Kaleidoscope of Death


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It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it.

Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him.

Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor.

At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates.

He pushed one of the doors

Thus, the story begins.

Ruan Nanzhu said to Lin Qiushi, “When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will also gaze back into you.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Qiushi sank into deep contemplation. He then pulled down the zipper of his trousers and aimed at the abyss…

Ruan Nanzhu: “…Put your pants on properly!”

Super shameless, ill-pampered gong X Shameless, calm shou; a combination of double [or extreme] shamelessness.

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Kính vạn hoa chết chóc/Tử vong kính vạn hoa
Sǐwáng wànhuātǒng
The Spirealm (Drama)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Unlimited Flow (BL)
  2. Psychological, Crime, Thriller, Modern, Alternate/...
  3. my 10/10s
  4. Danmei I've read part 1
  5. Apocalyptic/Survival Setting

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281 Reviews sorted by

tiaglory rated it
December 31, 2023
Status: Completed
very scary, gore and ghost sometimes I couldn’t even sleep at night while reading this

not much of a bl, more much of a story and adventure kind of novel

agree with most of the reviews here, worth to read despite it genre’s bl much more suited to be adventurous novel
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October 18, 2023
Status: Completed
As I was reading, I was bothered by many little incoherent things, for e.g why the crossdressing antics? Why was ML so overconfident and arrogant when he is clearly not OP and could die anytime within the doors? What's so special about MC that ML keeps talking about? But all my doubts vanished after reading the final chapters. Author does wrap it up nicely. I went from not liking ML to really liking his character. The last chapter was such a beautiful analogy.
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August 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Really good novel. Not too horrific due to the comedy.

There was a funny moment in chapter 80. In chapter 1 it was revealed that the MC was a interior designer and therefore knew about feng shui. Funnily enough, however, by the time we get to chapter 80, apparently, MC has now completely forgotten he was a designer and knows nothing about feng shui.

Lol, the author totally forgot her character backstory.
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Rainy_night rated it
July 3, 2023
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed reading this one. Survival games especially when u need ur brain rather than power are really interesting. And the romance, they confess +100 ch. the thing made me write this comment was to complain to the author: why did u killed them??? I really really loved those charactersಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ especially ... more>>

Cheng Qianli. I hardly cry reading a novel but when he died... From Wu Qi to him all of them were my fav n I can't get why they all were killed. Last chapters really disappointed me. Tbh I dislikes the last arc. And my fav arc was hako onna. I wonder which one others would like the most.

any way thank u for writing and translating it. Tysm because of u I could read a great novel after a long time. <<less
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StellaBang rated it
July 2, 2023
Status: Completed
It's kinda the same genre as Alice in borderland, but with a romantic line. Like, horror, but not really horror.
Tbh I got a little bored at the time of six door, I think, because of the repetitiveness: they got in, gore happened, they win and got out. And just that very slow developing romantic line (and cat cameos) helped me to keep it going.
Obviously, there was a twist at the end, but nothing that can shake me.


There is a tag for "human-nonhuman relationship" that is a biggest spoiler, so I kinda was ready for something like that. Especially when I've already read about bird & stone and about butterfly-boned beauty & tree.


I saw many different opinions from "if you like the story, don't read extras" to "extras are must read". Well


extras about side characters are sad, and the new info in there are kinda prequels for what we already know. Extras about our shameless couple are a bit fun.

And the first one about literally revealing the secret... well, if you like to be confused or to think DEEP, it will give you food. But for me (and for the main character) it doesn't change anything.

Probably, since it'll be 11 doors now, something will change for the rest of the players. But do you really wanna go that way? Because if you wanna explore the new thin with doors, think that it was only 2 persons who returned from the 12 door, so if doors are unavoidable, almost all the ppl with doors are mean to die. It's not a new life, it's mostly a death trap with a bit of delay.

So why are ppl crying new players won't have chances? First of all, not like they really have it previously (otherwise MC wouldn't be MC, if he wouldn't be unique). Second, you don't know new distribution of difficulties and missions / new system rules after they became 11. So you can insinuate, but there's no reason to be angry or blame ML.


It was kinda easy to read (many thanks for translators for my language, but it must be good written originally too). Author has a good sense of humor. And I'd love to see more of a romantic line, but I understand that it won't suite the genre.


So the romantic line is rare and even more puritanical than in Priest's stories (if you know what I mean)

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May 10, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't even know what to say. I really loved this novel, it has so much heart in it, and I hope more and more people give it a chance.

It's structure is so well done. And the emotions really hooked me, the translators did an EXCELLENT job on giving a faithful adaptation.

