Everyday Life of a Dom Boyfriend


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The everyday life filled with heavy smut between a pro-dom boyfriend and a debt collector, a relaxing and warm route.

Associated Names
One entry per line
S Boyfriend's Dating Life
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Recommendation Lists
  1. a match made in heaven
  2. Mature relationships
  3. Danmei read
  4. I hated it !!
  5. This is where realistic relationship looks like.

Latest Release

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03/22/21 Kagerou Scans c83
02/09/21 Kagerou Scans c82
01/15/21 Kagerou Scans c81
01/06/21 Kagerou Scans c80
01/03/21 Kagerou Scans c79
12/28/20 Kagerou Scans c78
12/24/20 Kagerou Scans c77
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12/12/20 Kagerou Scans c73-74
12/04/20 Kagerou Scans c72
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27 Reviews sorted by

Melange rated it
October 16, 2020
Status: --
This is hands down one of the best BL novels I've ever read. It's an exceedingly unique, candid, and humorous account of MC and ML's domestic life. All characters are extremely well developed, and face different challenges based on their circumstances.

The shou is a childish and hot-tempered yet romantic 'legal' thug aka debt collector. He is firmly opposed to violence, but always lashes out physically when under stress, so much so that the gong becomes adept at dodging random elbows and punches. Because he's a victim of childhood violence and... more>> domestic abuse who yearns for stability, he proposes to get together and move in with gong after staring at him across a dance floor for a whole 10 minutes. Record time!

The gong, on the other hand, is a professional dom. It's important to understand that he doesn't sell s*x, but control, as most of his clients need to satisfy their need to be controlled. This ranges anywhere from cleaning the bathroom to kneeling for punishment. When working, he appears sharp, domineering, and astute. However, his true personality is lazy, laid back, and stingy (even though he's actually rich).

When the two of them first get together, they face difficulties warming up because they are quite literally strangers. However, amidst their bickering over household chores and paying the bills, they slowly grow closer to each other. Although they get together immediately, this is actually a pretty slow burn, and they really struggled (like really, really struggled) to achieve their first harmonious papapa. Their interactions are quite hilarious on account of the shou's silly antics.

There are many elements to this novel that are relevant not only to gay couples, but to any couple in general.


For instance, sleeping posture. Novels always like to make it sound like it's so romantic to be cuddling each other, but it's highly unrealistic and leads to numb arms, aching backs, and sore hips.

Another issue that is rarely seen in BL novels is the problem of "too old, back hurts, too tired to have s*x, " which constantly plagues the gong.


At the same time, they also face more unique issues as the two are at the lowest echelons of society. Both of them are insecure. The shou is a low paid legal thug who has been cheated by countless partners, so he is constantly worried that he is not good enough.

Meanwhile, the gong has been in the industry for too long and lost too many friends to drugs, violence, and disease, so he yearns for a sense of normalcy. As he works in the s*x industry, he faces a problem that many sex-workers face -- that is, lack of interest in s*x.


It's actually funny, because despite being the highest paid and most popular dom in their area, the gong has only had 4 romantic partners. Au contraire, the shou has had 17 and they all still want to get back together with him. Cue death by vinegar as the gong's vinegar ocean proceeds to flood the land.


There are a lot of BD*M elements mentioned in this novel, and they are fairly accurate. It's not at all what everyone thinks, where it's all whips, leader daddies, and shibari, much to the shou's chagrin. Although the summary makes it seem like this is a smut riddled novel, it's really not. There is some interspersed here and there, but for the most part there are only mature themes.

There are so many other relevant topics inserted in this novel such as the importance of complex relationships, identity issues, when your partner loves the dog more than they love you and issues of consent. I could write a whole essay about it, but what are you waiting for? Go read the novel! I highly, highly recommend this piece. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to find the raws as they've been obliterated due to censorship, so most people might have difficulties reading this in its entirety. <<less
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dustmite rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: Completed
From the one tling:

... more>>

Most relationships start off with the couple dating and finding the best in each other. They then get married and go off on a honeymoon, before returning to a normal life and discovering each other's flaws, leading to many domestic disputes and their love for each other not as passionate as before.

