I Became a God in a Horror Game


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After losing his job Bai Liu became involved with an unstoppable horror live streaming game full of various monsters and players with killer intent.

Initially, everyone thought Bai Liu was just an ordinary person who strayed into the game.

Later, they realized it was this game that welcomed its god with victory and a laurel crown saying, “Welcome home.”

Associated Names
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Ta Phong Thần Trong Trò Chơi Kinh Dị
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92 Reviews sorted by

November 8, 2020
Status: --
I really like MC!!!

The arc / games is really good! I love it very much. Every game is creative and interesting.

... more>>

Will author really give us 50 minimum games or will they skipped the games? I will be dissapointed if they skip the game progress to the fighting arc.


For me, personally.. I don't think the romance itself necessary.. I think without romance the story itself still be good.


MC met ML end of arc 1, in the end he ask for kiss.

Then many more ambiguous request which is kinda abrupt.

They meet every ending games and he always ask for flirtatious request

I get it he appreciate boss design, but.. Like ???

I ship MC with his police friend, because without the police friend he will went astray, too bad the police has girlfriend, and author seems to 'forced' MC too the bug npc..


Even though I don't like the romance part, I still feel this story is great!! I love MC's personality, bottom line, his relationship with his comrade, police friend, and creative game! I think I know where this will lead to.


He was caught and asked, why he dont have the coin, and was judged as the game maker.

He was confused why MC is different in this timeline

Which make me THIS IS BECAUSE OF POLICEEE FRIEEEND, he protect MC to not lead into astray!!

sigh too bad my ship will sink I think..

I will read for games, horror vibe, not romance.



  1. I read for MC's personality, moral, bottom line, relationship with his friend
  2. I read for horror, and each arc / games
  3. I do not read for romance, cause I feel it isn't necessary to couple MC with him
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mysticfuji rated it
November 13, 2023
Status: c233
All I have to say is that this is one of the best books I've ever read. Hands down, the MC is the type of person I've come to like repeatedly over my years of reading light novels: self-sufficient and selfish. He accepts these qualities about himself, and when in dangerous situations, he uses them to the best of his abilities, always giving it his all while having a plan nonetheless.

If you're okay with the romance taking a while to develop, then this book is also perfect for you. I'm... more>> the type of person who enjoys both fast and slow-paced romance, and even though the buildup takes a while in this novel, the plot is already so interesting without the romance that by the time you realize, 72 hours have gone by, and you haven't slept in days.

Please take the time to savor this novel, I really wish I could read it for the first time again. <<less
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Zales rated it
April 18, 2023
Status: c60
I won't recommend this if you want to read horror genre, author writer style is quite good though.

This novel failed in both horror genre and game setting, for horror it have too many action and battle scene and for game setting it has too many interfering to manipulate games (ex: system nerf players cuz they make good progress without problem) with this it make me annoy and can't enjoy a way characters act to clear game since game rule and way to pass would be interfered constantly.

also I hate this... more>> method of lower every character's IQ so MC would look smart, I understand that make genius character is hard so it can't avoid some hole but to blatantly make characters not notice something that so clear are too much. <<less
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rhianirory rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: c100
not bad. The MC is different enough to hold my interest but only to a point as it's yet another story with a penny-pinching, money-grubbing MC focused on making money (at least this one doesn't have debt and a sick family member). So far he's not an idiot, which is good, and the game system and world building are OK. Not much romance, but I wasn't expecting any at this point (usually IF novels seem to have it much later in the story).

there's already a lot of padding in this... more>> story and after the second copy the chapters take a steep jump from 27 (train) to 55 (orphanage) and then on to even longer. Some people will love all the detail and minutiae, and some will get impatient and find it drags. I found it dragged at times. gonna leave it at a 4 for now but honestly it dropped to 3.5 after the orphanage copy. Between the copy length and the inclusion of a game league as though this were LoL and not a survival/death game, I'm not in a hurry to read ahead anymore. Think I'll drop it for now and come back when it's been properly translated. <<less
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intrimagery rated it
May 12, 2024
Status: Completed
589/589 good read it ruined my brain especially during feb-march 2024 🐙

somethin was lacking in the ending..

