Number One Zombie Wife


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Transmigrating into his own novel and becoming a zombie, Mu Yifan was even more conflicted!

Transmigrating into his own novel and becoming the zombie king that had killed the male lead who was reborn one month before the Apocalypse and wanted to take revenge, Mu Yifan has lost his calm!

Therefore, he decided to become heartless. He has to get rid of the male lead before he is reborn!


Hold on, what kind of rhythm is this?

Didn’t he write a Science Fiction novel?

How did it become a Danmei?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Đệ Nhất Thi Thê
Related Series
I Woke Up Pregnant With An Undead’s Child (4)
The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse (4)
Counterattack of a White Lotus that was Reborn into an Apocalypse (3)
Back to the Apocalypse (3)
Rebirth of MC (2)
Apocalypse Meltdown (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Ice Cube (Warm Inside) X Sunshine (Shameless) (BL)
  2. apocalyptic
  3. Male Protagonist Novel
  4. want to read
  5. current read.

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140 Reviews sorted by

PotatoCakes rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: c50
This novel can be summarized by: the dumbest MC to ever exist gets pregnant by ch2 and doesn't realize it for 100 more chapters. The MC has less than 2 brain cells to rub together. The ML has the emotions of a zombie and the depth of a sheet of paper. The plot is pointless and dull. You would think based on the premise, being the author of the novel, the MC would have some kind of advantage. Instead, all he does is sleep and eat all day. Even though... more>> he based the characters on the people in his own life, it doesn't manifest at all in his relaionships in the story.

I can't seem to understand what people see in this novel. <<less
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izayaYY rated it
March 4, 2020
Status: c1
This is sincerely one of the best zombie BL novels. There is so much to praise in this story as it hits all my good points. There is really nothing that annoyed me except for the bad translation... I don't mind 'chinglish' as it brings authenticity and atmosphere and makes the experience more immersive... but often translator got 'he' and 'she' mixed up and confused even the name of the characters which I find unforgivable lol... but I still enjoyed the story immensely.

There is so much love and feelings shining... more>> through in this novel, not just the love between the protags but also love from family and friends, sometimes even compassion for the enemies, which is quite rare in a zombie apocalypse. <<less
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February 16, 2019
Status: Completed
I just started this novel last week. Then, start to MTL this novel from Tuesday or Monday.. I really feel in love with this novel fast. It's good! It has it silly time, serious times and I especially love their interaction together. How both of them help and supporting each other... Man, how I seriously cried at the end of novel arc. My heart still hurts. It makes the ending of it worth it thou~ I finish this novel in 5days~ xD

MTL is pretty easy for this novel.. I can... more>> understand google translate almost 80% I guess~

I hope this novel will be translated soon~! Good luck translator sann~! <<less
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ViralAeon rated it
February 6, 2019
Status: Completed
A must read zombie novel that includes multiple rebirths and almighty-knoweth-all-novel-god!
I've read this novel at least 3, maybe 4 times in the span of 8 months....

So much fluff! Progressive relationship that is so sweet and even cheesy at times! Plus, the best part, our shou/uke MC is very assertive and attacks our beloved ML for tons of *ahem* time! I honestly prefer it when the shou/uke is more assertive in the relationship and takes more initiative than just the usual giving into the ML.

There are also plenty of funny moments that burst in the middle of very serious moments, but just at the right time too! The face slapping, scheming, and the author's subtle dropping of major plot point hints that hit you by surprise is absolutely genius! The characters are all consistent with their true self and their actions don't ever feel random. Plot points that appear in the beginning will sneak back up later on you. This novel drops plot twists and omg moments all over the place but they never feel strange!

This novel definitely follows the golden rule: "once is chance, twice is coincidence, third time is a pattern!" And then we all feel like the Scooby Gang or Sherlock Holmes at the end of the day! XD

I honestly don't have any major complaints except I wish the *ahem* moments were faded to black or summarized... My only complaint!

