Heart of Glass


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It was fated, him and him.

Although, being fated didn’t always mean a happy ending for both of them.

At least for himself, it was just one big…temptation.

Compared to his own weak and frail body, he was more masculine and full of warmth.

It wasn’t strange at all to find himself falling deeper and deeper….

But no matter what, he could never let him find out about his true feelings.

Or else, they would never have become friends.

Crap! He found out! Why did he have to get drunk and blurt out the truth?!

He’s in deep trouble, with no other choice but to avoid him…

He…he approached him, asking to be in a relationship with him?

Was…was it a prank? He would leave after he was done playing with him…

Was he right? Could the sunshine boy he fell in love with be so cruel?

Associated Names
One entry per line
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Mc raiseing ml
  2. Novel interessanti da tradurre -Cinesi
  3. list pt 4
  4. Heart Wrenching Novels
  5. Rating for rereadability

Latest Release

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02/05/19 BlackBoxTL c6
01/05/19 BlackBoxTL c5
11/01/18 BlackBoxTL c4
09/05/18 BlackBoxTL c3
08/13/18 BlackBoxTL c2
08/11/18 BlackBoxTL c1
08/10/18 BlackBoxTL prologue
26 Reviews

New Lostlight
May 18, 2024
Status: Completed
Nice story. At first I want to beat up the ML later his development was nice. MC is quite pitiful. I think this novel provide the real life of gay partners in our society.
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Jul 20, 2019
Status: c7
Whoaa this is really special!!! Okay, it takes a bit of time to get into this story (in the beginning I thought ML was getting annoying too) but after a while it's pretty enjoyable.

Plot: A popular university student with an indifferent attitude to romance and a rough way of thinking gets to know a gentle, soft-spoken yet kind teaching assistant. MC is actually the "sunshine boy" and ML is the assistant.

I really like the portrayal of characters in this story. It's quite different from other novels I've read; usually, the... more>> MC is the quiet one and we only see their interactions with ML, not the thoughts. However, this one looks at how such a student would fall in love with the gentle ML even though they're totally different and MC's attitude is so coarse. It's very interesting, making an ordinary slice of life story feel very original. It's like the typical POVs are reversed lol.

Surprisingly, I really like this story. Give this a chance! Thanks to the translator for the work, please don't drop this! <<less
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Oct 21, 2018
Status: c3
Why are there no words of praise for this slice of life beauty? It's a short enough read at 11+2 chapters. A decisive BL with two easy to relate to characters. One has a hearing impairment so his view of the world is just a little more mellow than most people's, while the other is a very straightforward good guy, albeit super impatient. It's an interesting combination. I'm at c3 right now so hoping for more updates soon.
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Aug 09, 2021
Status: Completed
When I first see the picture of the novel and the description I wasn't encouraged to read it then I saw the translator write (This story might not be for everyone but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I still do now) and felt more hesitant to read it but since I have nothing to do so I give it try and I didn't regret at all because I really really really LOVED this story
Guo Jinshan personality so pitiful that I was like WTF is there really someone like him in this life but when I keep reading and so how he suffer in his life and that cause him to become so simple 26 years old man I loved him and hope he have what he want even if with brat like Jiang Pozhen
Jiang PoZhen have strange personality but that didn't let you not notice that he's very careing person but don't know how to show that so he always make mistake
It's really good to be read give it try you will not regret it
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Mar 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Wow, so well-written, so real, such a good read. I think the author does a great job portraying MC’s personality through his thoughts, words, and actions. That’s why, even though I really didn’t like the MC’s personality at all, I totally understood him. I understood why he acts the way he does. That’s what makes the novel so interesting to me because I really feel as if these two characters are human. I’ve read many novels where I feel like the author is making a “character” but this novel here... more>> doesn’t make characters, it makes “people.” I eventually fell in love with the MC and ML and now I feel like I wouldn’t mind reading another 999 chapters of them together.

