My House Is a Magic Power Spot ~Just by Living There I Become the Strongest in the World~


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Living carefree at home is the greatest shortcut—- My house is the world’s greatest magic power spot, that being the case both my house and I were summoned to another world by some guys who were aiming for it. However, I’ve been living in this place for many years and my body is, apparently, abnormally overflowing with magic. Due to some unforeseen circumstances by those guys who summoned me, they quickly ran away. Be that as it may, there are some ill-mannered people who covet the magic leaking out of my house. I won’t give up my house to those people! I’m going to wield my power as I please!

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Ore no Ie ga Maryoku Spot Datta Ken ~ Sundeiru dake de Sekai Saikyou ~
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44 Reviews

May 31, 2016
Status: v1c6
i honestly can't believe how this got so much 5 stars for others.

the premise is again with OP transported to another world Genre, ridiculous. Again with the typical "average" Japanese salary man shtick. I mean seriously the characters are at BEST 2 dimensional, and that's if you force it. the author is obviously into some kinky stuff and is expressing it on "work" ... more>>

the witch's and their princess witch thing Pee just on remembering the MC. if that doesn't spell golden shower fetish then I don't know what does


So far we get no back story or explanation regarding Magic, how he was transported or even any descriptions about the kingdoms or the land he's in. Nor does he so far even try to explore and find out. he's more than satisfied to just laze around his house and sleep,

and probably screw his house spirit whose OBVIOUSLY h**ny as f*ck whenever the MC touches her. BUT the MC is AGAIN a dense Motherf*cker

. his main reason for doing so is because he worked as a "typical" salary man in japan.....

I like slice of life stories, especially the fantasy variety. heck I read Death Marching to the Parallel World Rhapsody and other such types and I love them. this so far is just lazy writing of 1 dimensional characters. props to the translating team though good job guys. <<less
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Jun 19, 2018
Status: c37
This is the story of the MC's love of the apple tree. Oh how he loves apple trees! He loves planting them. He loves making them grow. He loves eating the apples. He makes apple pie from them. And guess what happens when it's time to fight? That's right. "Go forward my apple trees! Catch my many enemies in your branches! Become apple tree golems for me to fight with. Fire your apple seed gun at them! Let them all perish under the might of my apple trees!" And of... more>> course we get to witness our MC get stronger. At first, he can only make one apple tree golem. But don't fret dear readers. Soon he learns to make 20 apple tree golems at once. Then even 100 at once. He also spends much time carving their faces and making them scary looking. You'll even wet yourself when you see how scary the apple golems are. The other characters certainly did. In fact, just looking at our MC is enough for you to piss yourself. Again and again and again. And of course we can't just leave the piss soiled dirt in front of our precious apple trees. No. We must scoop it up and dispose of it like kitty litter.

Now you might think the MC would run out of apple tree related things to do. Hah! I haven't even told you about the golden apple yet. Or the storehouse he builds to hold the apples. Or the room he stores all the wood from the apple trees. Or about apple golem storage room. The saddest part was when a dragon attacked and charred a whole room filled with apple golems. I wept apple juice tears when that happened. Sometimes our MC even goes into battle himself with his special apple tree armor.

Summary: Slice of life with an ignorant overpowered MC, some fights, and lots and lots of apples. <<less
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Jul 20, 2016
Status: c25
Started out with an interesting idea but very quickly descended into puerility, lack of quality, etc. Basically, what i'd imagine an elementary or middle schooler might write for an assignment that they aren't really invested in.

i'd hoped for the MC to be a little profound or maybe humorous, instead it's just s*upidity and narcolepsy.
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Jun 22, 2016
Status: c6
A perfect example of how a bad writer gets a lot of reads by having an interesting idea. I can accept that I want to read certain cliches from the asian market. Transported to another world, over powered characters, I'm fine with those. It's just the half assed writing that bugs me.

First of all, the character comes to the realization that he's in another world way too quickly. He basically wakes up, looks out the window, and he realizes that bizarre fact almost instantly. I don't know about you,... more>> but I'd think that I was kidnapped first. Or that maybe some neighbor installed something weird on his front lawn that I was just too sleepy to see first thing in the morning. Or that I was in another house very similar to my own.

Yup, the other reviewer nailed it. This author has a urination fetish.... As of chapter 4 I've read two instances.

I'd say this is definitely one of those gimmick series where you just have to ignore the plot and read until you're bored. There is no lasting appeal to this series. If it insterests you, it probably won't for long. Don't read this expecting character or plot. Pure Gimmick.

Even I can't help but criticize the characters. I try and put that out of my mind when reading tr*sh, but this is just too horrible. Every character is a pushover. They get beaten back once and all of a sudden they're offering to make the protagonist their king... This is what killed it for me. I quit at chapter 6.... <<less
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Nov 04, 2016
Status: c42
You get what you came for. OP MC with cool fantasy setting, harem with the first girl he sleeps regularly with and doesn't work much for. And an MC too lazy to really deal with the world outside of his house, though if people come to bother him he handles it well.

