Marriage of Convenience


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Bianca de Blanchefort.

The wife of Zachary de Arno, thrown out of Arno family after his death due to her self-indulgent, frivolous, and immoral behavior. She had nowhere to go, the Blanchefort family having already fallen to ruin, and was more or less kicked to a convent out in the border. A woman who ultimately met her end on a cold stone floor.

A villainess with no honor.

That was Bianca’s life before she went back in time.


“Is this truly reality? Did I really travel back to the past?”

This was neither a dream nor a hallucination. This feeling of hunger, fatigue, the vivid sense of everything around her…

This was all real.

If this was indeed reality… If God truly gave her one more precious chance…!

‘I’m going to carry out a business. A marriage is a business in the end. Zachary’s child will be the perfect source of financial support. I’m sure my dowry will remain safe too. I won’t have to lose the Blanchefort or Arno territories to that damned viscount either.’

Then whether it be through seduction or persuasion, she needed to give birth to her husband, Zachary’s child.

“How much was my dowry exactly?”

“400 calves, 900 pigs, 100 units of silverware, 300 rolls of silk, 2 crates of jewels, and a portion of a territory… Equivalent to a two-year budget for the Arno county.”

“Don’t you think you should compensate for that?”

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Marriage Business
The Wedding Business
결혼 장사
Related Series
Come and Cry at My Funeral (5)
The Tyrant’s Twisted Possessiveness (3)
Obligation of an Arranged Marriage (3)
I Was Married to a Peacock Named Beast (2)
Marriage And Absente (2)
My Vengeful Former Lover (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Second Love Interest Didnt Win.
  2. Fantasy Romance [1v1, GxB]
  3. Favorite Korean Novels
  4. Josei KR Romance favourites
  5. Here are the Happy Endings for Male or Female MCs

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/18/23 Levelingods c154
09/14/23 Levelingods c153
09/10/23 Levelingods c152
09/07/23 Levelingods c151
09/04/23 Levelingods c150
09/01/23 Levelingods c149
08/28/23 Levelingods c148
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13 Reviews

Apr 17, 2022
Status: --
Ok, I just read this manhwa and I'm in chapter 9 of this I seen so many people getting mad at FL and praising the ML like wtf is wrong with u guys why do u think FL will act like that huh? She's 9 when she married??what childhood she doesn't know that she's a child she supposed to play with other children not having a husband. It's understandable she doesn't like ML the ML is s*upid too I hate him what the f*ck is in his brain marrying a... more>> 9 year old when he was 20?the only good thing about him is he know that he should treat her better cause he robbed her childhood out of her🙂 <<less
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Book Lover Slytherine
Book Lover S
Dec 04, 2022
Status: Completed
To the one who is saying hate comments about Ml. It's not ML who wanted to marry Fl. It was Fl's father who forced them to marry each other. It was Fl's father's fault for marrying his child to an adult. And please read the setting before spouting rubbish. It was the ancient time. At that time people used to marry at young age. And man marrying a child was common. And it's not like ML r*ped her after marrying.

He never came near her. Tried to give her everything. He... more>> even made a will that after his death his all property will go to her. But because the FL cheated, after Ml's death none told her about the will and outcast her. Being young never justifies Cheating. Cheating is cheating! Whether it's a man or a woman, both gets hate if they cheated. That's why FL got more hate. If ML was cheating, he would also get hate.


And frankly speaking the previous lifetime never happened. It was Fl's dream where she saw she cheated. So, she had a chance to stop that. So, she tried to fix everything and succeed! Stop hating someone just because he's a man and forgiving someone no matter how wrong she was as she is a woman.

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Jun 21, 2023
Status: c120
The comments section as of today June 2023 is overrun with arguments re: "who was in the wrong".

The story itself isn't concerned with morals so I feel really exhausted seeing people ignore 99.99% of the story's content in order to whinge about topics that the story refuses to address. Morality is not a concern in this novel. The ML Zachary mentions that he doesn't want to have s*x with the MC Bianca before she's 18, but there is absolutely no discussion of whether it's moral for other mentioned lords to... more>> imp**gnate 14-15 year olds. His vassals (Sauveur, Robert, Vincent) are highlighted favorably as people who encourage him to either f*ck Bianca when she's underage (which, in this universe, is <16yo) or take a mistress purely for his own s*xual gratification.

