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“Kiss me. Caress me and cherish me every day.”

Prince Gyo Seung-wan seduced the Emperor, his father, to survive. Unable to resist his son’s allure, the Emperor engaged in a forbidden relationship with him. On one of those debauched nights, Prince Gyo Seung-wan committed the heinous crime of beheading his father…

“I will fill your hole with my seed. Bear my child and yours.”

Consequently, Seung-wan found himself being violated every night by his younger brother, Gyo Yi-do.

This work deals with mature themes including in*est, coercive relationships, and physical mutilation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Omegaverse
  3. every day i fight for my place in heaven
  4. peeping mlm grandmaster
  5. BL Waiting for the chapters translation

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5 Reviews sorted by

Alliee rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: c3
Please pay attention to the Tags before starting the story, there is r*pe, ab*se, in*est, GORE etc. Don't read it and give low rating because you can't bear these -_-

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MC was the crown prince with no backing to help him to take throne safety, so he slept with his father " the emperor " who liked his son because MC looks very much like his dear passed away empress.

One night Emperor wanted to injure and even kill MC after seeing the wing mark on his chest (because the Emperor has problems in mind) so MC had to protect himself by killing Emperor which was the beginning of his falling.


The story is good, chapters are long, translator sama is doing a good job Korean stories are kinda mystery sometimes <<less
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Melidas rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: c3
High five to Thirstseeker team !Thank you for picking up this novel.

Inferno is not for everyone, but it’s not meant to be for everyone.

In my opiniom the author who write these scenes have a point in doing utilize in*est, r*pe, gore etc simply as a plot device. Do not bother with reading if you not comfortable with the tags.

... more>> I am agree with Alliee on the above comment. Do not read and give low rating plus negative comments about this novel.

This novel only for those who can read with open mind and full of curiosity to explore more bl novels.

If you up to dark novel, Inferno will give you all.

To be continue till I read more chapters. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 20, 2021
Status: c6
There's a reason why there are tags so I hope everyone who wants to start reading the first chapter go through with the tags first. Please don't go on if you can't handle it, seriously just don't.

*edit: idk how to put the ratings 'cause it disappeared but I'll go back for this when there are significantly more chapters

To be honest, I don't really give low scores in rating novels/fics it's 'cause I mainly score to how I enjoyed it, the plot, and to appreciate the effort given. Basically, my main... more>> rule too is that I won't heavily critique such heavy themes 'cause I knew what I was about to read, thank goodness for tags. So yeah please please understand if you can handle the tags and warnings before you proceed, 'cause this novel's really dark.

I'm currently on the latest translated chapter (chp 6) and I really want to be able to read how it'll go up from here and if there'll be a redemption arc or something. It's really a shame though that I found all these good dark korean bl novels but I can't read more 'cause there were no more updates and I can't find the raw novel for an mtl. Hopefully, more would be interested to translate and share.

(Anyway, I know translations are not supposed to be part of the review but I'd just like to note how I'm thankful for the effort of the translator 'cause yeahh the starting chapters were a bit rough BUT there was consistent improvement in the latter chapters so really thank you~) <<less
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karwasama rated it
February 25, 2024
Status: Completed
Okay, so in my opinion, the content warnings need to be heavily updated (LOL) — yes, there’s in*est, non-con, gore (more specifically, amputations), attempted su*cide, emotional manipulation, Stockholm syndrome (duh!), non consensual drugging, and general violence... but as a fair warning, there is also:

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beastiality (with a pig, dog, and snakes oh boy!) and gang r*pe although it doesn’t “actually” happen (the ML drugs MC with this hallucinogenic aphrodisiac as punishment three times, and the MC kinda imagines these things are happening to him) There are like 2/3 chapters dedicated to these triggers though, and they’re described in graphic detail. It is also skippable (bc it has no real relevance to the plot).


Now in terms of the story itself... if I had to sum it up, enjoyable yet unsatisfactory. As the summary suggest, the MC (also the crown prince), who sleeps with his father for protection, kills him in an act of self defense. He is then torn limb from limb a: punishment. The ML, next in line for the throne and now emperor, “saves” him from death with holy water, which is a special type of medicine specially for royals that can heal them from literally any injury. “Saves” is in quotations first because the ML brings him back to life but still leaves all his limbs amputated (don’t worry, he’ll get them back later), and second because really it would have been much kinder to let him die. There are also these things called “seals” that can appear on the chest of royals, and basically there’s one seal for the emperor and one seal for the empress (and guess who the seals appear on lmao). Even though the MC is male, because he has the empress seal he can get pregnant, and so the ML is hellbent on getting him pregnant and making him become his empress. He first wants to “tame” the MC, and most of the novel is just exploring how that goes and following the MC’s mental breakdown.

I will say that I think the slow devolution into insanity by the MC was well written and interesting, if a tad over dramatic at times. I really felt for his turmoil and honestly hated the ML, who in comparison, wasn’t fleshed out nearly as well. The ML does get a backstory, but his personality can basically be summed up as being obsessed over the MC and doing whatever he can to carve out a place for himself in MC’s brain, whether it be out of hatred or love. You do get brief flashes of humanity from him, but in summary you can think of his as your typical (or perhaps a tad worse) yandere ML.

While the story for the most part of fine and interesting, the ending was unsurprising and not how I would have preferred it to end.


Basically, at some point in the story after the ML has “broken” the MC, the ML has a realization that he doesn’t actually want the MC to lose himself. So he tells the MC that once their child is of age, the MC can kill the ML and become Empress Dowager and basically command the Emperor (when their child is born, the ML specifically never shows interests in their kid so that he has a special attachment to the MC). When the MC actually puts this plan into action, he tricks the ML and doesn’t actually kill him — he puts him in the exact situation as the MC had been in the beginning, where the MC secretly revived the ML, chops off all his limbs, and locks him away in a palace. Unfortunately, karma does NOT work out in our favor because the ML doesn’t give a f*ck about anything as long as the MC is thinking about him. In fact, he thinks this whole thing is great (wtf) and is quite happy. He becomes much happier when the MC has a mental breakdown thinking about what he feels toward the ML and how he might actually “love” him now (*cough* stockholm syndrome *cough*) and returns to the ML, confessing as such. The story ends with establishing how these brothers will be in their own personal hell together, forever.


I totally saw it coming, if I’m being honest. The ML’s character being the way that it was, I couldn’t imagine that he’d actually, you know, feel any remorse (insert “and I’ll f*cking do it again!” meme here).

My ideal ending? Well...


I was kinda hoping the MC would successfully kill himself and maybe have the ML mourn him, just to make the ML suffer a bit. Or maybe keep the ending as is but take out the part where the MC goes back to the ML — basically, let the ML rot in the palace forever. Unfortunately, we get the “good” ending (pov: you are the ML).


Also, random but I totally called the last extra:


As soon as the kid was BORN I was like “mommy kink?” and boom, last chapter we get “the Emperor didn’t care about appointing concubines or an Empress because none of them would ever be able to even touch the toes of his precious mother”. The author really said “the genre is in*est” lmfao.


My rating of his novel would be a 4.0/5.0. If you wanna read a f*cked up, explicit novel with a crap ton of in*est, then my friend, look no further! <<less
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Ricole rated it
December 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Here's a review for this novel ! This novel was darkest ever ! But it was really interesting

Spoiler : until the very end of the story the love was one sided since I read the mtl version I couldn't understand the ending but I know that something bad happened to ML even though ML was really cruel I actually loved his character because he really loved MC and MC was really annoying 🥲 I just wished he also loved ML !
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