First-Class Lawyer


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Yan Suizhi, the young and accomplished dean of the interstellar Maze University’s law school, wakes up in a body that has been gene-modified to resemble that of a twenty-something-year-old. He had supposedly ‘died’ in a premeditated explosion a few months ago but someone had managed to save him. In his search for his saviour as well as his mu*derer, Yan Suizhi encounters his former student, Gu Yan, who is now a successful lawyer at Southcross Law Firm.

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The Lawyer
Yi Ji Lushi
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65 Reviews sorted by

Michelle-08 rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Love this! ٩ (*❛⊰❛) ~❤

Very well written, well translated, so beautiful and warm and hilarious! Dean Yan Suizhi is hilarious, cute and loves to tease people around him, especially his little mint, plant killer but kind hearted and generous. Student/Lawyer Gu is such a softie when it comes to his beloved teacher, very smart, he's cold but reliable. I like their bantering so much, makes me giggle most of the time

Really well-paced and the characters, not just the MC and the ML, are fleshed out. I love the side characters,... more>> they are part of a bigger picture and yup, the side CP!!! aweeee! I wish there's more to their story! I like also that some characters are not just decorations, they play important roles and are actually connected to the whole story. Jack White and his foster dad... I wish there's more as well.

Overall, this is a nice read, the cases are interesting! You really need to finish the story because they are really interconnected. 4.5/5 for me! <<less
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GhostFlute rated it
March 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I didn't even bother reading the summary, I saw Musuli and FLUNG myself onto the novel haha!

As expected from one of my favourite authors (in any genre, including commercial lit and classics), the quality is top notch in this story too.

Despite interstellar not being my cup of tea, I didn't have any of the usual issues with this novel, such as messy worldbuilding. With this story too, Musuli has found the right balance between "show don't tell" kind of worldbuilding and appropriate level of details.

The relationship between the characters is... more>> also properly Musuli style, the "show don't tell" kind of writing that I've grown to love. This is especially true in the fade-to-black smut scenes where just enough hints are being given that make my imagination run wild without leaving me unsatisfied.

I'd like to a gush about this for a moment so feel free to ignore the rest of my review (come on, go read this novel already!).

Some authors exaggerate the teasing and cut the smut way too abruptly, so that when the fade-to-black scene happens, it leaves me with a jarring, terrible impression. Not so in Musuli. Her use of gazes, pauses in speech, physical aspects such as perspiration and auditory elements such as gasps is SUPERB imo. She's not big on sensual/s*xual teasing, opting for a kind exasperating/fond teasing that might not be everyone's cup of tea, but this kind of set-up is perfect for the modicum of smut she writes, balancing the narrative very well. Casual PDA is never completely "casual" in her novels either, it always serves a purpose within the purview of characterisation and plot, keeping the relationship fresh even when it happens early on in the narrative, which is a rare gift in romance writing.

Clever use of writing pace naturally not only pertains to the romance element, but to also the main mystery plot. Musuli is one of the few writers who makes reading every line a rewarding experience. The way she scatters hints throughout ALL of the novel may seem irritating at first or to impatient readers, but to those who learn to appreciate slower paced unwinding mysteries, it feels SO rewarding.

In the main, this novel is a reminder of how talented Musuli is and why all of her works deserve careful, attentive reading and consideration. I feel very inadequate having written such a brief review, there's so much to talk about here, but I don't dare ramble on and bore whoever brave soul has read up to this point. Cheers to Musuli! <<less
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bluedrop rated it
December 1, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm so glad I gave this a try. The summary wasn't too interesting to me and the shounen ai tag was kinda telling my smut-craving self that I'd be left unfulfilled lol.

I was so wrong. While there are no explicit s*xual scenes, there's just enough hints to keep that side of me happy, while the rest of my mind was just floating in obnoxious happiness at reading a super well written (and translated), super well thought out, nicely paced story. I looooved all the characters. Especially the MC and ML,... more>> but the side characters are also so well fleshed out, I was invested in everything.

I think it will be a long time before I get to stumble on a similar gem. This has the perfect amount of romance, comedy, drama, angst and suspense that honestly I was just here for the ride. My heart felt so warm. And the parts with suspense were built so well. I'm not much of a thriller fan because I hate the tension sometimes and knowing something bad is gonna happen and I just want to be over it, but here, no matter how stressed I got for the characters, the author managed to just keep it perfectly balanced and I just had to keep reading. The amount of love and how friggin solid it was built between the MC and ML got me so friggin moved. The ending was perfect. As much as I wanted it to go on forever, it managed to close in such a sweet and satisfying way.