This story does not follow that formula. Instead, the author skips the honeymoon phase and plops the two main characters right into a domestic life. In the beginning, it is evident that there is a gap in the relationship or missing something that truly bridges the both of them together. They don't try to hide their flaws nor afraid of confronting each other's problems, and it is through overcoming these challenges that trust and love flourishes between the two.

Despite the title, it is not a BD*M-centric heavy smut novel, but a slice-of-life novel. The story is told from the perspective of Xia Zhi, a man in his late 20's who is desperate for a reliable, life-long partner. Many parts of this story follow him as a third-party observer of the BD*M practices as he tries to understand and come to terms with his partner Ye Qia, and by extension his partner's identity as a s*x worker


I'm giving 5 stars for this novel because it's rare for a story to pull off the slice of life genre (and with such a topic as well!) without the plot slowing to a dribble, plus the characters are endearing. Ye Qia is always enigmatic as ever and it is satisfying to see him unraveled through Xia Zhi's interactions.

Bonus points are given for the constant hilarity ensued from the series of comical situations. <<less
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Doytch Magient
Doytch Magient rated it
October 10, 2019
Status: --
Objectively speaking, it's a great novel. But if you ask if I like it? Hmm I'm not so sure.

While the character buildings and the writings (prob thanks to translator too :D) are great, the CP relationship is fragile and just, how do I say, there's not couple vibes (lol). Just like roomates who sometimes fools around (sexually). Well, maybe we can somehow get this feeling that 'maybe they are actually in love', but they are just so realistic and have seen much of the world that, "in my opinion, my... more>> bias view, my most subjective comment", it's suffocating to see them together. Especially when ML was so professional in his work as s*x worker that it becomes his life, MC needed to endure dozen sacks of vinegar bcs of ML's Client. Well, his fault to choose a professional s*x worker in the first place.. =W="

Me, as a reader, feels lump of emotions inside my chess everytime MC needed to tolerate ML. Yes, we need to tolerate him bcs we can't just force him to get out of his tainted life. Yes, MC needs a man who can hold him down when he's emotionally unstable and wants a fight. Yes yes yes. But ME, as a dog tired as hell human from real life reader just can't accept that there's no pink aura, cutely teasing, sweet jokes and delicious dog foods to see! That's the problem lies with me! That's very subjective of me!


*Calming down*


If you are some self abused dog who likes eating vinegar, then this novel is for you :D

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alexfilia rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c4
This series is amazing!!!

It may not have many chapters out yet but from the ones it has you can already see that its going to tackle on serious issues like domestic violence sudden deaths and s*x workers

The MC has issues with his temper but because he doesnt want to lose it he chooses a partner that can beat him up with ease..... Said partner works as a dom (and he is ver good at it).. it hinted that we may see him at his work place (hehe ^_-)
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Rainess09 rated it
March 1, 2019
Status: c83
Really liked the laid-back sense of story telling. Too bad it's not fully translated. Basically haven't had enough of my fill to really give it a good review. But, based on what I've read so far, the MC is really as funny as sh*t like Idk why he's so full of silly ideas in his little head of his. Like is this person really someone who's suffered domestic violence? He's more like someone who grew up in all that sunshine-filled family of three kinda home. He worries about the most... more>> trivial things like the ML basically just ignores his nonesense lol. But I think that's exactly what the ML looks for. Here we have an ML who is practically jaded over everything else but money. He has that 'fck-it been there, done that' vibe goin on all through out. Anyway, there's been much talk that there isn't much romance along the way, or does the ML even like the MC? But guess what, I feel that the ML has given much concession and face to his boyfriend (MC) from the start. That's enough proof of romance or at least an inkling of interest in the romantic department. Ain't no way a person just go up and uproots his home just for a nothing. So yeah, the ML does move in with MC after being propositioned 10 minutes after his initial meeting with the MC. He also barely and close to never uses his 'dom knowledge or professional skill' to deal with his tantrum-y boyfriend. I think that represent respect more than laziness on his part. Cause the MC is really like batsh*t silly most of the times. And as a dom he could like do his dom sh*t and have none of that crazyness. Anyway, I really like this novel, hope I could to read some more of it.

