Greetings, Ninth Uncle


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Cheng Yujin was the elder twin sister, who was supposed to be engaged to an excellent man. However she later learned that her fiance, Marquis Jingyong, had proposed to her because he mistakenly recognized her as her younger twin sister. Marquis Jingyong and her younger sister had a deep relationship, and after many twists and turns, finally broke through all hardships and became eternal lovers. While Cheng Yujin was the villain who replaced her sister’s good marriage, kept framing her sister, and hindered the main couple to be together. A really wicked older sister and poisonous late wife.

After the younger twin sister was reborn, she revealed Cheng Yujin’s ‘conspiracy’ early on. Everyone scorned her, and her so-called fiance was indifferent. Cheng Yujin sneered and tore off their engagement letter in front of her fiance.

Everyone was gloating and happily waiting to see her regret her actions. However, before Marquis Jingyong had a chance to see Cheng Yujin’s regret, he saw his former fiancee marrying her uncle.

The ninth uncle of Cheng family was truly a hidden dragon, his real power frightening everyone.


Cheng Yujin, this coquettish little wife, lightly lifted her eyebrows and casually said, “A mere Marquis Jingyong, is he worthy? Do you think that robbing him away will affect me?”

Almost forgot to say, ninth uncle wasn’t surnamed Cheng. His real name was Li Chengjing, the crown prince.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
I Became The Stepmother of My Ex-husband (11)
Eight Treasures Trousseau (7)
The Yandere Came During the Night (6)
To Be A Virtuous Wife (6)
The Crown Prince in the Jade Pendant (4)
The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Ancient time Rebirth
  2. Read and liked
  3. wholesome
  4. Binge worthy Ancient China (BG)
  5. I'll just take his dad instead

Latest Release

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05/26/22 aerialrain c123 part3
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KSanty rated it
May 10, 2022
Status: c120 part2
It's a 'no' for me mainly because of the ML and overall direction of the romance

Maybe simply not my cup of tea, or maybe something's really wrong but I can't really grasp it

The pacing of the story is quite slow but it didn't came of boring until recently. I feel like the author just doen't know how to make the story after their marriage interesting, as if all the romance is gone and characters are immediately in their married life for a couple of years.

It's really annoying to have such... more>> an atmosphere, as if everything that should be known and adressed between them have already been adressed. Is it the matter of characters being not interesting enough or is it the fact that the author just desided that there's no futher possible progress in the relationship between two people?

ML at first was very decent in my opinion, a dignified gentleman that treated our MC fairly, then on the road of understanding his feeling something goes wrong...


When he starts to get feelings for her it's as if he revealed his worse side. He's not s*upid, he understands MC's situation and how marrige is important for her. Yet, not willing to adress himself he stands in the way of MC's plans and makes her panic about her future.

He really came of as such an as*hole for me. Before I felt like he really respected MC and had a good understanding of her but at that moment I just read into his privilege. As if he didn't really attached importance to her and her difficulties but instead used her as a lence for his own emotions. As if he didn't really seen her as a normal living person but a 'mere' woman that, obviously, didn't pose a threat or meaning to him. It really rubbed me the wrong way but later it seemed like he still treated her well so I dismissed it


Though it wasn't the reason I dropped the novel. It's the ML after marrige...


All in all he turned out to be this "gentelman on the outside, lustful beast on the inside" type of ML. Wich isn't really my type but I'm usually fine with it as long and it shown that MC is enjoying herself and is comepletely fine with it. And there's proper boundaries and respect.

However ML, althrough not as bad as other MLs of this type in other novels, gave of some uncomfortable stuff that really are the issue for me.

'Coaxed' MC into sheets after she said there's a lot for tomorrow and she ended up very worn off the next day, overall I always feel like he manipulates her into bed activities and even want's for her to 'reach the enlightlement' and not reject him anymore... I may speak rashly but for me he really seem to want to 'discipline' her for him to comfortably sleep with her.

Even though I understand that this kind of thing may be something 'kinky', I really feel betrayed because to me that ML that is smart and clever and a gentleman would put in efforts for FL not to 'coax' her but make her feel comfortable and actually enjoy it withought some moral barriers that she rised around her.

I just don't see him actually cherishing her, he comes off as a lustful beast and that's just it.


