I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!


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Liam Sera Banfield is a reincarnator.

He had reincarnated into a fantasy world of magic and swords, but at the time the civilization had already been making advancements into outer space.

The setting takes place in an intergalactic empire, a space opera-like universe where humanoid weapons and spaceships battle.

Liam, who had been reborn into an aristocratic family in a monarchic society, has the ambition to one day become an evil lord.

In his previous life, Liam had unfortunately lost everything and died in despair.

— It’s foolish to live for others.

— I will live for myself.

Keeping those feelings in his heart, he has decided to fulfill his goal, but is instead worshipped as a virtuous ruler due to his difference in values.

Will Liam be able to become an evil lord?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I am the Villainous Lord of the Interstellar Nation
Ore wa Seikan Kokka no Akutoku Ryōshu!
Related Series
I’m the Heroic Knight of an Intergalactic Empire! (Shared Universe)
To Be a Power in the Shadows! (WN) (20)
The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs (7)
I’m Not a Regressor (6)
A Berserker Mob, I’m Going to Participate in the Main Story (6)
My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (6)
Genius Prince’s National Revitalization from State Deficit ~ Right, Let Us Sell the Country (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Drama Supermacy
  3. Guilty pleasure
  4. My Top Novels From the 500 Novels I have Read (KR,...
  5. Strong misunderstanding

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v6c2
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v6c1
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v6 prologue
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5 interlude 2
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5 interlude 1
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5 epilogue
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c14
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c13
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c12
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c11
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c9
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c8
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v5c7
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v10c3
02/07/23 Zetro Translation v10c2
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165 Reviews sorted by

Decaf Invidia
Decaf Invidia rated it
November 8, 2019
Status: v4 epilogue
Ah. One of my two weaknesses! A misunderstanding comedy.

The MC is someone who was so hardworking and nice in his past life, that he was taken advantage of by everyone around him. So changing his mindset slightly, to match his romanticized image of an evil lord, karma catches up to him and he ends up committing altruistic act after altruistic act.

His sense of luxury is obviously warped, he believes he's living luxuriously compared to the richest people on earth, but when you compare it to the scale of an intergalactic... more>> empire, he's actually living incredibly frugally.

Things tend to go his way, but its not necessarily because he's in the right or has the perfect solution, simply that circumstances are arranged behind the scenes by unseen forces to turn out well.

I find myself laughing out loud a lot, and am similarly bewildered whenever we go from the MC's POV to someone else's. It's such a good time. <<less
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icerror rated it
October 30, 2019
Status: v2c1
Kudos to the TLS for the quality. That's the only compliment I can give.

The story is dumb: 1st volume ended on a dumb note. The next one managed to open the gaping hole in the plot into one the size of a gas giant. The novel doesn't deserve the 4 and 5 stars reviews.


Volume 1's finale: space combat, an enemy fleet of 40, 000 starships, not counting the fighter-class vessels. One individual, somehow, defeated ALL of them in barely an hour - with no loose end and no stragglers. It's fluff of the highest degree.

The beginning of volume 2 suggested that MC made a lot of waves. Yet a noble household prizing itself for trade and "intelligence" isn't even aware of the news. For a space-hegemony setting, with developments taken for magic, this is just unbelievably dumb. There's no internet, no newspaper, no social media. It's the future imagined by the technologically challenged.

Yes, it might be possible that this is an ancient declining empire and lost-tech setting. I haven't read all the ten volumes, but doubtful.

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Redmi rated it
October 3, 2019
Status: v4c13
I have read many of this novel's author other works, but this novel stands out for the fact that I didn't drop it yet as of the latest chapter today. Unlike Sevens and Dragoon, the author has largely stopped over-elaborating on the plot. The author has made several things right: he makes the MC overpowered, then donned him with plot armor thicker than what his counterpart in Reincarnation of Strongest Sword God has. Not only that, author also make the MC super lucky just like a typical CN xianxia MC... more>> who can find a phoenix feather nesting amongst the pebbles on the roadside. Author also vastly oversimplify the world's setting, to the point of near non-existence.

