I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!


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Liam Sera Banfield is a reincarnator.

He had reincarnated into a fantasy world of magic and swords, but at the time the civilization had already been making advancements into outer space.

The setting takes place in an intergalactic empire, a space opera-like universe where humanoid weapons and spaceships battle.

Liam, who had been reborn into an aristocratic family in a monarchic society, has the ambition to one day become an evil lord.

In his previous life, Liam had unfortunately lost everything and died in despair.

— It’s foolish to live for others.

— I will live for myself.

Keeping those feelings in his heart, he has decided to fulfill his goal, but is instead worshipped as a virtuous ruler due to his difference in values.

Will Liam be able to become an evil lord?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I am the Villainous Lord of the Interstellar Nation
Ore wa Seikan Kokka no Akutoku Ryōshu!
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Drama Supermacy
  3. Guilty pleasure
  4. My Top Novels From the 500 Novels I have Read (KR,...
  5. Strong misunderstanding

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c14
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c13
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c12
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c11
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c10
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c9
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c8
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c7
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c6
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c5
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c4
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c3
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c2
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8c1
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v8 prologue
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165 Reviews sorted by

Tenome rated it
February 16, 2023
Status: v9
I originally dropped this after volume 4 when it seemed like the author didn't know where to take the series, but decided to pick it up from the WN since the LN is only on v5. I liked v5, and kept reading until finishing v9. Overall it's sorta decent, but it feels messy and unplanned at times. When I started v10, that feeling only became worse.

Cleo, the guy Liam's been supporting this entire time, suddenly does a 180 and decides he can take on Liam with clones of him and knockoff Avids. Why would he throw away everything when he's not even on the throne yet? The author writes it like his shattered ego overcame him and made him do something s*upid, but this is INCREDIBLY s*upid. It feels like the author didn't know who to make the next villain and just decided to pull one out of his ass.


The Guide stops being a threat a couple volumes in and is basically a recurring joke, so you know that whatever plans he has isn't going to really affect Liam. Rosetta, Liam's wife (apparently) acts like a whipped dog even as Liam emotionally abuses her and never complains about it, so her character ends up being almost nonexistent.

Overall it has some funny moments, but I got tired of reading it.

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Schultz rated it
January 12, 2023
Status: v1 prologue
    1. A lot of important details that skipped or just neglected in some place... No further explanation.
    2. you know... It's a galactic sht and some brainy capsule sht! And people still dare to bare it's fang or even rude to the one in power or far above the ranks blatantly insulting them like it was just another beggars or lowlife. Wth... Nonsense.
    3. Ifthe author put more effort in it... I dare to gave him 5star... So far, 3star is a charity for me bacause it was entertaining if I put aside the details and s*upid skipp.
    4. But for some people like me whom also put a reason, realistic (even if it's magic, there should be explanation how it's work even if it's just made up shit, or IRL call it Sci-Fi), and some details (character, town, system, misc)... This is total mess for me.
    5. New novel readers would understand what I mean by times... What is good novel and what is masterpiece.
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Amogh24 rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: v8 epilogue
This starts off as a fun series which doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a comedy based around insane luck. The first few volumes are worth a read.

The plot however gets repetitive with time, and I found myself getting bored after the 6th volume. The main plot slows down significantly after the 5th volume, and random stuff starts getting added in order to prolong the story.

The combat mirrors the quality of the plot, and becomes stale in the later volumes. The number of spaceships also starts to lose meaning,... more>> as the scenarios get more and more absurb. <<less
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EosTamar rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: v8 prologue
A 4.5/5 at most as of the first volume. positive; scifi world that is rarely done in Isekai. The world building is arguably the best part.

Negative; the timeline works against character development. Going into volume 7 the main character has not changed as a character in any meaningful way, not emotionally nor is he less naïve and ignorant about the world he's in.

Side note: The MC is an interesting combination of frustrating personality types.

Heading into Volume 8 I've decided the writer is purposely making the MC the most despicable character... more>> he can. He isn't evil or good he's naïve, ignorant and an idiot. The plot of the novel keeps me reading for what it is and a vague hope the author will allow the MC to actually grow up. But so far it's a perpetual hurt teenager to afraid of the world and lashing out in an emotional temper tantrum. I'd lower it down to three stars if I could. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
December 5, 2021
Status: v8c14
This is a misunderstanding trope comedy done well. While it does have it's flaws and some cringe tropes it's good enough to keep me entertained so I give it 2.4 stars.

The romance is horrendous though. Ok I get the lack of the MC's trust in women but still him running away is just...

... more>>

I especially hate Christiana and Mary. Those two always follow their own agenda and in vol 7 made lots of problems for Liam. They may be strong but their brains are severely lacking. Out of all harem members (?) I only like Amagi and Rosetta


It seems the author really isn't good at writing romance as evident in his other works.

