I’m Not a Regressor


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One day, in front of my eyes appeared a silver-haired Goddess.

[Heaven-defying Star. The existence that goes against destiny. The one and only savior of a world that was destined to meet its end—]

What kind of bullsh*t is this woman spouting?

[You must be a regressor.]


No, I’m not.

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나는 회귀자가 아닙니다
Related Series
Regressor Instruction Manual (8)
Everyone Else is a Returnee (4)
The Second Coming of Gluttony (4)
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later (3)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (1)
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. everything ive read (part 1)
  2. Good novels adapted to webtoon
  3. Favorites
  4. MY Favorite Second Chance Korean Novels
  5. (Korean) Dungeon Novels

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35 Reviews sorted by

aiiieeegivemeacesstolinksunig rated it
December 7, 2023
Status: c144
The start is great and a fun take on regression, it gets a bit generic for the first few arcs but picks up again around mid-60s and peaks in the next major arc that follows in my opinion.

Right now im on chapter 140 and the writing quality has dropped off a cliff in the current

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japan arc, with blatant racism and shitty storytelling

its becoming a chore to read which is unfortunate for an otherwise entertaining novel.


  • Starting premise is great
  • MC is very fun and when hes allowed to cook is very entertaining, hes also somewhat smart and deals with the information he has accordingly but isnt infallible and can make massive mistakes due to the nature of his 'regression', hes also complex as he cant be described as just an antihero when some of his actions are contradictory to his own beliefs, which is a very human trait when it comes to morality. Overall hes a very fun character and definitely a strength of the novel.
  • Relationships are built up well
  • World building is good.

  • First few arcs where the protag is gaining powerups can be boring and generic, I almost dropped the novel in the 50s because of this.
  • Standard racism against japs, which drags novel quality down with cartoonish villains
  • Female love interest can be polarizing due to her actions, her behavior or her

    uselessness at times

    YMMV I was indifferent to her
  • Convenient writing at times with his

    black heaven visions

  • Supporting characters dont raise suspicion to some of his actions when he uses them for schemes,

    you see this in full force in the cheon woosong (or whatever the association traitors name was) arc where half the association is just letting themselves be pawns for the MC to use without thinking or asking why. Same with the Scorpies traitor arc where everyone forgets that the MC said he had evidence they were behind the terrorist act after he is poisoned. Its a reoccuring convenience, even in early arcs, Lee Woohyuk, the black lion doesnt question Yuujin despite his brothers life being at stake.

  • Convenient abilities

    as a scammer by trade he gets an ability to transform into anything allowing him to steal faces and troll

Overall I would recommend you read the first few chapters to feel out the MC and if its to your liking try to stick with the novel through the boring generic early powerup plots until chapter 80, which in my opinion starts one of the best arcs ive read. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
December 6, 2023
Status: c20
Came here from the manhwa. The premise is actually super interesting cause the MC is apparantly the big bad villain in the old timeline but he now ends up becoming the apostle of the Goddess Vega posing as a saviour.

MC is a expert scammer lol 😆

So far I'm enjoying it cause the MC uses his wits to survive and tackle acting as a regressor in front of Vega. Let's see if it continues to be different or will it devolve into the typical kr story plot.

3 stars for the idea
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promet rated it
April 16, 2023
Status: c58
Generally okay, but not good enough for me to keep reading.

First things first, I like the regressor twist. The author came up with a good idea and implemented it well. The rest of the setting, however, is rather meh. Well, I like the constellations thing, but the rest is garbage because it's barely expounded on. It's like, (cue the author speaking) yall know how it goes with monsters and dungeons, so I'm not going to describe ANYTHING about the setting (except for maybe 2-3 remarks), because yall know the... more>> drill.

Well, this is beyond lazy.

The plot is good in terms of the main plotline related to regression. There's also a good comedic undertone (it's actually funny more than just sometimes). However, that's it. It's just okay. I'm not particularly invested in the story. I'm not looking forward to the next development. It's kind of understandable because I only read 58 chapters, but long story short, the plot doesn't entice me to read on when there is a reason for me to stop.

The protagonist, well, is not necessarily a likable character, but he's somewhat solidly written. I think you will like him if you enjoy reading about protagonists that manipulate and scheme against people. He also has a decently chosen background that is coherent with his personality.

