E*oge Reincarnation, Struggle of a Golden Pig Aristocrat Against Fate


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I went to bed after completing the blockbuster eroge game that had become a trending topic in the past few days. When I woke up, I noticed something was different. Somehow, and for some reason, I got reincarnated in the initial stage of the same game that I was playing before.

The most concerning part was my character. I was playing the role of a character who challenges the hero and gets defeated. In addition, all the routes of this particular character have been confirmed death.

I got reincarnated as an underdog, and the situation is even worse, because someone has already defeated me in a duel. I can’t escape death anymore. But I won’t give up. I have the knowledge of the eroge game that I had cleared in my previous life. I will make full use of it and try to survive.

This is a story about our hero who got reincarnated as an eroge underdog character, and is trying his hardest to survive.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Eroge Tensei Unmei ni Aragau Kane Buta Kizoku no Funtouki
Eroge Tensei Unmei ni Aragau Kane Buta Kizoku no Futou Kiichi
エロゲ転生 運命に抗う金豚貴族の奮闘記
成人游戏转生 对抗命运的金猪贵族奋斗记
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My List (Fantasy/Isekai) V2
  2. Reincarnated

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reader_126 rated it
February 10, 2024
Status: c20
Ok I know people are trying to overlook the translation but even if this was the best story in the world the translation is just horrible. I actually went back to this page in the hopes that someone else had translated it, but 400 chapters of this is absurd.

I assume most of us read these novels to be immersed in the stories. But I can’t even read this mindlessly if sentences just don’t make sense. The most I can take is mtl messing up pronouns. But that plus not know... more>> who is talking to who, what they are saying, and the peppering of minor grammatical issues is just too jarring to ignore.

Now if the story was good enough, I’d dare to think of editing it myself. I don’t know the rules about that stuff so I’d have to find out. But the story isn’t even interesting enough. Gilbert is someone who is a legendary assassin, the MC is someone who, up until the reincarnation, was a dangerous tr*sh that Gilbert had to protect his granddaughter from. Why is it that the moment the MC speaks in a slightly nice tone, days after exhibiting tr*sh behavior, is this legendary assassin’s heart moved? And given all the insane rumors or things the mc’s persona supposedly did, why is the number one focus on how fat and pig like he is?

I’m not a writer, nor am I brave enough to put my work on the chopping block for jerks like me to tear apart. But when people hear someone is a rapist, killer, spoiled brat, and tr*sh nobility with nothing to stand on other than his name, why is the only thing they think about how fat he is? I know some are rumors but keep in mind Irina, someone who apparently knows his character to some extent, suggested he be killed as a result of the duel. So he had to have been bad enough to warrant that right? But no, he’s a disgusting fat pig who squeals.

What this suggests is that the author, and by extension the people of that world, thinks the mc’s appearance is directly tied to his virtue. Not a new take. Most media, especially eastern, usually goes with the “ugly bad, beautiful good” message. But at least make it subtle. If being fat was his only crime, it’s ridiculous for him to be treated and seen the way he is. But knowing that it’s not his appearance but his actions, him working out and training shouldn’t endear anyone around him. If anything, it should make people more on guard around him. If someone rumored to be a killer/rapist of poor personality started working out, would you start looking at them nicely?

