Going Back and Forth Between Earth and The Other World with Space Time Magic


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Though he received the skills necessary to teleport across worlds, the king who performed the summoning ritual attempted to trick him into wearing a s*avery collar, this annoyed him so he kidnapped the princess and returned to Earth.

While traveling between worlds with the skills he received, together with the kidnapped Princess and his little sister, they lived happily ever after?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jikuu Mahou de Isekai to Chikyuu wo Ittarikitari
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Travel between worlds
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Read Books
  4. Easy Going (The Quickening)
  5. the culture entertainment of isekai

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56 Reviews sorted by

mikaelhg rated it
September 1, 2018
Status: --
Starts in a kind of a reasonably mediocre manner, but past c50+, quickly goes full ret*rd, with characters becoming kind of pointless plot puppets who rush from senseless scene to another, suddenly making completely different kinds of decisions than they did in the beginning.

I hope that actual Japanese people are not as pathetic as Japanese characters written by Japanese authors seem to be.
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Alteration rated it
July 15, 2018
Status: --
Sister is annoying and most other characters the MC meets from earth are annoying which then get entire arcs for them. Would be significantly more enjoyable if the MC didn't act like he is week.

Perhaps I just don't much like "passive" main characters. I'll be dropping the story.
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Xenety rated it
May 29, 2016
Status: --
A nice twist in being summoned to another world, I like the idea that the MC isn't trap in the world his summoned to and can return to his own world. It's nice break from other similar summoning stories where the MC can't return to their own world.
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LivingCorpse rated it
March 8, 2017
Status: c294
Overall, it was enjoyable read... But! There's one flaw that was very noticeable for me in this novel.

While the plot course itself is interesting, but it's feels like the Author is rushing too much in writing the sequence of event that happened in each chapter, it is also too short. As a result it becomes harder for a feeling of excitement to build up in each chapter, making them feels monotonous as a result.

Although I said all that, the combat scene was well written and overall, the plot was... more>> interesting.

Because of that I recommend that you save up some chapter before reading this novel instead of reading it one chapter at a time every time it updated. <<less
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Linodo rated it
July 19, 2016
Status: c224
This novel is the epitome of a casual read in the web novel category. The story is slow and lacking much tension as you will know the MC and his harem won't go through any peril at all even though adversaries are right in front of them. If you just want a story that requires no brain power just to destress or something, go knock yourself out. Provided you enjoy the genre of Harem with no s*x and minimal risque scenes (I mean minimal so much so that I think... more>> the author might be a virg*n)

However if you hate dense leads just skip this. I mean this guy is 30 years old and he doesn't know anything man.

There's this girl, who I think has become a recurring joke by now, who always m*sturbates and it is so clear that she does it so much so that even a 13 y/o would know what she's doing. But this guy remains oblivious

One other thing. Why did the author make him a 30 y/o. As many pointed out, having 15-18 y/os fawn over a 30 y/o is disgusting. At least make him fresh out of college at 23/24 or maybe increase the ages of the girls. There are so many things to nitpick about the story but honestly it all comes down to preference. If you are a casual reader that enjoys this kind of stories, you would probably love it. <<less
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Xadro rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: c170
Dropped it after Chapter 170, it just started getting ridiculous, up until that its a decent read I guess, if you don't mind the cliche of the overbearing younger sister who uses violence non-stop.
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Tanskandoggi rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c400
The MC is an annoying beta jp protagonist who is either blind to the affections of women around him or plays them of as a joke.

MC leaves way too many potential threats untill the last possible moment.

This novel started ok but evolved into a brainless mess called waste of time.

