, if the Author was healthy, it would have been phenomenal!
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imsimplybored rated it
April 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Most people here in the reviews pretty much say the same things: great novel but the ending and lack of romance was disappointing; - while the ending might not be the best, as it was rushed because the author apparently had gotten sick, I liked it. It leaves me stuck in a daydream, dunno how to explain, and the lack of actual "romance" was honestly refreshing from other BL stories. Anyways, you'll get through it quickly, so simply try it. Night.
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earlgreyt rated it
March 20, 2022
Status: Completed
An incredible journey!

Have you ever wondered how the NPCs or the behind-the-scenes of those typical survival game/unlimited flow/escape game worlds worked?

Well, here's a story from an unusual perspective.

... more>> The MC is not a player or challenger of those worlds, rather he's like functional NPC who can traverse between the world (s) at will. He's almost never in life-threatening danger, more of an observer, someone who has more knowledge and tools than the ones around.

Armed with his OP weapons (and item shop), the MC gets the closest of anyone to the origins of the Nightmare world, while clearing different instances with his own unique perspective.

MC is also quite moral. He gives everyone a chance and chooses paths towards kindness first before retaliation or ruthlessness.


ML is also quite possibly the most OP existence. Ordinarily, these kinds of MLs can make the story feel boring, but the author avoided that for the most part because the MC's purpose was not to defeat all the nightmares/levels, but to collect treasure and build up his shop as well as handle matters in the real world, which the ML wasn't able to be of much help with.


Ultimately, this is not a story about leveling up (MC is quite powerful already) but a cleverly woven tale that puts a different spin on the myriads of world-clearing, points-collecting infinite-flow type stories.

Translation was good overall, very immersive and enjoyable read with only a few stumbles. <<less
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Moona rated it
February 28, 2022
Status: Completed
Absolutely amazing. Loved it mwah mwah. MC is very well put together and likeable. The stories in each instance are interesting, I love how they focus on the ghosts as people and not just plot devices. If you like infinite flow, you'll love this, top tier.
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Onyo.onyo rated it
November 25, 2021
Status: Completed
The plot of this novel is quite interesting. It doesn't focus on romance so don't expect to eat dog food when you read it. I really like how this novel depicts each character not just separate evil or good. The depiction of the side characters is quite realistic in making choices even though maybe I myself don't like the choice of side characters. As for the actual plot, I hoped to solve the problems one by one throughout the novel, but the author chose to pile it up at the... more>> end. But from other reviews I've read it looks like the author was sick or experienced something while writing the end of the novel so I think that's understandable. Choosing an ending that hangs is actually the right choice because the world has a lot of plot holes, it's just that I'm not satisfied with how the world's background is depicted, which even though I fill it with my own imagination, it still doesn't come together. Either way it's pretty good and worth reading for readers who are tired of romance novels. <<less
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Dingbang rated it
November 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Came searching for steel and found a diamond, hehe~ this story is extremely awesome but has moments that will make you want to drop it. Keep going, because is worth the effort.

It's shonen ai to the bone, so don't expect a lot of romance.

If you read the comments, you'll learn that the author got sick in a part so yeah, the ending is a bit rushed.

I wish we got more extras, like from Hewen's pov or Zimo's dad and more info about when it all finished (if it had even... more>> an end). <<less
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xuevie rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: Completed
It's really a 4.5/5 - the concept of this novel is pretty refreshing as the MC isn't a player in the 'survival game', but a shop owner for the nightmare world, so instead of the novel going through the how to solve games, it focuses on the stories behind the 'games/worlds', MC's family, relationships with others and his ability to grow and manage his shop. Not your typical survival game novel, yup! Although the few chapters before the ending and the ending itself weren't as great as how the... more>> novel began (cuz the author got sick halfway through), and that it was romantic subplot (dog food would've been great!), it still was very enjoyable. The MC really is too humble, or maybe he's indifferent due to the accident, but it would've been nice to see the MC show off his status/talents/etc. The ML is super cool, and the interactions between MC and ML is great! Do consider reading it :) <<less
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Blaex rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the best novel I had ever read. But its not quite satisfied ending I'm hoping for more. Although the chapter are nice and I do like it very much. If you are hoping for romance scene nope lol. I believe it should be tagged as shounen only.. But ill will not stop you to imagine it haha like me.. Overall this novel are tiptop.. Try reading it ur self.
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xKoTsu rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Oh. My. God.


I love how the protagonist really has a good balance between meddling in the 'human' affairs and being a melon eater!

... more>> I honestly didn't expect much but since I am a sucker for transmigration into npc type, this was such a fun ride.

And I just l o ve how the story ended! Even though, essentially, it is a closing of one story, it felt like I am reading the next one in the same time, leaving me im both fulfillment yet yearning for more! That was super duper awesome!!