So I can't put up with him anymore and dropping the novel for my heart's safety. <<less
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hejikkk rated it
June 6, 2021
Status: c77 part2
General impressions


  • pretty engaging plot, gets better later on (or at least where I'm at) instead of losing momentum
  • FL is quite cool
  • also really like the second ML (the prince is okay too ofc but I like the second ML better haha)

  • literally everyone else pretty much sucks (and has negative iq)
  • wayyyyyy too many descriptors for appearances (but ig its to be expected in any romance novel :p)
  • sometimes FL acts hypocritically to her "justice" speeches
overall, its not a series that surpasses my standards but its not bad. The set up... more>> is also kinda artificial (FL is practically perfect, everyone else makes dumb moves, you basically guess how things are gonna turn out etc) but its still pretty enjoyable. Would recommend for a light read. <<less
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erialolita rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I think maybe this novel type just isn't for me, the story is probably more historically accurate to females than most novels I've read and that is probably what I don't like about it. So if you like those types this is probably for you. With all these 5 star reviews, I feel like I missed something, but I found the main characters to be dry, shallow and boring.

The MC is so perfect that she is bland. She had a bit more personality at the beginning but it just got... more>> lost after her illness.

The ML is okay, not great as a love interest but a great prince. Basically doesn't care how the MC feels about him, just announces she will be his princess, so romance is basically non existent.

The MC family was meh, the sister was dense even after living for 2 lifetimes. The aunt wasn't too bad.

I don't know I just couldn't really connect with the MC or the ML so the story was hard to finish. Also so many useless details about clothes or appearance, there were some times I skipped most of a chapter and nothing happened.

The translator did a great job and I'm so thankful they numbered the chapters accordingly. I don't mind chapters being broken up, but it's really annoying when translators break up the chapters and number them like they're not broken up. MTL is always a struggle and I skipped some. <<less
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SSKF rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: Completed
I really liked this.
FL and ML had a wonderful relationship from the beginning. The story had a strong start, and smooth middle and a rounded ending. It actually ended where it begun and I liked that implication so much.

The only thing to make this better is if they were more open and demonstrative in the beginning. That's not a criticism of the story though, that's only because I like when the main couple throw dog food for the other characters to eat. Don't worry though, throughout the story, there are glimpses of our main couple showing their genuine regard for each other and making others jealous. Love it!

FL's character is so strong and refreshing. She understood her limited social position as a woman and does all she can to arrange the best life for herself. She's analytical and doesn't let feelings cloud her judgement. ML's character compliments hers. He treats her so well. For him, she is his reward after an arduous life.

The politics in this story was just enough, not overbearing. The trajectory of the story was wonderful. It made me want to watch this played out in a drama. I want more.
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cozypillow rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: c80 part1
So far so good!

[There's a reacent comment with 1 star from hevaLaLuna. But I don't really trust their judgement since all of their reviews are negative with no reason. Also comparing books? Not even mentioning the good sides of the book and there are many. Flat MC and ML? Are they even reading the same book?]

I really like how the FL is really not focused on revenge or how pitiful she is when her engagement is broken. Like she's really logical and pragmatic and has the mind to accomplish her... more>> goals. She's schemming but for really good reason and it's not just mindless "i'll make them all pay".

But FL is also a young girl of 14-15 yo

(don't know if it's spoiler since it tells you in the first chapters but just in case) she even died at the age of 16 in her past life so she's not an op MC that knows all the future

and it's realistic if she isn't aware of some things like feelings. She's op in a sense that she's really smart and cunning for her age but has an innocent side when it comes to feelings since for obvious reasons she doesn't develop well at that.

ML has a characterization of others handsome and intelligent ML but his flaws are also reasonable. He's also not annoying to me and helps FL in the right moments but also let's her shine in the right moments.

except those moments when he doesn't let her collect men to marry lmao I'm like laughing because I want her to marry people so she escapes that household but also ML needs time to take back the throne and get FL


You have to keep in mind both FL and ML aren't really powerful even if ML is the crown prince. Both have to settle their affairs to become powerful. Some people even expect ML to just come and marry the girl or something but he can't atm even if he wants to lol.

Overall this is an opinion of someone that gets bored of FLs that are too OP or too dumb but this FL is really pleasant and refreshing to read. She really makes me root for her success and happiness. <<less
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momocasiraghi rated it
March 25, 2021
Status: c39
I have like a love and dislike relationship with this novel. It's interesting but if you like,

    • Long and draggy sentences
    • Repeated lines, words and scenes from the memories
    • Inconsistent characteristics of MC
    • Selfish and yet understandable self loving MC
    • Too many details about other stuff
    • Unnecessary and nonsensical informations in paragraphs, like writing a college essay to get those words counted lol
    • Strong MC that thinks for herself before others (nicee)
    • MC with flawed characters, she can be a hypocrite but it's her way of surviving and definitely understandable and I like that part of her
Then, this novel is ok for you to read. This might sound like I'm criticizing the novel and yes I am but I won't deny that this novel is pretty good. It's just if you are OK with the stuff I have listed, then go for it. I'm not sure if I'll continue and give it a few more time but I feel like I'm losing my brain cell as I go farther into the chapters. MC's characters are very inconsistent in my opinion and it's disturbing my peace of reading lol. It's like she is written in certain way for convenience plot and makes me wonder if I'm still reading the same person. And some parts gets too draggy. I mean for the sake of informations, it's good and all but I have noticed that the author repeated things but in different wording. It seriously reminds me of me writing my college essay. I'd repeat something in my paragraph but it says the same thing from what I wrote before just to hit that word count.

