Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith


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The main character is reborn as a character from a game he played in his previous life. This character falls into ruin along with the villainess, spending the last of their years together. A man named Kururi Helan.

No details of this decline is written inside the game, it can’t be understood why this sub-character ended up with the villainess route. However, that is of no importance.

Living as a needy farmer along with someone is unpleasant, so the main character seeks a profession. For now, he aims for becoming a blacksmith as he originally had skill in it.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Botsuraku Yotei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu
没落予定なので、鍛冶職人を目指す (LN)
没落予定なので、鍛治職人を目指す (WN)
Related Series
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Common Sense of a Duke’s Daughter (4)
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The Elf Is a Freeloader (3)
(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated! (2)
Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Isekai w/No Harem
  2. Interesting reads for me
  3. Things I've Read pt 2
  4. Light Novels
  5. I read the manga first

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/17/20 Asian Hobbyist c142 part2
06/17/20 Asian Hobbyist c142 part1
06/08/20 Asian Hobbyist c141 part2
06/08/20 Asian Hobbyist c141 part1
05/11/20 Asian Hobbyist c140 part3
05/08/20 Asian Hobbyist c140 part2
05/06/20 Asian Hobbyist c140 part1
05/05/20 Asian Hobbyist c139 part2
05/04/20 Asian Hobbyist c139 part1
04/24/20 Asian Hobbyist c138 part2
04/24/20 Asian Hobbyist c138 part1
04/17/20 Asian Hobbyist c137 part2
04/15/20 Asian Hobbyist c137 part1
03/16/20 Asian Hobbyist c136 part3
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84 Reviews sorted by

Ichigoeater rated it
September 15, 2019
Status: v1c1
Perfect example of a story going from a 10 to a 0, indeed. To be honest, there were warning signs in the beginning. The MC is actually kind of shallow and narcissistic, and evidence later proves that he is a coward who, even with a golden finger, is unable to use it properly. Basically, I feel like the author went through some serious mood swings writing this, making an incoherent story with unimportant characters, events, and plots (the blacksmithing being one of them. It had absolutely nothing to do with... more>> anything). Over all, this story really is just a waste of time and doesn't deserve the rating it has. One star may be harsh, but this is for balancing purposes. <<less
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Always_HighBearn8ing rated it
June 7, 2019
Status: c133
Initially this has been quite a charming light hearted novel with a more casual vibe than other "transmigrated to a game world and has future knowledge" with quite a few funny bits of MC s*upidity. If it had continued with this momentum I would happily rate this a 4 star novel.

Unfortunately, with the current turn of events (without going into spoiler territory) of the level of MC "s*upidity" has become unbearable. Although sometimes a clean slate is a refreshing change of pace, in this instance it has taken away... more>> all of the MC's advantage and the root of the MC's humourous thought process.

So although this is a good casual fun read for the first 100 chapters or so, at this point for me, I will be dropping this as I won't be able to wait the 50 chapters for it to get back it's groove. Truly a shame for what it could have been.


amnesia like an old school Korean drama

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liakae rated it
July 3, 2018
Status: c94
Hey yo, first review of anything ever. Just wanna get it out that I pretty much enjoyed reading up to the current chapter, but it wasn't the most spectacular read and like most other light novels, it was more on the shittier side of literature.

The story was doing well as a slice of life isekai, and was such a relaxing read for the entirety of the MC's childhood and his interactions with the main girl, and maybe like the first dozen or so chapters of the school arc. Was very... more>> much the tropey start that I expected it to be, but it still surprisingly kept me amiable and was able to exceed the horribly low baseline of what a story with some romance subplot could do to keep my attention. No real details from the story here, check it out for yourself, it's pretty okay. Plus the translation wasn't all too bad.

Everything past that, the story tends to wane as the more obnoxious light novel elements appear, still with the author's cheeky tropes and the mc's goofiness, but was still remarkable to me in the bad kind of way.


