I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World (LN)


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Tenjou Yuuya has been a bullied boy since the past.

He lives in the home of his beloved grandfather while he goes to school. As usual, he receives a harsh bullying, and he takes an extended absence from school to have some time to heal his wounds.

While on this long time of absence, he takes the opportunity to clean his grandfather’s house and goes to a room he never went before, where his grandfather keep many different objects that he gathered from his travels around the world. While he was arranging the objects, he found a door not on a wall among the objects.

Out of curiosity he opens this door, what he found on the other side was…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cheat Skill
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too
Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~
Related Series
I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World (WN) (Web Novel)
I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World Girl’s Side: Adventures of the Splendid Maidens Changed the World (Side Story)
What, Failure to Transition!?……Success!? (LN) (4)
Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic (3)
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) (3)
Shinka no Mi (WN) (3)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Disappointing Prince (2)
Instead of Being Transported to Another World Directly, I Was Given the Abilities of the Strongest Character in the Anime World (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Monsters/ Dungeons into our lives
  2. Licensed Titles I don't regret buying
  3. Strongest: Above The Heaven 2
  4. thesauce
  5. Travel between worlds

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/10/25 NyX Translation v17c4 part1
02/10/25 NyX Translation v17c3 part4
01/26/25 NyX Translation v17c3 part3
01/26/25 NyX Translation v17c3 part2
01/20/25 NyX Translation v17c3 part1
01/20/25 NyX Translation v17c2 part2
01/10/25 NyX Translation v17c2 part1
01/10/25 NyX Translation v17c1 part5
01/04/25 NyX Translation v17c1 part4
01/04/25 NyX Translation v17c1 part3
12/28/24 NyX Translation v17c1 part2
12/28/24 NyX Translation v17c1 part1
12/22/24 NyX Translation v17 prologue part2
12/22/24 NyX Translation v17 prologue part1
12/22/24 NyX Translation v17 illustrations
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tweprebet rated it
June 16, 2020
Status: v1c3 part3
I can't believe it was this tr*sh that finally got me to make an account. Anyway...

This is full of infuriating s*upidity. You can basically count on the MC to calmly explain the s*upid reason he is doing s*upid things. And it's all bad. At least a few of these things might make some sense for him to do out of habit... but then he explains why he's doing it. So it's not habit. It's that he's an idiot. Again.

As for examples... he's basically the OP master of OPness. I wouldn't... more>> be surprised if he's stronger than some actual gods in other series. He's very much enjoying exploring the new world. He even has a power that let's him convert items into millions of yen (more on that later). In short, he is more than capable of ignoring Earth or not to whatever degree he wants. He could never go back and it would be fine, or he could pop in just enough to maintain his grandfather's house or whatever other sentimental stuff he wants to do. Yet he's going back to high school which he is dreading more than a little bit considering how badly he has been treated by everybody. Why? Because not going to school would make him a "good for nothing" and that would "completely end his life." Yeah. I don't know what that means either.

As for his ability to convert items into millions of yen, he also uses that like an idiot. Basically anything he gets that's not of immediate obvious use he converts to yen. All sorts of almost certainly rare items have been converted into yen. He got like 1.5 million yen on his first batch of items, but he just keeps converting things because he doesn't think they are useful to him. How is millions of yen any more useful to him? He doesn't seem to know, nor care. He even has the cliche storage space ability, in addition to houses in both worlds. Storage space is not an issue. He can even invoke his money ability from anywhere. He could keep items as items and convert them to yen as he needs them. But no, that would mean he has less yen right now! So it's all become yen.

Anyway, this is not at all the full extent of it, but should give you a good taste of what you can expect. The MC will do incredibly s*upid things while saying his even s*upider reasons. It would be easier to stomach if he didn't flaunt his idiocy and just did s*upid things with no explanation. And I can be sure of that, because he also does a lot of s*upid things without explanation. They really are easier to accept.

I'm really tempted to give this one star just for being so incredibly infuriating, but I suppose there needs to be a way to differentiate between this and incoherent jumbles of word salad so... two I guess. But if the MC being s*upid raises your blood pressure even a little bit, don't read this - you'll get an aneurysm. <<less
111 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Trolltractor rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: --
"Oh I got a cheat, oh someone said something to me, oh I'm so spineless I must respond in an even more absurd manner than what is considered politically correct in order to try to avoid offending that pebble by the sidewalk."

The plot goes nowhere, the conversations are childish, what could have been an interesting read exploring different aspects of becoming op were instead ruined by a generic spineless MC.
72 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
DMR rated it
August 27, 2020
Status: --
Here is my issue with this story; it goes too dark in some areas, and too forgiving in others, but it doesn't mesh. If you make the MC over ab*sed and suffering, make him get real satisfying revenge. If you want him to be forgiving, make the characters forgivable... don't just badly mash both.

It's simple but not done well.

If the author did away with the ab*se and just made the MC's situation more real, with the people who made him suffer be more just disliking him rather than abusive.

Like his... more>> siblings showing dislike because they were often made fun of because how fat and ugly he was, and their parents always trying to force them to get along at school. It'd be a "hate" but not real hate. It'd be something that'd make him feel bad, but also something forgivable.

