Marvel: Unlimited Possession


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In short, this is a story of constantly changing bodies in the superhero world.

Phantom Thief Kid: If the eccentric thief is a creative artist who steals treasure with flamboyance, the New York police officer is a critic of the strange thief.

Ip Man: Wing Chun master.

Kizaru: Speed is weight. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?

Associated Names
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Unlimited Possession in the American Comics
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Super Heroes

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1 Review

Jan 04, 2023
Status: c143
It is an interesting story.

During the first 100 chapter, we discover how people ready to the MC Ryan plots.

It is realistic enough.

Reading that story was refreshing. A perfect exemple of sf.

  • If I have something negative to comment, it is that the site was not exactly user friendly when I was reading.
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