Starting off with the side characters, MC's relationship with Iris is okay, but it does feel like he's overly fishing for harem fans with all of their interactions; the author seems to be trying real hard for an organic friend relationship that might be hinting at her liking the MC, but the attempts feel a bit hamfisted and to be frank, kinda gross seeing as how the author is trying to get her to hook up with the prince but surprise, MC is just too f*cking good to pass up so let's just harem bait. Prince is pretty much the worst offender of being a trope character, he's just bad overall, and while it does seem like he's supposed to be a parody of his own existance, how he has been written just detracts from the story in every scene he's in. It's not like he doesn't have one or two good scenes, but really please could he actually be a character. All the other side characters seem pretty decent, except for some of the more recent ones and how some are utilized.

In the last twenty/thirty chapters, the prison subarc was pretty funny but how he was tossed in there was actually so heavyhanded it hurt. The "is this an actual damsel-in-distress arc or are my expectations going to be subverted yet still slightly disappointed?!" Arc, aka the latest one, seems like it's going to be not good already but I'm holding on to my butt.


Edit: I forgot to mention this, but just like most other light novels, this one tends to delve into topics that they seem to only have a superficial idea of but they just write about it anyway because lul most light novels and depth. For most teens it's a good critical thinking exercise as to whether or not this can be googled in a few seconds, but as a 23-year-old great grandma (this is a joke), I just unplug my brain and enjoy some of the character interactions and author intricacies like old-timey newspapers and articles on dumb hootenannies and whatchamacallits.

There's like a big chunk in the middle that I have read but have not discussed, spoilers/cliffnotes: it was okay but not good, it's just been awhile since I've read it since I took maybe a six month break~ after the old translator stopped and then asianhobbyist took over whom, which I'm going to remark on right now, I hate. First outta two things is their website which has been splitting chapters into 3-8 pages just to (I believe) amp up their earnings on ads, which actually just extremely sours my feelings about them since it has made reading the chapters rather annoying on mobile, the only way I'll consume this type of content, and made me absolutely assured to never support them in any other way like via patreon. They even ask you to turn off your adblocker if you have one through one of those windows that just makes you have to focus on it, the ones that are pretty much universally hated and that the modern internet has been moving away from (reddit, youtube, wikipedia, some other modern newssites), the only good thing about it is that I only see it after I clean out my cookies or whatever. Just... wow, and I understand that they have to have some way of making the translations worth their time, and that I'm not entitled to having such quality content brought to me with roses and chocolates, but I just want to bring up the opinion that this is not the way for them to do so.

The last thing in this shoddy review I have enough willpower to go over is the quality of the translation, and frankly, the new guys, asianhobbyist, aren't so keen on the translation game as the earlier translators. Thankfully, it seems that they seem to be sort of aware of this, as I took a quick peek through their shoddy website to see that they were looking for editors, as for whether or not they were for this series, I'm not sure, but hopefully the translation manages to become anything close to decent, because it's not good.

A quick wrap-up, tldr, chaser for all of this reviewy badness, is that I would not recommend this story to the average person, would not recommend this story to the average person who likes anime or manga, would not recommend this to frankly most people. It's a terrible tldr, but *if you like isekai tr*sh then you would probably very much like this one as it is slightly okay.* Thanks for reading. <<less
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May 21, 2018
Status: v4c6
MC is an idiot who's given cheats and has people praising him at every turn but due to his dense af character he's incapable of even thinking further than 'eh ok'in every situation he's in.

Like wtf how can you lack that much self awareness.

Its like those novels where the person just does things and everything ends up happily even though literally NOTHING IS THOUGHT THROUGH IN THE LEAST
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Kemori rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: --
I enjoyed this series as far as I read it- the only problem with the series IMHO is that the author completely forgot where the story was going and ended up going another way.

Basically when looking at school clubs, he starts a club with 48 people, then his club starts building a three storey castle (and he has a militant fanatic girl called Heart Valentine running it) - however the author seems to have forget this entire part and after they briefly appear for a few chapters, there are literal... more>> volumes- comprising 6 months of time in the world- in which he basically has nothing to do with his club or the members of his club, not even so much as an "I went to check on the construction of the castle and the club, it was going well."

