High Energy QR Code


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Xing Ye couldn’t accept the sudden death of his younger brother, and as he searched for answers, he recalled the QR code he once saw on his brother’s phone. Having a photographic memory, he was able to quickly sketch out the QR code. Upon scanning it with his phone, he then finds himself transported to an all-white room, where, at the very middle, a giant cube was afloat.

Xing Ye then learned that his brother was a player in this Game of Challenging Fate, and to learn how his brother died, he signed himself up to it.

Later, he gets ahold of a sentient mirror, and the very existence of it hints at the truth of what this Game is really about.

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Mã QR năng lượng cao
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New wkhekwjewkej rated it
May 16, 2024
Status: Completed
A disgustingly underrated read. Possibly the best infinity flow in technical aspects.

This novel does EVERYTHING right. Flawless Logic with a MC who's not 'stereotypical smart' but ACTUALLY smart? Someone who actually KNOWS what he's doing? No luck involved and everything was thought through??? (Looking at you Tang mo) And I haven't even started on the ML.



    • I love the concept of QR codes and how it's integrated with the survival games and all if I'm being completely honest (coughs) It's been a LOOONG Time since I read this so I don't remember what the entire basis was but I know that the concept is actually super interesting.
    • Main point is that it doesn't stray from the main conflict, if you've read a lot of Danmei you'll find out that a LOT stray from the 'initial' conflict especially after the couple gets together- here, you don't see that. It's a satisfying, fulfilling read with all questions answered.
    • Perfect Logic. Absolutely amazing instances- It's not horror like KOD but more similar to novels like QQGK or card room wherein it's more focused on problem-solving and puzzles. Extremely well done, it's much more detailed and thought-out compared to card room while being more engaging and plot-focused compared to QQGK.
    • I also want to mention how it's NEVER repetitive and each arc has a different character or storyline shining especially so in the later parts of the story. Like if I were to take TEIO into consideration- till the end it was pretty rinse and repeat albeit still really fun to read.

    • Xing Ye oh Xing ye, our MC has to be possibly the SMARTEST characters I've seen executed perfectly. 160 IQ means 160 IQ. I get really fed up when I see characters like Tang Mo or Xiao Lou (was that his, name from card room) Xing Ye is a businessman (i think coughs) and from the way he solves puzzles to laying out his thoughts- you can not only see a combination of genius but also his experience, he breaks everything down extremely logically and considers every aspect (like how you should) The former two remind me more of transmigrators honestly, it just feels like they've got a powerup due to additional knowledge shoved into their brains (like an IQ pack or something) not that they actually worked it (IQ is a mix of nature and nurture.) One more thing is I love how he isn't a picture-perfect guy, Xing Ye has his flaws and character development.
    • Lu Mingze our ML is so cute. Like he doesn't have to do anything and he's cute. Usually his kinda rich- naive- youngmaster character pisses the life outta me because 1. They're naive/immature 2. Subconscious superiority complex etc. But my baby is ANYTHING but that. He's naive yes, but not because he's immature- no. He's seen the world, he just chooses to think that way. He's also very open-minded- I can tell it's because of how beautifully his parents have raised him. He's a sweetheart through and through. And even if he doesn't have a body for most of the novel he was really REALLY useful.
    • Side characters are CHEF'S KISS. Yan Hebi baobei god my child suffered in many ways. (Did he fall or not is the question) sometimes you see side characters for comic relief or some personality- sometimes they're fleshed out and have their development, BUT. Have you seen side characters that actually CONTRIBUTE as much as the MC AND ML?? Not just there for rainbow farts? And and at the same time they still don't outshine the two stars because they all stand out in different ways?? Please read this novel.

    • No s*upid Jealousy or Possessiveness for no reason that's repeated like washed out cloth. Every action is healthy, rational and thought-through? I mean their lives are on the line, do you see them act hasty? Impulsive? Why are they so perfect???
    • Let me tell you, I was SKEPTICAL! ML doesn't have his body for like most of the novel- a relationship purely built on TRUST, TACIT UNDERSTANDING AND FRIENDSHIP. (Let me get some tissues) How. Was. It. So. Cute. The scene where Xing ye

      kissed the mirror

      will never leave me. I will NEVER FORGET IT. (My scalp is tingling help) Literally best IF relationship (my tops are XuQiao, DongZui, JiuHuo)
    • Ugh why do I even HAVE TO EXPLAIN why they're the best ever, can't you just read it yourself.
I read this before it was translated now I have to read it after it's translated, I love Cyan wings, I love Cyan wings, I love Cyan wings (important things need to be said thrice.) I'll take my leave then, please read the book. Bye.

Critical rating: 5/5 Overall: 5/5

edit: sh*t lmao. I just realized I always do cons but the thought NEVER EVEN CROSSED MY MIND LMAOO. Cons are it's too short I guess (shameless)
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Shadowdrop rated it
March 6, 2020
Status: c166
Short review: The author is really good at thinking outside the box. The arcs are very engaging, the MC is very smart but not stereotypical OP, the side characters have personalities and are important, the romance starts quite late, but is extremely adorable and it happens after there is a base relationship of trust and care.

