I Really Am a Slag Shou!


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Chi Zhao binds with the slag shou system, and if he succeeds in his missions, he will be rewarded.

But who said life is easy!

A rich old man who was slagged by him: “I know you love me. Your past pains, I’ve already investigated them.”

The star admiral who had been slagged by him: “Don’t be reluctant anymore! I’ve always known that you didn’t betray me.”

The entertainment mogul who was slagged by him: “Don’t make any noise. Honey, will you come home with me?”

The prince regent who was slagged by him said, “The mountains and rivers are yours, but you are mine.”

The dark sentinel who was slagged by him: “Now, do you still want to say that it is not my child?”

Chi Zhao burst into tears: “Boss, believe me just this once. Let me get the reward, okay?”

Thinking that the acting is very good, in fact, every day he’s spreading meng.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. dropped because i didnt like it
  2. danmei novel i finished reading part 1
  3. Completed Novels 1
  4. Qt prose parades!
  5. QT danmei novels (completed)

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166 Reviews sorted by

September 16, 2021
Status: Completed
It was quite good in making me cry so I gave it a 5. The MC started out as naive and sweet but I liked how his character developed.
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ej85234 rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: Completed
Love the arcs! Every arc is a HE and the couple's interactions are really good. And the dialogue between the MC and the system is funny! It's a must read!!!
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YoriMei rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: c181
I really didn’t expect to like this one as much as I did. Quick Transmigration stories were never really my favorite, so I was really surprised at how much I ended up liking this one. I think MC’s actual progression from naive to slightly jaded and tired was kinda nice, and the way Chi Zhao and his system interacted was really cute! They even physically interacted sometimes, like when CZ used his spiritual senses to rock the system when it was upset or how the system would pat him using... more>> his data strands. When they said they’d miss each other it was like an arrow to the heart. Also, I thought it was super, super sweet but also a really nice touch that:


CZ’s continued journey was because of ML and not actually the system. Honestly when the main system let slip that ML refused any and everyone expect CZ (and that they really did try other hosts!) I was sold on the pair.


Plotwise, I liked that there was an actual reason for the QT scenario to be happening and I was really pleased with the ending. However, like all QT stories, some of the arcs are really hit or miss. It’s great when it’s a hit, but because of the length of each arc, when it’s a miss it drags on for a pretty long time. Also CZ can get a bit annoying with how wishy-washy he is about causing ML emotional pain. It’s understandable why he flip-flops on it, but still annoying when he swears to stick to plot/make things difficult and then turns around to indulge ML again.

Overall this was a really nice story that I honestly didn’t expect much out of but ended up having a fun time anyways. As far as QT stories go, this one is honestly pretty good and has a lot of charm along with a pretty decent overarching plot that doesn’t get lost in all the other mini-plots in each arc. I highly recommend giving this one a shot if you like QT stories. <<less
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August 25, 2021
Status: c181
One of the very few quick transmigration novels that I actually enjoyed. The MC shou (and even the system) grew mentally and emotionally with each arc and kept things interesting and new. The romance was very well done and there wasn't a lot of useless drama you see in a lot of these stories.
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XiaoWen rated it
June 18, 2021
Status: c126
This is a fluffy QT story, haven finish it but its a delight. I find this more similar to game loading instead, where the ML will only recognize and accept the MC. I rate this 4 star because this novel lack a bit of depth as compared to game loading.

Also, I absolutely LOVE yandere ML so my review may be bias but one thing about BL novels with possessive yandere ML is the matching MC for them. TBH I'm sick of weak submissive MC + Yandere possessive ML pairing, coupled... more>> with no effing reason why ML is obsessed with MC. But I dont have any problem with this MC, he is a good boy and definitely not weak. He is the kind of MC that I find suits a yandere character alot, whereby ML needs him and MC loves to feel needed; e.g. ML inner thoughts be like "I want to lock him by my side forever" and MC be like "can I just stay at home and do nothing". In fact, the MC is so pampered by the ML for the first two or three world that when he go to the next world and have to suffer just a little, he start missing his life in the previous world. But poor MC failed his mission many times because he really cant bear to follow the script and cause severe damage to the ML, which cause the ML to fall for him every single time.

Also, before starting this novel I read some comments saying that there is r*pe in this novel which makes me hesitate to start at first. But after reading thus far I have to say, I do not think is r*pe in my POV.

