Fey Evolution Merchant


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A century after the Spirit Qi Awakening, the world enters a new era. Humans are able to absorb the world’s awakened spirit qi, allowing them to tread on a new path—spirit qi occupations!

Simultaneously, the plants and animals on the planet are also evolving toward their ancestry line or developing spiritual mutations.

Lin Yuan realizes that he can assist feys in evolving limitlessly and constantly purify their bloodlines. He starts off with a small fey evolution store on the Star Web and rises up from there.

Lin Yuan: “There is no problem that I cannot solve to deliver the goods. If there is a problem, it is because the goods are better than expectations!”

This is a story purely about pets!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Imperial Beast Evolution
Related Series
Astral Pet Store (3)
Pet King (1)
Monster Pet Evolution (1)
Museum of Deadly Beasts (1)
Immortal Devil Transformation (1)
The Charm of Soul Pets (1)
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33 Reviews sorted by

New Mardakom007 rated it
May 22, 2024
Status: c183
MC with strong self discipline which is a good thing but it makes MC kind of s*upid, he is so stubborn for being self reliant to the point he refuse any necesarry help
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Melting Snow
Melting Snow rated it
June 5, 2021
Status: c700
I have mixed feelings regarding this novel. I like it but there are many moments that it's just so CRINGEY. When the MC said that he wants to create a faction that is similar to akatsuki, I DIED FROM CRINGE. Not to mention the MISPLACED POEMS AND AWKWARD CONVERSATION between characters. The MC doesn't want help from his master, cause he didn't want people to think that he relied on his master to become powerful, but even his subordinates thinks that he got the high level resources from his master.... more>> Lmao it's defeats the purpose

There are many novel ideas, like "exclusive reporter" or "path protector", yeah it's a nice idea but REDUNDANT AND USELESS. And I also dont like how easy it was to side characters to pledge themselves, it's specially so cringey whenever they kneel and take an oath. And Truth be told, the MC does not have any qualities to be qualified as leader, whenever he talk about creating a faction, it's just full of cringe and naivety. The author should have stick to combat and feys, rather than creating a faction, cause it's really childish.

TO BE HONEST, the only reason I still read is because I want to see the evolved form of his pets. I actually really like the first 100ch. I even stayed up all night just so I can read it. So it pains me that it got more and more unbearable as chapters go by. This and "tr*sh of the count's family" have the same problem for me, which is awkward and cringey. This novel has a great plot, nice MC, nice world but I cant just like it. Also the fantasy breed and myths got downplayed. They just become common lmao.

There's pros thou like: theres not that many arrogant young master, and theres also no "whole paragraph about how beautiful a girl is". But it doesn't change the fact that This novel is really cringey, it feels like it's written by high schooler.

  • I still give it 3 stars thou cause I mean ive reached chapter 500, it's not the worse novel, it's just that I hate cringey MC, but you might like it so.
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Holy Shura rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: c344
It's meh all over.

The description/summary of the novel claims that it is all about the pets/feys but it just isn't. They get way to little attention after chapter 200. I think from 250 to 330 genius was just not even mentioned even tho it's like a family member to the MC.

The MC permanently makes decisions that don't fit his setup. To grow stronger he needs to upgrade feys, but instead of doing that and growing strong he decides taht he now wants to be famous and take... more>> part in some tournament selection. Even though he ist still weak as f*ck.

I also don't get why he is so hung up with the thought that the radiant federation is such a great place filled with warmth. After all his parents were bigshot soldiers who died on a mission to protect civilians and the government couldn't even be bothered to take care of the now orphaned 6 and 8 year old children.

In another review I read how that person was annoyed with the naive thoughts the MC has when thinking about a faction. At first I couldn't get that but by now I understand. It's as if the MC never thinks about how people might just ignore the law and take something they want instead of paying for it.

And the whole "he showed his white teeth" thing is really annoying as well. I think the author might have bad teeth in real life and uses this novel to overcompensate. <<less
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Qwerty1123581321 rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: 550+
It's a slow paced average novel.

Storyline seems forced, like MC finding out the traps set by opponent national/federation/organisation accidently.