Long review: MC goes into a game world to find out the reason behind his brother's sudden death. There, he is allowed to choose between two camps: 'blessed by fate' and 'opposing fate'.... more>> The camp opposing the fate has a lucky value of 1%, but MC chooses it anyway (for reasons).

    • MC is super smart
    • The games are 'camp vs. Camp', 'players vs. Environment' and 'players vs. Players'. However, players are not obligated to win in a predetermined manner - for example a PvE world can be won through PvE, PvP or a mix of both.
    • The games are interesting and unexpected, but there is no forced logic. Some moments made me think "I should have realized that!". The information given to players is very little, players need to solve the clues to understand the task. However, following the clues and forgetting that initial little bit of information can be dangerous.
    • There is a dumb (but cute), energetic little mirror
  • Although MC is the 'mastermind', he works well with other people. It's not a one-man-show, nor a 'two lovebirds going against the heavens'.
  • The side characters are well-developed and have personalities right from the start, rather than developing them when it becomes relevant to the story
  • MC cannot 'defy heavens' - no matter how much he wants something to happen, there is only magic but no miracles.
(Btw, the romance only starts to show itself in third arc - but don't worry, the story is so good that it does not need romance to hook a reader. And when the romance finally starts to appear, it is sooo cute! It's beyond adorable.) <<less
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IndusEla rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is underrated. Believe me when I say this, this novel doesn't deserve a rating below 4.5; it's a pretty good read.

It's a survival novel in which people have to enter the game periodically to do missions. All the missions are intense, original, engaging, and super fun. The main character is a super smart and successful guy and he's the SEME. That's so rare!

The ML aka uke is someone who you wouldn't expect. At all. He's such a cutieeee, I love him.

All the side and supporting characters were well... more>> rounded, went through character development, and had a lot of presence. This novel actually had both the leads growing as people.

I don't understand why the actual good novels are dropped. If you don't read this, you'd be missing out on a lot. It's easy to MTL. <<less
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ApolloAresZues rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed reading this and was actually really sad when I realized the end was upon me. After finishing, I think it's been added my top 5 of the unlimited flow genre, alongside Card Room, The Earth is Online, Paintings of Terror, and Supernatural Movie Actor App. The highlights of this book is the various missions (which might not be unique in terms of bare plot, but more in execution and solving it), the MC (who was OP as f*ck but in a way that made sense and made... more>> you root for his win) and the side characters (who are developed and actually help out and contribute. No one man show here). I'll go into detail for each one now to give you a feeling of the novel. A disclaimer that there was romance in this too, but it was very light and took a backseat to the plot and the MC himself (who is a gong/seme btw). Even the author admits at the end that this story is more of a journey of the MC getting to the end of the game. So expect that.

I'll start by explaining the overall plot. MC bro passes away and MC investigates his death and remembers a QR code on his phone. He redraw it from memory (almost perfect memory is one of his skills for later) and enters the game. The game allows you to pick between two camps upon entering, fate camp or rebelling against fate camp. The first gives you 99% luck and the second gives you 1% luck. These effect alot of things, your role in the missions, whether you QR codes (skills), what happens at the final level. As a player you have both initial skills and acquired skills (via one use QR codes you find) which require points. Each mission completion let's you get points, once you reach 50, 000 you become a high level player and can exchange points for real money, and the game gets harder. If you die in the game, you either lose half your points or return to the novice world (first world), it's different depending. But there are still ways to die in the real world, like MC brother. Heres a spoiler with more in depth explanation on the game.

So the game is a Rubix cube that shows black and white, and while the game seems to be pushing players toward darkness, it rlly wants them to stay in the light. Picking the fate camp automatically means you chose the dark side, the "easy" way out, even though for most it was a casual choice. So from the beginning fate camp is destined to lose the game even if they reach the final level, they're bound to fail and become a prop to be taken by the rebelling fate camp. As for the rebelling fate camp, they are also basically bound to fail once they get a living prop. Because eventually most end up dispelling the consciousness in the prop, killing the prop both in the game and on reality. Real mu*der brings them to the dark side, so they'll never be able to win the game. Same is true for exchanging points for money. There are alot of pits the game has that dont allow you win in the finale, which is why no one has won so far.

In the game, there are 2 endings. The "surface ending" which is easiest and what most people achieve. Only gets you a few hundred points. Then theres the "perfect ending" that discovers all secrets of the world and beats the system itself. Explanation will be expanded upon as I go.


Now let me continue with the best part to me, which were the missions. The missions themselves were pretty generic settings wise. I believe we had

1. Western fairytale world with evil queen that banned all mirrors (MC is a girl here that is the most beautiful of them all lol and has recently picked up a mirror)

2. School campus world with several on campus ghost stories that players have to solve

3. Puppet world where puppets have human nature so lie all the time

4. Hospital world with parasitic creatures infecting everyone

5. Loopy world where imagination comes true

6. Casino world

7. A village world that sacrifices children to the gods. MC is a child.

8. Train world. 20 vs 1 (MC).

9. Parallel reality world with 2 of MC.


All pretty basic, you've probably seem them before in one or two other unlimited flow novel. But this novel is different and special in its execution, the rules of the system, the loopholes, the pits (lord the pits lol) and the way it has a surface and perfect ending so that theres always something more than a basic world. For example

In the fairytale world, MC actual mission isnt to kill the evil queen (seems like it though right?). This is a 3 vs 1 where these three people are allowed to choose an ending for the MC and for themselves. These 3 other people are given important positions in the world to better manipulate his actions. MC has to avoid those endings (basically he has to avoid 6 different endings, his own and theirs PIT). Even if that means he doesnt kill the queen or start a revolution, but rather ends up kind of like cannon fodder.

