Interstellar Super Doctor


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Taking the Sword Heroes game system with him, Xiào Mu transmigrated into an interstellar world. Then he became a guide who has waste level physical strength but OP spiritual power. While trying to improve his spiritual power, activate skills, and make medicine… He unknowingly became a heartthrob in the hearts of the imperial sentinels.

Leo, the youngest major general in the empire, has rejected the Golden Tower’s matching suggestion for the 102nd time, stated, “Instead of marrying a weak chicken guide, I would rather live with inhibitors for the rest of my life!”

Leo is the only single sentinel in the empire who has SS level in both physical and spiritual power. He hates wastes and disdained weak chickens the most. Later, he fell in love with Xiào Mu, the weakest person in the empire in terms of physical strength.

Xiào Mu’s daily routine after work: Sorry, the appointment for spiritual treatment this week is full, please come back next week.

The assistant glanced at the terminal: Boss, quickly come to your senses! The appointment for treatment has already reached 2 years later.

Leo’s daily life after falling in love: You want to pursue Xiào Mu? I’ll see you at the challenge arena!

Associated Names
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Tinh Tế Siêu Cấp Bác Sĩ
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. To Be Read
  3. Completed Danmei
  4. My Cup of Tea~
  5. Best of all times

Latest Release

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06/07/21 IAmABanana c33 part2
06/05/21 IAmABanana c33 part1
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darkelf01 rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: c19
Cringy. Very cringy. I got goosebumps to prove it.

At first I was okay with the narcisstic ML but I got sick of it as early as chapter 19. Like, MC already said more than a dozen times that he doesn't like him so obviously and very logically, ML and his grandpa STILL mistook it as the MC being smitten to death with the ML. Ughhh so icky.

Also, there are more than 3 paragraphs just to describe how manly or how handsome the ML is in every single chapter where he... more>> appeared. It was nauseating to read because it wasn't as if he was the only one who has high spec or high matching degree with the MC.

While reading this novel, sometimes I wished that the ML was more normal. It was quite uncomfortable to read about a guy who is supposed to be a super OP alpha sentinel major general who is the cream of the crop to insist that another guy is in love to death with him while the other guy was just frickin' standing there, looked around and happened to catch ML's gaze.

Most annoying ML ever. <<less
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SararaGold rated it
April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
A sentinel and guide BL novel, of course the sentinel is the gong and the guide is the shou.

The MC is a beauty with long hair, though the author did not blow too much rainbow farts to him, you know he is a beauty. Though he is as weak as chicken in the beginning of the story.

The ML, well, he is an arrogant, rude, narcissistic guy at the beginning before he turns into a dogleg for the MC later.

4 stars because I feel the plot, although there was some twist... more>> and turns, it did not affect much to MC, maybe because he is quite OP especially at the end, in a non-exciting way (well maybe because I poorly MTLed it). Another thing is, the villain is.... quite mediocre.

Maybe he/they is/are not, but they look mediocre. They are able and managed to influence and infiltrate some influential people, but their plan just took so long to bear visible fruit, and when the fruit is there, our MC come into the picture and makes everything sounds mediocre. Okay, maybe because I found the villain's motive is too mediocre for his plan.

Well this is a poor review from my poorly MTLed version, because I enjoyed every bit of the translated version, so of course I'm gonna reread it again in the future. <<less
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FYalimar rated it
February 10, 2024
Status: --
I completely agree with shadow1716's comment, the subsequent behavior of the ML does not compensate for its performance at the beginning.

From the beginning of the novel he behaves like an idiot, narcissistic, brainless, ridiculous, etc. All the time he dedicates himself to insulting and offending the MC whom he met for the first time, only for the sole and simple reason that he is physically weak, that is, his reasoning is, "since you are weaker than me, I have the right to intimidate you however I want." "and this is... more>> exactly how he behaves half of the novel, even when he realized that he liked the MC, although he no longer insulted him, he tried to tie him to him by force, when that doesn't work he tries to push everyone away the MC's suitors by force, in short a real idiot!!! Not even the MC liked him, he rejected him several times, he told him that it was prejudiced to judge someone by the strength they are born with or the conditions in which they live (the guides live in the tower without ever being able to train) he also told him that his behavior towards him was excessive and he wouldn't tolerate it, so I thought we had a very realistic MC with character, but then out of nowhere, he comes and accepts the ML just because one of his friends told him that it was very unfortunate that you liked him. someone and that person would not love you, this is not an exaggeration, it is literal!!!