Oh, another reason you should read this novel is because the fight scenes are really EPIC!!!! There are car chases, 1v1, 1vgroup, an entire war, and the final showdown is absolutely perfect! (I'm honestly jumping up and down in excitement right now really trying to keep myself from spoiling anything) ! Also, the fight scenes don't just focus on the MC and ML fighting! And the "grunts" have names!!

I just love this novel! Read it and find out why!!

God Speed Readers!!!!
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takame rated it
October 15, 2018
Status: Completed
So far, I am loving this novel. Even when I am reading through MTL, I can see that the story is pretty good. It's the complete package. #Power couple, nice twist, good fighting scenes, well-planned universe and the way it was related won't make you bored. It may be only shounen-ai but it's ok so as not to distract away from the gripping story. I am looking forward the day the scanlation team do more. I am sure to re-read it.

... more>>

BTW, among the LNs I've read so far, this has the most romantic proposal I'd ever seen. I'm doing my best not to scream when ML took MC out of the window and made some ice road or something at the sky to propose. It was well described I could imagine the scene.


#sweet #PDA romance - For me, the balance between action, romance and sci-fi fantasy is pretty good. I can DEFINITELY feel the love between them and it added to it's epicness. Gong is very showy of his feelings. He ain't the usual stoic, hard to figure out gong but you can feel it in your bones how the uke is the biggest love of his life.

#mpreg #gender issues - I like how in this story the kid calls both parents are addressed as father. The story is straightforward when it comes to calling gays and gay couple usage of terms. There is no pseudo-female treatment. Quite a rarity in asian manga/webnovel I am asked.

#family stuff - it's my favourite part. I like the progress the couple made to make both their families accept them as a couple. They did not live in secret or fear, they wanted to show people that they wanted to be a family and be treated as a family.

#MTL: Finished, Oct 29. What an epic ending. I teared up around the ending of the second to the last arc but it was soothed by a good ending. I cannot ask for more. The whole plot is solid. It may be impossible for me to judge the writing style skills of the creator since I don't know a single thing about chinese but the whole pacing is undeniably good. <<less
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Kurokatana64 rated it
August 23, 2018
Status: --
Beautiful. This novel is just beautiful, unlike other novels the characters doesn’t fall in love right away, it wasn’t slow either which was a blessing. The way mu yifan and zhan beitian show their love for each other is so sweet that half of the time I just kept on smiling like idiot and the ending of the story mode is so bittersweet. This story is also not very predictable while there are some cliche abilities like space magic. Or magical spring water. But it’s the way the author use... more>> these cliche theme and create a complete different scene. When beitian offer some spring water to yifan, yifan actually don’t want because it would expose his identity of being a zombie. The space magic also wasn’t mention much and wasn’t overly exaggerated like some novels. For the first time in a while I’m actually very satisfied with a novel’s ending even though usually I’m very picky. I was literally bawling my tears out and my eyes are red as I’m typing this review. Also had to waste a dozen of tissue. I’m lazy as hell too this is actually my first ever review on this website (maybe) so that says something about this novel that motivates me who is known for being a sloth, to write a review. <<less
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fancytofu rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: Completed
Read this using MTL starting at like chapter 30 since I found it easier than some of the translations.

So when I saw the mpreg tags and the reviews talking about mpreg, my naive ass didn't realize that the mpreg started at like ch3 or something and is the plot-driver for the next 40 chapters!

And during this pregnancy, things are weird and the MC is kinda dumb. And I have some problems with all of this.

... more>>

What is this qingtian pill? Did the ML always have it or did he carry it from his first life? Did it always have a consciousness of its own? Why did it choose to fly into MC's mouth? Did it always want a body? Was this all answered in the novel and my mtl'd brain just didn't pick it up?


The story doesn't really get good until he gives birth. I have some theories on why that it's because that's when MC realizes it's not just a book to him anymore and he's now attached (and has a kid now) so now he's all in, original plot be damned. He's aware of the butterfly effect and doesn't get too hung up on changes.

