I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary


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When I woke up, I found myself inside a spaceship.

I guess you guys think I’m talking nonsense here, but I also have absolutely no clue about what exactly happened to me.

I was really close to completely losing it, but fortunately, I managed to notice that this place was really similar to the world featured in a game I was playing recently.

Am I dreaming? Nope, it’s no dream. Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?

But didn’t those things usually involve getting sent to a magical world with elves, dwarves, dragons and whatnot?

In any case, I don’t know what caused this, but I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.

It’ll be okay. I got my trusty spaceship so I can probably make some money. It’ll work out! It has to!

This is the story of a man abruptly thrown into space along with his private spaceship. He runs around with it and saves damsels in distress along the way, flirts with said damsels, earns money as a merc-for-hire and uses his gaming knowledge to work his way into living freely and easily.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusen Mochidattanode, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei to Shite Jiyu ni Ikitai
Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!
When I Woke Up, I Got the Strongest Equipment and a Spaceship, so I Went and Became a Mercenary in Order to Live as I Please while Aiming for a Detached House
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Interstellar Isekai
  2. Mad underrated list
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. JP novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/02/22 Light Novels Translations v9c292
12/18/21 Light Novels Translations v9c291
12/12/21 Light Novels Translations v9c290
11/14/21 Light Novels Translations v9c289
11/03/21 Light Novels Translations v9c288
10/30/21 Light Novels Translations v9c287
09/28/21 Light Novels Translations v9c286
09/22/21 Light Novels Translations v9c285
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09/13/21 Light Novels Translations v9c283
07/16/21 Light Novels Translations v9c282
07/11/21 Light Novels Translations v9c281
07/09/21 Light Novels Translations v9c280
07/04/21 Light Novels Translations v9c279
07/03/21 Light Novels Translations v9c278
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February 5, 2022
Status: c327
finally caught up, since its a wn its got alot of flaws, author could have done better establishing relationships while harem is expected author seems to get away from writing any if few love interactions, while eventually it impiled sometimes, its mainly just the ships crew with a possible distant noble and lt col selena seems to be added somehow at some point but even when the author writes her back in around 322, she is suddenly a colonarl selena and just usually interactions with some crew and her seemingly... more>> having time to hang out with MC and crew,

besides the whole spirit tree debacle and now the priestess from the holy empire showing up and forcing herself into the crew and MC which I dont even know how this is a setup from the author except having the MC have his usually bad luck with meeting women which turns into some sort of crisis/prblem, hoping author fleshes out the ln and fixes alot of things

, its still a very good isekai/sci-fi/slice of life wn that will entertain u from alot of the usually isekai wn's out there but author could have by now had the MC come across his cola which he early on was searching for

edit: while the author seems to have forced the col female in oo a role for this arc wn wise, its still tr*sh author related as its more sm/socialist driven... if the author want so socialist driven, this story would have been pretty good if the author didnt shy away (like most amatuers) from any love relationships <<less
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LongXi rated it
June 30, 2021
Status: c7
to describe this would be a pitcher that looks like he's about to throw a curve ball, yet threw nothing but plain old boring straight and a slow predictable one at that, prologue chapter seemed to show promise then just a barrage of clichés upon clichés after that

, corrupt noble, female gets interested, walks around a bit called out of the blue by female elf, this is the definition of a template filled out a little bit

. p.s. It's good if you read this after you just woke up and don't want to turn your brain on or you just read an ego-filled-kill-everyone kind of tr*sh novel. Try not to read this after reading a really good novel or even just a somewhat good novel that isn't brain dead, you'll get pissed.
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