Zin and Taida Translations really worked so hard and their efforts definitely payed off, preserving the unique and lighthearted tone in some areas, the soul-crushing emotional beats, and the heart-stopping chilling parts. It's fantastic!

Especially some of these ghosts! Makes... more>> me wanna get a nightlight I was so scared at one point!


Many people have mixed feelings about the twist introduced at the ending, but honestly, I love the questions it sparked in my mind. It really had my thoughts swirling, perhaps, like a kaleidoscope. It re-contextualizes some parts of the story, but to me, in a really fun and interesting way.


And I loved all of the extra chapters too!


Getting to see more of my girl Tan Zhaozhao made me burst into tears yet again. A regular occurance with this story


All I want to say, is that this story made me laugh and cry and laugh through my tears and then breakdown even more.

But remember! No matter how dark it is, there's always a light in the abyss. You just have to reach it.


or if you're Lin Qiushi, pull down your zipper at it lmao

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Loulaim rated it
May 1, 2023
Status: --
Ahh, on of those trap novels... high rating BL or shoujo. Basically people, who read those novels, knows what to expect and since their expectations are usually met they rate this high. But if some noob, like me, stumbles upon those - it's confusing to say the least.

Alright, I just give a quick impressions after reading first arc. It is not a horror, like people die, but important people to the story don't give a f*ck about it, so why should i? Ghosts are more funny than spooky (ghosts overall... more>> rarely spooky, people are). MC is typical passive japanese MC without his own opinion (yes, I know it's not a japanese novel), who complies with all demands of beautiful girl, who, for some reason, acting like dog in a heat, despite dire situation.


And this girl is apparently a dude, not my cup of tea, but don't really matter since they have almost no chemistry.


All characters clearly divided into two groups - one group is important, they clear headed and can use basic logic, other group is not, they can panic, scream, blame first group for something and most them will die. Even veterans of the first group acting like helpless children, for example first timer girl threatens one of the locals to give them vital for survival information and they all like - you can do THAT?! They know the rules of the game, but don't use those rules in any meaningful way, like if there is people, who ghosts cannot kill - go and find troubles for the ghosts, burn their lairs, sacrifice locals, who dragged everyone here, to the ghosts etc. Don't just wait to be killed...

Maybe all of this will lead to some grand ending or interesting horror situations or maybe chemistry between main pair will appear, but I will stop here. According to average score this is outstanding BL novel, so if you like it, don't bother with my comment and go read it. <<less
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andreea9888 rated it
April 22, 2023
Status: c130
I loved this but anyway this is not necessarily a review but me venting about a certain thing that happened towards the ending of the book which is also a spoiler

... more>>

why just why did qianli have to die whyyyyy. I never even expected to get attached to side characters but with every time someone in the book said that qianli is s*upid I was just like “stfu you don’t know what you’re saying” and I just grew more attached to him. Same for yixie my heart is in shambles. I’ve been reading only this for a few days now and I just feel like someone I personally knew died. I don’t even wanna read anymore at this point I’m too sad. Why are you doing this to me and yixie man what have we done to you


Anyway I really liked this but I still have to finish it after my heartbreak goes away <<less
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Kiirian rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: extra 10
This was a good read. It kept me hooked up until the end. Maybe the style of writing isn't something amazing but it is entertaining. The banter is funny, there are some heartfelt moments that made me tear up. Yet I think this is the kind of thing you read to kind of turn your brain off and just have fun with horror. Just don't think too much about the plot.

... more>>

So yeah, the ending just... messed up everything if you are trying to think it through. Like all of the turmoil of MC doesn't make sense. His character traits are suddenly a big mystery. Since apparently ML is an otherworldly being who stole his place in reality (to be with him and play around with being human) and gave MC some fabricated past it leaves me with some questions.

  • Did every other flashback we read that happens after the revelation really happen? and if it did, did it include MC before everyone's memories got switched? If that is true the emotional impact just gets lost.
  • if MC character is based on his fake backstory that means we aren't reading a story of a real MC, but a character created by the ML (especially since the narration underlines how it is understable MC is the way he is with such backstory and when telling us the real events we see that the character of MC is different from what it would be if he still remembered who he used to be)
  • ML character traits are just stolen from original MC so we don't even know who he is. it makes this whole thing one guy being obsessed about someone to the point he made them his whole personality and later stole their place in life just to sleep with them

MC and ML are pretty funny together. Also the secondary characters? They can be amazing. The twins and the parallels between their story and the story of another pair of siblings? Just get ready for tears while reading. The friend of MC and his girlfriend? The actress that becomes a friends? All of them are wonderful and seeing MC open up or just try to be a good friend is amazing.

