Golden Age Legitimate Fei


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An edict bestowed marriage.

A noble daughter with three strikes: no talent, no looks, no virtue.

A tr*sh wangye – disfigured, disabled, seriously ill.

Everyone says: Perfect match!

Bridal veil down–she wore a shallow smile. Leisurely and calm. Having experienced life and death, she only wanted to lead a quiet life.

Going up to the wedding hall–he had a slight smile on his face; a heart as cold as ice. He suffered all kinds of humiliation, but there will be a day when he will stand above all beneath the heavens.

–He is my husband. To bully him is to bully me. To insult him is to insult me. To hurt him is to hurt me. If someone were to hurt me, I would have to get to rid of them!

–Benwang doesn’t believe in supernatural beings and doesn’t seek heaven. If she were to die, benwang would turn this entire world into purgatory and sacrifice this whole country to her!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sheng Shi Di Fei
Thịnh Thế Đích Phi
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Recommendation Lists
  1. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
  2. Most Popular Historical BG
  3. ancient china(strong fl)
  4. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  5. Transmigrating to Ancient China

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eyedatgirl rated it
October 5, 2022
Status: c261
Sorry this will be a long post. I really wanted to like this story but after reading almost a quarter of it I am really disappointed. This will be a ranting review because the FL's Jesus/Ghandi mentality of turning the other cheek really pisses me TF off. The author makes her too s*upid when it comes to other women. I like that she is calm and mature but forgiving people that try to harm her is unbelievable nonsense! Does the author not realize that a lot of the antagonists actions... more>> are criminal and deserving of punishment? That's why there are crime laws and a justice system even in ancient times.


First bit of nonsense, she forgives her family even though they have treated her like she is tr*sh. They look down on her, all the sisters, the step mother, and concubines are jealous of everything she has, they doubt her motives when she tries to help and insult her constantly, and mostly they all treat her like she is a worthless existence that brings shame to the family. The oldest half sister (the one that steals her fiancee) and step mother scheme against her with assassins and plots to steal her things and try to make her fall into the abyss. I guess it's not enough that Ye Yue stole her fiancee? Essentially almost everyone in the Ye Manor (including the really young brother) has bullied and mistreated the FL except the grandmother but this doesn't count for much since her grandmother did nothing to stop the abuse and bullying. In the beginning we find out that the step mother has even taken her mother's dowry and whittled it down to nothing then shamelessly tries to give it to Ye Yue as her dowry. The FL lets it go after tricking them into giving back what's remaining. Seriously? The step mother and half sister even send assassins to try to kill the FL even though the author pens her as being low key. After the FL leaves the Ye Manor at no point does anyone in the Ye family ever say they are sorry or show any remorse to her for how terribly they have treated her. They even shamelessly ask for her help on several occasions. After all this she still tries to help them almost every time she visits them. When sshe doesn't help to their satisfaction they blame her as not wanting to help them even though they don't deserve her help.

The FL has no problem with several women that scheme against her just because they like the ML. Her reasoning for letting it go is that she understands and/or pities their situation because they are supposedly doing it to survive. Really? I've never heard of anyone needing to belittle or insult someone else or try to take someone else's husband in order to survive. The first example is Consort Liu. This skank hooker looks down on the FL lead constantly and actually insults her to her face. On top of that she tells the FL to go away so that she can talk to the ML every time she sees them at the palace just so she can be alone with the ML. After one such incident the FL feels bad for Consort Liu and wonders to herself if CL will be okay after the ML kicks her to the curb. The FL justifies Consort Liu's behavior when she remembers that Consort Liu has feelings for the ML. WTF?! That skank bit*h is MARRIED to the emperor and has a daughter and 2 sons with him. She had a choice in her marriage. Who in their right mind would feel sorry for her? So what if she likes the ML. He's shown her that he doesn't like her at all so he is someone that she can't have. Get over yourself and accept it! She doesn't deserve any understanding or sympathy IMO.