It’s a bit of a, how to put it, bumpy road type of novel. Things just never seem to go smoothly at all. Yet MC and ML prevail and their devoted love shines through in the end. I would honestly like to see more sweet interactions. There was no fluff here, a tinge of sweetness here and there but also so very bitter at the same time. If you’re looking for something tooth-rotting or a passionate love story then you won’t find it here. It’s definitely a bittersweet novel, it certainly made me tear up more than once. <<less
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Jun 13, 2020
Status: Completed
I can't say that it is one of my favorite novels but it really is a good read that made me think a lot. I have no appreciation for the Gong. He has a personality that doesn't match mine and I reject him. The shou complicated my emotions because as much as I understood his personality I was bothered by his slow emotional understanding. All the emotions generated led me to think that this novel is wonderful for achieving so much in so few chapters. Give it a opportunity.
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Sep 09, 2021
Status: extra 2
The summary makes the novel seem ordinary and it is an ordinary story about two very ordinary people in love but that's what makes the novel so good.

... more>>

The ML and MC had both met on a particulary busy and hasty morning. MC had accidentally bumped ML and made him drop his papers. Out of gulit and because he's a genuinely good guy, he helped him pick the papers up and then they kept meeting for one reason or another.


They are both very distinct personalities. MC doesn't think (or talk) in circles.I wouldn't call him blunt, nor is he like one of those cold personalities (Like everyother Gong in a BL novel) who needs to have words exhorted from him but ehh he has a clarity of thinking. He has his set of friends and he cares for them -he has a strong sense of duty and loyalty. But he doesn't seem over or undersensitive.

I don't think he is a prick. It's just someone with his disposition -very independent and doesn't hesitate to speak is without the tools to handles someone like ML -really introverted and timid. They are just different. He could have handled the situation better but it seems very realistic of him to get annoyed by him by the MC apologizing again and again. If between two friends (or any two people), one keeps apoligizing repeatedly, the other person won't find it nice. This is a natural interaction.

I am glad it isn't like one of those novels where the MC or the gong is immediately taken by the 'timid rabbit'. There was no repeated emphasis on how tender and soft the shou was. Don't get me wrong the ML is soft-spoken and awkward but that's just his temperament and it doesn't make the MC want to lure him and 'devour him'. The ML does want to bed MC but like respectfully and because he loves him.

MLis taken in by ML's kindness and MC is taken in by ML's sincerity. They love each other wholeheartedly and it is f*cking beautiful. *wipes tears*

Although, they are both different -the one thing that they have common ground on is -lack of superficiality. MC isn't naive and accepts that there are many things in name. He also doesn't have any big ideals on love. But he's an honest guy and he is ready to give his loyalty to the one who promises him their unwavering devotion. ML is a pure hearted person, he just wants to lie down beneath a sky full of stars :how can he be superficial ?


There is one thing in particular that really caught my attention -when the MC's ex girlfriend approaches him.I thought it was going to be one of those dramatic scenes but the MC simply says :he doesn't care who's better -it has to be the ML (because he loves him) .There was no talk about gender or anything -it has to be the ML. See, I find this commendable because in a lot of gay stories when a character who was previously dated girls, suddenly has feelings for guys -it is a tricky transition. But the novel handled it well-what is there to think ? What is there to compare ?? This is the one I love


Read this book!! It has 10 chapters (that includes one prologue and one epilogue) plus 2 extras -yet in these 12 chapters, I managed to become attached to the characters and developed a fondness for the book. It is that well-written. <<less
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Jun 08, 2021
Status: Completed
Yum. Just a yummy quick read for me

MC made me want to roll my sleeves and beat him up but really he feels so earthly and so real that I feel like I can find him near my uni.

ML is just so so adorable and my heart crinkled when I think about what he went through to the point where he apologise constantly 🥺. I love the way the author describes him as well.

... more>>

From the start ML's looks to MC was nothing special, unordinary, bland. But at the end these features that he 'hated' became something MC cherished and I love that


I like the switching POV, their communication problem became much more apparent.

The plot is satisfying as well


I wanted to rip out MC's teeth after what he did but I absolutely did not expect that ML would have the guts to point out what was wrong with their relationship.

I should have expected it haha since ML was the one to confess and did not leave any room for ambiguity


I love characters that act within their premise and through gradual and believable changes, learns to overcome whatever plagues them.

I also love the extras!! The translation is good as well ♡♡♡♡ <<less
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Feb 01, 2021
Status: Completed
Really like this novel, the eay the author describes each character and situation feels so real. The character development also progressing naturally. The story isn't all fluffy, on the other hand it is sweet but full of heartache. It truly pain me reading about how both of them conflicted with their own feelings regading the other. It must be hard for MC to accept the reality at first and it must be hard for ML who has low self-esteem to take the first step.

I am just happy that it ends... more>> well for them (HE). <<less
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Apr 02, 2021
Status: extra 1-2
Very human. This novel is really.. Very human.

