Legend of the Great Sage


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The paramount existences among daemons are known as ‘Great Sages’.

A young man leaves the mountain village and wanders the world, entering the legends step by step, becoming a part of mythology itself.

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One entry per line
The Legend of the Great Saint
Related Series
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I Shall Seal the Heavens (1)
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  4. Evil Protagonist
  5. Peak Cultivation Xianxia / Xuanhuan

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155 Reviews sorted by

Rwings rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: c750
First 300 chapters are good. A lot of time is spent on side characters and trying to make the world feel livid in. Not a lot of pointless evil characters and the few seem more like comic relief given their over the topness compared to everyone else.

Story starts going down hill after a 3 year time skip. Main love interest is gone to another city. The main character goes from being interesting to a boring evil do whay I want because plot armour a**hole.

The world no long feels lived in... more>> and more like an extension to show how amazing the main character is. From chapter 500~ to 700 not a single interesting character choice is made. He sleeps with anything with a pulse. Kills anything that looks at him. Its boring. Also creepy how he mol*sts a 13 year old when he's in his late 20's and is applied he sleeps with her.

Got to the point where he's destroying some island and in the middle of doing so he stops to eat and drink. The food is human flesh and the alcohol is poisoned but f*ck all if either matters. The amount of nothing bad ever happening to the MC given his idiotic behaviour is simply bad writing at this point. He has no enemies, his actions have zero down side and in any other novel his behavior would be that of a villain yet it seems like that's not the author's intention.

It feels like the author is writing things that they think sounds cool but in reality is dumb. <<less
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MonsieurLimes rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: c346
I loved the beginning, it was a breath of fresh air, at least for me, from the usual generic cultivation novels where the MC is a genius or has the power of plot armor x1000 and they suddenly develop faster than the god almighty genius of the geniuses at cultivating.

then the academy arc sets in, which is entirely useless and pointless to which I just stopped reading.

overall, it’s very special and unique at the start and slowly descends into the generic Chinese cultivation novels.
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Sweetsalt rated it
June 10, 2021
Status: c804
I enjoyed it.

great story so far, I like the characters' development. The world background. It's a well-written story and translated.
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GoodGuyWijaya rated it
January 23, 2021
Status: c260
Sighh it was a good novel. But now I have a hard time reading it. Now The story and the plot is unique, so it is a plus. The interaction between him and his harem was a bit shittyyy. Why?There is this one potential relationship that is really forced with the (Qiu Something). Yes It hasnt been implied that she will join MC Harem. But She keep Appearing near MC, well I dont mind if she is a Naive Girl. But this Qiu Something is someone who slept with a... more>> lot of people to get power and level up (She use dual cultivation devouring technique). Even She had slept with the MC boss and the plotting to kill him TWICE.

I just really Hope that she wont join the MC harem, I will update you on her relationship with MC later on. <<less
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Juliwen rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: c550
I read pretty far into novel, but it wasn't really a page turner towards the end, it was more it was above average enough that it was okay. I would rate it closer to a 3.5 star. One thing that that wasn't that bad but still prevalent was cookie cutter bad guys that just need to insult your face and steal your sh*t and you splat them. I felt the author tries to justify them decently at least early on but still gets really out of hand at the end... more>> nonetheless. The MC also had a more rigorous moral compass in the beginning but do to spoilers it becomes a bit muddy but he never really considers it deeply what he is doing is right or not.


At this point, he's a half demon, who kills humans, because racism, but he's a human too? Of course he spares people he knows but he still wantonly slaughter everyone else, because they against demons. But that just makes more people hate demons and surprise you escalate a demon vs human conflict. Now it's okay if you picked your side but he didn't he's sitting both sides. He watches on the sideline as people he knows die because of this conflict and he doesn't go like well sh*t I should have stopped escalate those past splat fights out of proportion. At chapter 550 he straight up is killing people not even directly provoking him to eat their Golden Core to power up, I'm got to say that drives me a bit crazy, and somehow the pedestal female crush is like totally okay with all this when she know everything, and she's literally his boss and an arbiter of peace. The author is just doing the a bad job at making MC morally logical. He can be a bad guy I don't care, but he can't just have the cake and eat it too.


