Lazy Dungeon Master


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“Hey, hurry up and massacre those bandits!”

“No way, I don’t want to work…”

Spending my daily life in leisure, that was my pastime—until I was summoned into another world and met a blonde loli introducing herself as Dungeon Core No. 695.

“Save my dungeon. By the way, if the dungeon core is destroyed, you’ll also go down with me as the dungeon master.”

A dungeon with a single room. Moreover, one already controlled by bandits. This is a [Checkmate] no matter how you look at it. Guess there’s nothing to do but somehow get out of this situation so that I can [Not Work]!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Dungeon Master That Absolutely Doesn't Want to Work Before Indulging in Laziness
Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made
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95 Reviews sorted by

ShadenKnight rated it
March 4, 2022
Status: v13
Selfish MC who just wants to sleep, but also can't always? It's great. There are some parts that aren't fun, but usually it hits dead on. Keima is enjoyable and his relationship with Rokuko develops over time.
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MyRAMEN rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: c167
It's a nice casual read. There's enough things in the book that makes you want to drop the book, but the story/world setting is interesting enough to make you stay, however long that is. I remember first time I read this I dropped it maybe c50-70ish? It was around after his first dungeon battle. This is because the story quality suffered a drop from a little before his first dungeon battle. Till that point it was a solid 4 I'd say
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Imadethisjusttoshitonthisnovel rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: --
The concept is amazing, the characters are quite good as well. However, the problem is the MC. The MC is quite literally ret*rded, he doesn’t use the maximum potential of his OP power. And half the time a whole chapter is spent describing how he loves sleep. The MC is also naive, he doesn’t stop or do anything when something NEEDS to be done.

A good example of this is when he doesn’t kill Ryuu fast enough. This would have been sooo satosfying if he f*ckin killed him on the spot.

That said, overall the MC has the brain of a monkey baby that hit its head after trying to see if it could fly (it could not).
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CasualHippo rated it
January 24, 2021
Status: v5
It's a thing to sink time into if you're desperate for something, otherwise skip.

The lazy, loli, and feet bits are a little overdone, and all of the characters so far feel pretty one dimensional. The main personalities are easy to categorize and are pretty trope-y. The dungeon elements are interesting to read, but town life & problems sometimes get a little too nonsensical or hand-wavy. Looking through the other reviews I convinced myself to continue reading hoping it would get better, and it did get a little bit better as... more>> the town started developing. The lolis start to see character development (though it's sudden and unexplained really, the dungeon core starts being smart and all we get is "huh, that's unusual" type comments from the MC) and more characters are introduced threatening the dungeon, but that's pretty much it. The author doesn't seem to have a plan, and I don't think it's worth sticking it out to see if he develops one. <<less
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PaiGon rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: v9
I picked it up and kept reading because there were scenes that gave me a chuckle and the plot WAS on point. Despite the fact that the MC is kinda a douche, and explicit languages were used without merit.

Then after all the dungeon battles, the author seemed to have ran out of ideas.

MC's joke was the same old, the conversation is hard to follow (they start to sound the same). Too many side characters were introduced without any purpose.

The only effort I've see improvments on was the main girl and... more>> the daki.

Is the author just trolling us?

Nah I did this to myself.. The le*d art was already an warning sign yet I proceeded.. Greedy for more but should have dropped it like molten lava <<less
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16-Bit rated it
October 18, 2020
Status: c295
Story starts to get worse in later chapters, some plot holes are getting more frequent in recent chapters and forced events that don't fit the flow are getting tedious. So far it doesn't feel like story has any set end-goal.

MC behavior is inconsistent and most of his companions/s*aves have depth of a pothole, and also romance between MC and core, even though author is forcing it, didn't move much since first chapter. There are some r*pe & gore scenes, though I don't mind them, but I don't exactly see their... more>> purpose.

Author had more than few good ideas but it seems he/she forgot to ask "why" along the way. <<less
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Bluerendar rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: c350
Story is mostly just "fun", and hilariously so, especially if you like the genre. Feels like the author does a lot of "see what sticks" though, so there's likely to be parts of it to your taste and part of it very much not to your taste.... at least you don't miss too much skipping a section or two you don't like in this kind of novel. There's some bit of overarching plot, but it's mainly episodic SoL.

I've dropped this for the LN version, which imo is much better organized... more>> and polished (and tones down the more questionable stuff a bit - probably with the benefit of seeing how people react to the WN). Much better translation quality as well, apparently especially compared to the current mtl group? <<less
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atomsphere rated it
May 14, 2020
Status: c62
Much of the humor is lost since it's puns and small wordplay. Instead we get sentences of gibberish. The narration is fun. Having a narrator who doesn't mind lying to you for a joke keeps it spicy.

