Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu


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In regards to the MMORPG Cross Reverie, Sakamoto Takuma boasted an overwhelming strength that was enough for him to be called the Demon King by the other players. One day, he gets summoned to another world with his appearance in the game. There, there are two people that insist “I am the real summon master.” Takuma gets s*ave-turning magic used for summoned beasts cast on him by the girls –

However, the peculiar ability {Magic Reflection} was invoked! The ones that were turned to s*aves were the girls!

Takuma was bewildered. He’s the strongest magician but, he doesn’t have any social skills. Panicking, the first words that came out were the ones that he used inside the game role playing the Demon King!? “I’m amazing you say? Of course I am. I am Diablo……The one feared as the Demon King!”

This is the story the Demon King (acting) that would soon inspire the world and his other world adventure that he plunges through with his absolute strength, raise the curtain!

Associated Names
One entry per line
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord
The King of Darkness Another World Story
The Other World Demon King and the Summoning Girls' S*ave Magic
Related Series
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Altina the Sword Princess (1)
Madan no Ou to Vanadis (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  2. My Main Novels
  3. Things I've Read pt 2
  4. Dj's List of Fantasy, Adventure, Isekai, Harem, an...
  5. My List Harem LN/WN (MC Polygamy) V2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/05/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 epilogue part5
12/05/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 epilogue part4
12/04/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 epilogue part3
12/03/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 epilogue part2
12/02/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 epilogue part1
12/01/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c6 part5
11/30/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c6 part4
11/29/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c6 part3
11/28/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c6 part1-2
11/27/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 interlude 2...
11/26/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5 interlude 2 part1
11/25/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c5 part8
11/24/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c5 part7
11/24/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c5 part6
11/23/17 Isekai Soul-Cyborg... v5c5 part5
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59 Reviews sorted by

calebra rated it
February 2, 2017
Status: v2 afterword
It started off as another average isekai series and it has its fun moments. There are some inconsistent information in the story such as the part where Diablo stated in his thoughts that he can't read or write the alphabet of that world but then in the following scene it was mentioned that he read the terms of agreement because he can't be too careful.

But I really started struggling reading this series when

... more>>

Shera's (elf lady) brother came to visit them to take her back and something about talking with her alone to persuade her to come back with him to their kingdom. I mean, who even just agrees to that? Elf prince says that he stepped into their territory even though it's "dangerous" when just earlier he told them that their country was already full of elves and if he doesn't come back on time, they'll start killing the ones living there. That's a f*cking threat right there for f*ck's sake. And you guys just decided to leave her alone with a guy like that? Something's wrong with your brains.

Second issue is the state knight. Why oh why would you guys decide to trust such a suspicious person who is obviously trying to wring out information from you people? A person that says "I can't leave people who have secrets they can't tell someone else alone like that!" is pretty much waving a banner with "SUSPICIOUS" written on it. That, or she's just a nosy f*ck and scenarios with those kind of characters rarely ends well.


Anything else besides most of the actual important stuff that progresses the plot in this story is actually a bit enjoyable. <<less
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December 8, 2016
Status: --
This is a funny story, with largely likable characters. The art is nice as well. I think a large part of the reason people are so harsh on this is that they're used to more "alpha" MCs from Chinese web novels.

Another reason is the issue I have with it: this light novel obviously mimics the sort of title you'd find in a Japanese web novel, yet the story is as tame as they get. The protagonist doesn't act romantically assertive toward the girls, despite the fact they both have subconscious... more>> crushes on him and practically cling to him. And he's never unforgiving or decisive. Instead, he's practically a saint! I rarely see protagonists as nice as him. (Although that actually makes the comedy so good. Probably the funniest male tsundere I've ever seen.) Anyway, the protagonist is totally unlike the edgy/misanthropic/distrustful, self-absorbed, and possessively lustful MCs you would find in a Japanese WN if it had the same name.