Romance, it's a Harem, a minus to me but bearable but he does something that annoys me that just makes him less of a man as much as he tries to reasons himself out.


He has a few crushes here and there, but he decides to commit to one girl, he stays loyal for like maybe 100 chapters. Then he forced by plot to bang someone else. Alright I guess but at that point he's basically promises other girls he'll bang them. And the main girl is off somewhere else and he just tells her to wait for him. This is just poorly handled, either you shouldn't have promised it, you should confess, or you should try to make it up to her. And he agrees to marry his daughter-isque female lead in the future like now you're just f*cking around aren't you.


Combat too much plot armor, better at the beginning. Out of proportion power level even from early on really, his skills are too convenient, but mainly too much plot armor, someone stronger should have defeated him by now, not saying killed but he should have lost.


Let me just say that he was literally reduce to a mere skeleton and didn't die.


I'm deciding to drop this so that's gonna color my view, I think there's just a lot of things that aren't well thought out at this point. He was a transmigrated modern human, you assume he has a concept of morality or this was an cliche add on because it didn't play a factor at all. I guess if you can ignore the plot holes and just the enjoy the adventure part it's 4/5 but it doesn't sit well with me. <<less
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Arcadial rated it
December 18, 2020
Status: c460
I very much enjoyed this novel for the first few hundred chapters, which already is enough for me to give it 4 stars honestly since I don't expect too much from web novels anymore...


MC is a pretty decent character

... more>> Story is pretty good and while there are tr*sh sons of heaven they are bearable


I think the love aspect of this story is really weak, just my opinion without spoilers but there is one extremely obvious choice which would have been a slow romance option (and still is going to be I am pretty sure), and I think if the author had just left it at that it would be okay, but instead we get this shitty harem tag that I dislike a lot.

The author REPEATEDLY says how big the prefecture they are in is like its a massive place, but its 1500KM. I live in California and the state is like 1300KM long. It really seems pretty small for all the large scale things that have happened so far when I compare it to here. <<less
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tweprebet rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c406
Edit: Later problems have dropped this to three stars for me. More info at the end.

Four stars is a little high, but not too much.

The author at one point flat out says he wrote this novel to focus on the aspects that were poorly received in his last novel. It shows.

The reason to read this novel is mainly the characters and relationships. They're pretty good, especially the relationships. These are the things he identified as doing well in his previous novel, and again, it shows. Even the non-main characters are... more>> all pretty good. They behave far more like what I'd expect from this kind of world, rather than the constant stream of only arrogant young masters. I mean those exist too, but still. Even they aren't so bad compared to many novels and usually won't meaninglessly throw their life away when forced to take a step back.

However the novel doesn't really focus on the characters and relationships. They are there and fairly consistently, but they aren't the focus, unfortunately. However I'm currently finding them to be worth putting up with the rest. I've also been procrastinating super hard the last few days while reading this, so it's possible my current evaluation is a bit off.

The main focus of this novel is the fighting and power progression. And they're both... middling to poor. The saving grace is that the fights are usually short (though back-to-back are not infrequent, unfortunately) with none of the 'raah that was only 10% of my power, try 20%, now 30%, etc' and the bothersome cultivation sections are infrequent.

The fights are basically ripped straight out of a ridiculous anime. You've got all the standard weirdness that's more suited to, or forced on, an anime despite the fact this is a novel. They pretty much run entirely on the rule-of-cool, and can also frequently be hard to follow. Sometimes random sh*t just happens out of nowhere, and occasionally the author will ramble off in the middle of a scene before abruptly returning to the middle of some sequence, without bothering to remind the reader of what the hell was going on. The latter bit is probably more of an issue earlier on, though. But the random sh*t from nowhere because cool might get worse as time goes on.