The second example is a shameless dancer named Yoaji. This ignorant wench likes Mu Yang; the Mu family heir. She wants to marry him but he is engaged to a girl from the Sun family. He doesn't think that Yoaji is good enough as a main wife even though she's only selling her skills in dancing not her body so he wants to have her as a concubine but she doesn't want that. She decides to ruin her own reputation to get him to let go. (I feel bad for her situation but this doesn't makes sense and the author doesn't allow it to work in the end anyway. It was just a useless way to create unnecessary drama.) YJ sets up an event where she will dance on a stage in the middle of the commoners monthly night market and after her dance she will throw an embroidered ball to a man she wants to choose as her "groom" for the night. She sees the ML and FL standing there and she smiles at the FL. FL gets a bad feeling and it's spot on because after the dance Yoaji throws the ball towards the ML after she silently says "Do you think he'll accept it?" to the FL. (So the FL's super power must be lip reading?) When the FL sees the ball flying their way she actually gets worried and pulls the ML's collar. (Don't ask me how she has enough time to do this before the ball reaches him but whatever. This author does sh*t like this constantly because she has no understanding about the passage of time.) The ML ends up hitting the ball away. When Yoaji sees this she says "congratulations" to the FL. The FL nods and accepts her congratulations and she even has her shadow guards escort the girl safely back to hookerville. What?! Who would be happy or helpful towards another woman that tried to drag their husband into some unnecessary drama? Yoaji was essentially saying she wants to spend the night with the ML. If I was the FL I would have jumped up to catch that ball, lit it on fire, and then threw it on Yoaji's head. I'm sure that all of the women I know would have done the same. Is this author trying to say that if another woman likes her husband that she would allow this woman to insult her and treat her like she doesn't exist just because she understands the woman's feelings? (As someone that has had to deal with this in my marriage, please believe that when another woman tried to flirt with my husband right in front of my face I would cut them into pieces with my poison covered tongue and if my husband showed any interest in that woman I would have thrown him on that woman's head and not looked back.) This is respecting and loving yourself. Would this author be fine with another woman like consort Liu acting like she is tr*sh and that she doesn't deserve to be married to her husband? If that's the case then this author must be the female Jesus and a much better person then myself and the females I associate with.

Another unbelievable part that irritates TF out of me when they continuosly forgive Han Mingyue. The author is consistently inconsistent. This freakin moronic tr*sh Han Mingyue loves the not dead ex-fiancee of the ML so he listens to everything that she wants without question like a loyal dog. (His lines should have all been written in Scooby speak.... Ry roddess rants rou read ro rou rust rie. roof roof [My goddess wants you dead so you must die! woof woof]) Of course she wants the ML even though she left him when he was at his lowest. (I feel that she was part of the plot to poison him.) She's obviously shameless and delusional so she wants to hurt and/or kill the FL any way she can. She makes several plans to hurt the FL using HMY. The first time he tries to assassinate the FL she pwns him but lets him off because he was friends with the ML and supposedly didn't know that the target was the FL. (This is really not believable that he doesn't know the name of who he is supposed to hurt but whatever.) She tells him that there won't be a second time, that if he tries to hurt her again she won't let him off. Oh surprise surprise, but of course there is a second time. The second time he tried to attack the FL Han Mingxi protects her. They let HMY off again because Han Mingxi asks her to. The FL uses HMX as a threat by supposedly poisoning him and says that she will only give him the antidote if HMY behaves himself. The ML comes to the cave where the second attack occurs. He's angry about the first attack so before they let HMY off he attacks him but HMY is able to block it or his brother protects him, I can't remember which. Anyway the ML lets him go the second time because of their past friendship and HMX's request not to kill his bro. The second time HMY clearly knew who he was attacking. HMY made the decision to hurt the FL just because that's what the ex-fiancee wanted. Who would forgive someone that attempts to mu*der or injure them? After the second attack Han Mingxi kicks his brother out of the family and asks the ML and FL not to kill him if he does something s*upid for a third time. What the literal f*ck? Why should he be allowed to live after failing to take advantage the 3 chances given to not hurt the FL? How hard is it to not attack the FL? I really hope that he has a gruesome death after being betrayed by that delusional skank bit*h ex-fiancee. I very much want to read about his misery after realizing that she doesn't give a rat's ass about him and was using him like a tampon. That would be the ultimate satisfaction for me to read. He would really deserve it after all his absolute s*upid dog loyalty!


Overall the story is a passible waste of time but I find myself skimming through a lot of stuff that doesn't interest me like the anything to do with war and fighting skills and all of the tr*sh talking that the antagonists say against the MCs. Also this author does a writing style that I can't stand where she has the characters talk about their plans without saying what they are. She will have the characters do s*upid crap like whispering their plans to each other or she will have a supporting character say something like "You mean that you will......?" or "Does that mean princess.....?" but that's all she will write about it. You won't know what they are planning until you see the plans being executed. I really don't get the point of this at all. Why can't a story be interesting if the reader knows the plans before they are put into action and why have the characters hint at their plans instead of just leaving them out completely? Is it just word padding? I've never read this kind of writing style until I started reading asian authored novels. It's strange and irritating for me.

