Genius Warlock


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We follow the journey of Oliver, a young boy trapped in a life of emotional detachment, toiling away as a s*ave in a treacherous mine. However, everything changes when he stumbles upon the enigmatic realm of black magic, a profound study that delves into the very essence of human emotions. As Oliver delves deeper into the intricacies of this forbidden art, he begins to unearth a profound connection between the magical arts and the intricate tapestry of human sentiments. Through his exploration, Oliver’s own emotional landscape undergoes a profound transformation, stirring dormant feelings within him that he had long suppressed.

Associated Names
One entry per line
천재 흑마법사
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)
  2. Fantasy, no romance (yet) novels
  3. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  4. 4-Star Novels
  5. My next 5 out of 5 !!!

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33 Reviews sorted by

JhonnyF rated it
October 27, 2023
Status: c681
This is an actual masterpiece

This is so good I google translated it and catched up and no emotions or feelings the author wanted to convey were lost.

The pacing is amazing, starts out by SHOWING you about the world instead of telling and info dumping you.

The story is so complex and there are so many turning points where philosophy, psichology, morale and religion are questioned I can't summarize it BUT it's never too burdensome because as I said it doesn't tell you, it shows you, it doesn't info dump you; the... more>> characters interact and little by little you discover their depth as the chapters go and the MC adventures himself, it all feels to natural, instead of feeling like a story is being told you feel as if you were there, with the characters feeling genuine and never being pushing you to feel something, rather they just exist by themselves with their own reasons and you judge them.

Everyone here feels alive with their own motives to be instead of being cannon fodder for the protagonist.

Because the protagonist although he's the main character he doesn't feel as if he's the master of the world or that the world revolves around him, he just wants to be <<less
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Mr.Thriller rated it
October 13, 2023
Status: c319
It's been a fun read till now, the story is unique and just watching the MC interacting with other characters is interesting to read.

It's hard to find novels with such a beautiful light.
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bheyer rated it
January 18, 2023
Status: c137
Such an amazing novel

Story follows a naive MC with a very limited emotional range. MC was an orphan who grew up in the mines, but chance encounter with a warlock brings him to the greater outside world.

This novel has one of the greatest character development I’ve ever read, the MC despite his emotional state, still manages to befriend people and unbeknownst to him begins to develop emotions and connections he cannot explain.
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Mad jackal
Mad jackal rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: c48
This is a mixed bag for me, on one hand it's a korean novel which in my opinion always start strong but drag everything out to the point of destroying the story. While on the other hand it has a unique power system and world that could be truly interesting and engaging if there was a relatable character to explore it.

The MC sits on the autistic side of the intelligence scale. He is a savant, not a genius by any means. On the intelligence scale there are three general settings,... more>> genius which is marked by great processing and understanding with little emotional intelligence but given time he can understand. Common and ordinary people who are smart to a point or dumb to a point and understand emotions. Then there is our MC a savant, he doesn't understand but can just do. He is so profoundly s*upid and lacking in awareness that it hurts to read.

The main problem with this novel is the lack of ability to explore it with someone who could feel the same wonder as the reader. I mark it higher than most other novels however for not being a cringy transmigration novel filled with modern references that break immersion.

I would like to say that having continued to read the novel, not only did I come to like it more but the MC is actually growing as the story goes on. It gets so much better than the first 40 chapters would let on and I would like to rate it at a four star now. <<less
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Mr. White Tower
Mr. White Tower rated it
October 26, 2022
Status: c1
The novel may seem ordinary at first glance with its world building and characterizations, but the author's exceptional writing skills and captivating storytelling make it impossible to put down. While it's unclear where the story is headed, the writer's top-tier skills give confidence that it will continue to be a thrilling and engaging read in the future.


no romance so far

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SerinaPark rated it
November 22, 2023
Status: c42
I agree with a reviewer here that the MC is a blank canvas and for those who want to read as the canvas being colored then the novel is for you.

