I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce


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Dewitt, known as the Iron Marshal, is now on the verge of death. Just when the whole empire thought he was not going to survive, a small fox came down from the sky. The little fox was so powerful that it woke up the Marshal who had been in a coma for a month with one paw. If Wen Jin knew that the price of his paw was to become the Marshal’s fiance, he would refuse, because the legendary, ferocious Marshal was a well-controlled villain, only touching his fluffy body every day.

Wen Jin: You’ve had enough, I’m going bald!

Dewitt: Ten more minutes.

Wen Jin: Not a minute longer!

Dewitt: Then let me kiss you.

s*upid and lazy fox x black-faced Marshal meet in a world full of Zergs and war. Follow this intergalactic tale as they begin to trust and depend on one another.

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Recommendation Lists
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41 Reviews

Oct 15, 2019
Status: c40

This story had potential, the MC seemed intelligent, cunning and proud, but quickly happened to only sell meng and be a tsundere, in addition to dropping its IQ from the first chapter it seemed to have, the ML is a classic, falls by MC fast, but... more>> as an animal lover would do it even if he isn't, the initial premise seemed to have action and a powerful MC, not a fragile butterfly, was very disappointing, I like stories like "A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy", but it is unbearable that even with his life at stake the MC is with ideas like I don't want to get dirty, I can fight but I don't want to touch those things, he is a martial artist and he looks at these things before his life, which leads the ML to fall into the cliché rescuing him. The main reason I read BL is to save me the dramas of a fragile woman and too many emotional entanglements attributed to women in the novels, but I am with this MC and in chapter 37 wondering if I can continue reading this. The translation is good for me, but the story leaves a lot to be desired, it is a 2 in my heart but in general taste I guess it's ok, I will see if I can continue until the end, I will update this if I do.
forgive my english but it's not my mother language.
The interactions are forced, the initial personalities are a total deception, I don't want to continue speaking badly, I will assume that this story is not for me and someone can appreciate it better because I can only see a semi-toxic relationship that has no more chemistry than the one forced author

*I returned to read reviews of people who completed the reading, to see if something changes in the story that redeems it and is interesting, but I don't see anything like that, I read that some mention that those who criticized it for the radical change of MC of the first chapter to the rest of the series justifying it with being a spoiled animal, but I must tell you in my experience with pampered pets, whenever they are cornered or do not like something and feel in danger, their survival instincts are still there and they will make you scratch (scratches, bites and pecks are my experience), that is why the one who excuses himself with the "dirt" to not fight with your life in risk is like giving me a diva that says dead before I dirty my nails, even if that means my death at the hands of that dirt, that and a forced chemistry was what discouraged me, I do not say that the story is bad, only that those details killed my interest in the series because I can no longer convince myself to want to read it, the above killed the romantic argument for me*

*The last edition* <<less
29 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 07, 2019
Status: c102
Look how meng that little white dumpling is at the cover! It s**ked me in. And the moment I started reading? got my heart totally taken away. I adore how the MC acts like a pissy kitten in his floofy, palm-sized body. ? Ignore the s*upid low rate, this is super adorable. It's less of a "Reborn as a Hamster", it's becoming more like "Cub Raising Association". Enjoy the meng leisurely, it's abundant. If you are looking for instant romance, better look elsewhere.

As for the reviewers who rated this low:... more>> WTF is wrong with you people... First, MC IS NOT HUMAN. HE IS AN ANIMAL THAT GAINED A CONSCIOUSNESS. So why TF flame him for acting like the beast he is???? Second, despite him living for long, he has only lived in the mountains unlike the social gumiho/kitsune we see in other novels. He is not the same stereotypical wily two-faced fox. Third, he may be intrigued by the complexity of humans but he never really interacted that much with them thus he's not colored w/ our way of thinking. In that sense, his character is more like a feral/wild cat so if you had expectations for him to act your usual human MCs? Please stop.

And BTW he did solve all those things in the later chapter if only you tried to read further.? <<less
23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 02, 2020
Status: Completed
The synopsis made me expect a fluffy read. Unfortunately, it did not deliver.