Someone reading this might think I’m being too harsh. But having found some absolute gems in the light novel world, that actually engages with what I’m talking about, I know there’s better out there. I’ve learned that sometimes the novels with the dumbest f*cking names have the greatest stories. This story is horrible <<less
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Terraangker rated it
January 2, 2022
Status: c326
It's a amazingly done novel, the MC doesn't always get the girl, unlike a lot of novels with generic plot I like how the author doesn't just force two characters together and actually builds up their relationship like an actual person with the exception of the games protagonist and his harem that are just carbon cut out of generic harem plots, the MC actually has to work hard and accept the people around him and his main love interest has flaws as well, in that she admitted that she like... more>> him because his handsome and curiosity and gradually blossoming into love as he grew on her trough time and effort as she investigated him more gradually learning his actions and deed's. My only complain is that it felt a bit rushed in the end, but all in all it was great 👍 women in anime/manga/novels need more personality than the generic brain dead one's usually seen. But due to this being a harem novel it is being mellowed out abit which is a bit disappointing, but it was still an enjoyable read. <<less
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FujiwaraSensei rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: c182
The story is really interesting, The MC who got his memories from his past life learns that he lives in an eroge game where he is not the main protagonist but just a underdog villain. Who always dies in every route that the EroProtag chooses from, so he wants to break the fate of dying so he tries to survive by getting strong.

The MC character growth is decent, from being a timid guy to a brave one. He tries to overcome his past mistakes and is trying to make the... more>> people who he hurt to forgive him. He isn't typically that strong because there are still stronger than him, but he can still grow stronger because some of the people trained him.

If your thinking about the Harem tag... well its kinda suspicious if its really a harem one because there's only 1 girl that fall in love with him and another one who is interested because of his knowledge. I read chapter 182 and there's only 2 girl that showed interest in him which is a letdown. I hope there's still more.


The girl with blue hair? Don't let the illustration fool you. I thought she was part of the harem but in the end she got married to another person.

About the EroProtag, he still moving on his pace. Capturing heroine per heroine doing the plot of the game and shiz.


The Chapters are too short so its an easy read and you wont get bored instantly because there not too many to ready in there. Typically some of the novels contains 5k Words, but this novel just contains 2k - 3k words per chapter.

About the translator, well I don't be too harsh on him his not an English native some some of the spellings are grammar is too bad. But he is still trying his best to fix those ones and is improving. I also new he MTL the novel, pretty sure he's using DeepL translator and he tries to fix the grammars of the sentences.

But hey! Keep up the Good work and I hope you can still improve your english and continue to proofread the translation! <<less
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Bolovis rated it
September 5, 2021
Status: c323
The story and development are nice, overall. The MC's harem is not really an harem and it is not in your face (if you disregard the original hero of the game that can have a harem of 64 girls). The focus being he trying to change fate gets tiresome some times, but have a MC focusing in trying his best to be better and reppent for his mistakes (regardless of it being a reincarnation/isekai plot) are very good. The fun parts are really nice too. My only problem is one... more>> of the characters that is relatively important at the start of the novel just disapears and is not even referenced again. Maybe is just my tastes, but it would be nice to have some acknolegment of what happened at some point. Anyway, if you like a self development story with the focus of the MC trying to be better and his effort, plus action scenes and some fun (with some romantic development), this is for you. <<less
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September 3, 2021
Status: --
I liked the story but I also like it to have harem for MC which isn't there and it is even more frustrating how they show many times interaction of protagonist with his harem which is increasing steadily whereas MC isn't at all
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August 21, 2021
Status: c315
This is certainly not an unflawed novel, but if you know what you're getting into, it's certainly worth it.

This is a novel that certainly holds interst. While not all of the plot points are cutting edge, it certainly keeps itself unique by taking turns with the narrative that most stories avoid. Furthermore, the main character feels well driven, with a strong driving force that's beyond the typical "lazy life pursuit that somehow turns them into an emperor".

Finally, the grammatical and translation errors are a glaring detriment for this story. They... more>> are obvious and recurring and may take you out of the story. However, once you realize that the TL basically translated all 319 chapters in basically 2 weeks, then it becomes worth the hassle to read this book. To continue, the grammatical errors are all rather similar, so once you get used to recognizing and translating the meaning of these errors, its a fairly fluid novel with only a couple of weird or important translation flaws. <<less
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MisterSyafiq rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c227
hmm, the story is unique. Altough some choice made my heart to ache. But, that just personal oppinion of mine. It's still decent enough if you ignore those part that you dont like. And for those crazy updates, actualy one of some that made me to like this story. 😉
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kenjitamurako rated it
December 31, 2023
Status: c224
So, I saw someone pointed out the protagonist is "not a genius but not an idiot either". This is false. The protagonist is in fact an idiot. He is also cowardly and has an incredibly narrow world view. The only positives he has going for him are that he's determined, hard working, and the body he inherited was high spec. He also has that insufferable self-deprecating attitude that is common with JP novel protagonists.