Its slice of life with an OP MC, and in that category its a nice chill read. Sure it lacks some characterization but I don't think this kind of novel needs anything too deep or complicated to be a... more>> great read. <<less
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Jun 16, 2016
Status: --
If you want to waste away a little time with some comedic story with a super OP MC from another world, this is it. Chapters are relatively short and the story just keeps getting funnier and funnier as the story goes on. Also, I find myself rolling on the floor crying from laughter from the misunderstandings that not only the MC has, but also the side characters.

My favorite part of the plot so far is the fact that the house spirit, Sakura, spent too much magic in renovating the land and to regain that magic quick enough to survive, she has to "fulfill her desires." Put it short, the house ran out of magic and the MC had s*x with the house to make it regain magic faster.... YEP! Best part is, the house got pregnant and their child.... WAS A SECOND LAYER FOR THE HOUSE! That's right, the dude's kid is a second floor for his house.

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May 28, 2016
Status: Side Story 1
A slice of life novel with short chapters that are easy to read and don't have confusing tense changes in weird places. The content is slow as per the norm for a slice of life, the main character starts off funny but becomes slightly dull very quickly as my interest was more focused on the reactions of the side characters.
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Jun 06, 2018
Status: c181
One word review:



-Chapters are as long as ONE action takes.


e.g. "Protagonist takes a piss in 500 words. Chapter ends."

e.g. "Someone pisses themselves."

e.g. "Cleaning someone that pissed themselves."

e.g. "Planting some trees."

e.g. "Juicing some apples."



-No character development of any kind.

-OP character for the sake of being OP, no relevance to story.

-No story or plotline.

-Really bad slice of life.

- No direction, just the story of a aimless shut in NEET hikikomori staying home.

- Etc.

If there's even one reason you dislike JP stories, you'll bore yourself to death with this.
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Dec 04, 2017
Status: --
So cliche it hurts, lazy protagonist that's only worldly desire is to sleep all the time, falls into an urine soaked fantasy world where his only skill is to yell at people until they piss themselves. However, since the MC sleeps all the time and has no other characteristics, motivations, plot, desires or thought other than sleeping and eating. The author decides to turn his house into an anime spirit wife who acts like a mother/bang maid to fulfill every one of the MC's desires and needs.

The story never goes... more>> anywhere, the MC rarely leaves his house or does anything other than sleep and yell. This is like reading the author's weird desire of being a fully grown man that reverts to living the life of a man child in a house where a pretty girl does all his chores/work/everything for him including s*x "to improve herself". Oh and the author has some kind of intense urine fetish he keeps writing into the story. <<less
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Dec 06, 2017
Status: c133
Well, just like others say, it is indeed pretty bland. It's a lighthearted comedy where the gags just doesn't pull through most of the time. Girls wetting themselves are a running "joke" throughout the novel, because of the MCs incredible powers, almost all of them wet themselves once or twice while the princess probably has the record for wetting herself probably over a dozen times.

Other than that, the main "comedy" comes from the fact that the MC is OP. OP to ridiculous extents. It's to the point that high dragons... more>> dies if he yells and the most supreme dragon king gets scared and combat ready when he scolds someone slightly because the magic shockwave created when he feels a little bit of anger is enough to threaten them. However, the MC is ret*rded, so he doesn't understand that he's really OP and gets surprised when people tell him that he is, meanwhile everyone else gets their common sense broken until it can't get fixed anymore. He is also an expert at wasting his powers, so he doesn't do anything properly and pretty much only uses apple trees all the time. All his golems, houses and everything is made solely from apple trees, a pretty weak thing, but when boosted with his magic powers it still becomes invincible. Never does he use any materials other than apple trees, until about a hundred chapters in where he finds out that his golems smaller golems aren't strong enough (meaning they can't beat up dragon kings or something after he casually made them), so he starts to use a few magic stones, which turns them into uber-powered golems that can look down at dragon kings in disdain... But he still uses trees as a basis for everything, because I guess it's too bothersome to use anything else...

He has no motivation to go anywhere or do anything, he just lazes around at home most of the time and goes to the town now and then. Yeah... I don't really know what else to write. Nothing is ever really explained in the novel. It wasn't that interesting, but I still give it a 3.5/5 in score because it managed to interest me a bit and I feel like a lot of people are giving this too low scores just because they didn't know what they were getting into.