The start was good though a bit abrupt. The MC is a demon cultivator aka a fox demon who ends up in another world by falling into a void during his tribulation. His character conforms to what a demon cultivator who is injured and in an unknown world would do. Then suddenly, he becomes more like a pet. And it goes downhill from there.

The ML is the marshal. What a cliche. Why are all MLs in these interstellar... more>> novels the ultimate marshal? This cold marshal falls for his fox contract beast. No surprises in the romance. And this would have been completely alright if.......

The world building was done better. There are so many things going on... The Zerg, the Uttar, the problem between the beasts and the ML’s people and the political intrigue. It’s too much. And sad to say but the translation doesn’t help. This novel gave a MTL feel to me which is shocking considering that it’s done by the Exiled Rebels group. This a great translation site and I have read all their novels. Sad to say, but the translation is not smooth at all. In some places, I had trouble understanding what is going on. Maybe it’s me and my IQ couldn’t keep up. I don’t know.

Boring to read. <<less
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Dec 19, 2019
Status: c104.1
I agree with Takame there. MC is a fox who spent more time sleeping in the mountains than interact with human beings of course he'd act like an animal. Besides what's wrong with refusing to fight such dirty things. From the very beginning the fox doesn't like dirty things. And sorry to burst someone's bubbles but MC is so OP he has saved and helped ML in very serious situations.

Unfortunately, author said that he/she is not very good with smut so he/she doesn't flesh out those scenes but it's... more>> not so bad since I can just leave it to my imagination.

Pacing is also a bit slow but then again can't expect romance to suddenly happen with our MCs personality. ML also fell in love at first sight. You can either love or hate that cliche.

Sometimes I have a hard time following the conspiracies I don't know if it's because the author is lacking or my comprehension skills is not at it's peak.

Do I reccommend this? Big YES! <<less
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Jul 08, 2021
Status: Completed
The plot is good with the premise of cultivation and an interstellar world with ability users but doesn't know how to efficiently use their abilities. But the problem is in both the translation and writing.

While it's interesting I can't immerse myself in it, unlike other novels. Even with cliched stories, with the same plot I can still immerse myself but this novel just makes me frustrated. For example:

    1. The translation, I don't even know sometimes what the heck is happening, it's worse than MTL with the grammar all over the place. There are emotional scenes that I can't immerse myself since I can't understand due to translation and grammar. Important info. Of the story unable to be understood.

      Like the prime minister's family according to what I understand they changed history about qi beasts and I can't understand the rest of the reason why they did that.

    1. The transition of scenes, This is what made me more frustrated. The changed in the middle of a serious scene then abrupt change to lovey dovey scene. The flow of story is cut most of the time abruptly cutting of your immersion in the story. For example;

1. The scene where ML advancing in his core. MC clearly noticed in the car that ML is already advancing in stage and supressing it and about to say something but was abruptly change to MC suddenly lusting for MLs abs drooling all over forgetting the advancement had to postpone several chapters in orders to be used as plot device

2. In ch77-78 clearly they were being lovey-dovey in ch 77 and for some reason in the next ch. They were having a cold war??? MC thinks ML is angry??? Like what just happened?

3. Ch 78

they were talking about the Uttar and MC discovering the secret behind the scenes but ML is cutting him off with kisses. The topic was serious but had to be interrupted by ML. In the next ch, it's forgotten again and switched the topic. Like, it should have been a scene of MC c*ck-blocking ML and have no time to indulge in kissing since he made a huge discovery and ML should be explaining the behind-the-scenes but it didn't happen. After the hidden smut that didn't appear it changed to them talking about going to academy of sciences then going back to the topic with all seriousness like it's something you just talk about after having a steamy scene.

I don't know if it's the translation that have problems or the writing of the author.


3. The author made scenarios that should have been quickly resolved into a bigger one.


The ML advancing his core was used as a plot device in the interrogation scene where his energy got chaotic due to the Uttar using his abilities. Clearly MC could have said something as soon as he noticed while they were in the car in early chapters on how to breakthrough using his core but it had to be dragged for several chapters just to be use in this scene.