Some silly fluff


There's this chap where the silly MC get's his shaft wrung with a ring - an indirect gift from ML - cause he's super silly all the time. Well yeah it was an accident on his part, but only cause he's super silly. Anyway, he got so scared that the ring will break his lil D so he got up and called his bf (ML) to help him which he (MC) never does cause he knows his bf's work and doesn't usually bother him with a call but just sends him an sms. So as expected his bf doesn't answer the call, on like on the third try his bf even cuts off the call. So he's like so desperate and scared silly, puts on his clothes on, decided to head over the hospital w/ a dejected pitiful look. When he goes to open the main door to leave, he came face to face w/ the ML going through his (ML) bag fishin for his keys. ML asks him why he was calling and so MC tells the gist by pulling off his pants and showin it to the ML. Lol, I keep imaginin myself as the ML at this point, the stranger my expression became the more I keep at it. I swear why would such a silly guy ever do anythin remotely fishy to his treasure. Anyway, the only pity I feel is for the ML for having to suffer to live with such a beyond silly bf. So back to the story, the ML helps him out by callin his work friends to deal with it. This was also the first time that the ML refers to MC as his boyfriend. BOYFRIEND, not wife. Which is a breath of fresh air. Barely any ML refer to their uke or partner as boyfriend. Anyway, the MC is super scared and anxious at this point and the ML gets ridiculed by his work friends by this hilarity cause this event have never happened to any of his clients but unexpectedly happens to his own boyfriend. So the ML explain how it happened to his bf in a way that seems to imply it was not the ML's fault but the MC's fault for being recklessly silly. While the ML's friends helps MC get his lil D free, the ML also comforted the MC before and after the 'medical treatment'.


ive edited my review to add below. I still stand with my previews rating. Tbh this novel is just full of craziness and fluff. I can feel all the pink bubbles wrapped in the odd ball of sillyness. I wouldn't say this is everyone's cup of tea but it's mine. I like how nonsensical MC is cause I'm like ML. ML's more like logic and rigid in his principles bottom lines and knows what he wants and not, so paired with MC the oddball who's so temperamental in a sorta harmless way, gives ML's the colors he was lacking in his life. I find that MC isn't really the main character here but ML. ML is the one with all sorta issues and MC is written by the author to be his saving grace. I love them both tbh. I wish somehow someone will continue to translate this novel as I found it hard to mtl. Fingers crossed. <<less
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riyu rated it
December 2, 2022
Status: Completed
-I can see why some reviewers don't find this story romantic - but personally, I found parts of it very romantic. It's not the more typical ideals of romance most danmei plays with - this isn't an epic meeting of soulmates, but two people with a lot of baggage learning how to fit into each other's lives. The most romantic scene for me was when ... more>>

Ye Qia pulls his dominant act on Xia Zhi, and it doesn't work; Xia Zhi only laughs because all he can think of is Ye Qia's dazed face waking up, or when he's on the dunny 😂

. So this is an ideal of romance grounded in the every day - the story's strongest parts are anchored in the messy realities of bodies and s*x that a lot of fiction skips straight over. There is plenty of fluff later on - the couple bicker a lot, but can instantly defuse each other with "I love you's."

It's a fun, unique read overall. The character interactions are great, and the supporting cast is also interesting. There's a real sense of history and complexity in the friendships. The story does touch on some heavier issues, like depression and su*cide, but generally pretty briefly, and injects enough comedy to keep it from being a downer. There's some interesting stuff on s*x work, sexuality, and wealth. The text is MTL-able, but the translations are much more enjoyable.

Some things I would have liked to know before reading though:

-Don't be led astray by the BD*M and "legal thug/debt collector" stuff from the summary - there's no BD*M or crime lord themed smut in this. So click in or avoid as applicable 😂!

Ye Qia is a pro-dom, but the story does not use this in a fetishitic way;

the main couple fail epically everytime they try to do BD*M sexy times 😂😂😂

The BD*M stuff is a part of Ye Qia's professional life, and there's no real explicit s*x scenes of it. This story doesn't portray BD*M as sexy at all.