Probably the only part of this light novel which is faithful to what people probably expect from the title is the fact that the protagonist is OP. In fact, the way he messes with people and makes jaws drop is just like the reaction chapters that cultivation novels are famous for. <<less
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quiler rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: v12
VERRRRY hard read. So cringy that you have to take days of not reading it to get over it. 12 Volumes in and same generic stuff. I'm giving it a 3 since I made it this far hoping it would get better. There are some rage inducing chapters and volumes so I commend you if you can overcome it.

... more>>

A few rage inducing moments:

One guy he let's escape tortures one of his s*aves to near death.

Obvious brainwashing completely overlooked. That almost got the elf s*ave r*ped, but he wanted to make sure she really wanted to leave so he went to check on her.

Trusts random person he meets for the first time 100% and got 2 companions kidnapped. Also nearly defiled.

Believe me the list continues but I'll stop here....


90% of the problems he has are because he let villains go that cause 10x more damage to him later on. Everyone he meets he gives 100% of his trust to them, and feels completely soul crushed when they break that trust. Easily preventable tragedies occur because he didn't take action. Only people he is ruthless to is the demon folk. Only when they nearly destroy a town that is.

MC in his real life on Earth is the very definition of loser and failure. Read first chapter of the manga. He can't talk to the clerk to buy his goods because she's a girl?....I guess I would understand if it was the very first girl he ever saw in his life. If Japan has people like this no wonder they have a dangerous decline in population. I'm just glad that author didn't go into his backstory in Japan, or god forbid... his family. Thank God. <<less
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Scynix rated it
October 2, 2018
Status: v10c1
This is a isekai power fantasy but with humor and meant- to a degree- to simply be an enjoyable read. Not a groundbreaking innovation in the field of isekai.

It's important to understand: the people giving this series low reviews seem to be expecting every novel to "break new ground" as it were, which simply isn't possible. Please, PLEASE ignore them or at least form your own opinion. In reality they likely should not even be reading isekai novels to begin with. Their reviews are the definition of hipster. They complain... more>> about things that make no sense almost entirely because of popular themes. It's incredibly telling they seem to think introverts get cured. Some of us don't, people. Being forced into social situations can actually have the opposite effect.

I wrote a lot to depict individual, enjoyable aspects of this series because it has MANY, but it ended up s*upidly long so I'll just say this:

This series is essentially a kind of 'feel good' romp with interesting characters and a wholey understansable protagonist. Despite his extreme introvertedness, he tries incredidly hard to change and essentially hides behind/takes advantage of his Demon Lord image to make it less difficult to be sociable.

He is incredibly powerful allowing him to be flexible about his treatment of others. Despite the danger and life threatening situations that occur, he picks the highroad. It's also made very clear if he was to indiscriminitely kill hostiles he would very likely be subjugated by nations. Or heck, just the guildmasters.

Closing: It's an enjoyable isekai and any review that complains he is a coward either didn't really read the series or didn't understand it. Ignore every review relating to that. It's entirely inaccurate or misrepresented. <<less
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locron rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: v8 afterword
While the start is promising, my main gripe is that there is no character development of the main character. If he starts naive and without social skills that is fine, but after all the experiences you would normally change whereas in this novel he stays the same as before.
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Alpharius Omegon
Alpharius Omegon rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: v2
For a short review here are the Pros and Cons list of this novel.


  • Straight and simple description of the characters and the world. You could easily picture most of what's happening in the novel.
  • Good guy MC
  • MC isn't super-dense, and is in between passive-agressive on initiating physical contact with harem members.

... more>>
  • Most characters in the novel are honest to a fault. So far all the people MC has encountered, whether enemies or allies have been transparent on how they perceive the MC as.
  • Character's reactions are often bland, illogical or anti-climactic.
  • MC is very naive, even considering he's a teenager from the modern world with very few exposures to life and death decisions. For example, he doesn't do anything to people who obviously harbors malicious intent towards him and even let someone go scot-free after attempting to take his life twice.
  • MC is either the epitome of indecisiveness or is just straight up dumb (despite being the top player of an MMORPG). Doesn't make a decision up until he's forced into a wall or has a blade against his throat. He doesn't express his own opinions - although this could be largely contributed with his severe social anxiety, he rarely says anything in his defense (often just blurting out chuuni lines of a demon lord) and his two female companions does the talking for him.