In the same chapter the MC rejected the ML's advance because he really didn't like him and he didn't feel comfortable with him, then his best friend tells him that, when he had a unilateral love for x character he felt very uncomfortable, then the ML also It must be the same, and magically those absurd and ridiculous words made the MC see that it was not good for the ML to suffer for love, so he decided to put everything aside and start dating him. What kind of argument was that? Are you supposed to like someone just because they like you? Or are you supposed to be with someone just so that person doesn't suffer? What happens to your freedom to choose? It was too unpleasant to read that part. In my opinion the MC and the ML should not have stayed together, for the sole and simple reason that the MC did not like him, at the beginning of the novel it is mentioned that the ML's physique is the type that the MC likes but nothing more and All the subsequent actions of the ML made the MC not like him and reject him, so it did not make any sense or logic, that in the same chapter the MC rejected the ML and told him "I'm sorry, I don't like you, and I don't accept your "advances towards me" and then magically say yes, because someone told him he was being mean by rejecting the ML, what kind of s*upidity was this? Until now we had been presented with a firm MC with common sense but suddenly everything went to sh*t in an instant... <<less
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Meds rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: Completed
I dont know how I feel about this. Its not that bad but its not good either. Its lowkey boring. I skip most of the parts. I feel like the author really wants to make the MC op. I mean if this story is 150 more or long enough, I bet the MC will gain the abilty to revive the death, its too much. I like the early chapters more. I dont understand the hate the ML is getting. Maybe because ive read a lot of novels that has shitty... more>> character mls. I find leo quite likable, his flaw is that he has a sharp tongue. But I find these qualities as being human. We are not all perfect. I hate stories when the characters are either white or black there is no in between (fyi im not talking about race here)

I like the relationship and the love between the ML and MC but I like the side characters more. Lyle and hawke are just too cute. If there is a different story or novel about them then I will definitely read it. Most of the time I was only looking forward to their appearance.

Is it just me that I find the grandads open intimacy a lil weird. I mean hugging and kissing is okay.... but full on action without restraint infront of their grandson!!! pls if I were leo I would surely be traumatise. <<less
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Cubic019 rated it
December 26, 2022
Status: c59
One word. ML is ass. He gets character development and all that stuff later on but I still can't stomach him or the romance. The story itself is quite good tho, a solid 4 or 5 on its own. I was reluctant to drop the story because I was actually enjoying it, but idk the pairing is just a little forced.
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YCR rated it
December 14, 2022
Status: Completed
3.5/5 I dont like Greene and to be exact I hate him. He is naively selfish and s*upid I really cant put up with his behavior. I know I dont like this character since the first moment he show up. He and Mitte make me so sick that I dont really want to continue the story. Especiallyi Greene I rightfully suspected that he has a mental illness with inferior complex. I mean who would fall in love with their kidnapper??? Pls this kind of plot is so braindead and problematic.... more>> No matter what reason stand behind the romance between victim and criminal it would always label as STOCKHOLM SYNDROME thx. And im not a big fan of it and above all his love braindead and fragile heart makes everything unnecessarily worse.
I mean yea the experimental plot is crucial part of the story. But it obviously could have a better instigation of the plot climax. At least not because of Greene EmOtIoNaLly UnStAbLe and ReLuCtAnT heart. That's why I says he not only s*upid but naively selfish, in my eyes the way he indirectly moral kidnapped MC is what I disgust most. He and his s*upid love can get away with it after done so much harm just because MC didn't want to uselessly trouble himself in this idiot life. As for the good part?? I like how ML change his tempo and try hard to restrain himself while trying to understand Xiao Mu. Tbh I actually annoyed when he being so narcissistic and MC being so submissive (or mature??) in the first half of the story. But I could understand that he just has a bad mouth with bad attitude of a spoiled brat. Yep brat! Other comment say that he does not act like his own age but dude he live in a world where people lives for hundreds and hundreds of years so ML who not even hundred yo yet it mean he still could describe as brat right? Especially when he act like one (although I dont think he mean no harm as he says those word as other claim) However the later part where he know his own heart and try to be the better version of himself for Xiao Mu is really cute (really satisfying cuz he deserves MC cold shoulder). Thus, this novel end up with a GOOD tier novel that you could read to pass your time. Dont expect too much of a heavy plot and enjoy reading it as much as possible cuz if you have read this author other works you would understand that author's MCs is always playing the OP route. <<less
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Fave rated it
December 13, 2022
Status: --
Dropped it half way because I don't like MLs with this type of personality. I was really happy at first when MC repeatedly rejected him but then he eventually fell for him which was annoying like the author could have just made another love interest