4. I don't know if MC is apathetic or not. Sometimes he saves qi beasts sometimes he look on calmly as qi beasts are used in the underground arena for battles. I think even if MC isn't a kind person who saves qi beast left and right. But due to his past, he should have innately abhorred those people who use beast as they pleased.

5. Logic regarding veterinarians, For some reason most of them have limited knowledge? Even though they advanced in technology, medical knowledge regarding qi beast should not have much difference from normal animals. The excuse for it doesn't make sense, on one hand, early chapters said that proposal for qi beast to be used for battle was rejected on the other hand, in later chapters said the reason for limited knowledge is because qi beast is used in battle and they can't do experiments. It's contradicting, and doesn't makes sense that they can't experiment for a few beast just because they were used in battle. Even in the underground arena, they were used for entertainment but for research purposes, it wasn't possible to have some.

6. Confusing at the start, I was like "what the heck is an uttar???" I first thought it was a name since they all have weird names and Cook, I was confused at first whether if there really was someone named like that? I thought maybe it's a mistranslation that I got confused when reading.

7. Knowledge about Qi beast is forgotten, I would understand if the knowledge was lost in ancient history where there's no technology, but for some reason, there was no knowledge despite being in an interstellar age with mechas. They had years thousand of years of technology advancement but only qi beast knowledge are not progressing despite them should have existed in earlier stages of technology and got recorded. It's impossible to hide and tamper all information regarding qi beasts in a technology age.

8. The conversation is all over the place, abrupt changes in topic with no proper transition.

9. Some details were not explained.

  • for example Cook, he is one of those who hates ML but I never saw what happened to him.
  • The lack of extras, the MC said he wanted to return but there are no extra chapters regarding that.
  • Would have like to know the development of the ability users using MCs method.
Would have been better if MC actively helped in the development like him teaching himself or at least participate in the experiments. Maybe also teach the beasts proper cultivation methods in a way for them to become human or use enchantments and reiki skills.


like how


The qi beasts chose to be independent since they suffered for years being used for entertainment. Instead of being allies, they chose to sever the thousand years of contract. Although they hate the Assyrians they didn't kill them. I like how they didn't easily forgive the Assyrians even if it was a plot by the Uttars. In the end, it was the Assyrians who made them miserable.


All in all, this could have been 5 stars for me if only it has better transitions of scenes and if I could have immersed myself when reading. The story is balanced in plot and romance, unlike other novels I like how the qi beast and abilities have a sense of existence itself in the story rather than being just a plot device for the romance. Most bl novels nowadays with sci-fi genre are just a theme and focuses more on the romance aspect. But this story also explores the military, schemes behind the scenes, and the ability users and cultivation.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 24, 2019
Status: --
After reading up to 30+ chapters of this all I can say is that this novel has a lot of potential but my god the personality of MC is just straight up clickbait and t r a s h. It literally ruined the whole thing for me. At first you'd think the MC is that cool but kinda temperamental character but all you get is a tr*sh tsundere that doesnt help people even though HE has the CAPABILITIES to solve that said problem smh such a waste of good plot... more>> and potential <<less
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Jul 15, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel gave me a very mixed feelings.

Firstly, I thought I have found a new gem - the novel is nice and easy to read, a fluff part doesn't burden as I suppose it would, actually, it was mostly sweet relationship, I can't even call it fluff. The pampering is generously diluted with serious plot, that's another good point.

The story is trully unique, the MC is powerful and has a distinct personality, not another tsundere or white lotus typo.

Unfortunately, here lies the most crucial part - was it due... more>> too poor translation or novel itself - I could hardly understand the world's plot or even connection between two consecutive sentences- it was soooo fragmented. The events kept jumping without any transitions. Sometimes I couldn't even figure out the place where the scene was hold - are they still in the car? Or at home? Stop, they were going home, why they are heading to the Institute? How many days have passed in this paragraph? Seriously, I felt like mentally handicapped while reading it. <<less
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Apr 09, 2020
Status: Completed
The story was off to a good beginning, meh middle and sort of confusing ending. Not that the schemes didnt make sense or that it ended unsatisfactory. Just that the translation is confusing.

