Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki


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“O, Hero!” With that cliched line, Kazuya Souma found himself summoned to another world and his adventure–-did not begin. After he presents his plan to strengthen the country economically and militarily, the king cedes the throne to him and Souma finds himself saddled with ruling the nation! What’s more, he’s betrothed to the king’s daughter now…?! In order to get the country back on its feet, Souma calls the wise, the talented, and the gifted to his side. Five people gather before the newly crowned Souma. Just what are the many talents and abilities they possess…?! What path will his outlook as a realist take Souma and the people of his country down? A revolutionary transferred-to-another-world administrative fantasy series starts here!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Genjitsushugisha no Oukokusaikenki
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom
Related Series
Release that Witch (35)
Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter (13)
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (8)
Sevens (7)
Tales of the Reincarnated Lord (7)
Hail the King (6)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Female Lead Stronger than Male lead
  3. Isekai + Civilization building + Adventure
  4. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  5. Jnovels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/13/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4 interlude 6
03/08/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part5
01/25/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part4
01/25/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part3
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part2
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c4 part1
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4 interlude
01/21/18 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part6
11/29/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part5
11/28/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part4
11/26/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part3
11/02/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part2
10/07/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c3 part1
10/04/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c2 part5
10/03/17 Yukkuri Free Time... v4c2 part4
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154 Reviews sorted by

Kerbasi rated it
March 8, 2016
Status: --
Okay, this novel is definitely a change of pace to those typical summoned heroes. It actually talks about managing the country! It's pretty interesting as the hero combines his past knowledge with the current knowledge of the new world he's in to create something that could help his countrymen. It's really great stuff, and more realistic in a way. Gosh, it's like I'm learning economics by reading this novel xD it's similar to spice and wolf in that aspect.
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mllhild rated it
January 14, 2016
Status: --
It is about politics and economics only (as of cap 4) and because of this it is great. Mostly a lighthearted read, but is very interesting if you like to think of Medieval/Renaissance economics. Also if you like Spice and Wolf then this is for you.
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makenai89 rated it
December 13, 2015
Status: --
Quite similar to Maoyuu Maoyu Yuusha and Spice and Wolf, Oukokukazuki packed up principles of economics, management, and governance, into an awesome fiction. Lighthearted read for most people, but also can be a bit inspiring for some of us who works in related fields.

Moreover, in regard of plot, world building, and characters introduction, it is very good. Up to chapter 3 part 2, nothing disappointing. Next we’ll see if the development gets better ^^
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tact rated it
December 2, 2015
Status: --
good so far,
rather then op MC defeating enemy I hope to see stratigicaly war fare soon
it so just developing the nation but it good potential
but well chapters are short, so cant say about future
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propheaker rated it
November 23, 2022
Status: v15
Don't be deceived by the word 'Realist' on the title, the MC hardly does anything machiavelli-like after the first five volumes. While it started off good, the story gradually pivot from action/politics/country development to your typical Japanese isekai harem garbage past volume 05.

It's like the author lost their initial vision and the plot eventually was written just so that the MC can conviently acquire woman (which will hardly be mentioned 3 volumes after their introduction) for his neverending harem.

The author must've also realized that the story was going downhill fast... more>> around volumes 06 to 09 hence to salvage what's left of it, guess what our great author did?

... Sigh

He decided to do an asspull and introduced a marysue wannabe Genghis Khan bootleg of an antagonist.

Good god, this right here is what made me dropped this entire series. The author ballyhooed this villain up so much that its ridiculous and grating to read up the drivel the author wrote to promote this guy.

Overall, apart from the first five volumes, the rest of it are a disappointing mess and quite frankly a waste of potential. <<less
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Revilo rated it
December 11, 2021
Status: v14
It is not an exaggeration that this series is the peak of isekai genre. I wouldn't bother myself writing this review if I didn't like this series.

The title "realistic" might look unbelievable, but trust me, you will think that this fantasy world is so realistic after reading it.

This series covered so many aspects of fantasy world that surprised me a lot. Any other isekai novel wouldn't cover this wide.

Let's start with the beginning: before he was summoned. Before he was summoned he studied a lot to get into a university,... more>> so that might help you explain why he knows so much. Unlike so many isekai stories, which didn't put an explanation why they didn't have an attachment to their old world, this time there is an emotional explanation in the form of his grandfather dying, leaving a few last words that MC would remember. With the last of his relatives dead, he really had no attachment left.

Becoming a king. Unlike so many isekai stories who brought the MC into the world into this fantasy world, the people in this world itself had a hidden meaning (not in a sinister way) in a realistic way.


kingdom1 felt bad that the kingdom2 had to pay ransom despite that kingdom2 currently suffering from food shortages. So, kingdom1 asked kingdom2 to summon a hero to send to kingdom1, despite kingdom1 not really needing a hero. And that's it. It feels so silly to the point where "oh, I wonder if that's what people in that world would actually do realistically speaking."