I loved it. An unforgettable novel I hope to come back and reread in the future. <<less
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Devrai rated it
October 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Entertaining enough, lacks a bit of communication and has story holes. First-class translation.

Story: MC wakes up in a place he doesn't know, alone and genetic modified (like plastic surgery but on a gene level). His only possession a smart device including a fake personality, a paltry amount of money and a oneway ticket off the planet. Checking on his new smart device, MC finds out about his "accidental death" half a year ago, where he was caught in an explosion... but it does seem not so... more>> accidental anymore considering his own "rescue/abduction". Ignoring the well meaning ticket, MC decides to take action and first smuggle under the guise of an intern into the law firm that handled his case.... just to be placed under his former student as a teacher. Not only got the seniority screwed up but their former "bad" relationship as well. It doesn't take ML long to get suspicious and realize who his new intern is. Together they tackle the mess behind MCs case and right decades of unjustice.

MC and ML are the standard outgoing person and face paralyzed ice person. MC is a bit of a Troublemaker, he is liked by everyone but also feared. A smiling tiger character that isn't exactly compatible with his intern disguise. The young intern that isn't like a young intern is basically the comedy factor here.

ML is more of a steadfast personality. He does not speak much but deliveres a lot of "awwwww" moments and romance. He might be a bit cold but people know he is reliable. When he discovers MCs disguise he silently supported him while using the chance to tease him.

The interactions are good, sometimes cute. I have to complain a bit about lacking communication because lots of it is this "like minded ppl think alike" and "we just know what the other means" stuff. While it is packaged nicely and there is real communication in between, I dislike this lazy way of forcing things. But this might only be my opinion and not really fall into your eyes.

What really annoyed me were story holes and occ moments. Especially when they were looking everywhere for a person and basically you already know who that person is. The problem is, that during the whole novel MC/ML will snatch up every minor hint, even grabbing them out of thin air but this one important person which shows so obvious hints and is highlighted by the writer like a sun, somehow went under their radar. That was so f*cking frustrating and took away a lot of joy.

The flow of the story is somewhat strange. It feels like the writer couldn't decide on what their focus is. Sometimes the focus is the lawyers case, where everyday and minute counts and then it switches to the relationship and the case is forgotten for days. The writer seems to try and explain this by the lawsystem of the interstellar but this only makes it worse for me. The pacing feels off.

Everything counting, it was entertaining but feels a bit too long. Reading once is nice but I do not think I will read this another time. I do not dislike this novel but the effect is a one time thing. <<less
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Sana-novel rated it
October 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Good Read!!

The translation is good..

The story is very well thought through and written properly..

The court scenes are written well with decent amount of background work and subject knowledge in law..

The world setting to include genetic modification is not overly done, which is a plus..

The MC and ML are bit OP, could have been downplayed a bit.. If I have to pick a likeable character then it is Joe..
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dee_ism rated it
October 3, 2022
Status: --
Another super novel by Mu Su Li. Excellent plot. Excellent character. Excellent writing.

I thought it would be plot heavy, brain heavy, less romance type story but turns out it pretty easy to follow yet still complex and interesting. The mystery is engaging. I especially love any scene in the court room when they do their work as defense lawyer. The face slapping is truly satisfying.

I totally love our pairing and how their romance which written with satisfying dosage. It's not excessive, not flowery sugar coated, yet everything they did to... more>> each other is truly full of love, longing, fondness, doting, indulgence with mutual respect with each other. The side pairing also lovable.

I also love the woman in the story, they're amazing. Yes, it's you Fitz and Eunice! <<less
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Staringatastar rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Amazing. I've been reading (and enjoying) so many qt novels that I'd honestly almost forgotten the joy of reading a well written, richly imagined long novel. I'm so glad I saw the notice in discord that this book's translation was completed. The summary was really interesting, but like many of these more serious novels' summaries, it is a bit of a red herring. The book isn't as silly as it seems in the summary, and the characters are so much more compelling. I read the first couple chapters thinking that... more>> the professor was running some trump-like scam university, but he's actuality a great lawyer and professor. He's just also a great bullshitter, and I think the summary is hinting at that?

