I am an XXXL Con***


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I am an XXXL cond*m

But because I am too big, no one had bought me, until one day…

Someone finally set their hands on me!

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One entry per line
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FrostyDragon rated it
June 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Put off reading this for a while because the title just made me think the story would be too dumb. It turned out to be quite good. Basically the MC transmigrate into a pack of XXXL cond*ms every night, he's under a curse where he'll be a pack of cond*ms until someone uses up the package completely. The MC is the typical dense gay-in-denial while the ML is devious and pretty h**ny, but a nice guy who's genuinely in love with the MC and ofc turn into a very sweet,... more>> clingy lover when they finally get together.

Lots of smut but also good comedy, some secondhand embarrassment and many funny moments. Overall pretty wholesome, entertaining and a quick read - the chapter are short so you can read it in a few hours.

Thanks to the translator for picking this up, it's a gem! <<less
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May 17, 2022
Status: c13
Um if you are the type to be turned off by any case of misunderstanding or lying (for honestly no reason but for the obvious one for plot/smut progression), this is not for you. I really mean the existence of any of it, because to be very fair, it started late at ch 13 where I'm dropping it lol.

So it might be just one instance of it so the smut can move along. And if just a couple times (I assume?) of using misunderstanding/lying for plot doesn't bother you, this... more>> could be very good. I was very much enjoying this prior to this. It's funny, kinda surprising, and lighthearted. I was so excited to see how they would get them to do it together that when the author used such an obvious lie plot device, it was just so boring I dropped it. It's probably just me so go for it if you have higher tolerance / lower expectations.

If you're here for smut only, I don't blame you and this review probably did nothing to clean the lube off your hands. U do u. <<less
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