i knew it was rushed according to other readers but I didnt know it was that rushed lol

🗿🗿 its a decent HE atleast imo, so ill let it slide

unfortunately I do agree with other reviewers that have talked about how the writing fell off after rose factory arc though.

the arc with bai liu and mu sicheng as a duo pair was a complete snoozefest for me 🥲 I wasnt a big fan of ice age arc either when I was looking forward to it;; but even those 2 cant outdo dense forest as my least fav arc (romance bits was okay, its just that everything was ridiculous even though my overall fav chapter is in that arc which is 311)


but even with the flaws, I enjoyed the read anyway :-)
also really big fan of mu ke, I enjoyed his character a lot. I wish him well 🙏
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stressyjesse rated it
April 25, 2024
Status: Completed
Ok I know that there will be a lot of not great reviews because honestly, its a very long drawn out novel and is often written in a way that is difficult to understand but oh my god I loved it. Be aware, there are a LOT of arcs, it waffles on in some of them, you're not gonna like all the arcs - look it's not perfect - but GOD you will get attached to the characters.

MC - To start off with Bai Lu. I love him. I don't... more>> can't what anyone says about him - cruel, cold, conniving - they obviously didn't read the full story. The more you read, the more his subtle actions of fondness for other characters and his way of interacting with his team becomes precious and endearing. He suffers so much and stays so steadfast in his beliefs and his trust in the team throughout the whole story.

Bai Lu's team - not naming them because that will be major spoilers as he picks them up along the way. The team made me grip my computer in terror, rage and admiration. Some of the team you start of absolutely HATING and then you grow to adore them just as Bai Lu does. My personal favourite is

Mu Sicheng, he starts off as a powerful character with a chip on his shoulder but as you read he become the goofy little monkey who is so staunchly loyal and loving, he truely gave his life for Bai Lu many times and valued him as his best friend. I wept for him and was so happy when we got the happy ending with everyone all together


The ML - It sometimes gets confusing but there is only one ML, and I cried for him throughout this book. He also suffers SO MUCH, and him suffering causes Bai Lu to suffer WHICH HURTS. Very slow burn but you get to eat meat near the end hehe. Spoilers for who he is

Xie Ta, Tavel and Spades are all the same soul, the same love interest, even though Spades gets jealous of the others sometimes because he doesn't know that he is them hahaha


All in all, convoluted story, amazing fleshed out characters with deep backstories, 658 world lines and still there is a happy ending. Chapter 583 to 587 is where I BAWLED my eyes out though. Don't stress we do indeed get a happy ending but it hurts to get there haha. <<less
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Laxyy_ rated it
February 19, 2023
Status: c233
There are not enough words to describe this work of art. But masterpiece is one word that does it but does not describe the extent of chokehold this book has on me. The MC is so smart. God he’s always thinking on how to get the highest profit out of everything. He is obsessive. He is the kind of guy who wants you to trust him unconditionally. He is the kind of guy who wants to have a chokehold on you. He will always protect his companions and wants them... more>> to do the same.

The novel’s word is very interesting. It’s sort of like a beta game and official game. Going further to that will spoil it so I’ll stop at that. They’re given special abilities as usual. The MC’s in particular is a loophole. He can trade things with the others consent and the way he abuses it is so funny and insane. Personally, I really enjoy loopholes. I trick all my friends with it and seeing it in a novel was comforting and funny in a way. Their faces when they got tricked would be so funny to see in real life! Then again, this is a novel where I wouldn’t want to be transmigrated into.

The way that he can eliminate all doubts in him is insane. The way he can unconditionally pursue the same thing throughout everything he went through is insane. The way the place where his past took place was so dark and yet his and ML’s were so sweet and cute is insane. In conclusion, no one in that novel is sane.

The ML, definition of the audio “I KNOW HOW TO HELP YOU NOW! FIND ME IN THE FUTURE! Hello darling. Sorry it took me so long. I went everywhere to find you.” They’re so sweet. They would do anything for the other person.

This novel also has that occasional comedy, (intentional or not) it is very funny to me.

This novel is so scary since you don’t know what’s going to happen next since we aren’t Bai Liu. His brain works different. Would 10/10 recommend.