Anyways, I love the nostalgia this book brings - for childhood, friends, family. It shows how there are awful, scheming people, but also people who are trying to be the best they can be, and implementing the best justice they can given the evidence. Perhaps the best thing was how, while there were a few truly bad people (mostly those enticed by and overconfident of their power), many are pushed by their circumstances and trying their hardest to cause the least harm.

I really enjoyed the cases and slow unraveling of the various mysterious in this novel. The way the author lays out the arguments is incredibly witty. They banter was also very witty - the MC is one of the rare characters that is portrayed as 'smart and smart-ass' in a novel and doesn't come across as juvenile and bratty. The author really does construct a suave character brimming with intelligence, caustic yet somehow lovable. His take-downs really are subtle yet biting.

The ML is a bit more bland - your typical silent but powerful protagonist, but he actually works quite well considering the mc's personality and his background with the MC. By the time the two get together, I'm thoroughly rooting for them and almost suffocated by the thick scent of hidden attraction between the two.

Finally, the author's beautiful writing isn't restricted to character development. She really has some beautiful scenery and philosophical pieces that are wonderfully lyrical - kudos to the translators for capturing that in the English version.

This book was such a joy to read. I'm definitely buying the original Chinese version to get the translators extras (special promotion until October) ! <<less
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shuulys rated it
September 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Interesting. I really like the MC and ML's character. Hilarious af.

Plot wise I will have to say that its intriguing enough to make me keep reading. Although its about law, it really isn't that tough to understand. So overall its quite well done. The whole plot doesn't revolve around solving many cases but mainly the case regarding the MC. The whole story was nicely paced as well, but could be better if the ending drag a little more.

For the romance part, I would have to say that it's adorable. The... more>> MC didn't immediately fall in love with the ML, which made it even better. Though they did get together faster than I thought they would, its rather clear that the ML loves the MC alot. Though he doesnt really say it and stuff, he does show his love through his lil actions and gestures. Cute!

Overall I would give it a 4.7 ⭐. Highly recommended if you want something that is not toooooo heavy in plot but still interesting enough. Plus its a cute novel sooooo :3 <<less
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July 16, 2022
Status: c18
The plot and pace are very natural and easy to digest, not to mention the humor, it's been a while I enjoyed a bl story which is not sappy and tragedic or dumb, rather than the lovey dovey, this sharp n witty characters are hooking me fast!
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WordEater rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: c128
Fantastic! I'm honestly thrilled with how their attitude on court makes me feel so pumped up. You know that protagonist would win the case, but the building up of how? It was satisfying, especially seeing the other party lose. It was not that difficult to feel otherwise since the opponents are quite a jerk.

I had been putting off reading this for a while now since I'm not fond yet of Interstellar fics but I'm so, soo happy that I happened to just read this tab without realizing the fact. It... more>> immediately caught my attention. The world-building is alright and their interactions? Golden. Wu, Wu, Wu, I'm soo on the edge of my seat right now pondering about the plot of whys.

Little Emperor Yan's every move and attitude fascinates me and pushes my lips to turn up. Quite hard not to when this shameless guy just- charismatically make chaos everywhere he go. Grouchy Student Gu does not get behind, he was pretty quick in the uptake yet still puts up his usual attitude. Nice pacing with their relationship especially since they were estranged after graduation. There's bits of teases with their dynamics but I'm glad that the plot and cases were also not that behind. All in all, I'm excited to read the next updates.

When you get to the scenes where Gu Yan wants to help Yan Suizhi, I'm betting that you'll go ROFL. It's EPIC!!! Gu's just so done with this unrestrained dean. P.S. His name is very hard to remember ah, hardly anyone ever mentions it or calls him by that.

Yan Suizhi harmed the venerable doyen member of their Southcross Law Firm. I can't- HAHAHAHAH

Warning, I don't know if you need this:


Human Lifespan: 250 years on average

So like, it is hardly material when it comes to their age difference. I think 10 years or less at most? Eh- by the way, they were teacher and student before.

If you're alright with this, go ahead and enjoy the literature! It would be worth it. :)

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Monique_hello rated it
April 12, 2024
Status: Completed
From the very beginning of the novel you are submerged into a completely new and intricate world.

I liked how the author could think about a lot of details, integrating them seamlessly to create a complex and vivid atmosphere. It could really make me feel the new world.

The ML and MC are both intelligent and a bit sly, especially Yan Suizhi. Gu Yan on the other hand though seemingly aloof is actually quite loyal, passionate and dedicated.