If dungeon battles where dungeons go mouth to mouth for a competition sounds like something you're interested in, this might be for you.
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Mr.G rated it
March 17, 2020
Status: --
I will say that it is a rather good concept and the writing is on the better side at the beginning. I have attempted to read this novel twice now but I just couldn't get further than ch.200. For starters, I can count the number of times on one hand that I have hated a main character this much. It's fine to write a character as a hypocrite, it can make for great characters. But don't write him as a hypocrite that is completely oblivious to the most OBVIOUS of... more>> social norms without the ability to rationalize situations and then add some weird s*xual tension he refuses to let go of in attempt to be funny (I guess, I don't see why else you would continuously bring up fetishes for any reasons other than humor or well, sex). I'm not kidding here, I could keep going for another 20 minutes about this without any difficulty. Another issue for me is the humor is a bit... hard to deal with, to put it nicely. Instead of smiling or getting more invested at the humorous parts of the story I just think "oh this bit is suppose to be funny". Lastly, it very quickly became apparent that the rest of the characters are borderline ret*rded in an attempt to make the main character seem smarter.

Again, to reiterate, one last time, I hate the main character so much its not even funny. <<less
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DerpyDo rated it
October 29, 2019
Status: v2c1
I have conflicting feelings about this series so far (I just started vol. 2) I rated it 4 stars (generously), but would have given it 3.5 if that was an option. The concept is interesting and the dungeon management is fun. The characters, however, are cartoony cardboard cut-outs, and the interplay between them seems like a cut-and-paste of all the (worst) tropes from Japanese light novels. Plus, as other reviewers have mentioned, the MC is not really lazy at all... the title probably won out over other choices because... more>> it's funny, but I think it's misleading and doesn't accurately reflect what's happening in the story. A more accurate title would have been something along the lines of "Summoned into Another World by an Airhead Dungeon Master", and change the role of the MC to "Dungeon Advisor" or some such.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of good moments in the first novel, mostly centered around the combat and tactics. This, in particular, is fertile territory that most Isekai stories don't seem to explore to my satisfaction.

I'm not going to criticize the loli/rape/adult themes in this story, because 1) you'd have to condemn so much of the industry 2) to some degree, adult themes are appropriate for a novel geared towards adults about dungeon battles. In fact, I'll go so far as to say I desperately hope that the industry moves further in that direction, for example Goblin Slayer. I would, however, be happy if the author left out the constant (and boring) references to foot fetishes. <<less
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goodknife rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: c272
umm, it's okay I guess? Something you'd read to pass time but not anything serious nor go all the way to be comedy top-notch (i rated it 2 because it's something in-between which I didn't enjoy much) it could also be said 'generic isekai' thingy, almost all character have a cardboard box personality (even MC suffered from this, and his quirk of lazyness feel fakes when compared to a novel like lazy king) the only thing (or two) that keep me reading is it's light feeling from newspaper's cartoon of... more>> sort and mc's golem fetish (probably the core goblin fetish too lol) other thing is just repetitive not interesting (mc's sleep trait, his thigh fetish, no serious story, almost all-character are one-dimension) <<less
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Brasdf rated it
January 6, 2023
Status: v1
Gave up after the first "arc" of the light novel, about half of the volume in.

Pretty bad. Just unpleasant to read. The MC is a weird NEET that just wants to sleep, I don't know why this became a genre, but the humor if there was supposed to be any falls flat and the MC isn't even a little bit likable, doesn't feel like he has any conscience. It seems this book is about lolis about as much as it is about dungeons. Actual, child loli's not short young looking... more>> 500 year old vampires. I find this very unpleasant.

My initial attraction was the hope the MC would be highly intelligent, this doesn't seem to be the case. He isn't s*upid by any means and does try to use his head, but there was nothing particularly clever about his plans. They usually depend on the other party being an idiot or him just getting lucky. <<less
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May 28, 2021
Status: c396
If you consider the main attraction, dungeon battles, they're pretty good. They're creative and interesting, but obviously magic and whatnot make the rules are kinda blurry. This makes them not crazy satisfying or anything, but they are the highlight.

Other than that it's meh. MC left a loli s*ave to get violated by bandits before saving her but I guess he couldn't save her at the time. Then the mf kept her name as "Meat" implying s*x s*ave when he saved her, and it's still being used to cause issues 250... more>> chapters in. There was also a character added a while back, and they're just a massive nuisance. I guess it's supposed to be plot but it's just bad.

Ever since the three way battle it's just been nonsense, filler, and chaos. Character development and romance were pretty flat too. Stuff kinda just happens. Not sure when or how it went from haha s*upid dungeon loli to omg wanna kiss ////. <<less
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CBkami rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: v9
I like the story so far, but I have 2 problems with this.

  1. He's so weak and we know about his power, if the MC is gonna fight stronger characters, he needs to be strong himself, he already knows how to get his stats stronger but he does nothing at all. Yeah he has the strongest s*ave, high ranking acquaintances, but we want him to be strong.
  2. implementing a stat pov, for example, in volume 6 we got to know the mc's stats. I don't know the real term of this but the author could've implemented this. He didn't though.
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October 14, 2020
Status: c450
This novel is basically slice of life of a dungeon master. The MC are extremely lazy with creative dungeon making technique and the heroine are an airhead. But in later chapter, the heroine seems to get creative idea too. What this novel is good are how creative the MC create his dungeon and his town. Ingenious idea seems to flow endlessly. Romance and heated battle is scarce. So, if you looking for that, this novel is not for you. But if want light story about a creative MC, you could... more>> try reading this <<less
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