I’m planning to finish this book in Chinese since I do know the language (just prefer to read in English) for this beauty in particular. <<less
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Ruby_Rose444 rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: c233
Great novel. I love the unlimited flow and the excitement of all the games. MC is seriously unbeatable when it comes to these games. The thing that bugs me is that each arc is too long. Like the 1st arc alone is around 30 or so chapters. But for the first two arc, it just passed by really quick because I was so absorb in the novel. But then the rose factory arc was way too long in my opinion. It was like 50 chapters long. Still, I love all... more>> the little things. Like the author would leave hints and clues foreshadowing an event, but you wouldn’t think of it until the event finally happened and you’re like omg???! Damn!! So that’s was leading to this?!

Anyway, unpopular opinion, but regarding the hunter


Regarding the hunter, to those of you who don’t like him, I personally don’t think that he’s that bad. I feel like his character is leaning more to the unstable side. The author did give him a really traumatic background after all. Like imagine having to watch the one you love die over and over again.

He legit has memories of so many different world and how the Su character and his teammates died. Although, I don’t know how this is gonna end but if his memories were accurate and not just made up by the system, then like he has all the rights to feel hostile to the MC. In some of the worlds, it was mentioned that the Su guy was killed because the MC in those timelines caused it to happen. (MC killed the guy or his subordinates did.)

People have to find a person to direct all their anger and the reason why those traumatic things happened to. He could blame himself or he could blame another person. And this dude blame the MC.

If it were me with all those memories, I, too, would want to kill the MC. Even if I’m not right and I killed an innocent being, then whatever. At least those events won’t happen. At least, my beloved won’t die. I would rather be wrong than allow for my beloved to die before me again.

So I feel that he’s already pretty stable for a guy with so many traumatic memories.

If it were me, I would’ve already gone batsh*t crazy just from losing someone I love. Not to mention having to watch them die over and over again. And still having all those memories.

So I just consider him to be a crazy and unstable character. I can empathize with him more that way.

ps. Regarding the rumors that he mol*st the MC, I feel like y’all are just putting dirt on him now. Coz like all he did was put a finger in the MC mouth to get the coin the MC uses to get into the game. I also believe it was with gloves sooooo~ isn’t that a bit like how a doctor / nurse do things? I heard that some nurse has to wipe a patient bu*t coz they’re paralyze? Idk but if that’s not mol*sting a patient then isn’t the situation with the hunter n the MC the same.

The hunter is a police officer or something like that so. Although I don’t like how he treated the MC w/o any evidence, but like I say I feel like he’s an unstable traumatized patient so I will excuse him for that.


Regarding the ML 😭😭,


This dude appears only 1 or 2 times per arc in the first 3 to 4 arc. He’s legit barely even there. Idk if he appears more in the later chapters but omg I want more of their interactions. It’s so cute.

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Morfzine rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: c257
Arc 1 is underwhelming and honestly I don't include it in any kind of tier list for this novel because how different it is from other arcs. It's because this arc main intention is to introduce the world/game, how it works, and what MC's personality is. Now this novel heavily focused of teamwork, and by teamwork I mean MC's sl*ve doing whatever his command is no matter how outrageous it is, even if it will kill him. It main plot point is how MC will strategize no matter how desperate... more>> the situation is, and how he will absolutely takes a much harder path just to increase his final reward with his seemingly crazy solutions. Which is why arc 1 stick out like a sore thumb in my mind cuz it's a solo instance (and the economic manipulation can't be used anymore after this) + in this arc it really shows how the author confused/haven't decided how their story will be (imagine, at first bai liu will be a herbivore like those mainstream BL MC lol, makes me laugh for weeks).

MC is a charming devil, you know he's dangerous but willingly wants to get close to him. He's obsessed with money even it will cost him his life. He's a genius, an expert manipulator, and will do whatever he can to get that $$$. You may think with a MC like that he will be a ruthless monster, but no, he has some restrain

though the him (s) in the other world are not

that were put by his childhood friend. Though it's is implicitly said that bai liu is a bit autistic, nothing but money can drive him to work, if it doesn't interest him he will not do it (unless they give money), to the extent that his teammates (sl*ve) has to give him salary whether they got into an instance with physical work involved. The MC final goal is not to escape nor abolish the system and release all of the players in from it's hand. He wants to get rich and he put his eyes on a prize which is the tournament. The tournament will fill the rest of the stories after bai liu collect all the teammates he wants.