The cultivation sections are just infuriatingly skim-bait. The cultivation is super ill-defined and mostly just a few power levels with 'absorbing energy' thrown in constantly. That's not inherently good nor bad, but occasionally you just get a full chapter or two of weird, exacting, detail about meridian after meridian. They play no real role in any other chapters beyond the basic crippling via meridian destruction thing. And there's no real detail about any other aspect of cultivation. But every now and then it's literally an entire chapter or two of "and he moved qi to this meridian and then this meridian and then this other meridian..." and I just have no idea why these chapters even exist.

There's also just a lot of ridiculous and/or inconsistent stuff thrown around. It doesn't really matter too much usually, but it's good for a laugh or a headscratch or two.

    • Early on the author goes on for a bit about MC being able to recover his strength faster than most so he can throw 100% effort punches. Other people will never punch with all their strength in a fight because they can't recover their strength quickly... apparently. It makes it sound like muscles have a cooldown or something, and that punching has nothing to do with balance and weight distribution.
    • You also have stuff like really early on MC punches for a bit and the force causes his legs to sink real deep into the ground. This only comes up a few more times in any capacity, despite how much stronger the MC has gotten.
    • MC is unique for not wasting any pill energy no matter how quick he eats them. He also rations his pills carefully and slowly when he has a few of them. Why? Who knows. He even does this in the middle of a little ramble about how it's often worth making some long-term sacrifices for short-term benefits. But he doesn't waste pills, so he could get short term benefits with no long-term cost if he just ate them. But he doesn't, and instead rations them carefully.
The author also enjoys occasionally throwing in some s*upidity on the MCs part or other massive series of coincidences just to subvert reader expectations. If he can make you think Group A is about to show up, he'll be very happy to suddenly bring Group B in out of nowhere.

I don't know if this is the original or the translation, but there are also a fair number of abrupt and unmarked jumps in PoV, as well as time and/or location. It can be really jarring and take a little bit of time to try to settle what the hell is going on now. There's not even an extra linebreak or anything. One paragraph you are with the MC and the next it's an intro setting the scene for some other character.

But the relationships really are great (even if not the focus), it is nice to see some of the more annoying wuxia tropes reworked to be a little more realistic, and the bad parts tend to move on quickly. You do get bad part into bad part frequently... but the fact things are at least moving on helps make it a lot more tolerable.

Update: It's worth mentioning this author is incurably obsessed with twists. I mentioned it to some degree before, but it bears mentioning again. There's even at least one author's note about him pondering such a thing even after the situation had started. He apparently had nothing planned except for the fact a twist would exist, and stated it as if it was a basic requirement. This latest bit has been throwing them around so often that I just can't care about what's going on anymore. It's like an adult seriously playing keep away with a child - at some point the child just stops trying because what's the point anyway?

Edit: So, I've dropped to three stars. Why? Two main factors. First, the fights have gotten so much worse. They've gone from having a strong rule-of-cool influence to being utterly subservient to the cool. This means all the fights are basically asspull after asspull. "Oh look, the enemy can summon a giant elemental! Amazing!" immediately turns into "I never mentioned this before, but actually at some point when preparing for this battle I learned how to make an even more awesome elemental!" And this kind of sh*t just happens repeatedly. The author comes up with some kind of amazing thing the enemy can do and then the MC just randomly happens to be able to do it too but better. This adds yet more little interruptions, in addition to just destroying any little remaining interest in the already just tolerable fights. The author has also gone all-in on clones. While the MC does use them somewhat intelligently, it also means a lot of the riskier stuff is just done with a clone... so there's no risk. At all. There's literally no tension, because clone. The author also uses this to push his "gotcha!" addiction into overdrive. His clone is almost always referred to by just his name. So you end up with frequent sequences that basically go "MC was sliced in half! Of course, it was just a clone." This just beats the dead horse that is tension in this story. It literally trains you to ignore sh*t like the MC getting sliced in half, because it doesn't even matter a little bit anyway.

I could probably at least deal with that, except for the other major problem. The author started adding in another character that has some kind of meaningful relationship with the MC. Some people were b*tching about her, but I don't really know why. I actually think it's a very well done character that stands out as one of the better love interests I've seen in quite awhile.