Out of the author's works I enjoyed this one the most. Especially after the disastrous collapse of Otome game is tough for Mobs and the boringness of Dragoon. <<less
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vincent_quartz rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: v7 epilogue
This is a great misunderstanding comedy and written very well. It is not to be taken seriously and will bring smile and chuckle to the readers. Misunderstanding is on point. Plot point is unique. Characters are unique and well-written. Character developemnt is non-existent but it is comedy so that can be ignored.

I docked half point because the author tends to skip events and details that it sometimes feel like you missed a chapter in between. Not significant to plotpoint but definitely jarring. Another half point doe ked because the MC... more>> is a beta Japanese MC in term of his romantic relationship despite all his bragging of building harem. An isekai-ed working adult behaving like beta teenage is the one thing I can't stand reading in this novel. <<less
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Raubtier rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: v8 prologue
It's a great story as long as you're only reading it for the comedy and humor factor. It's one of the best "misunderstanding" story out there. The various interactions between the characters and the misunderstanding of the people around them is the central theme of the story.

My only gripe about this is the MC. Best advise while reading would be detach yourself from the MC, I personally find it more enjoyable that way.

... more>>

The MC's 'character' starts to stagnate after Vol 6, I guess he just doesn't any compelling reason to? He gets no proper adversary, the Guide who is supposed the antagonist is just making it worse. At this point I can't pinpoint a 'goal' that the MC could work towards.

What makes me keep reading this even with the disappointing MC are the interesting interaction between the side characters. I don't know when my disappointment with the lack of character development would make me drop this. Hopefully, I wont have to...

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RubrFox rated it
June 29, 2021
Status: v6c0
The only complaint I have is understanding how large the Banfield territory is...


I mean I know it is being translated as being a galaxy (銀河), but the way it is described I think it might be a galactic cluster (銀河団). Especially as it was described in Volume 4. The fact that the Banfield fleet (majority) seems to be around the Banfield capital, but not near any pioneer colonies. Pioneer colonies get defensive detachments separate from the main fleet. This makes me think 'multiple systems'. Contrary there are references to nearby neighbors, which makes me think not a galaxy. As the distance between galaxies is too grand to use the term nearby...

By the way to breakdown [銀河団]. [銀河団] can translate to 'Galactic Cluster' or 'Group of Galaxies'. I don't have the original source material, so I cannot check if this is how it was originally written. However, if you look at V1C1 it is translated into English as "dominates one galaxy" so it makes me wonder if it could have been translated as 'dominates one galactic cluster'; since 'dominates one group of galaxies' does not make much sense.

I noticed that some people thought Liam might have owned just a solar system (太陽系), but I think that the way some other noble house territories were described in Volume 3 (description of the Claudia Houses territory and Exner house territory) makes more sense, for being a singular solar system.

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May 21, 2021
Status: v4 pro
Its pretty good but the time skips are kind of all over the place and its kind of confusing. Most characters are not well defined except the Guide (Homie) and some of the main characters but most of the girls are kind of the same with a bit of a personality difference (you will know what I mean). Other than that its a somewhat funny and has good amount and entertaining action making it a good 4.5.
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Grimreaper1 rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: v7c1
This simply is the best. the comedy and twists were perfect. well thought out and perfect series of events. it was amazing because it took an unusual concept and didn't have any regular chiche's in it either. It is to put it simply........ different and unique from the rest. Absolutely loved every part of the story.
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Sneeek rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: v6c15
Just finished reading and have to say its a very enjoyable non committal read.

Fun cast, fun coincidences and satisfying story/character/territory progression. It is certainly nothing life changing or something that keeps you up at night but sometimes that is exactly what you need after reading too much serious stuff.

The only part I didn't like too much especially in the beginning is the constant POV of the guide. It feels like the villain that is revealing his plan at the beginning of the movie, but for suspense reasons it would be... more>> better to reveal it later on, so that we can feel good about beating his evil plans against all "odds".
But to be fair a lot of the fun of the novel is based on the premise of the guide trying his best to f around with the MC so giving us a lot more information is kinda justified.

Go read it <<less
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April 29, 2021
Status: v6c15
So many review missed the point of this series.

Plot armor? Nonsense coincidence? Half-assed world building? Yeah those exist but it doesn't matters BECAUSE THIS IS GAG SERIES.

It's LN equivalent to gag manga like Bobobo bobo bobo, Kinnikuman, or Sket Dance. Anyone who expect coherent plot, robust world building or inspiring character from those kind of series can leave now because you won't find those in gag series.