This novel is pretty much one of those novels where there's no plot whatsoever and don't you go expecting anything to happen, because nothing will. It's the type of novel where you don't think, you just read and try to enjoy it. It's bland, not too interesting and the jokes are too low-level to make me laugh most of the time, or they're overused to the extent that it was funny at the start but quickly turned stale, but I managed to read through it anyway. I think it's a good thing that the chapters are very short and you'll likely read through it in just one day, a few hours if you read quickly, because this is the type of novel that is good in small doses. I personally read this because I wanted a pause from the chinese xianxia-type novels I had been reading and it fulfilled that purpose well. Now I feel ready to start the next novel full of mu*dering and serious stuff. It's a good novel to read if you just want to spend a short while between novels where you don't have to think at all. <<less
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Sep 25, 2016
Status: c32
Solid slice of life story about OP MC who's super lazy and sleeps all day with his pseudo harem.

Basically tasty junk food. Slow releases so don't expect too much.
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Jun 22, 2018
Status: c184
Chapters are short and kind of boring. Each chapter has a general feel of:

Chapter 100:

Daichi (MC) : I'll do something boring.

Everyone else: THAT'S AMAZING!


Next chapter:

Daichi (MC) : I'll do something boring.

Everyone else: THAT'S AMAZING *heart emoji heart emoji*


person: I have a crush on Daichi but I won't do anything about it.

I keep reading this because I'm human scum but you should only read this to waste time.
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Jul 07, 2016
Status: c27
Good idea, bad execution

27 chapters, and when I imagine the other world, there is a blank page. When I imagine the characters, there is a blank page. Excessive lack of description of the world, surroundings and characters. If there was even a description before, then I must have forgotten it, and if I forgot, it's probably because it was too poor. Protagonist (and some other characters) was supposed to be funny by exagerating a few points. He quickly became dull and boring. Ad to that the love of japanese for... more>> blockheads... <<less
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Jun 24, 2016
Status: c16
So I tried it.

Its meh... actually it can get pretty annoying. It can be fun at times and I like short slice of life and or simple reads too but heres the problem as mentioned before. The characters, surprisingly ESPECIALLY the MC, are WAAAAAY to 2 dimensional. Look you can have fun quick easy reads with light material, even light and kinky material... So many amazing works exist using that format combination but this is horribly executed. It just a lame fantasy of sorts focusing on the fetish and quasi... more>> power fantasy end. <<less
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Jan 24, 2018
Status: c147
Don't expect anything deep hidden in the plot. It's a simple and fun slice-of-life story about an overpowered guy just trying to live his everyday life with his beloved house and apple trees whilst getting involved with various "strong" people and creatures in that world. He'll literally win all the fights quite easily so don't expect any hardships here. If you want to take a break and read something fun and light-hearted with none of those dark plots, then you should check this out.

A plus for the main guy being... more>> an adult / grown-up and not being a typical wimpy or pe*verted virg*n. <<less
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Oct 29, 2017
Status: c107
... meh

I can't really say much more about this novel than meh.

It has promising settup but execution is overall poor. Characters are boring and don't have any depht in them nor are they growing during the story. Plot itself too is nonexistent and story doesn't move in any meaningfull direction staying as MC being lazy dunce and getting more and more female tag-alongs. Basicly this novel is just boring slice of life at its best, so I don't recomend this for anyone to read.
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Jun 15, 2016
Status: c16
Good read, but right now I can't see a single plot. I hope the MC will not stay forever in his house or atleast author give some immediate goals, right now MC just sleeps, eats, etc in his house.
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Nov 02, 2018
Status: c207
Wao, so many harsh reviews. Tired of cliches? Enough of cheats? Might as well avoid any novels, mangas, animes altogether.

No, I understand that this one has many cliches and you are free to think negatively. No one forbids you. Though, do a small favor and let people who likes this kind of novel has their happiness. Me included.

Now to the review. Yes, many cliches and all the isekai cheat tropes. All that does not make this bad. If I were to mention something negative about this, it's about how the... more>> author writes things. He has plenty of interesting ideas, but sadly he doesn't link them together for a more interesting story.

That being said, if you like something light and cliches filled story, this is enjoyable. 3 stars because I have my own bias while I have some disappointments. Overall I think it's worth a shot. <<less
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Aug 31, 2017
Status: c106
The story goes nowhere, the characters are very 2 dimensional, and there is not a single real antagonist that does anything. Everything is also solved in one short chapter and yet the story still goes on. The protagonist doesn't even care about 100% of anything important and everything is very chaotic yet peacefull. The only reason I'm still reading it is that it doesn't 100% bore me.

This story in my humble (lol) opinion is only worth 2 stars. +1 for being unique. +1 for the the princess who in my... more>> opinion should have been the real protagonist. -3 for the OP protagonist not adding anything interesting to the series and thinks about nothing but crushing his enemies despite there being none.. <<less
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Oct 26, 2016
Status: c29
Op MC that is always good, he is also not an idiot, which is also good, he's lazy, and there is no problem with that either, however, he should go out more, show us the world!

3 stars, to be honest, is should be 3.5 stars but can't do that. Anyways, a solid average novel, it doesn't do anything wrong, but it also doesn't have any strong points other than dragons :). It is what you would expect from a novel where the MC rarely leaves his house.
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