Still we sometimes get into the area of casual sexism. Nothing new here, the usual "men always stronger than women" and women always crying. There are maybe three women in this that actually can achieve anything and they mostly aren't a part of the main cast. Like yeah, this is BL so women aren't the main focus. But just get ready to skip over some strange opinions or descriptions here or there.

The gore and horror are well done imo. Although sometimes they get... funny.

Slenderman with a top hat. Like.... It made me laugh so much

. But even when the author tries to write something more somber and less bloody it works. I've been reading this till wee hours of the morning and let me tell you the horror does work when you are home alone with only the light of your phone.

So yeah, a good read, but just don't try to think too much about overall plot. Door mysteries work fine, mostly. Have fun trying to figure them out. But the whole 12 door mystery once it gets solved is disappointing. <<less
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EmperorsSmile rated it
March 30, 2023
Status: extra 10
I'm leaving this review after an year or so since I finished the novel and this was my very first modern+unlimited flow danmei to try. By now I have finished some other top and most popular novels of this genre like QQGK, Mist, TEIO and all of them sure got their own strong points but I can say KoD is still the best of them all for me, mainly because of the plot. Ofc everyone has their own taste and opinions. But I believe majority would agree that this a... more>> great novel. So HIGHLY recommended. Also heavy gore warning, I'm usually not too sensitive to gore, so I mean it when I said "heavy" here :') plus horror (psychological horror), it really got me >.< Then most importantly, DON'T skip the extras, they are a MUST!! I really have so much love for this novel and the CP, it's one of my top favorites even after reading many novels by now. I wish more people would try it.....

On side note, LA of the novel recently finished filming, excited! <<less
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March 9, 2023
Status: extra 10
Just so you know, this work is scary. The only novel so far I didn't want to read before sleeping.

Regardless, this story is an adventure. Lots of challenges, a main character that grows with the plot, gains and losses, heartbreaking episodes and some sweetness to help the journey.

The actual doors are still confusing to me, but particularly, I don't mind keeping them mysterious.

It's fair to say I got attached to some of the characters, including some ghosts. I like the mix of malice and goodwill on humans and monsters in this work.

So I think this is a complete package of what a story can offer and I reccomend giving it a try :)
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January 14, 2023
Status: c139
Just so you know, if you haven't read this, don't really trust the synopsis provided by NU, it really doesn't cover much about the story. I remember being thrown off by it.

This story is a masterpiece, you can see the amount of research that went into the inspiration if each arc. This novel is forever one of my favorites, a perfect mix of comedy, angst, and horror. And I swear on everything I've ever read, you won't find another like this. It's like a arcs of horror folklore with a... more>> twist and I absolutely loved it.

The character personalities are a little bit hard to define because of the changes, but the dynamics are delicious. And the plot is gorgalicious.

I'm rereading it now, and I hope you are intrigued by it to read it as well! <<less
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Ukelelelelele rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: c65
I'm not sure how I feel about this book. Did I like reading it? At first, yes, but by the middle of the story, no. I suppose it's because I'm not into this genre that I couldn't enjoy it. However, the way the characters' deaths are handled is a bit of a letdown. I'm not sure, but the way the MC narrates it isn't all that great. The deaths of the supposed characters that you should like do not leave an impression. They just seem like an insignificant character—so weird.
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October 30, 2022
Status: c62
I had mixed expectations going in to this, but it completely blew me away.

The story was just really good! The relationship between the main characters was so good and came of so naturally, and the horror was on point. It even managed to make me cry which isn't as easy as it uses to be.

The ending was really good. It wasn't quite what I expected at first, but it just seemed to fit.

The eleventh door would be a nightmare to those who chose the wrong path. Who would be there to help you if you had always been the lone survivor.

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Dilly Dally Dami
Dilly Dally Dami rated it
October 14, 2022
Status: extra 4
I loved this book sooooo much! I did binge read it within the span of 72 hours and it was worth it to see the main couple's development.
The ending for the twins in the main book made me cry my eyes out. But it was worth it to see how the book ended.

Definitely something I would go back and read again!
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Manticores rated it
October 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Hi ok here’s my little review, sorry if it’s not very cohesive, I’m a messy person lmao.

First things first, I don’t know it it’s the author or the multiple translator’s hard work, but the writing is very smooth to read and wonderfully descriptive as well as fantastically poetic at times. Oftentimes with cnovels I get distracted by the clunkiness and have to reread a few times before my brain gets it right, but this novel was very easy to sink into and loose myself within. Taida Translations and Zin both... more>> made the experience very enjoyable!!

