Infinite Bloodcore


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There was no light in the dark of night, only war drums sounded and war cries shouted. A young man listened carefully. It was his heart beating and blood flowing.

What lies hidden in the darkness ahead? Is it a man, a god, or…a monster?

No path could be the best, for infinite are the journeys possible underfoot!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Endless Bloodstone
Unlimited Bloodstone
Wu Xian Xue Ke
نواة الدم اللانهائية
Related Series
Reverend Insanity (10)
Plundering the Heavens (1)
Reincarnator (1)
Self-cultivation of the Exorcist (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3
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  3. My Library Of Treasures
  4. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  5. Light Novel list

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/16/20 BloodcoreTL c41
11/07/20 BloodcoreTL c40
11/06/20 BloodcoreTL c39
11/01/20 BloodcoreTL c38
10/31/20 BloodcoreTL c37
10/21/20 BloodcoreTL c36
10/03/20 BloodcoreTL c35
09/20/20 BloodcoreTL c34
09/19/20 BloodcoreTL c33
09/18/20 BloodcoreTL c32
09/13/20 BloodcoreTL c31
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31 Reviews sorted by

v.o.i.d rated it
May 27, 2022
Status: c212
Pretty much a masterpiece.

First 80 chapters are a SLOG to get through and story is just one 'situation' to another and it's boring af. But oh boy that's where the gears start turning and by ch140 something it just goes full throttle. Early chapters do hold a high significance in later chapters, though I am still somewhat mad about the start. Gu Zhen could have cut down on the slow beginning by about 20-30 chapters and overall pacing and reader retention would have been much higher.

It is what it is... more>> now and I can't mind too much because as a whole, Book 1 is a freaking masterpiece. I was able to figure out some of the overarching hidden plot points but Gu is a sly bastard that strikes you the moment you let down your guard as a reader and start reading without proper attention.

So anyone on the fence about this one, just get through one third of the book 1 with sheer will and you will be greatly rewarded. <<less
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lordblanck rated it
July 5, 2021
Status: c200

I think it has around 450+ chs in raw and 210+ translated.

Now, let's start with basic main characters introduction, the guy is basically a blanck slate with high amount of pain tolerance not literally but figuratively.

Actually rather than saying, he is blanck slate, he is more like following the ideas of the person in his memories, for example:- White knight mentality as others have described. He isn't gonna kill other people just cause situation demands, only when he really feels like it does he kill them.


for example, he was almost forced to eat his companion cause of extreme hunger, now this maybe nothing for most noves but when you read this you will feel the helplessness, how he struggles not to eat him. Say it Good or bad how he was true to words and didn't just changed his decision. He even regretted it later but again later, he thinks he did the right thing. This constant thinking make you believe he is real human not just a wuxia robot.


Another one of the coolest things which I have noticed is how he learns from his mistakes and you can literally feel, that these events are going somewhere deep into the novel. And one day, its gonna be the foundation.

In authors language, this is supposedly even more detailed than RI, like we all remember how weird RI looked in the beginning 300 to 400 chs but the author kept explaining and we keep getting new information. I am willing to bet, it's not gonna be RI in that regard. It actually took him more than 2 months for world structure, like damn.

Again like everyone already said, side characters are really alive, like they have their thoughts, they aren't monotonous. They think, they have their life and experience, there are a bunch of interesting characters which I find quite amazing. His fiancee, included, she is pretty cool. Any more would be spoiler.

Now from my POV, I think its like initial stages from RI, I think in RI, the main character was already fleshed out and was someone who understands and seen the world from his last life, this guy is just like a beginners on the other hand. But that is not to say he is an idiot, he maybe not be most scheming person alive but he is smart, really smart. Ah, I can literally see the character growing as he is learning things.

Responsibilities of a leader, his own personal dilemma, people are trying to scam him, survival. He is dealing with all these and you feel the pressure and how he sometimes just broke himself.

I don't know, reading novels for years. I have a general knack for books, like you get the feel when you read a 100 chs of a Novel. You get a sense, my personal experience says, its gonna be a good one. Now I am not saying he is gonna bounce FY literally, cause that's just s*upid. I dont think, author would make such a character either but I also think this character is someone most of us are gonna like.

