Greetings, Ninth Uncle


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Cheng Yujin was the elder twin sister, who was supposed to be engaged to an excellent man. However she later learned that her fiance, Marquis Jingyong, had proposed to her because he mistakenly recognized her as her younger twin sister. Marquis Jingyong and her younger sister had a deep relationship, and after many twists and turns, finally broke through all hardships and became eternal lovers. While Cheng Yujin was the villain who replaced her sister’s good marriage, kept framing her sister, and hindered the main couple to be together. A really wicked older sister and poisonous late wife.

After the younger twin sister was reborn, she revealed Cheng Yujin’s ‘conspiracy’ early on. Everyone scorned her, and her so-called fiance was indifferent. Cheng Yujin sneered and tore off their engagement letter in front of her fiance.

Everyone was gloating and happily waiting to see her regret her actions. However, before Marquis Jingyong had a chance to see Cheng Yujin’s regret, he saw his former fiancee marrying her uncle.

The ninth uncle of Cheng family was truly a hidden dragon, his real power frightening everyone.


Cheng Yujin, this coquettish little wife, lightly lifted her eyebrows and casually said, “A mere Marquis Jingyong, is he worthy? Do you think that robbing him away will affect me?”

Almost forgot to say, ninth uncle wasn’t surnamed Cheng. His real name was Li Chengjing, the crown prince.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  2. Ancient time Rebirth
  3. Read and liked
  4. wholesome
  5. Binge worthy Ancient China (BG)

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190 Reviews sorted by

October 5, 2020
Status: Completed
'Greetings, Ninth Uncle' is a great novel! It's set in ancient times. MC is Cheng Yujin. ML is Cheng Yuanjin later known as the Crown Prince Li Chengjing. I MTL the novel after finding out it hasn't been completely translated.

... more>>

Turns out not only the MC, Cheng Yujin reincarnated but also her sister. Also it seems that, MC thought she just dreamt of the future. MC's sister knows shes been reborn. Later, MC's ex fiancé also remembered the other life


The way they fall in love really makes sense even in MTL. MC is very goal oriented. She doesn't wait for things that happened previously happen, if she can prevent it.

This is not in*est, which is plus 1000 points. They're not related at all.

There will be problems between the couple and against the couple but I think they dealt with it well.

Should definitely read this! It is a bit of a slow romance, albeit a hint of romance is shown from the start. It is subtle.

Definitely another 5 🌟 <<less
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YellowNoodle rated it
August 30, 2020
Status: Completed
A very enjoyable story.

As a fan of FL's who are calm, collected, and smart, I was happy that my expectations were met when reading how the FL handled her situations.

The main drama mainly focuses on family drama and how awful they are. Other reviewers have mentioned her awkward position so I wont reiterate it.

As for the typical ML found in many Chinese novels, he too, has his fair share of misfortune which is similar to the FL. They connect with each other due to their similar circumstances and soon love... more>> blossoms. Of course, their love is in a different format but it is most certainly love.

In the latter half of the story, the court and politics are the backdrop as the author focuses more on the FL p.o.v and as you know, the harem and court can't "interfere" with each other. But everything is handled well and all ends well. The politics and drama were realistic and not everyone (maids, eunuchs, background characters) were idiots.

Aside from that Dou Girl. But rather than s*upid, she was ignorant and envious. Making her do s*upid things.


I also want to point out that the author focuses on the side characters who were mainly involved with the FL's past life; her sister and scum husband. The author does give readers insight to the FL's "mothers" and other characters but it isnt as extensive.


At first, I didnt like the FL's twin sister because of her envy but I didnt hate her. It is normal to be envious if you lived in someone's shadow. However, selfishness and entitlement were added onto her envy and her whole character became disgusting to me.

She didn't improve herself and cried and whined to her coddling mother.

I also want to add that the tye FL's twin sister often thought of her past life. This becomes prominent once she's married.

When you read it and think about it even more, you can't help but face palm at her idiocy. This girl obviously want happy once she "finally" got married in her previous life yet she still stubbornly stuck to the guy.