The story itself is rather compelling, though the author gets into too many technical/medical details... more>> in the last several chapters and it was a bit boring to read. But it was just a small portion of the whole, not diminishing at all my good impression of the novel. <<less
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reia.krr rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: Completed
The is one of the most amazing novels I’ve read so far. I love the personalities of the characters and the side characters. The author is very skilled in writing touching characters and describing relationships.

I love how everything comes together at the end and how the suspense builds up. I saw a review complaining about the details, like when MC wants to rent an apartment and ends up living with ML instead. That is literally one of the biggest clues and it comes together in the ending. Considering it’s a... more>> mystery story, there has to be foreshadowing in order to actually keep the readers in suspense, and the author did that well.

The story is well written with romance that complements the plot, rather than overshadowing it. It made me happy to see characters like Zhao Zemu and George Manson move on from their mistakes in the past and learn to be a better person. The reporters Ben and Hersey were also really cute with how they learned that not every big scoop is something that should be reported, and they were indispensable to the plot, although their introduction made them seem like cannon fodder.

I also like how all the cases discussed have some sort of relation to the final plot, so it’s not like you’re wasting time reading something useless. Overall the plot was amazing, and it’s definitely worth reading. I’ll be back to reread this once I forget enough of the plot. <<less
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JieJieJora rated it
October 26, 2023
Status: Completed
The auhor's never disappointed us. At first, I wasnt sure if I should pick this up for I see how long it was. Only to feel glad that I did. The plot didnt make your head buzz, instead make you feel like everything was going with the flow, and none of the plot feel absurd. I might be biased, but this type of ML got my heart completely. He devoted himself to silently admire/love the MC before they got together and went through the plot with him without any reservation... more>> beside MC's health and safety. After they got together, ML got loosened a bit, but continued to dote on MC, loving and caring for him in every ways. As for MC, I love his crow-mouth, quick-witted personality, and his ability to think before act. This couple's personalities and style fit each other so much I wish both of them a happy live until the end of the time. Please pick it up and read this. You wont regret it. Thank you to author for this amazing book, as well as the translator who made it possible for us to enjoy this masterpiece. 4.9/5 stars!! <<less
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ZeyFletcher rated it
October 7, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a ✨ MASTERPIECE ✨. I love it so muchh! I love Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan so much! And surprisingly, I actually love all the characters, even the somewhat side couple, Joe and Ke Jin
I was hesitating to read this because I’m not really a fan of law things. But this novel, I didn’t feel the complications of law and I loved the law things in here. I loved the build up, the climax and also the conclusion of the cases 🩵

I definitely love the couple’s dynamic 🥹🥰🥹. I still wanted more about them actually, I feel like there can be another novel with them already together 🩵 I love how Gu Yan is such a hidden simp HAHHAH it’s not obvious because or his expressionless face but he is such a simp id love to see his inner monologue lol. The extra where he said it’s his birthday that’s why he went to Yan Suizhi’s class 🥹🩵

I love them so much!

DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED GUYS! Even if you don’t want law thingss, you’ll love it. I want to have the power of Yan Suizhi to lowkey insult others but the others can’t say anthing about it WHAHAHA ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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Seeing Stars
Seeing Stars
September 5, 2023
Status: Completed
Definitely one of the best ones I've read so far. Although the novel has laws, its not hard to understand and not full of jargons. It's also incredibly entertaining with MC and ML's interactions, especially MC with just about everyone. Their relationship is so healthy that I want to cry out of jealousy! After reading it, I suddenly missed the two characters because I won't be accompanying them in their new journey, which usually it wasn't a problem for me, but I guess I really did fell in love with... more>> the story. Hopefully they would adapt the story to something, a drama or a manhua, I really want to read it again!


Although I don't know why they haven't reveal who Gu Yan's friend is, we didn't even received a name :-:

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Redle rated it
September 5, 2023
Status: Completed
I liked the novel overall, I recommended it if you are looking for something not dramatic but still interesting with a comedic undertone. Although the novel is long, I would dare say that the story is light, so it doesn't take too long to read.

The MC and ML are both charming, you also get to care for the side characters. Their relationship is also cute and not actually a slow burn so you get to enjoy their interactions a big portion of the story. I wanted more of the side... more>> couple though, I hoped we would get more of them, especially since they are an important part of the story but I felt like they suddenly disappeared towards the end and missed more of their development, so it was a shame.


What about Ke Jin's recovery? Did he get to know how much Joe cared for him? How did he react? How did their relationship develop? WHAT ABOUT THEIR CUTE INTERACTIONS? I want more of Joe and Ke Jin!