... more>>

The MC goes to forest, but encounters a newly opened dungeon

MC goes to level 3 dungeon finds evil plot and a priceless treasure

MC goes to sea and the same thing happen

MC is too much of a hero. Had tried to sacrifice himself for others but was saved miraculously.

MC doesn't want to take advantage of his master, but has no issue collecting things his path finder found for him.


That treasure morbius is the biggest plot armour. It's only at bronze yet more useful than level 5 creation master.

Master-disciple relationship is not clear. Shouldn't the purpose of having a disciple is to teach your unique skills and knowledge, yet there has never been a mention of moon empress teaching the MC about things related to formulas and stuff. All she teaches are general knowledge that MC desires. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 1, 2021
Status: c1465
I really like this novel. It does have some annoying qualities which I do not mind but others may definitly dislike. The one review by Not Red Yet is mostly wrong as the guy he apparently lets live definitely dies after torture so not sure why hes mad about that. The main character does let people live at times but from the specific circumstances it makes sense and when it doesnt he does kill them.

The main thing I like about this is also something people may not like which is... more>> that the plot has a lot of aspects to it which all kinda go forward at the same time. The story progresses day by day almost and there are basically no time skips. There are many different plot lines happening at the same time to sit may become hard to keep track of them but all of them move forward and they aren't neglected. This is something that many may not like but its something that definitely makes me want to read more.

In terms of romance there isn't any up till now from what I've read. There is explicit interest from one party to the MC but she hasn't expressed it to him and the MC does not even seem to put romance into his mind. There may be some later but till now there is nothing (I have caught up to the raws at this point and there is still much to do with the story line so its not impossible but wont happen soon)

Some characters are forgotten but very few and you can kinda see it coming and honestly only happens to the side characters. The "core" characters are never forgotten. Also because of the powers of the MC no side characters are left behind due to power creep he makes sure that all of his subordinates and friends can help him in the future and provides resources for them to do so.

This is also less of a Merchant/Shop owner novel and more of a power development novel where the MC founds and powers up his own faction. He also takes advantage of his resources quite well.

This may not be for everybody but if you like it you will probably love it as I do. There are things happening all the time even though time moves very slowly. The author packs a lot into a single day. Recommend reading to at least chapter 200 to get a good feel for where the novel may go.

EDIT: I mentioned that some characters were forgotten, turns out they were not its just the author took a long time to get back to them. They are still minor characters but definitely not forgotten. <<less
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Sesshomaru1269 rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: c1067
The not red guy clearly skimmed the novel and then hated on it. Everything he said had a legitimate reason. As for his last arguement about the guy getting off? He did not, he died. This guy did not put the effort into reading this before he left a bad review.

On another note, the only real downside to this is the MC fails at accumulating resources. He clearly has the chance to get more production pets going (mostly the shells) then puts it off or doesnt really search for... more>> it when he could have. It's not a big problem, but it is slightly annoying.

The pets do have character, but you'll have to read on to see why they act certain ways, they at least arent barebones and it doesnt really have a character acting like a young master just because he can, so that's a huge plus. <<less
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DaydreamGe rated it
January 9, 2022
Status: c2016
Too slow. The story is taking too much detail.

What I expect when reaching 2000 chapter and the MC still below myth level when the powerhouse is already shown

Myth -> Creation -> Immortal/Eternity/Some people call it God.

... more>> I still can take that MC still weak, well 2000 chapter only takes less than year for MC, pretty crazy.

Okay the MC was slow in progress and slowly getting closer to the top powerhouse, it is fine.

Then in chapter 2016 something was mentioned that MC world only first level world (the lowest in all)

My reaction is -_-a.

It was mentioned, how could a being like middle level elf born in first level world when even third level is rare.

And the one mentioned is the evil? One who sabotage the trial of elves, a low class people that works like a supervisor.

Seriously 2000+ chapter and it is only a level below myth that haven't yet knowing about other level world.

Too slow. Even next year I doubt the battle between federation is starting yet.

In other novel 2000 chapter will be like jumping to another level of higher world, and this chapter only reach 9 months of MC counterattack life.