Another example is the campus world mystery. In most cases you're just solving each mystery and resolving them. But if you follow that, you just get a surface ending. In this case, there is an overarching mystery that connect everything, with a ghost being the wronged party and the living person a wolf in sheeps clothing. If you only find half the clues and help the living person, the ending is a surface one (kind of a BE). But if you realize the back story and see from all the sides and catch all the people involved, it's a perfect ending.


So yeah I just really enjoyed the way the author took common setups and put their own interesting spin that made everything so much deeper and made you have to look closely and second guess all information. If you ever get too focused on one thing or arent openminded, you lose sight and get led away by tha game, who never stops trying to pit people! Pits are literally everywhere!

On to the next topic, MC. MC is cool guy, a smart big brained guy that uses logic and IQ to power through life. Also a workaholic. His skills are

Being able to redraw QR codes and have half of the effect. Being able to remember 50% of what he sees. These are his initial skills that he can use long as he has points, and are related to what he is good at in real life.

Hes afraid to trust people and knows it, has a bit of an ego because of his smarts, and has a hard time with emotional affairs. That being said his three world views are very clear and he keeps a bottom line on his heart for the majority of the novel. He also changes and learns to trust those around him. This novel is all about teamwork and the power of multiple people.

One of the best things I like about him is that all the things he concludes actually make sense. There was never a moment I felt the author was reaching for plots sake when it came to his conclusions. Sometimes authors want the MC to be smart, but dont want to explain how they came to conclusions or the explanation is so flimsy you can tell they just desperately wanted this part to be over so they can continue with the plot. Like yes, MC knows this enemy was his way to this secret warehouse in the middle of no where because he simply does! He does ok! MC here is not like that. The author does not mind letting MC explain to us and other characters in depth about how he came to conclusions, step by step, even explaining previous points again lest we forget (I forgot alot ok).

Even for battle plans we get plenty of explanations and also reminders on the usage for the QR codes (lest you forget because I did). I never felt like MC was harboring knowledge he shouldn't have, like some MCs know how to stitch wounds, use psychological warfare, acting, know poisons, know random facts like the temperature lava hardens at, know how to fight, know how to get other peoples goodwill, all while having godly luck. All at the same time. Somehow. MC here is slightly different. His main skills are his memory and his ability to observe and reach conclusions. Factual and logical. He can also fight physically, we rarely see it though because that's not where his skills are needed. He acts harmless on occasion, but it's not oscar worthy and it's only momentary for buying time. He mostly uses his brain and kind of predicts what the enemy will do in fights, and what the system will do to pit him and other players. Then thinks up countless scenarios to counteract to. He even takes into account things like luck value of fate players and rebelling fate players, even using bad luck to his advantage!

Now that I'm thinking about it MC is actually a really wary and suspicious person, how often he planned like 5 back up plans alongside main plans. He really accounts for everything, even loyal friends betrayal is accounted for in his head, just in case.

Next up is the side characters. The side characters that team up with him are developed well and given time to grow with him and without him. They make up for what the MC lack and can help execute his plans, proving their strength. There are like 3 side characters I liked and appreciated. Well 4 technically. Maybe 5-ish?

1. Cao Qian, who has sacrificial soldier syndrome I would say. Her previous partner only valued her for her physical strength and never allowed her to think for herself. With MC help, she began to think on her own and draw conclusions by herself. She also realizes her value outside of sacrificing herself. Her power showed through her decisiveness and physically prowess.

2. Guan Ling, a former gambler whose wife and child left him. His abilities are able to basically heal wounds and stop group attacks, except he cant have any QR codes as a side effect while using it. That made his previous team let him walk around empty handed all the time, only being used and walked over. He never learned to fight and was used to being passive. MC made him want to change and also to learn to do more for them team than use his initial skills.

3. Yan Hebi, a womanizer but not really. His skills involve computers but the skill he used the most was interpersonal relationships. He befriended females NPCs all the time and picked up important clues by winning the favor of female NPCs, turning the tide. He was a nice guy that had a bottom line, but was weak for women lol.

4. LinLin, a fate player turned into a prop. She is Cao Qians prop. She played the game to escape her mediocrity in real life, but never put any effort into it nor made moves to win. Basically a salted fish. But yknow the game sees that as a negative trait and she was destined to turn into a prop. She discovers hope again by becoming Cao Xians, though we dont see much of her later.

5. The hidden side character Xing Shao, MC brother. We never actually see him personally (at least not the real him anyway) but his presence is felt and discussed about all throughout the book. He never gets forgotten even at the end. We learn more about his death and can kind of infer what happened. He was a fate player that realized his own ending and managed to do some things to set up for MC to enter the game before he died, so MC can finish what he couldn't.