After giving birth, it becomes a regular zombie apocalypse flick but with a cute kid and multiple zombies being high level and having consciousness which is different from most novels in the same genre. You get a feel of how the end of the world affected different types of people and we get a little insight to different people who revel in their new zombie bodies and those who have to come to terms with the trauma that's included.

If you have some patience, just try to make it past the first 30-40 chapters to get to the fun parts. The chapters are super short so it shouldn't take too long.

(Edit to add:)

What the f*ck is up with their age difference in reality. Now that they're adults I know they're in their late 20s/early 30s which made things awesome. It explained why they were so responsible when it came to leading the city and why they were so decisive when they realized they liked each other.

But reality Beitian admitted that he fell in love with MuMu when he was 18 and MuMu was 12??!!!

I had assumed they were close in age since they were childhood friends and was wondering why he was initially going to marry Mumu's sister if Beitian was much younger than her. But boy, this is kinda ruined it for me.

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BabaZhao rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: Completed
LOVE THIS BOOK!! 💘😻 I honestly do not understand what's the dislike about but I also understand that everyone has their own opinions. This is gonna be a long-ass rant. Be prepared. You have been warned.

This book had horrible grammar after Chapter sixty-six (66) but it's still readable and understandable if you tilt your brain enough. 😂 As a grammar nazi, I was frustrated and would often swear at the horrible translation but the curiosity of how everything would unfold in the story kept me going. Somehow in the middle... more>> of the story, everything became more understandable and bearable and I realized that the grammars improved to some extent. So, that's that with its review on the translation. Now, let's review the story.

Okay, first of all, I'd like to refute the reviews above about how MC is "dumb". Honestly, as a straight (supposedly) man who wrote his own novel, he was in denial about his s*xual orientation and his status in the novel. He didn't believe that everything that was happening to him was real. He didn't want to acknowledge it. There were instances when he saw the pregnancy books, medicines, etc., and thought nothing of it because he was IN DENIAL. He doesn't believe that men can get pregnant because, in reality, men could never get pregnant. He also didn't believe that he was pregnant because, in his book, he wrote nothing of men being able to get pregnant nor had he had any intentions of his book being a Danmei. He also thought that it was because of Endometriosis (which was mentioned when he searched the reason why his belly was bloated before knowing it was because of the Jade Pendant, our cutie, and also this is a real disease especially in women) and because of that, he didn't entertain the idea of being pregnant. So, when he gave birth, he finally FINALLY accepted that he indeed gave birth and was pregnant and is now attached to his baby.

Second, the reason why he went to places where there is a dense population of zombies wasn't because of his own volition. The ML and his group decided to raid those places so that they can find survivors and help them. The MC is not even a bit afraid of the lower zombies because he himself is a zombie already (🙄). What he was afraid of was being found out and being controlled by higher zombies. And have y'all forgotten his identity inside the novel?? Like seriously?? Didn't he transmigrate into the most hated enemy of the ML?? The one who tried to kill the ML countless times and finally succeeded causing the ML to go back in time before the apocalypse?? How could he just say "hey, there's a lot of zombies here, let's leave this place" when in the first place, nobody believes and trusts him?? I wouldn't even believe a traitor's words much more them who had gone through life and death but was betrayed and caused one of their teammates to die before the apocalypse.

Third, even if he was the author and even if he knew the plot like the back of his hand, it is bound to change. Sure, there would be advantages and he could prepare for the future (which he didn't because he was so into the fact that he transmigrated into his book and was guilty of using the names of his loved ones as the villains and all. Oh wait, he did. He told his father to save all the money they have and collect food sources and such but not that thorough unlike the ML) but with him being transmigrated into the book and into the body of the main villain, no less, the butterfly effect is bound to take place which he could not predict at all. You can clearly tell that there were times where he was frustrated at not being able to call the shots and predict the future. And we could already tell that he's not that smart but he certainly ain't dumb; more like average sort of author. He even lamented the fact that he should've written the specifics when it comes to powers, world-building, names of the characters, etc., so predicting the future is already out of the question.

