Kidnapped Dragons


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– The planet [Earth] has entered the abnormal state [Apocalypse].

– You have failed in saving the Earth. The Authority, [Vintage Clock (EX)] rewinds the world’s time.

For Yu Jitae, it was a message he had seen many times.

It was tiresome.

It would have been great had he died with everyone else.

But he couldn’t, for his authorities that made him the strongest existence, brought him back in time whenever he died.

And even with his strength, he couldn’t protect the broad earth against the maddened dragons.

– The world’s time will soon begin.

As the clock resumed ticking in the direction it should, his 7th iteration came to a start.

Fortunately, he finally had the gist of it.

Associated Names
One entry per line
드래곤을 유괴하다
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels I have Read
  2. everything ive read (part 1)
  3. my reads
  4. Good(No Harem)
  5. Action + Romance

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/24/21 Genesis Translations c194
10/22/21 Genesis Translations c193
10/20/21 Genesis Translations c192
10/20/21 Genesis Translations c191
10/17/21 Genesis Translations c190
10/15/21 Genesis Translations c189
10/14/21 Genesis Translations c188
10/13/21 Genesis Translations c187
10/13/21 Genesis Translations c186
10/11/21 Genesis Translations c185
10/10/21 Genesis Translations c184
10/09/21 Genesis Translations c183
10/06/21 Genesis Translations c182
10/04/21 Genesis Translations c181
10/02/21 Genesis Translations c180
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170 Reviews sorted by

November 30, 2022
Status: ss9
A beautiful heart wrenching mess. Easily in the top 5 LN/WN I've read.

If after all that there would have been no happy ending, someone would have strangled the author. Thank god for the SS chapters.
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alenina rated it
November 23, 2022
Status: c9
I have been waiting until the novel was done to do a review but not that its done I've decided to just put on the comment I had for the last chapter as it seems adequate enough as a review in it of itself!

"Wow! It’s done and it has been an amazing journey. Like others, I’ve also been here quite early in the novel and the longest I’ve ever followed. I wish they could of extended more. Anyways, I’m very grateful for RainTL for the high quality and consistent uploads,... more>> it shows their passion and dedication to not only The Kidnapped Dragons but all the others novels they had done. Let’s Go!!" <<less
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EmehVukii rated it
October 25, 2022
Status: c425
Honestly I really don't know what to say lol

I think this is one of the very few times that i've actually been shocked reading a story. I like the unpredictability of the plot, and how the characters really are consistent through all the story. The story can get a little bit tough to read around the early to mid chapters tho, because it feels like it's going nowhere, but trust me it's going to be definitely worth it once you continue reading.

One of the best novels i've ever read for... more>> sure. (Also the translator did a really god job with the quality and consistency of the chapter. They also mass released the last few chapters just like the author did, so really props to them) <<less
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EluRepulser rated it
October 24, 2022
Status: c425
Well played. I wanted to add more reviews but I rather want you to read it instead. Trust me you wouldn't regret it as it was one of satisfying novel out there.

Hats off to you Yu Jitae,

"A constant indefinite drops of water is enough to break the solid rock" he had. :)
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Bromfiets rated it
October 24, 2022
Status: c425
I never write a review but for this story I am happy to do it.

The reasons to read this is because the characters are beautifully written, the world is beautiful and the ending literally brought me to tears.
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hyiked rated it
June 18, 2022
Status: c150
I literally made account just to write this.

I give 5 star but -3 star after bom gave me view that dragons are actually disgusting and deceptive existence.

In introduction, generally dragons are selfish and arrogant. Well, that's okay.