That's it for the side characters. Lastly, on to the romance. The romance was okay. If this novel is a 5, the romance alone would be a 3. Like I said before, it took a serious backseat to the plot and had less development. It occurred with the MC took breaks but all but dissapeared when the plot started back up. I didnt mind this at all, as the plot is way more interesting than the romance. This was more a warning for those coming strictly for romance. This has about as much romance as Card Game, with a greater frequency since its shorter. What I mean is basically small moments every 5 chapters or so, nothing too deep either. Heres more explanation on that

The ML is introduced right at the begining and is ML prop, a mirror, because he lost the final mission (as was destined). The two grow closer because ML is a positive and narcissistic person who uses intuition to get by most things in life. Hes basically a little prince fallen on hard times, with a small temper that he forgets fast. His beauty is talked about alot, because it involves his skill. But because hes a mirror for basically the whole book it isnt shoved down your throat. I liked him and found him cute. He was also really useful and helped to broaden MCs view, as well as prevent MC from falling into depression.


They were cute as a couple. But I wasnt squealing over the romance and was always more concerned about the plot and MC. Nothing wrong with that, because author was not trying to sell you a grand romance. They knew what they wanted to focus on and kept everything else cute. Anyway, it was a nice addition but it wasnt the focus by any means.

In conclusion, this is a good book for those who enjoy heavy plot and mystery, with OP MCs with double your own brain cells, but you can still understand them. Solid world building and not many plot holes. This is not a horror focused nor romance focused unlimited flow so dont come for that. I'd say read this if you like Card Game type of novels, though it's not very similar the breakdown of mysteries and the thorough explanations for MC plans, as well as the teamwork focus are similar. To really sum this up, it's a novel that makes alot of sense. <<less
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Geroker rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Edit: completed update.

Wow, wow, wow.

My god it was perfectly constructed from beginning to end.

What a perfect novel it made me laugh and cry and fist pump with victory and oooh at the best twists.

My ability to review it keeps deteriorating, I've reached the stage where I love it so much I can't talk normally. Hfhfjsbdnksbd.

I just want to say that I really, really love how it handles character growth! It's so good! ... more>>

In the beginning of the story MC is kind of superior to everyone, but because he supports people by the end a lot of people are standing much closer to him. Also, the ML who I said was more cute than competent, boy oh boy by the end of the story that was not the case he becomes very, very competent (but he was still also very, very cuuute)


I also love how every world gets harder and harder. I really felt and believed in the stakes.

The final conclusion was thematically soooooo satisfying.

Off to read the epilogue. Edit: also so good! I was not expecting how that worked out but was very, very pleased with the choice.

Edit: chapter 179 update.

The novel totally deserves the 5 stars I gave it initially but I wish I could somehow add a star!

I am so impressed by how well it has maintained tension and interest, the variety of the worlds, how the growth of all the characters is handled... Unless there's a bad ending this is going to have to go into my top 5 novels of all time, it is so consistently well done over such a large amount of content. I have not been bored once, the worlds and challenges are so interesting and the pacing is perfect, not too slow, not too fast.

I can't even compare it to other novels at this point, it stands so well on its own. Not going to erase the comparison below...

Ch 65 review:

This reminds me a lot of Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From the tr*sh Bin, which I mean entirely as a compliment. The plot and setting are original, not plagiarised, but the themes, tone, pacing, character types etc are similar. If you liked that, you are very likely to like this.

Like Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From the tr*sh Bin, you have a very smart savvy MC that immediately distrusts the overall system and goes directly to thinking outside of the box. And for good reason, since like DPUBFTB, human suffering appears to be the primary goal of the system (its a little more ambiguous here than there, at least 65 chapters in...). There's a strong overall theme of defending the innocent and destroying people who take advantage of others, and of trying to help restore to rights people who have been trampled on.

The romance is very slow! There has been nothing specifically romantic rather than friendly in the 65 chapters I've read thus far (although the couple is obvious within the first few chapters). A slowly growing to deep trust kind of relationship. The ML is more "cute" than competent but finds his own ways to be helpful.

The plots are excellent, really well thought out, deep, intriguing. Actually, another similarity to DPUBFTB there. This isn't technically a QT (but it's pretty close) and it dodges the bullet that genre tends to have, where the worlds all blur together into an unimportant mess, the focus solely on the couple, with the worlds just sort of background flavor. The book even explicitly calls out the other players for treating worlds as scenery. Taking the world seriously and caring about its outcome is, in a way, the MC's superpower (lol no his superpower is that he's smart, super paranoid, and crazy attentive to detail.


in one world he's born literally missing the arm he needs for invoking his special powers and his friend comments that if the system really wanted to cripple him they'd need to take away his brain




edit from later: omg the system literally attacks his brain in the next world lol. The character is very capable but the worlds just ruthlessly get harder, A+ for maintaining tension...


Oh, one more thing, this novel has some really great side characters which is nice.

Kudos to the translator for picking this up, hope it gets the amount of readers it deserves, its really solidly done. <<less
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crystalwings rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Author must have an IQ of 500, I can't even. The protagonists are hella smart and the plots are so nuanced.

I feel like a genuine potato when looking at the main protagonist lol.

10/10 recommend, very fun read!
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Larsn rated it
September 11, 2020
Status: Completed
This is really a good story, I was a bit undecided on my rating, as there is no half points, but I really think it should be around 4.5.

