Lord of All Realms


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In ancient times, there existed giant spirits capable of supporting the heavens. With bodies as enormous as stars, they soared across the universe. Great clan leaders with mysterious blood running through their veins shattered the void and created new worlds. Ancient Qi Warriors crossed a river of stars to enlighten numerous mortal beings. For unknown reasons, an era silently came to an end, all realms were separated, ancient giant spirits disappeared one after another. Thousands of years later, young Nie Tian managed to travel back into ancient times with the help of a drop of blood…

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86 Reviews sorted by

Boredgasm rated it
July 30, 2018
Status: c453
Unable to put up with how the MC interacts with girls anymore, I dropped the novel at chapter 453 when he randomly decided to give up one of his fruit of life to Song Li for no reason. He needed two, for Wu Ji and Hua Mu, and after absorbing one for himself, his wood-power bloodline clearly wanted more. I just don't understand the thought process as to why he would take such a detrimental action? There were several other instances similar to this one occurring throughout the story, but... more>> this one was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. It's really off putting when a MC is painted as cruel and decisive, but then does s*upid sh*t when it comes to interacting with people of the opposite s*x. The rest of the novel is "okay". It was interesting enough to hold my attention for so long despite what I obviously disliked about it.

My advice? Don't bother reading this novel unless you have nothing better to do. The flaws are glaring, and become a trend throughout the story. MC is not consistent with his behavior, or portrayed character, when it comes to women and you probably won't like it. <<less
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Bakaleaf rated it
May 30, 2018
Status: c230
To sum up this novel for me is, the novel will always left you hanging. It seems their is this annoying habit of dragging the MC everywhere without finishing anything, 200+ chapters and I can't count the place where MC was drag, the character he encountered are just way to random and before they can build a bond towards MC, MC was drag again to another place. Some supporting character which should be part of MC's growth are drop just like that and you have no idea if they will... more>> meet the MC again. And I also decided to drop this novel, I have way to much boring encounter to the point that reading a chapter bored me to deaths, simply put it this is one of the novel that I read so far that is very very very Boring! Don't get me wrong the novel it self is unique and worth reading but to much of this and that is really boring!

The battle scene is way more dull, It was like swing this that wooosh and done lol. What makes this novel very boring is the attempt to recycle a scene and drag it with many useless words and so on. If you read it over and over again you can't help but felt bored.

One thing that I like about this novel is If I read it during the night I can guarantee a peaceful sleep. This novel is so good to read if you want to be sleepy. But note that the boredom that this novel offer seriously can make you flip table.

The MC is way to unique in a sense that he is not useless just dull. MC is OP yet dull, MC has many skills and yet still dull. MC encounter many thing yet he is still dull. To some it up author way force to many things toward the MC without reinforcing his current character as a result, you can Imagine MC as a garbage bench where author trow all the tr*sh in the world to make MC unique but by the end of the day the MC is still just a thing where you throw garbage that make him so dull.

The various characters of this novel are like the tr*sh thrown to MC, and then a collector collect the tr*sh and made MC empty. Simply put you can't expect anyone in this novel to have deep connection to MC as for some odd reason from the author they are silently disappearing or are just simply forgotten.

So dropping this novel give justice to my already boring life.! <<less
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UncleOddball rated it
November 14, 2016
Status: c85
I'm writing this opinion after catching up to the current release (c85) in one sitting.

I like how this novel unravels its content, albeit it's a little like Ze Tian Ji, over eighty chapters done and it barely ended a first major event happening.

