I Became the Hero Who Banished the Protagonist


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I banished the protagonist.

Shit. If only I had transmigrated a short while before.

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주인공을 추방한 용사가 되었다
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  5. Nice story

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25 Reviews sorted by

March 13, 2024
Status: --
I liked it. I'd take Hiril344's comment with a grain of salt as Hiril344 just posts 1-stars in the comments on all the comments he/she makes. Fancies his/herself a literary critic but his/her reactions are all the same. I like how the original party members who left after the story protagonist got kicked out gets to have their screentime and their reactions to the Hero after the MC starts changing his story. I like the threats that the humanity is facing, how they are more like natural disasters instead of... more>> just powerful monsters. And I like that the Hero is not invincible or powerful enough to face those challenges, he makes very hard decisions on how much he sacrifices to win. <<less
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NovelReaderMe rated it
December 19, 2023
Status: prologue
I love how well written this was! While it may have nearly the same plotline as other novels out there with the same genre, not every translated novels are as good as this. Thank you so much!

The characters have their own backgrounds though not as detailed as the Hero's. I would've loved to read Georg's romance with his wife.

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As for the plot, like I stated above, it wasn't too bad. There was character development for nearly all characters. I found the fight scene with the disasters a bit lacking though, since it didn't take long for the hero to defeat it. At the same time, I wish the author could've added a fight scene where the Hero's party really fought with him as a party. I feel like, most of the time it was either the hero fighting the disasters alone/with a partner while the other party members get left behind or that they would be fighting elsewhere. Not to mention they keep having trust issues.


With that all said, I really appreciate the translator for this novel. Thank you so much for your effort. I would love to reread this once the novel's completed. I'll just wait for the new chaps <<less
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Bachingchung rated it
August 3, 2023
Status: c59
This is pretty mid, they change the label of exiled to the hero but it's still the same. MC still being targeted by everyone, MC still have problems with his party. MC still trains since he sucks. It didn't make sense really since the MC still isekai'd to the OG Beta character like every other Isekai, it just happens that he was a hero. It's not someone who's at an obvious upperhand like every other villain, he's still the same character who would die in the OG source.
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June 30, 2023
Status: c77
This novel is good enough and interesting. Tried to MTL but the quality was too different so I'll just wait for the translated chapters.

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The two characters; MC and the Protagonist he banished weren't necessarily enemies, just two people with different ideals and beliefs that cannot agree to one another. If I were to describe it, MC is a hero both in title and character- he wants to save everyone and I admire him for that, meanwhile the Protagonist is kind of a lone-wolf & anti-hero, he thinks its impossible and does the most logical and objective actions even if it causes others death as long as the majority is saved.

The two characters are a contrast to one another and strictly adheres to what they believe in. When they fought, they both realized they could never truly work with one another (I also agree). I personally thought that MC is fit to be a hero, showing good will through actions while Protagonist is more fit to be the underworld boss or something, someone that does the dirty work for the greater good.


I like that some topics such as politics, the weight MC has to carry as a hero, the feelings of the people he (origMC) has failed to save are not being forgotten. I'm more curious on the original MC, I want to know what happened to him. So far I'm liking that romance isn't highlighted, I sense some subtle actions from characters that suggests they might like MC, but MC himself isn't interested (or the actions are subtle for him to perceive) and is more focused on saving the world. On a personal note, I wish we'd have more male characters in the hero party 😩 I also feel that its lacking on the relationship with other characters, like MC doesn't really have someone he can truly trust or treat like a family or bestfriend, his relationship with other characters right now isn't satisfying for me.

If I have to add one thing, sometimes the transition of POV isn't clear. Also I don't know who's talking sometimes, I have to guess who's who. I also do think there were some parts that dragged on for too much...


Like the fourth calamity they had to fought, so much chapters for the build up and then when I thought an epic fight is about to happen... It was just MC slashing his sword and then the next chapter is immediately him recuperating. Why??? I also can't take the injury seriously (from what the duke said to Iris and Arjen) because the novel didn't describe or portray it enough for us readers. Also because he recovered soon enough anyways.

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Triarkdown rated it
August 4, 2023
Status: --
When trying to read a novel always check out few bad reviews and a good reviews.

The characters bland as many reviews say, why ? The story in the creators gigantic brain removed the party members to only copy paste a inferior one dimensional version of them. Like the mage girl kicked out cause.... she supported the original villain hero to harrass the novel protag saint sounds interesting right? Nah She got replaced by a girl who whenever talks has paragraph reminding you how hard her life was... in medieval ages,... more>> we have it hard in modern age... imagine poor life must be rare in middle ages.

The author made every bad decision possible like being woke (doing opposite even if something is good-neutral-bad) <<less
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