Practically the only memories worth anything that carried over from his past life were related to the... more>> game and he doesn't utilize that knowledge very well. His past self had next to no knowledge that could assist with empire building, developing weapons, or creating advanced magic. His understanding of everything from his past life is the equivalent of "You press a button on a microwave and it cooks food". <<less
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MaceWaldo rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: c330
So I gave this five stars to balance the score, but really it's more like a 3.8. A lot of the bad reviews point out that the MTL quality is pretty shitty, and it's true. It gets better eventually, but it takes a while. I started reading this because I was bored and listless, and it didn't require much thought. I can't really recommend this title unless you're willing to read through 50 chapters of shitty MTL, another 50 chapters of bad MTL, and then get to the point where... more>> the (by then) mostly okay MTL and the story itself start getting good enough to actually carry you through the next 200 chapters.

There are still weak points, but the MC actually shows relatively consistent growth to the point where he stops being annoying. He's not completely oblivious to romantic advances, but makes halfway logical assumptions for why he could be wrong. It's honestly better than at the beginning where he keeps thinking there's something there when there isn't. A lot of people in the reader comments get angry over him being "cucked, " but that's largely because they're used to every hint of a possible relationship leading to a female character falling in love with the MC for spurious reasons.

Another positive point is that the MC isn't just s*upidly OP. He constantly trains and becomes incredibly strong, but it's very clear that he's never the best. He's surrounded by people stronger than him at all times, and when he surpasses one of them a new strong person shows up for him to train with. He's not even in the top 5 strongest characters yet, after more than 300 chapters.

As for the harem status... can't say. There's a main woman, and there are others who have feeling for the MC, but they're holding back for various reasons. Overall, if you have time to dump into 100 (relatively short) chapters of bad MTL and OK story, you can start enjoying OK MTL and good story. If not, wait for the manga to catch up to that point, then start reading. <<less
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powerport01 rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: c311
while the series does not stray much from *cliché* reincarnation stuff. It does however give a simple but quite refreshing twist.
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Araragi Koyomi-san
Araragi Koyomi-san rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c224
Story is quite good. MC is not OP but but really strong (he is a child prodigy before going astray). And the reason him becoming strong is not that bs. He trains with really strong people non-stop. There are some nice character development parts in protagonist too. If you like otome reincarnation with actions and conspiracies, this novel is for you.

About the translation quality, trust me. I've seen worse. And translation speed is really nice. If you can tolerate some typos and occasional wrong gender-pronouns, you can breeze through it.
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Mereningen rated it
August 11, 2021
Status: c226
Reincarnated to eroge novel but not as main protagonist, MC here not get any heroines but he don't have feeling for all the heroin so this doesn't count as cuck so don't expect MC get all the girls because he is not the eroge protagonist. So far 0 partner but have 2 girls fall for MC but you know typical Japanese novel and misunderstanding so MC don't know.

Story very fast paced, with meh/lackluster conclusion like 10-20 chapter build up but only 1 chapter conclusions so you feel somehow disappointed.

MC here... more>> sometimes too annoying like he have low estem about his "past" self regardless he already have so many positive achievements that can overwrite it but still concern about his past that bassicaly a rumor that got Exaggerated.

MY reviews seem so negative but why I still read this novel? Because regardless all that, there are something magical with this author that make me hooked and mad at the same time, I want to see what next chapter that left me mad and fuming until I don't release I already read 220 chapter.

Conclusion this novel just average don't waste your time if you want masterpiece works <<less
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