MC is likable, despite some damn common tropes hanging around. He's the underdog, small fry clan member, ofc his clan underestimates him greatly... he eats more then a dozen people because of his special physique...

at least the novel is moderate with other values and they don't count every... more>> damn thing in numbers that came off author's ass only to make it "epic" - more like epic dumb - *I'm looking at you Magus Era*

Sadly, all conflicts that stemmed so far, are born out of the typical and annoying behaviors. Someone was a shit, got his ass beaten, it made a shitload of trouble, then we meet a bit*h with b*tchson, the b*tchson gets beaten, after a while we meet him again along with his cousing who's a bigger bit*h and they want to cripple the guy out of hatred that was born from their own volition... judging from how it progressed further there will be more of this crap, people who try to harm, cripple or kill MC, get their ass beaten and scheme even more troubles out of rage that they did not have their way.

I'd go with 5 star if not for that heavy weakness. <<less
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Arkanth rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: Completed
The author managed to create a set of secondary characters who can afford to reason and not resort to unnecessary conflict at first sight, just to later throw it all away with a protagonist who ends up as nothing more than a glorified supporting character. The translation is great, though.

I have conflicting thoughts on this novel. On the one hand, the author takes time to build a story where all the actions and events are tied together in a seemingly organic way and the characters are born with some resemblance... more>> of individuality and intelligence, virtually avoiding the much-hated "arrogant young masters", making the world feel somewhat realistic, even if this is brought to an extreme frequently with most encounters with key characters ending in unsatisfactory resolutions so they can come back later on in some plot-driving events or simply as newfound allies against a common enemy, forming a dangerous pattern of events thrown one after the other.

On the other hand, the main character is completely lackluster and undeserving in every single aspect. His personality is unformed, usually just mirroring other characters. He has no goals or motivations, just going through the motions and being pushed around by the plot. His combat instincts and overall abilities are virtually non-existent, just practicing one or two very limiting techniques and simply relying on external treasures or experts to solve his problems, especially so as he is constantly involved in conflicts way beyond his capabilities and even expected to be a deciding factor in them.

It does not help that the author is constantly delivering information to the reader through characters other than the protagonist. This is a common resource authors use to avoid info dumps, leading to the "war-room" situations, mentoring from elder characters, or corridor conversations, but it is usually combined with the main character deducing by himself and explaining things to others, which does not happen in the novel, making the character look incredibly dumb.

At some point, the author even seems to accept that the main character is indeed dumb and uses his brainless actions to drive the plot forward and create new conflicts with other characters who take advantage of this.

Last, but not least, the ending feels as if the author had a thousand unrealized ideas which he just dumped all at once so they didn’t go to waste, turning it into a massive clusterf*ck, where the main character is just bouncing from one scheme to another until he somehow and against all odds succeeds without even taking action.

Overall the novel is entertaining, you just have to be prepared to overlook the main character and his actions, or it is going to be a painful ride. Special mention to the translator who did a great job with the novel and added quite a lot of interesting thoughts, facts, and stories making the journey smoother. It is worth checking even if only to read his comments. <<less
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Ryu1337 rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: c139
Okay, so the world building is pretty good I must say, its not the best, but you can get a clear picture of whats what. The characters, ehh they just seem like one dimensional pawns, you cant really feel anything when you read it, and its pretty numbing.

There is literally nothing special about this novel so far, and also MC is exceptionally useless.

Everything that MC can do is throw a single punch and hope for the best because he exhausts himself completely.

Even though he has a top tier master, he... more>> doesnt teach him skills, doesnt give him any treasures, just nothing.

Also there are many contradictions in the story, for example his master explained the cultivation levels and what to expect and so on, and then when he levels up into a new stage, hes like "is this it? Am I in the new level?" and he just doesnt know anything.

He cant really fight yet he goes into every dangerzone he can find, even though hes absolutely useless.