  • The Story
Is really engaging and intresting, with every new game world becoming more complex and intricate. The storyline of the system world is also very interesting. Although there's not really much horror and the game itself is more about logic and fighting against human nature, it's still just as good. Some horror elements are still present, like cutting body parts,... more>> ghosts and demons but they aren't really the main point.


I like how in each world the MC fights against the system, emphasising how it's not the other players or the game bosses who are the enemies but always the system itself. It's really interesting to see all the pits the system digs for the players each time and how the MC manages to logic them out. Also, I always felt like the system is particularly cute, but maybe that's only me.


  • The MC
Is super smart and cool, with an almost perfect memory. He's mostly the mastermind and leader behind the game victories but he still isn't super OP and can't do everything on his own. I especially like how this story puts teamwork first. It's often reiterated that one can't win alone. Even the MC's super memory is not like the unrealistic one we are often shown in other stories.


I love how you literally can't win on your own and how the division of camps at the beginning means different thing for each camp and is the biggest pit of the system... they need to be a pair if they want to win but the system does everything it can to make them distrust/dislike each other and, once the Luck players get turned into props, to make the ones in the other camp who picks them up want to destroy their consciousness, thus also destroying their chances to win


It's really an interesting and complex mechanics, like all the others in this story.

In the beginning I though the MC was the shou (didn't check the tags, I know) and I was super happy with finally having found such a strong one, as powerful as the other Gongs usually are. I mean, in all the other stories it's like there's a limit to how much powerful the shou can be, as if he can't touch the power line of the Gong, who always has to be one step higher (uhg, the nerves.. why can't they just be equals? Or at least equals in different ways/things!)

Still, even after discovering the MC is the Gong I wasn't too disappointed as he was super manly and good to his shou, not wanting to chain him or limiting his growth (or, well, re-growth) by "helping" him.

  • The Side characters
Are all well thought out from the start, with their own personalities and desires which move them. With the MC's help, they grow alongside the story progress to be really strong in their own rights. Not only in skills but also in personality.

They fight against their own self, their problems and insecurities to become better. Each one has their own role and skills and is important to the progress of the game worlds. The MC really relies on them as they on him.

  • The ML
Is super cute and is the shou, for once. He may appear a little useless at the beginning but by the end he can show his real skills and becomes super useful. He also grows in both abilities and personality, from an entirely instinctual person to someone who can also think things through and argument his choices (well... not really to the second one. Sometimes. He often still can't explain why he chose to do a specific thing. Still, at times it does happen...)

And from an entirely narcissistic person, to one who can love someone else as well.

  • Their Relationship
Is a bit slow burn but I think the progression time is just right. They first build up mutual trust and respect before progressing naturally into something deeper and deeper. It may lack a spark of passion at times, maybe, but it's not really important (also understandable seeing the ML's condition.) It's still quite cute and deep.

Both parties are pretty equal in the relationship, especially by the end, which is something I find quite rare to see. They complement each other quite well, with the ML's narcissism and the MC's more hidden love for his own IQ. It's cute how they still manage to fall for each other so compeltely.

As the MC said: if one really completely loves oneself, when he loves someone else and sees them as their equal, they can only love them completely as well.

  • The MC's Brother
I feel needs his own dedicated section. I feel like his and the MC's story together is really complex, both sad and warm. It gets explored more as the story goes on and we are shown more of his character. For what I understood there are some people who don't like him but I feel like he's really a fundamental point in the growth and life of the MC.

He's got a pretty complex personality but in the end he really loves his big brother and always strives to surpass him, whom he sees as the top of perfection. I think it's cute.


He's really a foundamental part of the story progress. He was the one to mastermind his brother's entrance in the game world and the one to help him reach the ending by giving him many clues and pushing him on even when not present. I still find it really sad that their real world relationship was shown to not be really so good. As in, they loved each other very much but for various things they were not really so close. The MC didn't know his little brother's real personality either as he'd always shown a good, clean and well behaved personality before him, probably wanting to only show him his best.


His presence was felt from the first chapter to the last one, really an invisible second character. I think his relationship with the MC should have been explored a bit deeper, still.


I'm really glad he got his own second chance at redemption (and at beating his brother) at the very end. Just sad he won't be able to reunite with the MC.


  • The Epilogue
Was really good and surprising as well. It was funny and heartwarming and I liked how the author ended this.

Wow, I feel like I really wrote too much this time. Still, this is really a good read, probably only second to "I rely on poverty to sweep through survival games" for me right now. It still lacks... something to become number 1, but it's really good anyway. <<less
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crustyturtle rated it
August 11, 2020
Status: c68
the other reviews made me want to give this a try and I wasn't disappointed :)


plot: the MC, xing ye (gong) finds himself transported into another dimension/world trying to investigate his younger brother's death. In this world there are players and you have the option to choose what "camp/team" you're a part of.. [Fate/blessed by fate] or [anti-fate/opposing fate]. Mc's goal is to find out the truth behind this qr world/his brother's death and

fate players turning into props after the final level


    • similarly to other unlimited/infinite flow novels there are points, skills (and initial/innate? Skills), and special props.
    • the romance is a slow burn. They both help each other and want the best for each other ;) the uke is really adorable

      I like how he isn't just a pretty boy but sort of a narcissistic sharp pretty boy.