Next, Bom's behaviours, show that they're like sexually frustrated and lustfully h**ny transcended race race. They're reptile yet her behaviours like she wanting romance with MC or was author actually not mature enough didn't know if you love someone you don't need engage into romantic relationship or s*x or other relationship that some some... more>> lust desire? romance between different race is simply impossible but doesn't mean they can't love each other. If it MC who wanting Bom it would be called beastility. I mean no matter beautiful dragons in human form are, THEY ARE A f*ckING REPTILE under polymorph magic, they still shedding skin. So, should I call Bom have an humanility towards MC? bruh, this is ruin my immersive. You h**ny author.... <<less
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Snowjr rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: c150
I like it very much especially mc’s character it’s good story and lovable characters but hated the harem tag
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theduffman999 rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: --
Amazing series. I can't find anything like it and it's a page turner. Makes me think of gintama in that in handles different genres really well. Not as funny or silly as gintama ofc but it has great story and compelling characters. OP MC well written and interesting which is honestly rare. 5 stars 🌟🌟 🌟⭐🌟
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promet rated it
November 4, 2021
Status: c173
A hidden gem of sorts.

I won't go into details on synopsis and the story (since others did). I'll stick to technical details.

First of all, this is one of those "good" Korean novels. In other words, the author tried hard, the author did things with a plan and executed the plan well, and the author kept sticking to it properly.

Okay, so for starters, the plot. It's good. The author only revealed the basic premise at first, which was interesting enough, and then kept on revealing more and more of it in... more>> small bits and pieces, yet you don't get any awkward feeling, because the author planned it well.

Regarding plot progression and the pace, they're both satisfying. The author really takes his time to execute them well. This is a slow-paced story (but it has a lot of action too, with bits of comedy and tragic past events), and it does so well. That's objectively speaking --- the pace is too slow for me, but I know it's because I'm too impatient when it comes to such slow novels, and because some of the characters are too boring.

However, fear not. While characters tend to be boring, the author does a great job at handling them. He reveals their backstories bit by bit, and also does an amazing work with character development (this is truly where this novel shines). At the same time, it's clear that the author has planned it all from the start because there are no inconsistencies and plot holes when it comes to characters (or at least none that I noticed), and they are developing well. Moreover, I really love how much work the author has put into making the network of relations between the most prominent characters. It really fits well.

The setting is rather cliché, but it's acceptable. It does okay as a framework for the story, but I think that the author could've put more effort into it. This goes both for the world as such and for elements such as magic and abilities (the author didn't really explore them so far, and they're a bit half-assed). However, both are consistent, and they are sufficient for the needs of the novel, not to mention that it's the character growth that's the true focus of this work. If author put more effort into the setting at the cost of characters, it wouldn't be a good tradeoff. Additionally, it's clear that the author has created some framework at least for his own use (without revealing it to the readers), and there are many stories where such things are more half-assed.

The author has exhibited a good understanding of human psychology (basic, but thorough), and does well at making it an integral part of the story. You can see that the author understands his characters and wrote them well.

As for romance/harem, I don't really want to go there, because it's a heavy spoiler territory. I can only say that I'm conflicted; it's very slow, much slower than I'd want it to, yet I'm frustrated to admit that the author is right to take it so slow: given the characters and their growth, it only makes sense for romantic developments to be just as slow. It's also hard to say anything definite regarding the eventual pairings or harem, but after more than 100 chapters in, you will start to see various hints.

Anyway, don't be in a hurry to drop this like some reviewers. This is a story that requires slow and careful tasting. Comparing the novel to a kiss, some readers that drop asap just gave it a quick peck on the lips, so it's no wonder they didn't really feel anything, because they were supposed to immerse themselves in a long and deep kiss, for only then the true flavor is there to slowly taste and relish. So, patience, patience, and patience again.

I was a bit troubled as to how to grade this novel. It has great elements, but it is also not without negatives. If I were to grade it on a scale of 10, I guess plot and premise would get 6-7, plot progression would get 8 (I actually want to give it 5-6, but I know it's subjective on my part - just like grading a slice of life movie with criteria used for action movies), characters would get 6 or so (actually 4 for characters, especially early on, but 8 for growth and potential), setting would get 5-6, and overall atmosphere and enjoyment probably around 7 if I'm to be objective.