Xia Zhi likewise isn't much of a thug - this isn't a gang story. He's really an office worker more than anything. However, he can be violent in his personal life - there's some development of this in the first few parts of the story, and some exploration of domestic violence. This aspect of the story falls away, and wasn't really developed outside of being a part of Xia Zhi's trauma and his interactions with his family - it's never dealt with as a real issue between the couple, because "Ye Qia is bigger and stronger, and can defend himself". It was a weaker part of the story for me.

- I didn't enjoy the last parts of the story as much, and only read because I was invested enough in the characters to want to find out the end.

The political sub-plot with Ye Qia's biological family was quite poorly developed, and much less grounded than the rest of the story. I also thought that the heavy involvement of this sub-plot made Ye Qia's decision to give up his work anti-climactic.

There's also less comedy, and Xia Zhi gets very little development in later parts, to the point I hesitate to call him the main character of this story.

-The extras between Taotie/Gourmand/Gluttony and Wang Ke were also a bit bland - mostly a re-telling of what we already saw in the main text, when they seemed ripe for their own story not involving the main couple at all. <<less
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carminex3 rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: c17
I just want to see the series finished!

Its hilarious, and funny in an unexpected way. Watch how a simple minded man learns about his new boyfriend and the life he lives as a dom.
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Comeheretocommentonly rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c79
Came for quick smut, but OH HOW I WAS TOTALLY WRONG.

This is a good-detailed-life of a Dom with his boyfriend. It do, has, the BD*M element but nope, it's not a BD*M relationship, so you might want to try a few chapters first even if this is not what you are looking for.

It didn't took long in the novel for them to cohabitate so it's not a spoiler. But those details of their occupations is what that makes this story is super interesting, especially the ML's occupation. Also how they... more>> interact with each other, their relationship basically is gold. They are not perfect, both has their own flaws, and these flaws is why they seek comfort from each other and made the bond between them strong together. And those flaws is something you'd found interesting from the story since it does makes this story more realistic.

BD*M themed story itself has their own stereotypes, and here are what is different. The author gave you entirely different feeling. That BD*M is not just kinks, spanking, whip and leathers, or latex in this regard. That it has their own other side of the moon. Same goes about relationship, partnership and cohabitating. When you are 20s, you'd start to see a lot of things differently. Here are one of those things. The author would open your eyes (if you haven't try cohabitation yet) that it's not about lovey dovey - honeymoon phase. That there are a lot of things to be thinking thoughtfully before settle on some things. Living with your partner doesn't only means, saying goodnight then sleep together in each other's embraces, saying good morning with morning breath then feeling warm when you saw your toothbrushes side by side on the sink, nor it's just about having active s*xual life. Even the s*x has their own complexity that if you haven't try gonna let you understand, it's not just insert, and voila it's the best s*x. This novel offers more than that. And yet aside of the BD*M themed, the nuance has light-hearted comedy and overall mature feelings. It has sweet moment sometimes, and the bitterness of life. Please don't give up on this story at early chapters. Because this novel would amazed you at some point. <<less
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juic3 rated it
December 9, 2020
Status: c72
5/5 this was unexpectedly amazing. Like it's actually unlike any other BL I've ever read on this site. The relationship felt REALLY realistic. Both of the leads are fleshed out and their dynamic/love develops organically as they spend more time living with each other. They both have their issues but both characters aren't afraid to confront each other head on about them so misunderstandings are resolved. The candidness of their interactions was so refreshing and it was really cute seeing them slowly grow more fond of each other over time.... more>> The novel also deals with some pretty mature themes about s*x, bd*m and the gay community but not in like a heavy handed way. That was one of my favorite parts because I really haven't come across another novel that felt like the author actually knew what it was like to be gay irl??? ALSO, the male lead was great because he wasn't some accessory character that readers are led to believe will just ~magically~ fall in love with the MC bc that's just the way it goes. It actually took a long ass time and he got a lot of development and a fleshed out personality of his own. But yea I wish I was better with words so this would sound more compelling pls just read it I promise u will be hooked.