And honestly, if you are looking for a very dedicated and centered romance BL, I'm sorry, you found the wrong book. But please do try this one out since this was such a pleasent thing to read! It has such a nice worldbuilding and plot! I didn't even realize I was done until I clicked the next button and it bring me into a homepage section of the books, haha! <<less
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August 22, 2021
Status: Completed
Good stuff but don't expect it to be yaoi lol. It's more like a bromance?? Like I think they could be gay (and I can sense that if this story is longer they'd be a couple) but even until the end the relationship didn't start. It was only mentioned briefly that they're partners (implied lovers) and that's it.

If you like the infinite flow genre then give this a go, but if you're searching for romance then don't lol. The main focus is the plot, story and action and the relationship... more>> of MC with his surroundings. Overall still a great read tho and other reviewers have also mentioned interesting points regarding the story itself. I feel like it deserves a higher rating but seeing it has little to none romance for a Shounen ai genre, I can understand why people rated it badly.

It in a way gives a similar feeling to bl adapted to dramas where the main CP turns into bromance where you kno they probs gay but like there's no actual romance going on lol.

Ending was rushed, I feel like it should've been longer but it was cut short because the author was sick I think. If it were longer, more things could be explored and the relationship would probs show more then what's available in this story currently. Overall still a decent read so I suggest in giving it a go.

Also regarding the romance, I feel like the ML probs like the MC first since he shows very very subtle signs of possesivenes for the MC. While MC is only shown to have a strange liking and feeling of ease with ML who is


the ghost umbrella.


Don't expect romance, seriously there's almost none of it. There's only subtle hints throughout, there's no progression- they're just together by the end somehow. <<less
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July 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I like it! I'd probably describe it as a passerby story. Dude (MC) came to buy soy sauce, got inconvenient by people who liked his face too much/screamed at him, watched them destroy themselves because of their hubris. Then went home all the while talking to his ghost umbrella boyfriend.

Although I think the exposition are a little tedious, you can just skim and get the gist if the pace feels like it's dragging on. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the supporting characters such as the dad etc.... more>> because the characters didn't have time to fully flesh them out- so sometimes it really does feel like they're one or two dimensional. It also... doesn't make you care as much, rather; interactions that can show you why the MC cares about these people. So it's like...


awkward smiles when the dad does something, when the gossip about his illegitimate children were never communicated, cleared up for any particular reason? Not even to his family nor the media, even though they're quite famous/reputable in the area? Nor was it explained to his only child whom he claims to care about and cherish? There was absolutely no communication on why such a thing happened?? The--- emotional and internal aspect of relationship dynamics are a little bit lacking when it's not about an antagonist who's gonna attack the MC. It seems very surface level, which might just? be what the author intended to demonstrate between these characters? considering the MC's disposition but? Still. Even if it's the MC's problem, on the dad part I'm not even sure what to think of him as a character.


I think all the quests are interesting, really fascinating and not at all typical. Really goes in-depth which I appreciated and couldn't stop reading! I wasn't really interested in the family aspect of the MC at the beginning, but it became interwoven to the story later so it's quite fine. Still, after all this I'd probably just tell new readers to expect more exposition bout the MC's background like, 50% of the story. I read a review that akin this to xxxHolic and honestly I agree, I kinda dig that. The MC isn't omnipotent or overpowered so you still feel a little rush everytime he might be in danger. But yeah! A good ride!!

Oh yeah, the romance. Honestly I think it's fine, I think the plot in this novel is about the world building. So literally I think this is the best choice, I'd rather the story flow naturally. i.e. MC learning about the world, the people in it/those who interacts with them, the difference between worlds etc. It makes sense not to force/push the romance so the ML would protect him unnecessarily all the time. Romance isn't the focus here, but rather a bonus. It has that very light shounen ai, it's undeniable, but still very much focus on other things as the plot. Which I enjoy and like quite alot!


The part about Dawn Organization makes me think of the dangers of mlm. Pyramid schemes in the story as part of the plot/moral of the story is quite interesting?

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Rollandx rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Well, it's ending so suddenly but I like it so much. I like how the the relationship between MC and his family and Nightmare World.


What can't I expected was the ML. In the beginning I think the ML was Su Hewen, but it suprised me when I read in the last chapter that the ML was Black Umbrella


I'm sorry for my bad English
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lugathe rated it
April 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I don't like shounen Ai and even active filter it. Actually, I don't like any romance at all not even harem.

But there's no such thing here. There's a bromance but not a love interest. It's like kuroshitsuji no ML no romance. Just some love between characters.

It's worth the read. I'm sad with the rushed ending but it was great.

You should read.

This review is only for those who dislike romantic affairs and maybe hesitate to read this good novel.

Thank you!
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