Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End


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The moment the little tyrant of the nobles, Roel Ascart, saw his stepsister, he recalled his memories. He realized that he was in the world of a gal game he played in his previous life. To make things worse, he was the greatest villain in the common route of the game!

“I’ll be killed by the main character and the four capture targets ten years from now. Is there still any hope for me?”

Just thinking about the fearsome glints of those sharp swords those beautiful capture targets held in their hands, Roel couldn’t help but tremble in fear.

Till a voice finally sounded in his head.

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Evil Young Master Doesn’t Want a Bad Ending
Little Tyrant Doesn't Want To End In Shambles
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290 Reviews sorted by

chucke rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: c187
I personally have become disillusioned with the story as it progressed.

Originally when I started reading it was very excited because the promise was great - MC is reincarnated into a gal game as a villain, tries to avoid death flags, has strong willed harem and also being chinese novel it supposed to have detailed world building. Not to mention, huge amount of chapters. So in short it supposed to be My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending + Sevens + chinese novel. Unfortunately, it did not work out that... more>> great as I expected.

While the story reminds of aforementioned novels, author falls short in developing the characters and the world. In short, the story is kinda messy.

    • World building is there, but it is not fleshed out - monetary system, characters, organizations are not fleshed out, relationships between noble houses and so are at best superficial. There is a back story and even some ancient history but it is not cohesive enough to build a decent picture of the history of the world. Timeline is a mess. It is hard to explain but if I were to describe it, it would sound like if you use the real world history but introduce characters that can live more than a century. Like imagine reading about the great achievements and failures of Napoleon today, about various political events that happened at his time... and then find out that the dude might be still alive but he retired and left the politics to his descendants (that were not killed). By that time imagine him seeing World War 1, World War 2 but being like "well whatever it is not my time period anymore". It adds the confusion regarding what is old, what is not, what is the ancient history and what it is the recent history.
    • Power system is a mess. It is confusing and incosistent. Ok, there are attributes that come from the ancient being (goddess for example). And these attributes that are "good" attributes, supported by the people, religion and government. There are deviant attributes that are being opppresed because they are considering "bad" and people who have these attributes can went crazy. People are born with them. But are they bloodline attributes? No. Because there are spearate bloodline attributes that are considered "good" and even "better" than the normal attributes and people won't go crazy if they have them... What the hell??? But that's ok. Now we have attributes, there are also levels of power. Like level 6, 5 and so on. Smaller number - higher level. This is where the novel shows its chinese roots and makes MCs and others strong enough to fight above their level. The problem is that unlike the traditional "realms" that you can find in the novels, MC with a power up can literally fight entities at level 2 while being level 6. Not like 1 or 2 level difference, but literally levels above, "world threat" level enemies. The result is that it is not interesting to follow his growth as it doesn't matter if he goes from level 6 to 5 as he has powers to fight the strongest entities in the story already. Oh, yes there is additional levelling system that reflects the number system but uses letters instead and used only for his UI interface. Why?
    • Character development. MC supposed to be 30 years old dude reincarnated into a gal game as a villain. MC shares the traits of japanese characters that are completely oblivious to the feelings of others and blush each time they see a love interest. But that's ok. As I mentioned before, story has strong willed girls, with their own plans, being in harem they have their checks and balances and it reminded me of Sevens. The problem is that the author constantly destroys the development of his own characters. You can feel the sympathy to the newly introduced girl, she has her own past and MC helps her with her insecurities, she fells in love and everything is good. In the next arc she turns into a deranged s*upid girl actively hurting MC and surrounding with her actions just to push her own agenda and fight off another newly introduced girl. We saw 3 girls so far, and it happened exactly 3 times already! (It is even funny that people jump ships in comments from MC&girl_1 -> MC&girl_2 -> MC&girl_3). You just don't feel sympathy to the previous heroines anymore due their actions.
    • The whole death flags thing was just a premise to the story and unlike Death Flags No Sign, the whole idea is not overarching at all. At this point these death flags don't matter at all, as MC is involved in the sequences of events that are completely unrelated to the gal game. It is not like Death Flags novel where they increased MC's understanding of the world (like some event happened in game and him being in game allowed him to understand why it happened). Here they literally have no relation with the gal game and can be even considered a separate story - they literally don't do much to the main plot. And for a minor character that supposed to die in the first arc originally, he had too much ties with all the heroines.
I went with 4, but it is something akin 3.6-3.7. Maybe even 3.5. I am not sure that something will change as stories tend to become worse with their writing the longer they go. <<less
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Daoist Ghoul
Daoist Ghoul rated it
February 1, 2022
Status: c400
since I saw a lot of low reviews mainly because of dumb reasons, I had to write my own review since I don't bother with writing one usually.