The story, BTW, does not in any way argue that the ML is a "good person". At one point the MC Bianca lights a candle in church for his moral transgressions, since he is a warlord who mu*ders by profession for money so his wife will have nice fox furs. It is made very clear that the ML goes to war and even works as a mercenary so that Bianca can have expensive fabrics and other creature comforts. And on Bianca's side, it's highlighted that the ML and others would never believe Bianca is a saint because she is a materialistic & selfish person. You are not meant to like these characters for their moral purity **by the standards of morality introduced in the novel OR otherwise**.

It drives me crazy when stories set in feudal contexts take great care to avoid moralistic discussions but brainless simps want to say "AcksHuAlLy [Insert Character] iS jUsTifIed bEcaUSe blah blah blah" like oh my god dude. They have servants who they treat as inferior simply because they were born servants. They are not egalitarian meritocratic moralistic people. Stoppppp. If you can't mentally handle a story about 👻bad👻 people, don't bother! Especially don't embarrass real fans of the story by launching poorly thought out defenses of feudalism, misogyny, inequality, etc. Spare us. PLEASE.

The story, as a story, is a lot of fun to read. The ML Zachary is a stony-countenanced, amoral man who dotes heavily on his wife mainly because she is a higher level aristocrat than him. The MC Bianca is a th**ny, sickly, arrogant woman who is mainly concerned with preserving her own wealth and prestige. I like both these characters. I like their interactions, though mild spoiler: they don't fall in love (or have sex) 'til past chapter 100. It's a slow-burn between two deeply imperfect people. This kind of story is right up my alley.

My main criticism is the depiction of servants. There are many, many paragraphs dedicated to telling us what Villager C or Villager E think of Bianca when it doesn't even matter. Usually when irrelevant characters express bad + false opinions about the MC, it's to set up a face-slapping scene. That never happens here. We're not supposed to sympathize with the servants' negative comments about the MC, either - that she's ugly, sickly, delusional, jealous, etc. So it is truly inscrutable why so much time is spent on pointless comments with no bearing on the story and no pay-off that just infuriate the reader. BTW that's where the "why did the servants expect XYZ from the MC when she was a child" comments come from. I cannot disagree with these complaints. The people saying "dOnT judge By YoUr own StAndArDs" don't seem to have read the story. In the story's universe you are a child until you are 16. There is no indication that other counts' properties are being managed by 12 year olds. The story objectively does a bad job establishing why Bianca should be reviled by its own standards. Worse, why are mere servants allowed to loudly insult the madam within her earshot...? It's badly out of sync with the setting. It is not a servant's place to complain that the noblewoman nominally in charge of a manor does not ~pull her weight~. She is a noble. Other nobles criticizing her would make sense. Commoners under her jurisdiction openly criticizing her does not make any sense in the story's setting. There's even a scene where she calls out to servants and they straight up run away. This is so far beyond acceptable behavior under feudalism. Not even a modern store clerk would act that way towards a modern store manager WITH the workplace protections that servants under feudalism lacked. It makes no sense when the story decides to criticize the MC based on modern standards of "she doesn't do her job" when, as the story points out numerous times, only the master of the house has any right to feel dissatisfied with ANY of her behavior as a madam. But we're supposed to sympathize with insubordinate & disrespectful servants? But some readers are so allergic to fair criticism that the nonsensical behavior of the MC's inferiors are unilaterally approved of with the off-the-cuff comment "hmm don't judge by modern standards". It is a modern standard that someone of disadvantaged economic &/or social standing has the right to criticize those who are advantaged. This argument makes the opposite of sense. (The character Robert truly exemplifies this contradiction. He's just a vassal but he acts as if he's Zachary's mistress with how critical and jealous he acts toward Bianca. I was genuinely wondering if the story was trying to depict him as a covetous gay man for a long while. ((Thank god it did not.)) A vassal is beneath his liegelord's wife. What is going on here?? Why does the hierarchy dissolve only when these fringe characters want to say nasty things about Bianca??? What is the narrative purpose????)