Other than that, MC thinks ahead for herself. If you want someone with a flawed character who probably annoys the heck out of you, then this is for you. We usually aren't comfortable reading someone who is a definition of a human greed but hey this is still a good read. The translations made it so much better and readable and I'm thankful for that.

My actual feelings:


I'll be honest, as much as I want to continue and give this a chance but I don't feel comfortable reading MC having this predatory attitude. It might not look like to other readers but I feel like she's a little bit too predatory in my taste. I know why she goes after men to see who her potential husband is but the way she does it looks so predatory and I think because how manipulative she is. But I also think she just wanna make sure she get to have a better marriage life and that's valid but her attitude and her actions aren't it for me. Part of it because I know she's already a mind of an adult and she's going after someone who is young, who can be controlled and manipulate easily by her. If it were the ML who after female like that, especially MC's group of female friends, everyone would be disgusted by him by now. I think this is why ML is the best person with her. He could see her bs and not easily manipulated. I do hope he wouldn't get manipulated in the future though.

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Leier rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: c66
Gem gem gem gem..! (At least up to chapter 66 which I am currently at).

The story beautifully portrays a very calculating, rational, cold, smart FL, who surprisingly has a very humble and realistic ambition: marrying well and live a peaceful life. This is very refreshing as so many similar novels' FL are driven by revenge or high ambition, and yet this one is different.

Unfortunately (for her), but fortunately for us readers, her ambition is very hard to achieve as she caught the eyes of an also very calculating, very smart,... more>> and very possessive ML who won't let her get close to any decent potential target partner.

For me, I find the most delicious part is the story vividly tells us her thoughts and motives, and it makes a very interesting journal. And also, the compatibility between the FL and ML are so much that even at this very early stage they talk and think eerily alike. I begin to think they actually found each other's carbon copy, just in different gender than themselves. Can't wait for this pair of schemers to be official, then watching them go around scheming and manipulating everyone!

Credit to aerialrain, such excellent translation that I got carried into the world each time. I could read the raws ahead with some help from dictionaries, but I'd rather patiently wait for the translation! <<less
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Bookworm_Sueweetie rated it
May 15, 2022
Status: Completed

I enjoyed reading this novel. Characters got depth even the "villains" and side characters.

I love the FL (Cheng Yujin) she was calm, reserved and reliable. She work hard to be a perfect lady bc no one cared for her and only depend on her own. She followed the rules of ancient time, but at the same time being femme fatale of her own. Also, I'm glad that she's not revengeful but always moved forward. She's one of my favorite FLs in the list. She also complimented with the ML (Li... more>> Chengjing).

The leads made a powerful couple, the romance was kinda slow but their support for each other was already there since the first time they met. They've been both lonely until they found each other.

The only con was the story dragged FL's finding groom arc so much... than the palace/political dispute arc. <<less
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luminaluna rated it
April 20, 2022
Status: c117

There's no unnecessary misunderstanding because they do communicate with each other very well, and for me who simply regard communication as a thing couple definitely should have, this novel is MASTERPIECE.

Both of them is strong so no one can bonk!!!

But prepare yourself for the fluff they serve, cuz not gonna lie it will make you kinda want a partner like that...
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remyrem rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: c90
I don't understand what the relationship of this is to 'I Became The Stepmother of My Ex-husband', but I can see the similarities. (Edit: it was removed from the "Related Series" links so it might've just been a mistaken link 😅)

I really love the world building the this author does with their stories. The plot feels like a mix of political intrigue and a biography on the life of 'a proper lady in Ancient China'. The characters are really well-written and feel like people instead of just caricatures, and... more>> the world is fascinating enough that I would keep reading even without the main characters.

MC is very introspective and self-aware, and because of that we also get to see more of her thoughts. Like IBTSOME's MC, she's the tv-drama-like villain sister character, but where Lin Wei Xi was filial, earnest, and not afraid to be misunderstood for the sake of fulfilling her self-assigned duties (a tsundere type who berates people constantly but has a good heart), Cheng Yujin is selfish, rarely truthful, and aggressively protects her white flower reputation (a true blackbellied silver snake). Despite that, author has written the characters so well that I think I actually like CYJ more than LWX.

