Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith


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The main character is reborn as a character from a game he played in his previous life. This character falls into ruin along with the villainess, spending the last of their years together. A man named Kururi Helan.

No details of this decline is written inside the game, it can’t be understood why this sub-character ended up with the villainess route. However, that is of no importance.

Living as a needy farmer along with someone is unpleasant, so the main character seeks a profession. For now, he aims for becoming a blacksmith as he originally had skill in it.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Botsuraku Yotei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu
没落予定なので、鍛冶職人を目指す (LN)
没落予定なので、鍛治職人を目指す (WN)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Male Isekai w/No Harem
  2. Interesting reads for me
  3. Things I've Read pt 2
  4. Light Novels
  5. I read the manga first

Latest Release

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84 Reviews sorted by

huizizek rated it
October 19, 2017
Status: v3c17
So, yeah. The writing starts good and then it starts getting really bad. Some plots just get left forgotten and then MC starts becoming a wimp. The best character just falls in love with him really easily, the romance is kinda ok, I dont like it very much but its not bad. The concept is that MC gets resummoned into a visual novel like world, and he sees that he is one of the comedy characters that just gets thrown into poverty. The story has nice pacing and some nice... more>> characters, but they start getting bogged by the author trying to clean up for his light novel. The story does not get drowned by isekai cliches but goes into a sweet romance. I sugest not reading the web novel and going for the manga or light novel if there is. <<less
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ZikarnKrais rated it
February 16, 2017
Status: v1c15
Seems idiotic, to be honest. MC is letting his knowledge of how things went in the game prevent him from actually working that hard and reacting organically.

As a comment said, his reincarnation status doesn't seem to have any effect on him at all because it looks like he'll end the same way anyway.

Seriously, he's basically handicapping himself just because in the game his character was a side character. Cheering on the villainess because she's the 'game wife' rather than cheering on a friend you made in the last day? Bullshit.

No... more>> real incentive to read about what goes on because it'll just end in frustration on him acting s*upidly and not out of ignorance either. <<less
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Trent rated it
July 25, 2016
Status: v2c40
Soo goood. Despite not truly doing anything new, it doesn't go down expected paths, and is all the better for it. You don't know which moments of daily life will evolve into plot points. Cliches abound, but the narration gives you the choice to enjoy them with inexperienced eyes or appreciate them with a riper perspective. Five stars. Relaxing, enjoyable, funny; the author can write whatever he wants and it'll turn out good. I'd like it even more if it had some action at key parts for contrast, particularly after... more>> the characters finish school and go out adventuring, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Update: I loved the first two volumes, in large part due to the wonderful translation. But the ones afterwards are not worth reading. I'm not sure what happened, perhaps the author actually decided to write whatever he wanted, but the story lost coherency and all of its charm disappeared. <<less
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Arua35 rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: v2c40
I like the series so far and the relaxed atmosphere makes for an easy enjoyable read. Every once in awhile it gets boring to read and the fights are lackluster but the MC is a relaxed intellectual and his other good points make up for it. His friends are also interesting and I can differentiate between them.
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123dan1 rated it
January 31, 2019
Status: c111
This novel starts great even if there are some plotholes they aren't major or impossible to imagine (like the power of friendship of some more classic heroes)

  • Volume 1 : great 5 stars I truly enjoyed reading it ;
  • Volume 2 : 4.5 stars not as good as the beginning but still enjoyable ;
  • Volume 3 : 3 stars at the beginning and 1.5 in the second half things got a turn to the worst really quick BUT don't be discouraged by it and keep reading when you fall you can only stand up ;
  • Volume 4 : 4 stars things got back on track, the plot is moving nicely

    the MC turned a prison into a nice spot to spend your winter break

  • Volume 5 : - stars I cant really give it a satisfactory rate because it just started is a 5 for now, is actually so good the author can literally end the story right there

    Is too bad MC wont have his revenge on the merchant house that got him in prison since he doesn't lost his memory, but Eliza/Eriza/Eli/Eri is a good wife so that is a major plus.