There were times when I thought, "Am I reading a MTL?" Because of how hard it was to read the novel. At it got worse and worse when it neared the end. It was to the point where you weren't able to catch the flow of where things were going and miss a lot of details that weren't... more>> properly translated.

Other than that? Cute story and it's enjoyable to see the interactions between ML and MC. <<less
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Oct 16, 2019
Status: c40
at first I kinda hope for a strong MC and OP ML and its almost true. But MC way of thinking like afraid of dirty in midle fight, the clumsiness when it's not time make the story iritating to read (atleast for me). Also how the way the problem solved, like when MC know ML have qi problem and he know he can solved it but let it be only helping when ML so much in pain but not solving the root, MC knowing that ML friend poisoned by double... more>> zerg poison but letting it be just for additional drama kinda not my taste. This is just review subjective for me, so much think disapointing with how the plot progress. <<less
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Aug 29, 2020
Status: c56
The story is okay, it's actually nice and fluffy but as the story goes some aspects really does irk me at the same time the characters often talk in puzzles, the transition of thoughts really doesn't go well.

About MC

    1. The portrayal of the MC at first is being a tsundere, clever fox yet as it goes on he becomes a foolish fox with a child temper (really annoying )
    1. MC really becomes annoying with his self righteous attitude. He rush to dangerous situations and makes a lot of problems... more>> for the ML to fix. He really does a lot of s*upid things causing a lot of problems to the ML.
    1. MC also do not consider the feelings of the ML at all. When he do things, he does it without much consideration and blames the ML for this and that without even repenting.
    1. MC really likes to assume things that leads to a lot of miscommunication, while the ML tries to ask him and talk about the problems. The MC always try to brush it or run away from it.
About ML

The ML is your typical ML. OP, handsome and rich. Nothing much to say for his character, it's just flat. <<less
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Nov 16, 2020
Status: c100
The fact that I painstakingly read this up until I had 9 chapters left & managed to STILL DROP IT is absurd.

This story is subpar. I had high hopes & midway those hopes were briefly met before plummeting down to pure disappointment. A better version of this would be Extra 3 from Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil & yes, I'm only saying this because they both have demon foxes.
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Sep 15, 2020
Status: Completed
I usually like this kind of "sci fi fluff" - super cute and fluffy yaoi in an interstellar future - but this novel was hard to finish. There are lots of plot points, but they're not introduced, explained, or resolved well. The translators at Exiled Rebels are excellent, so maybe it was the author who randomly jumped the story from place to place.

The MC is a xianxia type white fox demon who cultivated for a thousand years but falls through a wormhole into a sci-fi interstellar galaxy. The ML is... more>> the top military Marshal who controls the army, defeated the Zerg, etc. The MC is a cute animal, but occasionally shows flashes of true power, and then halfway he starts telepathically speaking to the ML, and even talking to others. There are plenty of misunderstandings so I don't get why the MC didn't just explain stuff to the ML about the beasts, Zerg poisoning, etc. The ML is unconditionally supportive of the MC, but starts lusting after the MC while the MC is still only in fox form.

The other military, politicians, alien Uttar race, more Zerg are all involved in some complicated plot that was vague and glossed over (and the Zerg aren't the giant insect or crustacean warrior type - they're the lay eggs in your brain and control you type.) There are also live-broadcasting and social media comments inserted at odd moments. The ML's mother has a redemption arc that isn't fully explained. The secondary characters felt flat. There are more novels in this genre, so I'll move on now. <<less
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Jun 23, 2020
Status: c109
Give it a chance, is full of fluff ??????.... I 100% don't regret that I read it, it's now on my top fluff stories.

Translation was perfect for me, I had no issues understanding.

The plot is the week point of the story but who cares when we have a cute little snappy fox and a forever lost-in-love-land Marshal ??

PS. no smut, like less than none, not even sure it happened ???
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Jan 04, 2020
Status: Completed
What a fun read. However, I do have to admit that the translation was sometimes hard to understand and the extras ended strangely. I really liked how the book began, but I think the plot got hard to follow, and the relationship dynamic became a bit stale (he wants it, he gots it, he wants it, he gots it, yawn)
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Sep 07, 2022
Status: c10
I still haven't read it entirely to judge it wisely but I'm just gonna say that the translation can be frustrating sometimes.