    • MC is smart and calculative he thinks things through and isn't reckless. He also cares about other people's futures but not to the point where he's a saint who tries to "save/help" everyone. and isn't completely OP.
    • side characters are developed and they stay with the MC along the journey
    • each world is interesting although his tasks seem trivial at first he always sees the big picture and completes the story.

      I'm currently on the 3rd? World puppet city.


    • Spoiler

      I don't know if this should be considered a negative but the mc's only weakness is his younger brother. Every time his brother is brought up he is literally emotionally distressed and he kind of like breaks down? Which makes sense but it's weird seeing him being calm one moment then all emotional the next. Not saying that he doesn't have feelings or anything.

    • Spoiler

      again idk if this counts as a negative but like the only reason why the MC got closer to the uke/bottom was because of his brother and he had to open up to raise affection points.

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Kastiel rated it
October 3, 2022
Status: c91
One of my favorites, and I am a picky bastard.

What I am usually most afraid of in Bl is that the relationship may be abusive and romantized

This is not like that at all

After being traumatized by some writers this is one of the novels that still keeps my hope alive and myself without trauma
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Reltu rated it
August 16, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this like months ago, but decided to write the review now, as I've started writing them more and this novel doesn't have enough attention. Meaning: I might have forgotten some good points and things regarding the novel, so it will be a bit short.

This novel was good, clever and well written. The last part I can say is true as I read the MTL and still could imagine the world and what was happening. The novel kept me wondering what will happen next, how will they solve this... more>> problem, will they win and so on and so forth. It truly was about survival games and the troubles they faced. Every survival game room was so different that it didn't make you feel bored.

The only thing I can remember clearly that brought me dissatisfaction was the lack of romance. I hoped we would be fed lots of dog food in the end, but I was given only one little pellet. I was kinda mad about that, so maybe it's good I didn't write reviews or rate novels at that time. I might have given the novel 3 stars 'cause of that. Now that I've calmed from those times, I can say this is a really good novel. But if you are searching for romance, I warn you, it is slow burn and feels like it has little of it. It is there, but if you want to feed your belly full of dog food, I'm sorry, but you have to search for another novel. But if you want to be fed with mysteries, puzzles and unique worlds, this is high quality food.

I actually think this is one of the novels that after reading it, I started paying more attention for the shounen ai and yaoi tags. Shounen ai tags always leave me half empty and searching for more dog food ;_; <<less
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nazgul8126 rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: c45
Overall: 3.75/5 (rated 4/5 on review system), as of chapter 45.

Story: MC suspects foul play in his younger brother's sudden death. As OP characters are wont to do, MC uses his absurd skills (in this case, recalling a QR code that his younger brother had briefly flashed in front of him 3 years prior) and enters the "Game of Challenging Fate" world. With minimal information, MC is forced to choose between either becoming a) a lucky manipulator that carries out Fate's will or b) an anti-fate executor whose... more>> "unluck" is only offset by the independence to make his own decisions. MC naturally choses b.

MC enters as a different character in each scenario: medieval peasant, modern high schooler, etc. The system initially narrates the scenario according to MC's actions and makes prompts--some subtle and others less so--on how MC should next proceed. It is with cold logic that MC subverts Fate's plans. Both his contrary actions and irreverent commentary make for a funny read. Completing main missions, fulfilling side quests, killing other players, and winning scenarios net players points. Losing a scenario makes players forfeit half of their points. Reach 50k points, and players are considered high level enough to enter scenarios that may free them from Fate. Along the way, MC picks up ML and other players.

MC: Presumably the gong. I'm a sucker for characters that go against the mold, and MC's entire MO is to think past the sweet falsehoods that the game feeds him and defy Fate as per his prerogative. As an anti-fate player, he lacks the luck and other cheats that are handed out like candy to the fate players; instead, he makes full use of his character's gender, social status, etc as well as his personal intelligence.

ML: Presumably the shou. Wow, this is finally the second danmei I've read where MC is the gong and ML is the shou (and this ML is a classic cutesy/naïve bottom whereas 2ha's is very much... not). Suspicion of which non-human entity the ML is builds with each chapter and is finally confirmed in the translator's note at the end of a chapter. ML's actual human identity is later revealed.

Relationship development: MC initially suspects that ML is a trap set by Fate and treats ML rather indifferently. He, however, prioritizes ML over a lucrative scenario reward and the two of them become close companions as MC progresses through scenarios. MC notes frequently (a bit excessively imo) that ML is cutesy. It is revealed that ML had a huge impact on MC in the human world.

Commentary: An entertaining read that mixes survival with mystery and morality but doesn't have quite the depth compared to other similar novels. 'Kaleidoscope of Death' does horror better and makes you fear for the characters. 'Card Room' does mystery better and shows how its characters solve each nuanced scenario without falling into word vomit (granted, 'QR Code' doesn't tell rather than show either...I'm more just hating on 'Earth is Online'). "Don't Pick Up Boyfriends from the tr*shbin" is just completely in a different league: better unconventional MC and ML relationship, finding hope in misery, standing by your convictions in face of adversity, interesting scenarios, and on and on. Not a bad read but overall disappointing for a novel with 88% 5 stars. <<less
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ichigofanz rated it
September 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Love this wn so much, even though I usually don't read gong MC, but this one is so good you won't regret reading this. Both MC & ML is OP & narcissistic, especially shou ML, he love his looks so much, he'll sigh in admiration each time he see himself in mirror LoL. MC doesn't looks like a narcissist, but slowly you'll realize that he love his own IQ, truly a match made in heaven LoL.
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DewDropsOnMellons rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c56
An absolute gem in the infinite flow genre.