You can relate to the characters, you'll be able to understand why ML behaves in certain ways when you know his condition and past, he is earnest, has low self-esteem, and gullible.. But he in his own way.. Clumsily shows his heart to MC.

You can see how MC matures, heart softening, and grows devoted to ML..

It is not overly fluffy.. It really strikes a chord and feels very 'real'
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Jan 16, 2021
Status: --
Wow. The writing. The fleshing out of personalities. The realistic situations. How human.

Don't read this if you're looking for comforting fluff. One with an intense desire to possess meets one with strong willingness to be possessed. I can't say they have a healthy relationship but their unabashed acceptance of each other still makes me root for them.
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Nov 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Well written. It's from a different perspective from what we usually get.

Though plot and storyline is in no way better than typical Chinese light novels that are a dime a dozen, changing the POV to the other party makes this interesting.

Like a million others, this is the story of an "otaku", shy, asocial, naive, sweet person who fell in love with a cold-faced, rude, quick tempered, handsome, social, "heart-throb" after just one meeting because of a little bit of kindness. We usually get the other POV and would hate the... more>> target of the MC's undying dedication for being unknowingly cruel to him. But with the POV reversed, we get the perspective of the "heart-throb", seemingly heartless guy and so his erratic behaviour makes much more sense.

I liked it quite a bit coz of how rare this POV is. <<less
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Aug 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Although MC's actions really bothered me at first, it was reasonable emotionally.
In addition, character development was perfect.
I cried a lot after ML's confession; I'm crying while writing this...
This novel is truly a gem.
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Apr 30, 2021
Status: Completed
Well... this story brought me happiness, tears, sadness (I was emotional while reading this and it ended up bursting the dam that held my tears) and anger.


this story brings out how a human really is.. there’s no perfection in either of the characters, there’s flaw that made them seem real..

sure ML was a bit annoying at first but if we put ourselves in his shoes, wouldn’t we also act the same way.. and MC...I just want to hold him dearly in the palms of my hands... he made my heart... more>> ache.

Overall....I loved this story... would totally recommend.. especially if you’re up late at night like me who read this in one sitting and now I have swollen eyes. <<less
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Mar 22, 2021
Status: extra 1-2
I can finally understand what's going on inside the head of seemingly cold and overbearing seme... and I loved it! :p
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Oct 09, 2020
Status: --
Ah I did read this for angst but I guess I was greeted with bitter sweetness instead.

The gong and shou are 7 years apart so it is a big age gap. But story is not focusing on that though.

It kind of teaches that love is not easy and sometimes there's a burden you have to face and bear in order to be together.

The POV is from the gong as he is a straight man who is going through tough university life. His personal can be called really sucks as he... more>> is very rude and cold at times but he tries to be considerate when he can (though it doesn't show outside his point of view).

The shou is a timid and lack confidence when it comes to relationships. He shows a cowardly approach but thinks about a lot of complicated thoughts that makes sense. It takes a lot for these two to come together, but the end result become touching with a slight heartache due to the emotional burden these two bear deeply.

I think it's a nice short. I like it. <<less
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May 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Through my journey, I have read quite a few books, and this is one of them. If you have not, do pick it up and be reminded of what makes a day when you just need a good short read. I will come back again to read this book. Touches my heart.
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Apr 18, 2022
Status: Completed
Ngl, I have mixed feelings when reading this. At some point, I really hated how the ML treated him but then I realized the way he reacted was actually too realistic. Although I wasn't convinced that he loves the MC till the extras and late chapters, I was glad that the author still created a satisfying ending. Now, I just want to read stuff like this. Short stories are really much better than draggy stories with long chapters.
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Dec 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Short and sweet.

It depicts the love story of two ordinary men, and is different from other novels because the ML doesn't like the MC romantically at first. I shed a lot of tears for the MC's pain but the realistic progression of their relationship is the charm of this book.
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Jul 24, 2021
Status: Completed
This was such a quick and delightful read. I'm glad I decided to give it a read. If you're an angst lover like me, then go for it. It would pull at your heart strings.
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Jun 01, 2021
Status: Completed
  1. Realistic. Characters in this story have different personalities but anyhow they fell in love each other. One of my favourites and I really treasure this. And the way of writing is beautiful. As for chapters, I want to read more but that was enough. This short story is worth reading. Just give it a try.
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