Anyway I quite liked the MC
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puregarnet rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: Completed
3.9 Stars

Personal Enjoyment: 3.9/5

The first half was a 4 and the second action-packed half was a 3.8 or 3.9. I liked the making money and growing skills while going to school, slice-of-life part more haha. The second part of the action, mystery part, was objectively above average for me but the first half is just more towards my personal preference.

... more>> Writing/Translation: 4/5

The translation I read is from IAmABanana or Banana Translations. The translation is pretty okay. It is edited MTL but it is much better than pure MTL. The sentences are all as if they were written in English instead of weird, awkward sentences. Yes, it is not perfect and there are some careless mistakes here and there but it is so much better than MTL and you can feel the work that went into it. The translator really focused on delivering the meaning instead of just perfunctorily going through the MTL. I also did not encounter any sentences that I didn't understand, which are usually common in other translations. Also, I found the translator kinda cute hahaha.

Pacing: 4/5

Hmm, surprisingly even.

Plot: 3.8/5

The first half was more personal development for the MC where he worked hard to be independent and be able to survive and live a good life in this new world. The second half was entirely plot driven, with some action, mystery, antagonists, and the Mc's plan to reduce reliance on guides and make them more normal in society. I do admit that I preferred the storyline in the first half because it felt more poor-to-rich and weak-to-strong slowly and gradually. I just like that kind of stuff. The second half was more externally focused and while they were interested and different, my personal preference is to continue to watch the MC slowly improve instead of action hahaha.

Just some comments that some transitions were a bit random and the spring tide felt a little out of the blue when first introduced. Since I’ve now read a couple of interstellar stories, it felt normal after thinking about it. Just thought they could foreshadow it a bit more. And the romance of Mitte in the main story felt random too. I couldn't for the life of me understand what his deal with Greene was because it has been proven in the pain plot that Greene really isn't anything special. For Mitte, at least, Greene's genes aren't special, nor is his family special so why does Mitte have such a strong attachment to him. Or that the two had some secret childhood relationship that wasn't shown or something like that. It was only explained in the extra and it wasn't anything that deep lol. Also, the spotlight on that leader of Planet Yao? Hao? And his guide partner, as well as the fact that they had a previous relationship with one of the main antagonists, felt a little strange. When they came up, I honestly thought they were just random side characters like the Prince Novi gang. I felt like the author could have blended them into the story better and more smoothly. Honestly, I think if the story had been given to a professional editor to publish the book, it would have been good. Fix some things, clear some inconsistencies, add just a bit more detail to the system and money stuff and I think it would have been good.

Romance: 3.7/5

Romance is okay. I do like that the relationship didn't follow the typical uke seme yaoi or the lukewarm and vanilla fall-in-love with no real bumps/dumb misunderstandings path. I actually really like romance development! You will find the ML super argh at the beginning like a typical tsundere and the typical pushy, self entitled, boundary crossing dominant ML. And the MC is helpless to show his view that is different from the Ml’s on the relationship. But! After the ML realises he does like the MC, the first impression of a tsundere has soured the Mc’s view of him. So, too bad, so sad hahaha. C*ckblocked by his past self lolol. Then we see from there how the romance can happen because this is yaoi so it will. I love how the ML has to face the consequences of his oblivious arrogance hahaha. All the boundary crossing has realistic consequences! All my grievances about this type of selfish dominant Top were addressed here XD. But once they got together, I kinda just skipped all the s*x scenes because s*x scenes in web novels still make me cringe lol. So, near the end, I skimmed a lot of content because it became more lovey-dovey XP.