In conclusion the story is a enjoyable read is not suitable for those who want to see a lot of action

MC did killed a dragon in 1 v 1 but that wasn't empathized and isn't really important since he did it for blacksmith materials

Oh, yeah this is NOT a harem the MC is faithful to his wife, so don't run away harem-haters and give this novel a try.
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Kurousagirei rated it
February 12, 2018
Status: v3c10
Another invertebrate MC *sigh*. There was potential.... That went to such sh*t because the leading role in this story is being played by the world's most OP doormat. The disappointment. ?
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JiltedSquid rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: v3c16
It has potential but the author just shoot it all down the drain. Like f*ck you all readers. There was even a part pf the story when he fight for his friends and got reprimanded for it. Got sent to a cell with no food and thrn suddenly when somebody asks him for his face he will just let them do it? Oh not to mention the earlier chapters even show how he has high magic talent and swordsmanship but author just nope f*ck you MC and the perpetrators just... more>> get away with it. No disciplinary action of course because author just dont give a f*ck about the MC.

If you will read this web novel, dont expect anything from this web novel. Then it will be bearable to read <<less
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Nibleswick rated it
December 13, 2017
Status: v1c15
I feel a little let down by this novel; the title promised me a a story about someone working to become a blacksmith to prevent his financial demise, and yet here I am with a high school romance with no blacksmithing past the first couple of chapters.

Aside from that criticism, it seems to be a fairly straightforward and lighthearted tale with some interesting characters. I'll probably keep reading and see how it develops.
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November 19, 2017
Status: v4c15
First off, I would like to say that all of the reviews here are fairly accurate. This story is flawed, inconsistent, and has its fair shares of tired cliches. HOWEVER. The MC is the saving grace of the story. He's good-natured but because he believes he's doomed to poverty, tends to act openly greedy, and it's hilarious. An excerpt from the latest chapter:

“Kururi Helan, eh... I will remember you.”

“I see. I might forget about you by tomorrow though.”

“That is troubling. I could’ve asked for your help with other good deals... more>> too.”

“Ah, then, I guess I will remember you.”

I noticed the biggest complaint seemed to be that when some nobles beat him up, he didn't fight back at some point or another, but I personally thought that part was consistent and added depth to his character.

The one time he didn't fight, it was because he didn't want his friend to get involved, and the other time, he was depressed and didn't give a sh*t about what was going on around him.

So, I honestly believe at least some of the criticism surrounding that behavior is unjustified.

TL;DR: Story itself? Meh. Main character? Top tier. <<less
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PandaPanPan rated it
June 17, 2017
Status: --
Another loser from our world goes into another and somehow becomes awesome... wow, didn't see that coming. I'd actually enjoyed the earlier parts where he was just a fat spoiled kid... atleast then he had some character to work with. Then, we get the usual set up where he's gifted in magic and physical abilities; he can absorb the sun's rays and gain super human powers beyond that of already incredibly powerful and awesome mortal men; he has a ring that can call forth any shape or form he desires,... more>> base solely on his will power; after witnessing the death of his parents, he swore to fight the injustice in the world as he lives off his family's enormous wealth and moonlights at the master of all trades cape vigilante... you should get the point by now. MC can do no wrong, can make the greatest war/chess strategists in human history seem like a bumbling idiot, and his modern knowledge of our world somehow applies to a world where magic exists and it gives him godlike abilities.

2 Stars for good first few paragraphs of an original idea... minus 1 Star for immediately throwing that out the window. Would minus one more star for overall horrible story telling, but the site won't let me. <<less
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RalphieW rated it
August 11, 2016
Status: v1c21
I like this novel until v1c21.... more>>

He got a following of 48 people and that sh*t just ruined it for me..