The heroines of the story get annoying really fast if you pay attention to them and their behaviour and how useless they are overall being nothing more than poor fanservice with mediocre success.
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shinanigans rated it
December 15, 2018
Status: c300
MC is ok I guess stereotypical japanese MC but some of the support characters only serve to move the plot forward and some are annoying (little sister) how magic or the rules of leveling are very simplistic and for me the MC never grows as a character it feel the same as he started and the other characters aren't. Interesting or developed much more than what the plot needs when he returns to earth mostly all of the things done there makes me want to ignore both so iI thought... more>> that the relationships were more developed but naaaahh almost all is below avarge while the world are simplistic at best <<less
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Balze rated it
June 14, 2016
Status: c68
It's a boring story, in fact, everything about it is boring. It's just that there are nothing exciting in the story thus making it boring. The plot, MC, side characters, etc. (I don't know what to say.. LOL).. To me, reading this LN is like reading an ingredient of a certain fast food.. just like s*ave harem and others like it, the story is way too boring...
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Missingnoleader rated it
March 15, 2016
Status: --
It is a good casual read. One thing that is good is how elements from each world interact with each other. The fact that the protagonist already makes money in his career, which he still does, allows him to have reasonable disposable income. The things he gets from the other world have massive implications. The system as well is fairly interesting. If you dislike reckless little sisters, it may not be for you though.
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YuriMan rated it
February 5, 2021
Status: c428
It's a really interesting isekai! It was just what I was looking for. Ive read manga similar to this. It felt really long to read but was totally worth it. Although the chapters were short, the content was excellently translated and was very easy to read! If you have not already, I suggest to read to at least chapter 50 before abandoning the light novel
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stevedtat rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: c428
This was the very first isekai novel I ever read and I still love it. I have read this over and over 4 times. It breaks my heart the author passed away, I would have loved to read the rest of what she had in mind and to even see this turn into a manga and anime. Still my favorite, even tho there are better written stories out there this is still my favorite because it was what turned me on to isekais and got me into Japanese light novels.... more>> Thank you Katsu, may you rest in peace <<less
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Doc Williams
Doc Williams rated it
September 14, 2020
Status: v1c1
I binge read all 428 chapters thinking that this was a complete novel. The story moves along a fairly good clip and rarely bogs down. Yes there is a little controversy with the fact that the MC is 30 and surrounded by teenage and preteen girls. The author never goes over the line though. My biggest gripe is that this story is marked complete and chapter 428 is supposed to be the end. But it appears that the story was dropped without an ending. This really sucks since there were... more>> plenty of story arcs that were in play at the time. Yet we are left hanging and unfulfilled. <<less
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March 23, 2020
Status: Completed
I quite enjoyed this series, it had a good flow with interesting, though at times irritating, characters, as well as an interesting concept that your ability to use magic is based on your understanding of the fundamental properties of the element you are using. This work can be kind of frustrating at times as a lot of the time the main character takes a very middle of the road approach to his problems.

At first it seems that he'll use his abilities to get ahead in life in a realistic manner,... more>> through things like having a skill that warns him about danger helping him debug a program, but then the next moment he's doing things like selling magic potions to his boss and creating highly intricate jewelry with magic.

Suffice it to say that while the series is pretty fun at times it's a bit too all over the place for me to give it a hearty recommendation. Not even mentioning that the web novel seems to be on an indefinite hiatus.

If you just want something light and interesting then this is an okay read but you could easily find something more fulfilling. <<less
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Vashta rated it
December 17, 2018
Status: c355
ok seriously gave this a five star even though I think its a 4 maybe 4.5 soley because so many people gave this bad reviews saying the character takes the abuse and stuff! two words for you all... COMEDY TAG!!! for crying out loud so far the complaints have been stuff that clearly would fall under the comedy tag so if you dislike comedic funny humor avoid this! if your like me and love funny slapstick humor like I do than youll laugh your bu*t off at this! ... more>>

for example the lil sister who is in my opinion the speedy rogue of the group later in the story for some reason starts stabbing the monsters in the arse which is referred to as a "vital spot"

plus its still got good fight scenes! also ive really love how they did the whole being able to ravel back and forth between the other world and earth! <<less
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imbored666 rated it
November 19, 2018
Status: c350
The speed at the story changes is ridiculously fast, the characters are boring, and the MC, in my opinion, makes the worst choices possible. He just blurts out things to anybody saying that he knows magic, brings his sister to a world which he doesn't know anything about and there are already people who are trying to kill him, so I don't know what sane person brings a loved one into that.

I understand this is probably suppose to be just a fun novel that a person reads, but this is... more>> like lite lite version of other isekais. First few chapters were decent had promise but the main character seemed to get dumber as it went along and is just getting pushed around by everyone, including his sister. Not even mentioning letting his sister do dangerous stuff while not even scolding her. Way down the story the main character still acts dense as hell while acting pretty pe*verted which is a pretty s*upid contradiction. This novel gets better after reading a bit but its still a little below average, definetly got better though

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LN Mania
LN Mania rated it
June 7, 2018
Status: c294
After reading this for a while, I understood that this ln was a slow-paced, slice-of-life, and a little character development.

