Handsome Friend


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A simple love story between Li Shu who doesn’t know how to love at all and Shen Yiyou who is super in need to be loved.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Piao Liang Peng You
Pretty Friend
Related Series
After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket (1)
The Moon is Coming to Me (1)
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So You Like Me Too (1)
Sweet, Although Short (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. All the danmei the rednote jiemei recommended me p...
  2. Interested - Completed (Short)
  3. BL novel that I have read part 2
  4. Novel interessanti da tradurre -Cinesi
  5. T.B.R.

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/14/22 Midnightrambles c25 (end)
05/09/22 Midnightrambles c24
05/05/22 Midnightrambles c23
05/02/22 Midnightrambles c22
05/01/22 Midnightrambles c21
04/28/22 Midnightrambles c20
04/25/22 Midnightrambles c19
04/21/22 Midnightrambles c18
04/18/22 Midnightrambles c17
04/14/22 Midnightrambles c16
04/12/22 Midnightrambles c15
04/11/22 Midnightrambles c14
04/07/22 Midnightrambles c13
04/04/22 Midnightrambles c12
03/31/22 Midnightrambles c11
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13 Reviews sorted by

Likalily rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: Completed
The most realistic story I've ever read. This should be the situation for MC and ML when it was their first time in a relationship, they had to adapt first. MC (Shen Yiyou) and ML (Li Shu) are lack of affection who don't know how to express themselves. MC was raised by his grandmother while his parents were very busy and disharmonious but then his grandmother died. He is lonely even though he has many friends. ML is not experienced when it comes to dealing with humans. They love each... more>> other but have many shortcomings. MC always feels lonely and insecure while ML is used to being bossy even though he can't reveal much to the MC. They just lack communication and understanding but that is the key to a relationship. Actually I am not satisfied because there are only a few chapters but I am happy that they are back together <<less
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qyura rated it
July 2, 2022
Status: Completed
I just finished this and I'm crying TT

This is a short and bittersweet story that I absolutely loved. I love both the MC and ML. I like how the story is realistic and I could relate with them. I lovedd how we can see both of their emotions, their points of view, their own hardships, and what they're going through. I mean, they're so precious: (I don't know what to say, it's just so nicely written!!!! I enjoyed reading their story so much <3
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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
September 10, 2022
Status: --
A well written story.

The two main characters have their own issues to address and they slowly understand each other. Their honest and sincere love makes this easy. Both of them has their own charms. Yes.. Sometimes it is very hard to express our feelings. And also sometimes we may hope and wish that our partner will completely understand us and give us what we want. But reality is pretty much different. Two people coming together doesn't mean that they will be 100% compatible with each other. The differences are inevitable.... more>> But the most important thing is learning about each other and be sincere and honest with feelings. I saw this is this novel. And the story flow was great.

A good reading experience.

Translation was also amazing. Thank you for your hard work.

Highly recommend! <<less
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peppergum rated it
July 20, 2022
Status: Completed
A heartachingly sweet read about a couple who broke up then got back together.

Despite its cliché premise, the MC & ML are complex characters who have valid reasons for their miscommunication problems. I really enjoyed the ML's perspective because the author took the classic troupe of cold CEO and turned him into a socially incompetent techbro from the Bay area lmao. His internal struggle was heart-warming, and you really root for his character development. Plus, taking 70 flights a year to see the MC without voicing a single complaint? I'm... more>> crying. In contrast to other reviews, I actually thought this was one of the author's better works. <<less
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twobada rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: --
Not as good as author-nim's other works, but still a nice read.

The ML is seriously in love with MC but he's like a robot when it comes to emotions and is actually the one with "ineffective" social skills. But because the MC never talked about it, the ML also thought they were happy.

The MC has low self-esteem which only got worse because of ML's attitude, and so he never found the courage to speak up and didn't even think that ML would understand him or try to understand him.

Through the... more>> breakup, both of them realize their own flaws, come to terms with it, and slowly change.

I do wish there was more change on the side of ML because I personally found him insufferable and if it weren't for the author writing his internal monologue, there'd be absolutely no redemption for him. <<less
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FrostyDragon rated it
March 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Sweet story about misunderstandings and the inability to properly communicate. The shou feels unloved because of the gong's seemingly cold attitude, while the gong is a nerdy Silicon Valley-type CEO who's very socially awkward and has trouble expressing his feelings for the shou. POV goes back and forth so there's not strict MC/ML divide. Not as good as some of Ka Bi Qiu's other work, but still heartfelt with some lowkey angst. Recommend if you like this author.
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jupalla rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the sweetest and purest ever; not a lot of humor or fluff, but people with their own issues working things out within their own emotional limitations and communication difficulties. Short and lovely to read!
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hulkmaster2.0 rated it
May 22, 2022
Status: Completed
This was beautiful. I loved reading this story about two very different people madly in love. Relationships have many ups and downs and require work from both parties.
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damnmei rated it
October 13, 2024
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed this one! Just as some clarification, this short story is mostly from the POV of the gong Li Shu despite the first two chapters being in Shen Yiyou's POV.

At first, Li Shu seems utterly insufferable and cold-hearted CEO from Shen Yiyou's POV, but as the perspective shifts after the breakup, we get to see how Li Shu is really just this high functioning autistic tech nerd who's down completely bad for Shen Yiyou. His inner world is definitely much more vivid and poetic than he's able to... more>> express.

Both characters grow and equally take ownership of the reasons their relationship didn't work out at first, and while I'd consider this a mild crematorium with plenty of heart wrenching moments, the overall aftertaste is very sweet! Definitely worth a read. <<less
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Tuzi rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a good pass time short story. And might help you realize that one should not be too s*upid.
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goobsjie rated it
November 6, 2022
Status: Completed
An exes to lovers story between an insecure MC in need of love and stability and an ML who must be part robot, driven by cold logic. I felt the sadness and emptiness of ending a relationship that you did not want to end, the following days of regret, and seeing your ex post breakup while still having feelings for them and ambiguously slipping back into a relationship as sweetness fills your heart. Would’ve been nice if it was a little longer but I enjoyed it. Ka Bi Qiu managed... more>> to make me care about them despite the short 25 chapters. <<less
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AImmortalZ rated it
October 19, 2022
Status: Completed
I seemed to discovered a potential favorite author that fits my taste. Hahahhhhaaha (My taste? Exactly angst with a good ending. I can't explain, but the author made good stories with angst that just made me feel satisfaction from reading it. Lol.)
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dee_ism rated it
May 18, 2022
Status: --
They fall in love, but their personalities become a strain in their relationship over the time. But they come to solve it and make an efforts to make it works.

As the reader, I truly enjoy the process of their reconciliation..
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