And make his parents instead actually care about him, and feel bad, but can't do anything but force him to go to school. It'd be harsh to him cause he always causes them trouble, and it'd lead to more depression.

And the bullying at school should have been less physical ab*se and more people just not liking him with maybe just a bit of bullying.


Those few changes I feel would have made the story work better.

And that's not putting into account his reaction.

Normally, if one were in his situation, they'd either hide or kill themselves, not be desperate to go to school. Second, it'd have been better if he left to the other world for a few months and then after his adventures gain the courage to go back to school.

But no, he just goes back to school while having a complete magical change... with no f***ing consequence.

And he shows super powers to hundreds of people... with no consequence.

He isn't careful and he isn't acting like a person in his situation would.

Just make him be more careful about his powers, and also give him just a bit of time before he came back to the school.

This is supposed to be with fulfillment (as are most novels anyways), but it's doing it badly.

No national guard or military instantly trying to take him away and maybe innocent bystanders being killed because of his carelessness, even though his very existence is a scientific miracle that should shock the world.

And he s*upidly models and can't realize people suddenly treated him well once he was handsome...



    1. The hate and ab*se the MC got shouldn't have been so strong if this wasn't going to be a revenge story. Less would still have the effect needed without going overboard. Making the characters more complex would add depth rather than half ass unsatisfying forgiveness for these prison worthy criminals..
    2. Author should have had the MC stay away for a few months so that his change would be more believable.
    3. MC should be trying harder to hide his abilities and realize that people treat him different once he's hot.
52 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
DemitR rated it
August 25, 2020
Status: v3c5 part2
The MC is physically incapable of holding a conversation. Every time he talks with someone it’s like:

Character: “Hey could you play volleyball?”

Mc: “Volleyball?

Character: “Yeah we’re short one person”

Mc: “Short?”

And on and on for a bit till he decides to go along with anything that is said to him.

There’s a lot of things one can look past, but this is way too much. I tried.
52 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Simple As It
Simple As It rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: --
This is Childish Novel

Why? First, devoid of any logic and common sense. Second, the story are full of contradiction and inconsistency. Third, MC with inferiority complex that got OPed but didn't use it to full potential.


MC with inferiority complex are the most useless character at any novel (except from I Have Nothing), why? Because it's cheap and uncreative plot device to create an innocent type of character, especially forced behavior. For an example, He had every reason to avenge the suffering and unjust ever since he was a kid but despite after gained very powerful ability and he could simply reverse everything they had done to him, he did nothing at all other than being coward or overly forgiving, why? Because he's kind of course... This is what to be called a forced behavior.

The illogical behavior of these side character. Boy oh boy, in this story all the characters are either super kind or super evil, there's no in-between or gray character. All of them felt 1 dimensional, you couldn't care less with any side character because they have no personality at all.

I suspect this story was made by high schoolers because the story was nothing reflect on real life common sense or logic. I understand that fantasy novel shouldn't have to follow real life logic but at the same time it cannot be devoid any of it.


If you still a middle school or high schoolers that felt like the world is unfair and you want some kind of escapism then this novel might be to your liking. If otherwise then stay away as far as possible.
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AmicaNiiya rated it
May 25, 2020
Status: v1 afterword
Prepare for a long one, I have a lot to say about this novel (I already bombarded my friend about it, now you have to suffer too).

I came into this thinking this'll be another one of those typical "loser gets badass because of cheats, he breezes through all obstacles with his OP abilities and all the (zero personality) girls want his D because he's so awesome" harem isekai, but this one is unexpectedly wholesome?! (Seriously I went "harem and wholesomeness? how the f*ck does it- that is illegal!)

I mean,... more>> it's a harem, painfully obviously so (we're at volume one, seven chapters into the story, and there's already 3+ potential love interests) and it's also pure wish-fulfillment of an ugly bullied loser becoming handsome and strong thanks to the titular cheat ability. Nothing new or revolutionary here really.

The thing that makes the difference in my eyes is the execution.

First, he isn't permanetly transported to the other world - he can go back and forth as he likes. He could just stay there and leave behind his life on earth (a thought he actually had at some point) but he doesn't. He tries to balance both sides and live life to its fullest with what he has.

Second, he doesn't get instantly badass and confident. He's lived all his life being shunned so much for his ugliness and incompetence in basically everything that he has a really hard time adjusting his mindset. He consciously knows he isn't the same as before, but his subconscious lags behind. Especially when it comes to his appearance, the thing he's been bullied for the most (to the point where he didn't even consider the possibility that his face might have changed despite literally his whole body changing drastically). It takes time and work for him to be more confident in himself and that process is very satifying to see I think.

Third, the protag has a realistic personality and is just likable in general, to me at least. He's a sweet and kindhearted fellow who despite his hard lot tries his best whenever he can (the few people that saw past his appearance, like his grandpa, agree that he's really nice). Several times it's shown that people just feel very comfortable around him (you know how with some people, you just talk to them and feel calm and relaxed? yeah). His extremely low self esteem can be a bit annoying, but it's understandable and realistic. And again, I like his process of slow improvement.

Fourth, the "harem members" are quite good characters in their own right and they don't flock to the protag just because he's badass or hot or sth - at this point at least, they have a crush on him at most (some are only potential for now) and each has their own reason for liking him, but their feelings generally began with simply liking him as a person. The interactions are sweet and realistic too. Overall, I can see why there's more than one person interested in him and it's not "he's the protagonist so he has a harem despite the protagonist having no qualities to justify that". (but I have to be honest, I like the ones on earth more than the other world's...)