The pacing isn't too slow or too fast; it's just right.

The worlds are imaginative and some are unique. I specially liked that there was a steampunk themed world.

This story keeps the golden rule of detective/strategy stories in mind. The reader has the same information the MC has and can see the whole process and there isn't any key info that the protag just randomly knows or nonsensical mental gymnastics to make a hole filled garbage plan or conclusion seem smart or anything like... more>> that.

The author doesn't insult the readers' intelligence. The logical inferences are infact logical. The strategies and conclusions make sense and are plausible, the protag is even allowed to make mistakes occasionally.

The opponents aren't that dumb and they don't all have the same personality or wants. Different teams also have different dynamics.

I like how they factor in luck but add rules and things to it and it's actually used in strategies properly instead of the ridiculous way luck is added to various survival stories and where the MC uses the most broken logic and is reaching so much yet because of protag halo they're never wrong even with all the loopholes and inconsistencies.

The side characters aren't just decoration and have personalities, progression, their own issues and different kinds of chemistries with each other that is in line with their personality and experiences.

The MC is good-looking but it isn't a big factor in his relationships with people which I love. I hate seeing relationships that hinge on appearances and this novel doesn't do that. The MC's looks have nothing to do with his chemistry and relationships with his teammates.

In the case of the ML his (the ML's) looks do play a part as they're literally his weapon and they did soften the MC's heart during the ML's adolescence and make the MC kind of fond of him to some extent but in general it is obvious that the MC likes the ML as a person and is mostly fond of his character and personality.

They actually have a proper relationship and their own dynamics and it isn't that shallow "quivering peach blossom eyes" nonsense. That being said, their chemistry isn't all that unique or interesting to me. It's the usual "unreachable, distant, closed up person only has a soft spot for one person and they just so happen to have a past and fate" and all that but at least there is a proper relationship and it develops which I enjoyed. They both help each other and have things to add to the relationship.

I mostly read this story for the plot and it's so good that so many of other popular stories in this genre pale in comparison. It's definitely worth a read! <<less
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Sfviolin rated it
May 23, 2021
Status: Completed
After binging chapters like crazy, my impression of his novel is at the max level right now (or maybe I'm just too easy to please ¯_ (ツ) _/¯). Unlike similar novels that seem to drag on near the end, I think that this one seems to get progressively interesting with more chapters instead. While MC can be seen as somewhat OP, the fact the system continuously tries to pit him makes every world feel somewhat new. I especially like how the characters were written and the development of the characters.... more>> Props to the author for being able to write

how MC manages to "solve" each world in a way that seems in line with his character settings. It's not easy to write a supposedly intelligent character in a way that makes him actually come off as intelligent.


Also, can I just say how much I love the side characters? It felt to me that they weren't there just to exaggerate how good the main characters are, but they were distinct enough in personality and ability that their personal characteristics shone through. Without their contribution to the story, I do wonder how invested I would've been.

Just a warning though for those thinking of reading just for the romance - while there is indeed romance in this and the MC and ML end up together, nothing explicit seems to be mentioned in the novel. I'm a bit confused with the tags myself (why is this tagged as yaoi...?)

An added plus is that this is easy to MTL, for those who like to read ahead like me. <<less
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jtrichard rated it
August 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Edit: for those whom concerned about his brother: ... more>>

His brother lose at the end not because he was killed (his brother is damn OP and no one can defeat him, except the MC in his record lmao), but because he's from Fate Obedient Camp. He tried though, even gave his brother way to sneak into the game (he knew his brother photographic memory) in case he lose. He lose because he not only killed obedient props but because he crossed the line. At the end he even gave his brother his initial skill (that's damn op) and his brother gave him a way to go out of the 'Graveyard' and to another world to try once again.


Very very very good. This was in my reading list (of story with special ability) together with The Trial Game of Life (another good one) and I Was Once a Legend (haven't finished yet).

The MC is the Seme/Gong. This story focused not only on the MC but also on the people around him. I can't stop reading this because everytime the MC amazed me with his quick and progressive thinking and his organized brain. If the enemies are ten steps ahead, then he's already a hundred steps ahead. That's how good he is. He's good leader and strategist, and more importantly he's not a solo player but he includes everyone around him because playing a game alone will not result in perfect win for him.

The women ARE SO GOOD. You won't find annoying women teammate here, Cao Qian, LinLing, even DuanQian (God bless I forget their name and pronunciation) are all so good. Every characters is distinct enough and different from each other. Anyway, it's really good, and my favorite is Yan Hebi (women magnets that got deceived by the system, lmao). There are around 7 people in MC squad, and all of them got enough progress in their characterization.