Now his dream teammates, are f*cking hard to get

there's the one that hate him for his entire being, the one that already in other guild's team and many more


and MC being an infamous master manipulator doesn't help. It's hard to get the trust of even the easiest person on his list. Which will lead us to well, conflict, and this is the good stuff that makes this novel interesting and pretty innovative with their plot. Side character are well written, some of their backstory and motivation even gave me goosebumps on how fascinating it is. It will also linked to the reasons why they *insert negative feeling for MC here*, and may even be used by bai liu to won over them. You may think with the rest of bai liu teammates is his sl*ve, only MC will shine in every instance, but no. This is as I said teamwork focused, they need to be flexible, and that's why in his team there's 1 or 2 vice commander. Non commander team member also has brain and can move independently even after they were separated so no, there's no one man show trope here, all member are important, the only question is which is more suitable in which instances. And uh, there's like, A LOT of inhuman geniuses other than MC. Some of them are even smarter than MC (stats wise), but this doesn't automatically mean they can outwit the MC. While their stats are higher, you see, MC utilize his manipulation and element of surprise while other geniuses


use their godly memory, deep wisdom, and there's even a guy so smart, it evolved into divination

though it also doesn't mean that MC will win against them for most of the time. So yeah, balance, is not just the usual strong vs smarts that were easy to predict.

For those who want to read this, please read it until the end of rose factory arc or at least finish arc 3/loveware institute, because man, that's where the enlightenment will came and where you will realize the entire-ty AKA the actual theme that the author strive to makes, though it might be a bit hard to read for some because of the numerous reversal and deceit. It's a hard recommend to readers that likes brain burning types of novel, and beware cuz other than arc 1, the (temporary) irritation caused by MC hidden strategy and acting is innumerable. It even felt like I'm reading angst not caused by dogblood drama, but by dogblood strategy lol. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention about the ML, so uh, he's already there from arc 1, but has no sense of existence until like, 250 ish chapter. Before that just view it as a harem between bai liu and his teammates (hell, I even ships bai liu with one of the 'male lead' rather than the actual male lead lol).

In conclusion the themes for this novel are : manipulation, dogblood strategy, chaotic team with 3 brains that can somehow work, evil gods, mental illness, stockholm syndrome, trauma, conspiracy and deceit, lots of character with dark past but end up not edgy, revenge?, important past, multiple timeline, important multiple timeline, technically e-sport with the whole tournament thing in later arc ?, depiction of cruelty, allies but somehow also enemies at the same time (the reversal also works), healthy but still deadly sportsmanship, and the most common one, enemies to allies/lover

every allies that MC gets are all enemies to allies, even MC an ML relation ship of full of gunpowder smell when they already dating, they are fighting but the next thing you know, they already making out in front of everyone lol, there also 1 or 2 allies to enemies later though not like, turned into extremely hostile enemies

And damn, this novel still going on strong even with 550+ chapter, a novel with good plot AND 200+ chapter ? That just a guaranteed quality right there. No rushed ending definitely, usually BL with 200+ chapter is just dogblood drama or e-sport. <<less
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Nana24 rated it
July 6, 2021
Status: chp451
Finally, I've read until the latest chp! It was a bit boring in the beginning due to too many chps in an arc, but I was so engrossed upon reading all of the plot twists. MC is calculative, manipulative, yet he keeps his promise, unlike the past replica.

I always thought that MC at least had normal friends among his group, but he does not have at all! I'm quite conflicted towards Lu Yizhan, MC's best friend. His identity is well-hidden unless you realised it. I find that the person who... more>> suffered the most is him; when u read his backstory. Sometimes, I find he is too kind to MC, yet this kindness changes MC to be a person who follows the rules and regulations, unlike his countless past replica. ML provides a chance to Lu Yizhan, which maybe can win the final game set by the evil god.


