I’m Really a Superstar


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Zhang Ye was originally a mundane college graduate with aspiring dreams to become a star, but unfortunately has below average looks and height. However one day, he woke up and suddenly found himself in a parallel world!

It’s like the same world, but wait a minute…many brands, celebrities and even famous works from his world changed and are gone in this new world!

Armed with the profound literary knowledge of his previous world and a heaven-defying Game Ring that gives him magical items, stats and skills, Zhang Ye embarks on a journey to pursue his life-long dream of becoming famous!

Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions!

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’m Really a Superstar
Ngã Chân Thị Đại Minh Tinh
Wo Zhen Shi Da Ming Xing
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Game Market 1983 (10)
God of Cooking (8)
God of Music (7)
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A Valiant Life (4)
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289 Reviews sorted by

Aeristotle rated it
August 6, 2016
Status: --
This novel is simply amazing. IRAS isn't like those generic novels you see in abundance everywhere, but it brings a new look at novel genres. This novel is not an easy one to translate, but Gravity Tales does an amazing job at it. This novel is definitely on my top novel lists, and is one of the best novels I have read so far.
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Dragn555 rated it
August 2, 2016
Status: c462
IRAS is an extremely fun read, but could use some more variety.

While it has never failed to make me smile and want to read the next chapter, it is undeniable that IRAS is going to have a somewhat repetitive plot. It pretty much boils down to...

Get a job > success > some assh*le does what assh*les do > Zhang Ye rebels > back and forth between boss and ZY > ZY gets fired after a big event > repeat

... more>> OR

Event happens > Zhang Ye shows his prowess > people love it

Of course, the events filling in these points are still funny and enternaining despite the repetitiveness. But, it is that repetitiveness that might put a few people off of the story.

Another thing that will definitely irk some is the blatant, or at least implied, racism that's shown in brief instances. It's not enough to ruin the story by any means, it doesn't pop up too often, but it's still enough to make one sigh.

Some of Zhang Ye's acts are also highly questionable, and feel forced.

At one point, he blows all of his cash on a $5 million armored car.

His reason?

Because someone may try to assassinate him after he's famous.

Throughout the story, he seems to break into hysterics at the slightest injury, but seems to overcome any danger presented to him in a confident manner. This can be considered a character trait, but it just feels way too out of place for my liking.

The phenomenon can be described like this:

The MC will seemingly break character for some random and forced humor. One minute the MC is acting all badass and cool, and the next he's a shameless character that's painful to read about.

There are also scenes, sometimes lasting a chapter or more, where Zhang Ye gropes the women he comes across. Something similar actually lasts for, IIRC, five chapters. All of these sequences are extremely uncomfortable to read, as you're essentially reading about a creep who doesn't know boundaries. What's worse is that these women put up with it. They don't dole out a thousand slaps when Zhang Ye obviously deserves it. If I had to pick the worst part of IRAS, the 'steamy' scenes would win by a country mile.

All this being said, it is still extremely fun to read about the MC 'slapping' faces and shocking the crowd. Out of all the novels I've read, I don't think any of them can beat the amount of satisfaction IRAS provides.

IRAS is full of faults, but its entertainment value and humor easily overshadow them. Unless you really want to, it would be hard to not enjoy reading about Zhang Ye's exploits. <<less
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StormHawk rated it
July 28, 2016
Status: c160
It's one of the few times I like the cheat skill that MC have. Not going to spoil but most of us here probably do not find this novel annoying even tho the author repeat pattern in plots. It's rare for reader to not get frustrated or annoyed of author using same pattern in plots, like MC doing something cool - enemy get peanut butter jelly - kick MC down - MC go god mode-... And repeat the pattern Over, over and over again on stronger enemies.
Another good thing is that MC have balls to do stuff and make a move on the girl unlike some annoying MC that have cooked chicks on their plate but would not eat it.
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
July 23, 2016
Status: c200
I liked this novel because I was looking for something to occupy my mind. It has exceed my expectations. Although I get a bit frustrated at the main character, I still love him. I don't regret my choice to read and only wish there was more chapters.

Edit: Dropped this novel a long time ago but forgot to change my review. MC is a racist pice of sh*t and I refuse to give this any more of my time.
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Bennyaltuca rated it
July 12, 2016
Status: c134
Masterful! The author of this novel truly knows how to write, he is eloquent, by which I mean he does not repeat himself without purpose. A novel that will not just entertain but also teach, to those of us who know little about poetry it will be refreshing and to those of us who know little about Chinese culture it will illuminate; only other novel that made me feel like I'm actually learning something has been 'Spice & Wolf' (economy). Not only the corruption, hypocrisy and the double-face nature of... more>> the character but also the kindness and friendship of those portrayed, resonate with life like no other Chinese or Japanese novel I've read.