Therefore, this is a rough 6-7/10, but I will raise it to a full four stars, mostly because of my high expectations. <<less
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LordBored rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: --
This story is fantastic. I love almost everything about it. It's pacing, cuteness, translation quality, etc. The only slight issue I am finding with this story is

... more>>

in the story it says how he is super powerful. In a previous iteration he supposedly killed all or at least the top demon in the demon world, yet in this iteration he is having trouble fighting small fry demons. This includes how the 3rd lord of the demon world manages to evade him. I guess you can say its because he limited himself using the (binds of hell) but, I don't like it, it is a little forced. In conclusion it is a great story however its overall power system could use a little polish.

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LongXi rated it
June 21, 2021
Status: --
It's so cute, the focus of this story unlike other regression novels is not about fighting, for he tried 6 times yet failed, but rather understanding what it is he was trying to fight, and at the same time understanding himself. So all in all, it's good.
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Saronin Jayhart
Saronin Jayhart rated it
May 12, 2024
Status: Completed

It tore my heart to pieces and put it back together again multiple times. It's not without its flaws, as with most books with time travel shenanigans, but it's a beautiful story of growth and redemption.
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Tenome rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: c270
First of all, this is a slice of life for pretty much the entire novel (thus far, and probably the rest). There are some chapters here and there where the author tries to place some drama about demons and the inevitable demon invasion, but they feel out of place with how the rest of the novel is--a slice of life about a broken man regaining his humanity by raising some dragon children.

The pacing, in that sense, is a bit all over the place. You'll have a chapter about one of... more>> the girls going to school, and then in the middle of that you'll have Jitae confronting some demons doing demon stuff that he curbstomps that is rarely brought up again. What's weird to me is that the kids never seem to acknowledge how f*cked up an Amusement is (so far at least), you're basically being held hostage by divine monsters from another dimension and you have to entertain them until they leave.

So far, Bom (green hair) is the most developed character, but her personality is really terrible.

She's a typical jealous, clingy, borderline yandere who wants Jitae all to himself and barely treats him as a human being, instead treating him as something for her to mold into his ideal man. For some reason. Jitae falls in love with her, but both Bom and Jitae have clear mental illnesses so it's natural that they'd be drawn to each other.

In that sense, she's your typical Korean chick turned up to 20, in what can be summed up as "a woman moment."

Translation: The translation hosted on Genesis (RainyTL) is so-so. Ignore all the other comments calling it a great translation--it's very dry, awkward and literal, and it reads like a machine translation a lot of times. At the bare minimum, it's an ESL translation. A lot of "Why"s are used in places that should say "What, " etc. The grammar is also bad.

Despite all this, I'll continue reading to the end (probably) because seeing the characters grow is nice, even if Bom is getting more and more unlikable as the chapters go on. <<less
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Dragon_Storm99 rated it
December 7, 2023
Status: c41
Alright, dropping here. This novel has several issues. Those of you saying this has great world building need to go and read actual good novels. The power system isn't explained whatsoever, the background of the world with and the academy don't actually tell you anything important about how they function. I don't know if the writing or the mediocre translation are to blame, but all the writing feels stunted and disjointed. I don't mind reading slice of life, but the characters have to carry it and these ones don't.

the whole romance the author is trying to set with bom just feels wrong and unnatural. Having just read the last few chapters in hopes I would be wrong I was left disappointed, having his mentioned old lover from a previous regression who learns about everything and helps everyone grow since she was good with kids would have been much better

. The final straw for me though was just how purely annoying yeorem is.

If you want something actually good go read omniscient reader's viewpoint or the regressed demon Lord is kind
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Neonate of Blood
Neonate of Blood rated it
November 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Truly marvelous novel.

I don't really like slice of Life, but this novel has ideal proportions of geners for me. I was able to finish whole read in about a week. And never ones I feel boredom. I even wish for more after story, ahhh.