ML is honestly somewhat boring to me, but he has good chemistry with CYJ. I like that he really has his own life that doesn't always get shown in the story because it's following CYJ. I find myself cheering them on not just as a power couple but as partners in crime.

All in all, definitely recommend to anyone who likes Ancient China settings. <<less
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Jeez Louise
Jeez Louise rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Oh mannn how much do I love our FL's personality! Ninth Uncle too is a superb ML for her but Yujin? I always look forward to her comebacks lol she always does it so gracefully and with just the perfect amount of poison underneath and it's honestly so satisfying to watch those people get speechless afterwards hahaha!

While she was still unmarried, she puts herself first before anyone or anything and that too me is really refreshing for a Chinese novel. Does that make her selfish? Heck no! If anything, she's... more>> actually pretty nice for someone who has indifferent family members who only remember and cares for her once it's convenient for them UGH! I wanted her to faceslap her biological and adopted mom more but welp, I guess we can't have everything nice 🥲

ML and FL's ending:

He became the Emperor and she the Empress and they ended up having a pair of boy and girl twins! The last chapter of the extra omg it was the ML's first life living as an emperor but without Yujin as his empress because she already died years before. Don't worry though coz he was able to return back to his younger self and force Huo Changyuan to cancel his engagement with her kekeke


Huo Changyuan/husband in first life/ex-fiance in current life's ending:


He kept dreaming about his last life and how he regretted that he belatedly realize that the one he actually love was not Cheng Yumo but his dead wife, Yujin. All he felt for Yumo was just gratitude for saving his life and that's it. The very second he saw Yujin when he opened his eyes inside that cave, he already loved her at first sight but WELP... regrets are the hardest lessons learned 🤷‍♀️


Cheng Yumo/the twin sister's ending:


Her relationship with Huo Changyuan got worse and worse overtime because she can't learn to get along with his mom. She miscarried their first child because she was accidentally pushed hard by him when he saw her and his mom fighting over the concubine that his mom wanted him to have. After 2 years of marriage, she was still childless. In the extras, she was spreading rumors about how the ML Emperor was just forced to marry the FL because of an agreement with their deceased grandfather and their love was just for show. So it's really hard to feel sorry for her since she herself refused to grow up.


Definitely worth the read! <<less
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toshibi rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: Completed
FL's personality was really appealing as a woman, she knew what she wanted and how to get it. She wasn't like other female leads wherein they say they'll do this but get sidetracked by the male leads. Sure, she was sometimes interrupted by the ML in her quest for a husband and quite dull with feelings but she still kept trying to stick with her goal. I also like how her backstory explains how she became a Ms. Perfect because she worked hard all her life, not like a mary... more>> sue damsel in distress. Other stories have a strong FL but always end up needing to be saved by ML while she used her own wit to go against everyone but the the author didn't make her too OP like knowing everything like some FLs who knew even about the court even though they're supposed to have only studied the things females in that period should have. She knows some things but those are all things to know, like the post of minister to find her perfect husband, like the post of ministers.

I also like ML because he never acted as a male chauvinist. He didn't act as the superior in their relationship. Everytime after teasing the FL, he would back down when it looks like she would explode. Even when he knew she was just acting to get ahead he would still give in. The comparison between him and the ex showed the difference between having the will to take care and respect his partner and just taking them for granted.

I also like how even though it was kinda like a force marriage in FL's part but then she also did the same to another person and ML also thought this marriage through so that FL could also achive her most important goal (husband with power and money).



I just wish that the author could write more about the extra, like an almost the same but different perspective of the story. I really w

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mazeoflife28 rated it
March 10, 2021
Status: c51 part1
I have read a lot of rebirth and revenge stories but I really enjoyed reading this one. There's just something charming about it. The FL herself, the ML as well.. And the characters actually feel more alive than the usual two dimensional stereotype template. Yes there are some brainless ones in the mix but they have reasoning, they have aspirations and traits that make them seemingly more complex and less flat.

Even the etiquette and exchange of fake pleasantries, of what is considered proper and dignified and the unwritten rules is... more>> interesting to read from this perspective without being too blatant and cheap with some underlying understanding from what's said between the lines. I feel like I've gained some insight to this double meaning and implications dance court ladies do from watching them interact alone. The ML is reasonable and acting of someone his age who has a hidden burden. The FL does act older for her age but it's well explained as to why her temperament is different from her other peers.