Setting/Worldbuilding: 4/5

Pretty fun interstellar guide and sentinel world. It's the first type that has this trope and I liked it. It doesn't go too deeply psychologically into the intricacies involved in the dynamic which is a pity but it focuses on reducing or eliminating the preciousness of the guide in the equation. So the field is more equalised. And the guide can have more freedom because losing them isn't a giant blow.

I also love the whole system and pills thing. I wish it was more deeper and detailed like in The Legendary Master’s Wife, but it is good enough. There are details about the ingredients and pill effects, the MC never had any giant jumps in level which usually made it too unbelievable and broke my immersion. This was the best part, the level up was quite gradual, realistic, you can feel that some time passed by before the next level up or increase of income. It wasn't too fast. Sure, in the second part, the levelling up was less focused on because of the action and mystery but near the very end, the MC levelled up more quickly and rather briefly. But it all fit the flow of the story and the situation that made levelling up that quickly possible.

Characters: 4/5

The MC is pretty good as the MC. He's relatable, hardworking, independent and smart. The ML has good character development that was refreshing and engaging to read about haha. After that, though, he kinda became a normal OP, top, dotting, lover.

The side characters are all distinct and have their own personalities and pasts. They don't all revolve around the MC but usually have their own interests even if most of the time their interests are similar to the MC’s.

The antagonist felt big and bad throughout most of the story but they were defeated a bit too quickly and easily, lol. I was expecting a bit more anxiety for myself lol.

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated haha
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Vanlatte rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: Completed
It's actually around 4 to 5 stars. But..! This novel is underrated!! So five stars.

The plot is nicely done, not boring at all.

The ML..., where there's pheromone here, and the r*pe is near r*pe. They stopped, okay. But maybe the novel is not for some people. However, it deserves more than 3.9 average ratings.

Actually, ML is refreshing. Without other characters telling me explicitly, I know although ML's tongue is poisonous he doesn't mean any harm. A fresh breathe in the middle of 'domineering CEO' or 'loyal dog' kind of ML.... more>> As a reader, I can feel his character's growth.

As for the title... It is misleading. MC used to be a doctor, yes. But in the story, he should be "Interstellar Super Guide". Guide, as in Sentinel - Guide. He is not even a pharmacist imo.

There's no background story why MC transmigrated or what he did before (only in passing and so minimal). The plot that's not related to main plot aren't told, except in extras and there're only two of them :')



What's actually happened to ML's parents?

What exactly You Mo did to do the research? Where're the rest of researchers?

What happen to the cute natives of Rock Planet?


-- A little spoiler--

There's one more. This one is very subjective 'tho. I don't like the background story of the final boss/villain. I am not trying to excuse what he did, but seriously? Hou Mian and Merry are happily ever after..?? When Hou Mian met You Mo again, he didn't say anything?? No remorse? He actually only thinking about Merry after talking to You Mo?! **really want to curse**

Dude, I know we need to move on and not make the same mistake. I am not trying to get you (HM) back together with You Mo (YM actually deserves it, alright). But you (HM) and Merry are not 'that innocent' either. Both of you hurt each others, but did you forget? You both also took quite a big part in ruining YM's life.

They actually feel like they're remorseful enough. Nope, I don't see it O_O.


YM didn't ask HM why he got engage even though they're lovers.

HM didn't tell YM that it's a 'fake engagement'.

So did Merry even though YM is his brother.

HM's father concealed YM's whereabout.

In the end, HM and M still got married. *blergh*

HM and M feels remorseful for awhile after they got married, but so what? Why don't you divorce?

HM: "I am being pressured by my family..."

Me: "At least you tell YM, you coward! You think a thing such as engagement can be conceal WITHIN a family?! Don't you also know Merry likes you???"

M: "I like HM."

Me: [no comment. Who doesn't know, except HM?]

M is selfish and HM is fickle + coward.

And author makes HM and M seem like a good guy here! Urghh.