This novel is best in the 'Transmigration to Otome Game' genre, a very well-written story, the female characters are fleshed out, each one gets a separate arc for initial development and it continues to develop.

Now there were some calling the author lolicon etc etc, I must say, how many times must it be told to them that this story is set in a different time period where getting engaged at 12 and married at 14 is a norm? Just because the MC is from modern times, he is not excused from this rule.

The novel may start a bit off and boring in... more>> the beginning, it gets better as it goes on. The female leads have a really strong personality, like actually manipulating the MC, scheming, forceful, and uh... actually doing a 'crime'? But don't worry they are all good girls, and the romance is one of the big factors of this novel, and it plays a big role too since the relationship of the MC and the girls is one of the driving force of the story, so if you dont like Harem or harem drama (the good kind of drama) might not be for you.

The world-building and the lore is the best I have read in an Otome Game. <<less
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bakaemon rated it
November 24, 2021
Status: --
I listened to many people recommended this to me and decided to give it a try. Well, I went in with no expectation and still, regretted my choice of action. This was an absolute waste of time. The good is niche, indeed, but the bad ruined everything the good build up. Characters are shallow and act worse than in bad anime series. I can't think of anything than disappointment at this moment. How could this get such high rate? Looking at other tons of hidden gems out there, I can't... more>> help feeling angry at the sheer amount of injustice for that matter and the people on this site. Come on! Read something else other than this! <<less
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creepycatisawesome rated it
October 8, 2021
Status: --
  • I think most of the 2-3 star reviews have covered everything. IT'S the BETA MALE cliche. No, he feels great around everyone but girls. The worst part is that u would want to like it and then MC interacts with girls and boom u don't like it anymore.
... more>>

I know people here supposedly like MC being a simp and a pathetic wimp infront of his girls, but this guy... He seriously gets pressurized by maids. Imagine a kingdom where the only prince, the esteemed heir is being pushed around laughed at and being played by ordinary group of maids. What authority will this guy have in the future. This kingdom is bound to fall. There are instances of kings being kind to their milk maids in history. But no kindom, I have seen where random workers could joke with the king. Even the jester events where fun of King was made were specially organised.

Ofcourse there are those spoon feeding forced bd*m spoiling reputation, harem wars and other annoying cliches too. But this was a new one I found for the first time, where being part of harem was not important, you just need to be a girl to practically dictate MC's life.


I don't want to say this but people on NU can sometimes be really deceiving.

Imagine this sh*t sharing the same rating as tocf a couple of weeks ago. No I think this was higher by 0.1. 😂😂😆😆

Okay creep out 😉😹 <<less
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luckymorris rated it
June 11, 2021
Status: c225
I'm dropping this novel.

It was at first interessing, the world building was decently done, a good cast of characters, a power level system similar to "lord of the mysteries" and an interessing story.