Plus, the author likes to handwave a lot of things and events, such as how exactly MC become so powerful with his Himura Kenshin-like swordmanship, which he obtained just like that. Plus, the author is so generous too when it comes to timejumps, and this very one thing actually what makes this novel more simpler and palatable for me. Oh, did I mention that the MC is asexual?

In other words, this novel is the JP version of Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God. Except the author of this novel doesn't have dementia. Not a great novel, but then again Twilight isn't one either. <<less
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Dante7555 rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: v3c8
This novel is ridden with inconsistencies and gives a certain impression of being a half-ass write as we go structure of writing.

Going in it's explicitly tries to show that it's a novel in the "misunderstanding" genre. And as the story progress, that fact is used as an excused for the novel being shit. I've spoken with many of the readers of this novel and every complaint I've voiced is replied back with "You have little suspension of disbelief". Like that's an excuse at all. In both Death Flag and Power... more>> in the Shadows, both misunderstanding novels, yet both are amazingly written having a consistency that this novel sorely lacks.

Now for some examples:

  • The MC: From what I've read the MC can be interpreted in two ways
    • 1st he's very weak mentally and his goal of becoming an "evil lord" is simply a defense mechanism so that he would have a reason if something bad happened to him unlike his previous life
    • But since this is a "misunderstanding" novel, the more likely situation is that he's mentally ret*rded and if that's the case then his wife was probably justified in everything she did after having to deal with his sh*t for years.
  • The Guide: He's like a poor c*ckroach who the writer uses as a punching bag for their stress. Just f*cking do something. Don't just say "The guide became so weak he could die at any moment" then 2 chapters after that says "He absorbs the despair of blah blah, biding his time to get back at the MC" and it's not a 1 time thing either it's stated multiple times. And I despise the inconsistencies of the Antagonists too. One moment she's a sl*t who does everything in her power for wealth and position, the next she's someone who's faithful and runs away with a pathetic and dickless (litterally) kid. And the kid, one moment he's a jackoff who acts high and mighty, who probably r*ped a bunch of commoners and abused other "lesser" nobles, the next he apparently has mommy issues (that justifies all of his actions apparently) and came to his senses and ask the girl to run away with him. Like wtf.
  • The story: While not at first it became obvious to me that this novel is a mix between CN and JP (not the good parts)
    • Similar to CN in the arrogance of the MC, the copy & paste style of the enemy, and every single character kissing the MC's ass.
    • JP in the sense that the MC is just dumb and dense and everything he shits out turns into gold until it doesn't but even when it doesn't, nothing bad happens. For example, there must've 10 times where he's knowingly "seduced" into buying unneeded ships even when it's stated that it's not a good idea. Yet nothing bad happens at all.
  • Bullshitery: I just don't care much anymore so I forgot alot of it's bullshitery but I remember the part that made me stopped. When assassins were sent to kill the MC. Suddenly out of nowhere, we're introduced to a bunch of pro assassins that was apparently saved by Liam and is now loyal to him. Apparently, they were betrayed by their previous master (last emporer) too, so the MC can have trust problems but all the side characters are just supposed to be loyal and do whatever the MC says cause he saved em once? I mean if it's stated or made apparent that the species we're reading about just look like humans but have a mentally ret*rded amount of IQ then yea I can buy that.

In conclusion, I struggle to understand why this novel has a rating of over 4*. And if any of you are reading this, I hope my review helps you make an informed decision on whether or not to read this novel. <<less
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MondSemmel rated it
September 13, 2019
Status: v1 epilogue
This story has an interesting premise - a reincarnator tries to be an evil lord, but becomes a beloved one instead. But the author didn't properly execute on this vision. The famous writing advice to "show, don't tell" is *glaringly* violated here, to the point that I'm shocked by the many favorable reviews. In a story that should at least partially be about governance, one of the protagonist's early actions isn't just summarized as, but essentially entirely consists of, "The government was reformed". And in a similar fashion, none of... more>> the protagonist's supposed accomplishments outside of battle are described in a way that he'd actually *own* them.