Fourth, Romance. Did you really say the romance was forceful?? No chemistry??? They got together just because of the stone?? Honestly, have y'all read the ENTIRE novel?????? Because I kid you not, the romance was SLOW BURN. Sure, at first, it may be because of the Jade pendant that the ML stayed but he also stayed because he didn't trust the MC until they were always together and the MC finally convinced the ML that he had "changed" (quotations because he did not just change, he became an entirely different person). They rebuilt their relationship and started being FRIENDS. The ML got to know the MC better and they started to fall for one another (of course with the help of little bunbun on the side). Both of them work so well when with each other and can be independent on their own which is a plus point. Both of them mind privacy and respects one another. There is consent whenever they get lovey-dovey AND the ML is super duper supportive of what the MC does and vice versa. And guess what, they COMMUNICATE. 😃 Like if there are problems that arise (jealousy, family, friends, etc.,) they talk to each other instead of snubbing the other. So, where's the forceful romance?? The lack of chemistry???? Please jump in the Yellow Spring

Fifth, character development. Again, have you read the entire novel??? ML's character development from being close-minded and basically a jerk towards the MC was written well. Besides, the only reason why he's super angry at the MC is that he was the reason why the ML and his squad almost died at the hands of the terrorists pre-apocalypse with a casualty of one death. The original villain was also always against the ML at every turn when they were still in the military. As for the MC, he got smarter, albeit not to the point of him being a genius. He figured things out much faster and investigated what needs to be investigated beforehand before telling his hubby about everything he knew. He also made advanced preparations if something unexpected happens. Also, the side characters really had character developments. From being homophobic to being supportive and from being against in their relationship because of their past feud. It wasn't abrupt but gradual. Like how it's supposed to be. They also had to explain and appease their families and loved ones into accepting their relationship and made sure that it was with consent with their families first before they went public. Now, if that's not what character development is all about, then I don't know what is. 🤷‍♀️ Sixth, know why they always let the villain go and wait for him to pop up? Well, for starters, PLOT. Geez, he's the main villain, if they immediately killed him, what's the point of the entire story??? Second, why waste hunting the villain when the ML and MC know that he'll come to them anyway?? They have more important things to do like building order, making sure that the survivors aren't starving themselves, finding an antidote to the virus, finding more survivors, and creating a new world for everyone. Besides, the villain is not the only Zombie King. Third, the ML is indeed ruthless but as I've said, have you read the novel??

The only thing that's holding the ML back from killing the villain is the pleas of his uncle and the MC's father.

(Curious? Read the novel so that you'll understand) So, no. The ML's strength and reputation of being ruthless are not for "fluff".

Seventh, and I think this would be the last one I'll talk about, is the issue of the MC's sister. This event/situation happened in the real world. Kind of confusing to explain if you haven't read the novel. Here it goes.


The sister of MC and ML CONSPIRED together. The truth was, the sister only had a crush on the ML when they were younger. The ML thought that since the MC doesn't go that way, there would be no way for them to be together. Why do you ask? Well, the MC was so adamant that he liked this girl who was his next-door neighbor and was kind of close to her (but truth be told, she was only close to the MC because she got the hots for the ML). So, the s*upid ML thought "if I can't be his husband, then I'll his brother-in-law so that I can still look after him and still have a reason to be close to him" s*upid, I know. But the sister told him that she has a boyfriend already and insisted that the MC does indeed have feelings for the ML, so they decided to test the MC's feelings for the ML which was not a f*cking good idea because he nearly killed himself. 🤦‍♀️ So, to sum this all up: No, the MC did not seduce his sister's fiancé, and no, the ML and the sister are not in a romantic relationship at all and sees each other only as a family, so there wasn't any cheating involved. Got that?