Besides you gotta trust the author, he is already losing a lot of fans cause of his slow speed, those who are patently waiting are less in number. According to him, he is going for quality instead of quantity and I agree here. But then again, most of the people clearly don't as even the raws are only 400 + chs let alone the translated and cause of it's slow speed, most of people are annoyed.

Let's see how it goes though, I throughly support and recommend this.

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shayathawk rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: c220
Gu Zhen Ren's definitive soon to be masterpiece. Most of us are here because we love RI and want something more of that level. Well, you all can finally stop looking and loosen up because rest assured, IB is what you're looking for. Mind you though, it is not all like RI, I'd rather say that they are poles apart. Our MC isn't as dense as FY but his subtle life philosophies and high aspirations are there but portrayed from a different angle. I say we come to recognize GZR's... more>> this new work apart from his already highly acclaimed novel and see it in a new light and appreciate it off on its own mettle. So now, I'll come to the review.

Cultivation. It is simple. Here we have life levels, ranging from 'Bronze' to 'Legend' and more. Cultivators are separated into 'Magicians' and 'Battle Qi' cultivators. The former are experts at using elementals and ambient world energy around them directly while the latter use the same energy but use their bodies as the medium to combat. But in this, there are intricacies revolving around bloodlines and inherited aptitudes which leads to differences in people who have a more potent bloodline than compared to those who don't. This is what that primarily shapes the societies into hierarchies and we get a comprehensive understanding of the world order and development.

World Building. There are several races in this world and several of their continents, so far only a few are known but we'll come to know more of them later. It follows your usual trope of a fantasy with having humans, elves, dwarves, goblins, giants, beastmen etc. Everyone has their own different and unique traits and quirks. So, this leads to competition and an obvious warfare. This is the premise of the novel as well. Our MC is a knight from the human race's nobility, who follows his 'deities' will' and travels to fight over the lordship of a city on an enemy continent. On the way, his ship wrecks and they crash land on a strange island and we come to know more of his and his companions' circumstances. Everything else I say would be spoiler territory but buckle on, because boy it'll be a journey full of ordeals and scheming, even when there is survival at stake.

Side Characters. If this novel has anything which shines more than most novels, then this would be it. From even a lowly nobody to a major character, everybody has their own feelings and motives which are made known and which affect the story and in the development of the main character at large. There are obvious discrepancies among people with better and bad bloodlines or between people of different races. These are displayed from character interactions and inner monologues which are so heavily implied in the novel.

Main Character. He's an enigma, not because of having a temporary memory loss but for several unimaginable reasons which you'll come to know by the end of book one. He is always on the way to self discovery and introspection throughout the story. The character development starts on a blank slate where MC remembers tidbits of his memories on different intervals and tries to carve himself to be that person accordingly. Then, there's a different element of character development in play which comes afresh and anew due to his current circumstances and which get shaped thanks to the difficult life choices he makes on his quest to surviving. The final result would be the culmination of both. If FY was already a settled person who had reached the apex of his character development, then here, the MC is always coming to terms with his and the world's circumstances and shaping up to be the person who he wants to be. But, as always the case in GZR's writing which we are used to, nothing comes easy and there are always bigger pictures and strong backhands at play. The novel is explicit in showing the dark and hideous nature of humanity. So far we've not reached to the extent of political scenarios but they are hinted to come. Hopefully, they are tame and don't get on the bad side of CCP like RI. sighs

There are twists here and there, now with Webnovel employing a different TL and renaming of the characters into English and GZR re-editing the book 1 but for us readers, the plot is same and strong for the most part. Have fun. <<less
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Suyi rated it
June 19, 2021
Status: v1c136
It's a good novel though, the world building, the character building but the MC is too white tha

t it blinds my eyes.

I don't know why but I feel irritated and bored by the MC whitiness Like W*F, I wasn't expecting a second Fang Yuan but this is too much, hopefully he'll get tainted or I'm done with this novel.
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Eater69 rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: c211
Wow! Just wow, I honestly didn't believe it when the author said it would be as good or even better than RI. I have no doubts now.