This novel is highly recommended at times when you just want to shut your brain off for a while and read through something to pass the time. <<less
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Bakaleaf rated it
November 13, 2017
Status: v5c3 part1
This the kind of novel where an author forces reader to accept something beyond the norm technically speaking one word can describe the MC and its a hypocrite.

Role playing a Demon King until the end makes this novel tr*sh! Why? Because all over the novel MC is like having a one sided play and forcing everyone around him to accept his twisted logic that he is a demon king in another world while doing things that is opposite what a demon king is. To make it annoying the people around... more>> MC is treated as an NPC by MC it is the most annoying people sent to another world so far for me. The saving grace in this novel is the side characters can still blend with the tr*sh character of MC seriously the only thing MC is worth in this novel is His PLOT armor that make him invisible in any situation aside from that

MC is 100% an A**hole, MC is 100% useless I can't think how many times he might die without the help of his companions which he treated as NPC. MC is a ret*rd if this novel was a SOLO adventure of MC then god knows I already stop reading this! Yup I read this even if the MC is tr*sh because the support characters is interesting, think of it this way I think everyone want MC dead and the story might be much interesting.

I love reading novel where MC build relationship with his companion be it may they are friends, lover or families that is a good relationship novel but this novel is the complete opposite MC keep on insisting his demon king role play because he will die in embarrassment, at first that is acceptable but it became annoying later on this where the author big flaw such thing is annoying especially when the MC is keep on looking at everyone around him as NPC insulting them looking down on them after all he is a self proclaimed demon king.

Actually MC himself is not a decent human being his just a social deprive person and an insult to real NEET people. Humans are born to adapt in this novel MC is barely human who can never adapt. <<less
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GreatZar rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: v1c3 part8
Author is too "Japanese". Naive and weak-willed. MC don't want to harm people who tried to kill (mind control etc) his companions, but easily kills 100 "demon beasts" who had no less intelligence than other races, and who did not harm anyone even slightly related to MC before.

Writing is not that good too - you'll skip at least half of text because it does not contain anything new, it's just one reiteration of previous thoughts after another.
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greycolors rated it
May 30, 2017
Status: v4c2
This series is a bit of a guilty pleasure. The plot and the characters are generally simple and dumb, but cute and with enough fan service that it is enjoyable if you don't think hard about it. If you look at the story as comedically absurd and just enjoy the pandering and ridiculousness of the plot you will probably have fun with it.
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ShadowWizard rated it
December 19, 2015
Status: --
Love it kind a overdoing it with that b**b grabbing but fck it 3 volumes in so far so good 5/5 is personal so dont think this is a perfect novel just saying but normally everyone will love it at least till volume 3 where I am theres a lot of pointless chatting but you will grow custom to it :)
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Miracle rated it
December 5, 2015
Status: --
The MC is like degraded version of MC in overlord, which makes the novel extremely painful to read, due to MC. Has got potential if the MC get overs his lame act.
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DragonDXLV rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: v12 afterword
There's a TL;DR at the bottom but the most important takeaways are at the top.

Okay I can see people shitting on this novel for the premise of the MC's actions- What I want to clarify to everyone who hasn't read this novel but are reading the reviews: Do not listen to the people who have not read far enough.

For the people who instead dropped the novel because of the MC's personality- There is a thing called character development/growth.

I don't mean silly artificial character growth but genuine believable character growth that... more>> takes time but gradually shows instead of just suddenly happening.

Very minor spoilers for those that are concerned about the MC's personality: He eventually does start killing- Ruthlessly and mercilessly compared to the beginning and early volumes of the novel. He starts to understand the things most important to him- The people who he cares about and cherishes. It does take longer for him to come to terms with the idea- To end the life of another for the safety of the ones he cares about. It's not sudden nor fast but it does happen and in a believable way.

Also for those that are concerned about his lack of s*xual experience within the ecchi scenes- He does get better at that too, much better. He even becomes more confident and forward with it, honest about his feelings with the people he loves. Yay, more character growth!