And, I must reiterate, the story emphasizes that 16 is the age of majority, but refuses to acknowledge what that means in concrete terms. Are there any laws or norms regarding age of consent? Bianca's father sold her to her husband when she was 7 and actively discouraged her to seek help, but the story still frames him as a reasonable father. Can I be blunt? Is pe*ophilia supposed to be legal & considered okay in this universe? It's totally unclear. The author hasn't thought through a number of topics that are crucial to any kind of judgement on what's "fair" in the story's own universe.

That's why I insist that this story does not care about morality. It does not address inequality, nor mu*der, nor pe*ophilia. There are many stories set in feudalistic settings that DO address these. It is a choice of the author not to do so. STOP arguing about NONSENSE. Thank you!

Anyways, on account of the flaws I have already described, I do not think the story merits a 5/5. In the context of a story that ignores even highly relevant discussions of ethics completely & totally, at chapter 120, my current impression is that it is entertaining & above average. 4/5. <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 06, 2022
Status: c15
This novel is VERY interesting. The writer is able to stir empathy while also giving a cold and detached account of the main character's life, which is fitting because our MC is cold and detached. The MC is flawed and cold but I honestly really like her. She feels very real and honestly just a victim of her circumstance - forced into a marriage at 7. That being said, this novel is p heavy and melancholic. Don't read it if you can't handle that.

The ML seems alright so far? There's... more>> not really enough content for me to judge him yet but he's not tr*shy. He seems very loyal and like a good person but ultimately is detached from MC. <<less
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Jun 08, 2023
Status: complwted
Someone asked why people expect a small child to behave like a wife. If you judge it with your modern views, it's surely wrong to accept her acting like a wife. But you keep forgetting it's a story based on ancient rules and etiquette. You can't judge a story based on the 14 or 15 centuries in your twenty-century belief.

At that time, it was common to marry at a young age and act like a wife. They were trained to be ladylike. But FL was a spoiled brat, and rude... more>> (which is just according to our time but not in the time of the novel). So that's why people were disgusted that why she isn't behaving like their so-called ladylike rules!! The story is based on ancient times, so judge it according to that time, not our modern time. We are thousand years ahead of them in culture, belief, and tradition.

Well, I did like the book. The Fl, If I judge her with my modern views, she's ok. But if I judge her based on the time the novel was following, I didn't like her past behavior much. I rarely do reviews, but if someone says they dislike the novel based on wrong info or something that doesn't go with it, I come to fix that. Sorry for that! <<less
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Jun 06, 2023
Status: c23
So, I like the characters overall and I like the story. The age gap doesn't really bothers me, so you are probably asking me why I only gave it 3 stars.

The reason for my low rating is because something that really bothers me is how the characters seem to forget the female lead was a child. They keep saying how she was cold, wouldn't do her job at the state and would be indifferent to the male lead. They seem to forget she was a 7 year old child married... more>> to a 20 year old scary looking man, she was separated from her family, that in fact never even visited her or send her letters, making her feel completaly alone and abandoned.

The female lead was completely emotionally alone, specially since her nanny died when she was still young. They never cared to teach her or give her the affection a child needed. The female lead was almost raised alone and for some reason everyone treat her like a villain when all her mistakes were made when she was like 10.

So that is, I don't even know if I will be able to continue reading this, it really bothers me how no one seem to notice how she was basically a little girl that was sold and alone in a place where no one bothered to make her feel at home and always treated her as the "lady of the house" when in fact she was only 7.

It seems like the female lead is a victim that is villanized for the sake of that narrative of "she changed". <<less
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Tang Ning777
Tang Ning777
Aug 17, 2023
Status: Completed
This is the most boring marriage of convenience romance I've ever read.

I read the manhwa version of the novel. The art work was great. But that's about it.

The story majorly failed. I do not usually have any type of high expectations for manhwa. Many times despite the plot making no sense, manhwas can be vastly entertaining.

... more>> But bro, this story didn't make sense on several occasions, there were so many plotholes and it even failed to entertain.

I truly don't get the hype. Everyone is saying that these two are the badass couple. Frankly? Except the main characters, I liked all the other characters. I read a story like this for the first time where the supporting characters have more complexities and charisma whereas the two main leads are the cliché paper characters.