ML have previous identities that he doesn't remember; 1) when he was 14 years old 2) god-level NPC

The best moments in the 7th game. ML is so innocent, that sometimes I feel so embarrassed for MC. The best part was MC and ML was talking about g-spot, while the NPC is having their good times and was caught. So, ML talks about it, which makes MC feels awkward and embarrassed. Moreover, on the wedding night, he thought cond*ms were to blow balloons, and blow so many that he even need to borrow and buy new ones. 😂

chp426 are the best (like side stories) about their daily life with kisses and ftb scenes (FINALLY, got some actions)

Now, I'm so excited for the current game world, since MC and ML are battling to win in a life and death situation. <<less
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March 21, 2024
Status: --
I'm not going to rate this as I'm almost at the end of arc 2.

So, the first infinite flow horror I ever read was KoD and to be honest it's hard finding novels nowadays that are on that level.

Before I read this one, I thought with the rating and since it's horror I would get the same KoD experience but no.

... more>> The novel itself isn't bad, but for me, a good horror novel is getting immersed in story. Feeling the mood, getting scared and this novel has none of it.

Heck when I read KoD I could barely sleep but I slept really good while still reading this.

Like I said, the novel isn't bad, it's just me. I was expecting some riddle plot solving horror with a bit of action. Experiencing death with the protagonist against the supernatural but nope I did not experience that.

The protagonist is super OP which in some cases I do enjoy. But like I said I was expecting to be scared, to have the mindset that he was going to die instead all I felt after the first arc was how awesome he is and that he is going to make it through.

I know the protagonist was going to survive but all I wanted was the tension of how he does.

In the first arc we get to see what happens to the protagonist when his mental value drops so there is no suspense there when it is used in the second arc.

I wish the author would have taken it slow in how the mental value affected the protagonist in each arc, as that would have brought great tension about his survival to readers. How each stage of the mental value drop affects him.

Another complain I have about this novel is the viewers. I get it the protagonist is awesome but for the viewers to continuously praise his intellect and to have contrast with jealous low level player is just meh. I really didn't appreciate it. But at least you can just skip those part.

You know, I have read novels that are with OP protagonist that I enjoy. I just came with the mentality of this one being different with all the reviews.

I was expecting horror, not a thriller novel with supernatural creatures because that's what this is. I am not a fan of action but I don't mind a bit of it here and there. But for it to be solely action and the plot or background of the game to be thought out by the protagonist without any clues being found and just on simple basis especially for the second arc is just disappointing for me.

I didn't feel the horror just the action. Sigh.

Please this review is not to be trusted as it only based on my feelings.

I will try to read further before planning on whether I should really drop it, but for now I don't think I want to read it in this mood as it would be biased against the novel.

After all my rant, the novel itself isn't bad. If you like action thriller with a hint of horror (supernatural creatures only), this might be for you. If I actually liked action thriller, then I would have definitely rated it 4/5 because like I said the novel itself isn't bad. <<less
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TySunni rated it
January 11, 2024
Status: Completed
Okay. Baffled me at times. ML rarely appears other than to make MC feel angsty and sad. Story gets real bland and writing gets rushed towards the end. Not gonna spoil much but goes downhill after rose factory arc.
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Bai 6
Bai 6 rated it
October 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I feel an indescribable emptiness now that I've finished this story. I will probably re-read it. The translation is bearable and the story is phenomenal. I want to engrave this novel on my soul. I don't know. I'm still crying from the last ten chapters BUT IT'S A HAPPY ENDING (it could be longer though. the fluff was my favorite part of the novel)



i want to... more>> kill bai six <<less
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October 2, 2023
Status: c162 part1
Note: I'm like 90% sure this story is Yaoi after reading like a hundred chapters in. Unfortunately it appears someone didn't put that tag.

So usually I avoid reading Yaoi stories but since I didn't see the tag when I jumped in I thought it was fine. Honestly this story is pretty fire. I'm always a fan of the regular dude becomes a gigachad when he gets put in his zone trope. In this case his zone is thinking on the fly in life/death situations. The Yaoi is so slow that... more>> for the longest time I thought it was just a strong friendship between homies. The first time the ML shows up,

he is shown as an AI in one of the horror games. He is portrayed as possessing a really nice model so the MC asks for his reward to be a kiss.