Also the FL is really a hard ass to the ML feelings. He takes such good care of her but she doesn't appreciate it at all and she definitely doesn't return it. She acts like it's wrong and irritating to have feelings for him and that it's a problem to treat him like a real husband. I feel like she doesn't deserve the ML treating her better then his own life. She also complains about the s*x like he is some beast. Will women from China die if they admit they like s*x or if they don't complain about how tired they are and how much their waist hurts after a night with their husband? TG my Chinese American friends don't have this problem.

I don't recommend this novel if you like stories where the FL is always decisive towards her enemies and the people that try to hurt her. Also the face slapping isn't that satisfying. So far I see this story for people that like a FL that isn't OP and doesn't appreciate romance. (Maybe she starts showing more love to the ML later on but up to this point it's just the ML that shows love with the FL acting like it's a burden. I will edit my review if this changes.) The FL is just too Mary Poppins/female Ghandi for me. When someone slaps her left cheek she will sometimes show them her right cheek instead of slapping them back. The author is using her understanding and sympathy for women having no power in ancient times as a plot device for scheming women to walk on top the FL. I'm only reading this novel because I really like the ML and the boys from the Xu family. I also really like her friends, her special agents, and her maids. This is one of the few novels where I want the side characters to get their own HE. I really hope that the author has the FL get smart and stop sympathizing with people that try to hurt her or make other problems. I will edit my review if things change. <<less
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March 28, 2022
Status: c99
About the first translation work: Thank you for the translator for your efforts. However, putting a lot of pinyin characters in the novel followed by its meaning in parentheses just defeats the purpose of translating it. I wanted to read the English version of the story, but seeing a lot of untranslated words in the story is just distracting. Some of the words could have been directly translated too.
About the second translation work: This one is so easy to understand. I enjoyed reading it.

Story-wise, it is packed with military content and imperial conspiracies. It's a little heavy so I don't recommend this if you want a novel with fluff and happy vibes. After 100 chapters, I have not seen yandere stuff from ML. The romance is slow and almost non existent for the first 100 chapters. They're more like work buddies. I'll drop this for now because I'm craving for fluff.
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Apecx rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: c192
A hidden gem imo.

MC is cool headed and makes the best out of the situation. She spent her early life living like a retired veteran. People around her are jealous of her position and tries to make things difficult for her which she can't care about. Later she does what's needed to be done. She's a badass woman.

ML is a gentleman who used to be a perfect specimen like every other ML of other novels but after getting ambushed by enemies and getting crippled the ML is not so perfect.... more>> He has his own problems and responsibilities. He also respects the privacy of his wife.

They started as a pair of untalented woman and a crippled man but came to learn about each other and have a mutual respect. They both know they're couple already so instead of acting aloof they try to get along and are slowly falling in love with each other. Their relationship might not appear hot-blooded but they care about each other. MC shoulders his problems because she knows they're together and ML is willing to share his burden with her because he knows his wife is capable enough. A gentle relationship very pleasing to read.

The novel has been picked up by multiple translators. The first thirty or so chapters have heavy usage of pinyin and later chapters are completely translated in english. <<less
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August 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Honestly this work is probably the best CN that I’ve read (so far) which develops its characters properly. And not just the main characters and second fiddles, but all of them. The author did not forget to close the character development holes that I even forgot existed. Really well done.
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Syash rated it
March 7, 2020
Status: v1c156
When first reading, there's a feeling this would be similar to 8TT and TBAVW. However, this far, the feeling already evaporated into nothingness. 8TT and TBAVW started out, went on, and ended as a rather calm affair, more thanks to the author's writing style than the plot. This story started out almost promisingly, but well, in the current chapter, it isn't so. It fell into another OP badass martial arts female transmigrated heroine, but far more decent than your typical found that has like 1000 duplicates in NU.

A reviewer said... more>> there wasn't a misunderstanding, but there is. The difference is that they didn't fight or drama over it. But they also didn't address or communicate it. Then MC went away and the whole thing just kind of pushed into the closet in favor of a completely whole new conflict. The story shifted from a couple's get along to the world's matters in the current chapters.

The translation didn't help much. It does update frequently but like most of past time novels here, they posted only a half or a quarter of the original chapter, and if the chapter was crazily long like Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife, it would be fine. But here, it isn't as crazily long. So the updated chapters ended in odd cuts, obviously incomplete, not even a cliffhanger, just a really rough and bad cut, and it failed to built proper momentum that made me personally lost drive to read further.