Fifth, the story is less about pure action and showing-of-the-MC's-badassery but more about human interaction and character growth. It's about the protag getting a new outlook on live, meeting genuinely nice people that are there for him (seriously some of the "side characters" are great, I love Hikari-san in particular, he's the best), confronting and overcoming his past instead of the escapism common in the genre. The cheat abilities actually take a more supportive role while his own choices and actions are in the focus most of the time.

All in all, this is the kind of story you don't read for its plot, but for its characters and their interactions. It's really sweet and wholesome and so far, I'm really enjoying it (and hope the author won't ruin it in the following chapters, please)

Also I recommend the manga, the art is good and also shows the things I like about the novel really well (the MC drawn too damn adorable sometimes), takes a while to update tho (it has 5 chapters translated so far, v1ch4 part4 of the novel). <<less
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chaserjacksaw rated it
March 3, 2021
Status: v6
Oh good lord, I dunno what to say to this..

The idea of the story is actually very great, I mean going to Isekai and return to Earth Back and forth while all progress (lvl, stats, items) is retained even in the modern world.

But.... Oh boi the story immediately goes to sh*t hole!

Ok given everything is generic is fine cuz even if its generic and other hate it, but its a undeniable fact that Generic Isekai story is damn popular no matter how much YOU bit*h about it..... BUT F*k This... more>> Sh*t!! THIS story is f*king awful!. Good lord and here I am a generic isekai harem tr*sh lover is fcking saying that "THIS IS AWFUL, READING THIS HURTS MY BRAIN!"

• MC is brain dead period! don't expect any character development (oh but his courageous..... when girls is in danger lol)


• Here come the cute suuuuuuuper OP pets that literally do nothing for the story!!

• common sense? Um is that a thing here?... I mean literally.

• I wish Girls where as easy to fall in love in real life like in this LN.

• Literally everything is easy for MC..... LITERALLY.

• Plot.... Plot? What Plot??

• Self pity! SELF PITY!!!

• DENSITY IS OVER 9000!! <<less
33 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Boogle rated it
November 27, 2020
Status: v4c2
Holy shit, what a load of crap.

TLDR: Zero character progression, world building that contraticsitself, an MC that is so passive, he takes no direct action in the story.

I was really interested in the premise. Travelling to another world and it reflecting in the MC on Earth.

... more>> It's a great concept. Issue is, the author has no f*cking clue how to execute it.

1st of all, MC goes from lvl 1 to lvl 100 in 2 sentences. This reflects on Earth by making him a buff ikemen. So much so, that his immediate family can't regonise him. (But somehow one of the heroines can, even though they only interacted for like 5 minutes.)

After the initial power boost, MC gets everything handed to him. So much so, that he literally cannot be killed on Earth. No being or weapon exists, that can harm him.

This would be fine, if the author could come up with social situations which make the MC struggle. But NOPE! Everyone is nice to him, the only 'issue' he encounters is being a minor celebrity.

OK, so does he struggle in the other world? NOPE! He can onehost enemies 3 times his level, and only lost 2 fights so far. (Not like there is many of them) Of course a princess immediately falls in love with him, so his otherworldly social status is good as well.

Now, you might be thinking, what's the drama or threats that pish the story forward? Simply, other people pushing the MC around as they want. He is very self-hating which is torable for like 2 volumes max. But even in volume 4, even though side characters constatly tell him to be more confident, he has the same attitude as in volume 1.

Other shortcomings of the novel:

Not one single comedic scene or joke that's even remotely funny.

No impactful side characters, all of them just suck the MC's dick.

MC isn't even aware that like 5 girls are romantically interested in him by the Volume 4.

If you gave the initial concept to a 10 year old, he could come up with a better story than thid novel. <<less
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Totocoroco rated it
October 15, 2020
Status: --
I been looking at the Clever Protagonist tag novels, trying to finda smart protag like the one in Devil's cage, I gave this tr*sh a try and god who that f*** put the Clever tag on this tr*sh, God that MC have no confidence, is s*upid and is the luck type that put no effort to getting powerfull, oh and is also a beta dense Japanese boy even after getting super handsome without putting any work.

Made a account just because this piece a s*** novel got me really angry, don't... more>> waste your time if you dont like MC with 99% luck 1% hard-work and with no good qualities besides being a good little boy that saves people because he has superpower now <<less
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IsekaiMe rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: v3c4 part3
Had to give up reading this. It was a little funny at first, but now after this many chapters, I see that nothing is going to change. The MC will continue to get more and more OP but remain just as s*upid as ever. I mean, 5 year old s*upid. I understand the MC was severely bullied when he wasn't OP, but being bullied doesn't make you dumb as well, unless maybe he was constantly beaten in the head growing up. Sure, maybe it'll crush your self-esteem but it should... more>> actually make you a bit more cynical and heighten your survival instincts when it comes to dealing with people.

The majority of the MC's lines when interacting with people is his clueless "Eh?" "Huh?"

