FFF-Class Trashero


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It was a life without regret. My parents were in good health, and I wasn’t home enough for me to combine my studies and part-time jobs.

I like fantasy, martial arts, games, fiction movies, cartoons… I’m a normal high school student who likes these things.

That was certainly true until ten years ago.

This is not the earth.

A fantasy world dominated by powerful people. Savage utopia. It is a world where you can take anything with you if you have physical strength.

Associated Names
One entry per line
FFF Class Trashero
FFF급 관심용사
Related Series
Is this Hunter for Real (Shared Universe)
Is this Hero for Real? (Shared Universe)
The Second Coming of Gluttony (4)
Everyone Else is a Returnee (3)
Dungeon Hunter (2)
M E M O R I Z E (2)
The Tutorial Is Too Hard (2)
Beauty and the Bodyguard (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. everything ive read (part 1)
  2. MY Favorite Second Chance Korean Novels
  3. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  4. Novel's I Have Read
  5. Mentally ill protagnoists

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/24/21 Active Translations c324
08/24/21 Active Translations c323
08/24/21 Active Translations c322
08/23/21 Active Translations c321
08/22/21 Active Translations c320
08/22/21 Active Translations c319
08/21/21 Active Translations c318
08/21/21 Active Translations c317
08/21/21 Active Translations c316
08/20/21 Active Translations c315
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08/19/21 Active Translations c312
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134 Reviews sorted by

lbt rated it
April 17, 2021
Status: c11
First this story seemed a little amusing with all this presumed anti-hero and anti-cliche setting.

But the MC turns out to be simply a dumb sociopath killing people and elves without any good reason and even without any benefit for himself.

Even the most rudimentary explanation, like 'MC, what do you see looking at the people? - XP' is not applicable because he's just killing everybody he can, and XP becomes meaningless as soon as it is presented in this story.

So it becomes revulsive, then mindlessly repetitive.
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December 4, 2020
Status: --
Read this if you want to read a "Hero" with nonexistent morals, whose in denial of his flaws, has an intelligence NOT worth noting for, Super narcissistic, self centered, self entitlement and has a overall tr*sh personality.

His logics practically says "The Fantasy World owe him for being their summoned hero so anything he does is on them and that they should feel thankful for whatever he does cause he is the hero. If they have issues about his work ethics then he would introduce them to his sword."

His Retakes... more>> are pretty much him just throwing tantrums cause of some bad to petty revenge reasons during his first try. Tl. Dr he is not a Hero material. <<less
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Tochoz rated it
May 9, 2020
Status: c97
Love the MC of this novel!! Storyline and writing are also good plus it's not some useless harem isekai where the MC s*upidly tries to fulfil his s*xual desires with women who are only interested in the strong even if they claim that's not the case. Story has a clear route and the MC has a clear objective and goal in mind. So far, this has been a very enjoyable read.
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baarsik rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: c171
What can I say? I absolutely love this story. Right now I'm on a chapter 171 and even now I can't predict what happens in the future. Plot is extremely simple, MC goals are set from the very start. Yet each time he attempts to return to Earth, something weird happens because someone wants something from this cute Hero.

The only people whom he cares about seem to be his parents, and his first experience in a new world makes him grow from a typical teenager-hero to the badass adult-antihero. MC... more>> begins to question other people's motives and starts caring only about his own gain, disregarding everyone else's feelings. And for a good reason, as he was, technically, kidnapped.

Some might say this story can become repetitive as the protagonist time lapses to the very start of the "training event", but I gotta say, it is not repetitive at all! Rather, it is extremely captivating. You just start reading and then, boom and you are at the latest available chapter in your language. And you want more. More of that psychopathic MC with some decent anatomy knowledge and absolutely no compassion.

The world seems to be lacking some actions as no MC actions can actually make any impact on Earth state. He is locked in the educational program and can't escape (for anyone who haven't read a single chapter: escaping the school is the plot, kinda, huh). He becomes more powerful each run he makes with some random events (like a festival) to keep reader entertained. It is yet to be seen if MC can influence the world as it doesn't seem like whoever is running the school is willing to let him go w/o proper education, but oh my, trust me it will be fun.

Tl;dr. Unpredictable plot, lunatic MC, mass mu*ders and lots, lots of jokes. Love it! <<less
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Nijieru Maka
Nijieru Maka rated it
February 21, 2020
Status: c91
This is a powerful blow to my boring days. I got sick of the so called "anti-heroes" who later turns out to be a soft sponge.

The setup is totally new, and the fun it brings, this one surpass all my previous read. Call me a maniac if you want, but this slaughtering maniac is totally my favorite now.
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade rated it
June 30, 2019
Status: c73
A great read, at first anyway. It had me grinning through the chapters as I read and I just couldn't put it down.