Going crazy after reading 2016, why must the author adding another higher world, why not ending it with fighting the Tadian organisation in the end. Crazy <<less
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sadboyislonely rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: --
bear with infodumps, just skip the useless information and you will enjoy this novel

but I cant bear it, I have a lot of misgiving with this novel because of the apparent flaw in mc's personality

we have hardworking MC with strong self discipline which is a good thing but it makes MC kind of s*upid, he is so stubborn for being self reliant to the point he refuse any necesarry help

he need resources? His master have everything he need to quickly grow his pets and his cultivation but he choose not,... more>> hundreds of chapters and MC still stuck at C level

he want to make faction and grow his store reputation? He could make them easily with his potential and his master influence but he choose not and instead acting like a mysterious guy behind the scenes and always keep trying to hide his identity, and for what reason? Author never explain <<less
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VeritasNorte rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: c222
1- The MC lets live for s*upid reasons;
2- Does not focus on the store despite the novel's name;


3- Before having a master, he fought for resources and the shop worked, then his only difficulty ended, despite saying that he wouldn't use the master's resources;


4- He doesn't want fame, but wants to be on the list of the best, for no reason, even though he's too weak for that;
5- He says to be with quality not quantity, what does he do? Get more.


6- Why doesn't it improve the quality? Because it takes the only resource his super rich master can't give to maximize the strength and potential of his pets;


7- Although for others this resource is something you can get a 2 in life by luck ("found, not wanted"), for the MC it takes as much effort as going for a walk. But does he do it? No, he gets other pets, and leaves them in the same state as the others who just wait for this resource to get stronger;


8- Even though he knows he's weak, even though he has several outstanding issues, he plans to create an organization as strong as his master, and his master is among the 3 most influential in the country.


I give 3 stars because despite everything, it's not horrible, I've seen worse. You can pass the time if you ignore the things mentioned above.
But above 3.4 stars is beyond this novel.
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Zoro_r rated it
March 22, 2021
Status: c1495
There are really few novel which is worth the read and my dear friends this is one of em'. Don't miss this one out.


Although author tried to make this novel as Pokemon type of xianxia version but hey that's the only drawback I have seen so far. MC is far too kind and forgiving. There is a fine line between kindness and naive. Overall it's good and waiting for new chapters to come out.

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Scarecrow rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: c368
Disgusting. All the people that are close to the MC is bound by a contract that essentially puts them in a subordinate position and immediately become a cripple if the MC ever wills it. I feel like the author is a CCP muppet. If you substitute the MC position with CCP and his subordinates with civilians, the author is trying to tell you that if you gave up your freedom and put everything to the CCP, then the CCP will rewards you. Absolutely disgusting.

P.S. I know that the attendant girl... more>> wasn't bound by a willpower rune oath, but the girl was already nurtured and brainwashed by the MC master. Servitude is already engraved on her bones. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: c332
A great novel! It has its flaws, but I find it engaging!

The biggest complaint I have would be that the MC's luck is OP. Things just plop into his lap. Things haven't really gone wrong for him yet. It does seem a bit like a wish-fulfillment novel in how handsome and lucky the MC is, but I think the novel has enough depth and characterization to make it work well. Also, his cheat is never explained. It's an interesting cheat though.

The novel's theme in my opinion: Live a hard life... more>> as a good person -> Rewards

The novel is super heartwarming at times. You might look at the title and think the MC's some kind of system-oriented and ruthless MC, but the MC's actually really human. The interactions between characters are really heartwarming, and you can feel that the characters are alive. The MC isn't dumb either. He's clearly the good guy type of MC, but he's not good to the extent of being foolish. The fey he's bonded with are also interesting and the interactions are cute.

Ah, the worldbuilding is great! The power levels might be complicated at first, but it's not that hard to understand.

Anyways, this novel might seem like a crappy mass-produced Qidian novel, but it's actually one of the good ones. :P It definitely gets better as you read. Characters are more developed as you go on, and the plot seems like it's about to pick up! Also, I feel like the shop/merchant aspect of it isn't the focus of the novel. Just saying. More like a Xuanhuan MC than a shopkeeper. <<less
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rainx rated it
May 19, 2023
Status: c62
I gave it one star even though it's actually a barely tolerable read overall. But since it's my personal score, it represents my personal disgust for the story.