The MC is not that s*upid to get into that kind of situation. Other than the ML, MC is actually the next strongest character. He rather fail his mission, than to collaborate with evil side characters and avoids them throughout, even though they are necessary people to help him complete his mission, which is to hurt the ML. That is to say, he can totally avoid sleeping with the ML, and he always have the chance to run away, but he stayed because he is just purely softhearted for the ML. Plus, he always let his guard down around ML because he feel safe. Yes, while everyone else think ML is a dangerous yandere, MC knows this but he understand why he became like this and wants to take care of him instead of hurting him.

So yes, I rate this 4 star purely because I love the dynamic between the MC and ML. But if readers want to look for something more plot heavy, look elsewhere instead. But if you a relax read, do give this a go.

I read this novel raw so no information loss through translation for me~ <<less
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ZeyFletcher rated it
June 11, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved this so much, no kidding. It was kind of refreshing to have a Chi Zhao type of MC and shou. He is such a good boy and doesn't know schemess and isn't really good at acting lol, which is a need in this world-hopping thing. I just love him and our ML. ML is not really over bearing and not 2 dimensional? Like, he feels like he has his own feelings and all, unlike some MLs in world hopping who are always the cold one and all. The... more>> plot, I have to say that I also really liked it, some angst, a bit funny, sweet, and honestly, the arcs are so not predictable. I enjoy the beginning of each arc, and a warning, the endings are crammed in the last chapter for like a few paragraphs which may feel lacking, but I honestly still liked those endings, they are



For the arcs:

  1. Adopted son x father - I mean, maybe not 100% unique but it was still a bit unique, Chi Zhao was just selling meng here lol. Also Li Yihan is such a stalker and system is so powerless hahhaha, I really liked how Chi Zhao's difference to others were shown here, he was just too good to do all of those harm to Li Yihan. It's also funny how CZ and the system doesn't know where they did anything wrong when the plot lines do not happen, lol. This was also the arc where CZ had to have many partners lol.
  2. Traitor young master x saved admiral - I really liked this. I mean, the beginning was such a death flag to the plot lines loll where CZ had to save the ML. Hahahha I love controlled CZ and the way he still does things harder to not harm people, I mean, how can u not love him. The last suspense scene was really good, who would even think of planting a bomb in the blood, I liked how it was shown to everyone how CZ was not doing things willingly and really liked the ML. The brother is also loveable hehehe (also OP CZ hehehe)
  3. Actor x entertainment tycoon - I can't. I don't even know what happened here because it was so weird lol, CZ could've literally slept his way through this HAHHAA but the ML was just 'nope' lol, the hidden plot line tho AHAHAHAH This seemed impossible for real, and seemed really really toxic, probably in other peoples view in this world, but since we know real MC and ML it was possible. The psychiatrist was also nice to have, made me realize how affected the'wouldve-been-partners' of the ML would be. It was sad tho how painful it mustve been for the ML
  4. Emperor x prince regent - this was just sadd, this is the arc where MC has been heartless, but it was because the ML was literally reborned! Would've wanted more when sixteen but I guess it would be useless cause real ML was there. System and MC was just so confused why everything is going wrong with the MLs attitude toward MC. Also it was so sad with the jade pendant uWu. Still a happy ending tho. Also the shadow guards were lol. It was nice that CZ still couldn't be so heartless in the end (prison).
  5. Powerful (phoenix) guide x wolf sentinel feat a child - I think it was my first time encountering an MC who had a child, because the excuses in others was that they weren't from that world and couldn't leave something, guess its because the worlds were technically not real so there was no such issues. I LOVE MC having a kid, the start just showed that plot would be astray lol, I love MC and ML family. I love powerful CZ. Probably my fave, cause of the kid and the phoenix (which wasn't explained what that meant btw) and the wolf heehhe just like them
  6. Father x adopted and abused son - IDEK how the author could think of this. MC's role was so so so bad and irredeemable here and to even make the abused son be the ML, so so so messed up !! Lol, I am so glad CZ took over and showed care to those poor kids. I also felt really hurt when CZ thought his ML was not there. This was really messy wo compared to my fave arc, I didn't like this much, but I am very much happy for father and of course Wen yu.
  7. Youngest junior disciple x eldest senior disciple - I don't like wuxia (?) much, but I like how MC can just be open here, and also sad how he though it would be the end. The MC x ML here was not much, probably cause it was simple, so the role of background characters here were huge, and tho its a nice story, I would've like more chapters with the next arc which are mainly MC and ML. It was quite nice tho, to see a bit blackened CZ heheheh
  8. Real world - awww, I'm just so glad they met in real life and for the system thank u very much heheheh

Can reread if I don't remember it anymore cause it was a nice story and not much angst so its good for the heart. <<less
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Ritsuka rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I had actually dropped this thinking it would be the same ol' QT like most with nothing special but boi was I wrong. After picking it again on a whim, I realised it was quite different and was really enjoyable once I got into it!