Alas, the plot smells stale after dozens of fun chapters. The MC I thought was unique at first turns into a guy with low EQ (or IQ). Repeating the same foolhardy actions, even when the result is obviously a bad end, and then spouting off how he doesn't understand why he failed (again). The humor seems recycled and his actions get more brainless. There are honestly at least... more>> ten ways to intelligenly handle his situation but past ch. 40 he starts pointing his sword at anything that even stinks different.

Sigh.. Why did a guy (not a virg*n) who was relatively cool and did not allow flirting and sexy lady fantasy-world cliches begin to chase lady garters left and right after a few dozen chapters?

It seems his common sense declined as his le*dness increased. <<less
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HelluvaReader rated it
February 13, 2019
Status: c26
All those who are brimming with heroism and affiliated characteristics should leave now!

This is a story where the MC is so f--ing pissed with the world lol...


The Dude gets reincarnated until he gets A and above grades for all his stats. The one he fails to get is mostly character and reputation lel


Really fun read! no boring cliches.
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Alundric rated it
December 17, 2018
Status: c12
4/5 till ch 12

Read it through the end.

This novel are not for you who are looking for mindless lucky normal action.

This novel is the story of someone who is kidnapped, bullied by everyone even by his own so called comrades, pushed to do things he don't want to do under the pretext for creating hero and in the end he have to redo it under the pretext that he did not pass the exam even he gain full scores in practical application. They reason that not only the result by... more>> how to do it should be count too....

Now think if you were kidnapped, torture mentally, and had to redo it due to some weirdo say you did not pass the exam. And more than that you did not have the ability to kill them.

Yes this novel is underrated due to some numbskull reader forgot that this novel are totally only for anti hero!!!! <<less
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kingleo8 rated it
October 10, 2018
Status: c3
Let's just say, you captured a dude, told him to kill an evil bastard, train him violently for 10 years without his consent. What do you think you will get? This Story!

After reading the first chapter you will naturally think that communication is important.

After reading 3rd chapter, I was convinced that this world, Fantasia doesn't have anything like communication or morals. Let's just say that great power comes with great responsibility didn't exist here. Yes they have power but none of the characters has humility, patience and sense, I think?

But... more>> it is good to read and funny! <<less
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February 11, 2022
Status: Completed
FFF class hero is definitely a unique novel in a lot of ways.

IT's MC is exceptionally pragmatic and shifts between absolute insanity and cold efficiency much of the time but grows in various ways throughout the story.

But one big complaint I'll make is there comes a point where it's clear the novel SHOULD end and it just keeps going. THat's not to say an epilogue is bad. Many novels ignore the value of an epilogue and just act like finishing the main story is all that matters.

But the problem here... more>> is it wasn't a well planned epilogue. Instead it just kind of drifts between various short stories with little to no logic and then cuts each one short to move to the next one. As a result it actually creates more lose ends than it answers really because it brings up questions but doesn't take enough time to answer them.

Even before the epilogue the final art felt more bloated and uneeded as the MC becomes too powerful for anything to really matter.

Overall it's still a very entertaining story. But just as a warning it will be a very frustraiting read at times. <<less
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dominusdeus17 rated it
February 1, 2022
Status: Completed
This is one of my favorite web novels of all time. I don’t normally read things with evil MCs but this one does it in a super funny way. Every time I think that the MC will make a certain decision he surprises me. I love his reactions to everything. His world view could be seen as him being insane and evil but he is perfectly righteous and good in his own eyes. This novel is super funny at least for me. If the sense of humor doesn’t work for... more>> you then that’s fine just don’t read it.

Worship master Molan and remember to always go for the spine. <<less
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GaaraJunkie rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: --
PS: I meant to give it a rating of 3...
Well, this story is interesting... though, I feel like it's very possibly written by an incel... It resonated with me at first as I disliked that whole 'power of friendship', 'power of love', and 'a hero must not kill' - as well as how women are portrayed... then it got hentai weird. Women were still portrayed badly here... it's satire on the isekai and harem genres, and a dark comedy about how the MC goes mad and turns into a 'righteously' (evil) 'hero' (and more), who eventually gets a harem that he never wanted...
Trigger Warning:

There are a lot of allusions to r@pe, that the MC describes as 'consensual' because he does not want side-quests, out of madness, and/or out of spite for the system.
There were situations where the MC stripped women of their clothes, or didn't bother to listen when they asked that he doesn't look at their nudity, etc.
There was also a scene when he turned into a 'Natural Spirit' and wanted to see if his d!ck was working right, so he non-consentually 'tests' it 5 times on this angel that he 'ens*aved.'

If you can work with that info, then enjoy!

PSS: Hail Lord Mollan (g) !
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JustMeReading rated it
December 20, 2021
Status: Completed
I gave it a 5 because can't give it a 4.5 but it's worth reading as a fast read.