My only pet peeve so far is that the MC has it a little to cheat-like easy so far, I can't wait to see how the author introduces the challenge of the MC having to be "original" or having some other true character defining moment like that of him at the Silver Microphone ceremony. Just the writing style of the author makes this novel worthwhile, and his story so far has kept me intrigued. Hopefully he continues to bring the story to new heights.

P.s. Kuddos to the translators, it can't be easy to translate what is looking up to be a masterpiece.
P.s.s. Make sure to free up your weekend if you are going to start reading this. <<less
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Xenomyth rated it
July 9, 2016
Status: c124
This novel is gold. Though the event outcomes can mostly be predicted (since the MC is OP), I still can't get enough of it. This novel made me study literature and the art of cursing, and it never fails to make me laugh my ass off.

It's sad to realize that in a few more chapters I will have to wait for the next chapter to be translated...
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Rafu the Shield Slayer
Rafu the Shield Slayer rated it
July 8, 2016
Status: c129
If there would be a nomination for best comedic/parody Chinese Novel (or even all of Web Novels), if not number one, this belongs within Top 3. Pure Comedy, Likeable MC, and good source of some Literary trends of China. This one's the Gintama of China. Thumbs up for the translator who translates the literary pieces very well.

5 Stars for making me laugh every chapter.
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DeviLaugh rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: c1200
I've been reading this since it was still hosted on gravitytales, when it had only a few dozen chapters. I followed it when the translator moved to wuxiaworld (a move at the time that made both sides look bad), then I followed it to shitty qidian. I waited for new chapters to be released from the video adwalls. I have waited for one measly chapter to be unlocked for free without paying for it from the backlog of a 25+ other chapters. I am so tired of this. I'm tired... more>> of the translator and qidian milking people for money. I am not spending money to buy one chapter at a time. Finish translating the story and sell it, maybe I'd buy it. Maybe I'd give you a $5 tip on payday. I am not spending real money to buy virtual currency to unlock chapters. This f*cking scam aside. The story. It's interesting. It's clever, and it showcases Chinese culture, and it can be satisfying seeing face smacking, BUT there are so many flaws that if I had known about them before getting invested, I wouldn't have even read this. The little things like Zhang Ye plagiarizing other people's works and taking credit for it - it means nothing to me. Other than the Wizard of Oz and the concept of talk shows or the show The Voice, I have no foundation for the things he plagiarizes. For Chinese people, they might love it or hate it, for me I don't get the references and it doesn't bother me much.

The things I do hate is 1) the over sexualization of women and 2) the nationalism.

Zhang Ye will touch women, leer at them, grope them, pee on them, watch as they change, watch them bathe. All sorts of weird circumstances the author often plays off as boyish fun (or in the few cases, just a guy getting lucky with a woman not slapping him). It's uncomfortable. I am a woman. I think it is disgusting.

The nationalism is something completely new to me. Lots of stories have pe*verted guys and harems, but none of the ones I have read have such a blatant sense of nationalism and hatred towards other countries. If an incident happens with a person from another country, the other country is at fault. South Korea is a shitty country because their idols are really popular with the youth in China. America is a shitty country they act like intellectual elitist when it comes to math or computer programming. Japan is a shitty country because they act like they didn't do anything wrong during WWII. It's a big f*ck you to the other 6 billion people on the planet.

A lot of people end up dropping this story. I think about it all the time. I know a lot of people started dropping around the time he started acting racists towards Koreans. Then around the time he was racist towards Japanese. I am sure other people dropped because of International Go vs AI incident (American programmers). Or maybe it was the Olympics arc. The more you read, the more reasons you hate the story.

Right now, I'm tired of the f*cking paywall. It's the worst thing that has happened to novel translations. <<less
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NotYourCat rated it
July 5, 2016
Status: c124
Damn good novel.. Ha-ha-ha

I laugh so hard while read this novel. Especially with troll army and zhangyenumber1fan

I Don't know how to write a review and I know my English are horrible, so please forgive humble me that my review is bad. This novel really good and also has mainstream Element xianxia with different type of novel. The translator also did very good job with translating the Chinese literature, and the translating speed is quiet fast (thought I want more but this humble me can't complaint)

The MC is likable with... more>> OP cheat and good personality. He use all his knowledge from his original world to make his name in entertainment industries at the new world. You Will read cool poem and poet in this series, although I Don't really understand.

The Heroine is likable too. There is 3 candidate that I think has the qualification to be the Heroine (read til chapter 124 and preview chap 203-217). The landlady, superstar girl, and ex-classmate. All of them has their respective personality and charm (except the ex-classmate, course I'm not yet read the next chap after preview). The development of romance are slow but it's good enough to make my heart a bit warm.