If you enjoy repeating these scenes over and over again, then this is the LN for you. If the excuse for this kind of writing is that "it's a comedy, " then it's a bad comedy that is repeatedly using the exact same joke over and over again. At some point, it's just not funny anymore. <<less
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Darkcloud385 rated it
July 20, 2020
Status: v2c6
This was the one that made me make an account purely just so I could sh*t on it. The beginning started off so strong, with a compelling background that made you feel somewhat bad the character. Guess what, they just throw all the development out of the window just by making him a pretty boy. Never thought I would see the day when I PREFERRED TO SEE THE MC GET sh*t ON. He makes the s*upidest decisions, he’s cringey as f*ck, “what why do these people keep looking at me...... more>> yadda yadda”. YOU HAVE A MIRROR. There is no way he has no clue what an attractive person looks like. Shitty wish fulfillment makes everything go his way as soon as he’s a pretty boy, it’s like his bullying legit just never happened. Doesn’t bother to think about how they would treat him if he still looked the same, story just turns into your generic boring as f*ck isekai tr*sh but with a little niche of him being about to travel back and forth. Dropped. <<less
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 13, 2023
Status: v 3 illustrations
Okay. So I read a good chunk of this before and due to my memory being sh*t here we are again, and since the anime is coming out I decided to read it to remember why it was dropped in the first place. So. Without further ado.


for myself and also those who tolerate this junk.

I started with the manga, and since I hadn't read it again I was interested to see the art, and how it differs from the novel.... more>> P.s. mangas not bad.

ANYWAYS!. So it was apparent about 5 chapters in. The reason I dropped this novel was because the MC. The MC can be easily into the worst 3 mc's out of all novels I've read. No it's not because he's a bad person, or he doesn't have the strength and character. It's the portrayal of the MC I hate the most.

1. convenient isekai method (pretty fresh tbh most of the time it's a one shot deal, or at the least it's end of story before the MC could even go home.)

2. Mc's character growth to about 50 chapters in is astonishing.. not in the sense that he got incredible power and deserved it, but because he defeated one monster and got lvl100 while being a puss.

2.1 behind a convenient safeguard he used "ultimate weapons" (I'll get to that immediately) to defeat a boss level monster to get more ultimate level gear.

2.2 he gets "isekai'd" and finds ultimate level gear just scattered in this house that can break the worlds balance and it immediately accepts him as the master, his first monster drops gear incomparable to gear even the royalty can get ahold of from the get go.

2.3 he looks like last boss and can easily overwhelm monsters that (I think the ogre he defeated was like level 300) then as story progresses monsters with incomprehensible levels pop up and most of the time he can one off then to where humans look at him as a monster in itself.

2.4 he's able to get top level skills right off the bat and later when he can see the classification of its rarity aside from like cooking and reading they are all existences that are S-SSR with little to anything done to get them. And they just pop up. They weren't gained thru intense training, or preordained from god. Whatever.

2.5 and when he goes thru training it kinda neglects it in those aspects to where it'll time skip or show a paragraph at most. Like the magic circuit that he inherited or, his master takes him as a disciple.

3. super convenient and interesting topics pop up and the story doesn't just capitalize on those things and skips them. It's really a waste : (

3.1 like he can convert items into his worlds currency and it doesn't jump all over things like that. it barely covers it.

3.2 the world breaking gear... it really just skims over it. The gear and such for the most part it's just covering the name and effect and that's it. Like really there's mention of how scary his new WORLD f*ckING BREAKING oni helmet is. They don't use this to show how amazing his stuff is, the supporting characters aren't amazed and are curious or jealous. Nothing.

3.3 food that give affects of (what seems like) permanently increasing stats, elixir like ingredients. THEY DONT DO sh*t BUT GET COOKED. The most it did was show he was worried if they were edible. That's like it. It might be a little forward where it's truly covered (can't remember).

3.4 ITS THE f*ckING SAGES HOUSE! I can't fully remember but from what I read past the manga it's doesn't talk much if any about if there is world ending research and documents. The only part I can remember is the diary gave him some sort of look into the history. f*ckING WASTE!

4. the MC had a harsh past of bullying and being subservient, and a coward. Even as the story progresses he gets a convenient body change where his fat, height, and face becomes perfect. Great. Everyone loves a good looking perfect MC, and he even evolves beyond that as a more perfect human being. Fine. Whatever happens sometimes and I quite like it tbh, but it's the personality that matters the most for me. His appearance can change instantaneous for all I care. I don't need to get reports bi chapter where his abs and muscles get more defined, but I can't compromise on his personality.

4.1 he instantly turns into a model. Both literally (against his will) and figuratively. All people want him, and are always looking trying to talk to him.

4.2 none of the people save 1. Believe it's him off the bat, but it's accepted after that like it was never anything. A pitty.

4.3 constantly it's like that tho. Strong disagreement then immediate acceptance. Somehow he broke a mirror and several chapters pass by where even tho he was assaulted by mind numbing pain, he can see not fat hands.. A f*ckING 8 PACK!. But we will just accept it's normal. Then boom! A window reflection. "Um who's this?".. dumb.

