God of Crime


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Seo Tae Hyuk, jailed after being falsely accused.

He will be executed without being able to prove his innocence.

When he opens his eyes, it’s 15 years in the past?

And he’s being possessed by a demon mirror!?

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범죄의 신
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  3. Police & Detectives | Policia & Detetives
  4. Interesting looking
  5. tbr part 2

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02/29/24 Hades House c164
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65 Reviews sorted by

September 11, 2016
Status: c8
This is actually enjoyable although only at ch. 8.

I'm sure the overarching plot has yet to be revealed but it's quite original on the type of skills the MC gets and the way they're acquired. Quite a bit of potential.
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SilverBullet888 rated it
August 15, 2016
Status: c8
I thought this was a very interesting series. It has a good balance of comedic moments, as well as serious ones as well. The MC is likable and the way the story is going makes me want to read more. It's a pity there's only 8 chapters so far.
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willowspell rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: c164
Started ok then went down all the way cause the author is severely limited by their own intellect/knowledge... Please do research or stick to something you know

Three stars for being enjoyable up till midway
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LehmD rated it
February 2, 2022
Status: Completed
Overall I really liked the novel. MC decides to hunt criminals with his power and knowledge of the future using any Methods available. The modern setting is really interesting but im a bit disappointed that the origin of his powers is never Completly Revealed.

The cases mostly make sense logically and there werent any super obvious contradictions.

Also the ending was super rushed otherwise I would have given this more Stars.
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JKingSniper rated it
January 11, 2021
Status: Completed
I really think this is an amazing novel, ruined by a rushed ending. Feel like the author could've continued with it and made it even more awesome. I love the disguise ability and how MC uses it.
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Master10K rated it
July 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Koreans really do love these "Second Chance Revenge", type of stories. Plus lately it feels like it's only in Korean novels that I find RPG-like mechanics in a modern world setting. This time with a shrewd anti-hero of an MC, given an opportunity to build up his character; whilst solving crimes that feel like they're influenced by Western media and real life events. Though instead of finding Seo Tae Hyuk's assortment of supernatural abilities incredibly weird, what I find most strange is how a South Korean citizen finds himself embroiled... more>> in all these crimes. <<less
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Tsukinotaku rated it
April 15, 2020
Status: c164
I remember reading this novel long ago when the translation was just completed, the theme was really fun and it's one of the few systems that seemed really practical without transforming the hero into some overpowered god...

Well, it is a modern time non-martial art system novel, the fact that it is a short story isn't surprising, it's hard to develop long series without having the stereotypical martial are or xianxia tropes.

But still, it was well written, the novel had tons of memorable moments that I still remember today.

Honestly, the short... more>> format suit it well, it could have been elongated into a few hundreds more chapters, but it was well concluded, with no precipitation and no useless extra chapters, it did make me obsessed with systems novel for a while tho lol

All in all, a good read, it's short, fun, interesting and I remember it being pretty well written for its genre.

It doesn't really inspire me 5 stars, maybe back then when it was just finished I would have given it 5 stars in the middle of the hype, but right now 4 stars is more than enough I think.

Just because it's not a huge 5000 chapters story with sh*t tons of characters, doesn't mean that it wasn't a good story with a nice universe.

TL;DR : It's an interesting concept with a somewhat well-written story, go check it out, I might read it again for fun.

Also, why is it sharing Kobato's website ? The novel was translated years ago, I remember reading it on wuxiaworld back then. <<less
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Poireau rated it
December 27, 2019
Status: c8
The plot is too forced at the begining and the writing confusing.

The MC come back in time with a cheat system, after being wrongly accused of a crime: ok, a bit new compared to some other reincarnation novels, and it's the reason I started to read this one.