The fact that she garnered my disgust means she was written well and the author did this characterization without telling the reader straightforwardly. She used the character's rhoughts and actions.

As for the FL past husband. Scum. Thats it.


The story is great and enjoyable and definitely stands out among the many rebirth/travel back in time/transmigration stories.


Enjoi and Adieu <<less
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Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume rated it
August 5, 2020
Status: Completed
great plot, romance, intrigue, and ending

My only regret


The sister never realizes her wrongs. It would have been a nice twist for her to regret.

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LotionBottle_Venerable rated it
May 28, 2024
Status: extra 2 part4
Real rating: 4.8/5

Overall, I really enjoyed this piece because it was fun and I had a good time :)

Pros: ... more>>

+ Relationships: 9/10, a point is deducted because things get complicated, but in general, everything made sense, nothing made me furious to the point of wanting to drop the story, the cannon fodders' relationship with the FL and ML didn't piss me off too much, and the main couple made me coo and laugh.

Both the ML and FL had good communication, large IQ *AND* EQ, and basically worked together while also not working together

example: FL unknowingly tr*shing ML's plans to marry her when she keeps trying to run off and find her own husband (bc she didn't think of him as a marriage candidate at that time) 🤣

+ Characters: 10/10, while everyone is not as developed or likable as the FL or ML, everyone was still relatively enjoyable and I never had the urge to drop the story. The FL and ML are also both really enjoyable and I liked how scheming and pragmatic they are. The both of them are realistic without being unreal.

+ Story: 10/10, what a ride! I had fun the entire time and the story was very interesting!

+ Revenge: 10/10 😈 some of them get their lives ruined and others go insane or die. Overall, I was very satisfied.



— FL's personality at the beginning of the novel: I WANT TO SAY THIS FIRST: THE FL IS A SERIOUSLY ENJOYABLE AND BADASS CHARACTER *BUT* SHE THINKS OF HERSELF AND OTHERS AS TOOLS. Her thinking can often be uncomfortable, due to how manipulative and almost hypocritical she can be, but I personally really enjoyed it bc such a selfish but hardworking character is so unique. She works hard for her reputation and her future, and she doesn't care who's in her way. She'll lick the boots of anyone if it meant that she would survive, and ultimately, she is here for her own satisfaction and happiness. I respect that and I love it, but it can make you really uncomfortable at times :/

+ Too little extras : (

+ The website that the novel is hosted on is kinda weird? Idk if it's just me, but for some reason, it takes a long time for the page to load, even when I have good wifi. Idk, just a warning.

+ There is a running plot line where both the ML and FL are considered niece and uncle by the public, but they are BOTH aware that they are not related and both of them know that the other knows, so I wouldn't consider it in*est, but I do believe it could be a con.


If this review doesn't convince you, then hopefully, this next spoiler will. CW: I will be talking about "To Be A Virtuous Wife"

Both of these stories are somewhat similar in that 1) the FLs are scheming, selfish, protective of their interests, and do not trust men, 2) there is a favored prince and a somewhat corrupt king, 3) there is a love interest that ultimately fails to get with the FL but instead, is in a relationship with the FL's sister, 4) both the FL and ML scheme to get the ML onto the throne, 5) the ML spoils the FL and loves her whole-heartedly.
HOWEVER. I think "Greetings, Ninth Uncle" is a lot better story than "To Be A Virtuous Wife" (no offense, I do love it) bc of a few points. 1) the FL actually admits that she loves the ML (although I liked the FL's realism in TBAVW, it was very frustrating to not have a confirmation of feelings of what the FL felt towards the ML. It just felt kinda ridiculous how she wouldn't admit it at all. Even until they died, we still don't know if she actually loved him, since we have to guess and I dislike that imo), 2) the 2nd love interest does not linger around the FL like a disgusting bug and get pitied by people (I really hate that crown prince character in TBAVW), 3) the ML has no other concubines/consorts :).