Also, unfortunately as soon as the translation was taken over by Asian Hobbyist, the quality of the translation completely tanked. It seems the 'Asian Hobbyist' doesn't have very good English skills and doesn't utilise volunteer editors to fix their translation releases. The poor quality translation led me to dropping this series.

"You look on fire prince" - "others loves it" - "the latter enters my room right then" - this is the quality you can expect from when Asian Hobbyist takes over at the end of Volume 3/Beginning of Volume 4. Suffice it to say, Asian Hobbyist ruined this for me and I truly hope they put effort in and allow others to edit their work, Asian Hobbyist is very close to entering my personal black list. <<less
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Alucard98 rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: v4c25
Okay, so what do you expect? Low progress story with a complicated plot where MC solve his problem dramatically and many plot twist that will impress the reader? If you're looking for those things, Nah wrong room.

This story is very light, really japanese-typical light novel where ur MC stuck in other world. But by the flow of the story, that wont affect much aspect. MC live as if he was born there. Light conflict (as for now), light romance, and humorous. The story is well-written so do the translate. Many... more>> monologue and the best part of this novel is its light comedy and how MC interact with people around him, the character is strongly build. More of slice of life I think, that is why it was fast pace. You wont find 10 chapters for MC for just learning something. But I can guarantee it is enjoyable.


-light, Funny, strong characters personality, no harem, MC is aware (not a naive typical ones)


-Fast pace, make it looks illogical

This novel has potential and let us appreciate the translator <<less
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JKuranus rated it
November 18, 2017
Status: v3c17
Well all I could say is that im dissapointed.... more>>

Volume 1 was good but it got out of hand when it got to Volume 2 & 3 whats more f*cking dissapointing is the MC is a spineless coward who allows a fat kid to bully him around im so f*cking frustated;You have friends to back you up and you are good at magic and sword but you still let your head down to a shitty kid who is barely even mentioning

Im dropping this I cant take kind of MC who is a scaredy cat with no brains at all <<less
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knightkamia rated it
September 28, 2017
Status: v4c5
A rather fun and remarkably light-hearted isekai story so far, with enjoyable characters interacting with each other. It takes some time to arrive at the academy for what would have been an Otome game in his old world. It's a shame really, because right now him developing his own territory beforehand has been more interesting than the academy itself.

Character (4/5) : The characters are really quite good, and have multiple traits (albeit limited in some cases). I always love hard-working protagonists, so the MC's efforts here are enjoyable to be... more>> a part of. What bugs me the most about the main character is how easily he allows others to walk all over him. I mean, come on dude, why are you going along with these random people? At least kick the freeloaders out of your personal dorm room already! Even if you consider someone your friend you don't just let them take advantage of you!!

Plot (3/5) : As a steady-paced story of the MC steadily improving himself and his territory, it is done well. However, once he starts interacting with other students and starts acquiring followers it really starts to go downhill. This is where the flaw I mentioned above makes me worry quite a bit.

Setting (4/5) : There are two places so far, the MC's home territory, and the academy. Things move relatively quickly (sometimes a bit too much so?) while in his territory, and it is well developed and described in the writing of it. As for the Academy, it just feels rather bland and uneventful - making it really feel like I'm watching the story from a side character who isn't involved in all that much. <<less
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Xx_Nekuma_xX rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: v4c5
One of my favorite light novel. This one tells about the development of the territory, how it expand into a place perfect for a tourist and how the main protagonist changed from a fatty into a well built boy. I have to say, I like to ship him with his future wife. Although the MC is good with magic, I have a feeling that learning swordsmanship and magic is a bit useless in the story. It is to the extent where they only use it for training or daily life.... more>> This story lacks action which sometimes disappoint me greatly. Other than that, this story is well planned and I like it. I can't wait for the next chapter. <<less
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DMR rated it
June 21, 2017
Status: v4c5
Okay, for people complaining about him being OP... his OP-ness isn't a big part of the story. It's more of a slice of life kinda thing, not really a battle story or sh*t like that, so being OP doesn't ruin the story but helps give reason to ignore battle issues and stuff.

For slice of life stories and stuff, being OP isn't a problem.