The pace is also good and as for why, I gave it only 3 stars because my interest in the MC was good as gone. I've tried to read this twice from the beginning, but still, I didn't get far. It's just not my cup of tea. I understand why the MC is that way 100%, but then I get... more>> frustrated by myself, and forcing myself to read this further was becoming torture. But let me encourage you to read this novel, a fresh plot among isekais and regressions novels. <<less
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Zsaisse rated it
July 23, 2023
Status: c300
This novel is such a rare breed of worldbuilding, it makes so much sense in way that when the story is underway and more plot unfolds you don't really doubt or get confused, with every new revelation or block added to the setting it makes so much logical sense that you just continue to move on and dig deeper into the story, the characters aren't one dimensional support characters but almost each one is complex and well written, I don't feel the incongruence with any of the elements so far... more>> and the story is enjoyable

I highly recommend trying it out, dark and dreary, magical but grounded in some way, this alternative victorian world has a lot to explore and discover. <<less
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Dg2 rated it
January 2, 2023
Status: c28
A reviewer recommended skipping to chapter 28.... and oh boy, this is horrible. You have some sort of fetch/repair quest being completed and now this old witch is acting like a 2d NPC as she follows the every whim of our MC. Then we got some weird CN grunt who takes up practically the whole chapter just to show off our cool and dashing our MC is. Where our MC proceeds to monologue how deviously cunning this rando muscle man is as the MC start to talk some alchemy BS... more>> to show off to everyone in the room.

So yeah, this is my second attempt in reading this fic. The start was boring and pretty bad. The second time was even worse when starting at the second arc of the novel. I didn't see any genuine characters who got unique personalities. Just a NPC and a CN villain who are only there to prop up our MC onto his special pedestal. I can bet that later on, neither one of these people will be brought back later on or even mentioned to build a living world as events so far appear to wait solely on our MC to take direct action.

From my two experiences, I can say that this here is rather lackluster. <<less
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Catofdoom rated it
December 10, 2022
Status: c115
Pretty decent, I see only have one problem with this.

Mainly the main character is a Gary sue, he can just do anything he wants really. It's a good powerfantasy dynamic of the character being a childlike gremlin, and other characters being quite confused. But it feels strange sometimes as the world building pushes up the world as an extremely harsh place to live. The main focus of the main character. Is that he is a sociopath using magic that forces you to use emotions. Which is extremely nice, and quite... more>> creative for a premise. In that, him being a Gary Sue does not nessarily matter as much. As physical character growth is not that important. Emotional character growth is the focus here, and I think its quite well done. <<less
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Alundric rated it
December 6, 2022
Status: c114
Got to say. Just skip the chapter up to 28 and start go back and forth if you curious about his history.

There is a bit of slow pace again in ch 80++ but gaining pace in 100++.

If you looking a total blank emotional canvas and bits by bits get coloured, this is the novel for you.
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apsisodia rated it
December 5, 2023
Status: c500
I've mixed feelings for this novel. I loved the power settings in the story. It kinda reminded me of Brandon Sanderson's magic systems. I usually dislike emo edgy protagonist but author here really managed to write a good emotionless MC. Fighting scenes are quite good too.

Worldbuilding is basically British Kingdom in 19th century with magic, so its nothing special but I still enjoyed reading it.

What I dislike about the novel is the pacing and progress in the story. I've MTLed it and its getting quite boring to read over 500... more>> chapters about MC trying to understand human emotions. Author is really dragging it. MC's identity is still ambiguous, and for a curious guy, he isn't interested in finding out what he is.

Anyway, it's still a enjoyable story. Its filled with morally grey characters. On a plus point so far there is no romance but I think author is gonna end it with harem. <<less
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itztheblob rated it
October 30, 2023
Status: c300
It's good for sure.

There's nothing particularly special or unique relative to other novels that fill the genre but it is consistently well paced, well thought out and doesn't have ridiculous plot holes.

The only criticism I have is that I originally read the raws and after I decided to not pay for them (c100) I was forced to read the translation and while the translations not too bad, it does have a bit of a quality drop compared to if you read the original.

Would have given it a 5/5 if not... more>> for translation quality drop but still very good. <<less
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Torterrain rated it
March 26, 2023
Status: c184
I can vouch for the quality of the story but some people will definitely be turned of by the style of writing I imagine.

The story is written in a way that it feels slow phased but I actually think it's really not. Like a lot of things happen in each chapter and action becomes more frequent when MC gets to learn black magic. There are no training montages since MC is a genius but he improves by battling strong adversaries. Oh, also MC is autistic. This is not a joke... more>> or an insult, but just a heads up.

The power system is very interesting. Mages, Warlocks, Druids, magic manipulators, altered humans, demons, believers, cultists, (hackers). Each of these work via different principle and so far we've only seen very little of this systems limits.

So far only one Con I've had with this series are some debates where both characters in the situation talk the same. (You'll know these part when both characters say "Can I ask you a question?" or "Amazing" during the dialog) I'm not sure if it's a problem with the translator or the author since it just feels like vocabulary being limited. But this is something that's easy to fix and didn't affect my overall reading experience. <<less
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