It's comedic story and mixing in real life made it a pretty good web novel. Others may differ from my opinion, but it's my opinion so shut it you guys!

A lot of criticism in the reviews here are pretty negative, they're irritated at having no plot or something. I already knew this would be a part slice of life just by reading the title itself though.

Anyways, I recommend this if you... more>> like a slow paced, slow development story... This is for you.

Meh~~~o==[]::::::::::::::::> <<less
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sgrey rated it
December 4, 2017
Status: c318
This story is a bit unexpected from reading the synopsis. It started pretty well and was interesting and refreshing. The MC seemed smarter and more mature than what we usually get in these type of novels. However the story degraded a bit in later chapters and there are few annoyances that prevent this novel from reaching it's full potential. I do like this story. It is not all-action and have a lot of slice-of-life stuff. I am giving it 4 stars, even though I think the story has become a... more>> lot worse, because it seems to be picking up again.

First, likes.

MC acquires space-time magic immediately and is able to teleport between his world and summoned world. He constantly jumps back and forth with the princess and it is interesting how the princess is getting integrated into society of the modern world. The switch between both worlds is what kept me reading this novel for some time. It is nice to see for a change how MC solves problems on both sides with the help knowledge and magic from both worlds.

Now, what is not that great in my opinion.

The author seem to have lost track of what he wants to do with the novel. First, it started as nice novel with half-decent comedy that focused on adventuring in another world. Later the focus from another world shifted slowly to the MCs world. The humor becomes more pe*verted-oriented and the novel seem to be shifting to Blade Dance-like style of comedy/romance. What I mean is the MC is constantly getting abused for no reason by his sister, who is the most annoying character that spoils half of the novel in my opinion. This brother complex routine where his sister vigorously prevents him from talking with other women, creates Blade Dance-style misunderstandings, and just constantly bashes him all the time is so annoying. What's worse is that he just quietly takes it. I would probably drop this novel just because of this, but these episodes do not appear that often (not multiple times through chapter, but once or twice every few chapters). If only the author changed the setting a bit, it would be so much better! The MC is 30 years old and is surrounded by young girls who are 15-19 years old. I get it why there is no romance tag and because the novel doesn't advertise itself as romance, this is not as annoying as it can be, but the romance development is a bit creepy at this point. Making MC 25 and having 19 year old girls would make this so much better and won't take anything from the novel.

Now the MC himself is the other half that spoils the novel. The problem is that the author can't write this MC properly. At one time MC is mature, understands everything, clever, etc. The next moment he becomes innocent, like a 10 year old child in regards to girls, completely clueless and just naive and doesn't seem to realize what is going on around him.


Like when the chick from another world m*sturbates at night and he thinks she is doing a secret training because he feels he heart rate go up.


It just dumb, unless MC grew up in a cave and never saw a woman before. You can't have MC who is at one point mature and clever and then becomes s*upid like a child the next moment! MC and co keep using magic in our world and no one seem to have caught on yet. Seriously, the way it is described here is just dumb. Like he teleports in the middle of a town with cameras and people watching and no one sees it or records it, no one figured out who he is.

Tthe author keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. So far there were 2 wars with humans, which are identical: a horde of monsters/demons attack several human cities while some other main force goes to achieve different hidden objective. There are also 2 terrorist attacks which are similar to each other and one bus hijacking terrorist attack. Does author want for MC to rid the world of terrorism, or what?

And finally, the way MC is not proactive. He actually knows who the bad guy is, he knows he is planning something to harm his family and companions and he does nothing! He just waits for sh*t to happen and then appears in the spotlight of the world, instead of covertly do something to neutralize the bad guys somehow (setting police on their tail or something, or maybe just killing the terrorists outright. Why the hell not? They are horrible people and he kills demons and such, who are also intelligent and have a proper society.) <<less
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serokun rated it
November 3, 2017
Status: c300
The story is refreshing for transported to another world but halfway through I got annoyed of the MC, even though he is a pe*vert (close probably) he is so dense about the feelings about girls about him just because they are half of his age. The author should just make him a little bit younger.
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September 19, 2017
Status: --
To be honest I like harem novels but this is just too fast to comprehend the author is like f*ck development and why dont we just get straight to the point!. And the story is like all over the place and the comedy is like #tryhard. if your impatient and just lile randomness then this is for you but if your like me who read over A hundred novels then this not for you?
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