In fact, almost all the descriptions are beyond perfunctory. Things are frequently designed as looking or being designed badly, with no further elaboration. Ultimately, given the total lack of proper descriptions, I'd be surprised if the majority of readers could actually imagine the scenes depicted in the book.

Instead of this story, I highly recommend reading stories that do the "telling" part of storytelling properly. For instance, Release that Witch also has a story about governance and leadership, but there we actually see the protagonist go through the motions of improving his territory's technology and system of government. <<less
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Shadow-Cat rated it
September 3, 2019
Status: v3 interlude
So far I'm quite enjoying the story. Its not exactly unique in all respects, but its unique enough for me to find it enjoyable. The main character is oblivious to the fact that all he is doing is helping his people, while everyone around him is oblivious to the fact that he wants to make them suffer.

I've also seen other people making reviews stating how something or other doesn't make sense or is just plain s*upid. In some respects I can totally agree. Its an Isekai story, so I mean,... more>> what can expect, but id still like to address some those reviews to anyone who takes these at face value rather then read the story themselves.


1.) remarks about the Android: though their aren't many, I've seen some comments saying that the whole "androids are a taboo" thing are thrown out the window. To a certain extent, I can agree. However, it isn't just dropped from the story. Plenty of characters remark on it regularly how Liam's reputation is getting hurt due to her being by his side. Though their are no direct consequences, I ask, why would there be any? Its only a taboo, and there are no laws against having androids. Especially after Liam's house grows in power, would you want to offend them by making remarks against his "tastes", and even the mansions staff is warned about doing so.

2.) I've seen negative reviews regarding how the guide is essentially powerless against Liam, and how his plots don't really work. Its because that strange glowing orb is also working against the guide, essentially alerting Liam or one of his trusted aides to any plots that have been orchestrated by the guide. In one such instance, the guide attempts to get Liam's family, who he cuts off after they try to gouge him for more money, but Liam's android just so happens to be guided to the location where his family is plotting to take the territory back.

3.) Finally, I've even seen one speaking about how Liam doesn't really do anything evil. I mean, I get it, but that's part of the story. Liam believes he is being evil, and its not like he is good anyway. He is merciless and doesn't hesitate to kill, even monologuing about how he would cut down anyone wouldn't listen to his orders. So while he isn't actively oppressing his people that much right now, he isn't really a good guy, more like in the middle as a grey character.

that's the end of my own little rant, and I do hope anyone whose considering reading this story gives it a chance. At least for me, I find it funny at parts, exciting at parts, and some parts can even be downright dumb, but I'm still enjoying the ride. <<less
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facuelfacha12 rated it
August 23, 2019
Status: v2 ss
A very good novel. Very entertaining based on 'misunderstandings'. I have to admit that the author creates good and interesting stories. This is one of them.
The elements of science fiction, as the protagonist literally starts from the beginning and moves forward, is simply great to read.
I like the protagonist, he is very funny and as he wants to be an 'evil lord' he is simply great... I laughed out loud for that reason.
Anyway, if you like this kind of story, I recommend you read it. I assure you they will enjoy it.
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kalich411 rated it
August 6, 2019
Status: v2 ss
very funny, And good story. Shame that there is lack of romance at least first two volumes. Let's see further ahead
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thgilkcalb rated it
August 3, 2019
Status: --
While enjoyable, the pace is slow [the pace, not the years] or maybe it's still have too few chapters ? it takes 3 volume for only 'elementary' school