As you can probably tell by now, I loved this novel very much. I liked our MC a lot. I can see why someone might find him boring but I didn’t think so. He’s just a calm and gentle individual who can be mighty when he needs to be and by the end I’ve grown quite fond of him. The ML I was in love with from the get go haha. Their relationship felt very refreshing and it was nice seeing Liu Quishi become more and more confident once he realized his feelings. It truly felt like a partnership of equals. Felt very natural and I love them both so much ajdhskfj.

As for the plot, there’s a lot of doors/arcs so you’ll probably have one or two you don’t much care for, but luckily they aren’t too long and the ones you do end up liking definitely make up for it. I found the majority to be very entertaining, and because of the tragedy tag you truly don’t know for sure if a character you like is safe or not. Very thrilling. Speaking of there are truly more side characters than I could even try to keep track of, and the author did very well at having me care about some of them within seconds haha.

The extras were very satisfying too. Of course I want more because this series has me greedy, but they definitely touched on everything I wanted them to. :’-) All in all, for such a dark novel, it really does have it’s beautiful moments. The novel isn’t truly about death, but instead about appreciating life, and the connections you make along the way. It’s about learning to live when you know you could go at any moment. And to be even sappier, it’s about love. :’-) Anyways, definitely recommend you give KoD a try if you’re even slightly intrigued. I did and I really think this is gonna be one of the ones that sticks with me for a long time. <<less
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September 27, 2022
Status: extra 10
One thing I like is that the horror is balances with the comedy which is great. The author did a great job of showing the stakes the danger they are in.

I can see a lot of thought was put in setting each stage where the author set up the trials and potential risk made by the participants.

MC is pretty lucky and unlucky in some situations. He is the one that you would want to partner because how even in the middle of a crisis he would not abandoned you. Even... more>> so far tries to think of the situation and find the solutions (under extreme stress).

ML is pretty odd but I like his character a lot. Even had the most healthiest relationship with MC.

I don't know how I feel about the ending as the tone sorta off for me. But overall I enjoy it a lot. <<less
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imcalesimper rated it
September 21, 2022
Status: Completed
I myself isn't familiar with this kind of genre, infinity flow perhaps is one of my least choice until I read this masterpiece. I must tell you this story worth your every time, every moment. I don't have any spoiler for you but the mixture of comedy and horror gave this a special touch, something about it will strike up your interests immediately. The main characters are cute, interesting and even those usually faint mob characters are somewhat more memorable than you thought. Overall I love every one of them... more>> and I hope my review will help you figure out read it or not. <<less
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ryzll rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Emotional rollercoaster till the end :') Super worth it read tho. I don't think I have ever felt this much attachment from a novel before. From the scary parts, to the sweet parts, and all the way to the super sad parts, it all just hits so different. I love every bit of it and have never even thought of dropping this, except for a few cases where I would need to take a break because it's honestly getting so intense. I just love how realistic the world and the... more>> characters is while at the same time not. It was like the perfect mix of fiction and nonfiction, and I'm just so into it.

P.S. Love the way it ended, a HE while at the same time, I was f*cking blown away. I had to take time to digest some things first before I got grip of myself after the the first extra. My brain just freaking exploded and I was honestly so helplessly confused. (;•_•) help

Anyways all in love this is such a worth of time to read. It's kind of slowburn but it's not torturing cause the suspense and the door keeps people entertained. It gets a bit frustrated halfway through but it's precisely the time that things about love started to take in seriously. Such a great read. Now for some comments with spoilers.


I have never felt so afraid of character death than I have been before until reading this. For real cried at the death, but surprisingly, I felt so peaceful after seeing them again near the end. Plus all the npcs. It was refreshing coming back to them. That was honestly the most anxiety-inducing door to the whole novel.

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Mal12345 rated it
July 24, 2022
Status: Completed
The ending was perfect Omg. Loved it. Not gonna lie this book gave me nightmares😂😭 which made me read it in a week unlike other books that I can usually finish in a day but regardless it was a good read.

... more>>

I stopped reading at c131 cuz I was suddenly sure it would be a bad ending and I wasn't ready for it. I mean they were at their 11th door and only 9 chapters were left. Who knew. I finally decided to finish it today and I'm so happy I did. The plot twist was just wow.

Anyways 10 out of 10 would definitely recommend but like don't read it at night because holy sh*t I stayed awake until dawn cuz I was scared so bad and couldn't sleep without sunlight. So yeah. The descriptions were amazing and so thorough it really felt like I was experiencing everything with the characters.

It's honestly different from other horror books I've read where the ML can stop the ghosts and monsters from attacking the MC or can control them. Like we all knew that bothof them had to run for their lives cuz the monsters were ruthless. But yeah loved it

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