So if you like "To Be A Virtuous Wife, " or any other similar stories, then I highly recommend "Greetings, Ninth Uncle."

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Lamby666 rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: Completed
So I've actually wanted to read this novel for a while now since I saw one of the review saying that this novel was on par with malicious empress? that review keeps sticking to my mind and I was like I have to read this novel once finish and that is what I did today and finished... To sum it up, I was let down...

The only good thing I can pick on this novel is the before

  • A non Mary Sue FL. She actually has a brain and I like the verbal fight she has with her opponent
  • The ML devotion to the FL
The down point

  • Rush and no brainer plot towards the end. Not a good novel if you in to politics and a heavier mature plot.
  • Nothing stand out. This kind of novel there gazillion out there
  • Pretty forgettable brain dead read if U have time on Ur hand
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March 26, 2024
Status: Completed
This was a real gem. The main characters border on being too OP, but this story has a pretty firm grip on reality when it comes to emotions, mentality, and relationships. A novel wouldn't be interesting without any drama, but it isn't overdone like other ancient chinese era novels here.

The romance progression is purposefully slower than other novels, but I think that made me invested in it. It wasn't agonizingly slow--the author was generous with throwing teasers to keep us fed up until the real progress starts to happen.
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zetQuazar rated it
February 23, 2024
Status: Completed
I love this story. I don't usually read romance novels, but I wanted to try something easy-going and a little slow. This story gave me all that and it also had a plot that didn't fall apart. I love the slow romance. It wasn't rushed or dragged out and there was a very nice build up and the payoff at the end was excellent.

If you want something peaceful and easy-going, that also has a good plot and satisfying conclusion, this is what you've been looking for.
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January 26, 2024
Status: c116 part1
Main thing to take note of the female lead is 14 years old at the start of the story while uncle is 19 and the main points of everything that happens is when she is realistically a child. It’s a well written story with great translations just wish authors would age up the characters in theses palace dramas since hopefully we would want to promote more 21 century views on seeing kids as kids.
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asterismofstars rated it
January 3, 2024
Status: Completed
My god, it's finally finished! Thank you very much to the translator for working hard for so long!

I don't even remember when I first started this novel and I only read 2 chapters of extras on the completion date, so my memory of the novel as a whole is foggy. But I definitely remember how high-quality the writing was and how distinct the MC and ML were and how nice their romance was.

MC is spectacular, in particular. For ONCE an author can actually write a female character who is viciously... more>> intelligent but also nonstop aware of all the societal restrictions upon her choices and fate (and is also a native ancient person not a transmigrator) and is as ambitious and successful as she can be in her situation.

Like I c l a p p e d when Cheng Yujian was like, serving the MIL sounded onerous and difficult, but if you were smart about it, you can still look virtuous and filial without overtaxing yourself.

Like she legit made herself have the highest skills and the highest reputation off of her own intelligence and talent.

The thing I loved the MOST was how pragmatic, logical, and goal-oriented she was. Like, she knew what she wanted--a luxurious, respectable life--and she knew what her obstacles were and what the paths to success were and my god she was efficient and perfect at going for it. She could readjust her plans on the fly.

And what made it better was that the romance was so good. Two coldly intelligent people finding love with each other? Finding a match for themselves? Just...I'm not writing well enough to describe how well this was written. <<less
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SPN rated it
September 27, 2023
Status: Completed
This is good story. If we can binge read it.

The FL is good, not vicious but practical. It's jus most of the story is repetitions of either the same content or same meaning with different wordings. Especially both ML and FL grow up content. I last count of just how many times it was repeated.