The problem is mostly the romance. The MC is like 12 y/o, as of now, he have 3 wives candidates that are hungry for his d*ck and they're all below 14, which makes it kinda creepy to read. If it was only that, I might be able to look past it, but the problem is while the MC... more>> is indeed 12 y/o physically, he is someone that reincarnated so his real age is actually around 30 y/o, a 30 y/o that get push around by little girls, let himself get assaulted by them and never put them in their place (And he actually enjoys it), he is pathetic and disgusting. He have no spine, except for that one time he act like he have balls in order to get a girl to fall for him, that's it. The MC is basically a spineless pe*ophile, you could say that it's similar to mushoku tensei, the difference being that the author of mushoku tensei own up to the fact that his MC is a disgusting creep that get some reality checks hitting him hard from time to time. You'll get none of that self awareness in this novel.

A shame, the author should have made a time skip to make the MC at least 16 y/o and let him grow some balls. <<less
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oatesi rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: --
God f*cking damn it, this could have been a good story if the author wasnt so focused on sexualising children, at first I tried to ignore it by imagining the MC was a an actual kid who got access to past life memories instead of a 30 odd year old in the body of a child, but when the author constantly talks about 9 year olds and bd*m it makes it really bloody hard.

The author tries to remidybthis by saying stuff like not having those thoughts because no puberty or... more>> that kids in that world mature early, it wouldn't be as bad if they were just teenagers that way its make more sense for them to have these types of thoughts but no theys bloody 7 9 and 10 at this point.

Aside from this major problem it could have been a decent story if the author put more effort into the story itself. Yeah I get that it's a dating sim and all but meh, could have been better. <<less
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August 26, 2020
Status: c5
Too soon to rate, but I'm hopeful. I see there's no romance tag or harem tag yet. Hope it stays that way, but with 'affection' being the currency he's collecting, I'm a bit worried. Romance is okay, but harems are...

Anyway. The MC doesn't seem too smart, since he can't even manage to communicate properly with a 7 year old, but hopefully we'll see him shine down the road.
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reader9000 rated it
October 10, 2021
Status: c176
I tried reading this because of high ratings.

I should have listened to the reviews.

firstly the main character is so s*upid the girls are almost exactly saying "hey f*ck me I'm so h**ny" but he seems to not hear it. It's just so s*upid. And it's actually a repeating story where the girl at first will be cold to the MC then become obsessed in the end of the arc and then repeat with the next girl.

the only reason I think why this has high ratings is the translator put an... more>> "objective" where if succeeded will make him post a bonus chapter. That is indeed a smart way to get a high ratings but makes the ratings itself useless <<less
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eylos rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: c449
It's a harem reincarnation story, there's a bunch of tropes, but the story continues to keep interesting, the power lvls are well done and consistent, the heroines while they are basicaly yanderes they have a well done story and character development and arcs, its a consistent Very good story for its genre and what Its meant to be. A mix of villainess genre and harem isekai shounen.
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November 5, 2020
Status: c88
Just get past the exposition-filled beginning. The author really finds their stride later on and moves away from common cliches, resulting in a interesting story with good world-building and mystery. My only regret is I started reading before more chapters were out, and got stuck on a cliffhanger.
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Redmoon2 rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c353
A unique reincarnated into a dating sim game novel that features not just the relationship between the MC (who is reincarnated as the villain of the novel) and the female leads but also expands and builds upon the world within.

First, I really like how realistic the relationship between the MC and the female leads are. The female leads don't just accept and tolerate each other because their love for the MC. Rather, the relationship is portrayed realistically with the female leads trying to outdo or even sabotage each other in... more>> order to be with the MC. They can be jealous and might do some idiotic things because of it. What's even better is that the female leads have their own unique personalities and are not one dimensional characters that simply exist for the sake of being part of the harem. They will grow along side the MC and face challenges together with him.

The MC, Roel, is quite likeable. He's not some dense protagonist that doesn't understand the feelings that the females leads have for him. He is cunning, quick-witted, protective, brave, and very proactive. He's not a weakling either and is willing to step up and fight when the situation needed him to do so. He tries hard in many ways to break his death flags in order to live.