That's all it boils down to in the end- This MC will start killing at some point, he will start pursuing a romance with the girls around him. It just takes time, it's not going to suddenly start overnight.

Anyways for those who aren't particularly concerned about the MC and more about the side characters/overall plot of the story- Well it's kind of your usual OP ecchi isekai. If you like power fantasies then you'll enjoy this story but minor disclaimer- Diablo's not actually as OP as it seems. This might be hard to believe in the beginning of the novel but I think the novel makes it clear that diablo does have his limits. He has his own weaknesses and he can be hurt. He has room for growth and he actually does get stronger than when he started.

So it's not exactly your usual slice of life OP isekai where the MC has no issues at all but I think it's fine if you like to see the MC sweat a bit under pressure. Diablo is strong but he's actually not completely broken cheat MC. He has mana limits, can actually get hurt, and has the risk of death.

On the topic of romance and ecchi scenes- Well things are a bit convenient for him, I'm not going to lie. There are bits of melodrama here and there but you generally don't have to worry about Diablo losing the women he's with. They have an innate attachment to him and he gets into ecchi moments somewhat regularly with them. At the start he's panicky and nervous around them but he gets more comfortable and confident over time. He doesn't really have to work for their affection but their relationship starts to feel more genuine and believable over the course of the story.

TL;DR: It's a light hearted ecchi isekai. Diablo is funny but has flaws that he works on over time. It's genuine progress and not just artificial like changes to his favorite foods or something. Romance is a bit one sided with diablo receiving unwarranted affection but it's generally enjoyable and stress free. Diablo is powerful but not a broken cheat MC so he actually does have room to be challenged and grow stronger.

Overall this a generally light hearted novel with ecchi scenes with some heavy moments to keep you on your toes. If you like power fantasies that aren't a complete cake walk, this is a good one as long as you can stand the harem/ecchi moments. <<less
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Tykos rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: v11c1
I really think this novel is a bland mash up of all the common troupes, without bringing anything new in the mix, but for some reason I just keep reading. I dont know why to be honest, but I dont hate it. This novel has pretty much all things I dont like: a beta MC, a harem, an overpowered MC, but it is still good. The beta MC part is masked by his demon king role play, which makes his cowardice quite hillarious instead of cringy. A harem is established... more>> by 2 girls and the story focuses on developing their character instead of just continuosly expanding it. And even though the MC is overpowered, it doesnt feel like he can breeze through any situation, but rather the end result is due to his effort and personal ability. What I really liked is that this novel is pretty much the only novel out there that reincarnated the MC as a real game character. In most games if you play as an all rounder, you just become a jack of all trades, yet somehow everytime I read a novel that focuses on the reincarnation via game character, it feels like the MC becomes a god that can do anything. All in all, I think this novel does a wonderful job of making cliches feel refreshing and since is rare to see someone do that successfuly - 5/5. <<less
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kavinh rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: v6 prologue
Its a good series, MC with 0 social skills gets transferred to another world accidentally gets 2 s*aves and proceeds to pretend to act like a Demon King because he's scared of communicating with girls.

The plot's a bit cliche but it is well done, the two issue I have is the series's power scaling is a bit odd, we're told that the game and the transferred world has some differences due to dying in the game and in real world being different, which leads to an explanation about why the... more>> MC is so much vastly more powerful since other people in that world aren't effectively risking their lives to power level, and yet there's certain enemies including humans that somehow are close to the MC in strength.