It would even great if this repetitions was avoided. Just reminds me of dramas flashback scenes to fill the time slots.
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September 16, 2023
Status: Completed
I liked the story a lot. Both leads are cunning, and I like that the romance is a slow one that fits both. The only thing I would get anxious about, is that villains are not very complex and the story drags on with them, too much. Some parts I felt "well, I could certainly skip this without losing anything"

Other nice detail is that no shitty parent/family member gets an easy absolution, and is suddenly forgiven by the leads

The sister for ex. She is as dumb as a shoe and... more>> continues scheming over and over, even though she fails once and twice and keeps trying... <<less
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August 22, 2023
Status: Completed
About half of the novel is the MC surviving in her maternal home. She was taken from her birth mother and given to her aunt, the first madam of the family. However, both of them could not truly accept the MC since they held suspicions against her. Her birth mother felt that the MC was more on the first madams side who raised her but the first madam couldn't trust her since the second madam gave birth to her. So basically, she felt like she belonged nowhere and used her... more>> brains/actions to build her reputation and survive in the family with no one to protect her. Then, the ML, th month uncle (aka the crown prince in secret) finds her and they interact and he falls for her. MC is going everywhere trying to get a good husband while the ML is dripping with jealousy.

I like the MC. She's very realistic. She only does things that will benefit her and doesn't bother herself with useless things.


Around chapter 80ish the ML tells the MC he wants to marry her but she misunderstood that he wants her as a concubine and rejects him. The ML goes to the king aka his father and asks him to bestow a marriage decree for him and the MC as his legal wife. They get married. MC starts liking him. They have a pair of twins (boy and girl). In the end the ML becomes the king.


The beginning of the novel realllyyy dragged on. Stuff really starts happening once the ML and MC get married. Before that life is pretty clam and boring. Buttt the beginning dragged on so much that by the time I got to the marriage part I legit lost motivation and skimmed through the rest of the novel. <<less
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July 6, 2023
Status: Completed
I’m so glad I read this, it’s so unbelievably good. The schemes are very generic but the way the author talks about the thought process of nobility and imperial conflicts is exemplary. The couple is Actually (emphasis on this) smart, every one of their actions has reasoning and it’s all very rational and well explained. HE, single couple. Im satisfied with how it ended.
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Mystiqueeee rated it
June 30, 2023
Status: Completed
Woah. I'm still pondering what to say. Alright. Tbh, I've been reading lighthearted novels for the past few months, so suddenly encountering a heavy hearted story, I was unaccustomed at first. I almost drop this at chapter 10, I swear. I already wrote a review of why I'm dropping this etc. Then when I was about to close the tab, I suddenly had an impulse of continuing that chapter where I left— and unknowingly, maybe my mentality finally adjusted, I continued the story with no longer the thought of dropping... more>> it. To be quite fair, it's indeed heavy, frustrating, and even suffocating sometimes. That's also one of the reason why I made a decision to stop reading this at chapter 10— it was frustrating and suffocating. The FL's situation really annoyed me and even reading her situation was enough to give me headache. Also, the FL was too cold. However, just like what I mentioned, I've reached the end now— with a mixed feelings at that.

Let's start with the FL. Just like what I previously mentioned, her character design was one of the reason I almost drop this. She's too rational, cold, and cunning. She keeps the facade of a perfect young miss and it's really enough to suffocate me. However, she's actually quite good, especially during those times. A rarity. She's level headed, self-centered, and knew how to calculate the losses and benefits. She's long been indifferent towards family and love, that's why what she's aiming for is only the things that can really make her live comfortably— money and power. Very logical and rational indeed.

But as the story progresses, it can be seen that she's still human, even if her mask is almost like a perfectly sculpted puppet, however, only in front of the ML. She can be arrogant (a tsundere to be exact), fragile, and coquettish. Throughout the story, her character development is obvious but not sudden. Instead, it's gradual. From being distrustful to everyone, to following her thoughts to try trusting someone, and finally, to be able to wholeheartedly trust someone. She's always perfect in front of others, but only in front of the ML that's she's willing to show her flaws and her selfishness. Although I am not very fond of her at the beginning, I must admit that I also gradually fell in love with her character.


As for the ML, like the FL, he's very calm and rational as well. Tbh, his character is also very interesting, especially as a future emperor.

It can be said that he's arrogant and even dismissive of others, however, he also cared about his people and country. The most notable is his sincerity towards the FL. Whenever he's approaching the FL, he's like someone trying to pet a cat cautiously.