MC is dense but the author does very well in potraying the dense aspect of this MC as humor But at some points you just stop to think.. "Wait what? Did he really do that? Is he really that s*upid?"

So while I liked this novel it got ridicoulus real fast at v1c21 so I decided to drop it since I don't enjoy cringing while reading, It leaves a bad feeling and I read comedy to laugh and smile.

Here is what is going on in the MC's mind: "Ok, That's the girl, If I don't interact with her and don't follow or talk to her, Everything will be ok in the end. Ima go talk to her right away." Like what the f*ck man? <<less
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June 18, 2016
Status: v2c25
its light-hearted, its warm, and its comedic.

What was a "sure ending" was wrecked with a monkey's wrench; but the MC has few goals and its quite realistic. Nice read for the fuzzy warm comedy.
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Qregis rated it
February 5, 2016
Status: --
To sum it up in one word: leisurely

but in a good way, the translations are easy too read and the plot thus far fast paced and interesting (yeah yeah I know leisurely but fast paced? How is that possible? Well this one managed it)

It somehow reminds me of Death March in its funny and easy-going way

One little thing that bothers me:


he always calls the second prince cute... I really hope he ends up to be a disguised girl... please... no BL (T_T)

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worldofash rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: c209
If I were to say one thing, it would be to not read beyond the 5th volume. It all goes downhill and you can see that the author is just writing boring stuff just to fill chapters. I enjoyed this novel immensely throughout the first 4 volumes and I could put up with the 5th. But beyond that I just read to see if the novel would get better and it does not.

... more>>

He makes the main character lose his memory just after finally confessing his love to Eliza and essentially making the whole bit of nonsense start all over again. Then it transfers over to shoddy kingdom building and filler chapters. Honestly becomes a total bore for the rest of the novel


The book was a 4/5 up till volume 5. Volume 5 would be 3/5 and honestly the rest of it was 2/5 at best. <<less
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rimuru6 rated it
August 22, 2019
Status: c113
From Good to BAD

at first it was good but now the plot isn't that great anymore. Story from Good to BAD and the MC from good to WUT?! Tho being OP as it is for him I wonder why he gets beaten up at one point and got into a lot of trouble having difficulty to solve them when he is OP but dunno, too inconsistent.
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Renaxan rated it
November 22, 2018
Status: c103
This novel quite lackcluster, so much things keep happening and disappearing, even the theme of this story (blacksmith) isnt that important so far.

MC is japanese, as always when they reborn to this kind of world they tend to avoid worst fate and somehow destroy the "game route" and things become slice of life. The MC waifu, Elize actually really likeable, she is cute and author did good job portraying her personality change. Other character.. Mostly isnt really detailed and most of them never appeared again.

World building are good, like MC... more>> develop things like onsen stuff, etc. Plot itself I think mostly settle in comedy and romance, I have few good laugh on this.

Now into serious thing, I can see why a lot people disappointed of this novel.


some plot feel forced and as I said most of character kinda forgotten. In fact, so much happen going lately.. Like his land become barren because a curse out of nowhere which before no clue they have it (or even foreshadowing). MC save the land by sacrifice his life, with her beloved waifu and died. Honestly, im quite fond of this ending type.. Its bittersweet but this way author can show how much they're truly love each other. Just the way of author planning bit messed up


However its not like the novel come to end.. Actually


in lastest chapter MC and his waifu wake up after time skip


Overall.. I could give this 4/5 but part of myself really enjoying some part of this so im gonna stick on 5/5. <<less
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Drake888 rated it
December 4, 2017
Status: c0
An excellent start that fails to pay off. Sadly, this story never lives up to its premise. The author takes a cliche reincarnation story, arouses interest with likable characters, then never really completes it. Not a masterpiece by any stretch, but the early chapters are legitimately enjoyable. Isekai stories are certainly played out, but that doesn't mean that they can't be fun. Sadly, the author never really manages to make an engaging plot. The MC starts off concerned about his future failure because of the story of the game he... more>> reincarnated into, but that issue is resolved by his excellent territory management in the first few chapters and no new crisis replaces it. Even then, the characters are fun enough to keep the novel interesting, but the author's inability to finish a coherent arc ultimately saps the fun out of that as well. Read it for some lighthearted adventures in a fantasy school, but don't expect any real development or conclusion. Or consistency.

