I Really Am a Slag Shou!


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Chi Zhao binds with the slag shou system, and if he succeeds in his missions, he will be rewarded.

But who said life is easy!

A rich old man who was slagged by him: “I know you love me. Your past pains, I’ve already investigated them.”

The star admiral who had been slagged by him: “Don’t be reluctant anymore! I’ve always known that you didn’t betray me.”

The entertainment mogul who was slagged by him: “Don’t make any noise. Honey, will you come home with me?”

The prince regent who was slagged by him said, “The mountains and rivers are yours, but you are mine.”

The dark sentinel who was slagged by him: “Now, do you still want to say that it is not my child?”

Chi Zhao burst into tears: “Boss, believe me just this once. Let me get the reward, okay?”

Thinking that the acting is very good, in fact, every day he’s spreading meng.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. dropped because i didnt like it
  2. danmei novel i finished reading part 1
  3. Completed Novels 1
  4. Qt prose parades!
  5. QT danmei novels (completed)

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mau.kane rated it
November 11, 2022
Status: Completed
I just really admire authors who still hurt me even though I already knew that it's gonna be okay at the end.

The arcs 2, 3 and 4 are just so angsty for me that I need to read each arc in one sitting in order for my heart to feel fine. I love how each arc has its own plot that I really enjoyed reading and will have no problem if it becomes a stand alone story

I'm not really a person that's affected if there's morally wrong in the story... more>> like r*pe because 1. It's just fiction for me and 2. If it doesn't happen often then it's tolerable. But there's really some questionable parts here so just be careful with that.

Maybe the only thing I'm not satisfied with is the open ending love triangle between the systems.I just wish system got to be with main system daddy because I personally just doesn't appreciate love triangles 😔

All in all, I enjoyed reading this story and it's a must read QT novel ❤️ <<less
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November 10, 2022
Status: Completed
quite enjoyable, each arc was interesting although the story progress was the same.

i just have to note that the extra chapter wrecked me. I ship the main system. The rice cooker seemed good but the main system is more interesting.",)
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Kieukieu rated it
November 3, 2022
Status: --
My rating is based off the first arc, I think the novel is entertaining junk food, something that alleviates your immediate cravings but doesn't nourish you in the long run. Your left with desiring something more, something with substance, and that's how I felt reading this novel. The ML fell for the MC way too fast for my liking, the MC even remark on his luck it seem unreasonably fast and rather unconvincing. For entertainment value I would say give this novel a read.
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tpyrene rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: c181.5
Completely addictive and stayed up all day and night to finish. Liked it enough that I wish I could buy an English translation. Great worldbuilding, really sweet romance, kinky enough without being too kinky and excellent happy ending.
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September 25, 2022
Status: Completed
This is only my second QT novel so I don't have much to compare it with, but I really liked the it. The melodrama/comedy/romance was just right for my taste. And bonus for the ending being quite satisfying 😙👌
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August 1, 2022
Status: Completed
They should've changed the title instead.

MC failing the slag shou system & missions. Cannot be a slag shou. Cannot act. Cannot salvage the situation. It didn't delve into major dark scenes.

Tries to act - ML produces imagination for mc's actions - MC breaks some character and doesn't want to do missions esp if it involves lives - ML falls more - after some situations, MC falls too - HE

What's good about this is the more acceptable personality of the ML towards the MC and how the MC gradually changes (each... more>> world doesn't feel like a stand alone story like the others but the MC incorporates his experiences into his development (some characteristics remain the same though) and recalls from the past from time to time. Also, the system is less of a golden finger (can only advise, used as a gps, for recording, etc.), and has a work-life balance and a more idk balanced personality.