Its just super bland, even GoS was tons better, because of a competent MC, even though it was kinda nasty.

giving this 1/5, wish it was at least a bit more captivating so I could get into later stages of the novel, but its so bad. <<less
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February 16, 2021
Status: --
This novel Makess me soooooo Angry!!!
So if you want to read a book where the MC is borderline mentally challenged, by all means have fun reading how this guy gets schemed against over and over and over and doesnt have the brains or balls to do anything about it. His allies get ambusheed by some people more powerful than him, so he confrontsthe guy who did it with his sect elders there to dish out punishment on the account of hes to weak to do it himself, and instead of ending the mf's, he just threateneds them a little.... then two chapters later there they are again wiping out his allys family. It goes on likethis for a thousand chapters til the human race is about to go exctict. Meamwhile everyone keeps saying how his dad was more powerful than the most powerful human expert, and the author keeps dropping hints that his pops has some crazy powerful hybrid army, but rather than helping when his sons life is in danger and the humans are all about to die... he sends in his experts to kill or trap the only powerful experts left on the human side.... smMFh...i get it if you dont like the story dont read it. but why would you want you hero and his people to be chumps who gert beat the f down at every turn
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bvsvasu1 rated it
June 6, 2019
Status: c903
A good novel, when I started reading the novel, I had liked the MC, but as the story went on, it kind of feels a bit repetitive. He goes exploring, due to his unknown bloodline, he gets good treasures, comes back, trouble, quite easily the trouble gets handled and then its the same thing again.

One thing I found it interesting in this novel is, in other novels only MC is unique and gets all the good stuff. Here even the female lead is unique and as powerful as he is.

I'm... more>> more hooked into the novel, because I want to know what is his bloodline? And what will happen once he reaches Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace. Would a typical drama happen or would it be something interesting?

By the way, the translation is great, hardly any delay or mistakes. I don't remember if there was any delay anytime to start with. <<less
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elesedil rated it
January 1, 2019
Status: c707
Very pleasant novel - worth reading.

Main character has surprisingly realistic reactions considering his age ^^. Also not too OP. A nice twist in the plot here and there. Would recommend to others.
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ercana rated it
December 26, 2018
Status: c701
Quite enjoyable novel.

The "harem" tag (which I usually don't like) is not too present (well, romance is not a really big thing in the novel up to this point). The plot is quite interesting, the actions of the different characters are rather coherent.

I like the fact that the MC is not totally OP. He gets lots of inheritances, but has to rely on himself and gets little help from powerful backers throughout the story.

The translation is good, the release rate (1/day, 2/weekend day) is good (and the translator really sticks... more>> to it) <<less
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Lsshin rated it
December 25, 2018
Status: c708
In every story we all have our own opinion of how each plot should unfold or on how the MC should behave. Here we have a fresh take on an MC who does get a lot treasures and legacies, but who doesn't get babysit at all. He has to struggle the entire way and build his own path. The surrounding characters are relevant and never forgotten. The MC makes mistakes and doesn't rely on plot armor. There are so many things to love in the story that even after... more>> going broke I would sell my body to get my fix of early chapters.

The translation is so epicly good that you will re read chapters just to marvel st the quality and the extra culture notes added by beerblade asks sword immortal. <<less
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Lolistalker rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c155
it was decent so far, sadly there is many missing and unedited chapters past ch 125 so I kinda think of dropping this before continuing again later

my favorite part about this would be that, unlike ISSTH where the difference in realms is so absolute, here around 2-4 late stage of the same realm could kill/hurt/push back someone above their realm and it does not only apply to the MC who just happen to be OP, and monsters and other stuff like item/weapon etc is not exception as well

the story... more>> is pretty good, the MC is rational, not a genius or dumb idiot which is nice, the character are pretty interesting but nothing exceptional so far, the comedy is a bit lacking but that's fine, id give it 7/10 for now as it has great potential and I like that the author keep building the world quite slowly but surely, I really hope it doesnt go downhill later, theres quite few xianxia novel that was really good but turn out rather shitty pass 500 chapters cough ATG cough <<less
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Aklorto rated it
January 22, 2017
Status: c124
The setting and the plot is good. MC is not a lunatic killing machine. Some people wants to provoke him but he has patience and is a level-headed person. He can forgive some enemies. Though he is a bit pe*vert, he has a good moral overall.