There are approximately 9 arcs, started with MC and Ml, ended with MC and Ml, but along the way, every part of the squad got enough screen time for you to enjoy their characterization. The pacing is so good because it doesn't break the flow along the way. The extra told the stories about them working together again, with reversible states, but it's still fun seeing them together again. I wish I got to read their interaction in the real world though.

Anyway, I do very recommend it, for the mystery and the games, the characters (especially Yan Hebi, I wanna f him for being adorbs). 5/5 read this one! <<less
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TamedFox rated it
June 5, 2020
Status: Completed
What I like about this novel is that the side characters are essential. The squad sticks together even at the end and it's not all about the main pairing.

... more>>

I especially like the central air conditioner type character lmao. He's really cute haha


The setting is like a survival game but more on player vs. Player but don't forget that you still have to beat the game.

The protagonist is the top. The MC is really clever and the ML is really cute. They have their own quirks and they have their own way of being op but not too op that they have it really easy unless the story will have no point. Their personalities compliment each other really well.


They have a past with each other


Each puzzles in the game world are fun and engaging. There's no horror very much unlike what I expected. The plot is well developed. Mysteries about the game world were solved. May I mention again on how it's just not the pairing that goes through everything, the whole squad gets character development which is nice. It's a really good novel


The mc's younger brothe rat the end though :' (

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Reader000000007 rated it
December 25, 2022
Status: --
  • Out of all of the danmei I have read, this is the only one that git me interested and made me read the MTL to know the ending.
First of all the plot is interesting. Like every arc, every world the author never made as fail to impress. I especially love th Puppet arc (... more>>

Anyways, The Character.

All of the Character are well written, the side Character who fought along with MC has their own story themselves.

The MC: He is DAMN GOOD MC, he maybe OP but you can see in some arc where he is struggling so hard, Kinda sad that he will never see his brother again in his world but still, I love MC being able to adapt so fast like that one when he became claire lol, but that Arc where they became an Ant I think, We can see that he is not that OP, since he did had hard time at that arc.

ML: the Character development of the ML is so real. He is a narcissist, like if you ask him "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the beautiful of them all?" Then he'll replied "Me b*tch" LOL But maybe at the early few arcs he will be kind off useless but thanks to him, our MC mental states is okay, He is there for the MC, he helps him as much as the MC helps him. He doesn't wanted to be the only one to be protected or to become damsel in distress but he protect the MC as well. When the Ant arc or animal arc came, thanks to our Little mirror they were able to clear the game since he took the lead, that made me love him so much!


The Romance is so damn slow! But good!! Like our MC and ML is match made in heaven. They are so cute, like how ML getting flustered whenever MC kisses him our how they flirt in front of the black and white rubic he was like "This game isn't a blind date" LOL they help each other, care for each other. There's no toxicity and such. The only fight they had is when ML wants to help as well but MC doesn't want to since ML life might be in danger but however the ML wants an equal relationship with him where they protect each other like "I want to protect you because I like you too!" They became lovers after that arc.


This is really good, kudos to the author! <<less
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April 23, 2022
Status: c18
Giving it 4 stars, it is good, the MC is smart and kinda op but with a reason!! He's really smart, but....I was rejoicing because I was like "omg finally an op shou, powerful just like other gongs in some bl novels" then he's actually the gong. It's my fault I didn't read the tags but I just was happy when I thought he's the shou. I'm sick and tired of weak or op shou (but then the ML is always stronger than him) like, why can't they be strong... more>> as their partner? Why do they always have to be less than them. But then again it is my fault for not reading the tags.

Also, I kinda got bored? For some reason although it's a very interesting story, I couldn't get into it. I think it's just me, If you want to read it, read it!!! It's really an interesting and good novel. <<less
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Aanandswarup rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: --
Waw this is so good ~, I like this novel because MC is not too OP, there's a reason why he is strong.

people who rate this bad, I think they didn't read this novel till the end, because mysteries are revealed as the story progresses.

I also initially thought that the storyline was cliche at first, but I was wrong because the arc was getting better. There is back story why MC is strong and the important thing is side character has character development.
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Lencestr rated it
June 10, 2021
Status: c58
Okay so based on the summary I was prepared to read an indestructable MC that was going to shock the whole world BUT im pleasantly surprised by how logical MC's train of thoughts are.

MC is very strong but with a reason. He is motivated, charismatic and kind but not naive. He has suffered losses and learns quickly. He also has integrity and good morals.

ML is just absolutely adorable. He also has a natural ability that might make him seem to be OP but again, due to his background, makes sense... more>> in a way.

The two aren't dependent on one another and yet they stick around because of their affections which I Like. And it's not an instant "oh I really like him", their looks aren't the primary reason as to why they like each other.

And the worlds! They're fun!! And they're solved in a way where I'm like 5 steps behind but when it all ends I can see how one step leads to another. There's never a well

And the supporting characters are a definite plus. They're actual obstacles for the MC (but the way MC quickly resolve issues at times I feel sorry for the side characters lol.)

Definitely recc this fic!! <<less
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Ainslee rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c56
MTL till chapter 113, 85% readable.

An interesting story, hard to crack plot, twisted reality.

This novel is a gem, so far the romance was nonexistence, however in every arch the mystery thrill was going off the chart.

I shall read the full translation once they're available.
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