Plot wise, as expected of a palace drama, it's embroiled with schemes. But I actually like this story because although it's sometimes suffocating, it allows the readers to breathe and relax. I mean, I've read quite a number of palace drama stories, and it's really exhausting every chapter because after one scheme was solved, there's another one not long after, and coupled with the vicious comments of others towards the MCs at that. However, this story isn't like that. Sure, there's always this foreshadowing that there's a deep scheme waiting for them, however, it's just that. The villains are not some unkillable c*ckroach that will scheme against them every now and then. Instead, the problems, once solved, will no longer reoccur or can occur but without much emphasize. And when the real problem happened (in the latter part), it came like a flood, all at once. Therefore, it's also solved in the following chapters. There's no need to wait for long. I also quite like how there's not much criticisms about the FL, saying she's a broken shoe, unfillial, etc. Instead, there were more praise for her and the ML.

Regarding the romance, of course, with two rational and level headed MCs, don't expect for some sweet anf fluffy romance. Expect for a slow burn instead. Mature, rational, and started with mutual respect. It's the type of love that is stable, it didn't started with such passion like a fire, instead it's like a boiling water, gradual, and once it started boiling, it will continue to boil until it reaches the highest temperature. I may be talking to metaphorical, but what I wanted to say is that the love between the ML and FL is not overly sweet, but not dull. Like an old couple.

About the supporting characters, well, I'm really curious what happened to Lin Qingyuan. Poor him who was seduced by the FL and was no longer mentioned. He's such a good husband material indeed. Also, at first I at least have some positive points for the Emperor, especially when I read how he adamantly refuse others in raising his son and reinstating another crown prince. But all of that was gone after he became obsessed with power. What love, what yearning, he's just another emperor who drowned in greed and power.

Over all, despite how I felt at the beginning and at the end as well, I must say, I enjoyed reading it. It's been quite a while since I've read a story like this so I'm quite unaccustomed at first but I'm pleasantly surprised now. It's a good read. There are times when I found my eyes teary, and there are also times where I'm smiling. Also, the translation is very good. Some words, especially titles, were retained and not completely translated in English which further set the mood for an Ancient China setting. 10/10 for me. <<less
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June 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Feeling very emotional T^T

Jin'er might be not a female MC that would be of the liking of everyone, because she speaks a lot and her character is very composed, cold, interested and when needed ruthless, but she was thoroughly neglected in actual family love (birth mother preferred the daughter she raised and adopted mother disdained this daughter her in-law gave her in pity), so she had to be like this for self preservation. She measured everyone just as harsh as she measured herself, someone very proud. Just as she was... more>> this hard to approach and know, she was hard working and dilligent, knowing to reward just as much as she punished.

First half is basically she trying to secure herself a good husband, constantly being blocked by her Ninth Uncle who didn't understand why the woman couldn't target himself but the talents he was gathering, lol, until he finally manages to snatch the beauty, safely claiming his wife.

Second half is full of the Palace struggle. The Emperor was a fool, and the Dowager Empress's family is just awful.

Didn't have big expectations, but liked it very much. The only thing it quite irked me was the need to give resumes every now and then of what is happening, and how the author confused the period of the first engagement from two months to half a year and then back to two months, and mentioning Yumo actually raised Yujin's child but then said she died five years after married? Small details that doesn't actually affects the reading but it bugs me a bit. <<less
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May 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I like that the first half of the novel was engaging until the MC married. While the latter half was quite bland for me. Everything the duo MC and ML was too smooth sailing.

And I have never seen an MC without a friend (in the ancient setting... or maybe I just didn't notice it).
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chande rated it
May 11, 2023
Status: Completed
In the beginning of the story, I really felt heartache for MC because no matter how capable she was, she couldn't escape being married off when she was of age. And with unrealiable family with no regards of her wellbeing whatsoever, it wasn't that surprising if they threw her into a fire pit as long as they got the big benefit from it. That's why MC could only find the realiable partner by herself. Of course her partner should have a bright future and strong family background because MC was... more>> indeed worth it and she would never undervalue herself even in a dire situation. In this aspect, MC was quite admirable.