I had presumed the MC to be fooling around and so when it actually happened I rationalized it being a one off joke. And then eventually as backstory gets revealed you realize that this is almost definitely Yaoi. But still a good story though. <<less
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rizzmaster173 rated it
September 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Side characters are well developed, MC has flaws and is very well written, ML (although appears less frequently in the first part, appears later a lot at the end), well written and is kinda possessive (?).

Plot is really good, has a amazing arcs and the monsters in it are quite nicely done in my opinion.

Main antagonist very likeable (by evil standards) and is written to be hated by readers, so in short, very excellent.
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LynnthaBREADGOD rated it
May 30, 2023
Status: c381
This novel is definitely more for people that have patience as theres a lot of chapters and each chapter has quite a lot of words. I'm actually not really a patient person myself but if you are like me I suggest reading until you can't really read anymore then have a rest or go read other novels and then come back because I personally think this novel shouldn't be missed out on.

About a certain character in the rose factory arc:

... more>>

Tang Erda, I get it if you can't stand it anymore after reading the parts where he is in because I did so myself. I only got through the parts where he is in by bad-mouthing him the whole time ( ̄▽ ̄). He eventually joins the MC's team though and he also gets character development. After this arc, it will probably be better to read through.


About MC's and ML's backstory:


I personally really love these two. Whenever I read parts about their backstory, I feel the need to want to hug them and shower them with love. Especially the part in the clones (i forgot the arc name) arc. Bai Liu also said a line about if he himself is a monster and ML is a monster too then arent they a perfect match (forgot the exact line but this is basically the meaning though)


About the side characters:


MSC LJY MuKe (heck even TangErDa at some point too) etc I love them all without them this story wouldn't be how it is. the villains are... quite something as well. we have a psycho clown, a ?nun?, oh yeah and the queen of hearts I quite like her/his ahem (yes I was shocked to know this too) backstory with Bai 6


Also, at first I read the translated version but after that I started reading the raws (not through mtl as I understand mandarin) so I felt that some of the atmosphere that was portrayed in raws are a bit different in the translated version (probably because of the difference between languages) (not saying that the translator did a bad job they actually did a really really fantastic job!!i really appreciate them for translating this<3)



about the author drama on jjwxc (if you have seen it, u know its crazy) in my opinion I think we should seperate the novel characters from the author but fr can they chill

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yanxyan rated it
February 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I only write reviews for my top novels, and this one definitely deserves 5 stars. The plot is amazing, and with enough foreshadowing that it's easy to tell how much planning was put into the novel. But for me, the thing that stood out the most were the characters and their relationships. All the characters -main and side - had deeply engaging backstories that always made you feel connected to them in some way,

... more>>

Queen's in particular destroyed me


and make you want the best for them, antagonist or not. The wandering circus holds a special place in my heart, no matter how many times


Tang Erda made me wanna rip my hair out at first. Liu Jiayi in particular was a favourite of mine, I have a soft spot for precocious kids.


Bai Liu... might actually be one of my favourite novel protagonists (dokja will forever take the cake, my favourite reader). He's so complex, and his past made it so easy for him to just become evil. The fact that he chooses to remain good (... legally) for the people around him. Just. Yeah, I can't even properly articulate my thoughts about him. Definitely the best morally gray protagonist I've read in a webnovel.

And the romance.. I actually loved it. The ML played a vital role in the story despite barely appearing early on, and is easily one of the MCs biggest driving forces.


Spades as an ML was definitely not what I'm used to, but I grew really fond of that damn lizard


As for their dynamic... I personally loved it all the way through, but I can understand why some people might not like it until the end.


The relationship wasn't exactly the healthiest, and there was definitely some codependency, but that doesn't take away from the story, rather it's very important to the plot.


10/10. would definitely recommend people give it a try and read past the 3rd arc - all the arcs are good, but that's when the overarching plot is introduced. <<less
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rimirinrin rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: Completed

It just became my top IF novel.

