Living to Suffer


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And his life had been but a prelude to these three things – a summer shower, a glimpse of inky reeds and one man.

Shen Liangsheng is lying in the dirt bleeding away when a doctor, Ch’in Ching, discovers the wounded man. This sets off a series of events, some the doctor expected and others that catches him off guard but are nonetheless all a part of destiny’s plans to pit these two men’s desires against their principles.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Huo Shou Zui
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. They sound good
  2. Danmei I've read part 1
  3. Historical Setting TBR
  4. Favs Favs
  5. danmei

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/20/17 Chinese BL Translations c20 (end)
09/13/17 Chinese BL Translations c19
09/07/17 Chinese BL Translations c18
08/30/17 Chinese BL Translations c17
08/23/17 Chinese BL Translations c16
08/18/17 Chinese BL Translations c15
08/10/17 Chinese BL Translations c14
08/02/17 Chinese BL Translations c13
07/26/17 Chinese BL Translations c12
07/19/17 Chinese BL Translations c11
07/12/17 Chinese BL Translations c10
07/05/17 Chinese BL Translations c9
06/28/17 Chinese BL Translations c8
06/21/17 Chinese BL Translations c7
06/14/17 Chinese BL Translations c6
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44 Reviews sorted by

September 24, 2022
Status: --
it's heartbreaking but I didn't cry. It's also really wholesome.
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Elyurias rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: Completed
"I willingly exchanged one heart for another..." He took a step forward, gaze locked on the man's, and finished, "and I willingly admit defeat."

Living to Suffer is angst in it's purest form. I was looking for something that could make me cry, I was missing some angst in my readings, but I didn't thought that this novel could make me suffer so much in such a short story. I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to cry and feel that unique sensation of despair. The author wrote in a... more>> poetic way that made everything feels even sadder. The characters have their own reasons to do what they do and I hope you can read the story without judging them. Well, my review will not be useful anyway but I'm happy that I can share my pov of this beautiful novel. Another thing that I appreciated in this novel is that it has only twenty chapters and the chapters are short, and I particulary love this, I don't like huge story with long chapters, but this is only a preference of mine. In short, what I have to say is: read Living To Suffer, please, you won't regreat it. <<less
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thousand blooming flowers
thousand blooming flowers rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: Completed
After reading this, you can say I'm "living to suffer" too.

This story was a massive tear-jerker, especially by the end, where all THAT happened.

For me, all the smut scenes were filled with certain feelings of tenderness that perfectly aided the plot's angst, and the words of affection spoken and exchanged between the two main characters really built up an atmosphere akin to a shabby palace that one would temporarily stay in, grow feelings for, and make you cry your heart out when it finally falls down, even though you already... more>> know from the start that it wouldn't hold out much longer. <<less
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protagplotarmor rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: Completed
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