I actually do prefer this type of cunning protagonist who is like a bamboo. Can remain sturdy but can also bend with the wind. The foundation of the romance between ML and FL is also particular. Yes, he'll have this big workaround to get there and it's a lot more troublesome than if he picked someone else. But he's aware there's nobody else like her and he'll fight for it, really brings a smile to my face. <<less
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ShioriSai rated it
January 24, 2021
Status: Completed
This is one of the few novels who will really made you realize how hard the life of a woman in Ancient China. At the middle of chapters 80-90, there's this scenario where the MC chooses to save the young boy who was on the verge of drowning--it was later explained that she did it because (50%) she wanted to save the boy, and (50%) she want LQ (?) to save her so that she would have another reason for him to marry her.

Now, in most of historical chinese novels,... more>> there's always this girl who would pretend to be drowning and then some guy would save her---which she will then force him to marry. Most of us would think that she was such a scheming b*tch. However, if we change it into her perspective, there's really nothing she could do---in an era where her future lies in her husband, is it really wrong for her for wanting to marry someone better?

The MC in this novel once mentioned "If I was a man I wouldn't look down on that kind of woman" "My ability is better than my brothers, I can recite and read poems better than then. If I were given an opportunity to participate in the examination, I wouldn't even do this kind of thing"

The MC is selfish, she only thinks about herself, and yes, she was very manipulative. She was smart and cunning, she knows what she wants, and what she doesn't. If you think about it, if she were born as a man, just imagine how terrifying her ability would be in court.

Unfortunately she wasn't.... Unfortunately she was born in a place where women were in a lower standing than men.

I'm gonna be honest, there were times that I kinda hate her. Why? Because she's too realistic, she's not a ditsy datsy cutesy and flowery type of woman, nor was she a martial god, business master, and 'oh men fall for me left and right and devote your whole life to me' kind of protagonist. She was just..... her, as flawed as she was, she was my favorite character. Because, she really felt alive.

So yeah, 5/5.


Edit: I totally agree with that one commentator, who ever said that the MC is Mary Sure, come fight me (+2) <<less
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June 29, 2020
Status: Completed
I echo what the other comments have mentioned. If "To be a virtuous wife" is your cup of tea, you might want to give this a try. The MC is very calculating from a modern perspective but looking at it from a historical lens, it seems pretty accurate. The concept of happiness and love are pretty modern, so I think the way the author has addressed the romance is pretty on point. The MC is not as mature as she appears in public. A lonely girl who only believes in... more>> herself and doesn't rely or wait for a man to save her when she's in trouble. I really respect her even if her very strong calculating nature puts me off, I can get that it's a product of the times and a means for survival. I like that no one is a true villain and side characters do get their share of the story. There's the right amount of drama and it's not overboard either. There's not a lot of cliche tropes compared to other historical dramas. It's pretty easy to MTL and I would recommend it if you can accept a MC who is very calculating. Otherwise I don't think you will have a good time no matter how well written the story is. As for the romance, it's gradual and pretty natural but also the ML has his work cut out for him to earn the MC's trust. I really enjoy how the ML was written. I can only imagine that if there was someone really like him in those times, it'd be a 1 in a million chance. And for that person to be of nobility, let's bump that up to nigh impossible. Don't expect a fluff or romance. There's really not that much there or at least not your typical romance novel type. It's a slow fire that steadily grows and reads very naturally if a little slow. Still an enjoyable read overall. Well paced and no fillers. <<less
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LunadeSelene rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: c6 part1
I'm dropping this because I can stand both protagonists. There's s part where the MC is angry with the male lead but guess what? When she sees how handsome he is her angry dissappear. It gives a message like women are superficials and s*upids.

The ML is a c*cky crown prince who is interested with the MC because she oppose him and nobody dares to do that. (The same formula in chinese male leads)
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joonsgalaxy rated it
December 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Buckle up bc it is messy gorl, MEH-to the-SSY.

Okay so boom, you've got our MC Cheng Yujin who was born as a twin sister. Her younger sister is Cheng Yumo. A few days after birth, CYJ is adopted by the first branch of the Cheng family bc they didn't have any kids. Cool, right? Naur. Bc her birth mother, favors CYM bc she actually got to raise her. She feels like CYJ is unfilial to the woman that actually birthed her bc the madam of the first branch is a... more>> Junzhi (a imperial relative in some way, can't remember how exactly.)

Her adopted mother, though, don't f*cks with her either bc she never really liked her, but then after adopting her she gave birth to a son. Besides, she also doesn't like her bc she thinks that CYJ will eventually betray her for her birth mother. Then you've got the matriarch of the Cheng family who favors her, but only on the surface. She treats our girl like an item. A tool to wield. Barter and trade. She's an item—and when an item loses its value it gets thrown away. (the menfolk of the family are entirely useless, so don't worry about them bestie)

So you've got a resentful, jealous birth mother. A hostile, distant adopted mother. And a morally/ethically compromised grandmother. She's neglected and ignored. Only acknowledged when it best suits the moment. But like, surely it can't get any worse for our girl can it? Oh, it can. Bc this is only the Cheng family and I've only described the Cheng family elders.