There are two (possibly three, but I'm probably overthinking it) love interests so far. I won't tell you who they are. I will just tell you that one is kind of cute, and the other is very annoying for me. The second one is the main reason why I'm dropping it. However, it isn't that she's written poorly. She's actually written well, and so is her relationship with the protagonist. I just happen to hate this sort of love interest (even though she has some cute moments). How should I put it? The protagonist's relationship with this girl reeks of blue pill and beta energy, and I can't stand it. As in, it's written in a way that appeals to those betas who don't realize they're betas. Or to those that think they're some "sigma males."

Overall, it's a slightly promising novel that may be enjoyable, but only on the condition that it suits your tastes. <<less
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King Of Noobs
King Of Noobs rated it
November 2, 2022
Status: c100
I don't really wish to be nit-picky but this novel had some what of an interesting concept at the beginning but then it all went to waste.

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After MC became Vega's apostle and gained her power, he gained a lot of power, enough to go against a 3 star at least. That's not the problem. The problem was that after he gained the power, he leveled it up way to fast. Also, since the Black Star whatever is able to absorb memories of skills, he gained the ability to wield the spear (beginning of novel) very well. However, skill does not equal combat experience. Just because you have the ability to wield a spear better than a newbie does not mean you suddenly gain lots of insights to battle.

The second problem was that at first, he was cautious but then he became some what reckless and just charge head first without thinking clearly. Plot armor came and save the day as always and do a lot more than necessary.

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molenlemon rated it
August 26, 2022
Status: c157
Good plot, but there are some flaws, first of all the MC have shounen class Plot armor so the combat doesn't enjoyable.
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absenior19 rated it
August 14, 2022
Status: c7
i will edit my review as I read more. For now, I am on chp 7
So far it's funny, a bit unique, and interesting.
Though I can feel sister might become a great problem for me, I will just skim through those parts.
I hope he doesn't become a simp suddenly.
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Holalet rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: c252
It's a good read with an interesting trope and good comedy. The characters in his harem currently

2 (?) and in a future possibly 4

are interesting and not just some hollow shells.
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Drunk3nScholar rated it
April 30, 2022
Status: c81
love it, the twists and traits of the character and the power scaling is unique and since I like op MC with growth and quick strength gain this novel is perfect for me also I appreciate the accurate hindi phraseology as an indian. For those of you looking for comedy and actual romance with non dense MC pls give it a try!
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Huynhter rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: c45
The novel is well translated and written regressor LN. The MC has a unique character unlike most protagonists with his witting/cunning and almost sinister and cynical character, which I personally enjoy. Although still in it earlier phases of translation, it is worth the read and I am looking forward to future chapters. One side note/ tangent/ interpretation of the author, I would like to point out, is I can't help but think this is a satire of Second Coming of Gluttony. As someone who personally thinks SCOG is one of the best LN's to date, I am not offended and find it quite funny but you just can't help but think the author is taking the mickey of SCOG sometimes.

The novel first starts off with a similar setting, after finishing a devastating war at the cost of most of humanity, the MC (in this case not MC) asks to 'regress' and returns to the past. Yes, this author adds a funny and uncanny twist to it which I like.

Very similar skill system with Gods giving their abilities to people and these awakened have similar 'apostle/disciple/executor' hierarchies.
AND lastly but the most important and obvious one:

Valhalla? Small group of elites? The leader being one of the top 7 'stars'? And to top it off the MC is using them as his personal 'hound'. Come onnnnnn, this was almost a declaration of war to SCOG hahaha, I can't help but laugh.


Anyway, I'm not trying to call out the author for plagiarism or even intentionally trying to mock SCOG. As I said SCOG is probably my favourite LN of all time. I'm not offended and actually enjoy reading I'm not a regressor.

Give it a read it's pretty good so far, good action and comedy regressor LN.
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Xuanyu rated it
February 19, 2023
Status: --
Starts great, an MC that fight with wits and wins in way we can imagine.

Then boom keeps jumping into fights he cannot win without using wits.

Nearly dies, cheat kicks in, wins like it is nothing, every injury gone and hero levels up like mad.

... more>> Harem girls are supposed to be gods/ angels and a girl in the top of the power ranking and supposedly stronger than MC.

Just ornaments no personality at all.

Just like most kr, just jp's with a more moderate and interesting start. Then turns into a powerwank.

Really liked the image of red haired girl too. <<less
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atorresn95 rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: c132
A gem! MC is a copy of Lee Kiyoung from Regressor Instruction Manual, a total scammer!