Our female lead, Bianca, goes back in time when she was eighteen years old and still the Countess of Arno. She's married to Zachary De Arno, the Count of Arno, for nine years already. That means she got married when she was nine. And everyone is blaming her because of her overindulgent and expensive lifestyle and not sharing the bed with her husband when in fact her husband is often fighting outside. His commanders even tried to persuade him into taking a mistress and giving birth to an illegitimate child. Bro?! Relax. She's eighteen for God's sake. Give her some time. People had too much expectation from a child who is all alone in a place full of stranger with a scary husband and who got an ultimatum from her father that she'd never be able to go back to her homeland.

But then all gets resolved magically when her father admitted that he didn't send any letters in nine years lest he can't control himself from telling her to come back when he was the one who proposed the marriage in the first place. During the first meeting between Bianca and her father, they cry and reconcile.


As for Bianca herself, at first I liked her, but then she took the Mary Sue route and I was barely holding on.

Zachary was a standard male lead. But he was perfect to the point of being boring. I found even the psycho villain more appealing than him. There's another thing that bothered me very much. In the whole manhwa, it's portrayed that the past Bianca was at fault for their failed marriage. But other than her affair with Fernand, she barely had any faults. She was lonely and alone without a single maid that she could trust. I believe it takes two to tango. He didn't take any type of responsibility for their distant relationship. And even in their present timeline, other than him being gentle, it was always Bianca who took the initiative.

The progress of their relationship was sketchy and insta-love in a bad way. Once, they were respecting each other, the next moment they were in love. Even then I couldn't feel any chemistry between them let alone feel any type of connection with them.

Listen, if there's a pair of protagonists who have many cards on their advantage and still doing nothing despite knowing their opponent; and there's a villain with a much more tragic and complex past who is working hard and playing his villain part very well, don't blame me for not rooting for the main leads, okay?

The "romantic" interaction between them made me cringe and roll my eyes to the point I had to search for my eyeballs in the back of my head.

There was only one face-slapping moment and that didn't even slapped the right way. Except the funny chibis, there wasn't much comedy to compensate either.

All in all, they were barely tolerable. The two stars I'm giving are purely because of the supporting characters. They overshadowed Bianca and Zachary by leaps and bounds. I was totally rooting for Yvonne and Gasper. These two were soooo cute. Princess Audrey slayed like the queen she became. Catherine and Marceau were also a lovely couple. I even felt bad for Jacob though this man just couldn't take no for an answer which was pretty annoying.

Not worth the hype in my opinion🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ <<less
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Oct 13, 2023
Status: Completed
After finish reading both novel and manhua version, what I could say first was: this novel wasn't just for anyone. In order to read this more comfortably, you had to shed all your prejudice and morality standard first because some things in this novel was hard to accept in today's era but maybe not so much in the medieval era, like:

    • MC, 7 yo, married ML who was already 20 yo.

      By all means, it's actually quite normal in that era to marry as a child and it's also normal to have political marriage where the groom and the bride didn't love each other so I won't criticize this novel because of that. Moreover, ML didn't touch MC until she became an adult.

    • After her rebirth/dream, MC was adamant to have an heir to secure her position as the countess. It's also quite normal for MC to think like that because that was how she was educated as a noblewoman.
Of course there were also some things that wasn't normal even in that era, like:

    • How ML let the servants, employees, and the knights bad-mouthed MC for all those years.

      Even if it's potilical marriage, MC should still get a respect she deserved as the countess and as ML's legal wife. I know he spent most of his time in the battlefield but he still had his trusted butler in the castle. He should be caring more of MC, a child who was thrown into an unfamiliar environment and was deprived from her family. But no, when MC gave him cold shoulder, he easily gave up and let her be. He only provided her with more money and lavish things without caring of her mental state.

I also feel complicated about the 2nd prince.


He was actually an innocent party regarding the tense relationship between his parents but when he decided to betray his family for revenge, he became not so innocent anymore. He could choose to make a name for himself like ML since he was actually a good politician and a capable knight but no, he chose the wrong way.

I also feel that his deep feeling towards MC was a bit out of the blue. It started from a classic "I like you because no woman ever rejected me except you" but somehow, he fell deeper. If it's because of her personality, why didn't he fall in love with her back then? If it's because she rejected him, wasn't that normal for MC to reject him since she's a married woman?