So, that's that. I mean, if you've read until the end, you'll know every f*cking single thing about the novel. 😃 As a closing remark, please please PLEASE for those who gave reviews (and will give reviews) to make sure to READ and UNDERSTAND the ENTIRE novel up until the end, not only this novel but all the other novels that you're going to give reviews. Because honestly, there are a lot of good novels out there that are tarnished by such negative reviews thus making people afraid or hesitant to read such good books. Friendly advice, if you're going to drop the book halfway, then it would be better to make reviews according to what you have read and not judge the entirety of the book. ^^ <<less
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Raizel_Pendragon rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: Completed

I liked the story quite a bit and it had a fun MC (Mu Yifan) who really knows how to flirt adorably. Moreover it's an interesting concept- a transmigrator meets reincarnator in an apocalyptic world were they (MC's body in novel world and the protagonist ML) share a blood feud. I liked how their relationship was not 'love at first sight' but slowly cultivated over time and that they had to face and overcome a lot of opposition from their families cause of the same-s*x nature of their relationship (it... more>> was both realistic and heartwarming to see how they slowly worked and garnered their elders' approval). I also love how they are almost equally powered.

the shou MC was not fully dependant on the OP ML. He was OP on his own as the Zombie King with the copying and nullification abilities.

they were interdependent yet independent. And the KID!! Can never forget that smart and adorable little bean!

Unfortunately, the story's filled with plot holes that are never well explained. The MC is the AUTHOR! Now that I've stressed that which is important yet often forgotten by the author him/herself I'll list out why I couldn't enjoy it fully while keeping my brain intact


1.) There's this friend of Mu Yifan's Zhuang Zi Yue, who was infected by zombie virus when Mu Yifan accidentally scratched him. At the time MC already knew he was infective but instead of warning him/ teaching him what to do and how to control himself and stay sane instead of turning into a brain-dead brain-eater, he brushed it off with a couple of apologies... The poor guy later turned into a zombie, was not able to control himself, lost consciousness and ATE HIS MOTHER & FATHER in addition to another friend's mother, who worked for their family!! Like WTF man! You could've easily helped your friend. I know he was "supposed to" turn into a zombie and become one of orgMuYifan's closest subordinates but you could've easily offset the trauma of killing and eating his own parents for him💔 I really can't blame him for wanting MC to suffer.

2.) MC's lack of sense of danger... Like bro you wrote the freakin novel. Oh! Forget your friend wanting you dead and that btch RongXue running around draining blood and eating kids... There's the looming threat called Zhan Nan Tian. Or rather orgMuYifan in his body. You know what will happen if a zombie King is born. You know the orgMuYifan's soul is in Zhan Nan Tian's body. You know his power is above yours pre apocalypse. You know once a zombie King is born all low levels (including yourself) would be forced to obey him. You know he wants to kill your lover and probably everyone related to him. You can probably guess that he might try control and use you against him... But still the MC would rather spend his time rolling around romancing with his bf than cultivate frantically to achieve the King status before his enemy. Like what??🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm not against you feeding the readers and other characters enough dogfood to cause indigestion but I really can't understand how you don't put survival and safety before s*x and recreation??

And on that note- how can one casually engage in se*ual activities with ones lover before getting a highly infective deadly virus under control?? Earlier experience prove that it's easy to get scratched by mistake but still I never saw any mention of MC being tied up each time they roll in the bed 🌝

3.) The instance of mass zombie burning lead to the 'black rain' that invigorates zombies, cause animals, plants, insects and even fishes to mutate and upgrade their levels... Both the reborn ML and author/transmigrator MC knew of this. But neither tried putting a stop to it when they're both heirs to two of the most powerful families in the post apocalyptic world. At first I thought it's cause the rain was what caused people to 'awaken' as power users... but later on it's evident that it was unnecessary. Any life death situation can bring out the "potential" and cause select people to become power users. And In an apocalyptic world I doubt that danger is hard to come by. The loses sustained from sudden power ups from zombies and emergence of mutated beings far outweigh the gains from a small number of people awakening powers. And I wonder how many more turned into zombies outside their camp because they didn't know about not going out into the rain..