But, the novel is quite confusing in many ways:
(i) the reason he spent 10 years in jail and that he was supposed to be sentensed to death is not explained in the first chapterS on purpose: the MC keep speaking about it but the reader has no clue why and it is frustrating as this is the basis for the story.
(ii) There are passages where the discussion is confusing (short continuous sentences with no clear label of who I speaking to who)
(iii) Some characters that are over friendly for no reason, and are overly stereotyped.

All the above make the plot quite forced and not smooth at all: there is something wrong in the way this novel is written, but, it might be only in the first chapters but I wasn't courageous enough to continue.
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ii__BlackBird rated it
October 12, 2019
Status: Completed
Ahm ahm I finished but I don't really like the ending the start was good phantom was good

But why he didn't punish the police head or that who work with yakuza and the end whi the f*cking girl is I think class president but queen of russia mafia she love you so much and you didn't help her with her things I think she died already

He didn't talk about the wedding but really boys he is 19 and 10 years later he is 29 he should be married I don't... more>> knoe about you but in saudi arabia almost all married men ar around 25 and so

And his brother he seem a cliver he should be like that man who help kang suk

Like pinky and brain although the MC know what going to happen they shoud do something about the little brother and moonlight flower (big b**bs) did'nt u guys noticed that she was just a pawn for the writer so phantom have a good hackers but whada f*ck the national hacker and mama she seem intersing side character and the gold booiii where it is but the clown part I didn't like it he is just a pawn so the MC can remove all the crime skill and we now don't know why the first person who gave him the mirror did it

And he have become the god crime cause the he have to get 1 m point so he can became the god of crime I see if the MC became the god of crime and eats all the criminals that would be a great I think I said all what I have to say if anybody know any th8ng similar to this novel send it ?. Please hehe bye ? <<less
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September 17, 2019
Status: Completed
I like how in the end, Tae-hyuk was able to recognize how he had changed. I was starting to not like the way he grew so callous near the end only only to have the curveballs thrown. The ending was open, a little too ambiguous, but it was not a bad ending, as far as all endings go.
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NOVEllUPdATEss rated it
July 26, 2019
Status: c30
The setting is pretty unique, and the story doesn't have obvious plot holes, but the writing makes the story feel dull. There is rarely any descriptions of anything except for the mc's powers. The writing makes the story feel boring, and if you can't handle stories without imageries, don't try reading this. I give 3 for the story and 0 for the writing.
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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
April 7, 2019
Status: c164
It was oddly short.. I was expecting it to last longer with having 120 many people in the MC's blacklist.. The story in all was good at the beginning there were many characters with good potential but in the end it was wasted.. I'm not sure but maybe the author got bored or run out of ideas but the quality of the story started going downhill on the Mafia Game arc..

The MC at had a lot of growth potential but it kinda turned out weird since his main occupation is... more>> a criminal, at the beginning he was a criminal who catches other criminal yet along the way that was lost along the promotion to the God of Crime, I know it is understandable but somehow it leaves a bad taste as in my opinion it wasn't a gradual change and it feels like he was a totally different MC..

The side characters are well just side characters, most of them have screen time only in their own arc with only mentioning their names in other arcs which pretty much makes them forgettable.. There are literally only 3 characters that are memorable the MC, the detective, & MC's sister, as for MC's brother was he even important to the story? you wouldn't even notice his existence if not for a fact that he was mentioned a few times at the beginning & near the end..

As for the ending/conclusion all I can say that it was definitely rushed...

Overall I'd give the novel a 3.5/5 <<less
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renenzant rated it
February 22, 2019
Status: Completed
Nice story.

Has some plot hole, and some characters were neglected, but overall really interesting to read.

... more>>

The ending is fine though too short on the final explanation.


Plus point for me is that even though the MC act like normal guy around women, this doesn't make it a harem. He doesn't compromise to a women, and doesn't really flaunt his money either (unlike many novel these days).