5. back to the personality. It never changes. He's timid. Fine. Deserved. He was bullied and never had friends. His family which we never see much about his parents mostly just a memory of his grandfather (his god, and what seems like literally a god) and twin siblings. Teachers. People. Gangs all out him down. But it stops right? f*ckING RIGHT!. People talk to him. Favorably at that. New and old. Obviously treat him different and his personality stays the same. Yes I understand just because things are better it can't be instant. But there's no growth. He's negative and sometimes a character will try to help him understand or accept that what they say is true. But no. He will constantly stutter. He will scream EEEH!!! WHAAA, and be confused or timid all thru the novel. A princess will scream she loves him address him a nobody with -SAMA, an ex assassin will kiss him, blush. A female student who's the directors daughter will constantly thank him for consistently saving her life but this legendary dense protagonist will give it half a thought and move on. Or just somehow not accept reality, and this isn't just me b*tching for romance but his personality just has a good tier ability to stick to negative 4 in the scale. He has SSR ABILITIES IN ALL RESPECTS! but his mental fortitude is C for f*ckING COMMON. Character growth is great to witness whether it's abilities looks or story progression. But man. f*ck. Become a mute or something if you're just going to stutter, yell in exclamation, or refuse to look at reality.

6. another thing a bit ridiculous is the level of the world. Goblin elites for example say they are lvl100 and there's guards for royalty who can't defeat them, an assassin who can take 3, who after training for maybe a week? in an impossible to comprehend Forrest with the existence of someone who has the abilities to be compared to a hero of other novels but the mentality of an ab*sed container of pudding) and was considered to be a monster in the dark guild and highly respected. So there is this world where this s*upidly dangerous Forrest is in this world (did they bring up the name? I can't remember). A country which I'm assuming there are many (did they name or talk about others either?). And these existences seem to be possible to be called calamities right? But the MC constantly comes across creatures who are 3 times his level and sometimes 10x his specific power rates and he just slaughters them, But everytime something worse comes along, and with the same pattern. Then here comes a world rated creature who is recognized by the world who can break unbreakabke trees ("cant" be broken without specific "people" or "tools") who can shatter them and many at that proving that the MC isn't the pinnacle. Then there's the complete opposite of the world shattering group of "Holly's" so I mean. It's all predictable, and boring. Isn't it? Really?

anyways. I'm done b*tching. I'm sure I'll be back. And I'm not even sure this is the only review I've made. Bleh.


7. along with a very short list of Japanese novel MC's this one is one of the very rare that DOESN'T UNDERSTAND FANTASY AT ALL AND ITS f*ckING ANNOYING! Why? Well let me tell you.

7.1 along with being naive, dense, and a borderline idiot the MC parrots every explanation. For every question he's asked he gives back 5 more

7.2 he doesn't understand anything at all let it be complex relationships, friendship, romance, common sense, financial, physical. Basically anything.

7.3 he doesn't look at people with distrust or skepticism he takes it all at face value hence the naivety.

7.4 example. His analyze, appraisal whatever you want to call it says his pepper (which is disgustingly convenient to go to a degree of specifics of how much it's worth, that it's from another world and it's conversion) to haggle at 15 to get 5-10 gold he gives them 9. They offer 100 gold. He's amazed at getting 100 gold... WTF! (Not to mention it literally says for him to haggle. Like is this really a AI kinda like rimiru's). also. Like seriously. The skill lets him know this pepper is beyond this world knowledge and said world is holding dollar store pepper as if it's made from god they've never seen it. Let's just dismiss the fact that this bottle is either plastic or glass which only one existed in a setting of midevil England and their glass is obviously tr*sh. "Oh this is a beautiful bottle". "Oh is it"?... come on author.

7.5 he's told to close his eyes. He smells her scent. He feels a warm touch on his cheek. Looks at her blush........ "WhAt DiD yOu JuSt Do"?

7.6 gets a skill (that ultimately is f*cking convenient to limit his power) to limit his power. Doesn't talk about it again. GOES FULL f*ckING POWER TO SMASH A PINGPONG BALL THRU A TABLE AND FLOOR! "Oh". 1 they are amazed. Nobody says another word, and nor is SAID f*ckING SKILL USED AS HE GOES ON TO DO FEAT AFTER f*ckING FEAT AGAIN.


7.8 he obviously doesn't understand the uniqueness of his existence. Still tells them he's from Japan even in another world. Okay fine. Sure. He gains skills like candy. "Oh everyone must be able to do this" as people eyes bulge from their ducking heads. EVERYONES ALWAYS STARING AT HIM. Whether it's looks or his clothes which let me f*ckING REMIND YOU are special f*cking existences where even royalty admire them. Uses his name like he's in Japan because somehow it doesn't equate to him that one. It's backwards in his world from everyone else, and somehow he doesn't understand nobility/royalty are usually the only ones that have a last name. Okay chalk that up to naivety and the like not understanding fantasy. Fine. Modern Japan... BUT HE WILL FREAK THE f*ck OUT AT THE PRINCESS EVEN EXISTING. this little dumb sh*t stacks my guy. It all drives people who observe f*cking nuts.

7.9 so tell me. After reading the novel, or just listening to me rant where does an MC this f*cking dumb stack.