I really hate feeling of understanding that you have finished really good novel. This emptiness is hard

... more>> I hope that emotions from this ride will be with me for long time)

I just comeback to this review after a week or so. Man, I just want to read more side stories. How everything ends, how secondary character are going. So many things. I don't even know what to read after this novel. Пишу для себя. Слишком крутая новелла. Давно такого не читал, никак не могу перестать думать о ней. Просто идеальное сочетание жанров. Море слез в конце. Лучшая романтическая новелла? Возможно, вообще не понятно что теперь читать. Послание будущему себя. Пишу в момент в возвращения в универ <<less
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Syntax_Error rated it
September 24, 2023
Status: Completed
When every choice can be remade, every mistakes can be rewind, and every person you met can go back to being strangers, you become numb to everything.

Due to countless regression, MC lost his self along with his emotions. This novel is all about finding his self and becoming human again with the help of the four young dragons who he once thought of his enemies. A very unique and emotional approach to the overused regressors troupe.

Overall 5/5. It's not a harem and even has a decent happy ending.
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Dantekai rated it
July 21, 2023
Status: c364
Rating 0.5 / 10

I have to say, "Kidnapped Dragon" is one of the most mind-numbingly boring novels I have ever encountered. I made the unfortunate decision to endure this snooze-fest until Chapter 364, and trust me, it wasn't an easy feat. I'm not one to quit in the middle of a book, no matter how dull, but this one pushed me to my limits.

The plot revolves around dragons and girls leading mundane lives, doing utterly unremarkable things. Perhaps the author aimed for novelty by making the characters lead ordinary lives,... more>> but as a reader, it was incredibly dull and lacked any semblance of excitement. If you're expecting thrilling adventures, epic battles, or intriguing mysteries, think again. Instead, you'll be treated to the riveting details of birthday party celebrations and other mundane activities that will leave you wondering why you wasted your time on this book.

The main character is portrayed as supremely powerful and emotionless, which could have been an interesting premise if executed well. Furthermore, there's a dash of romance sprinkled into the story,

In conclusion, "Kidnapped Dragon" is a complete letdown. The lack of engaging plot, underdeveloped characters, and bizarre shifts in character traits make it one of the worst novels I've ever had the displeasure of reading. Save yourself the agony and steer clear of this novel; there are far better options out there. I wouldn't recommend this book to my worst enemy, as it was a torturous experience that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. <<less
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korneliswicaksono rated it
May 26, 2023
Status: c425
Amazing novel with solid storyline and detailed world building. The plot was not predictable at all, even though it has been built slowly from the start.
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d4rknezz rated it
May 20, 2023
Status: Completed
11/10 Novel 11/10 Translation.

This novel has so much feels. More than a few times I teared up from emotion. The characters developed wonderfully, albeit slowly, over 400 chapters. Its a slow slice of life peppered with love, family values and violent actions. The writing itself is mostly episodic, with many arcs, like a family drama. This is not the typical action novel I usually read, as I was looking for harem style comedy action... but once I got hooked, there was no letting the novel go.

A reviewer said that this... more>> feels like a CN novel and that stems from having judged the novel too early. Yes, MC is powerful. Yes, beautiful supporting characters. Yes, lots of jealousy from all sides causing MC to react and revenge etc. But you'd be missing the point if that is all you get. CN novels focused on how others keep underestimating the MC despite MC being strongest. While not immediately obvious, this novel is about learning relationships and life experiences to be gained from what the world throws at you. <<less
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April 7, 2023
Status: ss7
5/5. A story about an OP regressor trying to maintain daily life for 4 cuteeee dragons.

The slice of life in this novel is amazing, but some of the other parts weren't done nearly as well. Lots of great feels though. Amazing novel.


eg: The time travel bit in the end didn't really make sense. His memories were sent to Bom and then it wasn't really explained when the timeline diverged. Also, Gyeoul never called him daddy : (

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