Idk if it's because it was mtl'ed then edited or directly translated without thinking about the context. It could also be because the translator want to sound profound in their translation that instead of being concise and cleat it turn more into confusing and misleading. Pronouns were not indicated clearly, it's hard to guess whose the sentence pertains to. The pov interchange frequently in one paragraph, though it was... more>> improper in proper publication, as this was online and created without a team (editor, proofreader, etc.) readers naturally adheres and forgives. But this is as long as it was UNDERSTANDABLE, but it was not.

Statements like 'the other's side body was...' could be simplified to 'the foxes body' or 'Wenjin's body'. But that was not the case. It really confuse readers of whose feeling was this, or whose thoughts was these. Translator should prioritize clarity and delivery rather than on style and complicated english wannabes.

There are also many instances where I can't connect a statement to a whole thought. Because it feels like a simple statement became a riddle and then followed by another riddle again. I think that was not a riddle. Like they are talking about emotions in the eyes but the next statement talks about feelings that relate to forest or something. They could simplified it as saying 'the foxes eyes showed it's complicated feelings despite hiding it'. It's a simple statement and completely understandable.

I can say that I only comprehend 80% of the book and I just made a guess of those confusing statements which is a first. The grammar was fine but it neglect comprehension. Whatever, I might drop this because of the translation. <<less
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Jan 02, 2022
Status: c40
I'm having a hard time reading and keeping up with this book. Today I've read some of the reviews and found out that I'm not the only one having problem. I've also skipped a lot of paragraphs and I'm confused.

I don't think the problem is on translation, the author must have done a poor job, or at least most of the problem lay there. I mean when the author doesn't know what s/he is writing, how the translator suppose to write it for him/her?

I was thinking to drop this novel,... more>> but I've tempted with the fluff of the story, since most of the reviewer's recommended it.

And I'm in love the little fox so..... (Why every one who is adorable is a foodie? I'm on a diet and mention of the food is a torment for me.... :- (.) <<less
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Dec 05, 2021
Status: Completed
I reread this recently and it's been a few years since my first read so there were enough details I had forgotten that I was able to be delighted and surprised by this story once again.

This novel was my first introduction to the whole concept of zergs. So I really appreciated the perspective of the MC who came from a world without zergs as well. They are super gross in this novel and I wouldn't have wanted to bite them either!

I love how MC and ML slowly get to know... more>> each other and how ML has to earn enough trust before MC starts to reveal himself. MC might seem arrogant but the story reveals a bit of the why.

MC is adjusting to coming from being one of the most powerful beings in their original world to not having enough power to overcome an injury. Complicated spot to be in and I think some of that attitude is a bit of self-defense.


It's sweet and I feel like trust or a lack of it between groups and characters is key to the plot. Which characters are scheming, which are to be trusted, everyone is hiding something.

ExR did a great job with the translation but the story kicks into high gear in the climax so take your time or risk missing details.

Plenty of fluff to enjoy. <<less
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Jun 13, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a very cute story and I like the interaction between the MC and ML o ((*^▽^*)) o
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Dec 22, 2019
Status: c70
The writer has delivered amazing plot and twist. Despite the enemy being in shadow and all knowing enemy who can infiltrate the highest level of our ML military headquarters; our lovely MC can help ML to destroy the enemies plan. Though slow romance you can get pink bubble moment along and both the main characters are innocent when it comes to romance and my those reactions. Right now I am at the most interesting part and its a good novel to read who loves story setting of this kind and... more>> silly interactions of the characters. <<less
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Nov 19, 2019
Status: c71
Great story! The MC is a tsundere fox from another world and saves the ML by becoming a contract beast for him. The story is set in a interstellar world, and the plot is nicely fleshed out and has plot twists. MC is powerful but also spoiled, and the ML is very pampering. I really enjoyed the story, if you like a fluffy romance with a good plot I recommend ignoring the bad reviews and read it!
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