Also, the fact that I was lured to read by Male Yandere tag and the promise of 8TT&TBAVW nuance that apparently, so far, cannot be seen even the slightest resemblance, just made me didn't want to read anymore.

P.s. Read Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife instead. They handled the political strife and conflict better than this one. (The summary isn't promising but I promise, that story's quality can be compared to 8TT although the two are in a completely different vein of story). <<less
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ylial rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: Completed
One of the best novel with F. Protagonist who is not unreasonable. The MC knows when to to push or pull. She is not a killing psycho like other bg novel romance nor a damsel in distress. She could ignore who badmouthed her and could retaliate and protect herself well. Also, one of the novel in which the MC is not overpowered by ML. Bcoz the usual bg romance has always the ML to rescue the MC every time. For the ML, I feel bad about his past and his physical condition. I could emphatize his securities. Good thing, he is paired with a reliable MC.

Completed the story 2yrs ago but I forgot some scenes, so rereading it again c227


http://m. Dashuzhai. Com/chuanyuexiaoshuo/shengshidifei/113682. Html

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rjaysoren rated it
June 17, 2019
Status: --
The MC is calm, serene and elegant but has a hidden intelligent and crafty mind who just wants to live a comfortable and peaceful life and who has transmigrated from the modern world. But when push comes to shove she doesn't hesitate to fight back. It's compact, not abusive, and super sweet, this is the only novel that I have read more than three times.
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julaihajamahat rated it
January 8, 2019
Status: c49
It's translate well written well. Nice story. Yes the heroin transmigration to useless body. I like it because even she have meet the Hero she still keep he character that can solve the problem by her own. An the hero just let her do her own way.

The best part is cousin brother who love to pampered her.
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velleneo rated it
June 2, 2018
Status: c49
One of my favorites to read! Love the steady description and the writing and translations are done well. Nothing feels overly wordy - it's just right. I'm really enjoying the sense of political complications and the rivalry between siblings. Definitely up there for me, right next to my other fave stories (Unruly Phoenix Xiaoyao, Return of the Swallow, Shen Yi Di Nu, Rebirth of Malicious Empress of Military Lineage, Doomed to be Cannon Fodder, and Transmigrator meets Reincarnator).
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Avrohom rated it
March 16, 2023
Status: --
This novel is carefully written and poorly translated. For example,

"She was the daughter of the emperor's biaomei Zhao Ren Chang gongzhu, Zhao Yang Chang gongzhu's niece Rong Hua junzhu... Ye Li would definitely report to fuqin and muqin. By that time, we would make a special trip to go to the gongzhu fu to beg for forgiveness from junzhu, gongzhu, and fuma."

The entire text of the first thirty chapters or so is like that, sheer gibberish. I wonder, if the translator was able to translate words such as daughter, niece and emperor, not leaving them in pinyin, why not translate the rest of them?

Naimena wrote such a comprehensive review that I have little to add to it.

... more>>

It's about a special forces soldier who died in the line of duty and then was reborn as a Chinese official's daughter who marries a Chinese prince. It's a story of an arranged marriage where the couple not just falls in love, but becomes brothers in arms.

They marry in ch.53 (ch.60 in this translation). It's a sad event and it does not make them husband and wife.

The girl was first engaged to the emperor's brother but he used his position and robbed her of many goods from her antiques store and then dumped her marrying her younger sister instead. The FL, very inconspicuous until then, begins to act and show her hand by making him (along with her dad's favorite concubine) pay for the stolen goods and distributes that money among other little girls in the family, all of them penniless daughters of concubines, as part of their future dowries.


Recommended if you like to read about female soldiers with cool personalities and great military acumen, harems and state politics. <<less
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lerrein rated it
May 7, 2022
Status: c79 (raw)
A good solid novel, which is, regretfully, hard to comprehend through MTL.

Although at some moments characters feel too OP, the progression of weak-to-strong is not a main point of the story, so it's easy to let it slide. Plus, most of the times author makes sure to explain how heroes were able to overpower villains, and the explanation makes sense. There are no quick cheats to power and wealth (but most of the progress is hidden in the background, because, again, it's not the main point.)

I also rather appreciate... more>> having a believable villains, especially the

turntables like shift with the villainous ex-fiance, who was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, and how both he and protagonists repeatedly underestimated each other. I really liked the part after kidnapping, that was rather unexpected to me.