The reveal and ending scene / real world + explanations, although feeling a lil rushed when reading, it also gave us enough explanation regarding the system and where ML came from and the closing scenes for the couple and the system. <<less
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July 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I cry every arc in this novel. Good plot and amazing MC and ml. It's just have a slight problem in the climax part. I think the author suddenly rush the ending, but its okay. Love it!
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July 17, 2022
Status: Completed
WTF!!! What a great novel!! Truly a GEM😮‍💨❤️ I Love the pacing, the characters, the author and the translator ❤️❤️

I’m not a fan or angst so some of the arcs where a bit too much for my weak ass heart but the fluff was so powerful that I couldn’t stop 😭

Favourite system of any QT novels I’ve read and wish there was more on its side story hehe🫣

5/5 Stars
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LotusLoveRed rated it
July 7, 2022
Status: Completed
This is one of my favorite. One, there’s not a lot of plot holes. Two there’s only seven worlds and not dozens. The plot doesn’t seem endless and it didn’t leave me with many questions by the end. The MC is not an all powerful protagonist.
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June 21, 2022
Status: c181
I really like this book. I like the main protagonist and the love interest was fine. But I think the real star of the story is Chi Zhao’s system. I was in love with the system just popping in and out of the story I was laughing every time Chi Zhao and the system interacted.

I will say I think the author could have added more tragic endings to some of the arcs and I just feel like it would’ve played out better. So spoiler every arc has an HE. Though... more>> I will say this book made me cry a couple times but I’m also a baby.

This book isn’t really that serious. So if you’re looking for something serious you will not be finding it here. It’s a good laugh and shouldn’t be taking too seriously.

also my fav ship was

Main System x system x rice cooker

lmao <<less
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Hellios rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is really good. I’ve enjoyed the whole process and all of the worlds together with the main couple.

Here we have a nice story with good arcs. They each provide with a different taste. I personally don’t understand why people say that the MC is not developing. I can clearly see how both ML and MC changing through the story. And I like it.

Some of the arcs are heartwarming, when other contains a little more of drama and angst. But there is no dog blood drama, which I’m happy... more>> with. The arcs are really pleasing to read and sometimes it’s even difficult to predict what would be next. I was laughing and crying though this good, especially closer to the end.

The ending itself was good. I’m really happy with how it all ended. Thank you, Author! They are such a nice couple. I love them.

About cons, let’s see:
- It was a little bit confusing with the system at first, but that’s okay. Especially, the it was all explained closer to the ending.
- Also, at some point I’ve got a feeling like the epilogues of each new arc is a little smaller and not so good as closer we are to the end. But that’s okay too. Not a big issue.
- It would’ve been nice to have more info about ML or maybe some extras about him.

In general, the conclusion is - I like it! This is a really nice and relaxing read. I will definitely return to it in the future. Recommend. <<less
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ChaneShriel rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: Completed
I honestly don't know how I was able to finish this novel.

Anyway, this is still a fairly good novel with a good plot.

Some arcs were interesting, while others were not. I almost dropped this because of the last arc. But because it was the last, I continued.

... more>> I really like Chi Zhao's personality, especially his interaction with the system. He is unexpectedly intelligent.

At first, the system is a slag shou system. But somewhere between the world, it kinda blackened and became a 'torture the ML emotionally' system.

Throughout the 7 arcs, it kinda repetitive tho. Chi Zhao will try to follow the plot and inevitably torture the ML. Then the ML will misunderstand and hurt himself more.

ML is actually yandere, but he can still stop himself from actually locking Chi Zhao. He always has these dark thoughts but when Chi Zhao is looking at him, he becomes a puppy.

Oh I just remembered. I was kinda sad because it wasn't emphasized at first that Chi Zhao thinks that the protagonist of every world is the same. So it's like he kinda thinks he's having relationship with different people for every world, but there is also a part of him that thinks they are the same person.

Like other novels, it has plotholes and some arcs feels like longer than necessary.

Anyway, I still love the two of them very much. Both are willing to give up the life thay had just to be with each other.

I was also kinda hoping that every world is not HE. Like I almost cried but then their protagonist halo acts up and in the end, every world has HE. I would've given it 5 stars if it had a BE. Btw, there is also no meat.

Overall, this is a novel that worth reading. I was also kind of hoping to know more about the story of the system with the main system and the rice cooker. HAHAHAHAHA <<less
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April 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Things I enjoyed :

▪︎ Plot settings in every world. They were captivating.

▪︎ Translation. And dramatic part.

... more>> Things that I disliked/didn't understand/didn't care :

▪︎ Concept. MC was supposed to act as a slag. But he didn't. Not in a single world. Although there are reasons, after knowing them, everything felt pointless.