Sure, we were shown how hard the MC's life is and how hard it is to bring up himself and his little sister after their parents death. But then, the author had to ruin it by inserting the fact that he's a transmigrator. It'd have been honestly much better w/o that shit.

Then, there's all sort of plots that happen just because... more>> the author wills it to be. Not that it needs to make sense but simply forced into the story. All those descriptions on the characters totally got distorted by those sh*t stuffs that the author puts in. An author that would take time to weave their story could easily avoid these shits and yet... Here's a few example.

1. The little sis, by a normal person's standard is described as a clever and sensible child that doesn't want to cause trouble for his brother. And yet, she'd buy a lowest ranked beetle that doesn't suit her to make a contract with. The reason? It's cheap and could save money for her brother. Sounds okay, right? But NO. Note that incompatibility often means backlash and failure. So, if she really is clever, she'd at least buy the cheapest one that is compatible with her, no?
The author wants the story to go like this. The sister fails to make a contract and made her brother worried. Her teacher pinned the blame on her brother. MC's plot armor saved the day by giving her a big surprise later. But the way it's written made me disgusted. Simply put, the sister knowingly made a contract with an incompatible beast which had an extremely high chance of failure, received a backlash and made her only family worried. This is how I read and understood it as. Does it even make sense?

It became clear as day here that all the author wants is to make the story goes his way instead of thinking whether this or that course of action would fit the characters doing it.


Here's another example.

The MC, as stated by himself is a transmigrator. Transmigrated into this new world with memory intact and as a baby. Even so, it took him all until his parents are dead for years and his plot armors showing effect to make him think of searching for what exact jobs did his parents have. Nope, no reason but just a sudden curiosity.

Most importantly, their jobs aren't even secretive. They are like the combat police of that world. They fight off invaders that came with dimensional rifts. It's a job that is a respectable one but even after his parents died fighting the invaders, he still doesn't know nor does he even bother to know about their deaths. The government didn't even come and do well, whatever you'd expect them to do.


You'd expect a newborn transmigrator to be curious about the world he's in. If it's normal, accept it and move on. If it's dangerous, be vigilant. And yet, this MC doesn't even bother knowing more about his own parents or even the world tbh (it was stated that he cares about them, just so you know).

And so why bother letting the MC be curious about it all of a sudden? Suddenly noticing the keepsake (always been there for f*ck's sake) of his parents popping into the story and suddenly made him suddenly curious. What for?
Here's the reason. It's because the author wants to give the MC a startup gift. Because all of a sudden, after the MC got curious and 'found' out what his parents' jobs were, two guests knocked on the door. In the middle of the night, mind you. And..... they're his parents' coworkers. Here to give him some sort of reparation which is in fact a thing redeemed by their past merits.

So, you're telling me that it took them like ~a decade long to deliver that shit. And they had to come right after the MC finds a bit more about his parents, right in the middle of the night?

All these f*cking happened because the author wants to write it that way. So what got broken to pieces as the result? We got a transmigrator (MC) that seemed like an incompetent buffoon that couldn't care less to know about his family's situation after being reborn, despite repeatedly saying he cares oh so much about them. We got a government that seemed like a piece of sh*t to their own peoples that sacrificed their lives in a war to defend their own country. Right, we also got former comrades of the MC's parents (except for the aunt and uncle) that seemed like douchebags even with how good the author tried to make them be.


And here's the last straw for me.

The plot armor is disgusting. How the world is created for the MC alone. As if the whole world has got to stop and revolve around him.

Others need to work hard for results. He only needed the plot armor for it. I need to pass the test but I don't want to study. Oh! My cat evolved and is able to memorize all the knowledge in the book and even sort them out by itself. HOW CONVENIENT.

Others need to have the talent and also work hard to be a creation master. He only needed to hug that one thing and breathe. And the author keeps making it seems like he had it so f*cking hard. Give me a break.