1st potential heroine Amagi turn into a mother figure that may be gone any moment, 2nd potential heroine Tia was... recycled, 3rd potential heroine Marie is mixed with 2nd and knight only, 4th/1st true heroine Rosetta 'only' have difficult circumstances but she's kinda useless, her specs are low, her very existence is below the other 3, yet she's a fiancée, I'm fine with... more>> her being the 4th but definitely NOT the 1st

PS: there's a hint that Amagi will become a heroine, let's wait for such day, until then, it's only 3 stars <<less
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blank1134 rated it
January 30, 2024
Status: v6
I'm the evil lord of an intergalactic galaxy is a great story to read. I sympathize with the MC's past life and had somewhat the same life experience though not that harsh. And I enjoyed his exploits and accolades.

The misunderstandings are so much fun to read and weaved greatly into the story. Though at times I predicted some that is going to happen, happen I still enjoyed how the author made the out come.

Amagi, Elis, Marie, Tia, Wallas and the other characters made the story more colorful with their unique... more>> characteristics. It was interesting and fun to read as the story progresses. The maids' squables where also entertaining and I had tons of laughs.

I've just read the sixth volume of the light novel and am looking forward to buy the new volume next time. <<less
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August 25, 2023
Status: v8c16ep
The novel starts out really fun and addictive, but by volume 5, it just keeps getting worse and worse. Every side-plot the author conceived is contrived nonsense built on the most putrid vein of wish fulfillment.

The good is the OP is somewhat good OP with the protagonist earning his power based on hard work, effort and talent. The early development of the story is rather interesting and a lot of it makes sense.

It's not classy, it's not particularly well written, it doesn't have deep characters, it's cliche, but in the... more>> end, It's pretty damned fun. This is Twilight for men. If they ever made a movie series about it, I'm sure there'd be countless people pointing out all the s*upid author choices.

The protagonist does get on your nerves later on in the series. As the harem advances, the author starts jumping through enormous hoops to avoid the protagonist actually having any real s*xual contact. Ridiculous leaps in logic are used to keep the "dense protagonist" personality going. I found I only really got turned off around volume 5. So that's a pretty good amount of reading before this story really started pissing me off.

This is used as a prop for a comedy routine the author implements in the story line, but it falls flat because of how cliche and forced the whole thing is.

The protagonist himself doesn't have a real reason to refuse the harem either. He's stated multiple times that he wants to start a harem. His excuses range from "I don't want to be told what to do." to "the girl has a flawed personality." to "she's dresses too flashy."

This novel is well beyond the point of a "dense protagonist". This is a literal "delusional protagonist.

For example, the protagonist believes he's an evil overlord because he raises taxes, meanwhile, his people will cheer and outright state they're happy because he's doing it for a demonstrably good cause. The protagonist doesn't understand this, so he decides to improve their education as punishment to help them better understand how evil he is. This sort of thing happens regularly.

The protagonists harem situation is ridiculously frustrating. Because of the protagonists talents and position as an aristocrat, he's constantly being asked to produce an heir with one of the many MANY woman that are interested in doing just that. And he doesn't. He's surrounded himself in beautiful woman who want him, and is begged by everyone around to breed, yet he doesn't. There's an incredibly shallow reason from his past life that's given for it, but it makes no sense in reality.

I kinda get the feeling that this story is the author trying to explain his own political beliefs. There are various moments where Liam stops to explain why he does things how he does them and it's very clear that this is what the author thinks. It's not to a heavy extent, and it may be that the author doesn't even realize he's doing it. It's actually really easy to let your own politics seep into a novel you're writing. <<less
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July 28, 2023
Status: v11c15
Nope, this isn't something that I can compare to The Eminence in Shadow. The protagonist really sucks, he's nothing like Cid/Minoru. Just because he had a bad taste of unfairness and infidelity, doesn't mean he should just went to the other extreme. Man up, goddammit!