TLDR: it's hilarious, refreshingly candid, and super realistic. You will fall in love with everyone!! <<less
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RoseAmethyst remembrance
RoseAmethyst remembrance rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: c49
The cohabitation life of two weirdos. The dynamic of this couple is pretty weird. There's no romantic or affectionate vibes between the two when they get together, but there's no bedroom action in the beginning either. They actually seem more like rambunctious college roommates than a couple. Despite the odd way their relationship started, it's actually much more healthier than most romance novels out there and the development of the relationship is oddly sweet. They seem to compliment each other with time

    • They're frank with each other. The ML, in particular, is pretty open about talking back about his job and letting the MC watch.
    • Misunderstanding do happen, but they're pretty hilarious. The MC has the most spectacular way of resolving it.

      Chapter 16:He searched around the house before finding a note on a table: Coming back for the weekend. Look after yourself.
      Xia Zhi sighed as he held the note. He instantly made up his mind to clear up this misunderstanding.

      When Ye Qia entered the house two days later, he found Xia Zhi sitting by a table that was piled with bottles of liquor. When Xia Zhi saw Ye Qia, he bellowed out to the skies, "TODAY, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT I'M LIKE WHEN I'M DRUNK!"


      Chapter 49:

      Even though his heart understands that Ye Qia has already seen countless numbers of butts, however, he simply just does not want to let Ye Qia see Jia Jia's butt!

      "Jia Jia's bu*t is not good looking in the slightest bit!"

      The moment that Ye Qia stepped through the door, Xia Zhi greeted him in such a way, belching out such a sentence. He paused for a second in a daze, removing his coat that was in no way cheap, taking his time to speak, "What are you talking about?"

What sticks out to me is their occupation. Their jobs are some of the least respected ones (the total opposite of the glorious and admired CEOs and celebrities).


ML - s*x worker. Specifically, he acts as an S in S&M role play.

MC- Debt collector (not a shark loan. He works with a legitimate company, but it's still a job that people have a negative view of)


The nature of the ML's job is one of the more fascinating parts of the novel. It's described with such meticulous detail. The reality of the ML's job is always so different from what the MC (and the audiences) expects. It's really funny how the MC eagerly anticipates seeing erot*c shows, but it turns out to be a bunch of weird fetishes and role play. In spite of the MC's curiosity with the ML's job, he prefers to keep their bedroom activities more conventional.

The ML has a fascinating charm though as many influential figures seem to have high regards for him despite the nature of his job.

    • The ML isn't the only interesting character. Actually, a lot of s*x workers that the MC gets to meet via ML have their own unique personality and background. Many of them are weird and it's hard to understand the choices they make
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Storymonster rated it
February 14, 2018
Status: c17
I'm really enjoying this... but it's not what I was expecting given the comedy tag and other two reviews.

I literally cried every chapter for the first 14 chapters. There are funny moments, but overall, it's more heartbreaking than anything. (To me. ymmv)

But abusive relationship warnings aside, the writing is great. The characters are great. The translation is great. I'm reserving judgment on the plot because 17 chapters is too early for something so psychological.
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La-li-ho rated it
January 7, 2021
Status: c79
This novel is gold. As the name tells, this is indeed about everyday life of a pair, a pair of grown-up men with their pasts, flaws and insecurities. I just love how the characters are depicted both having their luggage prior to this relationship.

ML is a Master in BD*M circle, however, the relationship does not evolve in this direction, and the circle is mentioned more from the perspective of the Master who‘s doing it professionally for money. For me it was interesting to read, as it does not have any... more>> hint of romanticism, mainly pure business, new perspective to this topic. <<less
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peppergum rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: c83
Did not expect this story to delve so deeply into the main characters' psychologies to portray a slice of life comedy.

It was fascinating to read about Ye Qia's occupation as a s*x worker, dispelling popular myths and romanticization of the industry. Hands down one of the most well-written male lead in danmei that I've read to date. And I liked how the author continuously explored the impact of Xia Shi's violent childhood as well.

The way that their relationship developed was so natural and real, yet a rarity to find in... more>> romance fiction. Though there were a lot of over-the-top situations, I found all of them to be entertaining, if not hilarious.