Honestly, it's better if it's not Merry who tattle YM, so that MC doesn't need to cure M and HM can realize he is s*upid and has no chance to fix those mistakes all his life :). And M can thinks HM never loves him 'till the end :) [turns out I'm a sad*st xD]

Thank author for not making HM and M's extras of their (hateful) love life.

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January 9, 2022
Status: c8
Ugggh. Seriously, I just created an account for this. First of all, the ML is, as stated by other reviews, is a dick. A total dick. I have to close my eyes to take a breather every single time he says any insulting word. Being an empath myself probably doesn't help.

How he is a dick? Well, let me tell you, there are a lot of examples of him being an excessive prick in this novel. Read it and you will see🙄.

In other chapter, ML claimed that he's just telling the... more>> truth/being straightforward (about him insulting the MC), not caring if he hurt MC's feeling. Heck, ML didn't even knew him, and he's speaking as if he knew everything about MC. I disagree with ML, he's not being straightforward, he's got some big problem with himself. It's like he has a stunted emotional growth. He can't or won't sympathize to others nor can he treat them with basic human decency. He just pushes his baggage of sh*t to others. He insults them, if they retaliated or move to explain themselves, he will say that this person can't accept criticism. Like, hello?!! Who the hell will be fine being insulted by someone they didn't know? Man up, insult is not a criticism, period.

He's also a narcissist, I hate that a lot. He assumes, and assumes, and assumes everything. He got an "everything revolves around my palm" mentality. I hate that very much.

I don't know if he will get a character development, hopefully he will.

Wait, scratch that, I read a review saying that the ML didn't change himself, or apologize to MC for the load of bull crap he said to MC even he is pursuing him. Well, I guess, character development went straight to tr*sh then.

Second, the MC. I actually like him, he was transmigrated without a knowledge about everything so he has to learn from the scratch. The execution is neat, and realistic. He's also cautious. I can't say much more because I stopped reading at chap. 8.

Third, almost everyone in this world (?) is either unnecessary mean or shallow. They tended to look down upon the MC a lot (the doctors, I'm looking at you). MC's father is not just mean (because he threatened his son, wtf-wait, is he even his son?😒) but also a shallow parent. He doesn't have a time for his son, didn't bother to listen to him, and just demand obedience to MC. I wonder if he even cared at all. Another example of a shitty parent here, you guys.

Fourth, and lastly, the overall story. It's really good. Because of this story I have to create my own account just to rant and express my dissatisfaction about the characters. It means that the author did really a good job. He/she gave life to the characters, the MC and ML have defining characteristics that gave color to the story.

By the way, the translator did an excellent job translating this👌.

Unfortunately, I'll have to drop this story for the sole reason that the ML isss reallyyy unbearable, sigh☹️. I'm really picky about the stories I will read and this is not just my type. Personal preference, you know.

Oh, btw, if you want to read and explore this story, go ahead. Take my review as a grain of salt and see for yourself. <<less
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January 7, 2022
Status: c81
I can't continue Anymore, it was painful to read till now. The MC is way too OP, Cannot connect with the characters.

Not my type, I thought it would be fluffy with some good but. But all I got is frustration, I could not wait to finish this one, but could only quit, Since it's torturous.

If you want to read some fluffy with good plot and logic, don't read.

That's my personal opinion tho, no hate.
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Miao Meow Liz
Miao Meow Liz rated it
August 7, 2021
Status: Completed
This was good enough, started with IAmBanana's work and then mtl'd - don't judge too harshly because this is fanfic. 100% comedy and love~

The ML gets a lot of hate, because early on he's anger inducing, and then you realise he's a tsundere - and then he's comedic. He's very "touchy", but the MC stands up for himself. As for the almost r*pe incident, it's not bad and the MC handles himself. This isn't about anything dark, but is all free love.

Being a published fanfic, the author kind of leaving... more>> the cute stuff behind for fight scenes is understandable. Fatty was justice though, I wanted more.