There are Only 7 worlds and each world is quite fun and unique as to speak. There is no dragged plot that makes you just want to drop it. For people scared of angst, come on if you have read scum gong and MDZS, you shouldn't... more>> be scared of this, my friends! Its only like some chapters small sadness in each arc followed by fluff of the main couple and the hilarious dynamic between the system and Chi Zhao, Our MC. Comedy and Romance with a little sprinkle of angst! A perfect combination!

Chi Zhao, The MC is a normal honest cutie. He is not super extra intelligent and scheming nor is he a dumb dense head who wouldn't know what's happening. Even while he got little to no info, not only did he work hard for his tasks but also tried to figure out what was up with the worlds he was in (he wasn't given any info about them and had to deduce on his own from his own observations and the info he made the system slip up) I really liked how he also didn't want to hurt innocent people even if it cost him his life. He didnt like to be forced but if you asked him gently, he would reconsider. He had his own principles. All in all, he's a really likeable MC. Honest, hardworking, determined and loyal!

Not much was known about the ML until the the real world arc but even tho he was really possessive and yandere like, having a kink of stalking MC in each world xD. He never crossed his limits no matter how much in love he was. Even when the MC showed a small reluctance he would stop. He never forced the MC about anything and always gently asked for his opinion. Even if the MC wanted to leave him, he was ok even if it hurt. Thats one of the good semes right here!


I had thought it would be some serious crime such as corruption or involvement with underworld that got him sentenced but was I relieved to know that he only wanted to beat the bastard who wanted to r*pe his sister to death!


The exchange between the MC and the system were always funny af even tho not as much as Perfect Destiny but still quite good to make me laugh out loud a lot! The System is really likeable too and has like its own personality. It helps Chi Zhao a lot too!

The romance as I mentioned above that comes after the angst is quite fluffy and even if there are no explicit scenes. The kisses and the implications are quite Hawt! So look forward to it! :3

I don't think there were any plot holes left in the end. Everything was wrapped up nicely in the end.I felt really satisfied after finishing it!So do give it a try! You just might love it! <<less
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timma rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: c181
u: 2021 Nov 27

Turned out way better than I thought.

Liked most of the worlds. One or two weren't for me, so I'll skip them on a reread, but I see myself re-reading parts in the future.


Arc 2 - Interstellar Admiral.

I like how he's not truly scummy and it's against his will


Arc 5 - Dark Sentinel

Arc 1 - Rich old man.

He legit acts scummy but in a cute way cause ML is pretty observant


Arc 3 - Entertainment Tycoon. Don't like the pseudo science, but it's okay.

Arc 7 - Senior brothers

Arc 4 - Prince Regent. Don't like setting and it feels slow.

Arc 6 - Daddy Wolfhound.

MCs body is technically a pedo, so really hard to buy into. Plus too much death drama

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MynameisFork rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: Completed
4, 5/5 (Transmigration, Slight angst, HE, 8 Arcs, +1 side story

Reminds me of the Slag Gong/Death points one (however you call em)

The story has Mpreg/Raising children interstellar and the usual other arc. Tbh I felt like it was too quick so I kept delaying reading the final arc because I didn't want to end it too quickly.

The MC is pure heart, slightly dumb and very adorable and the ML is like your usual ML possessive obsessed with MC and the etc. A slight typical BL but very enjoyable if... more>> you wanna read some QT <<less
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realrinya rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: --
Wow I really loved it can't believe it MC is really one of the biggest reasons why I love this novel it was like I was also experiencing every emotion he felt 😭ML is kinda yandere but he just says a few crazy things when he is jealous in general I really liked him too.... more>>

I cried really hard at the fake parting scene in the second arc the way MC said"I don't wanna see you die in front of me again" was so sad like that scene is to me the most touching scene in this novel loved it

What I really loved about this novel was that in every parting scene we saw how they both suffered A LOT like they both didn't want to leave each other, they both wanted to die together which really touched my heart. There may be things that doesn't make sense like the other comments said maybe going over the already written scenarios isn't the best idea it didn't really bugged me I really enjoyed it would totally recommend💯 <<less
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April 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Really cute system! A lot of the interactions between the system and the MC made me giggle. There's a real strong lack of common sense between them sometimes.