▪︎ MC. He has lived for many years. He has experienced many things. He is soft and kind. The author emphasized these sentences again and again. I couldn't find these things in him no matter what. He was s*upid and he remained s*upid. There was not a single peck of character develpoment regarding himself. He didn't seem kind and soft either. He was either indifferent and cold or cruel and ruthless. The parts where he felt something for others are not special. Every normal human being would feel something when someone is being torchured infront of them. He felt dull, shallow, boring and bland.

▪︎ Again, r*pe is shown as s*x. I think my brain cells can never process how these things work. ML clearly forces him, r*pes him. MC then accepts it. ML does many things that cross boundaries but MC accept it too. Like he enjoys them. Or desires them. None of his reactions and reasons made a lick of sense........ whatever......... anyways.............. ah, leave it. Their relationship felt toxic and rather forceful, far less to deep, healthy and intense.

▪︎MC's intelligence. He is sooo s*upid both in EQ and IQ cases! I couldn't understand how he was smart and extremely knowledgeable and extremely experienced. The author repeatedly emphasized that he lived for many years but he still remained as he was before?! Like I said, not a bit of character development.

▪︎ML. Wow, he is such an a**hole! In the very first world, he stalked MC not only with a hidden camera but with a device that monitors MC's heartbeat! Because he wanted to know how MC felt every second, he wanted to know how MC reacts to everything including his pursuit and... he just wanted to stalk because it is in his f*cking nature. So I don't know about others but I immediately wanted to drop the novel in the garbage. The very first world was toxic. And the remaining worlds were not any less to the first one. He is simply over possessive and controlling to the point of imprisoning, ruthless, obsessive to the point of craziness, unreasonably jealous and forceful. That's what he is. None of the Author's intentions to show him as naive, considerate, thoughtful etc could cover his real side. He was too much for me to handle.

▪︎ Seventh world setting. MC and ML both wanted to live peacefully in their last virtual world. Without anyone's interference. Yet the setting of the world was too grand. MC was a gifted child (OP with a rare Spiritual base) and ML was as usual, genius and domineering figure. They encounter many situations that had successfully disturbed them from living peacefully. Hence a lot of drama. I could not understand why the author even set this world this way. She could have just created a normal world setting. The entire arc and drama felt awkward and ironic to me. I just could not involve in it.

▪︎ Poor character maintenance. At one point the author mentioned one thing and at another point she showed something totally opposite. It felt like she wanted to manipulate something but failed. Those powerful words could not affect me in the slightest to relate to the leads. I could not invest myself in them.

Side characters are not very interesting. The system was also not very interesting. Atleast for me. I couldn't catch the "comedy" or "cuteness". Some of the things like why did the ML need to adapt to MC's real world even after experiencing similar lives in virtual world didn't have reasonable explanations. <<less
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Ryuu2003 rated it
April 15, 2022
Status: c11
Ok so I just want to say that some tags for protagonist are missing

I firstly thought that MC will be a little dumb

But !!

But nope

Absolutely wrong

He's freaking amazing bruhh......

I really am satisfied with MC haha and ml........

Well ML is busy in his own misunderstandings haha.... and thats quite funny

So I just wanna say MC is cunning cute intelligent smart f*cking awesome.....
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J.A.M. rated it
April 14, 2022
Status: Completed
I love it!

This novel is really enjoyable to read. I laughed and I cried because of this novel.

Some may think that the system just wanted the host to abuse the ML but they may be forgotten that the system is a slag shou system. If you didn't think about it too deeply like detective conan and just read and enjoy every chapter, it is worthwhile to read.
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Pezwitch rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: Completed
I enjoy QT stories, and this one was one of the better QTs I’ve read. There were uncomfortable arcs (looking at you, Wen Family), but overall this was a fun story

The “Slag Shou” is a good person and can’t help healing his targets instead of destroying them

All the arcs are HE, even the Wen Family (which I wondered how they Author was going to fix)

I also appreciated the “fade to next morning” intimate scenes, sometimes I wonder if authors understand how a human body works because the explicit scenes... more>> are so unrealistic

KK Translates is one of my favorite translators, so this novel was a win-win for me and I highly recommend it <<less
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Drenlith rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Would rate it a 4 overall but writing pace (and to be honest with you, also the translation) bumps it up to a 5. Very smooth and an enjoyable reading experience for me, hard to put down.