7.10 MC can come off humble but please don't be fooled. He's to unintelligent to understand at this point. More or less claiming he isn't fighting monsters for any reason except to get stronger to protect what he wants (which f*ck all knows what that honestly is claimed friends and such but he will prioritize school and his life on earth over a princess who professes her love and is being targeted by assassins multiple times even while coming to the worlds most dangerous Forrest just to meet him and thank him. "Oh I have to go/can't come. (Literally only has to go to f*cking school) I'll be there when I have time". Like f*ck my life right.

7.11 takes said such humble attitude and says he more or less can't do it very well as he slaughters 7/10 of any and all monsters in the Forrest to which (at this point I'm assuming Owen is seriously a really powerful dude. Prince says so. King dotes in daughter and he was her chief guard it would seem) Owen says he's no match for even 1/10 of the monsters in said Forrest.

7.12 his blatant disregard for others explanations is common place and annoying. Being told it 1 or 10 times doesn't change his opinion.

7.13 his "understanding" that everything is to dangerous to which he believes that the existence of evil is common place, and that the monsters of the Forrest he lives in are dangerous (which they are) but that they are everywhere (which they aren't).

7.14 this is also tacking on to when I said he puts his school life above the "people he cares about" f*cking supposedly.

7.15 let's literally bring a human being from a different world that's leagues behind in technology and living and not explain a thing to her and let her walk around. But let's get excited and astonished when she says or does outrageous things.. oh wait. That really happened.


PLEASE YUYYA PLEASE HELP US! It's only half a day away!

"half a day"???

internal: But.. I'm showing kaori the capitol...


in reality. "Pls help dem".

... okay...

ahhem. Okay and now to read a passage to prove the mc's intelligence which I've been wrongly lie'n about.

Emilia (guild rep) : "the guild basically does not interfere in conflicts between adventurers. Please be fully aware of that."

Smartest MC ever: "Eh? Oh, I understand."

internal dialogue as follows->

A conflict between adventurers... is this a fight? I don't know.

several times: "I know I've been told it several times but I still don't know".

f*ckING WHY!

smartest MC evar: "I don't want to take kaori to see this world because it's to dangerous". His referring to its "dangerous" were world ending existences, or monsters in the most dangerous area in the continent. The only explanation is that the MC is convinced he is the weakest existence on the planet and all those things are common place.


mans that concludes our reading for today. Oh, it seems I was right.. the MC is a box of rocks...

also if you want a drinking game you should have a beer and take a sip when the MC screams in confusion, and or when the MC parrots back the same thing to the speaker. Drunk in 10 minutes guaranteed...

I'll be back soon. You can ducking guarantee it, and if you're asking why not just drop it? 1. I love to read and I've read a lot. New stuff is hard to come by in the genre's I like, and 2. As much as it pisses me off it's interesting.. as much as I hate it I'll stick it out this time till the end. and as much as I razz the author I can't really blame them. It's their story and their world. Guess I'm just sad that I like certain parts so much that I impose my own ideals on how it should be. But f*ck. Fml <<less
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reyanoo rated it
July 10, 2020
Status: v1c7
The Setting of the story had Soooo much potential if not for the extremely wimpy Push-over sad excuse of a human the MC is.

To save your time I urge you to read the spoiler to see what kind of MC to expect.

... more>>

So my brother and sister screwed me over my entire life, they bully me and watched while I was stripped naked and got pictures taken of me at some point just to enjoy the humiliation, and instigate teachers against me, also my whole family hate me cuz am ugly.

and when the only time in my life I had a tiny bit of success, out of jealousy they brought F*CKING gangsters to my new school and took people hostages and wanted to kidnap me and the person who is helping me change my life (UNDER THE INSTRUCTIONS OF MY BROTHER).

But when my brother's plan sunk and the gang leader was trying to beat the sh*t out of my brother for getting his gang in trouble, I jumped in like a hero to protect (THAT SAME BROTHER) and told the gangsters to not touch my family.


Now how can anyone wonder why people are walking all over them when they pull this kind of crap.

the author is an absolute M, and I can only imagine the MC as a 4 year old girl who believes in the power of forgiveness. And I had to drop it at V01 C07 for the reason mentioned in the spoiler. <<less
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NomuSage rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: v5c3
Atrocious story development by an author set on drowning readers in his obsession with sexualizing teen girl characters and an MC who's dimmer than a dead donkey. Crippling s*upidity is taken to dizzying heights and world building... what world building? Staring at the sun is time better spent than this.
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slik rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: v2c1
This was annoying as hell, i've never seen a more badly thought out story as this one, and it had such a great setting too, even among all the jp novels i've read, this is the worse MC i've seen in my life, if you can only enjoy mc's with at least a sliver of a brain, then this is not for you
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Xintest rated it
June 24, 2020
Status: v2c1
I hate Japanese MCs personalities... its cringy in every novel you read

beta - s*upid - without common sense - can't even think 2 seconds into the future - does things that you cant explain why he did it - comes with s*upid explanations that make you want to stab him to death

ugly syndrome is s*upid here.. his family is 1d without any character you cant care about who they are

... more>> he forgive them for 10 years of torture in 2 lines

MC kills any "monster" but is acting s*upid with humans like he didn't see the bad side of humanity when he was tortured for being ugly

MC want to turn everything into money, why? no one knows... he actually don't have any use\used any money... he just want to see the number increase <<less
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Nasap rated it
April 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I cant continue read any more this shit, author San I need to punch your face. This is LN not WN, I'm disappointed in characters, especially our MC. So frustrating cause of mc's dialogues and actions. I'm pretty surprised this story was serialized and allowed to published, sigh. What a let down. Just remove the MC. Hes a fk sissy. To those who dont like alpha mC's this might be your cup of tea. But be warned, you might like alpha more after reading this.