4.) I understand that there needs to be some "stories don't need full marks on logic"while reading novels, but this novel takes it way too far. Like-

A.) How the MC never cared about how big his stomach got while being 'pregnant' with the bead. It was really big and noticeable (and concerning) but our MC really just believed that it is 'flatulence' for nearly a hundred chapters months🤦🏻‍♂️ (despite knowing he swallowed the MLs'magical bead🌝)

B.) Mu Qing Tian's time travel- the kid traveled 3m into the past to stop MC from starting the anti-zombie drugs cause he collapsed due to 'sudden' aggravation of bone cancer into terminal stage (from the first stage that was 'frozen' indefinitely when he became a zombie.). But MC refused and the reason given is if he (MQT) change the past he will not be okay. And depending on whether the situation is serious or not he may turn back to beads and wake up after a hundred years of sleep Or might disappear from the world.... It sounds as if MQT will have to pay the price of changing "fate" as a whole. And in a timeline he did, apparently MC was killed after being struck by "heavenly lightning"...😑In a novel filled with multiple reincarnated individuals, transmigrator, soul swappers and a timeline/'fate'of characters that's not concurrent with that written out in the 'Novel', this sounds like absolute bs.. I feel like the author just didn't have any idea on how to get his (MYF's) soul back to the original world. They tried to make this a very touching moment extolling the MC's paternal love and sacrificial will but it was so frustratingly illogical that I couldn't even squeeze out a single tear...🙄

5. Sometimes the jokes popped up a bit too "randomly". Do people really joke around in between life death situations where there are people aiming for their lives?

6.) I'm disappointed in the ML... or rather the author who turned a supposedly smart, calm and ruthless to the enemy dude into a half-assed fluff scatterer who leaves all his enemies enough and more time and opportunities to gain adequate power and resources.

7.) It was told at beginning that spring water can cure any human illness (except the virus) Then how did Yi Fan's bone cancer recur and spread after soaking in it and drinking it multiple times? Shouldn't it have 'healed'??


Honestly this story is a bit airheaded like it's MC. And you can read it for the fluff with an illusion of tension (there is none. No matter how many Villains there are and how many times the MCs allow them to run away and gain power ups they can never cause serious losses to the MCs and their team... Guess the plot armor is strong in this one 🤷🏻‍♀️). So if you're looking for a post-apocalyptic survival story with smart characters who make smart decisions with the knowledge advantage they possess, this is not for you. <<less
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Tasear rated it
April 13, 2021
Status: Completed
I have no idea who finished the translation but thank you.

This story was even more special then I thought even after reading the spoilers. You just help and fall in love all the characters.

Definitely something I will read twice
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karyn0986 rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c360
Oh man, this story is an epic masterpiece.
I understand that the traduction could have been better but don't skip it. It's amazing, I can't remember the last time I cried so hard. The enviroment, the pain, the redemption and the love are immense. Don't be discouraged and read it, I needed a lot of tissues to finish it. For both sadness and joy.

Thank you Author for creating this world and these characters. Every single one deserve praise cause they are necessary to the development of MC/ML and the entire story.

Like another comment said, it's your loss if you miss it.
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October 27, 2020
Status: c66
Just a quick warning wanderer.

Enjoyed the novel very much till the last chapter translated by Dummy Novels. I am the type to not MTL novels as quality translation can greatly impact the flow of the story. If you are the same, I would recommend passing on this one as later translations are basically MTL.
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April 23, 2020
Status: c70
Really enjoyed it upto chapter 66 but then it was just unedited MTLed chapters that ruined my interest completely. I really hope someone will pick this novel and continue to translate it again ?? I really want to read the rest of this story ?
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Melange rated it
April 15, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is great. While I wouldn't say the world building is expansive, there's just the right amount of angst, romance, and mystery. It's not overly complicated and is a pretty easy read. MC and ML are adorable and distribute dog food to everyone equally.