Not yaoi for sure, never ever even remotely goes close past kissing (extreme vague hint; JUST A HINT, of jacking each other off once but that's it), more or less just summing up how often they did it, how long they did it and what state MC and ML were in after doing it,... more>> instant cut to black, most likely thanks to the darn censorship.
Mainly romance, dash of comedy and heavy overtone of blood dog drama.

Minor trigger warnings:
>toxic relationship habits (confinement, obsession, HEAVY stalking and monitoring) >parental/in*est relationship (protégé + mentor/adopted son + foster parent)
>slight mentions of su*cide and self harm (it's more pronounced as evident suicidal acts/thoughts, as author deliberately writes it from a third person view; back to MC's POV, they put out there that he's of sound, clear and healthy mind)
>gay bending (as bad as straight bending IMO, MC was definitely not interested as a 20yr old in guys, sure it might be that he was unaware, but he also didn't want to be sexually or romantically involved with ML nor expressed any interest but rather disgust at the beginning so I rather am suspecting forced gay bending)

The more accurate title should've been 'I'm really a Scum Shou!' as the blood dog drama goes on from world to world.
MC never really held back in trampling ML's feelings before getting together.

Overall the pacing is quick, the world planes/arcs go by fast, mostly focuses on MC+ML, without neglecting arc plots. Emotional conflicts as to MC's guilt and feelings towards ML are addressed pretty early on. I'd like to highly applaud to that, because you don't often see a QT MC actually struggling over the morality of their actions, but sadly we stopped just in those early arcs.
Later on we hardly ever focus on the mental aspect of MC towards ML and his mission, a shame, really. (For as blood dog dramatic as it was, I wouldn't have minded if they make MC realistically break down for once and rage out at ML or actually contemplate and interact more with ML on the subject of why they were there and doing what they did/QT.)

That being said, MC's a lil' angel but had some devious ways. Somewhat of a dense shou but smart and strong enough to fend himself off (if the host he's possessing allows him to in a no-OOC range). His dynamic with the system are like a pair of siblings and it's slightly frustrating and both amusing to see their interactions.
There's also more depth to the system/missions, so that'll also be occasionally addressed and solved later on.

ML, run-of-the-mill cold face, made out of wood CEO type but would blossom gently in front of MC. Small gap of difference between ML and most stereotypical ones is that this one has a more down to earth side, mainly the lack of indifference to side/background characters. Those side and background characters are also 3D enough to make the arcs more enjoyable.

Why a 4 star? A nagging feeling, really, that these two are more superficial lovers than anything. I wasn't moved by the two, mayhap due to all the excessive drama and the abandoned inner conflicts of MC and on ML's side, we get NOTHING other than his capabilities to easily beat twilight's edward in category of stalking.

ML falls in love with MC at first glance and you really don't get to experience them growing fond of each other, it's a one sided instant infatuation and one sided slow acceptance to the cray cray infatuation. This issue starts at first arc and continues till ending, always with ML instantly falling in love and MC's hesitance to accept. A dreadful dreary repetition on the emotional spectrum.

It just lacked it's own thing. Very standard QT/romance story. <<less
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Eccentricstate rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: Completed
This was a fun read. Something I liked about this particular QT was that the protagonist was neither insanely smart nor dumb, he was kind of just an guy doin his thing. Banter between him and the system was hilarious, I genuinely missed the system when it was no longer around. As with all QTs, there were some arcs I liked better than others and some that had me glued to the edge of my seat.
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October 7, 2021
Status: Completed
I definitely suggest giving this a read, one of my favorite novels was Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil and this is pretty much the same. Main difference is this relationship is healthier and there are no smut scenes.
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En-Jay99 rated it
September 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Enjoyed this so much more than I expected!

Feel like a typical QT but ah the MC is so great. I love it when MC has some moral fibre and don't just flip-flop over their character. It's fine if a character is 'dark' or whatever but even that is annoying when they just go OOC, especially when the ML gets involved.

MC actually does his quests himself. Lots of effort and best of all? Zero (0) mentions of 'golden thigh' I hate that phrase now.

ML is interesting and good background plot... more>> as well. ML actually has a history and character not limited to being brain-dead over MC.

If you like QT then pretty high chance you'll enjoy this a lot!

I actually miss this story and wish there was just a few more arcs ;_; <<less
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