I did say that the world itself revolves around the MC, right. Plainly put, the moment the MC decided to do something, the world will suddenly pop out things that never happened before and it coincidentally benefits the MC most if not all. He decided to take the exam for the Creations Master and the rules changed for him. The reason the author gave isn't even convincing to me.

Also, a rant since I mentioned the Creations Master. Another blatant forced plot by the author to make the MC go in that direction with a flimsy excuse. Excuse is, I don't want others to know I've a power oh quite similar to the Creations Master so I can only join them to protect myself. So, by putting himself up on a pedestal with fame isn't enough danger? Since he could sell things in the virtual world, he could just buy and sell things secretly and build up his strength within the shadows. That one option there, no? Or how about just show enough talent to be barely good but not bad? The author wants him to join the associations as a genius so he (author's self-insert MC) could be lauded and praised so the reason he gave is this ; I can't let others know of my powers so the only option I have is to join the Creations Master Association. Not only is it forced, it is childish and cringey.


And that is not even mentioning the inherent disadvantages of these type of stories. One description of a beast that pops up will take up hundreds of words to describe, including the data. Fights that are going to take tens of chapters to finish since a person can have multiple pets etc.. Very bad read for me. VERY BAD. <<less
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Valixiant rated it
February 23, 2022
Status: c240
This story has the standard hero-archetype, along with the main character being a merchant. This doesn't really work all too well. Perhaps it could work, but the novel executed it so poorly that the main character being a merchant is more like a afterthought.

First, on the merchant side of things. From the very start, the main character puts a decent amount of effort into having a quality store, but the further you get into the novel the more this seems like a joke. For example, after he gets to the... more>> royal capital he is obscenely rich. He has access to one of the best creation masters in the federation, has tons of materials that are super rare and super expensive, but never sells them because? At this point, it's already become a afterthought, and the only reason hes still selling stuff at this point is to increase his strength. (He gets stronger the more he improves feys). This is somewhat disappointing.

Furthermore, this novel has a major problem with info-dumping. This novel spends every other waking moment describing what a fey looks like, their ancestry line, what they could evolve into, their favorite food types, their behavioral patterns, etc. If you took out all of these info dumps, and all the needlessly long chapters of the main character slightly improving one of his feys, this novel would be so much better. However, because all that is in the story, this novel seems painfully slow, despite not really being a slice of life novel. This problem gets even worse when the novel spends 2 - 5 chapters describing some rare fey, the main character acquiring said fey, then ignoring it for hundreds of chapters.

As per the previous point, this is a hero-archetype action novel with a pace as slow as your average slice of life novel. Once again, this doesn't work. The point of tension in this novel hasn't even been introduced, and only touched upon so far. Hell, we haven't even gotten to the legendary tournament arc yet.

Also, this is just my personal gripe, but why the hell in every single one of these novels, where the main character is poor, has a little sister, and the main character suddenly becomes powerful and rich, does the little sister become irrelevent. I'd say she should be a fairly important character, especially when the main character's little sister is half the reason they become rich and powerful.

Overall, novel is slow, has an absurd amount of info-dumping, and overall seems there wasn't really a solid plan to begin with. <<less
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Acelamari06 rated it
February 1, 2022
Status: c600
Has anyone here read 'Monster paradise' and 'Monster pet evolution'?

If you have, then don't you think that this novel is like those two meshed together? I'll list quite a few of their similarities.

For Monster paradise...

... more>>

For those who doesn't know, Monster paradise is about a boy that got isekai'd into another world, where he has no parents and had a younger sister to take care of. His sister is a genius and although he had a cheat, it took some time (a few years I think?) before he was able to activate it and use it. His body also has some problems like his life wheel being broken (?) Causing him to lose more vitality (or something? Please excuse it's been a few years since I last read this) he also had a very good relationship with his sister.


As for Monster pet evolution..


It tells the story of some guy getting a cheat that can upgrade the grade (or quality I think?) of a monster, he had a pet centipede that has been with him for a few years, he later got a shop that can upgrade the quality of the monsters, and like the other one, absent parents. Their world had a ranking system of people who could upgrade or heal monsters (I can't remember what it's called though).