It was one of those that kept me awake all night and It has been a while since I last read a novel that would make me want to wake up just to keep reading. I enjoyed it from start to finish and I can say I am a veteran, I have read too many Novels to remember the number. I don't usually write reviews but I had to for this one.... more>> I loved the MC a lot and the whole adventure was really fun for me. The harem at the end was small and it only had 4 women in total that had gone through many things with him. <<less
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JKingSniper rated it
December 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This is an amazing isekai novel.

Of course you cannot take this seriously as it's power fantasy and comedy, and as long as you dont, you won't act like those 1 star reviewer who treat it too seriously.

There's literally a special metal that apparently turn into real breast (for flat chested elf girl) if you meet your true love. So don't take it seriously

Edit: Just finished reading this. Was great journey and we see MC grow to actually love his wives.

Looking forward to more novel from this author

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Resutatto rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I've never enjoyed reading a novel as much as I did when I read SCOG, but I just experience that with this story. Wow, while the MC's egocentric tendencies sometimes annoys me, that disappeared near the end. Another thing is the author's constant 'teasing' that turns me on at the wrong place at the wrong time, nevertheless, I love this, Bless the author for birthing such a good story.
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SomeGuyIncognito rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: c70

It's not a bad novel to read if you don't have something good to read, assuming you don't mind the nihilist/homicidal manic of a MC. Don't expect too much from the story, it's constantly jumping around randomly, and the characters are all short lived.

One more thing... the author appears to have a twisted snuff fetish, there are many instances were the MC french kisses some beauty while at the same time snapping her neck...
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Greydrone12 rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: c112
Registered an account just to comment on this. I really enjoyed the premise and the story, it took a bunch of annoying cliches and turned them around. Exposing the hypocrisies of Hero 'Summoning' and the struggles of the 'hero', while capturing the mental strain such a person would face. I particularly like how the MC's mental state changes - when his 11 years of hard work just vanished with a snap, he goes a little insane. He then slowly becomes 'normal' again - for a given value of normal.

Read this... more>> if you'd like to see a powerful MC who doesn't let people walk all over him. Don't read it and complain about the MC being rude to harem girls or killing people who attacked him. Personally, I really enjoyed it! It's nice to see a hero with a spine. <<less
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jac_cldy1348 rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: c115
Honestly at first this story was very interesting however for e around the 80ish chapter mark it starts to feel tiring.

Spoilers ahead:

... more>>

Specifically at after coming back to earth, were the story basically has no chill and feels extremely contrived. First a battle to the "death" with the old prince, then becoming a demon king, then fighting the elf hero, then dying a reincarnating. You would expect the story woulld slow down a bit to explain some more about the state of the earth, the nature of heroes in society, what people think of heroes who don't want to come back, etc


It all feels like the author is throwing sh*t at the reader to try and grab my attention. Also the MC character feels honestly too forced at times. I know that the character is thrash (that is part of the gimmick of this story) however the way he is written at times feels like it gets in the way of the story telling. Like for example when:


Victoria is explaining the situation of earth to the MC, he totally ignores some parts and is honestly to the stories detriment IMO, as it is a waste of exposition that barely covers over the basics.


IMO, read the first arc as it were, and after


the MC celebrates getting back to earth


drop it. <<less
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pelya rated it
September 4, 2020
Status: c60
MC is overpowered like when you go steal Enclave powered armor in Fallout 2 at the start of the game, steamroll every fight, and break the game plot. MC learns on his mistakes, but never changes his core values, he just seeks new ways to exploit the situation. Other characters are equally hard-headed and often deserve what's coming for them. It's an enjoyable easy read, if you don't expect moral questions resolved and justice served to everyone. Translation is good quality and does not contain many grammar errors.
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DatOneWeeb rated it
May 9, 2020
Status: c97
I haven’t sticked to many novels since I’ve either dropped them or I see bad reviews about it, which turns me off. I have also never written a review before so take mine as a grain of salt. But personally, this is one of the most enjoyable LN I have ever read. Unlike many other novels which has these simps, this main character is a thot slayer and would do anything to kill his enemies (kisses or sucking on a grown man’s thumb). The main character is as ruthless as... more>> it gets and is pretty edgy. His reasonings are also backed up but his train of thought might be a little over the top. The main character is also overpowered as it gets and has fights which are pretty smooth sailing until later in the novel where he actually has a tough time with opponents. The novel also cracks a joke here and there about other characters which makes me grin every time I read them.

although I didn’t read the first 20 chapters since I came from the adaptation, I whole heartedly love this novel and I’ve tried finding similar novels like this but it never kicked like this did. It also sucks that the translation team decided to slow down the pace of releases of the novel by a considerable margin. Again, take my review as a grain of salt since I’m no expert at reading novels or writing reviews. <<less
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