Spoilers, so stop reading here if you care


I eventually stopped reading when the author completely forgot about the prince's aide. After multiple chapters of nothing important happening, the MC starts to hang out with the Prince who is his class mate. Not to be confused with the young prince who comes to view him as a brother in the early chapters (another example of why his fear of some weird plot failure loses any credible threat). However, after several chapters of the two hanging out, I noticed that the prince's aide was nowhere to be seen, and no explanation was given. This is the aide who had shadowed the prince everywhere for the entire story until that point, only leaving the prince's side to hang out with the MC, whom he had developed an interest in. The arc immediately preceding this arc had heavily developed the character, but then he was nowhere to be seen in this arc, which would require actual explanation for his absence. A lot of the story was like this. The primary love interest was never developed at a pace that could be considered acceptable; a secondary love interest (the MC of the game he reincarnated into) was dealt with in a weird way where she seemed to be interested in the MC, then was interested in a random side character, then was doing some other thing; and various things the MC did would just be sort of left kind of completed (starting new stuff in his territory then leaving all the development to his father, a princess with odd luck who always seems like she's going to meet him but doesn't, various incidents at school that seem interesting but never really go anywhere, etc.). Basically a story with a lot of wasted potential.

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September 7, 2017
Status: v3c17
What's with people? I kinda like this one, since the Reincarnation part was only a pretext and not destroying the pace even a bit. Like, you know, there's this MC of a certain WN where he always brags that he's from another world, and then killing off his other characteristic just like that. While on the other hand, our Kururi here was reincarnated and that's that, he doesn't brag much and he shows his character clearly.

Also, the main selling point here isn't the action, it's the romance and youth. Like,... more>> how Kururi and his two (weirdos) friends doing crazy things, or how he and a plant (freak) specialist develop a certain (fishy) product to sell, or his nonchalant chat with his (gay boyfriend) new friend about things in his medical class, transforming into a cat and being h**ny when seeing a cat, dressing up as giant radish and beating up bullies, etc. This ain't your normal OP MC with nothing specific to do, this is a man in his puberty spending off his youth in an academy. <<less
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Nuage rated it
June 23, 2017
Status: v3c11
This is a story with great raw potential decently played out.

5/5 for the characters; The characters may at first seem lackluster, but the author outplays himself with the interactions during which they delightedly shine. You can feel the friendship, with many touches of creativity which is the forte and interesting point of the story.

Forget about the plot, the MC is living his own life regardless of the consequences, although he tries not to meddle with it.

The MC really shines during his interactions with the other characters, but as soon as... more>> a crisis arises he suddenly becomes dumb. This last part is incredibly hard to swallow for me, especially seeing how he's from another world and should have an ounce of wisdom.

TLDR: I recommend trying to read it, except for those who want Plot and *smart* a MC. Here, you have an interesting caste of characters to entertain you and only you. <<less
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Mahiro9 rated it
February 13, 2017
Status: v3c41
The main character's potential was ruined though I'm willing to give it a chance. Though it's really amusing how spineless he is most of the time and when he finally decided to fight, he was beaten by a smallfry and he even accepted their beating thinking that it would get his friend off the hook, it's not a simple naivety anymore, it's just downright ret*rded, and what's more? He was punished for it because the way he decided to solve the situation was downright ret*rded.

In a way it's like reading... more>> a novel with a perspective of a side character that was labeled as a "main character".

He has a good potential and high magic ability called to be a "prodigy" yet almost everyone outshines him. I guess the author doesn't think much of the title "magic prodigy". <<less
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