A very, very slow burn! C79, and the deep earth-shattering love is nowhere in sight (but since it's a 1000+ chapters story, I rather appreciate it). So, be careful getting into it. <<less
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ladyfoxeyes rated it
April 18, 2020
Status: c15
This started as a nice well paced drama, but slowed to a crawl. The translation makes it very hard to follow. The constant Chinese words used mean needing to repetitively see what words mean instead of simplifying titles to figure out characters. Overall a low rating due to this typical yet slowed plot and poor translation.
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Lalloushh rated it
February 20, 2020
Status: c80
I agree that this is a good novel, but I'm dropping this.. It's just boring..

there is no sense of Adventure or excitement..

It's just there, it's just talks and talks and talks. Everyone is talking all the time but without an actual fun..
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Aska.has.ORD... rated it
March 22, 2019
Status: c434
Very good novel. I especially like the MC. Shes not a "mary sue" character. She fights for what she haves using her intellect and keen understanding of human psychology. She was a member of the special forces in her last life and she could just have had been a leisurely, gentle wife in the next if she did not take up her weapon and followed her huaband to the battlefield.

She is one of the best MC I have read about especially in CN where everybody's OP. She is different in... more>> a sense and that's what makes the readers not drop this novel at all. The ML is steadfast in his actions tho. He became a huge vinegar tank after the

MC fell off the cliff. In wc I saw him really letting go of his restraint and going crazy. Huh.


Novel updates only have this until chap49 so ai ended up MTLing this for a week! But no regrets folks. I tell ya. Great read.

super recommended. Read it now! <<less
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Kurobito rated it
December 24, 2017
Status: c60
I wasn't keen on reading this novel at first due to the amount of chapters being translated is less than 50 chapters. But after running out of novels to read I came here and god it was goooooddddd. The MC isn't too OP (i.e: she does not knows everything like most MC do. For eg: she's not really good in playing zither and she is not the top beauty). The ML too has his own flaws like he's not super handsome due to his scars. (I find this novel... more>> is a more down to earth)

Overall, it's good to read just that I don't really enjoy the translation using pinyin term too much making me referring back and forth. <<less
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MysticDreams rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c16
Apart from the plot itself, this story is actually really well written. It's eloquent and mature and there is structure to its writing. The translation is spectacularly done and it really stands out from other stories.
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miannarana rated it
June 14, 2017
Status: c3
It seems promising so far. I love calm female leads. Living an idle life is best! I'll be rooting for her to do just that.

Thank you for the translator's hard work in translating so far. The translation flows smoothly and is actually very readable, which is quite rare for new translators.
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April 10, 2022
Status: --
Oh. I thought its gonna be interesting but it seems like it aint my taste.

Since It's recommended and some said its interesting and feels like ETT and TBVW. Btw I forgot to look at the chaps and thought its only 200 ch or so, but It's more than thousand chaps...

Only read until 100+ ch and its getting boring already. Didint find any similiarity to ett and tbvw. MC indeed calm as those FLs but she's bland and boring.

Feel the same for ML. It's only 100 ch and many already hating... more>> MC for marying the disable man bc some women love him. Ugh I swear jealousy is a scary thing.

The event feels bland, their interaction too. Maybe im too impatient but dang my eyes hurt already.

Will pick it up again...... someday. <<less
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Dianille rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: c193
This is really good story, I mean... This is an amazing story!!!! Ahhh, I want to read the rest of it but I can't found the next translation
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darkelf01 rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: c193
Some of the drama were so unnecessary you can only roll your eyes and pray that it ended next chapter. Also, I started to dislike where the story (and the MC) is going by the time I wrote this review. I swear it's like an unnecessarily roundabout way of the author to lenghten the story and 'brew' feelings between the main pairing even though they've started to trust each other. The pace was going so well until two-third of the story and suddenly the readers are thrown into a tizzy... more>> because the MC awakened her heroic nationalism spirit and went to the la-la land without the ML.


At first the MC is portrayed as this special force lady who transmigrated and wanted to live peacefully in an ancient drama world and heck yeah, I dig that because finally, I thought I was reading about an ancient court drama with a strong and witty MC who wouldn't let anyone step on her. And yes, I was reading something about that until two-third part of this novel turned into a messy mush until I couldn't recognize who the heck am I reading about. The arc about other nations and neighboring wars was so unnecessarily meh but that's only my opinion because I don't care about them. <<less
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