Aside from that, this story was still quite enjoyable to read, especially the manhua version (ML was so hot in the manhua). Having a good sm*t was also a plus.
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Sep 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Thank you for the translators for making this awesome job! 😁 I love this story since I finished the webtoon. The first translator probably dropped the novel and the second translator that picked up the novel explained that it was mtl (machine translation) with minor corrections, but it's still readable and you can easily understand. So all in all, it's still good.

I don't feel that the story or the main couple is boring, like some comments suggested despite being a slow burn romance.

Of course nothing is perfect, the beginning looks... more>> more like a description of their daily life in the castle, so yeah, it can be kinda boring for some. Besides the misunderstandings between the main couple is annoying, not to mention all the prejudices that everyone have against the female lead, without never trying to understand her side is irritating and that prejudice keeps being repeated almost every chapter in the beginning. The female lead can sometimes be kinda superficial, worrying about fancy clothes and appearance and doesn't having any real responsibilities or special skills.

But despite all those problems, it's all a matter of taste, for me particularly, I like to watch the romance development between the main couple. It's a novel that doesn't need to burn too much brain cells with complex plots or characters while reading. Yes, the main couple can be simplistic for some, the villain is really more complex than most of the characters like some reviews pointed out, there's some plot holes and the end is rushed and not well concluded 😅.

So you must be asking why I rated five stars ⭐️... it's just that I didn't read with high expectations so I believe it's good to pass time, besides the webtoon really hooked me up with the strong but gentle male lead. So give a try and see for yourself if is worthy or not, specially the webtoon that I think is better than the novel. 🙃

Like other comment suggested, this isn't a deep, complex, realistic and mind blowing 🤯story that depict perfectly the medieval thinking or deals to discuss about morality and deep thoughts that digs deeply in human nature making us questioning and thinking 🤨. Rather is only a superficial predictable light novel about romance and that's it.

Warning, spoilers!! Please, don't read if you don't want to have the whole story explained with full of spoilers.



The story is about Bianca, a noble young girl that ended up in a contract marriage with the duke and knight Zachary. They were both unhappy with this marriage since they married very young and didn't know how to deal with each other.

Detail, Bianca was seven years old when she married the twenty years old Zachary. The first time she met with her fiancé, she was scared, since the only men she knew was her father and brother.

Later, being dragged to an unknown environment, made her suffer a lot and the way that she dealt with the situation was to throw tantrums and despise Zachary and demand luxuries (she was only a child!). The count wasn't against it, since he was a cold person and didn't know how to comfort her emotionally and get closer to her. Despite that, he tried in the beginning, only to receive her cold shoulder and despise (I felt somehow, that he didn't try enough.)

At the age of eighteen Bianca was forced to have s*xual relationship with Zachary, because his vassals were pressuring him for an heir (rape?). Because of the forced situation, she hated this type of physical touch, it was painful and uncomfortable, making her hate him even more.

So she ended up having an affair with Fernand. She fell in love with him because he was very gentle and gave her attention and made her not feel loneliness anymore, since Zachary was never besides her, always out in the battlefields.

Then suddenly, she got the news that Zachary ended up dying during the war. She kinda got happy, thinking that she would inherit the state and be able to marry Fernand.

But that idea didn't last long since the older brother of Zachary, Viscount Roland, showed up and stole everything, even the assets of her family, since her father and brother died years ago, and the assets belonged to Zachary. The excuse was that she didn't have an heir and was a wicked woman that was having an affair, so she didn't have the right to inherit anything. And no one defended her.

She went after Fernand, thinking that maybe it wasn't so bad to lose everything since she could still be together with him. But Fernand mocked her and revealed that everything was a plan of the older brother of Zachary. Fernand was paid to seduce her, since that would give a reason to kick her out.

She ended up in a monastery, where she suffered a lot in poverty and ended up dying, praying that if God exist, to give her a second chance.

Then, when she woke up, she was sixteen again. At first she became confused and mad, because she didn't want to reborn at sixteen when she was already married, but to reborn at seven before the marriage (that was kinda funny for me, imagine having your wish coming true, but since you didn't specified the wish correctly, the results was not what you were expecting? 😂)

Well, anyway, her goal now in this second life was to guarantee that she keeps her position as a duchess by trying having an heir, and get revenge against everyone that trampled on her.