Give it a change, just read the first chapters and you will like it
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Ixcez rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: --
First of the start while feeling quite novel is the kind I'm not really a fan at the same time which is the whole trumping up how powerful/dangerous something is and then have the MC just get that something for no real reason.

This is from ch 1 so spoilers on the intro.

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After having barely defeated the "demon" the at first glance MC regressor is met up with a goddess and were told that the gods all grant their stigmas to mortals which in turn grants them powers and makes them an awakened. But this particular goddess stigma is so powerful that no one can handle it. Even the demon who has the power to absorb stigmas and was eventually even able to absorb/eat the gods or celestials that were the creators/masters of those stigmas was not even at his peak power able to absorb this goddess stigma because it was too powerful.

Then when our assumed MC regresses he almost manages to take in the goddess stigma only for the demon to turn up infront of him which makes his emtions go out of control and he explodes after loosing control. Then the demon just casually picks up the stigma and absorbs it like almost nothing and were introduced to our MC, the demon.


Still the tone, settings and writing overall are pretty good and especially the beginning part is great and fresh but as some have mentioned it does fall back into the usual tropes and loses most of it's originalty as the story progresses which is kind of hard not to seeing as this is one of the usual korean stories about awakeners and gods/celestials/constellations or whatnot.

The story is still overall a good read I would say and while there are some parts I liked less, as previously mentioned the first part is very good in my opinion especially the first few chapters that sets up the MC as someone who is a successful scammer who's gone all in into making people believe he is an awakener as well. <<less
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ihugcats rated it
March 31, 2022
Status: c60
i think i’m just a who*e for villainous & OP protagonists. It’s not the best novel, but it certainly is entertaining and can be quite funny at times. The MC’s relationship with the FL is soooo cute and I think that overall if u like novels with MCs that aren’t goody two-shoes and also want to read something that is lighthearted and doesn’t take itself too seriously I would totally recommend ^_^ I have a lot of hope for this novel I feel as though as time goes by it’ll... more>> only get better and better !! <<less
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Watcher53 rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: --
don't worry y'all, this story's protag starts off seemingly unredeemable scammy, but follows the standard Korean trope of becoming bearable and a very good character overall as the story goes on. I also like the plot twists that the author throws in, this is a very good and fun novel to read, and the premise of the story is also important to the plot.
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Ashie123 rated it
March 17, 2022
Status: v1c50
What a great start! This novel has such and interesting twist to the normal regression novel starting plots. It totally took me by surprise and gave me a whole new perspective to that genre. I also really like the misunderstandings in this story. They are hilarious and drive the story well. But most of all, I absolutely love this story MC. He reminded me of some other MCs from my fav novels.

He started out looking like a tr*shy yet clever scammer who would do anything for money to survive in a ruin world (of course his ‘cleverness’ is a double-edge knife causing him to lift a stone and hit his own foot multiple times). But then step-by-step, his actions prove otherwise. He’s clever and a scammer, but he is definitely not tr*shy. He works hard day-by-day for years before the story started to support a non-biological sister that used to take care of him and other kids at orphanage. And after awakening, he was constantly putting his life at risk fighting difficult opponents while putting his life on the line strategically to quickly improve and earn lots of money. He also consistently trained from sun rise to sun set days in and out. And while he always has excuses for acting like a hero and saving others, he always takes care of his loved ones and never harm anyone that didn’t show malice towards him or his important people.
The tipping point is when the reason for his obsession with money was revealed. It was quite obvious but still hit like a truck. The story got me hooked by the first few chapters. However, little by little, I fell for this kind of MC and by c40, I was sold. It’s honestly cute to me that throughout the early part of the story, MC kept mentioning how he want a simple relaxing life that he wouldn’t have to worry and just enjoying life, but he put himself through a life of hardship toiling away scamming people much stronger than him in dungeons dangerous to even awakeners as a normal human while taking care of a disabled person. And once the most urgent need is covered, he still continue to work hard (to the point of madness tbh) by ‘sparring’ to death continuously to push his growth.

He’s the type of MC that seems to not only will turn out to be extremely OP but also will definitely develop more depth as the story progress.

No doubt he not only excelled in the previous timeline but will also be celebrated as the hero in this timeline


I have great expectations for this and definitely recommend people reading this gem.
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