Her sister, CYM, is a useless walking carcass. A waste of natural resources. She holds her sister in contempt for, seemingly, leading a better life than her since she is the di daughter of the first branch and her mother is a Junzhi. Everyone praises her etiquette and manners. Her looks and temperament. CYM constantly laments about always getting compared to her sister.


but lets be so fr for a second. you cannot compete where you do not compare. and CYM does not compare at all. And she never really tries to. She doesn't study etiquette like CYJ. She doesn't practice calligraphy and embroidery like CYJ. She doesn't train herself to be more graceful and cool-headed like CYJ. She hasn't done anything to truly compete with CYJ but thinks that, because they're twins, they should be leading the exact same life with the exact same benefits... no. Actually, she believes that she deserves more than CYJ. The idiotic slugs for brains doesn't realize that she has the one thing that CYJ doesn't: a loving family. CYM is spoiled. Spoiled rotten. She was allowed to play and get dirty and cry and whine like all other children. Her parents adored her. CYJ had to always maintain a facade of perfectness, lest she get reprimanded and outcasted by her adopted parents. No one in the Cheng manor shows her even the tiniest bit of genuine kindness or affection. But is CYM happy with how her life is? OFC not! CYM's only genuine claim to fame is that everyone treats CYJ like some cold beauty that's unapproachable while she, on the other hand, is fun, naive, and lively. Characteristics afforded to her because of her loving upbringing, ofc.


Anywho, the Cheng family take some kind of winter vacation on a mountain or something and CYM decides, during a snowstorm, to go around walking bc it's "poetic" (truly, a bird-brained idiot but whatever). She happens across an injured man Huo Chengyuan, drags him to a cave, and keeps him warm all night via skin to skin contact. In the morning, she gets up to get help and that's where our MC comes in. Bc she was worried about her missing sister, who has been sickly since birth, and went to look for her. She happened to find him and called for help, thus saving him. But ofc, no good deed goes unpunished and the idiot decides that he just has to marry his savior. So him and CYJ get engaged. Ofc CYM can't take this so she lets him know that CYJ was lying about being the one to save him and it was her that actually saved him.


this part of the plot made my ass itch. the logic is nowhere to be found. okay, so you held him at night. but skin to skin contact only does so much. mans was still injured. She left him to get help, sure, but like CYJ had enough time to go around looking for CYM, stumble across the cave he was in, assess that he was injured, call for help, and wait for the help to arrive. In fact, I think it wasn't until CYJ had him carried back to their lodgings that CYM found out what happened. So like... where was you girlie pop? We don't know how bad his injury was. And with how long CYM took, who knows if he would have surived. So yeah CYJ is his actual savior. Technically, they both saved him but without CYJ who knows if he would have even lived to see that help CYM was supposedly getting for him.


They treat her like a scheming, evil snake woman whose only mission was to betray her sister for the sake of marrying a "good" man. Ugh. Whatever. Bc then in comes our ML, Ninth Uncle, aka Cheng Yuanjing aka Crown Prince Li Chengjing. Walking green flag. Same temperament as or MC just in man form. The story from here gets even MESSIER but I won't harp on that. Instead, I'll say that our ML and MC are a joy to read about. They're a dynamic duo and their scenes together are so enriching they made my crops grow and my harvest bountiful. I thoroughly enjoyed the development of their relationship. I'd rate this story a 8.5 or 9/10 but a 5/5 by novelupdates' standards. It's good. It's entertaining. It's like hearing gossip about a friend of a friend's cousin. Messy but the good kind.

My only gripe with the story is that the author goes out of their way to describe CYJ as selfish, greedy, and cold-hearted. She describes herself this way. Other characters say this about her, too. Both behind her back and to her face. But she's not any of these things.

She's self-preserving. Persevering. Resilient. Pragmatic. Straightforward. But it's like the author took all of these good qualities and searched up synonyms with bad connotations and just threw that into the story. She is all of these things bc she has to be. The Cheng family treat her terribly. Nearly every waking moment is a play where she is forced to be the actress. She's selfish for being concerned about herself?


one of the main reasons why I call the ML a green flag is because he sees her for who she is. He recongizes that life dealt her a bad hand and does not blame her for who she had to become to survive. She's jaded, for sure, and it takes him while (long while) to prove to her that he's in it for the long haul, but the fact is that he is. And he doesn't ask her to change. Doesn't demand more of her. He meets her where she's at and does his best to prove, both in words and in actions, that he's sincere and genuine.