But that wasn't going to be easy, since everyone, from servants to knights, loathed her (and that's so infuriating and keeps being repeated over and over: "Omg, how she's horrible, spoiled, wicked and blablabla"), and Zachary always gave her a cold shoulder. That's where the novel begins, from trying to secure her position and get revenge, to slowly start loving Zachary.


The age gap


I saw some comments getting very upset about their age gap, specially because she was seven years old when she got married and he was twenty. To the modern world point of view I also feels that it's kinda disturbing that Zachary agreed to the marriage. But defending him a little, he never had any s*xual interest on her while Bianca was a child, so contrary to what some comments brought it up that he could be a pe*ophile, I don't think he was one, since he never tried to harass her sexually and only saw himself as a type of guardian. And like some commenters explained, that type of marriage wasn't so uncommon in medieval times.

But I disagree, with another comment, saying that Zachary was forced to marry her. He wasn't forced to marry, but he accepted, because the marriage would benefit him, since Bianca's family was a powerful noble household. So he wasn't totally innocent either.

For my opinion, Bianca was the only victim in this situation, since she was a child thrown in a totally different environment, surrounded by strangers, without any emotional support, with a husband that scared her, while she didn't get any benefits of the contract. The only ones to benefit was her family and Zachary.

Another reason that I don't like about the story, is how no one tried to understand her circumstances. Everyone complained and loathed her, from the servants, to the Zachary's knights. Of course she didn't help with her behavior of a proud noble woman, always wasting money with luxuries and always being cold towards her husband, someone that everyone admires. But somehow I feel that her behavior wasn't so wrong, since she grew up always felling alone without any emotional support (She had a nanny that accompanied her after her marriage and was the only emotional support she had, but the nanny ended up dying when she was still young, leaving her completely alone and that's when Bianca's behavior got worse). Also, Zachary was very cold and distant. Ok, I agree that he might have tried in the beginning to get closer, but for me, he gave up too soon. And in the second life, it was only Bianca trying to fix the relationship.


Bianca's Father


The second thing in the story that is bothersome is how she easily forgave her father for selling her away at young age and never contacting her after the marriage. Besides, he yelled at her saying she couldn't go back anymore because she didn't belong anymore to their family, but now she belonged to Zachary's family and it was his problem to deal with her. Yes, like explained in the other comment, she forgave too easily, after having one conversation and crying a little bit. Maybe the face slapping wasn't enough. And I wish she could get her revenge and make him suffer longer. But since I care more for Romance than face slapping and revenge, I could swallow up, even if dryly, the easy way that she forgave her father and family.


The Smut


Don't worry, they only started having s*xual relationship after she got older. I don't remember exactly if she was seventeen or eighteen. Anyway, it wasn't anything creep, like he coveting her at thirteen or something, like I saw in some Chinese novels. However, if you wanted to read the story only for the smut, that's not the type of novel. The scenes of smut aren't bad, it's just that they aren't a lot, like some kind of smut novels, that have s*x scenes every each three chapter or something like that.


A little more about the Plot


The story doesn't have a second male lead. Yay 😁!! I hate stories with second male leads, especially when they treats the female leads way better than the male leads, but are never chosen.

The enemy is an arrogant prince, Jacob, that wants to usurp the throne and falls in love with Bianca. Another enemy is the older brother of Zachary. I don't know if Fernand, the lover, can be considered an enemy in this second life, since he didn't stand a chance anymore with Bianca.

The only thing that I want to vent, is how I feel that the arrogant prince, Jacob, is pitiful. In the webtoon, he wanted Bianca to die together with him so he wouldn't be alone anymore and in the novel, he was beheaded while saying he loved Bianca 😢. I think in the end, love is a matter of perspective, Zachary was obsessive with his love, he got jealous of a ten years old boy, of a princess and of the female servant that had contact with Bianca, but somehow that was cute because they were in love, but the obsession of Jacob was creepy because Bianca didn't love him. I'm sorry I always have a weak spot to gentle second male leads and villains with tragic pasts.