That being said, this isn't a story about him being a black smith either, it's just his side job, so don't expect much there either.

Many people seem to... more>> have an aversion to over powered characters... but should note that it's what being OP does to the story that should really matter.

This isn't a drama either, so don't expect too much stuff like that. It's meant to be a cute fuzzy story wish set mini arcs that are their own little story.

If you are expecting a drama, this story isn't for you. If you are expecting a battle story, this isn't for you. And if you are bothered by a character being over powered even when it doesn't actually take anything from the story, then this isn't for you. <<less
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calebra rated it
May 20, 2017
Status: v2c22
Eh? What is this? The first volume was okay and seemed like there's potential for the story to grow but I'm starting to think that the main guy is just an idiot?

The current chapter I'm in is when he ... more>>

established a club. What? You don't know what kind of club you want to make but you start it up anyway with these dangerous looking students? They're basically worshiping you and intimidating others to not waste your time. Instead of stopping these s*upid flow of events (aka the club building with no specific goal in mind yet), you just stare at them and let it continue. Are you sure you'll be fine as the future feudal lord of your land?


Now, he's appearing as just someone who can give good ideas to make a land prosperous and talented in multiple things but dumb at managing or maybe even talking to people. Kinda disappointing. Expected more from this series.

Trying to read the rest of the chapters and will update this again next time if ever I change my opinion of it.

Giving it a 3 because I more or less enjoyed the earlier chapters. <<less
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Silver Snake
March 15, 2017
Status: v3c10
For the first two volumes or so I really adored the series. Knowing that he the MC had to change things or else the future would be worse based on his knowledge of the world from his previous life. Figuring out and executing certain plans that while weren't exactly complicated like getting healthy or getting along with people. At least he was actively trying to better himself or the situation he was in. For the third volume it just feels so slice of life which I have nothing against and... more>> by all means this can still be a great series by just being slice of life. But then what was the whole point of reincarnating into the new world that he had knowledge of? Feels like a waste of potential to me. Idk perhaps in the fourth volume things pick up again. Maybe the author just felt like relaxing for a volume. <<less
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ishira rated it
February 16, 2017
Status: v3c17
Uhh.... I have to say, a lot of potential this novel has at start are getting blown away each volume. I do still enjoy the story, but at latter chapters a lot inconsistency, loop hole, and lack of explanation getting more and more apparent. I don't mind changes since that makes story more dynamic, but the author taking it a bit too far.

I don't know if this novel will have curve graph like tension, but I do think the few last chapters made story go nose dive (like my english).
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NoUps rated it
June 21, 2021
Status: c150
I have to agree with most reviewers is it started out great then just went off the rails.

I don't know why he picked elise over iris early on just because the game wanted them to be together. The only thing that soured me on iris which I guess soured him was her deep love with lotson then she jokes he should love her? Then she marries the prince? But becomes his maid? Because shes lonely or its just political so she can save herself for him?

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Vietpride218 rated it
May 11, 2020
Status: c174
It was pretty good, solid comedy until a certain big event that honestly should've been the end of it all, but instead things have dragged on terribly. Before the notable event, I'd give this a 4 star rating. Drops to a 2 because the author quite simply has no clue when to wrap up the story, and it is showing right now. If it wasn't for the stuff before, a 1 star honestly. It's been that bad.
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Nethrow rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: v4c4
Ok I need to say this is my first report becouse I'm really pissed off. What the previous reviewers wrote is mostly right, and that was not what pissed me off and made me stop reading at the current 122 I only read 62. Because at the start of vol4 this becomes a completly different novel. The f*ck did 95% of previous events go? One of the handfull of times when I drop something becouse the inconstinancy is killing itself here. The first 3 volumes get a 3, 5 star... more>> ranking but afterwards, I won't even give one. <<less
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LIGHTDX rated it
March 12, 2018
Status: v5c1
I have to say that this is a refreshing novel with some comedy here and there. Even thought it has a somehow op protagonist and doesn't have a deep plot at the begining this is fun of reading and by no means is boring or sucking plot either. It sell the promised story, , develop the characters in it and go around getting bigger little by little and becoming a little more serious and bigget without breaking itself. Overall it has been a good novel with a refreshing taste.
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ArautodaMorte rated it
March 10, 2018
Status: --
i don't was expecting something like 'mi death flags don't show signal of ending' but I was expecting something

the novel it's about a guy who reincarnated in the body of the villain's lover


the first volume is he making his city better but after that its just some bullsh*t of comedy novel dont have an
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Sole rated it
January 31, 2018
Status: v7c16
Updated Review:

Volumes 1-5 are the story (5/5)

Volume 6 is the epilogue (5/5)

... more>> Chapter 7 is a weird sequel/epilogue/forceful continuation (0/5)

The Story/Epilogue are great but stop reading after that what follows isn't good. Volume 7 start's off just a fun continuation of the epilogue up till chapter 3, then takes a sudden rapid nose dive in terms of quality by adding in tons of new forced developments that simply aren't compatible with the story prior to this point, ranging from some of the core established knowledge about the status of the countries power levels being overturned (would work if that knowledge didn't originate from the world's origin "the game"), to stuff like artillery and trains being invented all of a sudden by people far less knowledgeable then the people of the past, not to mention that magic is all of a sudden being perceived very differently from before, and there are more weak nobles with bad/conflicting morals to be punished, some by death others by less reprehensible yet more petty means.

Old Review:

Really well written characters, the MC's daily life as he aims to make his domain prosper, and the occasional interesting development are the focus of this story, if your here looking for a story about how the MC breaks the the rules/regulations/laws constantly getting away with it cause they're the protagonist or cause they're the good guy, that eventually grows in power/authority to the point where no one can influence him and he just does whatever he wants, than go look elsewhere this is not for you, if your here for a fun relaxing read than congratulations this is the story for you. As for why people keep saying it gets bad after volume 2, honestly the main cause is that the translation quality after the first translator kuroinfinity (aka: slothtranslations) went on break, other people picked it up and well, I'm sorry to say but the quality ever since has never really been the same, I do feel that even given that it's definately still worth reading though. (NOTE: don't try reading it on one of those "we have a bunch of translations from a bunch of different people sites", I have no idea where they got the translations after kuroinfinity's but honestly at some points they're even worse than using google translate look up who translated the parts on this novelupdates and go to their sites instead the quality difference is like night and day)

Aside from that the only thing I've noticed other people really complaining about is something that happened only once, the MC got punished for behaving like a vigilante and attacking people that hurt one of his friends instead of reporting them to the school in well the exact same way that they end up reporting him (part of what upsets people more about his is that the MC prepared something so that he wouldn't get caught but it doesn't work out) the MC getting in trouble is his own fault honestly and he acknowledges it, he took the punishment for beating someone up in exchange for getting to beat them up himself since as was shown when he was punished for doing the exact same thing, the official punishment is practically a slap on the wrist. (He stays in a cell for three days, eating just rice instead of the luxurious food they usually eat, his friends come visit, and despite missing classes he gets notes so it doesn't affect him, to him the punishment was nothing more than a chance to relax for once) (The MC is not a wimp he's simply not a muscle headed idiot, that doesn't understand that actions (in this case him assaulting someone to get revenge) can lead to unintended consequences that can affect not only himself but those he cares about as well, things work out, but as the MC said they could've gone horribly badly had the people he got revenge on really wished for them to.) <<less
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rougeteddyz rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: c110
A typical Japanese light novel that focuses on the interaction between the various characters of this story and shows little care to detail.

Poor things about this novel:

  • Main character supposedly gets overpowered too quickly with no signs of struggle or growth, example being his blacksmithing skills.
  • MC will win 1v1 battles but not 1v3 or more.
  • All other characters are written with a fixed personnas that show no growth despite many years. Some are even forgotten about completely, namely within the school arc.
  • There is no real explanation why the MC died in the story life. His villainess finance bullied the commoner girl who fell for the prince??
In short, if your looking for a laugh and you are willing to jump between different websites for the translations (older ones are pretty poor btw) then... more>> go ahead.

If your looking for a good reincarnated male lead MC saves villainess story then look elsewhere. <<less
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