I do wonder how MC recognizes ML in each world without the main protagonist notifier. I also wonder what it was about the MC that kept attracting the ML each time since it seemed pretty automatic, but you get that in most novels anyways since they are the protagonists.

Overall a fun read. MC never actually slagged anyone if any readers are concerned about... more>> that. One on one pairing throughout, no triangles, HE. <<less
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Mafuyuki San
Mafuyuki San rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: Completed
It was overall: enjoyable.

There are arcs that I wish for more and there are some arcs that I skipped.

I think the most enjoyable arcs are

  1. Arc 2 (Slag that Interstellar Admiral)
  2. Arc 5 (Slag that Dark Sentinel)
  3. Arc 8 (The Real World)
I'm hoping for more in Arc 5 and 8 and the extra in the ending. (It was super duper cute and interesting)
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Smtha rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: Completed
It’s a good entertaining read. But a very typical QT story. I enjoyed these genre so I have a good time. ML and MC are quite good, just their story plot abit dog blood and our MC is just too kind hearted. Lol. Thank you
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allegna rated it
April 20, 2021
Status: Completed
If you enjoy QT, then this one is also a fun read!

There were 7 worlds, some I liked better than others, but nonetheless all followed pretty much the same formula:

... more>>

MC must hurt ML (except in the 7th world) --> MC can't do it --> MC and ML live happily ever after


Despite it being a bit repetitive, each world does some pretty interesting takes on the popular tropes most commonly seen in QT novels, not to mention this really is hilarious!

The humor doesn't feel forced, and there are times that I can't help but chuckle out loud! Biggest source of the laughs is the system, which behaves pretty much like a child

with dreams of becoming a top singer


I also liked the ending! It pretty much explained why MC has to put the ML through so much emotional pain in the worlds. Also, kudos to the translator for such quick yet good translations! <<less
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Mihami rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: c181
It's a 5 because the end is really good.

Worlds are a little repetitives but you understand later why.

I liked the fact that MC didn't know the truth and discovers it little by little. Before and after the readers with some clues here and there.

... more>> The last world was really tearing, it changed about from the worlds before. And the last arc, the last chapters were really, really good. Roles were inversed and for once we see the reasons of such decision for a principal character.

I enjoyed reading this novel and I recommend it since now you can read it in one go. <<less
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mikumiku_100 rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: Completed
Wuwuwu T^T I love this. I wouldn't say it is the best QT danmei out there but this is definitely one of my faves. I cried in almost all of the arcs.

... more>>

Really deserving to be specialize gong-abuse plots, even a reader like me was abuse a little *sniffs*. Thankfully, both of them managed to turn every world into a HE. This is also a quite unique take on QT tropes. Giving a reason for why the system/main system exist and the task that were given. I was genuinely surprised that those worlds serve as jail sentence in the ML's world. But too bad that ML's life on his original world wasn't elaborate enough. I'm very curious about the nature of his job and whatnot back in his world.


All in all, highly recommended. Thank for the author and the translators for your hard work! <<less
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Logophile rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: --
a nice read although long I never expected I'd reach up to the latest and would want to see the ending. 💯 It's light and not so hard to comprehend, almost all the genre are there 😆 okay thumbs up!
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SpicaGG rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Im giving this a 3.5 cos the story was alright but It's just cliche. After so many QT novels this is one of the stories that I'd prob mixed with the others and wont really rem. It's def not similar with QWTFOD. Not many QT stories can be on par with QWTFOD.
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Yojiyi rated it
February 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I thrive on MCs misery. I love when they fail to finish their tasks, especially if they were meant to torment MLs. There are repetitive plots and some non-wholesome stuff there so brace yourself. But yeah I enjoyed it!

Good translation as always.
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Regra rated it
February 16, 2021
Status: --
It's a bit weird that the MC needs to suffer and make the ML suffer however the story gets better with every arc and the ending is a HE with butterflies all around.

The only miss is that the MC doesn't really have ambitions ans growth in persona otherwise its all good.
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