Anyway, besides the romance, there's a lot of other plots. For example, the fact that Bianca got a second chance she was recognized by the church as a kind of a saint. But in the end, like other comment spoiled, it seems that her first life wasn't a first life, but a kind of a dream.

Obviously, the story have a Happy Ending. With Zachary surviving and not dying in the battlefield, Bianca getting pregnant and they living happily ever.

2 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 03, 2023
Status: c19
How I wish someone would pick this one up, the story seems really interesting and kinda dark which is completely my cup of tea.

The translation is really good and it makes the story easy to read and makes me want to read more of this.

I'm really curious about how the romance will develop between the ML and FL, he seems to be thoughtful and a genuinely good guy which makes me wonder how the author will manage to create romance between the two that won't be weird because of the... more>> age gap.

So far I like the FL and I am waiting for more chapter to see how she will evolve in the story and what will be the dynamic of the relationship. <<less
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kra lik
kra lik
Mar 07, 2024
Status: Completed
It was a long journey full of ups and downs that I throughly enjoyed (づ ̄ ³ ̄) づ

At first it was filled with impatience and frustration. There were times where I really wanted to scream through the screen of the importance of proper communication. But then my heart went soft because you could see how good people they are. Yes, they are flawed and are many times held back because of anxiety, fear and even greed but truly you can't meet such unique leads often these days. And before... more>> I knew it, Bianca and Zachary got me. And then Vincent, Yvonne and many others. I'm glad I could experience all of that with them.

Slowburn is real though so if you want to join their journey, please prepare your patience and anti-stress ball. It took a while to get used to it but it was worth it. I warned you.

I see some people mentioning their age difference and morality with all of that. But can you really look through all of that with today's standards and ways?? If you were to put them in our worlds timeline, they were probably in medieval period and please don't make me remind and repeat History teachings in our respective schools of how the world was different back then. Do you also look at Pride or Prejudice, Bridgeton and Romeo and Juliet the same way?? If so, you are missing out on a lot.

Lastly I would like to thank all the translators for taking their time to share with us this novel. Seriously my gratitude goes to all of you (づ ᴗ _ᴗ) づ♡ <<less
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Apr 19, 2024
Status: --
Tbh, their age bothered me a bit. It wasn't cuz the huge age gap, but rather the author keep mentioning it. And the lack of explanation or how there's no concept of engagement. Also the reason/excuse why ML don't want to consummate their marriage. Its not in line to the setting.

... more>>

i mean the setting is that its okay to be married very young. No betrothal ceremony, no concept of engagement straight up wedding and marriage. But the ML said she had to be 18 to consummate it. Which doesn't make sense cuz in his world, it was natural to be married to a 7 year old and seggs is up to the husband and wife. No legal stopping them, except probably their morals? I guess he's a good person but he's specific, 18 yrs old, why? In where I stop, there's no mention of age of debute. So u cant really guess why 18 years old. And its not like he didn't desire her cuz he did say that he basically fantasized her, the young wife, cuz he's a healthy young hot blooded boy.


Another im going to complain, its small, but he's a v who knows all erogenous zones of a typical wife. But I like that he goes down to her on their first night but then he kissed her again after she climax 😂 yea she just tasted herself.

Read the review of tangning777 that's basically it. <<less
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Mar 23, 2024
Status: Completed
One of the greenest flag you could wish for tbh. I really thought Hugo (from Lucia) would always be my 1st best man out of all (this is under no relation on the manhwa art they were drawn). Hugo was handsome, big (both ways *wink*), Duke, intelligent, intimidating, and not your typical Male Lead where they usually don't kill people/villains cuz I dunno, then it bites back at them. Hugo isn't like that. He'll cut anything and anyone he finds irritating no question ask. So it doesn't bite back at... more>> him in the future. And he's also sweet to Lucia only (after his playboy days)

Anyway, Zackary comes close tbh. He's someone who will do anything. Sweet, handsome, big (*wink*), strong. He wasn't rich at first but hey, we all love guys who's hardworking and will do everything so he can finance the things for his love of his life. Unlike Hugo, he was faithful to Bianca only (the only woman he ever loved) which makes him close enough to share the number 1 spot with Hugo <<less
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