And it's not like she uses and abuses people. The only time she schemes is when she's trying to hook a man. But she's not a gold digger either. She's realistic. Men are allowed to marry down (to a certain extent) but for women it is important to marry up. She looks at marriage as a transaction. You do for me, I do for you. All she wants is a life where she can breathe without the Cheng family over her shoulder. She has a reputation to uphold so she's got to have a good marriage, but will do her absolute best to make the most out of that marriage. Even if it includes chauvinistic husbands and overbearing, cruel mother in laws.


the whole thing about this being a different life is played pretty well imo too. CYM is the rebirthed one while CYJ saw her past through the lens of a dream. CYM is desperate to right the supposed wrongs but CYJ is afforded the grace of distance. Bc this was more of a dream to her, she's not so invested in it. She uses it as reference from time to time, but in this way the plot does not heavily depend on this reincarnation/rebirth/second life angle. She's not OP and certainly isn't all knowing. She's resourceful and confident, sure, but not omnipotent. She becomes a little scheming near the middle/end of the story but that is when she is already married to the CP/NU and they scheme together. I think the author was smart to use this angle bc too often we read transmigration/reincarnation type stories where that element is so quickly made irrelevant.

I also want to add that the emperor is a spineless biatch. His progression into irrelevance (aka death) makes total sense when you think about it for even less than a second. He was under the thumb of the Yang family for basically all of his reign. Most of his life. Once they fall, he's free. It's like graduating high school and moving away from college. Without your parents right behind you, you're bound to go a little crazy with freedom. But he went beyond a little crazy. Besides, he was useless as a prince, how could he ever manage to be a competent ruler? Nevermind the fact that the Yang family controlled him. Even if they didn't, he never had the qualifications to be an emperor anyway. And that is proven when the Yang family falls. But what really gets me is that he had a chance to redeem himself with CP/NU. His spinelessness and incompetence got his first wife, CP/NU's mother killed. It also brought assassination attempts against the CP/NU. CP/NU was run out of his home and had to go into hiding to survive.

The least the emperor could do was be a better father to him when CP/NU comes back. But no. He doesn't. He proves to his supposedly beloved first born son that despite all the hell that he'd been put through, he, the emperor, only cares about himself. For all that the author does, telling us over and over again that CYJ is the selfish one, it truly is more that all the other characters around her are the selfish ones.

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hanli rated it
July 20, 2023
Status: Completed
First, let me just say "My gahd, this was unbearably too long."

Yes, this novel is unnecessarily too long. Even before reaching the halfway mark, I already lost interest. I had to force myself to scan through the rest of the chapters just so I find out what happens in the end.

It's an okay story for me, thus 3/5. Both leads were smart and witty in their own ways. It's just that the scenes/chapters between the two were quite few for a romance story. What's also frustrating is

... more>>

The leads bared (like REAL real) their feelings at, like, the last chapter. And also, how they came to really love one another? I don't even know how that happened. Besides, I guess, with the ML already knowing who his wife would be.


But seriously, this could have ended with fewer chapters and still would not lose its taste. <<less
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DaeJangGeum rated it
May 6, 2023
Status: Completed
Great Read. Recommended to those who like historical pieces.

First off I would like to refer to ByleeM's review. She analyses how this MC rubbed her the wrong way initially and couldn't figure out why, but it was because the MC was too realistic. She points out the MC's flaws and her evil side where she is manipulative, which made her uncomfortable, which is quite unlike most novels where the main characters are in the right no matter what they do. You can go ahead to read it; I felt that... more>> was a very objective and good analysis. It is something I would usually say as well, but it would take more than half the book to usually notice the MC's character traits. Yet this time, I was able to see it all in just 10 chapters.

Firstly, good job to the author and translator who can convey the emotions and settings of the story so well it almost pushed me into an emotional spiral with just 10 chapters, its really powerful and amazing what good writing can do. I was emotionally connected and affected by the MC within first 10 chapters. I could see so much of myself in her, and understand why she chose to do things the way she did. This is a character that can easily be perceived to be pretentious and manipulative. And to some extent she is.

The (past life) dream she had itself had no particular impact on her character. She never thought of the events as something she had lived through, but just as an ominous dream that was warning her about the dangers ahead.

Her whole character was formed by her childhood and maiden family background, and the environment she grew up in. She has all the fortune to be the daughter of a noblewoman, yet is under scrutiny. She is praised for her virtues and character, but criticised by peers for being stuck up. She has to flatter and play tricks to gain favour yet is called manipulative. As time goes by and this complex character unravels herself, we see that she is someone who clearly calculates benefits and overlooks feelings. It is pretty strange for a 14 year old to have such a character, but reasonable.