Have re-read this 3 times, I needed something sweet to get over how much "The Young General's Wife is Mr. Lucky" irritated me. <<less
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Yumeru rated it
February 12, 2024
Status: Completed
Just got back to give review and stamp that I completed this novel haha. Well MC from transmigrating starts with helping himself to live in his new world and find a job. He's really hardworking and charismatic. ML just fr summary have diff views in paring and ML's view will be changed when he came to know MC. So the story is ML pursuing MC and MC dedicated on being a doctor hahaa

There's what you call charcter development okay. A person will change based on environment, people contact, hobbies... more>> etc. Of course ML will change after he got to know MC [ so I disagree to other review saying ML just jump a personality change]. His attitude did not suddenly change 180 degrees okay? It was not love at first sight for them. Even MC is slow on his feelings to ML. This story is unique on its own way, agree to another review. Though at first ML is kinda narcissistic but he has the base confidence. ML is a devoted soldier and a good leader to his brothers. You will know it if you finished reading the novel - there's war until the last part. This story is unique on its own way, agree to another review. There's also the hidden villaim and tragedy of some canon fodders which will be revealed b4 the end. It has a nice wrap up. I am okay if couple had children or none. MC and ML had a sweet life after^^ <<less
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Argentium rated it
January 1, 2024
Status: c80
For brainless fluff that alternates between dragging along and advertising for Idiocracy, this is actually a pretty decent novel. However, the MC's bursts of 'genius' seem to primarily be about things that should have been tried as a common-sense, basic experiments generations ago, given the setting. Over and over, he 'can't tell people about what he learned', because 'he has to hide his system'. There are countless ways to explain it. He even uses several of them, most prominently the 'I'm just so powerful, I can't explain it' one, but... more>> repeatedly he's concealing pertinent information for no situationally logical reason, just so that the author can pull it out as an awkwardly contrived plot point later. The overall intelligence of the characters seems painfully low, and the MC can only be described as average at best, with the rest dumbed down to make him look better. There is no 'genius doctor', just a rather broken-seeming 'system'. Oh... and the MC was mentioned as having been a Pediatrician at the start, but then... after that he had no personal history of medical experience, and showed no interest in treating children, just in 'Guide's Lib'. Ultimately, the setting and characters are both unstable and frequently illogical. Space travel flops back and forth between being treated like they're traveling through space, and teleporting from one landmass to another on the same planet. Or maybe they were teleporting between planets? But then, I'm not sure why they involved space at all. Trying to make sense of the author's inconsistent and illogical settings is an excellent way to get a headache.

Edited to add - I made it to chapter 80. The s*upidity and incompetence of the characters was getting more and more exaggerated, so I couldn't take it any more. However, I do want to commend the translator for the warning at the beginning, it was sadly accurate. <<less
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fancytofu rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: Completed
Definitely a 3.5 stars, but I rounded it up to 4.

Since it's not super clear in he summary, the premise of the story is that Xiao Mu isekais into the interstellar sentinel/guide world but in the body of the character he created in a Chinese MMO (that is not related to the world he transmigrates to).

From there, he finds out that he has an OP game interface system only he can see and that he's a guide. Only problem is that guides are super protected by the gov't--to the point... more>> that they're basically kept captive in the Golden Tower until they're matched (married) to a sentinel. Unwilling to give up his freedom, Xiao Mu has to keep his guide powers secret while trying to fit in and make a living in this new world he's in. But meeting Leo and their 100% match rate makes it a bit harder to keep his guide abilities in check.

The story is super interesting but it really tanks after he gets together with Leo. Before then, it was focused on how to change the world's opinion that guides were fragile and only good for one thing, which was super interesting. Up until that point, Xiao Mu also had to balance his OP system skills and introduce them in a way that it becomes teachable to other guides.

But then all of a sudden it feels like the author starts throwing random cliches and drama for plot. Characters that were well developed earlier were dropped for characters that are so meh and some of them came out of nowhere. Idk, it gets kinda weird imo. Luckily for the novel, I was already s**ked in by the first half of the story that I became invested enough to read until the end.