The only minute downside is the rate of translation. Mtl, though as tr*shy it is, it's still better than nothing.
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InvincibleDespair rated it
April 4, 2022
Status: --
Forced mystery, and poorly executed amnesia. A lot of useless chunks of word that you can skip over with no consequences, lots of useless monologue that won't establish the character any more. And that sudden power gain because he remembered something from the past is just so s*upid. He was a knight so he should have some sort of muscle memory for techniques and stuffs but no. Author could have just made this a transmigration rather than this imposter MC. Novel didn't click with me
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Dumbcook rated it
January 2, 2022
Status: c240
It's really worth the time although dialogues between character felt a bit wierd but everything makes sense after the end of first book.


MC isn't a real person but a body double made by the best magician



Female lead is pretty good but her reasons to sink the ship didn't make much sense

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Daresan rated it
October 10, 2023
Status: Completed
I read till chapter 212 and I think this novel will come good, Definitely will rival gu zhen ren's masterpiece Reverend insanity. But I have many doubts as well, first 212 chapter had a lot of monologue's and different perspectives, which made reading it a chore. End of the arc was pretty satisfying and answered the mystery regarding the MC. Tbh reverend insanity was also like that before the immortal world grand theatre it looked pretty average. But after chap 600 RI become one of the most thought out and... more>> amazing novel. So I recommend you guys preservere, just trust the author how can someone who write reverend insanity give us a medicore novel? Its impossible. The only thing I am afraid of in this novel is world building, I don't know how author can make a unique power system like gu again in his lifetime. Gu power system is probably the best power system I have seen in NU along with lotm <<less
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wuxia952 rated it
January 14, 2022
Status: c212
Pretty good overall and I would recommend the series but be prepared to skip/skim parts of it.

Unforutnately it did feel like the author is getting paid by the word or had some kind of minimum word count to hit because he really, really belabours a lot of points and quite often I would skip by a good half the chapter.

Also, I wasn't a huge fan of randomly going into the backstories of people. The backstories were never important and, again, seemed like some kind of word count needed to be... more>> hit.

The author also retells the story but from an alternate character's viewpoint. I just skipped these chapters altogether.

Infinitely better than the face slapping I am god stuff that's out there. <<less
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DruryLane rated it
July 2, 2021
Status: c212
This is by far the best CN novel I have ever read and I'd say it's better than any KR novel as well. The goals, fears, and motivations of significant and even minor characters are understandable and fleshed out. The main character gets most of the attention but plenty of time is spent on the side characters as well. The author will shift the focus to another character have a flashback that explains their mentality and how they came to be the person they are today. The novel is an... more>> action/adventure, fantasy novel but it has undertones of mystery. Unlike other CN/KR/JP novels where the protagonist has a mostly developed character from the start (or is even a person with two fully fleshed out characters supposedly 'merged together' [yeah that's a jab at lazy transmigration novels]) the protagonist of the story is instead an empty man unsure of who he's supposed to be and what he really is. The protagonist is a white knight type character but he desperately struggles with his own self doubts and laments himself as a hypocrite. The world is cruel and each of the characters has found themselves in their current predicament due to a mix of poor choices and terrible luck mixed with desperation and hope for a better life. If you want a fast paced novel with an overpowered MC on a mission to meet unfathomable goals you'll likely hate this novel. If you want a well structured and excellently paced story of struggle and moral anguish this is the one for you. <<less
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Karbite rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: c212
Absolutely recommended read. For all of those looking for an evil, ruthless protagonist, ... more>>

I'm afraid you will be disappointed. However, that doesn't mean that the story is automatically ruined. The book explores what truly separates a beast from a human and morality. If you aren't very interested in that or have read too many others that have executed it well, then perhaps it would be best to pass.


The side characters have some dimension to them and are decently fleshed out well. There is some romantic subplots and although it is not that good, it is not the main focus. The only real characterization that happens is for the main character where I really love how you can see him grow throughout the journey and gain a greater understanding of himself.

The main focus is on the story and mystery. As expected of Reverend Insanity's author, he does not disappoint in terms of the worldbuilding and plot. Throughout the story, he will scatter out major plot points to use a 100 chapters later instead of just 3 chapters. The story has been well planned out and although he does like to use some popular themes, Infinite Bloodcore is miles better than most of what NU has to offer. I strongly approve of this book for people who like mystery and action or enjoyed the beginning parts of Lord of the Mysteries. However, if you don't particularly look for that in a novel, I still consider it to be a good read for you. <<less
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