Til now I Don't have thing that I Didn't like in this novel. So I'll rate it 5/5, hopefully that the quality and plot Don't get worst.

Very recommended so read it! <<less
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OrangeStar rated it
July 4, 2016
Status: c123
At first I had my reservations reading the summary, but I already got hooked 5 chapters in and marathoned through all the available chapter in 2 days. Not only are the plot and writing great, but the humor is spot on and the translator does a really great job keeping it consistently hilarious

The MC is really likeable and relatable, and I especially like the way he reacts to people trying to beat him down since he's the good kind of snarky. While the plot is sometimes extremely convenient, it doesn't... more>> take away from overall enjoyment of the novel. That being said though he has a lot of his own merit to be able to do all that he's doing and I'm looking forward to his further propulsion into the world of stardom <<less
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Soma rated it
July 4, 2016
Status: c115
Fine piece of work, but there is too much forces at work oppressing the MC because he is average looking guy with talent.

yah yeah, MC is not handsome, too bad. Well, if that happen once or twice then it's fine, but not. it keep repeating all over again and again.

Bulliying, face smack
Bulliying, face smack
Bulliying, face smack...
New workplace
Bulliying, face smack
Bulliying, face smack
Bulliying, face smack....
New workplace
Bulliying, face smack
Bulliying, face smack
Bulliying, face smack....

Huft huft... yeah I knew what's going to happen next, face smack.
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June 29, 2016
Status: c108
I'm liking this story, from the beginning till now, it was hilarious journey.

Pity it was on pay-to-read site, or else, I might be already catch up with the author.. Hur hur...
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sordahon12 rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: c83
It's good to see CN cliche in another world modern times, becoming superstar is kind of original but reading this you will want to smash your head on the wall when you see the amount of tr*sh people around MC scolding/screwing/scheming/tr*shing him, this is ridiculous amount never seen before.

Here's an example ch.83


He comes with child to school instead of guardian for reasons, they have public class with writing essay about plant, and then we see 90% of parents tr*sh talking to child 7-8 years of age when she is about to read her essay (prose), wtf is this amount of sh*t in this novel?



Now at latest chapters I think it's kind of sh*t novel, the MC is talentless arogant pe*vert bastard, enemies are shit, every damn superior is enemy, and plot armor thick enough to withstand tank missile.
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June 8, 2016
Status: c1062
The only thing that I can say about this story is: This is one of the best that I ever read.

This is a must read even if you don't like this kind of novel, the characthers are fresh and you won't find one chapter boring. To tell the true, when I read the synopse I didn't think that I would like this so much, When I started reading this I couldn't stop, I even reduced my sleep time to read more of this (have catch up to the raws... more>> btw, and it's still amazing). In short, read it, you won't regret it. <<less
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BeelzebubVIIII rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: --
This one is really awesome like the setting is pretty normal but the way its written is really good and hilarious sometimes it feels like BS but I dont feel that bad at all for people who doesnt know if they wanna try it or not id definitely say JUST DO IT!! Well in summary its funny interesting and not like the usual stuff like xianxia
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BabaNovac rated it
June 3, 2016
Status: c49
This is a hell of a ride it just never gets boring and always makes me wanna laugh and besides the bold funny and very lucky MC who is the best troll ever btw (I'm his nr1fanever!). The story can also be very educative. Also to understand just how awesome story is to me you just have to know that this is the very first review that I made and I'm to date with pretty much all of the stories on this site which my favs are: TTNH, OEM, ISSTH,... more>> ALL OF IET Tang Jia San Shao, COCOONED COW and pretty much all of the novels posted on wuxiaworld, gravitytales, japtem, walthejiangu, moonbunnycafe, translationnations AND BTW CKTALON, hyorinmaru, deathblade, alyschu, moe rwx I love you guys keep up the good work! <<less
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strike882000 rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c45
This is a very fun read. I've laughed through almost every chapter so far and I'm looking forward to more. This is definitely one of my favorites from now on.
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AnimEternalz rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c44
did you say COMEDY? dont fret my friend you've come to the right place. IRAS is a treasure trove of troll-ing.. I mean laughter. Its a little bit lukewarm at first but be patient it will get better and better until you cant stop reading and wanting more (heck u will even have the urge to start reading MTL... so~ jealous to those who can read chinese)

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
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June 2, 2016
Status: --
Troll Army #1, this novel is comedy gold!!!
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AkGold rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c1300
This is a genuine rare find. It's hilarious and it is extremely fun to read. I recommend this as a novel people should try, they won't regret it.

Edit: Remember that this is a comedic novel that is meant to have a domineering MC that face slaps everyone. Just skip the parts where he thinks with his 3rd leg.
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