I really want to rate 5 stars but I put 4 stars instead because of the missing chapters. Some important happenings occurred in those missing chapters especially the conversation between the old doctor and the MC (the conversation should be at chapter 125 but it... more>> is missing). The details of that conversation is a MUST to be known to the readers. <<less
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komentar rated it
August 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I think 1/3rd was nice to read, but after that the tempo keeps up in crescendo manner, with schemes after schemes. MC was powerless most of the time and mostly depends on luck and helps from many people. That's what make it unpleasant to read towards the end. If dangers come, THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! The heartbeat fastened and solved the problems.

Cultivators or at least the MC, was in need of tremendous amount of resources, and what's make it unbelievable, only enough to cast 1-3 spells and the story itself... more>> never consistent about it. The young generations easily gain cultivation realm upgrade, while the old one need hundreds if not thousands of years. Also some enemy were very hard to die like a c*ckroach.

Many plot holes and the last arc where battles happened non stop for almost 200 chapters was a major letdown. :/ <<less
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July 19, 2021
Status: c189
The protagonist is a pe*verted brat still reeking of milk. Author keeps referring to him as a strong young man when he is less than 14. Many of the women he meets are potential love interests and older. (They like little boys)

Old men are chasing young women and scheming while there are apparently not many mature strong beauties.

In most stories, a strong mind equals good memory and understanding, but it seems to be of no help to the MC because he is really too s*upid to comprehend new... more>> skills. Does many s*upid things that only a kid would do despite the author describing him to be tall and similar to a 16-year old.


Where are the senior brothers that surpassed the master? Where did Wu Xing go? Qi Warriors? If the demons can live for so long, is it actually immortal cultivation? But I don't think it was mentioned.

MC spent half a year not learning how to harness his power.


The typos are too many, the plotholes are abundant. Cultivation has skipped logic for the MC. <<less
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Stenz rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: c177
“Do you dare tell me your name?” She glowered at Nie Tian. --- (Said the enemy of the strongest sect of the strongest realm at the moment)

“Nie Tian.” --- he answered

Boring novel
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Abdulaziz alshraif
Abdulaziz alshraif
April 1, 2021
Status: c124
if I had to describe this novel with one word it will be (boring) I had to force my self to continue reading it until now, and the MC is an idiot lame character his like the side character in the other novels that you wish it dies.

so I don't recommend this novel.
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hoewee rated it
April 5, 2019
Status: c356
Hey guys wanna share this novel to you. This not like any other MC out there that when beautifull chic show it will automatically fall in love in the MC. And the cultivation base is easy to follow there is a plot armor regarding to his blood line but over all this novel is good. I really recommend this to you :)
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[email protected] rated it
March 22, 2019
Status: c835
I like that the novel takes in the many perspectives of the other side characters while tying them back to the main current or future situation, so good use of foreshadowing. It's good that they keep the main character balanced and while he does have times where he's larger then life they then slowly integrate other characters who match or are slightly above in prestige or power.
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Oddmoonlight rated it
January 10, 2019
Status: c702
What I love about this novel compared to other Chinese novels is that while others are filled with literally the same sentence rearranges 3 to 11 times in one chapter this one doesn't suffer such a problem as much.

What sets this novel apart so far from the others is that the cultivation path has been laid down properly with good class distinctions. The MC's ability is explained with a logicalish reason compared to it's counterparts where somehow MC has the ability to do something just because and not due to... more>> multiple factors that actually set him apart.

As long as the author is able to not drag out things too long this will be a great reading experience for people who like this type of novel or those who wish to try out. Give due credit to the staff working on the translation for a smooth read. <<less
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Murphy rated it
January 7, 2019
Status: c719
Ignore all those descriptions of this novel, and just read it. You'll see that it'll worth your time. The MC isn't too OP like ones you can always tell how the story will go. The characters are interesting, their developments are something I find them fun to read.
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