I Ran Away after I was Forced into a Love Polygon


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Du You transmigrated into a novel and finds himself turned into a bossy CEO character.

He thought he would be able to have the time of his life from then on, but he is informed that this is merely one of the worlds in a QT novel.

And he is a bossy CEO character who has already fallen for the Bottom.

Now, it’s time for the final scene already –

The Bottom is going to detach from the world by faking his death, so he would end up devastated and become a mere shell of his former self.

Du You: What are we even waiting for? it’s showtime!

He imagines he will be able to enjoy a CEO’s vivid and vibrant life once the Bottom leaves the world for good.

Since the sole responsibility of the CEOs in these novels is to ‘sentence arbitrary companies to bankruptcies.’

Yet, apparently, the plotline isn’t over yet.

As a freshly secured love interest, he must follow the Bottom’s path.

Alongside the Tops of other worlds, they will form a Love Polygon.

In the end, the Bottom will discover that all the Tops are actually a split part of the same person, the protagonist Top.

Then all the split parts will join together, and then have a happy ending with the Bottom.

Du You: … F*ck this shit.

Bye bye, he’s going to run away.

Associated Names
One entry per line
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78 Reviews sorted by

Kayachoumin rated it
May 11, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a good story not wonderful or anything, it's a light-hearting story. You can see the struggle of love and all the deep thoughts of our MC and how he falls in love. The author probably want to write something sweet but with some sour feelings but it wasn't very successful. The story was very slow in my opinion usually I don't read those but this time I wanted to give it a try. Even though I'm not saying it was bad it wasn't particularly good either.
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trash_generalist rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: c59 part2
This novel starts off really hilarious --- seriously, I can't remember the last time I laughed so loud, nevermind laughing aloud while reading in the first place XD. However, the story did kind of dragged at the end, so I ended up just making up an ending in my mind and leaving it at that. I didn't want to end up disliking this novel and mainly just wanted to enjoy what I already read, which is what follows:

Summary: The MC is a transmigrator with a SYSTEM who was given the... more>> identity of a Bossy CEO. His task is to fight over the protagonist of a QT novel with all the other Tops. He doesn't find much of an issue with this, he's not an emotionally driven person (and that's an understatement), he just wants to get it over with so that he can continue living his life. Unfortunately, the expected ending would require his consciousness to die after being fused together with all the Tops. After finding out about this, he decides to work on obstructing the plot from developing --- and he does it in a very deliberate way, not hiding much of anything.

The MC's lack of EQ (like, if I were to give a percentage, it would be 0% lol, maybe a negative number) makes the first half of the story pretty hilarious. But once the reverse harem starring him as the main target begins, it becomes a bit dogblooded. Too much drama for me! I was in for the lolols. Because of this, I stopped reading, but my opinion of the novel is still pretty high. I won't be doing a full review for this one, but my rating for it is 4.12/5 stars (primarily because it really was such a fun read at first) ! The writing is great, the TL is even greater~ The characters were also very distinctive and had their own complex developments, even if their base foundations were kind of cliche (i mean, what character isn't cliche these days lolol!) If I had to say where the story was lacking, it would probably be in the actual romance department and the plot. When it comes to tone and pacing, it hit the right spot in the beginning, but by the end, it was a litttttle ehh. Though, if you like drama, you might find your opinion being completely flipped XD <<less
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Zild rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: c68.1
It's fine I suppose, it's mediocre at best. Read this while I took a break from novel and it was good start, but I don't think I can finish it.
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Cheesecookie rated it
February 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I found this novel to be quite funny and liked the view on Reverse Harem with transmigrated origBottom it display. It Is a good series if you want to have a good laugh or two and the characters are reallly good depicted.
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dlover627 rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: Completed
It was a very fun reading, I laughed a lot and really liked how the story makes fun of the quick transmigration/romance tropes. There's romance at the end, and there's resolution and acceptance of characters feelings.

p.s: who is seme or uke is irrelevant.
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Airnotplane rated it
February 5, 2022
Status: c25
It's not bad well.. This novel is kinda like a little bit messy, but so far it's pretty okay. The MC is just like expressionless a little dense and kinda like cute? I don't have much information about all the ML but I'll just keep reading. I don't have much opinion about the org MC..i don't know how to feel.
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February 1, 2022
Status: c87
A bit of a drag near the end, but quite good, actually. Plot twists regarding the endgame villain were disappointing at first, but it was really worth it because of the great ending that stayed true to the general idea of the book.
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Severe rated it
January 17, 2022
Status: Completed
According to the reviews, I thought it would be some sort of comedy, but apparently, it is not.