I appreciate the long arcs (30-50 chapters per arc) because they fully lay out the storyboard with lots of foreshadowing and the world building is really well done. I've read a few other IFs but none were as close to this. The relationships between the characters are so delicate. How all the puzzles fell into place was very well planned by the author. The author also used a few lines from famous poets/people which was nice, also her inspirations from Cthulu Mythos was pretty amazing. I think this is one of the IFs that made me cried the hardest.

Characters wise, MC Bai Liu is a morally grey character. Even so, seeing what he does will still make you like him. He's not perfect, but he's not a bad guy too.

I like how pure ML is, his reactions are sometimes really naive and adorable. However as ML is designated as a supporting role, his focus was not as big as MC.

The side characters were quite well developed, they had outstanding personalities and not just another character that was used to complement or act as a backdrop for the MC. I like how each of their background stories were elaborated so you get to know them better. You'd get really attached to them. There's a character Daniel whom I originally hate but sort of put down my hate towards him at the end so this was kinda surprising.

As usual, romance is slow burn that starts at around chapter 200+. The smut was well written without the explicit details but already takes the cake for an IF novel.

If I had to nitpick, I didn't like the ending. It felt a bit rushed and there's a point that wasn't explained well enough (not sure if it's because of my ability to understand) and the HE didn't give me a sense of "ahhh finally" kind of feeling.

Some of the arcs are quite memorable. I'll mention a few without spoiling.

Rose factory arc: The romance deepens, you get to know a bit more about their relationship. There's a few meaningful phrases from here that I really liked.

Frozen tundra arc: Broke my heart totally. The game's experiment on humans was very deep. What makes a human a human?

Haunted village arc: Had a heart wrenching story although it was initially pretty creepy. I enjoy the chinese horror setting with Maoshan Taoist magic involved.

Evil god festival arc: I think this is where the the co-relationship between the MC and ML clears up, very touching and painful arc.

Qiaomu Private High School: Most of the plot holes are filled up. There is a whole chunk of romance plot here. It's filled with love and friendship all put to test. Very touching arc.

Drowning person from the future: For this final arc I cried all the way to the end. I binged this arc and even though I knew this IF to have a HE, I still cried a river.

No regrets using one month and 1 litre of tears reading this novel.

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hanarealbess rated it
April 11, 2022
Status: c42
MC is op in a way that is sort of ridiculous.

The ML in the first arc is made to seem like a world breaking problem. 1 hit is instant death for whole teams. But the MC gets hit by him and is fine?? He literally starts laughing. When his mental state is at 3 (you have hallucinations under 60 and go crazy under 20) he's just fine. He can still think and has the time to trick others no hallucinations in sight. He even goes down to 0.1 mental state when he should have died but you have to read the scene to know why it made so little sense.


The IQ of everyone goes down around MC

God Mu has two very expensive items stolen from him by the MC and keeps associating with this thieving stranger? He doesn't stay away from this guy who keeps tricking him (especially when he doesn't know HOW he's taking these things) and he instead follows MC into this really dangerous, suspicious instance. Why tho?

Also I don't like the MCs personality but I should've read the tags and seen evil protagonist so that's my fault. I'm not all that bothered by the spectators during the first arc because I mostly skimmed through what they were saying and it just didn't annoy me like others 🤷🏽‍♀️
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cpzombie rated it
April 10, 2022
Status: c118
I really don't understand why this is rated so highly. The main problems are contradictions, ass-pulls, and the absolute idiocy of all characters. There are plenty of contradictions with previously established things, such as the cost of a skill going from half of a current value to a flat 50 points, or something suddenly being restricted when it was clearly not previously. The most egregious one is the MC having 0 luck yet constantly being incredibly lucky.

That leads into the ass-pulls. The MC always ends up surviving because of some... more>> impossibly-lucky nonsense, and then it's treated as if he's a genius that planned it all out. He constantly makes huge assumptions with barely any evidence, and then magically he is always correct instead of the myriad other possibilities that fit just as well or better.

The evil protagonist tag is a lie as well, unless he changes later on. He can be somewhat ruthless, but he hasn't done a single evil thing yet.

It's not like it's unreadable (aside from the first arc spectator commentary, that was absolute cringe that I somewhat regret subjecting my eyes to), but it isn't nearly as good as I was expecting and I don't really have much desire to continue reading it. <<less
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