Unfortunately, the translation is less than stellar. There's a billion typos, wrong pronouns, duplicated paragraphs, and wrong character names that sometimes leads to a lot of confusion. Some of the chapters are even uploaded in the wrong order... However, if you're used to reading MTL then... more>> it should be a minor nuance.

Despite being a HE novel, there needs to be a tragedy tag.


Because MC unexpectedly dies in the alternate world. It is a very realistic portrayal of the process of dying from illness as well as the impact of unexpected loss on ones' friends and family. Most novels will brush this off in one or two paragraphs but here it is fairly detailed.

Some of the characters lament that it wasn't supposed to happen like that, that MC and ML were supposed to get married, and that they didn't have time to apologize to MC and resolve their differences, and well... that's life. Even though I'd spoiled myself ahead of time, I still teared up because it was very emotional.


There weren't too many loose ends at the end of the novel, but I would have liked to know more about their children. For instance:


How did their first son become so omniscient and powerful? What happened to their second son?

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dday0425 rated it
March 24, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a great novel. There are so many things going on in the story, and it brings me various emotions from amusing to touching. It's pretty impressive.

Although I'm a bit bored when the storyline is obviously being dragged out again and again, the fluff does rescued it well. Besides, since both MC and ML are so compatible, I was fed with a lot of sugars. 😂 However, the antagonists are a bit too bland, with unseasonable viciousness. It's illogical, and they're dumb af. Although I didn't think they will... more>> be able to beat the protagonist's halo in the first place, I still hope them to have more depth to their vengeances, and maybe some more background story. <<less
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Rin.Rin rated it
February 12, 2020
Status: Completed
I'll just keep it short.

I loved everything part of this novel. The angst and romance development weren't out of nowhere and there were actual plot development.

Mainly wrote this review to say:

I am so thankful for all translators who have tried to translate this and to the one who finished it. I remember this novel was in the midst of translating and the website had to be taken down due to the author not permitting free translations (to which I understand not all authors enjoy their hard work being taken for... more>> granted). This novel was picked up by over 5 translators/group and I love this novel so much, so thank you so much for translating this! <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
January 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I was surprised by the number of reviews complaining about enemies not dying in one go, loose ends not being tied up. Consider popular culture like X-Men or Marvel movies, their enemies don't die after the first encounter either! It seems like a lot of people are too used to instant gratification and immediate face-slapping in other shallow CN.

This novel's reason for not doing so is worth reading to the end. Trust me, everything gets resolved.

Another thing I absolutely adored and it was a revelation: the title of this novel is not referring to the MC.

... more>>

The No. 1 Zombie's Wife is the ML!! I love it when authors don't obsess over who's on top/bottom and make the bottom the "girl" and call them the ML's "wife" (it happens 99% of the time).

The MC is very pro-active in the relationship and works just as hard as the ML.


The relationship, side plots, and side characters are pretty well done. There's not a huge amount of time spent in some of the backstories, but overall, the author does a good job foreshadowing things and setting the scene for later parts of the story and plot twists.


There is an overall feeling of trying to achieve peace at the end of the world. It's not about killing all the enemies or "war" against all zombies, but a genuine goal of redemption.


I love that after getting together, the MC and ML are not attached at the hip all the time either (which is awesome). They have their own circles, tasks and priorities but keep each other in mind and support each other. The plot is pretty good, it has a fairly realistic premise and the government/higher powers do try to regulate crime/other issues and provide support to un-privileged people.


Some of the infrastructure stuff was scattered around and didn't get as much development. For example, they passed out water to the super poor sector of the city during summer, but it didn't get developed any further to become more efficient civilian supports or to start a household census and regulate food/water/warmth (like during winter, none of the fire users were called to prevent people from freezing to death).