Overall, the plot is interesting enough to get started with, but it's not that great. Better than a lot of other novels, but kind of frustrating at the drop in quality later. <<less
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Pezwitch rated it
May 2, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a sci-fi slice of life novel which I found interesting. The ML was a jerk in the beginning and the MC had enough self esteem not to give in until the ML changed. The ML actually did have growth and understood the MC liked to make his own decisions, which was refreshing

I really liked the MC, he had a dream he was working towards and enough flaws not to be too MarySue at first (this changed as the story progressed, so if you don’t like MarySue this may... more>> not be for you). The MC never gave up on his dream and kept working towards it and even convinced the ML to support him

Again, most of the story is MC everyday life, going to work, healing people, visiting friends. That is what I enjoy about slice of life novels

And Banana is the translator which is a huge plus for me

I enjoyed this novel and recommend it if you like slice of life <<less
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Du Xiao Mi
Du Xiao Mi rated it
January 7, 2023
Status: Completed
This story has a lot of potential, however it also has a lot of plot holes. They may be small but they become increasingly annoying as they accumulate. It feels like the author started a lot of subplots and then forgot about them. (The author would need a lot more chapters to satisfactorily ending these subplots, I get it, but I would read them happily if they did so)

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for example in the last chapters MC adquieres the ability to attack but never uses it or MC never being able to study pharmacy and so on


As I said before, the story has a lot of potential and I liked it (especially the relationship between MC and ML and how ML learns MC boundaries and how to respect him) so I can recommend this novel to you. Still I hope the author will make some adjustments to it in the future.


you probably saw it from the tags but there are no kids or mpreg even in the extras even if they mentioned the possibility of men having kids together more than once


Lastly, sorry if my English is bad...I hope you can understand it nevertheless <<less
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_jwxo rated it
January 6, 2023
Status: Completed
I finished it but I was bored of it pretty quick. The whole story was meh. It didn’t need to be 99 chapters and there were a number of elements that were just very flat, besides the characters.

  • The MC’s overall goal was achieved too easily, and he experiences very little pushback from the established power players in the story, mainly because he’s both legendary and OP.
  • The MC and the character he supposedly look like, didn’t look alike. The character who he was originally mistaken for had obviously different physical features. So I didn’t really understand the point of that, and it seems to only serve its purpose later on, but still doesn’t make sense because they have certain physical features that are obviously different.
  • Personally, I didn’t understand the purpose of his system or how he levelled up to unlock new medicines or abilities. Also, some of the explanations regarding certain abilities and their consequence (good or bad) were hard to understand or didn’t make sense.
  • Keeping with my issues with the system, there were literally ZERO drawbacks to all the medicines and abilities unlocked (as I understood it and I may have missed something), which fine, OP MC. But it didn’t feel believable.
  • I also didn’t get why the system had cultivation style elements to it. Or why specifically it was based on the game/character he was playing before transmigrating. The world in which he migrated to didn’t even have cultivation elements involved, to make sense for the way the system was set up. So it was an odd choice to me.
  • The world-building was lazy, especially because the main conflict is related to the existing social organization of the world, but it’s barely addressed. This also ties into how the MC basically forces societal change with little resistance, mainly for personal gain but also to the benefit of other guides. The only major resistance comes the main villains, all the other entities who should be throwing up road blocks aren’t. Well not any that last, as the MC is OP and connects quickly with a powerful backers unintentionally which seems to negate almost all of his issues.
  • The sentinel/guide trope is really only there to justify the OPness of the MC and ML. If you want the lore–of any kind–associated with this trope this is not the story to look for it in.
Tbh, it’s enough to kill time if you want to... more>> engage in mindless reading, and don’t want to pay too much attention to the story. I skipped ahead a lot, though I did read the story from beginning to end, I think you could probably get away with reading every 5-8 chapters and still get the gist of the story. <<less
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WallEyeKnee rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: Completed
I know alot of ppl are annoyed by ML. I was too at the beginning! But gradually he got better and he also has expressive problems.

I like the system and MC's goals for this world.

It was a really a step by step to reform.

Instead of Alpha Omega, I like they new concepts of Guide and Sentinel

It was a fun little read and great translation by the translator.
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BadNora rated it
October 16, 2022
Status: Completed
Enjoyable, well written, good pace overall, never boring, a bit cliché at times. I loved that there was instant attraction but not love at first sight and that love grew slowly. Very well done.

A silent r.i.p. To fatty the squirrel forgotten midway through the story and completely useless overall. Nobody cared for him anyway 😹 I only noticed after a few hours after I finished the novel.
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