Usually he tried to spare people's lives and just got the underling arrested, but in later part of the story, he become quite aggressive in his killing and has some personality change,


that's because of using the crime skill and upgrading them that he eventually nearly devoured by his 'evil alter ego'

but it ends happily

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N0r rated it
February 17, 2019
Status: Completed
The story is really good! It’s also written and translated very well. There’s some graphic scenes and body horror stuff so it’s not the best for especially squeamish people, but if you can handle it then it’s an incredible journey. It’s too bad it ended so abruptly though, there was potential for quite a bit more content and numerous questions that remained unanswered. Regardless, the story is so good that I can overlook that and give this five stars!
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Lawkz rated it
January 1, 2019
Status: Completed
Good stuff, could have used more romance though. Can be too cheesy at times but it's not a deal-breaker for me.

Since the Synopsis here sucks i'll explain a little bit about the plot continuing from the three lines of synopsis: The MC can get skills related to crime, they aren't normal skills you'd have in real life but magic-like skills based on crimes, he uses the skills to try and make a happy future for himself and his family.

What I didn't like about this novel was, aside from the lack... more>> of romance and the opposite for cheesiness, how unnatural the skill system is. The way he get's skills is super arbitrary and once he gets them they already start working in absurd ways even with their (also arbitrary) limitations, the author should have made the skills easy to get but start off rather realistic and simple, and with the improvement of the MC the skills would start to seem like magic. <<less
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q00u rated it
December 26, 2018
Status: c164
Interesting start, but no payoff. Plot threads are started that don't go anywhere. The ending, as many people pointed out, is very rushed and unsatisfying.

If I knew the future like the protagonist does, I probably wouldn't have chosen to read this story.
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Soulestial rated it
August 24, 2017
Status: c164
Took hours out of the days, but I read it, and I enjoyed it. It's was a really interesting concept, games and crime. Though I was unsatisfied for not knowing who he (didn't) end up with, it was fine, as I enjoyed him as a character. I'm not one for semi-gore and psychology for novels (mystery too) but this was such an interesting way to put it out.

If you're reading this as a person, this is definitely something worth spending hours reading. Interesting and heartwarming arcs, interesting character development, and... more>> a new twist on an OP life after going back in time at an awful life which connects to a lot of interesting points. I won't go at all on about the characters, writing, or plot itself, I'll just say how I felt, it was a satisfying read, though while some people may hate the ending because of how downhill chill it went, but I enjoy those smooth endings. <<less
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whosays25 rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: --
I'm a normal and peace-loving citizen of my country yet I enjoyed reading the MC's crimes. Lol. It's a fun ride. The MC is sometimes s*upid since he was always trying to fight fire with fire. I don't know if the author was trying to make it look like things could be solve through violence and criminal's wits. However, I think that although it's like that, the author did a great job in making the MC appear cool and resourceful. The plot is okay. There are boring parts but there... more>> are also many interesting and cute scenes. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
August 1, 2017
Status: c164
A really good novel. One of the best completed works I've read.

The way the MC uses his skills is interesting and varied. He does get eventually OP and smashes faces in, but that gets remedied. The dude isn't absolutely evil, he's more of a vigilante.

The characters are well-written. They're awesome and I'm sad that some characters didn't get to interact with others more.

... more>> For the MC, his personal romance is unimportant, so don't expect much there. Side ships, GO!

It's a shame that the novel ended. It wanted to read more. The translations are good too. The ending was okay. Not brilliant, but decent enough! :D

General spoilers:


MC uses a metal pipe, guns, and bombs. Side ships succeed. MC stays single. Happy ending.

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BeyondTrolling rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: Completed
Originally I picked this up when it first started on Kobato but ended up not expecting much. I came to it again and after reading it fully, I must say that I truly enjoyed God of Crime. I would definitely recommend reading it all the way through although the final chapter wasn't too much too my liking but it was still fairly good. If you're on the fence about reading this or not, do give it a try. At first you may not like it but what good stories aren't... more>> like that? Read it fully first then realize how good it was. <<less
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