On top of that the author has a tendency to leave the fate of some side characters unknown, and on a whim change the characteristic of certain enemies, for example knight said to be very honorable and the only one they can go for help, then a chapter after meeting him turns out he's a typical greedy villain who lives for profit for no other reason then he can and who isn't even allied with the people they were running away from anyways. <<less
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LordGrim102 rated it
November 9, 2017
Status: --
This novel is too funny LOL I can't stop laughing every turn of events is a misunderstanding and ended up praising diablo xD

In later chapters when he leaves the first city he visited and go to another it get sucks. It doesn't even funny anymore. It can be a candidate for NTR series but thankfully the villains in here are plain s*upid and the MC is much more s*upid than the villains. Great story. I only enjoy the comedy in here honestly so I better find a good comedy isekai... more>> novel. <<less
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NeaxD rated it
January 13, 2016
Status: --
Review as of reading Vol. 1

This novels take on s*aves so far is good because instead of a hentai route he acts like a normal decent human being. His attitude is that he has no experience with women that is why he does not really abuse his control over the two MC heroines but for me its more of he just naturally not a bad person so he refrains himself from acting like a typical h**ny teenager. This is a major point because most Japanese MC act like they are... more>> wusses that cannot touch women because its too embarrassing or a Hentai ass**** that r*pes them right away. He is more of I do not have actual experience but at the same time I do not want to have s*x with them for the hell of it. There is of course ecchi situations where he touches them though it is a Japanese Novel after all. He actually keeps his hands on their breast when he touches them so it is not like he is a complete fail. Some of you might see it as he is too much of wuss but IMO he should be commended for actually acting somewhat normal and not abusing the fact he is so powerful, with s*ave rights over them, to take them right away. One downside though is the story needs seek or actually pursue romance with the heroines instead of having him just not even try. He is very down to earth with his interactions with the heroines but he should act or at least give some thoughts to trying to date one or two them at once. He does try in his own way to show he wants to help them with their problems though. Harem is fine if all parties in the relationships agree and it is written into a story well. Maybe in the next two volumes he will try a bit more but so far it just ‘Oh she cute at this moment’ or ‘She has really large breasts up against my arm.’

Another downside is I kind have the feel that the dialogue is not that flesh out but hopefully it has more dialogue between the characters in future volumes instead of moving from A to B without having some more ways to show the individual personalities of each character. IMO the only thing that separates the two heroines is their physical looks and skills besides their circumstances in life that is.

Character Review: has spoilers


MC – Hidden good guy personally while being somewhat of a typical arrogant OP bad*** MC. I like how the story has him act out the role of a noble demon king to hide the fact he has no communication skills. He is very powerful both physical and magical wise compare to the current enemies but that is just the huge gap in level so far. Also while leveling in the game before getting transported to this fantasy world he was never afraid of dying so he naturally is stronger then the people of this world with a fear of death whenever they go out to complete quests. They might introduce a rival that is at his same level which might pose a challenge but so far none has appear.

Heroines: typical Tsundere heroines that go dere fairly quick but still have somewhat typical female reactions to MC being somewhat of pe*vert. They are both somewhat annoying at the start. So far in the story there are two major ones.

1. Cat-girl, flat chest

2. Elf-girl, busty chest

3. Probably a dragon demonic beast girl Later.

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Jos1816 rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: v12 afterword
12 volumes in and he finally straight up kills some people and they're loli's too. Plots kinda generic with extremely OP MC early on with current enemies starting to be on his levelish. He kinda gets some with a couple of sexy scenes here and there mainly things like oral and other foreplay hasn't lost the v**ginity yet if that matters to some of you people. MC is generic but in the most recent volume (12 as of writing this) he's starting to stray away from the usual Isekai protag... more>> mentality. If you do decide to read it don't be expecting no master piece it's one of the better Isekai tr*sh around but it's still Isekai tr*sh if you don't already like this type of thing I don't really see ya liking this one. <<less
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fireutsie rated it
February 12, 2020
Status: v12
I will never understand what theses authors are trying to do writing main characters who cannot kill "humanoids". Even when the other side betrays them, tries to kill them, kill their important ones. He even hesitates to kill the criminals, killers, rapists ect., even though he knows that if he lets them go they would cause trouble for innocent people. Worst part is that he just let them off and it comes back to bite him in the ass. And then he lets them off again. Only for other characters... more>> to finish them off because our good hearted Japanese MC can't have his hands bloodied. The rare times when this is allowed is when the opponent loses their human features and are males. Because females cannot do anything wrong according to the author.