A story has a decent plot and like characters. And a brain dead villain q. Q In fact, the author accomplished unimaginable - I favoured ALL four mls, and everyone of them had completely different settings.

Though the main confrontation between MC and villain is boring, it mostly focuses on relationship issues.

A good reading material, anyway.
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MoniKo rated it
November 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked the title and description of the novel, and up to chapter 60 it was interesting, and the translation was excellent. ... more>>

And I had very high hopes for the ending I really waited for the moment when SHOW would just drop everything, send everyone to three Russian letters, and leave, enjoy life (the rest of his life) (maybe before that attracting the attention of other "colleagues")... Well, you know, I expected what was written in the title and description of the novel... but how disappointed I was with, seriously... just when I realized that my expectations would not come true, I abandoned the novel, it became more and more boring. A few months later I decided to finish reading it, it was difficult, and as if in mockery, the ending finished me off... You know, the ending I would compare to a cake. An expired piece of cake, all cut off, in one word: a defective piece of cake. The main character was left without a full-fledged description, he does not have a past and a future, he just exists and looks with it. Maybe you have questions, "why did Shaw choose this Gong? What does the world of the apocalypse have to do with it? What happened to the other gongs? Did the slag White Lotus die like that? But what about the main system? "Perhaps the answer was in those few chapters that I missed out of boredom. You might like the don't care - the character, but I would rather call him a person with zero EQ.
That doesn't paint such a dry ending. That cut off, defective cake also became dry rye bread.
But I can't say that the description is bad, no, I liked the way everything was described, I liked the translation, I liked Everything... except for the plot, the ending... Thanks to translator.

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RavenKnightBlackRose rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: 87c
Finished the story and will admit I loved the plot line, and I honestly wish though there is more chapters because it honestly will leave you hanging and wondering is this it? Now there were times I wish some characters would just blurt out their true feelings and thoughts but I can understand their difficulty conveying their inner thoughts other than that this was a good read and I’m happy I happen to stumble upon it
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Imortal fox
Imortal fox rated it
May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
It is a simply PERFECT story: it has very strong emotions, laughter in the right measure... in short, it is like a film in which you can perfectly feel all the emotions of the characters (emotions and thoughts that are portrayed perfectly) and while the time of the film it seems, you end up wanting to watch it again, because you feel that the sweetness and the feelings that the film caused are not enough to feel just once !! The story is not just about drama, but it has... more>> enough tension and suspense to make you feel immense in the story, simply forgetting everything around you. Making it clear that the story only gets better with time! Start slowly, then grow and gain speed, like a race that starts with hesitant steps, but ends with complete confidence !!!! The best thing is that despite being a "harem", the MC's feelings for others are not ambiguous (mainly because the MC himself is direct and not very familiar with emotions, which captivated me) and each passion has its own reasons and acting paths, so it's not a stressful novel. I loved the final ML (which I knew would be him, but I even doubted it, I confess). I also loved each climax and each character (not described in a superficial way, which only improves the story) and finally, this ending that despite having ended well, in a beautiful way.... I WANT EXTRAS !!!! ! WHERE ARE MY EXTRAS ???? Anyway, my heart was captivated and stolen by the MC and his cute and confused personality (Read and fall in love too !!!!) <<less
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April 29, 2021
Status: Completed
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH what a ride 😭 the amount of times I had to check if this has the harem tag and wail whenever I don't see it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

sadly there are no extras but I guess the author put it that way so us readers can imagine the ending that we want but still.......

