Flowers of Worship


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It was in the middle of the night that the woman who would be the Duchess came to see me.

She said my father and mother died, and my kind uncle became king.

She said it’s not worth it for me, the crown prince, to be living in hiding, too.

“A while ago, Your Highness had been hiding from me. With all due respect, is that for the sake of survival? Just because your parents died doesn’t mean you have no reason to survive. Actually, that fact alone made it all the more reason why you should live. If you die now…”

If I died now?

When I asked her while looking at her eyes, the woman eventually brought out the harsh truth with empathetic eyes.

“It’s like a dog’s death.”

“That’s rude….”

It’s been a long time since I said that. In a short while, he has been treated as a madman and beaten to death just by saying similar things. She loosened her arms that held me and I suddenly stiffened up due to it. Because I thought she might have loosened her arm to hit me. But she didn’t.

She knelt down with one knee in front of me, just like a knight.

“Hastred’s Sarian raised her salutations. May you accept it gladly.”

My first knight is beautiful and kind.

“Are you on my side?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

It was all a lie.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Flower of Veneration
경배의 꽃
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Female Knight/Swordswoman Bookmarks
  3. {novels with manhwa/manhua} pt. 4
  4. will read 2.
  5. Judge a book by its cover (SikE )

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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1 Review

May 17, 2024
Status: c50
So, plot wise is alright... kinda short but not rushed.

It kind of sucks only the comic has an available translation complete though.

I like the FL quite a bit, I can see why she made such choices, most of the time, albeit some are frustrating for sure.

... more>> The ML however.. the idea of him being pure is totally fine, but it's like he only grabbed the shitty parts of being a kid and an adult and mixed them.

In the final parts at the very least he seems to be a bit better, but still, it took him so long to get a shred of maturity and insight.

As I didn't read the novel past half of it (because I couldn'r even find MTL of it past there), I'm not sure how the details were handled on it, but the rest was close enough to the comic adaptation, so I doubt I would see the whole work diffferently. <<less
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