So many contradictions in mc's actions.... more>> Ultimate weapons that can sure kill anyone but in the next chapter it cant kill a goblin king. Just read the 1st book.

Princes love at first site cause sissy saved her from assassin's and asked for marriage. One dimensional character. Lame.


I, Tenjou Yuuya, am being bullied. That's not a recent development; it's been that way for a long time... ever since kindergarten. No matter how much I asked them to stop, they'd only find it funnier and escalate things, and no matter how much I told the teacher about it, they wouldn't help.

On the contrary, they'd even end up saying that I was the one in the wrong.

It would have been fine if I was only mistreated by those guys at school and the teachers...

but I had reached the point that I didn't even get any affection from my family.

Right after I was born, my parents thought I would be a cute child. After all, I was their firstborn. However, they eventually gave up on those thoughts.

My face only got uglier over time, regardless of what I did. Even though I only ate a normal amount of food, my body got fatter and fatter. I tried to exercise, but my weight continued increasing, as if my own body was ridiculing me. Even though I didn't change the amount of food I was eating. [ED: Well there's your problem]

It may be some kind of illness. By the time that thought occurred to me... the affection from my parents was completely gone. The reason was my twin brother and sister had been born.

Unlike me, both of them were beautiful, and my parents showered them with affection.

Their treatment of me completely changed then. The twins would always eat good fresh food, and I'd only get yesterday's leftovers. Really, leftovers were the best I got, and mostly it was only scraps and things that had expired or soured.

I wasn't allowed to wash my clothes together with the twins' because they said the twins' clothes would get dirty if I washed them together, and my clothes would then go unwashed because it would "only waste the water bill."

So, since elementary school, I had always washed my clothes by myself using the park drinking fountain.

Speaking of clothes, the twins could buy new ones, but I always wore only tattered clothes. From elementary school to senior high school, my bags were ratty and tattered, but the twins always had brand new stuff.

The twins were one year younger than me, and for these reasons I had to do a lot of things myself since I entered kindergarten. I envied them a lot. I didn't do anything to deserve this... or did I? No matter how much I tried to appeal to them, my parents didn't give me the time of day.

Even at times when I thought I might be sick, I wasn't allowed to see a doctor. I thought of it as a blessing that I was able to eat the bare minimum amount of food, even though the reason was they still cared about their reputation.

But there were still people who were kind to me, as well. My grandfather, who had already passed away, was one of them. He was always traveling around and would come back with peculiar souvenirs, and was rarely home. But when he came back, grandpa always loved me, the ugly kid.

That was the only way in which I got much more affection compared to the twins. Grandpa was considered a freak for flying around the world for so long and collecting only weird stuff, and my parents were prejudiced against him.

When I was in elementary school, my grandpa's house was close, so I always went out to play there when he was home. Even though my grandpa was incensed at how I was treated, and appealed to the people around me, my appearance and the way people talked about him being a freak caused that to go nowhere. Such a kind grandfather to me... had already died.

"Yuuya, never give up. Look, it's alright. Even if it's hard, if you smile, happiness will surely come. Someday, you'll be able to look back at those people who have done terrible things to you... besides, you still have a long life ahead of you. Don't be impatient, but move slowly and steadily in the right direction. It's okay, Yuuya, I know you can do it."

Those were grandpa's last words. In his will, he gave me the house where he lived and all of his property. Of course, my parents tried to take it away, but my grandpa had made thorough arrangements, so they failed. But as a result, my parents completely abandoned me.

Well, when you think about it, that result was obvious. So I left home and decided to live in my grandpa's house. He didn't have a lot of assets, by any means, and I didn't receive any money from my parents, but even so, my grandpa did have enough money for me to enter an integrated junior high school and attend senior high school.

Thanks to him, I was able to pay the entrance fee and tuition, but the other living expenses were strict, with only the money that my grandfather had left me, and I lived everyday while working part-time jobs.

And now, if I didn't go quickly, I would be late for my part-time job, but I was stopped and forcibly taken to the back of the gym. To be perfectly clear about what was going to happen──

"Know your place, you shitty fat-ass!!"


It was group bullying. I was beaten and kicked many times. I could barely breathe, and since I didn't have any money, I always skipped lunch, so the only thing that came out of my mouth was stomach juices.

After a while, maybe because he got tired of beating me, Takeshi Araki from my class, the main offender of this bullying, grabbed my hair and lifted my face as I was coughing violently.

Araki was the so-called delinquent guy with piercings and blonde hair. He was also wearing a uniform, and was a member of a delinquent group called [Red Ogre], which was active around this high school. I cried out from the way he was handling me.

"Oi, fat-ass. Aren't you forgetting your place? You're my sandbag, and I'll beat my sandbag whenever I want. That's your role... so why are you going home all of a sudden?"

A sharp knee kicked me directly in the face. Blood was streaming from my nose, and my face was in agony.

"Hey, Araki, do you think maybe you shouldn't be so hard on his face? If you hurt him there, everyone can see it, you know?"