Another example is how there was an evacuation route during the zombie siege, but nobody informed civilians about the evacuation plan until there were literally zombies running through the streets (pretty unrealistic). Typically if there are evacuation plans in place, a government would control both simultaneously so there would be ability users/trained military defend the frontline WHILE other personnel evacuate civilians from the back. Not to mention, evacuation routes would definitely be practiced ahead of time to prevent panic and disorder during emergency.

And a couple more places like that where the author dropped the ball.


But overall, the story made sense and it was one of the few that had an actual court system to trial ability users, so that was cool for the author to develop and include.

And finally, translation is O.K., more readable than MTL but there were some things the translator got wrong:


Rong mama did NOT cheat on her ex-husband. Both daughters were born from her and her ex-husband, but he wanted custody of both daughters. Rong mama did not think he would treat their daughters well esp. With remarriage, BUT she was only awarded custody of one daughter. Therefore, in order to guarantee of good treatment of their 2nd daughter (custody awarded to the ex-husband), Rong mama traded in all her shares of the company.

But their 2nd daughter grew up knowing that her step-mom was not her real mom, so she resented her biological mom never visiting (not knowing that her biological mom was not allowed to visit her). And that's what caused the whole issue between the two sisters.


But much appreciated translating such a long 300+ chapter novel in a short time. <<less
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Qiaoyishanren rated it
March 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Wow! I've read this novel so many times and yet surprisingly I didn't leave any reviews at all.

Honest rate: 4.3

I'll give you my honest opinion ok? This is one of the first BL novel that I've read ever since I started reading here in NU. So I'll try not to be bias. Lol

Ok here it is.

  1. Imagine what will happen if you, an author suddenly found yourself in Ur own novel, not to mention Ur silly enough to create the characters out of the people around you in real life. That's too much to take right? None of us would be able to adjust the way the MC were force to face it.
  2. The MC is a pampered young master. He likes the ML too but doesn't have the courage to admit it. The childhood ML was engaged to his sister too. So yup, it's understandable.
  3. He looks exactly like the villain in his novel, so the ML and his Villain counterpart were mortal enemies. As the writer, damn He's just so s*upidly lazy to do that lol!
  4. The ML hate the villain so much, thus, the hate he receives towards the ML were justifiable for me, when you hate someone, you really cant change how to you see and feels towards that person in a snap, it takes time to realize whether that person has change or maybe that person was only pretending, not to mention those evil stuffs the villain did to the ML's Men, they were like family and friends to the ML so pls try to understand that part.
  5. This is a apocalyptic novel so they're all have abilities and so the MC ended being pregnant with the ML's child.
  6. The villains here are so damn annoying especially that woman who wanted the ML to be hers she's so ugh! Even the MC's step mother and step brother they're so annoying but the way they ended is kind of tragic. Hays.
  7. It took some time before the ML were able to accept his feelings towards the MC but when he does he remained loyal to him. The MC, tho he's a spoiled young master, did his best to live in this apocalyptic world. And did a lot of things that were able to help other people too.
  8. I cried a lot towards the end, and that part about the ML in the novel being the same person IRL is just a bonus, but at least at the end they could still have their children too.
This novel is not perfect but it's good enough to make you reread it again. Or maybe I was just lucky to be able to read it when it was properly translated, anyways, this novel will always be special to me, so it's up to you whether you're gonna give it a try or not. J'ya! ~ ╰⁠ (⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠) ⁠╯
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justletmereadpls rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: Completed
First and only time I'll write a review, I freaking love this Novel so much, it made me cry, feel, laugh and helped me whenever I craved something good to read, I recommend it! Be patient with the translation which isn't thaaaat bad and it really, really deserves a higher rating. (Btw I'm claiming MC from ML 🐺🗣)
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M2malltheway rated it
December 18, 2023
Status: --
Completely recommend. You'll fall in love with the characters. Absolutely amazing zombie apocalypse novel. Love it so much!

It's my 5th time reading it 💕
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