Nevertheless, the only thing I like is the entire setting and the fact that he managed to imp**gnate a woman (lol), other than that, it's kind of a bummer that the protagonist is so half-assed. If only the author build his character to be two-faced/scheming (for... more>> reference, that douchebag Ayanokouji), I'm fine with that. But because of the plot armor, he's just trying so hard to show himself that "I'm the Evil Lord" without at least try to make one, aside of those implications and whatnot in the former chapters.

Anyways, this is a straight 4.75/10 for me, barely recommended if you have a slightly short fuse like I am. <<less
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doodle0211 rated it
February 19, 2023
Status: v9c5
This light novel uses the idea of "the protagonist is under the misapprehension of him being evil, but everything he does is interpreted to being for the greater good and has good consequences" to the max, and Liam, the main character, just extends his "evil tyranny" to more and more people as good people are saved and evil ones are vanquished.

Although I have a personal bias for liking a premise like this (if it has a comedic undertone), and did enjoy reading pretty much most of the translated chapters, I... more>> cannot, in good conscience, say this light novel is particularly a good one. Because, it's pretty much a one-trick pony where the protagonist has a misunderstanding about a situation, gets involved with fighting bad guys, all his actions are interpreted as being some part of a mastermind plan, saves/recruits the good guys, punishes the evil ones, and so on and so forth. This formula really doesn't change as the story goes on, and the story becomes extremely predictable.

Another disappointing aspect of the novel is that all the female characters eventually become such bland versions of their initial selves, and just simps the male lead 24/7 as they lose any agency they had before. A charismatic knight just becomes a h**ny maid thirsty for Liam's sperm, a young noble lady with iron will to challenge her disadvantaged situation becomes a worrywart fiancé who does nothing essential on her own, a cool business woman just becomes a lazy bum, and so on. Although some does work as comic relief characters, everyone becoming one-dimensional is truly a lost opportunity in my view.

For me, it was 3.75/5 kind of story despite the flaws, but unless you enjoy this kind of "the protagonist under a misapprehension" story, I imagine it will be a 3/5 or lower story for a lot of people. <<less
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October 3, 2022
Status: v5c4 + illustrations
I wrote something similar about To be a Power in the Shadows, but this just stops being funny after a while. The story is the same thing again and again without any real development or stakes. The manga One Punch Man is also a gag story, but it stays interesting because the absurdly strong MC isn't really the focus of the story, the side characters are, and while the MC Saitama stays the same like in this story and doesn't really develop which is fine for a gag story, characters... more>> around him do, which makes the manga actually interesting to keep reading. This doesn't happen in this story - None of the side characters ever change, none of the enemies are particularly interesting, and none of the worldbuilding is either- it's all just the same thing again and again. I really don't understand why this has a high rating while most other japanese novels get constantly rated very low. <<less
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May 12, 2022
Status: c130
Its good. Not the best novel I've read, but entertaining for a while. The main issue is that the character is just one dimensional, and his motivations make no sense after a while. He lives as an upright person and is treated awfully, so upon dying he decides he is going to be evil and enjoy life to the fullest. But somehow everything he does ends up being perceived as a good thing. Problem is that despite living for a hundred years in his life as an intergalactic overlord, he... more>> doesn't change at all. The main character, just like 90% of Japanese males in fiction, has no s*x drive and constantly runs away from women who hit on him. Its weird because he is supposed to have been married in his previous life, yet acts like a child in his current one despite being a hundred year sold. I get that this is done for comedic effect, but it really gets old after 8 volumes. <<less
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miscreant rated it
May 4, 2022
Status: v12
This is a great misunderstanding type novel. The MC lived a life as a "good" person and ended up being exploited and cheated on thus living a miserable life. So when he reincarnates to become an "Evil Lord" although most of the time when he tries to be evil it's misinterpreted as good deeds.