But. But. The author refuses to let this slow down the high pace of fighting and powering up. And as a result they basically let any other relationship wither and die. Those were the saving grace of this novel. And they just basically get completely ignored and then the MC finally addresses this with "oh, I've been neglectful" before it dives right back into the fighting and powering up. I'm not exaggerating. If anything, I've made it sound better than it actually is, because there's no actual dialogue about it. It's literally a single sentence of narration. That goddamn relationship was the lifeblood of this novel with barely tolerable fighting and powering up and it gets a single goddamn off-handed thought to address the fact it had been thrown into the tr*sh somewhere along the way before returning to the shitty fighting.

This was the driving relationship of the story, and one that was doing a lot of work to define the MC's character. Having him continue to ignore it even at this point is no longer simply adding some kind of character flaw or anything, but basically tearing out any meaningful characterization that had happened for the MC.

If even the author doesn't care about the MC he'd built up, why would I? <<less
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vindo rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: v1c1
this is a GEM!

I really love the interaction between MC and Xiao An. The story is great, plot armor is minimal, and MC is smart, he knows when to advance and when to retreat.

I suggest you all to try and read it!
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Tyki Mikk
Tyki Mikk rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: c420
With Grasping Evil, this novel is my top 2 of all xianxia novels out there. Really different writing style, good romance, literary value etc, I have read dozens of xianxia novels but Legend of the Great Sage and Grasping Evil are the top ones currently, in my opinion.
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ankushmelancholy rated it
February 21, 2018
Status: c126
A perfect gem of a novel where everything is logical and plot armor is not thick. The character development is steady and all in all its a good read. I would even rate is among the top "must reads"

also a new translator has already picked it up so that's a good news

Any recommendations similar to this kind of novel would be highly welcome
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January 2, 2018
Status: c120
Good read but I can't find any Great Saint in it. More like atheism and satanic novel. Jokes aside, the story is unique and I need more chapters.
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starfyre7 rated it
June 12, 2017
Status: c107
This novel is very interesting due to the characters introduced as well as the method of cultivation.


Li Qingshan (the MC) cultivates as a monster and eventually turns into a real monster, with bull horns, hooves, and everything. His constant companion is a skeletal child who was formerly a ghost.


The translation is also excellent, and is released at a fast rate of about 1 per day.
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Drake888 rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: v11c1243
This is an incredibly exciting and engaging cultivation story. The MC gets a powerful cultivation method with some dangerous downsides and starts his journey to greatness. The concept is cliche, sure, but the writing is excellent with interesting characters and fun interactions. I definitely recommend this for anyone interested in a cultivation story about a weak outside rising to greatness in a cultivation world.

Sadly, the author did eventually lose his direction and I am no longer thrilled over 1, 000 chapters later. But I couldn't bear to put the book... more>> down for the first 7 volumes and I still loved it for another 4 volumes. Since NU is full of short stories, I am not going to give this a poorer score because the quality starts dropping after 700 chapters. If you pick this up, you can expect hundreds of chapters of excitement. <<less
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November 27, 2022
Status: c780
The only disappointment is the harem. I really hate when you introduce harem but you cannot execute it well, might as well not introduce it at the first place.
First, having Han Qiongzhi as wife despite he is smitten with Gu Yanying. At that point of time, Han Qionzhi has pretty much minimal character development, and barely visible s*xual tension with those two, suddenly they got married, WTH?

Then, the MC is not faithful, fuc.. Ing with every single woman he see who automatically fall in love with his charm? And despite that not honest with his wife.

Dropping it, bye?
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JualYal rated it
May 15, 2022
Status: c470
I haven't written a review in a long time. But decide to write this one out of the blue. Lol.

Ok there is few reason why I only score it 3 star.
    • The author's lack of plot development and making the story more immersive, as well as world building, is a problem for me in this story, which is something I look for in a story. He's good at character interaction, and the MC's personality isn't particularly passive, which is a plus, but the romance isn't for me, it's just the MC flaunting himself and the girl falling for him.
Anyway this arc is pretty baldy written for me.