Meanwhile, ML was the standard cold and indifferent man who was only warm to MC. Initially, I didn't have any problem with him until he tried to sabotage MC's marriage prospect out of jealousy without confessing to her first. I mean, MC was already desperate enough with her situation but he didn't give her any assurance and only acted ambiguous all the time. It took more than half of the story until ML finally made clear of his intention.

Speaking of MC's marriage candidate, where was Lin Qingyuan after MC was betrothed to ML? I thought he was going to be one of ML's trusted aide but he was never mentioned again until the end, unlike that Huo guy and Duke Cai.

As for the the plot itself, it's quite entertaining, especially the moment where MC made her opponent speechless with her glib tongue. The ending was also quite satisfying although some character's ending were left vague. <<less
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Drenlith rated it
May 8, 2023
Status: Completed
Gained great insight from the reviews on the characters which made me appreciate them more and realize how they are early on, but I have to say, this premise is downright nonsensical.
Premise aside, each character has their own thinking, motives, and ambition. From small-role passersby to antagonists they're differentiable and well-written, the author knows how to grind gears in the most efficient way especially if you can relate to the sort of shameless annoying relatives.
The story doesn't try to inject the indoctrinated thinking of respecting the elderly and takes a turn that breaks away from a traditional upbringing in a healthy way.
MC practices a lot of self-care, is rational and clear-headed, and min-maxes her priorities and opportunities and plans out for the long run. Too bad she caught the eye of an eccentric 9th uncle (no blood relations) who can't stop messing with her.
I genuinely value her disparity compared to the average female protagonist.
I like when authors make their characters proactive and ambitious than being completely passé, sitting on their hands and waiting for good things to fall into their laps.
Given, MC's getting her lucky pies here and there, yet, it doesn't dull her focus on the goals she sets.

The two main characters both seem overly mature for their age due to their experiences. Even if you consider MC's regression, she was 16 when she passed away and was 14 in her second life. The ML is merely 5 years older but has an authoritative aura that demands the others around him to silently submit and one often can't help but think he's of an older generation than MC's.
Their entanglements together create a cute atmosphere and let their true personalities shine more in each other's presence.

Rant breakdown of the premise:

If you'd pull the string at the start for there's no reason for MC to go out in the first place, the entire story falls apart. Extremely uncharacteristic happenings (not only based on personalities but also motives and upbringing) that lead to all the long-lasting misfortune of themselves as former main cast but also bystanders.

Long ver.:
Two young noble ladies of marriageable age are on vacation, the younger one goes out to seek artistic inspiration during heavy snowfall, and the older one follows up the next day to search the mountains for the former.

Seek what inspiration? Hypothermia? Mind you, it's an ancient setting, the boots can't be measured up to the ones we have. Then there's still her long skirt and a robe/coat soaking up all the snow/water. To top it off there wasn't even a servant girl to hold an umbrella for her or follow her.
She goes far enough to find a random wounded man in some ditch to snuggle up with for a night and goes out the next day to call for help.
By then, the oldest twin had long set out to look for her.
A 14 yr old noble girl who lived her entire life in the boudoir goes mountain climbing, in deep snow no less, to look for people. Even if she had to keep up the act of a woman of virtue and display generosity and kindness, personally going out into the mountain to look for people? Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have the stamina.

This lead to a whole new mess where both ogMC and ogML accuse MC of 'stealing' the marriage from the ogMC. If the younger twin really cared so much, why hasn't she told ogML her name or at least her social status as the 2nd miss from the marquis Cheng?