The original shou tho, I find him really funny. He isn't as irritating as the others I've read with a similar setting I just find him funny lol

A good read if you want to inflict self pain, this is... more>> around the range of 5-6/10 in my pain tolerance levels <<less
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Teal96ko rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: Completed
I'm glad I preserve to read until the end. This novel is such a delight for me. The characters is interesting and have a reason why they're like that. Their setting is consistent but also gradually develop into a better one. You definitely get character development!!! Especially ML aaaahh I love him so much, he push me to read this until the end.

About the ML and MC relationship

... more>>

I'm so glad they're the end pairing. First, their relationship is not toxic, it's painfully slow but it's gives such intense sweetness too. You can see them become a better version of themselves while bumbling their way through Feelings. It's very beautiful amidst all the dogfight between harem. ML is the only properly trying to understand MC feelings and past. He is such a cinnamonroll I cried


About MC

He may comes as insensitive and apathetic but it does get explained why. He is actually very kind person if you read on his actions. He can easily takes the easy bloody route but instead he just want to eat good foods, enjoy the worlds and interesting things. His dense self give many hilarious situations and misunderstanding.

it also gives pain because he doesn't understand people and his own emotions. He is trying so hard though and that is what makes him precious, This novel is partly a journey where he slowly experience emotions he doesn't understand and slowly learning it. He is adorable in his own way!


All in all while not the best novel, this gives an enjoyable read. There's some part that doesn't makes me excited but the overall novel and the progession itself is very fun to read. <<less
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Akri rated it
April 13, 2021
Status: Completed
MC has NADA, LESS THAN LESS, CERO EQ... And so does the author I think because no one has EQ, yeah the harem 'falls in love', but do they? Really? I can't see that...

... more>>
  1. The bossy ceo #2: clules, EQ-10, spoiled, and not good at anything but work
  2. The freakX: obses, from the apocalipsis whitout cellphones even but is the most amasing hacker??, And is the one with the highest EQ?
  3. The actor/cat: who? Is the one with the less interaction w/the MC and... Well his EQ is not that low and he has some social 'skills' but only w/MC so... Not that powerful a top...
  4. The dog: the cutes one, a bit s*upid but at least learned to be kind of normal (not like the rest, including mc)
  5. MC: LOVED HIM, I identify myself a bit about being clules of social interactions so he was funny in a non funny way, tho he is Indeed way to clules EQ-20... By the end he does better but it is at the very last chapter so it doesnt even count, and altho he doesnt know what love is he doesnt goes collecting hearts, which I like, the system is usless but he is pretty capable

There are some un answered questions like, why the memory loss? x2, how the first du died?, The main system?

Anyway I liked it, is original whithin the un original transmigration plot, MC alone is worth reading, it end is a bit rushed but is quite short so it's a light read, a few extras would've been great tho <<less
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Onyo.onyo rated it
February 11, 2021
Status: c87
I really love this novel, I love every Harem character,


I think they Will be Harem for MC, but not. Maybe you can't guess who is it. How MC reject Harem character make my heart warm because it's so soft 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Evesneon rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I never knew there could be a book like this.
Too engaging with a MC whose reactions and thinking are waaaaaay off a normal human that it makes it so interesting. Together with the storyline where the ML now becomes the MC, this is a unique novel to read!

4stars heart heart
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January 2, 2021
Status: Completed
A very interesting subversion of the transmigrated!MC trope with a fun mystery and plenty of clichés that turn out of be red herrings.

I'm rating this 5/5 for the humor (often satirical) & the plot twists but from my understanding of the characters, I really believe the ending should have either been a love polygon or a no-ship/no-CP ending.
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December 30, 2020
Status: Completed
It’s really a funny story, the story is good also. But, even the ending is HE I kinda disappointed, Because I really hope there are more developed about their feelings between the MC and ml. And it will be even better if there is an extras of the other ML as well. So it a short story. It also a good read. Thank you So I can only give 4 star.
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