Really hope a translator picks this up again, and for more people to give this a shot. Like other reviews said, it's really a hidden gem. <<less
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teagsho rated it
January 19, 2021
Status: c81
I think other reviews are enough for you to judge this novel. I just want to appreciate myself for survive reading this novel till the with all that second-hand embarrassment I got😔

just try it haha. But Ye Qia really so cold at the beginning so prepare yourself
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redknight2004 rated it
May 18, 2020
Status: --
It’s good but like the things that the characters do sometimes elude me as to the reason why. Like why would you do those Stu- I’m just confused.

The Character personalities are interesting and kinda lovable, but the dynamic is kinda eh to me. I don’t like vague relationships, and this is pretty much it. They’re boyfriends but they kinda like each other? MC has to tolerate quite a lot just to get what he wants and the ML has to tolerate MC’s persistent personality.
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drunkenkai rated it
December 2, 2023
Status: c130
I'm glad I give this novel a try. 🥺 I've been in a reading slump for a week so I didn't expect I could read 130 chapters in just a day and even pull a nighter to finish it. Although it is a slice-of-life, I dont find it boring at all. The characters are funny and interesting. I like how YQ and XZ show their love in their own ways despite almost bickering and fighting all day. But with their unusual background, please check the CW or TW before you... more>> read cause some people might find it uncomfortable. Overall I enjoy the story and thank you for the translator for picking up this novel 💖 <<less
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nomius rated it
December 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Very realistic-ish and enjoyed it a lot, even tho I usually enjoy full fiction.

But this was not bad, I liked the development of their relationship.

I MTL-ed it to the end and maybe bc for that exact same reason, the end felt kinda incomplete


I don’t like the Wang Ke and Gourmand/Taotie couple much :/ I just skipped their after story

It was bittersweet? Idk

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July 27, 2020
Status: c74
I'll give a proper rating later but as of end of episode 4, it's a solid 5 stars and unlikely to change.

It's a really unique slice of life story between a s*x worker and a debt collector, though more insight is focused on ML's job hence the title of the story.

I'm going to say there's no heavy smut that I was expecting as of episode 4. Maybe I need to take my mind out of the gutter but I was kind of expecting something based on that summary.

There were certainly attempts. But it's realistic in a way where it doesn't go straight into the hot and heavy stuff and the two don't just mesh together well from the get go. It took a while for the proper get together.


The relationship took a while to warm up too since they got together

BEFORE any real feelings took root. A nice slow-burn. Can't tell who fell first.


Just one aspect of ML's job in case anyone is a bit scared to read due to it,

he doesn't sleep with clients at the point of the story. At least he doesn't anymore. So no multiple partners or open relationship, thank goodness.


But overall it's a funny yet filled with hidden soft angst story so far.
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Winterrz rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: --
I haven't completed this. I simply got tired of reading. However I've gone quite far, enough to leave a review, so here goes.

The novel itself is great. I've watched movies involving a s*x worker or two and they changed how I view them. This book is similar. They're not people looking for your sympathy, some even like it. When you have a friend in accounting, they're just you're friend. Not your "accountant friend" So same goes for s*x workers, they're just like everyone else. Being a s*x worker is not... more>> a personality. I like how this book brings that out in a way that many others have failed to.

Also I love how realistic the whole thing is. Romance and relationships in the real world aren't "Overbearing CEO and independent different from others MC". Real relationships are with real people. And real people have flaws. This book captures that. It's amazing.


  • MC. He's well written. A little dull, though likeable. Not overly perfect and therefore realistic.
  • ML. Also well written. I love how easy going he is. I love how he is not a "cold quiet overbearing CEO" but still gives that dominant ML vibe (novel theme aside). He's imperfect too, and therefore, like the MC, more realistic. I love him.
  • Other characters. They're not 2D random people thrown in by the author for novel convenience. Quite good. I'm impressed.
Overall it's a great read. Would recommend <<less
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takishimayuki rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: c83
Great slice of life! Some chapters were definitely a tearjerker. Highly recommended.
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