And for Fey evolution merchant..


It's about a guy that got isekai'd into another world, where his parents are dead and he had a sister to take care of, he had a frail physique, and runs a shop. He and his sister had a good relationship, and later he managed to finally activate his cheat that took him so many years to do so. And his cheat can upgrade the quality of monsters. He later took on a job of upgrading other people's monsters, but I can't remember if he established a shop for that purpose. The world he is in also had a examination to determine the grade or ranking of the people who can upgrade or heal monsters. and also, like the monster pet evolution's MC, he also had not one but 2 pets that stayed with him for so long but they're not insect related. And like always, absent parents.


Suddenly feeling deja vu? Me too, bro, me too.

But I enjoyed it anyways so...

But why are there so many novels with absent parents, an MC being an orphan, parents got killed in an accident, parents left and threw their kid into some random human's care etc.? <<less
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ZeaZ rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: c709
Hmmmm well this story is pretty boring at first but as soon as he left that town he lives in it begun the start of the interesting part!!! His Feys' that he raises are for their frickin secret base!!! But, unfortunately that'll probably happen in 1.1k ch or up? Idk.
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ReadAllTheThings rated it
October 22, 2021
Status: c263
Interesting concepts, poor execution. This novel would benefit greatly from a serious editor reducing the filler.

Literal back to back chapters with zero character dialogue. Entire chapters about Fey or side characters that are never seen again.

MC rarely spends anytime as an actual merchant. Mostly just dumps his excess Fey or buys his cultivation resources.

Most characters are flat with similar personalities.
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Kemori rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: --
Boring good guy MC.

I went to read something else TWICE before chapter 29. It's been sitting on my chrome tabs bar for over a week and every time I think of trying to read it, I get so bored before getting halfway through the chapter.

Might be interesting for a first time web novel reader who hasn't got many novels under their belt but for anyone who's read more than 10 CN novels, it's really a waste of your time.
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LunarWaffles rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: c418
Its a good read. I love the wholesomeness of MC and his pets as well as his exciting cheat. However there are some moments which im not really good about and that is when the author writes Mc's "smiled and revealed a set of white teeth". This, no matter how much I try to force myself to change it, I cannot help but visualize MC smiling with a front teeth missing! Like let us intepret it ourselves... This is just me ranting and overall its a fantastic novel although there... more>> are some clichéd moments which are completely normal and a lack of some super rage moments which are merely my own opinions.. <<less
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Time.infelicitouschild rated it
November 21, 2022
Status: v1c1309
What is wrong with this author?

The development is slow. The pace is slow. There are compelet chapters just explaining one akill of one pet. There are time lines that dont match. Like he returns tow day before the new year and 3 days after the new year is the guild tournoment were he and his sister fight. But tbey live like half a month in this 5 days :/

He becomes a b rank spirit profetional when he evolve the bone lotus. Then in ch 1308 it says he is c... more>> rank

Hes 18 at first but after the new year they say hes 18 again

Hes freaking 19. Ok?

Foreshadowing is for 10.20.30. Chapter earlear but you should read 300.400 chapters before you reach the autors foreahadows

And why are everyone gratefull and full of admaration for him in first meetings?

  1. It has so many plotholes that id I had a quicktransmigration system for fixing plots this wouldve been my firsttttt pickkkkk
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mio rated it
October 20, 2022
Status: --
Started off average, then I read chapter sixty, and lost about half of my braincells at how moronic it was.

Since this is not really a spoiler, here's the gist of it:

He's asked which of two dinosaurs is the most powerful ON AN EXAM, and his answer is they are both weak, since they did not survive natural selection. When asked how so, his answer is they were too powerfull, so nature sent a meteorite to kill them, and they did not survive it, so they are weak.

And of course, everyone... more>> is like "wow, such smarts, all our years of knowledge and research and basic logic were for nothing, please let us suck your..."

I mean, if you want your MC to be smart and impress people, at least have a minimum of smarts, or make the audience morons, but don't make the audience great people who ensured the survival of your country through their research, and then have your MC saying this... I would say s*upid shit, but that would be an insult to s*upid shit. <<less
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