The characters never grow, the plot doesn't become interesting. To counter what the other critics have said, people change, really quick, especially when they are pushed to the limit, face mortal danger or other stressful events. Sure, it hasn't been that long but how many times has our MC faced battles where he got injured? How many times have the two main girls been harmed? How can a normal person can just deal with that? Especially one that has been living in a "peaceful" country?

It's just an endless cycle of introducing new girls with no romantic progress whatsoever, new villains who he battles and then let off. If that's your kind of thing then this would be great. Unfortunately for me this is just bad. <<less
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DeirdreH rated it
January 27, 2020
Status: v1c3 part6
The concept is good, but not well executed.

Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf did a better job of portraying the hero whose speech doesn't match his internal monologue.

The heroines are annoying, and this doesn't feel like the kind of novel where they are going to get any better.

I could probably overlook those downsides and keep reading if the translation was better, but I'm dropping at this point because the translation fails in too many ways for me to stay immersed in the story.
  1. "The great me": Apparently this is what happens when translators who are not very fluent in English try to convey a particular way of speaking in Japanese which conveys nuances that are completely destroyed when rendered into this nonsense phrase. It happens in too many novels.
  2. Cringe accents: When translators overestimate their language skills they'll try to do cute things like preserve the various Japanese dialects into (what the translator thinks are) English equivalents. Nobody pulls this off correctly. Attempts at Shakespearean, c*ckney, "country" or other non-standard dialects in a translated novel is a strong sign the translator is experiencing the Dunning-Kruger effect.
  3. Attempting to translate words that are better off left in Japanese: "Everyone, run away! It's a Demonic Being!" That line appears in a scene that is supposed to be serious and not comedy. I haven't seen the raws, but the original term was probably something like mazoku or mamono. Whatever the original word was it should have been left untranslated. Why? Because in any setting where creatures exist that everybody fears and knows to run away from, there's absolutely no way those creatures would be called "demonic beings." "Everyone, run away! It's a Demonic Being!" would not cause anyone to flee in terror upon hearing it. Instead they would ask, "Demonic being? What's that?"
So far this translation has hit three items from my "top ten signs... more>> of a terrible translation" list and we're only on the third chapter. Since the story doesn't contain enough additional merit to overcome that flaw it's time to drop this one. <<less
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Ironman628 rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: v9
I've thoroughly enjoyed this series thus far. I'm partial to OP main characters. This is an isekai power fantasy that doesn't take itself too seriously, but that doesn't mean it's poorly done, has everything from comedy, action, and even some romance. This series isn't Overlord, it's not supposed to be. So just enjoy the series for what it is and you'll have a good time reading it. The story is mostly fun and light hearted, which I think most people will enjoy. I've seen some people complain about the "harem"... more>> aspect and even saw one person claim that you have to "keep it at or below flirty" or "pick one of the girls", says who? Even if we pretended that's true, we are still relatively "early" in the story as there are 9 of 12 volumes officially out in English, with the 10th publishing in September. The other complaint I've seen is the MC "stays the same". If you consider that MC has been a certain way for several years, and over the course of the story thus far he hasn't been in this new world very long, so roughly over maybe a few months he's suddenly supposed to totally re-write his personality? As I mentioned earlier there are still plenty of story left, so there is still plenty of time for further relationship and character development - both romantic and otherwise. This isn't some overblown poorly done harem story with 13 women after the MC. The characters motivations and actions make sense given their personalities and background in the story. The story handles the interactions between the MC and his party members very well. There's plenty of comedic situations as well as some cute scenes too. If you enjoy OP MC's, with an interesting setting, and fun characters then you'll enjoy this series. If you enjoyed the anime, you'll enjoy this series. There are several ecchi moments; however, they don't detract from the story and for the most part all make more sense when you keep in mind the context of the story and our MC. Please don't let the "harem" aspect dissuade you from giving this story a try. It's handled well and does not hurt the flow of the story. This story has comedy, action, and a lot more to offer. I can't wait for the next volume to come out in English. I encourage you all to give the series a try, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. <<less
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