The thing is, besides food and politics, everything else about him is generic. The reason he looked perfect was because he is so good at delegating tasks (it was even mentioned from another character). He still has limited knowledge btw. When he wants to build an advanced equipment from his former world, he would just leave it to his subordinates to handle. He would give the rough idea, rough description, rough functions, and that's about it. Even for recreating food/spices from his former world, he would just leave it to the food prime minister he recruited. He doesn't have strong physical strength, well he has bodyguard at his side at all times. It's simple equation really. So, don't worry. He makes mistakes and is a human. The author really did a great job in describing how heavy the burden the king carries. One time he felt guilty because he failed to forsee a natural disaster despite setting up an emergency protocol for natural disasters is the lowest standard (I mean seriously, when did an actual natural disaster becomes a plot point and solidifies/a device to grow a character?). Of course, the story did not shy away from the conundrum and guilt of killing, because at some point he was forced to kill, but at some other point he chose to kill. But to balance that heaviness of the topic, they didn't dwell for too long (this is much better than those normal people seemingly can kill another human pretty easily - unrealistic don't you think?).

Another thing that surprised me was that the author also explained the real reason why MC became a king so easily despite the MC is supposed to be new (explained in v4).

Now, I really wanted to tell you how good this series is by telling you the story, but unfortunately that would be spoiling the story. Since I can't do that, I need your trust in me here.

There are so many little details that the author decided to put in, despite it being unnecessary to the overarching story, but surprisingly it helps a lot in world building. It's hard to pinpoint what it is that makes this world so realistic, but it's definitely those small little details that helps. The characters' reactions to certain events not being over top and just chill are very refreshing. I don't think there is a villain in this story that is at the level of disney-villain. I can only find one the villain that was lurking behind the scenes, but that was immediately taken care of, and instead, that became some sort of a plot device to move forward MC's character development.

After Georg Carmine, I never doubt this series.

But don't get me wrong. It doesn't mean that just because this fantasy world is realistic, it doesn't mean it is gritty. There are still some moments where it can make you smile warmly and chuckled. And the author did a really good job in differentiating/splitting serious atmosphere and light-hearted atmosphere. It doesn't make you feel sick or forced for reading light-hearted moments after reading tense moments right after that.

Another realistic point that I want to mention, is that he asked the question of evolution in this world, origin of magic, the summoning hero magic, the translation magic mechanics, monster biology, distinction between monsters and demons. (There was even a scientific debate, holy shit.)

The characters might not have all the answers or the author doesn't have to give the answers, but that's fine. The important thing is this: a normal sensible human transported to a fantasy world would have asked those questions. And that is realistic.

Even though I want to call this into a full-fledge a war novel, I don't it's appropriate to call it that.

From 14 volumes I have read, I can only count a total of 4 wars (1 is from the first arc, 1 is against monsters, 1 is against a kaijuu, 1 is humans vs humans). I like the fact that the MC tried his hardest to avoid creating war.

The rest of the stories besides war was setting up another stories, character development, technology, reformation, and world building (I think this is simplifying it too much). The atmosphere can be different from one volume to another volume. It's very refreshing in a way. It would focus on a life inside the kingdom, it would focus on the world building and become a headache, it would focus on a war. So, don't be worried once you read some volumes and seemed like it would go in that direction... It won't. Sometimes, the arc feels like it was finished in one volume.

Again, the MC does not want to start wars. Paraphrasing from MC: "A king's job is before and after the war." And it's true, when a war is going on, he mostly sit at the very back of the line. He would leave it to his generals and comrades. He does not exactly excell at commanding, but he can still make strategies based on the history he learned from his former world. The way he rules over people, govern, and deal with his aides is mostly learned from his former world. "A king who ruled by pen."

(Also, I don't know where to put this in: politics. This series has some really good fantasy kingdom politics. MC had to do things subtly most of the times, I really like that.)

(Also, the author mentioned that he had intended to place MC in an academy recruiting talented people, but because he didn't think he could differentiate that story between so many academy fantasy stories, he scrapped that plan. LMAO. Gosh, I love the author.)

(Also, firearms are obsolete in this fantasy world.)

(Also, about the harem, I get that people are sick of harem, but honestly, it didn't bother me that much. Each of his wives has a role to play, so it doesn't feel like the author has no idea what to do with certain wives. And I can't believe how many times I got bamboozled by the author, thinking that those certain girls are going to be a part of his harem, but no. The MC really cared about his wives that it's somewhat what a real person with modern world sensibility would do.)


even after 14 volumes, MC only has 5 wives.