"It's fine. No one's gonna look at this kind of tr*sh."

"Kyahahaha! But seriously, this is fun!"

Some flashy looking girls took pictures of me with their smartphones. Araki seemed to come up with something as he watched, and a wicked grin spread across his face.

"Oh right, if you're going to take pictures, why don't you do it when he's butt-naked?"

"Oh! How nice! In that case, let's get more people over here."

"Great, just message everyone you know."

"Ugh!? S-sto... "

"Shut your f*cking mouth, you piece of shit!"

Once again, a kick landed right in my face. My consciousness grew hazy, and I felt like I could pass out at any moment, but if I did that, I had no idea what might happen. However, I was still helpless to change anything, and the people Araki and the others called had already gathered around.

"Hey hey, you said if I came here, there'd be something fun... "

"I never thought I'd see the face of this garbage here."

When I managed to look at the cold voice that was suddenly thrown at me, there stood a very similar brother and sister with well-defined faces. Tenjou Youta and Tenjou Sora... in other words, my own brother and sister.

Since they were one year younger than me, whenever we came across each other in middle school, they had reached the point of looking at me with disdain. This would be my first year in high school, and they were in their third year of junior high, but maybe there would eventually be a chance for us to meet.

They normally wouldn't have any business being here, in the back of this school building, but Araki might have called them over.

"Ah? Youta, do you know him?"

"Yeah, well. I hate to admit it, but he's sort of my big brother... that's what it should be."

"Big brother!? Oi oi, seriously!?" Araki looked at me and laughed. "He looks nothing like you!"

"Well, you know, it's only a relationship on paper, so I don't care about him at all."

"I see I see... Well, that's fine. Let's just have fun today."

By then, nearly 20 people had gathered around, and Araki started stripping me naked. I resisted desperately, and begged him to stop, but after he beat me again, I was completely silenced, and was finally stripped of all my clothes.

Araki laughed triumphantly.

"Oi oi, don't try to hide it!"

"What a disgusting body!?"

Words of contempt and condescension poured in from my surroundings. With regret and embarrassment, I desperately grit my teeth and endured. Pretty soon, the sound of camera shutters echoed all around, and Araki spoke up.

"Thank you for gathering here today! Well then, time for the closing act!"

He looked at me and made a demented smile.

"Take this, you fat-ass! Hi-ya!"

I was knocked out by a powerful blow to my jaw. By the time I woke up, there was no one around, and the moon was already floating in the sky. When I checked my belongings, they had stolen what little money I had, my textbook was torn up and thrown away, and muddy water had been poured onto my clothes.

I wept bitterly on the spot, so overcome with self-pity that it was painful.

Grandpa. What should I do... ?

This... was my daily life


Could anyone forgive those kind of family. No, it's a no no. This guy is a hypocrite. Saying in a situation no matter what you guys are my family.

Ah man my sanity points. Drop dead you MC barstard. Remove the MC just consider night as MC and continue author sans work. Then this story might be little more presentable.

For the fellow readers who are bored and looking for stories, this isn't worth anyone's time to invest. Dont judge a book by its cover. If cover is gorgeous content is shit. If its shitty cover content is golden.

After reading every afterward it seems like Miku San is enjoying her writing. This is so frustrating, let me tell you this, your story was good not bad. Only problem is the characteristic of the MC. Please rewrite the story by altering the MC's personality. An author who enjoying her work will become successful in the future. Just keep up the good work. I'm cheering for you. <<less
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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: v1 afterword
Too heavy on the wish fullfillment vibe.

To the author it feels like what he is telling that all is ok as long as your not ugly. MC is bullied, why? Because he is ugly, MC is abandoned by his family, why again? Its because he is ugly. Yet the moment he became handsome everything changed, I know I'm just being biased but why not just make the MC more average looking then after people got used to him then make him more handsome but what's with the extreme ugly to... more>> extreme handsome, it just reeks of wish fulfullment (sorry for those offended)

It's an isekai with leveling and status. The author made MC stats half-@ssed just to control OPness of MC why not just go all the way. Godlike equipment with incredible effect yet not put to good use especially the one that can inflict fatal injury even with the tiniest wound.


Do you even need to invest in strength stat? You have weapons that can when you are level 1/ instakill a level 200 when MC can barely lift/throw the weapon, MCs natural stat gain in strength is enough as it is more than 10 times the normal person why not invest more in AGI for attack speed & evasion or VIT so MC can take more hits


Near the end of volume one in the real world screams s*upidity from the reactions of everyone involved. <<less
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Liamrw rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: v1c1
EDIT: I forgot to change the stars! Its should be 5 star for me.

I was reading the Webnovel version because I thought that this has no LN version that is being translated, I also read the raw manga that was already at chapter 5. This actually got a LN one! I just found this just now!!

I really like the story, the MC and the characters surrounding him.

... more>> The others might not like it, but this is my CUP OF TEA!

Thanks Nyx Translations for picking this up!! Please do continue to translate this awesome LN! <<less
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LordBored rated it
April 6, 2020
Status: v1c4
It's a fun novel if you're looking for something to kill time. It not really for those who are really detail oriented. But I suggest this book for people who are just looking for something to just read. It's not the best novel but it is interesting.
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