Gag series have free pass to explore the absurd and being half ass in everything as long as it conjure laugh out of you.... more>> Series like Konosuba or Kage no Jitsuryokusha kept pulling absurdities after absurdities and coincidences after coincidences and that is fine. You don't care that someone literally build a mobile fortress using dead spider print as a LITERAL blueprint because it's funny. <<less
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ReanuKeeves rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: v3
Three stars. I came here for the anti-hero tag, but haven't seen anything remotely 'anti-heroy' so far from this story. Unless it changes later on, but currently the protagonist is doing pretend 'evil, ' and pretend 'evil, ' doesn't make someone an anti-hero.

Having thoughts of doing bad things doesn't make one either, nor does the actions of attempts that turn out to be good for everyone due to 'dense persona, ' of the protagonist fits this trope either.

Heavy vigilantism does, so does more free living that goes against the laws... more>> of a society or breaking laws do. Though the MC hasn't done either of those either to fit this trope. One may argue about certain fates of characters early on, but remember he is the ruler of that planet and also judge and jury of said fates. Nothing, and I repeat nothing so far in the last three volumes he has done goes against whatever Galactic or established laws of the universe to potentially make him a wanted person.

Just seems like a heavy plot armor story with MC being spoonfed everything, your typical genre Isekai. <<less
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TottalNooB rated it
March 15, 2021
Status: v5 interlude 2
Great novel, the world is very developed and well explained, the comedy is also very well done, not sure if there will be a bigger emphasis on romance later on but I would like if there was (just so it's not an empty harem)
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November 28, 2020
Status: v5c10
A review for those who want to know what it's about.

So it's a wishfulfilment misunderstanding novel. That's about all you need to know. Story isn't meant to be taken serious in any way... if you do try to take it serious then good luck in life. (Thick plot armour, luck, idiocy etc. It got it all and doesn't try to hide it. All written in a entertaining way for me) [Basicly if you like an OP and clueless and naive MC then read it.]
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September 3, 2020
Status: v5c6
  1. Don't take the plot too seriously. Its ment to be a lighthearted comedy where the MC is misunderstood by everyone around him about every little thing he does.
  2. The translator is good, but very unreliable. So far its seems like he'll only translate a few chapters when someone else starts translating, then disappear for a few months once he gets them to stop.
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Banesephy rated it
July 23, 2020
Status: v3c4
This series is really fun. He wants to be an evil lord so bad but he just ends up doing the opposite without him knowing. It's kinda like watching invader Zim, he wants to be evil so bad but he's just too adorable.

If you're going into this serides expecting the usual protagonist, move away now. It's pretty much watching an MC fail at being a villain and it's really entertaining.
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Bleeding Jester
Bleeding Jester rated it
April 28, 2020
Status: v5c3
This novel is all about misunderstandings with the main character being the one who usually is the one misunderstanding things and being misunderstood and not actually having an idea of whats really going on but having a gaurdian angel making sure things go his way it gets pretty boring since it gets predictable about whata going to happen and knowing that hes going to get out of every situation pretty much unscathed in fact he always comes out ahead which gets old since nothing bad ever actually happens go the... more>> protagonist <<less
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Subha Roy
Subha Roy rated it
March 20, 2020
Status: --
1. The translation is awesome. I wish every translator did same thing. So he deserves 4 star.

2. So the next point is story. The story is overall awesome. But it doesn't progress after some chapter. So I can give the story building 3 star.

Btw the prologue was awesome.

3. The MC was worst. He was almost tr*sh and s*upid. If you wanted to do villainous thing, then why are you help some random people. If he was villain!what was your point? He almost deserve 1 star but for his s*upid idea... more>> I gave him 2 star.

4. The side characters almost they have no use. 0 star

5. And there have some half assed comedy. But some time it was funny. Deserve 3.5 star

So overall if you don't find suitable novel for reading or you wanted to read some type of misunderstood MC then it is choice. But I dare to not say it is better. <<less
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kamishiniyari rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: v4 epilogue
Mmmm, fun to read, doesn't strain your brain at all, made for laughs.

This is like a less complex version of Experimental Log of Crazy Lich

MC is a dumbass but it's not like he is completely oblivious about what's transpired behind. He still has some tact and most of his misunderstanding-based-choices were actually closer to being a logical choices, albeit the misunderstanding tropes were still overused here.

The novel was pretty straightforward, doesn't frustrate you, so it's refreshing if you just want some funny stuff to read in your free time,... more>> the only one who thinks that MC was evil was himself, but from the first chapter it was clear that this was a comedy novel, so people coming here, read the first chapter, and still has expectation that he'll be an absolute villain are actually the one who has some issue in their head. If you're reading too deeply on this novel, you're pretty much acting like those supporting characters that misunderstood MC's intentions every time.

TL;DR : If you have no time to get invested in something overly complex, read this, a mary sue that mows through the enemies. <<less
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