About Machiavelli, the MC does not embodies it. In volume 14, there is an enemy that embodies it more than MC.

p.s sorry for my awful English and buy the e-book to support the author. <<less
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zozzythebeast rated it
July 31, 2021
Status: v13
i like how the MC of the novel isn't a complete pansy who solves all of his problems with hugs and doesn't have any s*x organs. Really glad this is a novel who didn't go with the super beta MC. He's just kind of a beta because he is defiantly not a alpha MC. He's super non-confrontational. Which means the actions sequences a pretty weak in my opinion. Also its a kingdom building novel with the MC being a transmigrater but he doesn't use his advanced knowledge very well. He... more>> mostly introduces s*upid crap that while makes peoples lives better but he doesn't improve the military when he could. Since we all know that's not important. Its not like the strength of the military has any bearing on a nations place in the world. He does improve the navy though with the very japanese thinking the navy is what really maters. And it would if his kingdom was a island or seperated by others by some water but its a kindom landlocked on 3 sides by potential enimies. Haveing a bad ass navey doesnt count for much in that situation. Haveing the combined might of the allied navy putting germany to shame didnt do a damn thing for france and russia in ww2 did it. And americas navy is so powerful because its seperated by ocean from all major nations and acompanied by overwelming air power. Soma does not have that. <<less
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harne_sudutt11 rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: v11 epilogue
Well I'm writing this review since many people have read half the story or less (not even 4 volumes) from translation sites. Hope this is useful for someone.


  • Consistent plot & world-building. Author has shown good promise so far.
  • MC's developments are logical (with slight plot armor, obviously)
  • Harem is stable with reasonable polygamy dynamics.

  • Harem is full of anime tropes.
  • Too slow progression.

Well, few people have read till Vol. 6 where Naden Delal is introduced ... more>>

as a member of his harem.

The plot regarding the demons begins there (foreshadowing in Vol. 6), with actual plot progression in terms of technology (Vol. 7) and storyline. The explanation given for technology is that due to monsters, there is lack of fuel (basically the industrial revolution never happened and the war used the fuel itself as a weapon (magic)) causing no R&D in transport or communications, where there is a breakthrough in Vol. 5.

Souma is shown to capitalize on knowledge & information as opposed to some other characters that appear,

Fuuga Haan

making this contrast wide in Vol. 9. It is also shown that the developments earlier were establishing a kingdom. Further it is acting like a king. People might be disappointed by this change a bit. Moreover, it is a standard J-Novel, so it's pacing is a bit slow. Vol. 12 for Eng was officially released in Aug 2020, waiting for it go "public".

Why to read:

If you like to read smart MCs with large plot & world (something like Log Horizon) or maybe think deep but not too deep, this novel is for you.
If you don't like harem but only one ship, this one is a bit dicey on that. <<less
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RahulREG rated it
August 29, 2018
Status: v4c6
The novel is quite good. I mean it has an interesting plot, interesting characters, and good description of what's actually going on in the plot.

Ofcourse the MC is too kind-hearted for his own good. According to me he's not cut out to be a hero or king, but he does his job than them.

I would certainly recommend reading it. It good, heartwarming, entertaining and kinda funny.
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Bebopbeats rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: --
The practicality built in to this novel gives an interesting edge to the common fantasy tropes without straying into the grimdark of realism and spoiling the fun.
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7thsin rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: v4 interlude
I think this novel miss one tag 'slice of life'. I agree with other review that it very slow, but like I said this is also slice of life novel and slow without clear purpose is one of its characteristic.

The author also include a lot of japanese culture to this medieval era as well 'Idol' is one of the thing, and many criticize on this point including me. However, it doesn't mean he can't do that. I mean he create Idol to appease the populance. Which he think it'll work... more>> the same way in japan. He also create thing like japanese TV show, which annoy me as hell. Although I kind of annoy at these points, but I'm not entirely sure that it won't work either.

The civil war arc is doing quite well. The strategy use in that arc is well plan. You can find the different between this one and release that witch. In release that witch 'enemy army come, load the cannon! Fire! Repeat' that is all they did, but this one Souma plan ahead then act accordingly.

There are also some that said Souma didn't do anything at all. He just doing paper work and stuff. I mean it's fantasy novel, but it doesn't mean MC has to go and battle with demon army. There are that kind of novel that summoned hero will go to battle in the front line. This one is not if you want that kind of MC I recommend you stop reading this novel. <<less
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Dantal rated it
January 26, 2018
Status: v4c2
The series has a really good pacing, sadly most of the characters don't have the same depth as others. I don't know why you people come in this novel expecting the protagonist to fight while he already said at the start that he can't. To put it lightly, it is quite ret*rded. There are already hundreds of other novels where the protagonist is an action-oriented hero, so I'm glad that this and Dungeon Defense existed because it's very refreshing to see an MC that knows how to use his brain
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Kami-sama rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: --
What's the problem of people comparing LN with the same theme but different approach on some matters? Yeah it's Isekai - it's given and with the other package with the same theme. But expecting an action scene when the MC already told us from the beginning that he's going to do what he can only be capable of. Seriously, are you expecting a chef who is only good at cooking to fight in a battlefield where soldiers die?