My favorite part was the first half of the novel, the first part totally gripped me! It was a very interesting scenario and the clues appearing hooked me. I felt it was a bit rushed towards the end, not because of the plot's lack of coherence but because I felt it was more superfluous compared to the beginning, and some things/characters that seemed relevant suddenly were left behind.


Sometimes during the second half I also felt like the main characters were too OP so there was no longer surprise or expectancy of how things would go because the MC and ML were too smart and too over the top of things so you knew things were going to go well


I liked the ending for the main couple! It was all I wished it was <<less
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sbob rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: Completed
Thoroughly enjoyed the sharp tongue and biting wit of the MC and how the court scenes played out during the course of the novel. Appreciate how the plot unfolds with each arc layer peeling back the mystery of the main underlying plot of the novel. There were some unexpected twists but I wouldn’t say that they brought me a lot of joy/excitement/whoa when it was revealed.

Written very well as a whole, with sufficient dog food scenes and realistic (almost OP) levels of charm & smarts from the two leads. Great... more>> backstory and character building. World building as well to that end.

I guess I enjoyed it more as an action novel than a romance novel. Some hehe almost butterfly but not yet moments earlier on. Find myself wondering what was the main spark between the two leads now that I look back. But they go well together chemistry wise, it’s just not emotionally very gripping as a novel.

Side character and plot build up was really good too. Worried if anything drastic or bad would happen but most of it was quite smooth sailing, just continuous face slapping from the MC although uncovering a lot of sad past truths.

Would re-read for the engaging court scenes and fun jibing between the leads. Not so much if I want a more emotionally invested novel. <<less
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February 14, 2023
Status: Completed
3.5 stars. Overall it was good. Easy to read, comedic, fast paced, and has good interactions. Just don't mind the details too much.

The cases were good but I feel like the author didn't want to get into too many technical/law details so the court sessions wrapped up rather fast. Especially with the final case - it spanned most of the novel but was wrapped up in a few chapters.

The first half of the novel was a lot better than the second half. It was a lot easier and more enjoyable... more>> to read. I had to take lots of breaks reading the second half because there's a lot of long-winded conversations and a lot of details that weren't very important or interesting.

The main couple is a shameless shou X silent gong bickering couple type. We're fed lots of dog food. However one thing that started to bother me was that it seemed like MC was getting more and more unreasonably arrogant and rude in the last quarter of the novel. It gave me a negative vibe compared to the "confident and intelligent arrogance" that he had earlier in the novel. <<less
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February 11, 2023
Status: Completed
So, I finished the novel (sobbing and creating a tear-induced lake in my flat because it's only been 34 seconds and I ALREADY MISS THEM).

Yan Suizhi is such a cutie, I can't. Sarcastic, cute, kind, with a passion for teasing his pettymint essense and driving him crazy. This baby of mine was so cute and funny I want to reread the novel right away, but it's a pitty i've got an exam in 2 days. :' ( And estimed Lawyer Gu, this utter softie, who loves his wilful Dean to the... more>> death of him, just can't leave the cutie alone. It's impossible to not love these two. BUT I LOVE THE WAY THEY'RE HEAD OVER HEALS FOR EACH OTHER MUCH MORE.

Thank you for the beautiful translation, btw. It was a great experience reading it. <<less
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loneplum rated it
January 12, 2023
Status: Completed
Excellent novel that takes place in a future interstellar world where two lawyers investigate the truth behind an explosion that ‘killed’ one of them. The MC Yan Suizhi is a completely shameless and charming former dean of a prestigious law school who masquerades as a law intern. The ML Gu Yan is an accomplished lawyer-slash-human-icicle that has been assigned to handle the MC intern. The couple dynamics are gold - their conversations are entertaining and there’s a lot of snark and sarcasm whenever they open their mouths.

The first half of... more>> the novel is mainly building the background story and introducing all the relevant characters and the second half of the novel delves into solving the overarching mystery.

Although the court cases the two lawyers encounter are important to the plot, the details of the trial proceedings are enough to give you the main point but not so detailed as to be tedious. The legal system is ultimately different from any current legal system so the procedures are different and the speed of the trials are fast.

Well-written story with a great group of side characters. Personally, the pace in the first half of the story was a little slow for me but it picked up in the second half and I love how everything came together at the end. There is also a sweet side couple - truly the cherry on top! <<less
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