The story is quite good in the first few chapters, but it quickly deteriorated for me, especially when the demonic beast vs. Human war broke out, because the two faction leaders in that area simply went with the flow. (This is a 3 year time jump, the MC is in seclusion when the war begins) The demonic beast can literally annalihate a city in an instant, they are basically like a nuke that can cause a tsunami, a zombie apocalypse, or a deadly plague. And I'm wondering how there's still a city left after 3 years. Basically, the author and MC are brushing aside the fact that human cities are like mushrooms that will reappear when the wars end.

Another issue with this human-demon war is that the demonic beasts want to attack human cities but there is no explanation as to how the humans will prepare for it. The author did not bother explaining it, just time skip it in 3 years and I dont see any human cultivator attacking the demonic beast settlement either which is weird, The human cultivator is just defending, and the author describes them as firefighters who go when the city has already been attacked and defend what is left in the city. They probably wait until the MC comes out of seclusion before making a move himself ending the war.


One more thing, since the MC is a half deamon and half human his morality alignment is more chaotic neutral now at this point of the story, which means his personal desire come first before good and evil come second. That's why maybe he have selfish MC tag there. If you dont want MC like that you might want to avoid this novel.

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AnEmptySky rated it
April 29, 2022
Status: c1338
Honestly, wasn't bad at the beginning, it had a very distinct atmosphere and setting but as the MC got stronger these more intricate details began taking the backstage instead. While the story itself is still relatively fresh and certain characters have distinct personalities, the pacing is quite slow. Taking over 1300 chapters for the MC to ascend his starting world is on the slow side for these kind of novels. As a novel to read while you wait for your other novels/manga to accumulate chapters, this one isn't a bad... more>> choice if you like xianxia.

Now, I want to say, the best character isn't even the MC. I feel like it's such a shame that this story wasn't about one of the non-love interest female characters,

Qian Rongzhi

. She started with nothing, had mediocre talent, no supreme inheritance or legacy like the MC but was able to scheme and steal her way to power, if you liked Reverend Insanity you'd enjoy this character. Just a shame she doesn't get much screen time. <<less
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cloudmonster rated it
April 19, 2022
Status: c1450
The novel doesn't take itself too seriously, it's very enjoyable and the main character is a breath of fresh air in a sea of self righteous individuals. Other than that the characters have their own individuality and character, there are barely any young masters and the enemies aren't absolutely clueless. Definitely give this a read if you're looking for something fun.
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Sev Ingrag
Sev Ingrag rated it
March 26, 2022
Status: c1336
To be honest I clicked this novel at first to try to get tokens for a translation cite (HostedNovel), but I immediately got hooked on this novel, hands down one of the best novels I've ever read, great world building, great characters and a great plot. I'm just really sad that Im almost caught up, I've been reading this non stop whenever I have time for almost two months now. I've literally gone days just reading this novel from sun up to sun down. 10/10. There were times when the... more>> story was loosing the enthusiasm and wonder that I originally felt at the beginning but after finishing the current volume the wonder and anticipation is still there and I can't wait to see what happens next. The one thing that really roped me in was that the MC was not the generic powerhouse MC, he was a beast (not really a human) and had to try to blend in keeping his identity as not a human a secret and leading two lives along with his partner. <<less
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tirirism rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c1287
It's honestly quite great. There are a few tropey characters (namely all the Buddhist monks except one) who never do anything beyond what their trope dictates, but it's honestly one of the better Chinese cultivation stories I've read in terms of the main characters' personality and motivations.
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Ilvness rated it
January 29, 2022
Status: c1268
"Legend of the Great Sage" has been really good so far. I like how main character allies aren't necessarily good and enemies aren't necessarily evil, it gives me the impression that the author wants to write a psychologically realistic story, not just something to please. Another positive point is the techniques, they are above the standard of "common novels".

The author strives to give each character a different personality. Maybe it's just my impression, but sometimes I notice a pattern of words that each character uses according to their personality, and... more>> that's very good.

Anyway, I recommend reading it. <<less
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