Growing up in seemingly perfect circumstances, having the luck to be adopted as the daughter of a Junzhu and be admired by older women as a role model child paints an image of a perfect life. But she has it less than perfect. As explained, her life was so difficult that she turned distrusting and conniving. The sad thing about growing in 'good' circumstances in the eyes of the others is that, she never gets to experience the 'good' nor get and sympathy or empathy for her situation because no one understands. The MC is a lonely person who deals with everything on her own, which eventually makes her into a hard boiled egg. (The potato, egg, and coffee bean analogy)

I relate to the MC very much. While ByleeM's review takes apart the MC's character, and explains to us how well she has been written, I find myself embracing those qualities, empathising and crying with the character. Manipulative? Completely acceptable, if not how else is she going to survive on her own?Proud? She should be for being able to manoeuvre such a harsh life on her own. Cold-blooded? That is her defence mechanism. She cannot possibly let everything and everyone affect her. Greedy? She just wants stability, and that is her right.

As the story develops, I am impressed by the MC's efforts to help herself to a safe and stable life. She is not afraid of having to face a difficult mother in law or going through hardship, but focuses on the future. Like most women in her time, she views a powerful man as the means to success. It made it more realistic. The MC can clearly tell she does not have the capability or skills to survive as a lone woman in that era, so even if she has to take the conventional path by marrying she wants to it her way. The dream of being a virtuous wife, mother, and finally the benevolent old madam of a normal noble family was low-key hilarious but reminded me of my own dreams and aspirations. Truly an ambitious woman of her time.

The ML is a great guy, doesn't really leave a big impression on me other than that he was a doormat for his imperial father, and really loves the MC. I liked his journey as well, him discovering his own feelings towards the MC, discovering his own beliefs and misconceptions as he faces his father. He comes to terms with the fact that maybe the only person who ever cared for him was Xue-shi. I felt a lot of sympathy of the MC and ML, they were both lonely people, and a little relieved that they could find each other. The main couple's relationship was truly interesting. They went from people who dislike each other, to friendly acquaintances to a loving couple over a span of years. The only think that irks me is their ages. I am older than ML and I have yet to achieve half of what he has, but neither did I almost die because the Empress Dowager was trying to kill me. People in that era really matured early, but paid for it with their childhood.

The most intriguing character was the Emperor. I initially believed he really loved his son as well, but seeing the emperor turn into completely something else. I was really surprised by the turn of events. I would have liked to have gotten to know this character more.

This book shows more than it tells, you can tell a lot just from a few lines spoken by the characters, and none of them need to be explained, but it may require the ability to empathise with the characters for readers to understand it so I disagree with Anner's review below. The tumultuous lives of the various characters in that era brings a fun and entertaining story in the form of this novel.

I gave this book 5 stars purely because of the emotional appeal the MC has had on me with just 10 chapters. Overall it is worth 4 stars, because while the characters and story was exceptional, I felt plot development was too predictable and the twins bit was cliche. Quite an overused trope. Twins are not that common lmao. In my whole 20 years of existence, I have only met 3 pairs of twins, and it was across 2 different continents.

If you like my review give it a like and look out for more reviews from my account on hidden gems in the future! <<less
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di_immortales rated it
January 17, 2023
Status: Completed
stayed up until 2AM to finish this. Kudos to the translators for such great quality translations.

the female lead is all I could ask for, and the main couple is beautiful. Their elegance, mutual and natural cooperation contrasted with the ugly pairing of the ex husband and green tea bit*h of a sister. Honestly I was surprised but happy that the FL helped yumo, but nevertheless told her it was the path she had chosen for herself, and therefore her own responsibility.

regretful scums are satisfying. Face slapping was so satisfying too.... more>> I can't express how angry I got when that old witch empress yang tried to kill and denounce the fls unborn children. This novel did a great job at portraying the cruel standards of ancient times. The treatment of women, the excessive superstition. I cried in anger, I tell you. Indignation at what these evil people did. I wholeheartedly love the female lead for having such wit and survival instinct, doing all she could and using all her mental prowess, sharp tongue and flawless demeanour to get her happy ever after.

the male lead was rather annoying. She needed marriage to survive.. She had nothing else. You didn't propose yet or indicate your feelings with your useless cold prince charming character, and you have the face to demand jealously and expect her to keep a distance from other men? I wished she would just scream at that entitled hypocrite. But he treated her well and wasn't too intolerable. I somehow wished that the FL could display her greatness more instead of the ML always swooping in. But, as I said, they're good together, a power couple.

last of all thanks to the author for putting so much effort in to create a beautiful example of love for us readers. My standards have been intolerably raised..

nothing felt like filler and every chapter was well thought out. A great read, one of the best palace intrigues or historical dramas I have ever read.

p.s. The children plot reminds me of the kings affection backstory. Man, that sh*t made me bawl. <<less
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