The world building in this novel is also worth mentioning as most of these types of reincarnation into dating sim novels tend to only focus on the romance aspect of the story. We get to see how the MC explore and dives into the true history of this world (part of his power) and along the way see hints of foreshadowing of what the MC might possibly face in the future.

What's also great is that while there is a unique power system in this novel, the MC's power level is not too heavily focused on for majority of the plot. While he is considered strong among his peers, some of the female leads are actually even stronger and more talented than him. Much of the story focuses more on relationship (familial, romance, political, etc), some kingdom building, and world building. Because there's so much to cover, the pacing can be a bit on the slow end. However I can guarantee if you like all the stuff I mentioned above, this novel will definitely be worthy of your read. <<less
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Kusanagi1230 rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: c114
The story is very well structured and the writing is perfect, I have a great time reading how poor Roel tries to hide when Alicia and Nora start arguing and fighting.
The story so far is enchanting me I hope it continues as it goes now, Thank you for translating the novel
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thejorg rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c113
Well what can I say other than unlike many other CN that I have read the MC is a decent human being that is not on a power trip and while he so far seems to be ignoring the fact that the FL are interested in him it comes off as willfull ignorance more than your typicall dence MC which comes off as hillarious instead of annoying.
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blitznova123 rated it
November 19, 2020
Status: c108
What if Lord of the Mysteries had Romance? What if those transmigrated into galge/otome games had actual plot, instead of just romance? Well, this is it. There is world building, foreshadowing, and plot. Three things you wouldn't see in a typical romance genre novel. The mystery regarding Bloodlines and history is explored, and will be explored further. Now, about the romance. Although currently we have only seen 2 heroines interact with the MC, both are good so far. They are each unique, and from what I can tell, so is... more>> the next one.

The translation quality is excellent. The translator is also very engaging, giving us bribes to comment or leave reviews. The comment section of new chapters are usually very active, and it only really takes a week or two at most for the majority of the missions. I hope that this translator is the one who translates the whole series.

Our MC, Roel, also has a system. But it is not you conventional system. He has to often use his wits to properly use it. And usually, the system games Roel. Which brings us to Roel. There is only one word I can think of to describe Roel: Roel. He is mature and intelligent when he needs to be. He isn't one of those beta pushovers, but he isn't exactly one of those alpha chads either. He is him. That is it. As for what that means, READ THE NOVEL!

Tl;dr Just read the novel, its good. <<less
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OP senior brother
OP senior brother rated it
July 20, 2022
Status: 480-ish
It started out as a somewhat cliche but interesting premise.

Reincarnated (as a kid noble) MC who knows how some things in the world will develop, including how he will die. What the MC has to do now is to avoid that death.

Somewhat interesting although cliche right?

... more>> The author is probably a ginormous podophile!

The plot only makes up about 1/4 of the story and it only shows up to support the author's pe*ophile tendencies.

Who describes a 9 year old child as ; beautiful, ravishing e.t.c ??

A grown up MC that reincarnated as a kid getting into love triangles with kids. Tf?

Since the kids act like grown ups I decided to push down my discomfort (hoping for a time skip), and I started treating them as grown ups. After all this is a highly rated novel and it took a while to find something to read, so I grit my teeth and endured.

Endless info dumps.

Dragged out chapters.

Heck the translaters started splitting these already watered down chapters further into halves (e.g chapter 360.5).

There should be a limit to ho naive an MC can be.

Villains only attack as a means to indirectly push the shitty romance? I think I finally understood it when told me the MC has golden eyes, he is handsome and that women love him, please stop emphasizing it now. I have no idea how I made it this far, but I just cant anymore! <<less
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koshwin rated it
June 30, 2022
Status: c327
It's gotta be the first time I dropped a novel because the female lead are so f*cking bad. Like seriously wth? A sadistic 10+ year old? Another one who will make others think that she's in a s*xual relationship with him just so they don't covet him? And not get guilty about it even a f*cking bit and play it out as some harmless joke if he found out?