Lastly, there's the idiot ogML who decided to set up pits for himself by telling his mother how unvirtuous and scandalous his fiancée was and what they did when he was wounded and lost. He's well aware of the night was a shameful one and couldn't be brought up to anybody, but why tell your own mother? So she can find faults with her early?
Both in the first and second lifetime, he thought of MC as a poisonous calculating woman who stole her sister's fortunes.
Either the younger twin purposefully left out that they never crossed roads or the fact her sister had long set out to go find her before she arrived home, it was by pure coincidence that MC found him and he does owe her as well.
It's a modified version of "the little mermaid" with an insecure, jealous, and greedy 'mermaid' and an ignorant, love-struck fool of a 'prince'.
MC getting pitted by these two idiot mandarin ducks and getting blamed for getting shot down by them got me fuming.

Perhaps it'll be mentioned later, but I'm theorizing that the younger twin wasn't in love with ogML early on and simply wants to fight for something she's envious of. The words of envy she threw at her sister saying along the lines of -it cannot be this way, it doesn't belong to you- sound off. As if she's venting more than just the meeting with ogML, plus the younger twin should know best if her older sister 'stole' her man or not as there was no way for her sister to know of her and the ogML's prior meeting.
MC simply met him, saved him, and he was the one who proposed. (Man, if she really thinks that way, then she's way dumber than I took her for.)
The younger twin is projecting hard. MC was never the kind of person to vy with her. She never fought with her over their birth parents, MC didn't even bother fighting for the affection of her adoptive ones/uncle&aunt.
The younger twin, on the other hand, had always been envious of her older sister but she can't really display or wouldn't display it to her parents since she's loved and cared for. She can't exactly say she rather be the twin to be given away. So the focus of her frustrations had been her sister.
Although I understand her anguish in getting the shorter stick in matters of her health, wealth is another matter. She's rather well off herself, so it's simply greed and her own incompetence for falling behind her sister's studies and mannerisms.
It's the accumulation of all the factors that made her fight for ogML.
The younger twin couldn't stand her being happy any longer after seeing her pregnant and either accidentally or purposefully spilled her 'grief' to ogML and started an affair that resulted in MC's death.
Her feelings for ogML may have manifested only after the relentless pursuit, as she turned away from guilt.
She may have wanted to avoid her sister dying this time by telling the truth right away after she regressed as well, but her grievances towards her sister still seem to fester like a badly infected wound inside her heart.

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cinnamondanish rated it
April 11, 2023
Status: Completed
I gave 5 stars to raise the ratings hehe, but personally I think this is a 4.7

I found the story last yr but I really don’t want to start reading an ongoing so I waited and finally started last Friday. Thankfully the last part of the finale was posted today. Thanks trans team!

This story is your typical period, historical rebirth where MC tried her best to make a path so she can have a better ending. What I love the most about the story is how the MC was portrayed... more>> to be an intelligent, rational and calculative (in a good way) person- and it keep up until the end of his life (past) and the end of the (present) story. Thankfully, it’s not a revenge story were she schemed until she pushes everyone in a dead end, but instead the flow naturally followed cause-effect, showing how one decision can lead to such a result.

The ML on the other hand is good, but I have nothing special to note down since them ML always tailored to be the same old perfect dream guy. Perhaps if there is something, I’ll just say I really liked how it wasn’t overly dramatic how he acknowledged his feelings for his niece. It was like the fact has been there all the time, he knew, but he never acknowledged the feeling- though I am sure he wasn’t in denial. He probably just wanted to be ready for everything because when he did accept his feelings, he sure took action on it right away.

Lastly, I just really truly admire stories that doesn’t have to redundantly over explain how beautiful/handsome the protagonists are plus stories that don’t need the protagonists to say the three words but you would still understand how they feel. <<less
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February 25, 2023
Status: --
I very much dislike the thinking of this prince.

Imagine if one day your father brings back a child and favours him over everything and you know that he was a child from his first lover, anyone would get jealous and do everything to keep him away so that he can't get a larger share; that is absolutely correct, there is nothing wrong in it.

And the father criticizes his sons to be blind when he literally didn't even tried to teach them from the beginning and never paid much attention to... more>> them. He just wants gis family's glory to be preserved and get improved in his hands. <<less
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