However, the flaws I can only think of is that some information are... more>> messed up and most of the time it is always suited to the MC's comfort. But as long as the story goes it's fine <<less
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fir537 rated it
November 22, 2017
Status: v3
Someone recommended this to me so I tried to pick it up. Sadly none of the 1st volume is available and jnovel sometimes break so I cant find the book I want to read and seems to send me to some random book most of the time instead of the one im reading. Also it is pretty hard to read on jnovel when I managed to load the book I want, mostly due to them fragmenting books apart and the small page size. Honestly, if you can release translated books... more>> dont do ebooks.

On to the review, novel shows promise, even though I read it from vol2 onwards. Unlike typical hero summoning, the world the MC is summoned to doesnt have a clear cut definition of what a hero is supposed to do. Even his Cheat ability sounds a bit useless for battle, but incredibly useful for work. Matching his university major of socioeco the Cheat is the perfect one. The novel mostly focuses on the MC attempt to reform the kingdom he was summoned in. If you like Kingdom Building, ala Otherworld Nation Building or Isekai Smartphone, this is for you. <<less
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p17at23 rated it
October 22, 2017
Status: --
Good storyline but horrible POVs.. The author should learn to separate characters POVs before deciding the readers can actually read their minds.. Apparently, the author is a fan of Machiavelli's realist idea that he started to idolized him through Soma that it began to felt biased.. Either way, it's interesting that the story itself is about brain than brawn.. Too bad it got licensed.. There goes another novels that I liked being taken away after Overlord..
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blitz_21x rated it
September 12, 2017
Status: v2c1 part4
Its hard to see this as an isekai, more about a political novel on how to be a king Machiavelli's way. A good read indeed, but not the type of story that I expect. The communication between MC and everyone else is great, the indication on how the whole world and every other countries connection is clear enough, MC is strict dude with girls surrounding him that want to give birth to his child.

Overall this is an ok-ish interesting story to read on as MC is not the typical overpowered... more>> heroes and the stories are not dumbed down with some easy win without any effort. This is a story of hardworking will gain you success kind of story.

will update more once I caught up with everything. <<less
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May 30, 2017
Status: --
Intressting novel. But if this novel started 2014, and it is only at volume 5 right now. And the information is accurate. Then be warned. The writer of this novel must have hit a wall and have no roadmap on what to write and currently is on hiatus. If you start reading this novel, dont keep hopes up for any finnish and closure for a long time. P.S to the people who wrote their review after me in dates, stop complaining about others reviews, they are just like you normal... more>> readers, they like you have their rights to their opinions. <<less
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Kurobito rated it
May 26, 2017
Status: --
It took me a few weeks to pick up reading this novel. One reason is because I saw the genre being HAREM and I'm like NOPPPPEEEE ! Enough of these kind of novel oh goddd...

And after I ran out of novel to read, I start to read this.

Surprisingly, I really like it as I love reading novel about how a ruler build his kingdom, or how it applies our world philosophy into another parallel world. This make me overlook the MC creating harem and even the MC not being OP.
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February 14, 2017
Status: v3c6 part3
Looking for something new to read, I stumbled upon this gem, after all, it has the political spectrum rather than focusing mainly the Protagonist becoming some sort of Pokemon type situation.

While the world build can get monotonous at time the moments where story and character development happen are the real gems if this story. Especially reaching towards the end as the mostly pacifistic Soma/Souma is forced to do things that would go against his nature as a kind person but are suitable of his regal status.

I noticed a person above... more>> who spoke that the synopsis is bad. I would have to agree, it doesn't do the story justice at all. While this may be a drop of water in the sea that is the isekai genre, this is a drop I'd gladly drink. <<less
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1life4death rated it
January 18, 2017
Status: --
This novel I considered to be my ideal kingdom building novel as it is interesting and enjoyable.. A smart and likable MC who's not OP in the sense of skills and combat but knowledge and wisdom. Including decent side characters and a flowing story as well. Do keep in mind though, the development of both the characters and story, as in the fantasy world within the novel, is still in progress so don't have high expectation yet. Though this is bias review, I do recommend this to anyone who enjoy... more>> king building/management type novel or just looking for something new to read. <<less
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