Harem in general is difficult to pull off and this instead is a toxic one, already started with the wrong steps. The... more>> members are selfish, don't care about MCs opinion about it and just force it on their own. The only saving grace was the worldbuilding and a bit of the plot other than that I wouldn't even have read it so far. And honestly defending the whole "age difference" and how now it's okay since it's an isekai and he's now a 10 year old won't make you look any good lol. Welp it is what it is and I won't judge if you think otherwise about it. (Here's a perfect example of how it makes u look by Cilvanis on yt: pU2VY4vCDug by the title When Your Friend Watches Sus Anime) <<less
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Subsinexus rated it
April 4, 2022
Status: Completed
A shockingly good work. It has a bit of a slow start, and I'm not a fan of the early arcs before Charlotte appears. However, later on events get moving, and previously vague mysteries start to come to light.

The harem is well done. All the heroines are unique, and have their own relationship with the MC. They aren't perfect and definitely make mistakes, on more than one occasion negatively influencing the MC due to either badly-made plans, not thinking or poor execution. But it's realistic - what can you expect... more>> out of a bunch of young girls in the early half of their teens in love? They grow well, and following later arcs/timeskips, mature into more competent love interests.

The ending... could be better. It felt a bit rushed to me. However the journey towards it was a great read. <<less
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mateus21o rated it
November 6, 2021
Status: c204
Interesting story and power system, I'll give it that but the main character is one of the worst I've ever seen. If you hate dense protagonists, then leave straight away. This has got to be one of the dumbest protagonists I've ever seen.

All the FL's push their selves on to him, some humiliating him and even some kidnapping him. These are 10 - 12 year old CHILDREN. I don't get it. The MC is like 30 or 40 years old on the inside (virg*n obviously) but he acts like a... more>> child in the story. The sory also seems to sexualize everything. Everyone wants MC to procreate. 10 year old children want to procreate with him and the MC finds him self attracted to 9 - 12 year old CHILDREN. To top it off, MC is always getting injured but every way to heal him seems to involve some sort of intimate interaction with a FL. This story is so infuriating because the genuinly enjoy the fight scenes and aspect the system bring to the story. The MC is also passable when he is not around any FL (which is basically never).

If u couldnt be asked to read, pe*verted, annoying, abusive FL's push themselves onto an incredibly dense, annoying, and predatory MC. <<less
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Professor Baka De DeluPerv
Professor Baka De DeluPerv rated it
October 15, 2021
Status: --
I can understand why people doubt the credibility of the ratings of the novel...

I'm not gonna sugar coat this; it sucks.

At first the story was likeable, I might have left a 5 star, but after the first arc it just got frustrating to read. The girls that were likeable turned into nothing more than the worst of the worst.

... more>> The only likable characters so far are the side characters, maybe even they'll turn into terrible characters too, but I don't need to put myself into suffering juat to find out.

If you like a decent plot with terrible characters by all means this is for you~

If you don't; well, there's hundreds of books out there better than this. <<less
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Zaravo rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: c200
I'm too lazy to write a review for this story so I'll keep it short.

Chinese author tries to write a Xianxia japanese-style.

Don't get me wrong, it's a well-written novel, but instead of putting the good parts together, the story only accentuates the bad parts of both styles. If it weren't for these bad parts I would find the story fun to read.

... more>> It has power levels like a xianxia but the few fights are terrible

It's a harem (what is a minus for me but, for each your own) but it's a japanese harem with a Japanese beta-MC. The girls literally kiss, hug and get all intimate with him, but he is literally unable to notice that they have romantic interests in him. He's always wondering why girls are always on his toes... Like... Dude, WTF?

And that's the review, there's nothing more of interesting in these 200 chapters I read of this novel, like, literally nothing. <<less
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