Some of the lucky events remind me of Irresponsible Captain Tylor with the slight difference that the MC and his subordinates are super competent. Most of these events are due to "The Guide" who is a malevolent... more>> entity whose only goal is to make the MC suffer and who's only weakness is when other feel grateful towards him that weakens him. Naturally each time The Guide tries to plot against the MC it backfires and the MC thanks The Guide believing he is looking out for him much to The Guide's chagrin.

I'd say the main genres are Comedy and then Sci-fi/Fantasy. So if you're looking for something funny this is great but if looking for a more serious novel then it probably isn't for you since the plot is subservient to the comedy. <<less
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Masahiro-Sensei-Isamu-Eita rated it
December 19, 2021
Status: v3c2
Good clean misunderstanding comedy. For those after serious romance, Smut or a serious harem, this isn't the place. It's not even really echi. I personally liked the Comedy and Plot. I am disturbed about the MC's love life...

As another person put it, this is what would happen if Anakin Skywalker was misunderstood and everyone thought he was a virtuous lord. It's meant for laughs. Don't take it too seriously. That said, you either love it or hate it.

Also, this just goes to show how a serious and righteous person who... more>> was taken advantage of wouldn't even know how to act in the first place if they were to try to become the antithesis of what they once were. <<less
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Incogxero rated it
October 13, 2021
Status: v8c6
This story is pretty interesting. The protagonist, Count Liam Banfield, is a reincarnator with a terrible past life trying his best to be an evil lord, however he's fundamentally not that bad of a person at his core. This, combined with the sense of values from his previous life and the direction of his android assistant (and best girl) Amagi, ends up leading to him acting with frugality and responsibility compared to the other nobles in his empire. Good misunderstanding comedy, satisfying comeuppance to the real bad guys, and decent... more>> action scenes. In other words, a perfect 'turn your brain off and have a good time' novel <<less
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bronzer44333 rated it
August 30, 2021
Status: --
This is not a compliment more like complaint. Well you guys read and choose. You guys can follow this novel or not read the novel. Oh almost forgot, MC is third rate VILLIAN, also third rate DEMON KING.

Ok. MC is one dimensional or rather pathetic or more like s*upid/ret*rd or maybe nincompoop is the right words. I don't know. But sure this is the feeling I feel after read through this novel.

The PLOT ARMOR is so THICK like thick A** you know. I don't know how to describe it, but... more>> that the word that came from my mind for plot armor. Or I should say that LADY LUCK smile at MC in every junction? Hrmmm, you guys can argue on it.

THE GOD man s*upid, no the word for the god would be "WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!" type of feeling. Huuuhhh. Really, you have literally destroyed many soul. But for MC you need many low level (scam) strategy. Man how s*upid.

MC also always said I want Harem, but what the f*ck. MC cannot do the women because of his past ex -wife. More like you have live 100 years + 30 years (past life) the trauma bring by this ex-wife. You have High level technology and magic at your on disposal with high medical knowledge. More like s*upid, You need vol 10 to marry 1 girl only. (Yeah 1 girls) like are you f*cking joke with me.

Like other review said, read this story if you have finish other story you invest. This story don't have any solid plot. More like it has more plot ARMOR. Yeah just enjoy the joking part if you want too. <<less
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Triarkdown rated it
June 30, 2021
Status: v10
No dont take my score seriously its a good novel but thats it, its just good not the masterpiece or deserving of 4.4 stars.

The novel is good as long as you ignore the chunni chapter with fighting, as fights are worthy to read as Calculus book in this. The story is great Satire

REMEMBER you are reading this novel for the satire story. Everyone except like the 2 girls that wanna marry MC, are insane even MC too but not in dumb way

The MC is wimp when it comes to... more>> women too. Imagines elfs with orc and goblins. Doesnt spend time with his own girls.

If this was an H all of his girls would be in someone else bed. Although the story is good. You should read it for other characters like Rosseta, Guide or the assasins while you enjoy the MCs circus (no this review isnt sarcasm I am dead serious and too tired to be sarcastic) <<less
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